Math Matters
Math Matters
Math Matters
• • •
Heather Rose
Julian R. Betts
contributions to the new master plan for California’s system of public
education; an analysis of student achievement in San Diego; an
examination of the relationship between teacher quality and the
achievement of minority and low-income students; and a study to
determine how the educational needs of new immigrants might be better
met. Math Matters is the first step in our effort to look carefully at what
schools are offering to students and how those offerings affect their long-
term economic and social well-being.
David W. Lyon
President and CEO
Public Policy Institute of California
A recurrent concern in the debate over education reform is that
schools are not doing a good job in preparing students, especially
minority and disadvantaged students, to excel in school and to be
successful in the labor market. This concern has led to a variety of
government responses over the years, some of which have focused on
curriculum. In 1983, the National Commission on Excellence in
Education recommended a more rigorous high school curriculum. It
outlined a “New Basics” curriculum that included, among other things,
four years of English and three years of math. Many states have since
upgraded their graduation requirements. California, which has
traditionally granted districts some autonomy in setting curriculum, has
adopted statewide content standards in a number of subjects over the last
few years. Most recently, on September 30, 2000, California Governor
Gray Davis approved a bill making algebra a requirement for high school
Considerable evidence suggests that differences in years of schooling
explain a large portion of the income gap in the nation and in California.
Many have inferred that the growing income gap can be narrowed by
better educating people at the lower end of the income distribution,
especially minority students.
It stands to reason that it is not just years of education, but the type
of education—the courses taken during school—that affects the earnings
of high school students years later. There is some limited evidence that
students who take more math in high school are more likely to pursue
postsecondary education and to have higher earnings in the future.
However, it has not been established how strong these relationships are,
for what groups they exist, and what else might explain the apparent
effect of curriculum on postsecondary education and future earnings.
Despite the belief that an enhanced curriculum is one way to
improve students’ college attendance rates and earnings, the few studies
that do include curriculum in estimates of these long-run student
outcomes generally find minimal effects. The notion that the actual
courses that students take in high school do not matter raises serious
questions about the effectiveness of the American public school system’s
curriculum. Therefore, it is essential to investigate further.
The purpose of this report is to answer a series of broad questions:
rigorous high school curriculum can alter students’ paths. If it turns out
that high school has little influence over student outcomes, intervention
is necessary at an earlier stage. On the other hand, if high school
curriculum does affect educational and labor market outcomes, policies
aimed at encouraging students to take a more advanced curriculum may
be a way of increasing the flow into college and increasing student
earnings later in life.
Second, with the recent elimination of affirmative action programs
in California and some other states, there is fear that minority access to
postsecondary education has suffered. As the returns to a college
education continue to rise, such limited access would have severe
implications for income equality between different ethnic groups. In
light of the disappearance of race-based admissions policies, encouraging
minority students to take more math, and improving their educational
foundations so that they can do so, may help to increase their enrollment
in college.
Finally, if we can establish that a more rigorous curriculum indeed
affects the probability of going on to college and having higher future
earnings, there will be many implications for how school resources are
allocated. Perhaps more money should be spent on improving
curriculum options, as opposed to spending designed to reduce class
sizes. In sum, a clear understanding of the effects of curriculum and of
possible variations in these effects related to student and school
characteristics will guide policymakers about how best to equip students
with the skills and education necessary to be successful once they leave
To answer the questions set forth in this report, we use the
longitudinal data collected in the High School and Beyond survey of a
representative national sample of students who were in grade 10 in 1980.
This survey includes detailed data from the students’ high school
transcripts, information about the highest educational degree the student
attained, and information about earnings nearly 10 years after students
should have graduated from high school. The rich demographic data, as
well as information about the student’s family and high school, permit us
to account for many noncurriculum factors that may also be related to
college graduation and earnings. Because the survey data do not contain
enough California students to estimate separate statistical models for
California, most of the analysis proceeds at the national level.
Nonetheless, we have enough California data to perform some checks
that indicate that the predictions from the national models apply to
90 15
80 Advanced
70 Intermediate
60 Algebra/
50 31 Pre-algebra
40 math
30 8
only vocational math courses and nothing more before leaving high
school.1 Another 8 percent stopped taking math courses after
completing pre-algebra. Thirty-one percent took at least an algebra or
geometry course, but nothing beyond; and a roughly equal percentage
took an even more advanced math course. Only 4 percent of students
completed a calculus course.2
This variation in course-taking had long-term implications for the
welfare of these students. Figures S.2 and S.3 reveal that the point where
students ended their math taking is related to how much education these
100 3 6
Percentage completing each educational degree
4 13
90 8
13 Bachelor’s
11 degree or
80 14
13 Associate’s
23 11 Certificate
25 10 postsecond-
ary education
40 9 High school
4 diploma
30 43 Less than a
4 high school
34 20 3
20 diploma
10 18
6 4 1 1 6
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Inter- Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry mediate algebra
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, and weighting.
The sample size is only 8,850 because of missing data on educational
1Vocational math courses include courses described as vocational math, general
math, basic math, consumer math, and math review.
2We consider the highest course to be the highest-level course in which the student
completed at least one semester. However, in our more detailed models of earnings, we
consider a course to be a year-long course.
Earnings (1991 dollars)
25,000 23,000
20,000 20,000
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: The sample includes public school students who have completed at
least one semester in at least one math course, are not missing any pertinent math
transcript data, have annual earnings between $2,000 and $75,000, and are not
enrolled in any postsecondary education program. The number of observations
included is 5,891. The medians are weighted by the HSB fourth follow-up weights.
In 1999 dollars, the above earnings are vocational math, $20,794; pre-algebra,
$24,464; algebra/geometry, $28,134; advanced algebra, $31,803; and calculus,
100 2 2 4
7 8 12
90 18
11 Calculus
80 Advanced
70 17 Intermediate
28 algebra
60 Algebra/
50 21 Pre-algebra
11 13 33 Vocational
40 math
20 40 38
10 20
Hispanic Black White Asian
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, weighting, and
sample size. When these course completion rates are computed without weights,
they are broadly similar to the ones above. The biggest difference is in the number
of Hispanic and black students who take vocational math. In these two cases, the
unweighted values are 5 percentage points lower than the weighted case, with the
slack being taken up in the higher-level courses. The sample sizes for the ethnic
groups are 2,221, 1,320, 5,855, and 345 for Hispanic, black, white, and Asian,
math courses taken by each ethnic group and parental income group.
The minority students and students from low-income families who
disproportionately stopped taking math at early stages also tended to be
the students who did not progress very far through the school system and
who tended to be at the low end of the income distribution later on in
Although the level of math course a student takes is correlated with
college graduation rates and earnings, the correlations do not necessarily
imply causation. There may be some underlying student characteristic
that causes students to take a more rigorous curriculum and earn higher
wages in the future. Nonetheless, the correlations do raise a red flag
indicating the need for more in-depth analysis. When we conducted this
analysis and estimated the effect that math courses have on our two
100 1 2
3 6 6
90 10 17
18 Calculus
80 Advanced
16 algebra
19 Intermediate
70 19
60 Algebra/
11 35
50 Pre-algebra
32 Vocational
40 31 math
30 9
46 9
20 7
10 19 19 16
< $7K $7K– $15K– $20K– $25K +
$15K $20K $25K
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, weighting, and
sample size. The sample sizes for the income groups are 916, 2,833, 1,751,
1,503, and 2,258, respectively, from the lowest to the highest income category.
The income categories are in 1980 dollars. The 1999 dollar equivalents are
roughly double the 1980 values.
Cognitive/productivity effect
Parental influence
Math courses
School characteristics Earnings
students take
45 42.8
40 38.0
10 8.1
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics as well as the student’s ability as
measured by his or her math GPA and math test score. The highest completed
math course is the highest-level course in which the student completed at least
one semester.
10 Indirect effect
(explained by highest 6.7
degree earned)
4.9 4.9
2 0.7 3.1
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics. An additional math course refers
to an additional year-long course.
an additional math course as well as the portion of that math effect that
can be explained by the ultimate level of education that a student
obtains. The light and dark bars in the figure show how the total effect
of a math class can be broken down into the direct cognitive effect on
earnings and the indirect effect on earnings that works by enabling the
student to obtain more education. For instance, consider two students
who have similar background characteristics and the same ultimate level
of education. If one student takes an algebra/geometry course in high
school and the other takes, in addition to algebra/geometry, intermediate
and advanced algebra, the latter student is predicted to earn 7.5 percent
more than the former (intermediate algebra is predicted to increase
earnings 3.2 percent and advanced algebra is predicted to increase
earnings another 4.3 percent). These are the direct effects on earnings.
But in addition, as shown by the lighter bars in the figure, the student
who takes the additional two courses is also likely to obtain more
postsecondary education, boosting his or her earnings another 9.8
percent (4.9 percent for each class). The total combined effect is a
predicted earnings gain of 17.3 percent. This is the sum of the two
effects of curriculum outlined in Figure S.6, the direct cognitive and the
indirect educational attainment effects.
As the diagram in Figure S.6 shows, in addition to accounting for
demographic, family, and school characteristics, it is also important to
account for other factors, including the student’s ability and motivation,
to net out the true cognitive/productivity math effects. Accounting for
such factors using the students’ mathematics grade point average (GPA)
explains a portion of the cognitive math effect on earnings.6 Figure S.9
shows the direct math effects that include ability effects and the direct
math effects net of ability effects. Controlling for ability and motivation
diminishes the direct effect of mathematics, and it appears to explain a
larger portion of the more advanced math course effects (intermediate
algebra and higher) than it does of the algebra/geometry and vocational
effects. Nonetheless, once we account for ability, the courses at or above
6In the main text and Appendix C of this report, we present results from other ways
of controlling for ability and motivation. Regardless of the exact control, the tenor of the
results does not change.
3.2 3.0 3.2
0.7 0.5
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics. To estimate the effects net of
ability and motivation, we also control for the student’s math GPA. An additional
math course refers to an additional year-long course.
the algebra level are still associated with much higher earnings than are
vocational math and pre-algebra courses. The magnitude of the
academic math course effects still differs depending on the course, i.e.,
calculus has a stronger effect than algebra, but the differences are not as
great once we account for ability.
We also examined whether the effect of curriculum on earnings
depended significantly on certain characteristics of the schools that
students attend, or on the demographic characteristics of the students
themselves. This is a crucial concern for policymakers, who will want to
know whether, for instance, the math curriculum offered at affluent
schools with many resources and largely upper-income white students
will prove as effective in a different school and socioeconomic
environment. Similarly, we need to know whether curriculum works
differently among men and women.
Math curriculum is predicted to affect earnings significantly for both
men and women. However, for men, unlike women, most of the
influence of curriculum appears to work through the effect that high
school math courses have on the student’s ultimate level of educational
attainment. For women, the direct cognitive/productivity effect is
stronger than it is for men.
Similarly, we sought to examine whether the effect of math courses
on earnings varied with respect to other student characteristics,
characteristics of the student body at the high school, and measures of
school resources. We did not find strong evidence that the effect of
curriculum changed with respect to any of these variables. If anything,
we found weak evidence that taking more math courses might have larger
beneficial effects for students from relatively disadvantaged backgrounds.
However, we do not find our evidence in this regard decisive.
Finally, although these results are estimated using national data,
statistical tests suggest that they apply to California students as well.
Hispanic and black students tend to be overrepresented in the lowest two
income groups (in other words, ethnicity and family income level are
quite related for these student groups), curriculum indirectly explains
part of the ethnic earnings gap as well.
The main message of this report is that math matters. For the 1980
cohort of high school sophomores, math curriculum is strongly related to
student outcomes more than 10 years later. Math curriculum has a
strong effect on the probability of graduating from college. High school
math courses also appear to influence earnings. Roughly half of the
predicted effect of math courses on earnings works indirectly through
enabling students to obtain more postsecondary education, and the other
half appears to work through a direct effect on earnings, independent of
how much education the student ultimately obtains.
Although this report focuses on math, we devote a section to the
effects of courses in other academic subjects as well. As with math,
different types of courses within a certain subject area affect earnings
differently. Taking an above-level English course is predicted to increase
earnings by more than taking average-level English courses. More
interesting, math courses still seem to matter once we account for the
courses a student takes in other subjects. It appears that taking an
advanced-level English course increases earnings by more than an
additional course in algebra/geometry, or intermediate algebra, but by
less than the more advanced math courses do. However, all of the math
courses at or above the algebra/geometry level are predicted to increase
earnings by more than an average-level English course.
A notable finding of the report for policymakers is that the observed
correlation between math courses and earnings appears to be at least
partly causal. That is, in spite of our extensive efforts to take into
account confounding factors, including the student’s innate ability and
motivation, the relationship between curriculum and earnings still
appears strong. Perhaps the most important message of this report is that
not all math courses are equal. More-advanced math courses have a
much larger effect on college graduation rates and earnings than do less-
advanced courses. The biggest difference is between courses at or above
the algebra/geometry level and courses below the algebra/geometry level.
This finding implies that all students should have access to the full range
of demanding math courses and that they should be strongly encouraged,
motivated, and prepared to take them. Again, it is not simply the
number of math courses that matters; what matters more is the extent to
which students take the more demanding courses, such as
Although the results of this inquiry show that students who take
more-advanced math courses benefit from them, it is important to note
one limitation of this finding. These results do not speak to the
consequences of policies requiring that all students take a specific math
course for graduation. Policies that force certain math courses on
students could have negative consequences, such as high student dropout
rates and a watering down of the work required to complete those
courses. This report does not analyze such consequences. Any
policymakers considering sweeping curriculum reform would be well
advised to initiate small-scale demonstrations of the reforms to test for
such negative side-effects before implementing them widely.
We conclude by noting that in California, perhaps even more so
than in other states, public attention continues to focus on such issues as
class size, school spending, and teacher quality. Although such public
attention is welcome, this report shows that it is crucial to remember that
quite independent of the level of resources at a given school, curriculum
appears to matter tremendously for long-term student outcomes. Put
differently, we must not lose focus on the heart of the matter: what
students actually learn in school.
Foreword..................................... iii
Summary..................................... v
Figures ...................................... xxiii
Tables ....................................... xxv
Acknowledgments ............................... xxvii
1. INTRODUCTION ........................... 1
Objective of the Analysis ........................ 2
Policy Relevance ............................. 3
Organization of the Report ....................... 5
BEHAVIOR ................................ 7
Long-Term Consequences ....................... 9
Reasons for Concern ........................... 11
The Case of California ......................... 13
Conclusions ................................ 14
Human Capital Model ......................... 17
Signaling Model ............................. 18
Other Explanations of Curriculum Effects ............. 20
Previous Research ............................ 21
Data Description ............................. 23
Method of Analysis............................ 25
Findings .................................. 27
Conclusions ................................ 32
CURRICULUM AND EARNINGS ................ 33
Key Issues in Estimating the Effects of Curriculum on
Earnings ............................... 33
The Need for a Sequence of Models ................. 35
Data ..................................... 36
Results: The Effects of Math ..................... 39
Omitted Ability Variables ....................... 46
Results: The Effects of Other High School Subjects....... 51
Conclusions ................................ 56
SUBGROUPS OF STUDENTS ................... 59
Math Effects in California ....................... 59
Math Effects and Gender ........................ 60
Math Effects and School and Student Characteristics ...... 62
Math Effects and Educational Attainment ............. 63
Conclusions ................................ 64
GROUPS ................................. 67
8. CONCLUDING REMARKS..................... 75
A. Data Description .......................... 83
B. Probit Results ............................ 95
C. Econometric Earnings Models and Results ......... 103
D. Testing for Variations in the Effectiveness of Math
Among Subgroups of Students ................. 131
E. Ethnic and Socioeconomic Earnings Gaps, by Gender .. 141
Bibliography .................................. 143
About the Authors ............................... 147
Other Related PPIC Publications ..................... 149
S.1. Highest Math Course Taken ................... viii
S.2. Highest Degree Earned by 1992 Related to Highest
Math Course Taken in High School .............. ix
S.3. Median 1991 Annual Earnings, by Highest Math
Course Taken ............................ x
S.4. Highest Math Course Taken, by Ethnicity .......... xi
S.5. Highest Math Course Taken, by Parental Income ..... xii
S.6. The Pathways Through Which Curriculum Affects
Earnings (and potentially confounding factors) ....... xiii
S.7. Predicted Percentage of Students Graduating from
College Given Their Highest Completed Math
Course ................................. xiv
S.8. Predicted Percentage Increase in Earnings Resulting
from an Additional Math Course (direct and indirect
effects) ................................. xv
S.9. Predicted Percentage Increase in Earnings Resulting
from an Additional Math Course (direct effects with
and without ability and motivation) .............. xvii
2.1. Highest Math Course Taken ................... 8
2.2. Highest Degree Earned by 1992 Related to Highest
Math Course Taken in High School .............. 10
2.3. Median 1991 Annual Earnings, by Highest Math
Course Taken ............................ 11
2.4. Highest Math Course Taken, by Ethnicity .......... 12
2.5. Highest Math Course Taken, by Parental Income ..... 13
2.6. Highest Math Course Taken in California and the Rest
of the United States......................... 14
4.1. Predicted Probability of College Graduation Given the
Stated Math Course, by Ethnicity ................ 28
4.2. Predicted Probability of College Graduation Given
the Stated Math Course, by Paternal Education ....... 31
5.1. The Pathways Through Which Curriculum Affects
Earnings (and potentially confounding factors) ....... 35
8.1. Predicted Percentage of Students Graduating from
College Given Their Highest Completed Math
Course ................................. 77
8.2. Predicted Percentage Increase in Earnings Resulting from
an Additional Math Course (direct and indirect
effects) ................................. 78
8.3. Predicted Percentage Increase in Earnings Resulting from
an Additional Math Course (direct effects with and
without ability and motivation) ................. 79
B.1. General Probit Graph ....................... 99
4.1. Characteristics Accounted for in Models of College
Graduation .............................. 26
5.1. Characteristics Accounted for in Models of Earnings ... 38
5.2. Predicted Percentage Change in 1991 Earnings
Resulting from an Additional Math Credit .......... 39
5.3. Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting from
Educational Attainment: Effects Measured Relative to
a High School Diploma ...................... 43
5.4. Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting
from an Additional Math Credit with Various Ability
Controls Included.......................... 50
5.5. Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting
from Specific Math, English, Science, and Foreign
Language Courses ......................... 53
5.6. Predicted Earnings Effect of Hypothetical Course
Combinations During Grades 11 and 12 ........... 55
6.1. Predicted Percentage Change in 1991 Earnings
Resulting from an Additional Math Credit, by Gender .. 61
7.1. Predicted Earnings Gap Based on Ethnicity Difference
in 1991 Earnings Relative to White Workers ........ 68
7.2. Percentage Earnings Gap Based on Parental-Income
Difference in 1991 Earnings Relative to Students from
Middle-Income Families ..................... 70
A.1. Math Course Classification System ............... 85
A.2. Science Course Classification System.............. 86
A.3. Number of Additional Missing Observations As More
Restrictions Are Enacted ..................... 93
A.4. Missing Observations Out of 11,724 Total Public
School Observations ........................ 94
B.1. Probit Regression Coefficients from Models of College
Completion (dependent variable = 1 if student graduated
from college) ............................. 96
B.2. Predicted Probabilities of College Graduation for the
Average Person with at Least 0.5 Credits in the Stated
Highest Math Course ....................... 101
C.1. Summary Statistics ......................... 105
C.2. Number of Significant Interaction Terms in Tests of
Similarity Between the Regression Sample and the
Entire Sample ............................ 111
C.3. Log Earnings OLS Regressions.................. 112
C.4. Log Earnings Models: OLS Regression Results with
Various Ability and Motivation Controls ........... 119
C.5. Log Earnings Models: OLS, Instrumental Variables
Estimation, and School Fixed-Effects Results With and
Without Ability and Motivation Controls .......... 121
C.6. Log Earnings Models (OLS and IV) with Specific Math,
English, Science, and Foreign Language Courses ...... 123
C.7. Log Earnings Models (OLS and IV) with Aggregate
Math, English, and Foreign Language Courses ....... 129
D.1. The Effect of an Additional Math Credit on the Log of
1991 Earnings, by Gender .................... 134
D.2. The Effect of Math Courses on Earnings When the
Effect Depends on School or Student Characteristics ... 136
E.1. Earnings Gaps Based on Ethnicity and Parental Income
(before and after curriculum is added to the model) .... 142
Several people helped us throughout this research project. We thank
Paul Hill, Richard Murnane, Kim Rueben, and Michael Shires for their
valuable reviews of an earlier draft. We also appreciate the insightful
comments from Mark Appelbaum, Bud Mehan, Valerie Ramey, and
Steven Raphael during early presentations of this work. Gary Bjork and
Joyce Peterson of PPIC provided extensive editorial suggestions that
improved the clarity of this report. Patricia Bedrosian of RAND also
provided valuable editorial assistance.
We thank Steve Rivkin for supplying us with an algorithm to
identify the California schools in our dataset. We acknowledge Aurora
D’Amico, Jeffrey Owings, and Robert Atanda from the National Center
for Education Statistics for supplying us with supplementary data
information. We also acknowledge the many staff members at PPIC
who made helpful comments along the way and who helped with the
production of this report.
Finally, we are grateful to David Lyon and Michael Teitz for
opening PPIC’s doors to us (Julian Betts originally as a visiting fellow
and Heather Rose originally as a dissertation fellow) and providing us
with the opportunity to write this report.
Although our research benefited from the contributions of many
people, the authors are solely responsible for any errors of fact or
1. Introduction
A recurrent concern in the debate over education reform is that
schools are not doing a good job preparing students, especially minority
and disadvantaged students, to excel in school and to be successful in the
labor market. This concern has led to a variety of government responses
over the years, some of which have focused on curriculum. In 1983, the
National Commission on Excellence in Education recommended a more
rigorous high school curriculum consisting of four years of English, three
years of math, three years of science, three years of social studies, two
years of foreign language, and six months of computer science. Since
that time, California, like other states, has taken action to enrich the
curriculum offered. It has introduced content standards in a number of
key subject areas over the last few years, has reintroduced state testing
after a four-year hiatus, and is in the early stages of adding test
components that link specifically to the content standards. Most
recently, on September 30, 2000, California Governor Gray Davis
approved a bill making algebra a requirement for high school graduation.
Considerable evidence suggests that differences in years of schooling
explain a large portion of the income gap in the nation and in California.
Naturally this leads to the assumption that the growing income gap can
be narrowed by better educating people at the lower end of the income
distribution, especially minority students.
But what about the courses students take: Do these matter? There is
some limited evidence that students who take more math in high school
are more likely to pursue postsecondary education and to have higher
earnings in the future. However, it has not been established how strong
these relationships are, for what groups they exist, and what else might
explain the apparent effect of curriculum on postsecondary education
and future earnings.
Despite the belief that an enhanced curriculum is one way to
improve students’ college attendance rates and earnings, the few studies
that do include curriculum in estimates of these long-run student
outcomes generally find minimal effects. Altonji (1995) marks one of
the primary attempts by an economist to systematically establish a direct
link between curriculum and wages. His work, which examined high
school graduates from 1972, produced the puzzling result that the types
of courses that a student takes in high school have an extremely weak
effect on wages. Levine and Zimmerman (1995) find somewhat
stronger results in some of their models but claim that any potential
effects of math curriculum on earnings are restricted to certain subgroups
of the population (low-educated men and highly educated women). The
notion that the actual courses that students take in high school do not
matter raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the American
public school system’s curriculum. Therefore, it is essential to investigate
(1995) shows that between the 1970s and the 1980s, the relative
importance of math test scores in determining earnings grew
substantially. Despite the importance of math courses, we do broaden
our analysis to include the type of courses that a student takes in other
fields such as English, science, and foreign language. Our study differs
dramatically from all the previous studies in that we use a very detailed
dataset that allows us to measure the specific type of math courses taken,
rather than just the total number of math courses.
We have chosen to focus on the relationship between math courses
and earnings because a student’s earnings are arguably the ultimate
measure of how well schools prepare students for the labor market.
To answer the questions set forth in this report, we use the
longitudinal data collected in the High School and Beyond (HSB) survey
of a representative national sample of students who were in grade 10 in
1980. This survey includes detailed data from the students’ high school
transcripts, information about the highest educational degree the student
attained, and information about earnings nearly 10 years after students
should have graduated from high school. The rich demographic data, as
well as information about the student’s family and high school, permit us
to account for many noncurriculum factors that may also be related to
college graduation and earnings. Because the survey data do not contain
enough California students to estimate separate statistical models for
California, most of the analysis proceeds at the national level.
Nonetheless, we have enough California data to perform some checks
that indicate that the predictions from the national models apply to
Policy Relevance
From a policy perspective, a clear understanding of the effects of
math courses is extremely important. This is especially true for
California where, after considerable debate, Governor Gray Davis, the
legislature, and the State Board of Education have decided to include
algebra in high school graduation requirements and a new high school
“exit” exam. Understanding the economic value to individual students of
taking courses such as algebra would be useful in justifying or modifying
such policies the decisionmaking process.1
There are also more general reasons why it is important to
understand the effects of mathematics curriculum. First, to intervene in
education effectively, we must understand whether students’ destinies
have been determined by the time they reach high school or whether a
rigorous high school curriculum can alter students’ paths. If it turns out
that high school has little influence over student outcomes, then
intervention is necessary at an earlier stage. On the other hand, if high
school curriculum does affect educational and labor market outcomes,
then policies aimed at encouraging students to take a more advanced
curriculum may be a way of increasing the flow into college and
increasing student earnings later in life.
Second, with the recent elimination of affirmative action programs
in California and some other states, there is fear that minority access to
postsecondary education has suffered. As the returns to a college
education continue to rise, such limited access will have severe
implications for income equality between different ethnic groups. In
light of the disappearance of race-based admissions policies, encouraging
minority students to take more math, and improving their academic
foundations so that they can do so, may help to increase their enrollment
in college.
Finally, if we can establish that a more rigorous curriculum indeed
affects the probability of going on to college and having higher future
earnings, there will be many implications for how school resources are
allocated. Perhaps more money should be spent on improving
curriculum options for students, as opposed to spending designed to
reduce class sizes. In sum, a clear understanding of the effects of
curriculum and of possible variations in these effects related to student
and school characteristics will guide policymakers about how best to
1Certainly the economic value of a course should not be the sole criterion for its
inclusion in the required curriculum. Nonetheless, preparing students to be successful in
the labor market is one important function of schools. Therefore, it is important for
schools to know the extent to which its mathematics curriculum is a vehicle for labor
market and economic success.
equip students with the skills and education necessary to be successful
once they leave school.
2. Patterns in Mathematics
Course-Taking Behavior
The common claim that taking more math classes in high school
leads to better college opportunities and higher future wages echoes in
the ears of students nationwide. However, as we stated in the
introduction, there is little academic research to support this claim. 1 In
fact, Altonji’s (1995) study finds that the economic value of the courses
that a student takes during a year of high school is considerably less
than the economic value of an additional year of school. These results
perplexed him. The remainder of this report addresses the long-term
effects of high school math courses to reconcile his results with the
common belief that what students study should matter. This chapter
helps to explain why the type of math courses a student takes might
have an effect on earnings. It presents some background information
about the type of math courses that students were taking during the late
1970s and early 1980s and shows how course-taking behavior is
correlated with our two outcomes of interest: educational attainment
and earnings.
Using course descriptions in the High School and Beyond transcript
data, we have condensed all of the math courses a student might take in
high school into six main categories. In increasing level of rigor these are
vocational math, pre-algebra, algebra/geometry, intermediate algebra,
advanced algebra, and calculus. 2 Using transcript data from the 1980
1Given the well-documented college earnings premium, it is understandable how
courses that serve as prerequisites to college can be associated with higher earnings.
However, the direct link between curriculum and earnings is much less understood.
2The vocational math category includes courses described as vocational math,
general math, basic math, consumer math, and math review. Appendix A elaborates on
the description of the remaining categories.
sophomore cohort, we determined the highest level of math each student
Figure 2.1 shows the proportion of public school students who
completed a semester’s worth of the given level of mathematics, as their
highest level course, by the time they graduated from (or dropped out of)
high school. 4 For example, 26 percent of students completed only
100 4
90 15
80 Advanced
70 Intermediate
60 Algebra/
50 31 Pre-algebra
40 math
30 8
3Although we refer to the sophomore cohort, the available transcript data include this
cohort’s entire high school career (from grade 9 to grade 12). We compute the highest
math level as that level in which the student completed at least one semester, i.e., 0.5
standardized credits (1 standardized credit equals 1 Carnegie unit). Note, however, that
in subsequent chapters on earnings models, we generally refer to a course as one lasting an
entire year.
4This sample contains only students who completed at least one semester of a math
course in high school.
vocational math courses. Another 8 percent finished pre-algebra courses,
but nothing more advanced. An additional 31 percent of students
stopped taking math courses after completing algebra or geometry, and
only 4 percent completed the most advanced high school math course—
calculus. The high percentage of students who completed only low-level
courses paints a rather dismal picture of math education during the late
1970s and early 1980s. It leaves little doubt why there was such a push
for curriculum reform in this period.
Long-Term Consequences
The variation in course-taking behavior had long-term implications
for the welfare of these students. The number and level of math courses
they completed is related to how much education they obtained overall
and to how much they eventually earned. Students who completed
more-advanced courses during high school tended to obtain markedly
higher levels of education, and a decade after graduation they were
earning significantly more than those who took only lower-level courses.
Figure 2.2 shows how the students’ ultimate level of education
related to their highest-level math course. In this figure, each vertical bar
represents different levels of education obtained by students, with the
highest level of math course indicated. For example, for the group of
students who completed only a vocational-level math course, just under
15 percent did not graduate from high school, whereas nearly 50 percent
graduated from high school but did not obtain any postsecondary
education. Another 30 percent completed some postsecondary
education, or earned a certificate or an associate’s degree, but only a small
number—less than 5 percent of the group—completed their bachelor’s
degree by 1992.
Two clear messages emerge from this figure. First, for this cohort of
students, a strong positive correlation exists between the math courses
that they took in high school and their ultimate educational attainment.
For example, of those students who completed intermediate algebra, just
over 80 percent pursued some type of education beyond high school5
5This includes the following educational categories: some postsecondary education
(but no degree), certificate, associate’s degree, and bachelor’s degree.
100 3 6
As Figure 2.3 demonstrates, a clear upward trend in students’
earnings in 1991 is associated with the level of math they experienced in
high school. The median annual earnings in 1991 for students who
completed calculus was $28,000 compared to $20,000 for those students
who completed only a pre-algebra or algebra/geometry course and
$17,000 for those who took only vocational math.6
Earnings (1991 dollars)
25,000 23,000
20,000 20,000
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: The sample includes public school students who have completed at
least one semester in at least one math course, are not missing any pertinent math
transcript data, have annual earnings between $2,000 and $75,000, and are not
enrolled in any postsecondary education program. The number of observations
included is 5,891. The medians are weighted by the HSB fourth follow-up weights.
In 1999 dollars, the above earnings are vocational math, $20,794; pre-algebra,
$24,464; algebra/geometry, $28,134; advanced algebra, $31,803; and calculus,
troubling. What is even more disconcerting is that a disproportionate
number of students from certain ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds
took only low-level courses, because of either their decision, their
teacher’s, or their school’s. Such inequities contradict one of the main
objectives of the American education system set forth by the Brown v.
Board of Education decision in 1954: to offer equal opportunity to
students of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups.
The dramatic variation in mathematics curriculum patterns by
ethnicity is demonstrated in Figure 2.4. Almost half of the black and
Hispanic students did not even take an algebra/geometry course. This is
nearly double the rate for white students and almost three times the rate
for Asian students.
100 2 2 4
7 8 12
90 18
11 Calculus
80 Advanced
70 17 Intermediate
28 algebra
60 Algebra/
50 21 Pre-algebra
11 13 33 Vocational
40 math
20 40 38
10 20
Hispanic Black White Asian
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, weighting, and
sample size. When these course completion rates are computed without weights,
they are broadly similar to the ones above. The biggest difference is in the number
of Hispanic and black students who take vocational math. In these two cases, the
unweighted values are 5 percentage points lower than the weighted case, with the
slack being taken up in the higher-level courses. The sample sizes for the ethnic
groups are 2,221, 1,320, 5,855, and 345 for Hispanic, black, white, and Asian,
Similarly, students in extremely low-income families are less likely to
take advanced math courses. As Figure 2.5 shows, there was little
variation in course-taking behavior among students whose parents were
in the top three income brackets. However, the attrition rate is
noticeably higher among students in the two lower parental income
brackets, particularly in the lowest group. Whereas approximately 25
percent of students from high parental income categories did not take an
algebra/geometry course, almost 60 percent of the lowest income
students failed to do so.
100 1 2
3 6 6
90 10 17
18 Calculus
80 Advanced
16 algebra
19 Intermediate
70 19
60 Algebra/
11 35
50 Pre-algebra
32 Vocational
40 31 math
30 9
46 9
20 7
10 19 19 16
< $7K $7K– $15K– $20K– $25K +
$15K $20K $25K
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, weighting, and
sample size. The sample sizes for the income groups are 916, 2,833, 1,751,
1,503, and 2,258, respectively, from the lowest to the highest income category.
The income categories are in 1980 dollars. The 1999 dollar equivalents are
roughly double the 1980 values.
100 3 4
90 15
80 Advanced
13 algebra
70 Intermediate
60 Algebra/
50 31 Pre-algebra
40 math
30 8
25 25
California Rest of U.S.
NOTES: See Figure 2.1 for the data source, sample criteria, weighting, and
sample size. Additionally, those observations for which the high school’s state
could not be determined were omitted from the sample. There are 1,087 students
from California schools in this sample and 8,303 from non-California schools.
Unweighted, the U.S. percentages are 25, 8, 30, 16, 16, and 4, respectively,
starting with vocational math. Unweighted, the California percentages are 22,
12, 31, 14, 18, and 4, respectively, starting with vocational math.
A substantial percentage of students stopped taking math courses at
an early stage. In addition, course-taking behavior varied dramatically by
ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Minorities and students from low-
income families took fewer advanced courses.
This would not constitute a problem if it had no long-term
consequences. However, the high school math courses that a student
takes appear to be strongly related to the highest educational degree the
student obtains and to earnings 10 years after high school. Although this
association does not necessarily imply causality, such statistics raise a red
flag, indicating the need for rigorous statistical analysis of the question.
The following chapters provide the results from our more in-depth
3. How Curriculum Might Affect
Educational Attainment
and Earnings
Any discussion of the economic value of education generally
incorporates two fundamentally different theories: human capital and
signaling. The human capital theory rests primarily on the hypothesis
that more schooling increases the productivity of soon-to-be workers. In
contrast, signaling theory claims that schooling does not raise worker
productivity but rather provides a signal to employers that a worker is
more able and therefore will be more productive on the job. This
chapter looks briefly at each of these theories in the context of high
school curriculum and describes other mechanisms by which curriculum
could affect earnings.
much better grasp of algebra than does somebody who has only taken
algebra, and students who have taken algebra have a much better grasp of
basic skills than do students who have only taken basic math. The adage
“practice makes perfect” has some merit.1 The important thing to notice
is that all of these channels for increasing wages rely on the acquisition of
skills, be they direct math ability, indirect reasoning, or general learning
skills that make students more productive.
Signaling Model
The signaling model offers an alternative theory as to why a more
advanced curriculum leads to higher wages.2 Consider the simple case
where employers want to pay higher wages to more productive workers
but cannot accurately measure productivity before hiring a worker at a
given wage. If the more productive workers are those who obtain more
education, then to hire more productive workers, employers simply need
to observe whether their prospective employee has obtained a given level
of education. In contrast to the human capital model, the signaling
model assumes that math courses do not cause the student to be more
productive. Rather, the innately more productive (i.e., “more able”)
students choose to obtain the specific levels of education that provide
signals to prospective employers. The driving force behind this theory is
that the more able students will acquire this signal because they can do so
at a lower cost than the less able students. In other words, the psychic,
monetary, and time costs of obtaining the signal are low enough for the
more able students to incur them and still come out ahead with higher
wages. However, for low-ability students, the costs are so high that they
outweigh the gain in wages from providing the signal.
In the case of curriculum, the signaling model is applicable at several
levels. Students who engage in a more rigorous curriculum provide a
signal to colleges that they are more able. This effect is multiplied,
because those who attend college will then be providing a signal to
1Gamoran (1998) mentions this phenomenon and cites other corroborating studies
as well.
2The general signaling model was first presented by Spence (1973). See Ehrenberg
and Smith (1997) for further discussion of the human capital and signaling models.
employers that they are more able than those students with merely a high
school diploma. Curriculum is important in that it opens the door to
college, and then college provides a signal of ability to employers. It is
important to keep in mind that, according to signaling theory, none of
these educational steps add to the productivity of the worker.
But what about students who do not attend college? It is less clear
how taking more high school courses could act as a signal for them. The
theory would assert that those who take a more advanced curriculum
would signal to employers of high school graduates that they are more
able than their less academically advanced counterparts. However, this
presupposes that employers of high school graduates actually look at high
school transcripts—an assumption not generally supported by the
research of Bishop (1989). Even if employers do not actively review
student records, it is conceivable that very able students (i.e., students
who have taken the advanced curriculum) foresee the need to set
themselves apart from their less able counterparts and thus provide
information about their curriculum to prospective employers. This
could take the form of additional comments on a standard application or
perhaps a verbal explanation during an interview. Employers may be
impressed by students who anticipate the need to provide such
information and might therefore hire these more academically advanced
students. However, the question still remains: Were the students hired
because they are innately more able or because employers see them as
potentially more productive as the result of taking more rigorous courses?
If initial wages vary by curriculum, it is likely that signaling plays a role.
However, if wage increases and promotions vary by curriculum, it may
be more likely that actual productivity plays a role. Even in this latter
case, there is still the issue that ability may be positively correlated with
both curriculum and productivity and that it is ability that leads to the
raise or promotion and not curriculum.3
3It is possible that employers do not use educational background as a signal of
ability but that the student possesses some characteristic (unobservable to the researcher)
that causes him or her to take a more advanced curriculum and to earn higher wages.
Such a pattern would lead to endogeneity bias. This is closely related to the signaling
model, because it recognizes the possibility that differences in returns from different
For policy analysts, the signaling/human capital debate is of pivotal
importance. In our context, if a student gains no productivity skills by
taking a specific math course but merely “buys” a signal of ability that
can be sent to potential employers, then requiring all students to take
that course would not raise labor market productivity. Furthermore, if
less able students were forced to take that specific math course, employers
would come to realize that high school students with that math course
under their belts were not necessarily more able workers. The wage gain
related to that math course would shrink accordingly. Furthermore, such
a policy change could in fact lead to inefficiencies in the labor market
because employers would now have more difficulty identifying the most
productive students, because all students would now have taken the same
math curriculum. On the other hand, if human capital theory is correct,
then workers do become more productive after taking additional math
courses. In this case, average labor productivity and wages will rise if
students begin to enrich their curriculum.
Given the stark difference between the policy prescriptions produced
by signaling and human capital theory, our statistical analysis of the
determinants of college graduation and earnings will involve substantial
robustness checks. In particular, these tests will help to break down the
effect that curriculum has on earnings, so evident in the raw data, into
two portions: the part due to actual increases in productivity and the
part that reflects unmeasured variations in ability or motivation among
students with varying degrees of math preparation.
an “occupations” effect), it is important to note that such effects evolve
from curriculum and should thus be attributed to curriculum. In
Chapter 5, we report how much of the math curriculum effect could
operate through these channels.
Similarly, advanced college math courses are prerequisites to many
high-paying jobs. Students who build a strong mathematics foundation
in high school may be more likely to continue their mathematics work in
college and will be more successful in that work. Other students, who
may be equally able, may have been discouraged from math at an early
age as the result of a bad teacher, a bad experience, or trouble at home
during the crucial time in which a math foundation is being laid. These
able students may be bumped off the mathematics path when they are
young and therefore may not even realize what future options they are
forgoing. Although our analysis does not explicitly test whether students
had a bad school experience, by attempting to take account of ability we
show that math courses still have an effect on earnings. Therefore, one
goal of a comprehensive high school should be to keep those doors open
for students, so that at age 21 they are not bound by decisions made at
age 11.4
Previous Research
A vast amount of literature has been devoted to distinguishing the
human capital from the signaling effects of schooling, yet the debate is
far from resolved. In Chapter 5, we address these many issues in hopes
of measuring pure curriculum effects on earnings. Curriculum is rarely
accounted for when modeling long-term student outcomes, such as
college graduation and earnings. But one leading study (Altonji, 1995)
finds that curriculum may act more as a signaling device than a form of
human capital formation. Altonji concludes that “the effect of a year
equivalent of courses is much smaller than the value of one year in high
school.” In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
4U.S. community colleges, with their policies of open access, do provide something
of a second chance for students who leave high school without the prerequisite courses for
admission to a four-year college. Nonetheless, it would be more efficient for students to
learn the necessary material the first time around.
For example, an additional year of math, science, and foreign language is
predicted to increase earnings by 3.3 percent.5 Because an additional
year of school is estimated to increase wages by 7 percent, Altonji’s results
lend support to the view that high school serves as a signaling device
rather than as a mechanism for human capital formation.
Our goal in this report is to understand the long-term effects of high
school curriculum. Implicit in this goal is the need to disentangle the
human capital effects from the signaling effects. Chapter 5 devotes the
most attention to understanding the differences between these two
effects. A key factor that distinguishes the present work from two earlier
contributions to the literature is a detailed analysis of the types of math
courses that students take.6 Our subsequent analysis shows that
distinguishing between types of math courses is crucial.
5These are his estimates obtained from instrumental variables. Ordinary least
squares (OLS) estimates are slightly larger and OLS with high school fixed effects are
substantially larger. When Altonji examines the isolated effect of mathematics, he finds
that an additional year of math leads to an earnings increase of 1.8 percent, but that
disappears once he controls for ability.
6A more thorough comparison of our research to the previous research is in
Appendix C.
4. The Link Between High
School Curriculum and
College Graduation
As suggested in the preceding chapter, high school curriculum could
affect students’ long-term earnings in two ways: first, by enabling high
school students to attend and graduate from college and, second, by
directly increasing students’ productivity in the labor market. We begin
our formal analysis by examining this first question. Specifically, in this
chapter we describe how taking more advanced math courses increases
the predicted probability of earning a bachelor’s degree. We first
describe the data used for this empirical analysis and then turn to the
Data Description
The principal source of data for this report is the High School and
Beyond (HSB) Sophomore Cohort: 1980–92 data. This longitudinal
study surveys over 30,000 high school sophomores in 1980 and then
follows up on approximately 15,000 of them in 1982, 1984, 1986, and
1992.1 This is an excellent source of data for several reasons. It provides
extremely detailed high school transcript information for those students
in the follow-ups. These data include every course taken by the student,
the term it was taken, the grade received, and the number of credits
earned.2 In addition, HSB provides earnings information sufficiently
1The first follow-up in 1982 actually includes all 30,000 students who had been
selected in 1980. However, the subsequent follow-ups included only about half of the
original sample.
2This credit measure is standardized so that a typical one-year course will be
assigned 1 credit, a half-year course will be assigned 0.5 credits, a trimester course receives
0.33 credits, and a quarter course receives 0.25 credits. These standardized credits are
also known as Carnegie units (i.e., 1 credit equals 1 Carnegie unit).
long after high school graduation that even those students with a
substantial amount of postsecondary education can be included in the
analysis. These later labor market experiences are more meaningful than
the earlier ones, because students will have settled into jobs that are more
representative of their likely long-term labor market path. Furthermore,
a wealth of personal and family characteristics is also provided. One last
important feature of these data is that even high school dropouts are
included in the transcript and follow-up surveys.3
We constructed data on mathematics curriculum from the high
school transcript data, classifying all of the math courses that the students
took into one of six categories. 4 The data section of Appendix A details
the system of course categorization that we use. For ease of
interpretation in this chapter, we use as our curriculum measure a series
of dummy variables indicating the highest level of math course taken. 5
(In the ensuing wage analysis, we use both these measures and the
number of credits earned by each student in each of the six math course
In addition to detailed high school transcript data, HSB is also a rich
source of postsecondary education transcript data. We do not use these
data directly, as we did with the high school transcript data, but we do
use the pre-calculated measure of the student’s highest educational
degree. We use this variable to calculate our outcome of interest in this
chapter: a binary variable indicating whether the student has graduated
from college.
Students for whom curriculum data are missing are excluded from
our analysis. In this chapter, we exclude students for whom college
graduation data are missing. Similarly, in the ensuing chapter on wages,
we exclude students for whom earnings data are missing. In both cases,
we include only students who attend public schools. For additional
3Respondents who miss a year are still included in the subsequent follow-up if
possible. Even students who are selected into the base-year survey but miss it are
included in the follow-ups if possible.
4Other academic subject areas were also used, but we describe math here for the sake
of simplicity.
5We consider the highest course to be that in which the student earned at least 0.5
credits (typically a one-semester course.)
information about the data and the variables used in our analyses, see the
data section in Appendix A.
Method of Analysis
We estimate the probability of graduating from college as a function
of the highest math course taken by the student while in high school.
The math course levels in increasing order are vocational math, pre-
algebra, algebra or geometry, intermediate algebra, advanced algebra, and
calculus. Of course, the observed positive relation between the highest
math course and college graduation rates that we saw in Chapter 2 does
not necessarily imply that there is a causal link. One possible explanation
is that students with higher socioeconomic status, or who attend schools
with more resources, have a head start that enables them not only to take
more math in high school but also to graduate from college. To take
account of such possible relationships, we control statistically for a variety
of demographic, family, and school variables. We also account for the
student’s high school math grade point average (GPA) because of its
enormous importance in the college admissions process. 6 Finally,
because test scores are also an integral part of college admissions, we
control for the test score that the student received on a math test
administered during the sophomore year in high school. The math GPA
and test score also serve as controls for the high school student’s aptitude
and motivation. The list of variables that we include in our model of the
probability of graduating is presented in Table 4.1.
Because we are interested in only two possible outcomes—whether
the student earns a bachelor’s degree or not—we estimate the probability
of graduating using a nonlinear probit model. The model’s construction
is such that it confines the predicted probabilities to a range between 0
and 1. Appendix B provides an in-depth description of the probit model
and detailed results from it.
The estimated math effects in this model are striking. All of the
math curriculum measures have significant positive effects on the
6GPA is often used by admissions committees to predict success at college.
Table 4.1
Characteristics Accounted for in Models of College Graduation
Student ability and = Math GPA and grade 10 math test score
from college for various groups of students. We present the math effects
for an average student—i.e., a student for whom the values of the other
conditioning variables in the model, such as socioeconomic status and
school resources, are the average value of those variables for all students.
Because we are interested in how the predicted effects of curriculum
vary by ethnicity and socioeconomic group, we divide our sample into 16
subgroups based on four ethnic groups (white, black, Hispanic, and
Asian) and four parental-income groups (poor, low, medium, and high).8
For each subgroup, we calculate the mean values of all of the family,
school, and demographic explanatory factors of that group and use this
value to typify an average student in that group. Once we have this
information, we can compute the predicted probability that the average
student within a specific group graduates from college, given any specific
math class level. This yields a range of probabilities describing the
likelihood of graduating from college given the six different levels of
math courses. Figure 4.1 presents the results of our calculations.9
We display the results by parental income categories within the same
ethnicity.10 The points on the graphs represent the predicted probability
that the average students within the specific ethnicity-income category
graduate from college, given that the highest math course they completed
is the value on the horizontal axis. The increase in height from one point
to the next along the same line indicates the increase in the predicted
probability of graduation resulting from taking the next-highest-level
math course. For example, the average medium-income white student
who has completed intermediate algebra has a 35 percent chance of
8We use fewer income categories here than we did in Chapter 2 for easier display.
Poor refers to families earning less than $7,000 annually. Low refers to families earning
between $7,000 and $20,000. Medium refers to those earning between $20,000 and
$25,000. And high refers to family income categories above $25,000. (These are in 1980
dollar values.)
9We have included the actual table of probabilities in Appendix Table B.2.
10Similar analyses comparing how the probabilities vary across ethnicities within the
same income group can also be made using Appendix Table B.2.
Probability of college graduation (%) 90 High
70 Poor
Probability of college graduation (%)
90 Black
70 Poor
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: The vertical axis denotes the predicted probability of college graduation for
the average student, given the student's highest math course from the horizontal axis.
The model from which these probabilities are derived controls for the demographic,
family, and school characteristics listed in Table 4.1, as well as math GPA and math test
score. The following income category values are given in 1980 dollars, with 1999
Probability of college graduation (%)
90 High
70 Poor
Probability of college graduation (%)
90 Asian
70 Poor
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
Figure 4.1—continued
graduating from college. This chance increases to 52 percent if the
student has completed calculus as well.
Many interesting results hold across all ethnicities. For the average
student within each of the 16 subgroups, taking more-advanced math
courses is predicted to increase the probability of graduating from
college. The predicted probability of graduating from college for each
given level of math course is higher for the students with higher-income
parents, which is hardly surprising given that relatively more
disadvantaged students must overcome many more financial obstacles to
attend college. For white, black, and Hispanic students, the figures
suggest that curriculum matters “more” than family income in the
following sense: Moving a student from the bottom to the top level of
high school math course increases the student’s predicted chances of
college graduation more than if the student moves from the bottom to
the top rung of family income.11 Nonetheless, even though an enriched
math curriculum may improve the chances of college success, it is clearly
not the only ingredient.
Despite the similar results across ethnicities, there are some
differences as well. For each level of math course and parental income
level, Hispanics have the lowest predicted probability of graduating and
Asians have the highest.
We also show similar results using an alternative measure of
socioeconomic status. We categorized the students into eight categories
based on the same four ethnicities and whether the students’ father had
earned a bachelor’s degree or more. These results are presented in Figure
4.2. One of the most interesting results here is that among students
whose fathers hold at least a bachelor’s degree the predicted probability
of graduating from college is higher for black children than it is for
whites or Hispanics. It seems as if black educated parents are more
successful in promoting a pro-education environment than are their
white and Hispanic counterparts.
11For Asian students, curriculum is “more” effective than moving a student from
the bottom to the second-highest family income category. It is worth noting that the
Asian subsample is small, so the estimates are less precise than for the other ethnic groups.
Probability of college graduation (%)
90 High paternal education
40 Asian
30 White
20 Hispanic
Low paternal education
Probability of college graduation (%)
80 Asian
70 White
60 Hispanic
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: The vertical axis denotes the predicted probability of college graduation for
the average student, given the student’s highest math course from the horizontal axis.
The model from which these probabilities are derived controls for the demographic,
family, and school characteristics listed in Table 4.1, as well as math GPA and math test
score. High paternal education applies to fathers who have a bachelor’s degree or
higher, low paternal education refers to fathers with less that a bachelor’s degree.
This chapter confirms an important positive relation between
students’ high school math curriculum and their probability of
graduating from college. The results appear to apply to both men and
women and to students of different ethnicities. We consider the issue
that although the two are related, it is impossible to be certain that the
math courses actually cause an increase in the probability of graduation.
In other words, do math courses actually increase the likelihood of
graduation, or do the students who take more advanced math courses
have higher motivation or ability that would cause them to earn a
bachelor’s degree regardless of the type of math courses they took in high
school? To provide reassurance that our results are not due to the latter
explanation, we controlled for a host of potentially confounding factors,
including demographic, family, and school characteristics, and also math
GPA and math test score in grade 10. Because the strong links between
math curriculum and the probability of graduating from college persist
even after accounting for these potentially confounding factors, we
conclude that there does appear to be a math effect that is not simply
picking up variations in ability, motivation, or family background. In
sum, it appears that math courses play an important role in predicting
postsecondary education success. In the following chapter, we elaborate
on this link and show how it fits into the overall picture of how math
courses are related to students’ future earnings.
5. The Links Between High
School Curriculum
and Earnings
This chapter discusses the key issues involved in estimating the
effects of curriculum on earnings and presents the results of our analysis.
We estimate the total effect of curriculum and then divide this effect into
two parts: the indirect effect that works through the influence of
curriculum on students’ overall college attainment and the direct effect
on earnings that is independent of whether the student graduates from
college. The technical aspects of this analysis are given in Appendix C.
students from attending college and earning higher wages in the future.
And, suppose that students with more highly educated parents receive
strong encouragement to take a “college prep” curriculum, but that a
richer curriculum itself does not “cause” wages to be higher. Instead,
suppose that highly educated parents provide their children with a
network of contacts and advantages outside school that leads to greater
opportunities to attend an elite university, find a good first job, and so
on. To separate the direct effect of curriculum from the indirect effects
of parental income and education on a student’s earnings, we must
control for parental income and education.
Similarly, students at some schools may take a richer curriculum and
later in life earn more, but better school resources, such as smaller classes
and more highly educated teachers, could explain both the richer
curriculum and the higher earnings of graduates. To account for this, we
control for school resources.
We expect that the student’s ultimate level of education has a
substantial effect on earnings. As we demonstrated in the previous
chapter, educational attainment is a function of high school math
curriculum. To determine the effect of mathematics courses on earnings
that is net of this educational attainment effect, we also control for
educational attainment.
Our constant concern is that even after controlling for extensive
background characteristics, any earnings effect that we attribute to
curriculum may in fact result from some unobservable student
characteristic (such as innate ability or motivation) that would lead to the
same earnings independent of the curriculum path followed. Because of
the seriousness of these issues, we devote a section of this chapter to
discussing this identification problem and to presenting our attempts to
control for such unobserved characteristics as ability and motivation.
Figure 5.1 shows a schematic view of these potentially confounding
factors. The figure shows several characteristics that are related both to
earnings and curriculum. We aim to eliminate all but one of these
effects, leaving just the direct cognitive/productivity effect of curriculum
on earnings.
Cognitive/productivity effect
Parental influence
Math courses
School characteristics Earnings
students take
than math courses. We then build on that model by progressively taking
account of, or controlling for, the other personal and school attributes
that might be responsible for the observed relation between math
curriculum and earnings.
The motivation for displaying a sequence of models is that they help
to show the pathway of causation. The simplest model with no controls
simply restates the difference in mean earnings between workers with
different numbers of math courses that we discussed in Chapter 2.
Then, by controlling for family and school characteristics, we observe
how much of the original math effect is due to these two groups of
explanatory factors and how much is due to the characteristics for which
we have not yet accounted. We will then be able to answer many
interesting questions. Are the effects solely restricted to those who go on
to attend college, or does math curriculum benefit those who do not
attend college as well? Similarly, among college graduates, does a richer
math curriculum increase wages by giving students access to college
majors that are especially well rewarded in the labor market, such as
engineering? To test these ideas, we account for postsecondary
experience in our models and examine whether the math curriculum
effects can be wholly or partially explained by college experience.
Needless to say, the predicted effects of taking high school math vary
across this increasingly complex set of models, but the final conclusion
appears robust: Math matters.
Although Appendix A presents detailed data information, we note
several salient facts about our measure of earnings to supplement the data
description in the preceding chapter.
The earnings data that we use are self-reported earnings from 1991.
Because these earnings are measured nearly 10 years after high school
graduation, even those students who obtained substantial postsecondary
education will have earnings data that reflect their long-run earnings
profile better than data from earlier years would have. 2 The earnings
data do not explicitly measure an hourly wage (which is a much better
measure of actual productivity) but rather just the aggregate earnings
during the year.3 Thus, no distinction is made between earnings from
part-time and full-time work. One thing that we do to get a better idea
of the productivity effect (i.e., to eliminate the hours-worked effect) is to
restrict the range of incomes that we model. We eliminate those earning
below a certain threshold to exclude those most likely working part-time.
We restrict the range of valid annual earnings to between $2,000 and
$75,000. 4 The reader should bear in mind that even with this
restriction, any apparent curriculum effect may operate through two
channels: an effect on wages and an effect on employment status and
hours worked. It is impossible to disentangle these two effects entirely.
Later in this chapter we describe another way that we try to disentangle
these two effects.
We use a slightly different measure of math curriculum in this
chapter than we used in the previous chapter. Rather than looking at the
effect of the highest math course that a student takes, we look at the
effect of the credits earned in each of six math course categories.5 Just as
we did in Chapter 2, we label the categories as vocational math, pre-
algebra, algebra/geometry, intermediate algebra, advanced algebra, and
calculus; a more detailed description of course content can be found in
2We exclude from our analysis students who are enrolled in some form of
postsecondary education during 1991, because their earnings during that year will not
necessarily reflect their long-term earnings profile.
3The survey did gather extremely detailed wage data until 1986 but stopped after
4In his analysis of the determinants of school quality using HSB data, Grogger
(1996) restricts monthly earnings to between $500 and $6,000 (which translates into
annual earnings of $6,000 to $72,000). Grogger and Eide (1995) restrict wage values to
between $1 and $100 per hour (for a worker who works 40 hours a week for 50 weeks of
the year; that restriction translates into annual earnings of $2,000 to $200,000).
Appendix A documents the number of observations lost as a result of these restrictions.
5Quarter, trimester, semester, and year-long courses count as 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, and
1.0 credits, respectively. See Appendix A for more details about how we computed the
number of credits from the HSB data.
Appendix A. Although our main focus is on mathematics curriculum,
later in the chapter we incorporate the number of credits earned in other
academic subjects such as English, science, and foreign language. 6
Appendix Table C.1 provides summary statistics for the primary
variables used in the following analysis. Table 5.1 lists the specific
variables that we use in our sequence of models.
Table 5.1
Characteristics Accounted for in Models of Earnings
Highest degree earned = High school dropout, high school diploma, some
postsecondary education (but no degree), a certificate, an
associate’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree or higher
6As discussed above, our primary motivation for focusing on math curriculum is the
strong wage-math link found by Murnane et al. (1995). Another practical reason is that
the content of math courses is much more comparable across schools than is the content
of courses in other subjects (see Porter et al., 1993). In other words, calculus is calculus
whether one lives in the North, South, East, or West. This enables us to separate courses
by their level of difficulty. Such a task is not so straightforward in other subjects that are
not as uniform in content.
Results: The Effects of Math
We present the results from our sequence of models in Table 5.2,
where each column represents a different model and each model contains
different control variables. We report the percentage change in earnings
resulting from a one-credit increase in each of the six math categories.
Table 5.2
Predicted Percentage Change in 1991 Earnings Resulting
from an Additional Math Credit
Control variables
Demographic Yes Yes Yes Yes
Family Yes Yes Yes Yes
School Yes Yes Yes
Highest degree earned Yes Yes
College major Yes
NOTES: See Table 5.1 for a list of the demographic, family, and
school control variables that we use. These percentages are not exactly
equal to the regression coefficients, because the coefficients represent a
first-order approximation to the proportional increase in earnings from
a one-unit increase in a regressor. The exact percentage change is given
by (e β − 1) * 100%, where β is the regression coefficient. Sample
sizes are given in Appendix Table C.3. In this table and others
throughout the report, we do not actually observe an “increase” in
earnings or a “change” in earnings, because we do not observe what the
earnings for a student would be had he or she not taken a particular
course. Rather, we observe a “difference” in earnings between students
who took a particular math course and otherwise similar students who
did not. From this difference in earnings, we predict what would
happen if a student took an extra math course. “Yes” indicates
whether the specified control variables are in the model.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10 percent
Effects that are statistically significant at the 5 percent level are noted
with a double asterisk and those at the 10 percent level with a single
asterisk. The complete regression results appear in Appendix Table C.3.
Without controlling for any other factors that might affect earnings,
the effects of most math courses are quite strong and vary by the level of
the course (see column 1 of Table 5.2). An additional year of calculus is
predicted to increase earnings by approximately 21.5 percent, whereas an
additional year of algebra or geometry is predicted to increase earnings by
only about 8.4 percent.7 Vocational math courses seem to have almost
no effect on earnings.
Obviously, this first model is simplistic, because it does not take
account of many other observable variables that are known to affect
wages. Demographic wage differences have been well documented. In
addition, many family characteristics may lead certain types of
individuals to follow a certain curriculum path. Thus, it is imperative to
control for these so that we do not attribute their effects to curriculum.
For example, students of high-income and high-education parents may
be more likely to follow a rigorous curriculum program relative to
students of poorer and less-educated families, but families that place high
importance on education may also be instilling values in their children
that may lead to high future earnings. Results from models with the
aforementioned controls are presented in column 2. (See Table 5.1 for a
complete list of these controls and the controls in the subsequent models.
Table C.1 provides summary statistics for these variables.) After adding
the demographic and family characteristics, the math curriculum effects
drop by about one-quarter but remain substantial. The curriculum
effects remain different across the math course levels. A credit earned in
7These percentages are not exactly equal to the regression coefficients in Appendix
Table C.3, because the coefficients represent a first-order approximation to the
proportional increase in earnings from a one-unit increase in a regressor. The exact
percentage change is given by (e β − 1) * 100%, where β is the regression coefficient. We
do not actually observe an “increase” in earnings or a “change” in earnings, because we do
not observe what the earnings for a student would be had he or she not taken a particular
course. Rather, we observe a “difference” in earnings between students who took a
particular math course and otherwise similar students who did not. From this difference
in earnings, we predict what would happen if a student took an extra math course.
algebra/geometry is predicted to increase earnings by 6.3 percent, but
advanced algebra is associated with a 10.6 percent gain.
Accounting for school resources and other school characteristics such
as teacher education level, school size, and school location causes an
additional drop in the magnitude of the curriculum effects (see column
3), suggesting that a portion of the curriculum effects from the previous
model should be attributed to these school characteristics that are
associated with curriculum. 8 Even after purging the school effects, all the
math curriculum effects—except that of pre-algebra—are still quite large
and statistically significant at the 5 percent level. Vocational math now
has a significant negative effect, indicating that taking additional
vocational math courses leads to lower earnings. Under human capital
theory, one would expect all of the curriculum effects to be non-negative,
because additional schoolwork should not hurt the productivity of
students. However, in the signaling model, a negative effect is feasible
because taking only low-level classes may indicate that a student is not
able to perform well in the workplace. It is important to understand that
in our model, the negative sign does not imply that taking an extra
vocational math course actually lowers earnings relative to a student who
takes no math courses. Rather, it means that taking an additional
vocational math course lowers earnings relative to the average student. 9
8Obviously, the percentage of curriculum’s effect that we attribute to each group of
family and school characteristics is conditional on the order in which we add these two
sets of additional controls.
9To determine the extent to which the negative sign on vocational math is being
driven by the proportion of students who take only vocational math courses and nothing
higher, we re-estimated model 4 but included a dummy variable indicating whether the
student had taken only vocational math (and nothing higher). The coefficient on this
indicator is –0.065. The magnitude of the vocational math credits coefficient becomes
slightly less negative and is –0.019. This indicates that, on average, students who take
only vocational math earn less than those who take vocational math and some higher
math. It also indicates that even those students who take some vocational math but also
take some higher math (approximately 35 percent of the students who take one
vocational math course fall into this category) still earn less than the average student who
does not take any vocational math. Because the average student does not take an entire
credit of vocational math, students who do take one credit are taking it at the expense of a
more advanced course. This suggests that there is some opportunity cost to taking
vocational math.
To further illuminate the path through which these curriculum
effects work, we control for the postsecondary educational attainment of
the student. Human capital models, together with the results from the
last chapter, suggest that adding controls for the student’s highest degree
earned should reduce the effects of curriculum to the extent that college
is predicted by past curriculum. Put differently, we are netting out the
indirect effect of curriculum that operates through the probability of
graduating from college. Of course, if the sole purpose of curriculum is
to serve as a signal to colleges, so that only the most able students obtain
advanced degrees, then the curriculum effects should disappear once we
control for the student’s highest degree.
To investigate these possibilities, we control for the student’s highest
educational degree attained by 1992 (refer to Table 5.1 for a list of the
different degree categories). With these controls, the math curriculum
effects drop by about one-half (see column 4 for the new estimates). We
can interpret these drops from either a human capital or a signaling
viewpoint. The signaling interpretation is that about one-half of the
overall effect of high school math reflects the way in which math courses
enable more-able students to attend college and therefore signal their
ability to their employers. The human capital interpretation is that math
courses in high school increase a student’s efficiency, thus increasing his
or her chances to attend college, and in this way increasing the student’s
productivity further. In the human capital interpretation, column 3
continues to show the overall effects (i.e., the productivity and
educational attainment effects) of curriculum, whereas the results in
column 4 show the effect that works directly through productivity rather
than through education. The striking curriculum effects that remain in
column 4 after controlling for educational attainment suggest that there
is a direct effect of math curriculum on labor market productivity, which
works independently of the final degree attained. At this point in the
sequence of models, we see that the effect of pre-algebra credits is no
longer statistically significant, but the high-level math effects remain
significant. A course in algebra is predicted to increase earnings by 3.2
percent and a calculus course appears to increase earnings by almost 7
The signs and magnitudes of the educational attainment effects are
also worth mentioning and are displayed in Table 5.3. All of the
Table 5.3
Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting from
Educational Attainment: Effects Measured
Relative to a High School Diploma
10What other factors account for the 7 percent change in earnings that the model
predicts for calculus? Coming from a family with a higher income (greater than $25,000)
rather than coming from a family with a mid-level income ($20,000 to $25,000) is
predicted to have almost the same effect as taking calculus. Furthermore, the calculus
effect is almost great enough to offset the predicted negative effect of coming from a
family in the extremely low income category (less than $7,000) relative to coming from a
family in the $20,000 to $25,000 category. In addition, the calculus effect
counterbalances the predicted effect of having a mother with less than a high school
diploma rather than having a mother with a high school diploma. Are there any school
resources that affect earnings as much as taking a calculus course? Not even reducing the
percentage of disadvantaged students at a school by 25 percentage points outweighs the
effect of taking a calculus course. See Appendix Table C.3 for the effects of all variables
in the model.
attainment effects are estimated relative to the “high school only”
category.11 As expected, students with less than a high school diploma
have an earnings deficit of approximately 13 percent compared to their
counterparts with a high school diploma. 12 Students who have earned a
certificate or participated in some postsecondary education (without
earning a degree) have earnings that are, on average, 5 percent higher.
An associate’s degree leads to a substantial 20 percent rise in earnings.
Those students who have earned a bachelor’s degree experience an
earnings premium of 29 percent, whereas those with an even higher
degree have a 41 percent premium.
As we mentioned above, another mechanism through which
curriculum could exert a positive effect on earnings is by channeling
students into majors, or by keeping the door open to majors (and
eventually jobs) that are more highly rewarded in the labor market. To
see what portion of the curriculum effects work in this manner, we
estimate a model that also controls for the student’s college major. The
results are displayed in column 5 of Table 5.2. Not surprisingly, many
of the college majors lead to significantly different earnings from the
“education and letters” major.13 As expected, the curriculum effects all
fall slightly but not enough to indicate that the bulk of the curriculum
effect operated though the “college major” channel. Even with these
additional controls, many of the math effects are still statistically
significant. 14 Algebra/geometry yields a 2.7 percent predicted increase in
earnings, whereas the predicted advanced algebra effect is stronger at 3.4
11This category was omitted from the regression model.
12See Appendix A for a discussion of students who obtain a general educational
development (GED) diploma rather than a conventional high school diploma.
13The effects of the college majors can be found in the regression output in
Appendix Table C.3. A detailed description of the subjects within each major is in
Appendix A.
14To the extent that college majors are a proxy for the college courses students take,
the results above mean that although college courses can explain some of the earnings
differences among students, they only slightly reduce the explanatory power of high
school math courses.
percent. Calculus still has the largest predicted effect at 5.8 percent, but
it is now only statistically significant at the 10 percent level.15
In sum, it appears that the effects of curriculum seem to operate
much more through the channels of educational attainment than
through the choice of major. Together, judging by a comparison of
columns 3 and 5, educational attainment and college major can account
for approximately 55 to 75 percent of the effect of curriculum on
earnings, depending on the type of math course examined. Yet even after
these effects are accounted for, curriculum wields an additional influence
on earnings. One potential cause may be the role that a more rigorous
curriculum plays in procuring admission to more prestigious universities.
Another cause may be the role it plays in opening the doors to a more
advanced track within each of the majors. Finally, curriculum taken in
high school may have a direct effect on labor market productivity and
therefore on wages. As we suggested above, this can be the result of
acquiring analytic skills that are directly applicable to certain jobs,
acquiring general logic and reasoning skills that indirectly increase
productivity, or by acquiring the skill of learning how to learn.
Regardless of the exact cause, it is vital to note the importance of
curriculum in the earnings model.16
15We also thought that there might be important interactions between the
educational attainment variables and the majors. For example, these interactions could
help us differentiate between earnings effects for physicians and medical technicians. The
effect of the former is identified by a (bachelor’s plus * health major) term and the latter
is identified by an (associate’s * health major) term. However, the effects on curriculum
did not change substantially when these interactions were added.
16To check the stability of the results, we also estimated a model with alternative
measures of earnings. Rather than using 1991 annual earnings as the dependent variable,
we modified it slightly by dividing by the number of months that the person was actively
employed during the year. This provides a better measure of worker productivity. At
each stage, the resulting math effects were very close to those from the original model
using annual earnings. Because using the monthly earnings measure meant losing many
more observations resulting from missing employment data, we decided to continue using
the original annual earnings values. We also experimented with different measures of
curriculum. Rather than use the number of credits earned in each level of math course,
we used a series of variables indicating the highest math course the student completed.
The implications of the model remain unchanged. For further discussion of this
alternative curriculum measure, see Appendix C.
In conclusion, we have shown that the math curriculum alone yields
some important information about earnings. After taking account of
demographic, family, and school traits, math courses still are predicted to
affect earnings. At least half of that predicted effect on earnings operates
through students’ subsequent level of educational attainment and choice
of college major, but some of the effect on earnings appears to operate
through other avenues, such as increased productivity, as well.
ability and motivation controls in the form of the student’s mathematics
test score, mathematics GPA, and information regarding students’ and
parents’ attitudes toward school. We also use an instrumental variables
(IV) approach similar to that used by Altonji (1995) to eliminate the part
of curriculum that is related to the student’s own ability and motivation.
The details and results from the second estimation technique,
instrumental variables, are given in Appendix C.
This section focuses on the first method, in which we attempt to
separate the curriculum measures from any residual ability and
motivation components by estimating models that include math test
score, math GPA, and several attitudinal variables as controls. Below, we
briefly describe these variables and discuss whether they satisfactorily
control for ability or motivation.
Ideally, we would like a scientific, neurological measure of students’
innate characteristics—physical features that are untouched by social,
cultural, or environmental factors. Because innate characteristics are not
alterable by any policy, it is especially important to eliminate all of their
effects that might otherwise be attributed to some policy target, which in
our case is math curriculum. Obviously, such an objective measure is
impossible to obtain. At the same time, we would like to control for
acquired skills that the student gained before high school, so as not to
confuse the effect on earnings of taking a math course in high school
with these previously acquired skills.
To control for both innate ability and previously acquired skills, we
hoped to include a pre-high school test score to control for pre-high
school math ability and prior learning experiences. Unfortunately, the
earliest test score data available in HSB is from a series of tests
administered during the spring semester of the student’s sophomore
year.19 Because this score is likely to be affected by the curriculum
studied during grades 9 and 10, it does not provide an adequate measure
of pre-high school math aptitude. In particular, we note that adding this
score to the model may “overcontrol” for ability, because math
achievement in the spring of grade 10 is likely to be a function of math
courses taken in grades 9 and 10. Therefore, its use may cause the
19Appendix A gives detailed information about this test score.
estimated curriculum effects to be lower than the true effects. Despite
these shortcomings, we present models that include the grade 10 test
The student’s math grade point average also provides a potentially
good measure of ability and motivation because it represents how well
students understand and apply themselves, given a particular curriculum.
It is a reasonable measure of ability in that, all else equal, the more able
students will earn higher scores on homework and exams than will the
less able. However, grades are not strictly a function of such scores.
They are often based on other non-content-related factors such as
participation in class, punctuality, neatness, and behavior. Such
characteristics more aptly describe motivation than true innate talent. In
this respect, including GPA in the model of earnings accounts for the
motivation that could influence student’s future earnings. Further,
parental supervision of homework and study habits surely affects how
well students do in their classes, regardless of the students’ true ability.
Such parental involvement and guidance in their children’s education has
a strong cultural base, which to some extent may be accounted for by the
parental characteristics that we include in the model (such as income,
education, and nativity). Nonetheless, GPA may be capturing some of
the parental involvement effects. Although the effect of GPA may not
uniquely be an ability or a motivation effect, it does allow us to account
for this conglomerate of effects that may have some bearing on future
One final drawback worth mentioning about GPA is that it can be
affected by math course level, and therefore the direction of its effect on
earnings is not obvious. High-ability students who take the highest-level
math course may wind up with a lower GPA than their counterparts who
only take medium-level math courses because it may be more difficult to
earn a higher grade in the most rigorous courses. In this case, if we
cannot completely control for ability, lower GPAs could be associated
with higher earnings. GPA may also affect earnings because, even among
all college-bound students, those with higher GPAs gain admission to the
more prestigious colleges that carry an earnings premium. 20
As an additional way to account for student motivation and parental
influence, we also control for a set of attitudinal variables that indicate
the academic inclination of students and parents. These variables
indicate whether the parents closely monitor the student’s schoolwork,
whether the parents know where their children are at all times, whether
the student intends to go to college, the amount of television the student
watches, and how much time the student spends reading outside of class.
Although such measures are subjective, they offer a possibility of
controlling for a student’s motivation and attitudes toward schoolwork.
Considering the difficulty in distinguishing one effect from the
other, for expositional purposes we refer to the ensemble of ability,
motivation, and attitude as “ability.” The results from adding these
ability controls are presented in Table 5.4. We compare them to the
original model that included controls for highest degree, but not for
major. 21 We redisplay the results from this baseline model in column 1
for easier comparison. In columns 2, 3, and 4, we add the math GPA,
the math test score, and the attitudinal controls separately. Column 5
shows the results from adding the math GPA and math test score
simultaneously. Column 6 shows the estimates from adding all three
controls at once. For each model, the table shows the percentage change
in earnings associated with an increase of one credit for each of the math
courses. More detailed regression results are given in Appendix Table
The results are fairly consistent regardless of the individual ability
control that we use. The algebra/geometry math effects appear
significant and of approximately the same magnitude in all cases. An
additional course in algebra or geometry is predicted to lead to a 2.5 to
20For evidence that universities vary in quality in ways that are systematically related
to the average achievement of college freshmen as well as measures of the quality of the
university teaching force, see Morgan and Duncan (1979), James et al. (1989),
Rumberger and Thomas (1993), and Daniel, Black, and Smith (1997).
21The original model is shown in column 4 of Table 5.2.
Table 5.4
Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting from
an Additional Math Credit with Various
Ability Controls Included
Ability controls
Math GPA 3.7** 3.4** 3.7**
Math test score 0.3** 0.2 0.1
Attitudes Yes Yes
NOTES: All models control for demographic, family, school, and
educational attainment characteristics. See Table 5.1 for a complete list.
These percentages are not exactly equal to the regression coefficients, because
the coefficients represent a first-order approximation to the proportional
increase in earnings from a one-unit increase in a regressor. The exact
percentage change is given by (e β − 1) * 100%, where β is the regression
coefficient. The model in column 1 is the same as the model in column 4 of
Table 5.2. Sample sizes are given in Appendix Table C.4. “Yes” indicates
whether the specified control variables are in the model.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10 percent level.
remain significant, but the advanced algebra effects fall to insignificant
We prefer the model that controls for math GPA because we retain
the regression sample almost in its entirety and the other controls do not
lead to substantially different results. However, it is important to note
that such results should be interpreted with caution, because the GPA
coefficient may be picking up some of the curriculum effect, leading to
an understatement of the effect of curriculum. Nonetheless, we think
that math GPA is less prone to “overcontrolling” than the math test
categories.24 We classify foreign language curriculum into two variables.
One designates whether the student took one or two courses whereas the
other signals that the student took three or four courses. Thus, these two
effects are measured relative to the effect of taking no foreign language
courses at all. 25
The results from this new model containing all four subjects are
presented in Table 5.5. We omit math GPA from these models and rely
primarily on the instrumental variables estimator (the results of which are
in Appendix C) to eliminate the ability/motivation portion of the
curriculum effects. Furthermore, the other subjects may also serve as
ability and motivation controls when we are trying to ascertain the true
math effect. For instance, it may be that only the most able and
ambitious students complete three or more years of foreign language
study. We also exclude math GPA, because without including GPAs for
the other subjects, the relative earnings effects of math to the other
subjects will be distorted. All models include controls for demographic,
family, and school characteristics as well as the highest educational degree
attained by the student. Detailed OLS regression output as well as the
IV results are given in Appendix Table C.6.26
To help illustrate the changes that occur by including the additional
curriculum measures, in column 1 of Table 5.5 we present the predicted
math effects from the model that includes only math credits in the
curriculum measures.27 Including the curriculum measures from other
subjects (see column 2) causes the math effects to drop by approximately
24As with the math classification scheme, these are based on the categorization
obtained from the U.S. Department of Education, the details of which can be found in
Appendix A.
25We exclude “English as a second language” courses from the foreign language
26IV is an alternative method for controlling for ability and is described in
Appendix C.
27This was originally presented in column 4 of Table 5.2. It is also interesting to
compare the results from this new model to the results from the basic model that also
controls for math GPA (i.e., the model in column 2 of Table 5.4). The high-level math
effects in both of these models are quite comparable and indicate that the additional
curriculum measures might be picking up an ability/motivation effect in the same way
that GPA does.
Table 5.5
Predicted Percentage Change in Earnings Resulting from
Specific Math, English, Science, and
Foreign Language Courses
(1) (2)
Vocational math –2.6** –3.0**
Pre-algebra 0.7 0.4
Algebra/geometry 3.2** 2.0*
Intermediate algebra 3.2** 1.9
Advanced algebra 4.3** 3.0**
Calculus 6.7** 4.4
Below-grade-level English 0.4
Average English 1.5**
English literature courses 1.5*
Above-grade-level English 2.6**
Basic biology –0.8
General biology –1.5
Primary physics –2.3**
Secondary physics 0.5
Chemistry 1, physics 1 2.0
Chemistry 2, physics 2, advanced 2.0
placement biology
Foreign language (1–2 credits) 2.5
Foreign language (3–4 credits) 5.5**
NOTES: All models control for demographic, family,
school, and educational attainment characteristics. See Table 5.1
for a complete list. These percentages are not exactly equal to the
regression coefficients, because the coefficients represent a first-
order approximation to the proportional increase in earnings from
a one-unit increase in a regressor. The exact percentage change is
given by (e β − 1) * 100%, where β is the regression coefficient.
The model in column 1 is copied from the column 4 model of
Table 5.2 for easy comparison between the original math effects
before we account for ability and the math effects once we control
for other subjects. Another interesting comparison is the one
between the model with additional subjects and the math-only
model where we control for math GPA (see column 2 of Table
5.4). The math effects are very similar in these two cases,
indicating that including subjects in other courses may be a way
of controlling for motivation and ability.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10
percent level.
30 to 40 percent from the base level case, depending on the math course
(except for the case of vocational math). It is interesting to note that the
advanced-level English credits are predicted to have a larger effect on
earnings than are average-level English credits. It appears that taking an
advanced-level English course increases wages by more than an additional
course in algebra, geometry, or intermediate algebra does, but by less than
the more-advanced math courses do. Average-level English credits, on the
other hand, lead to smaller increases in earnings than do any of the math
courses at or above the algebra/geometry level. None of the science effects
are statistically significant except for the low-level science, primary
physics, which is predicted to have a negative effect on earnings (most
likely for the same reasons that vocational math does). Taking three or
four foreign language courses also has a significant positive effect. At 5.5
percent, its effect seems relatively large compared to those of other
subjects; however, it represents the effect of three to four credits whereas
the predicted effects of the other subjects represent the effect of one
additional credit.
Our results indicate that the mathematics curriculum has a large
effect on earnings, regardless of whether we also control for other types of
courses taken. Furthermore, contrary to Altonji’s findings, we find that
the sum of the parts (i.e., the effect of high school courses) is
approximately equal to the whole (i.e., the effect of an additional year of
high school, often cited as a 7 percent increase in earnings) for a student
who has completed an average-level high school curriculum. For a
student who takes a more advanced curriculum, the sum of the parts,
perhaps as expected, can be greater than the whole . This can be seen
best by considering some simple thought experiments.
To compare our estimated effects of a year’s worth of curriculum to
the 7 percent effect of a year’s worth of schooling, Table 5.6 shows OLS
estimates of potential combinations of high school curriculum during the
last two years of school. The first row shows that students who drop out
in grade 10 experience a 13 percent earnings deficit compared to those
who stay in school (calculated as the effect of having less than a high
school diploma in Table 5.3). This resonates with the estimated 7 percent
benefit per year that school provides. For students who do not drop out,
Table 5.6
Predicted Earnings Effect of Hypothetical Course Combinations
During Grades 11 and 12
we present three hypothetical course loads (low, medium, and highly
academic combinations) that they could take during grade 11 and
similarly for grade 12. The table demonstrates that returns to curriculum
depend critically on the type of courses a student takes. A low-level
curriculum has a predicted effect on earnings of about 2 percent.
Students with a medium-level curriculum achieve close to a 7 percent
increase in earnings for each year’s worth of their curriculum. However,
those with a high-level curriculum actually surpass that level and
experience an earnings premium closer to 9 or 10 percent for each
additional year of education. 28
The work in this chapter has demonstrated that math curriculum
seems to have a substantial effect on earnings well after high school
graduation. Depending on the specific math course, the basic linear
models show that one-half to three-quarters of the math effect operates
through the channels of educational attainment and choice of college
major. 29 A portion of the remaining math effect appears to be due in
part to the correlation among student’s ability, motivation, curriculum,
and earnings. In other words, highly motivated and able students, who
would earn higher wages in the future regardless of their high school
curriculum, happen to follow a more rigorous math program. Both
methods of accounting for this underlying relationship—ability controls
and instrumental variables—yield a similar result: Math effects do
diminish but are still important. Adding GPA to control for motivation
causes each specific math effect to decrease slightly. The high-level math
effects drop by more than the algebra/geometry effect does, resulting in
28Throughout this exercise, we assume that all other background characteristics are
held constant and that the only difference between the students we are comparing is their
curriculum. In other words, the effects within each academic year (e.g., grade 12) are
measured relative to a hypothetical student who stays in school that academic year but
does not take any math, English, science, or foreign language courses. The more
interesting comparisons are between students who take a high-level curriculum rather
than a low-level curriculum.
29We arrive at these proportions by comparing the linear model that controls for
demographic, family, and school traits to one that also controls for highest degree earned
and another that additionally controls for college major.
an algebra/geometry and an advanced algebra effect that are of similar
magnitudes. The effect of calculus still appears to be larger than the
other math effects and the effect of vocational math is still much lower. 30
For the most part, these results withstand the addition of other high
school subjects to the model.
One aspect of the above analysis makes it unique among published
research on curriculum and earnings: It is the first analysis that classifies
the number of math courses that students take based on the academic
level of the course. In doing so, we arrive at much more accurate
estimates of mathematics effects than previous researchers have been able
to do. We conclude that math does matter. We would not have found
these results had we used the aggregate number of math courses taken by
the student rather than the actual level of the math courses. We
elaborate on this point in Appendix C, but note here that this finding has
many implications for curriculum reform. Merely increasing the number
of courses required of students may not achieve the desired effect. It will
be important to focus on the type of courses students are required and
motivated to take as well.31 In particular, our results suggest that
algebra/geometry courses should be a fundamental part of any
curriculum reform.
30On the other hand, using instrumental variables predicts that algebra/geometry
courses tend to have the biggest positive effect on earnings (nearly 6 percent) and
vocational math seems have the same size effect but in the negative direction.
31When graduation requirements are increased, there is the potential risk of more
students dropping out. (See Costrell, 1994, and Betts, 1998, for a theoretical analysis and
Lillard, 1998, for an empirical analysis.)
6. Variations in Math Effects
Among Subgroups of Students
Even after controlling for a wide array of factors, high school math
curriculum appears to influence students’ earnings about a decade after
graduation. Do these results suggest that a rich math curriculum would
benefit all students equally, or are the benefits limited to certain
subsamples of students?
In this chapter, we first examine whether the results that we find at a
national level apply to California students. Next, we discuss whether the
math effects are similar for various subsamples of workers based on their
gender. We then investigate whether certain student characteristics and
measures of school resources influence the effectiveness of the math
curriculum. Finally, we discuss whether the math effects might depend
on the student’s ultimate level of education.
we cannot precisely estimate the math effects for California students in a
separate model, we perform two procedures to determine how the
national models might compare to a California model. We discuss the
results below, deferring the technical details to Appendix D.
First, we re-estimate the model of math effects, adding a series of
control variables that permit the math effects to vary depending on
whether the student attended a California high school. We find that any
additional California math effect is statistically indistinguishable from
The above model constrains the effects of the non-math explanatory
variables to be the same both in and out of California. However, the
estimated math effect is also determined in part by the way in which
math curriculum covaries with these other variables. So, we also test
whether the relationship between the math curriculum variables and the
remaining explanatory variables is the same in the California sample as it
is in the rest of the nation. We find that it is the same.
direct cognitive/productivity portion of the math effect. Once again, this
series of models allows us to see the path through which curriculum
works. Both sets of models control for the standard demographic,
family, and school characteristics that we use throughout the study, as
well as the student’s math GPA. Table 6.1 displays the results from this
exercise. The full set of regression results is displayed in Appendix Table
The effect of curriculum is quite strong for men in models that do
control for GPA but do not control for educational attainment. Column
1 of Table 6.1 shows that an additional credit earned in the
algebra/geometry category is predicted to increase earnings by 3.7
percent, whereas additional intermediate and advanced algebra credits
have even larger predicted effects—5.9 percent and 4.9 percent,
respectively. 2 Controlling for the student’s ultimate level of education
diminishes these effects substantially, suggesting that a large part of the
Table 6.1
Predicted Percentage Change in 1991 Earnings
Resulting from an Additional Math Credit,
by Gender
Male Female
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Vocational math –2.4* –2.6** –3.9** –3.9**
Pre-algebra 0.9 0.1 2.2 0.5
Algebra/geometry 3.7** 1.2 7.5** 4.6**
Intermediate algebra 5.9** 2.4 5.2** 1.4
Advanced algebra 4.9** 1.5 8.5** 5.0**
Calculus 4.2 0.9 14.4** 9.4*
Math GPA 6.2** 4.1** 5.5** 3.6**
Highest degree earned No Yes No Yes
NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. All models
contain controls for demographic, family, and school
characteristics. See Table 5.1 for a complete list. “Yes” indicates
whether the specified control variables are in the model.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10
percent level.
2These effects are statistically significant at the 5 percent level.
gains to taking math courses in high school for men come through
higher educational attainment. None of the effects remain statistically
significant except that of vocational math, which is negative.3
The predicted effect that math curriculum has on earnings is much
larger for women than for men, regardless of whether we control for
educational attainment. In the model that does not control for highest
degree earned, the predicted effects are almost double those for men. An
additional credit in algebra/geometry is predicted to increase women’s
earnings by 7.5 percent and an additional credit in advanced algebra by
8.5 percent. After controlling for the student’s highest educational
degree, these effects drop to 4.6 percent and 5.0 percent, respectively. 4
One explanation for why the effects may be larger for women than for
men is that they may be capturing a labor force selection effect that tends
to be stronger for women. Perhaps women who take more advanced
high school math earn more per hour and work more hours, but men
who take advanced math courses only earn more per hour. To the extent
that the curriculum effect includes both productivity and labor force
attachment, it will tend to be larger for women.
benefits on their students that more affluent schools do? Do students of
different ethnicity benefit from a given curriculum to varying degrees?
To some extent, we have been able to get at the answer by
controlling for many of the school and student qualities that may
influence curriculum’s effects. Ideally, we would like to have a large
enough sample of any particular population of interest (e.g., inner-city
schools with characteristics x, y, and z) so that we could estimate a model
using that subsample. However, with the available national datasets, this
is not feasible. Appendix D describes how we attempt to test whether
there are any interaction effects between math curriculum and student
and school characteristics; we briefly summarize the results of these tests
The effect of math courses on earnings does not appear to vary with
respect to student characteristics, characteristics of the student body at
the high school, or measures of school resources. This conclusion
reinforces the results in our previous chapter as it shows that a rigorous
math curriculum at any school can benefit students of any type.
Nevertheless, there may be some possible exceptions. There is some
weak evidence that math effects are strongest for disadvantaged students,
those from lower-income families, and those at schools at which students
on average take a less-rigorous curriculum. Why would students from
more-advantageous backgrounds benefit less from math curriculum?
One explanation is that they have the family and social infrastructure in
place that will help them succeed regardless of their curriculum. Thus,
curriculum does not really make or break these students’ later careers.
Curriculum really seems to make a big difference for students who may
not have these other safety nets.
might not matter for high school dropouts or for those who obtain no
postsecondary education. For college graduates, one would expect the
signaling returns to curriculum to disappear after controlling for
educational attainment.5 Yet, our results show that even after controlling
for the highest degree attained, math curriculum effects are still present
and strong, suggesting the presence of human capital effects. Even with
additional testing, described in Appendix D, we found very little
evidence that the curriculum effects depend on the student’s ultimate
level of education.
Although we were unable to estimate a separate model for the
subsample of California high school students, through a series of analyses
we have gained confidence that the results from the national model do
apply to California students as well. 6
Math curriculum is predicted to affect earnings significantly for both
men and women. However, for men, unlike women, most of the effect
of curriculum appears to work through the effect of math courses taken
in high school on the student’s ultimate level of educational attainment.
Another important component of this chapter discussed whether
student or school characteristics mediate the effectiveness of curriculum
in increasing earnings. This is a crucial concern for policymakers, who
will want to know whether, for instance, the math curriculum offered at
affluent schools with many resources and largely upper-income white
students will prove as effective in a different school and socioeconomic
environment. With some possible exceptions, most student and school
characteristics do not seem to alter the effect of math curriculum.
Furthermore, there do not appear to be any significant differences in the
effect of math curriculum for students of different educational
5If no education controls are in the model, high school curriculum may be a proxy
for the college signaling effect.
6Because HSB surveys students for the first time in their sophomore year, it
undercounts dropouts (especially Hispanic dropouts who are more likely to leave school
before grade 10) and immigrants who never attend U.S. schools. Given this undercount
and the small California sample, we cannot say definitively that there are no differences
inside California.
attainments. It is worth keeping in mind that the evidence supporting
these last two results is weak, yet we mention them as a point for further
policy discussion and research.
7. Math Curriculum and the
Earnings Gaps Among
Ethnic and Socioeconomic
As we demonstrated in Chapter 2, math course completion rates vary
considerably by ethnicity. Minorities are overrepresented in low-level
math courses and are underrepresented in higher-level math courses.
Nearly 9 percent of Hispanic students and 10 percent of black students
complete math credits at the advanced algebra level or higher,1 but these
completion rates pale in comparison to the rates of 22 percent and 43
percent for white and Asian students, respectively. 2 These patterns are
also apparent if we look at the number of credits earned rather than the
highest course completed. Asians and whites tend to earn fewer credits
in vocational and pre-algebra math courses than do Hispanic, black, and
Native American students. Conversely, these minorities earn fewer
credits in all math classes at or above the algebra/geometry level.
Discrepancies in math course-taking patterns are also apparent for
students of varied parental income levels. Drawing from our Chapter 2
results, students from the lowest-income families (those whose parents
earn less than $7,000 annually) are concentrated in the lower-level math
courses, with 46 percent failing to progress beyond vocational math. For
students from middle-income families (those earning $20,000 to
$25,000) only 19 percent fail to advance beyond that level. Whereas 24
1This includes students who complete credits in advanced algebra or calculus.
2We refer to the percentages from Chapter 2 in which we include every possible
public school observation for which we have race and math data. The same course-taking
trends documented in Chapter 2 are evident for the weighted regression sample as well.
percent of middle-income students take courses at or above the advanced
algebra level, only 8 percent of the lowest-income students do.
In light of these disparities in curriculum, this chapter asks: How
much of the earnings gap between members of different ethnic groups or
parental income groups can be attributed to these variations in
mathematics course-taking behavior? The first column of Table 7.1
reports the ethnic earnings gaps for the 1991 earnings of the HSB
sophomore cohort. The percentages indicate the difference between
average earnings for workers in the specified ethnic group and white
workers. Hispanic and black workers earn less than whites, on average—
Table 7.1
Percentage Earnings Gap Based on Ethnicity Difference
in 1991 Earnings Relative to White Workers
Other controls
Curriculum No No Yes
Demographic No Yes Yes
Family No Yes Yes
School No Yes Yes
NOTES: The effects of ethnicity are measured relative
to whites. Column 1 represents a simple model of 1991
annual earnings explained by ethnicity only. There are no
other controls in this model. Columns 2 and 3 represent
models that control for demographic, family, and school
characteristics. The specific variables in each of these
categories can be found in Table 5.1. The model in column
3 also controls for curriculum. The change in the ethnic
effects from column 2 to column 3 represents the portion of
the earnings gap that curriculum can explain. “Yes” indicates
whether the specified control variables are in the model.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10
percent level.
about 5 percent and 9.5 percent less, respectively.3 The asterisks indicate
that the gaps are statistically different from zero. We established the
magnitude of the ethnic earnings gaps by estimating a model of earnings
that controls only for the ethnicity of the student. Detailed regression
results for this and subsequent models in this chapter are presented in
Appendix Table E.1.
There are also large earnings gaps between students of different
socioeconomic backgrounds. The first column of Table 7.2 documents
the earnings gap for students who come from families of different income
levels. The percentages represent the difference in average earnings
between workers from the specified family income level and workers
whose parents are from the middle-income category, i.e., families that
earned between $20,000 and $25,000 a year in 1980. 4 Students in the
lowest-parental-income category (less than $7,000) earned 25.4 percent
less than students from middle-income families in 1991. Students in the
next-lowest-parental-income category ($7,000 to $15,000) earned 9.3
percent less, whereas those in the two highest-parental-income groups
earned 10 and 11.9 percent more, respectively. 5 We computed these
gaps by estimating a model of earnings that accounts only for parental-
income levels and no other explanatory factors.
The next two columns in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 show the earnings gaps
once we do take account of several noncurriculum factors. The bottom
half of the tables indicate which factors we account for in our model of
3These earnings deficits are smaller than those reported in other literature because of
the characteristics of the HSB data. The HSB dataset has smaller Hispanic gaps than the
Census data because the HSB sample includes only those people who are still in school as
of the second half of their sophomore year in high school. Thus, it excludes students who
drop out of school at an early age, as well as immigrants who had no U.S. education.
4The income categories in this chapter are defined in 1980 dollars. To get a better
feel for those categories, we list the 1980 dollar amount followed by its 1999 dollar
equivalent in parentheses: $7,000 ($14,153), $15,000 ($30,327), $20,000 ($40,437),
$25,000 ($50,546), and $38,000 ($76,830).
5It is important to note that because these results are derived from a very simple
regression model, they are equal to unweighted differences in mean earnings between the
different groups of students in the regression sample only. Weighted mean earnings gaps
from the regression sample are slightly larger. Unweighted differences in median earnings
for the regression sample, as opposed to mean earnings, are even larger.
Table 7.2
Percentage Earnings Gap Based on Parental-Income
Difference in 1991 Earnings Relative to Students
from Middle-Income Families
Other controls
Curriculum No No Yes
Demographic No Yes Yes
Family No Yes Yes
School No Yes Yes
NOTES: The effects of parental income are
measured relative to students from families with incomes
between $20,000 and $25,000. Column 1 represents a
simple model of 1991 annual earnings explained by
family income only. There are no other controls in this
model. Columns 2 and 3 represent models that control
for demographic, family, and school characteristics. The
specific variables in each of these categories can be found
in Table 5.1. The model in column 3 also controls for
curriculum. The change in the effects from column 2 to
column 3 represents the portion of the earnings gap that
curriculum can explain.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at
the 10 percent level.
earnings. As the second column of Table 7.1 shows, the Hispanic and
black earnings gaps disappear entirely in the more realistic model of
earnings that accounts for the student’s demographic, family, and school
characteristics.6 Asian students still experience an earnings premium
relative to white students, but the effect is statistically weak.7 Native
6We include all of the demographic, family, and school controls listed in Table 5.1.
Although we estimate the gaps to be –1 percent for black students and 1 percent for
Hispanic students, these effects are statistically indistinguishable from 0.
7It is significant at the 10 percent level.
American students still experience an earnings deficit when considering
these other factors. What factors are responsible for most of the closure
in the earnings gaps? Either parental income or parental education alone
can explain nearly all of the Hispanic gap and about half of the black
gap. Together, the two measures of parental background can account for
the entire earnings gap between whites and either of these minority
As the second column of Table 7.2 demonstrates, the earnings gaps
related to parental income groups are much smaller once we control for
demographic, family, and school factors, yet the gaps are still present
after accounting for these other characteristics. Students from the
lowest-income families earn 15.7 percent less than those from middle-
income families, and students from the highest-income families earn 5.9
percent more.
Can math curriculum explain a portion of these gaps that remain
once we account for noncurriculum factors? In column 3 of Table 7.1,
we show the ethnic earnings gaps that account for the student’s high
school math courses. Once we control for math curriculum, the
remaining Native American earnings deficit and the Asian earnings
premium are no longer statistically different from zero. In other words,
differences in the type of math courses taken by students of these
ethnicities, relative to white students, can explain why they have different
earnings than white students. More interesting, controlling for
curriculum provides weak evidence that Hispanic students are predicted
to earn 3.7 percent more than whites given similar curriculum and
background characteristics.8
Similarly, column 3 of Table 7.2 shows the earnings gaps related to
parental income once we account for curriculum. Math curriculum
appears to be responsible for over 25 percent of the unexplained earnings
gap experienced by students from lowest-income families relative to
middle-income families.9 The gap becomes insignificant for the next-to-
8This effect is significant only at the 10 percent level, so it does not meet the
requirements for strict statistical significance.
9This is computed as the percentage change in the lowest-income (less than $7,000)
parental effect from column 2 to column 3 of Table 7.2. If we include measures of
lowest income group ($7,000 to $15,000) after adding curriculum to the
model. However, students from the two highest-parental-income
categories still experience about the same earnings premium that they do
without controlling for curriculum. Thus, curriculum explains a large
portion of the earnings gap between students from low-income and
middle-income families, but it does not help to explain the gap between
students from high-income and middle-income families. 10
The results from this section carry important policy implications.
Whereas many other factors help to determine the labor market success
of students whose parents have average and high incomes, students of
low-income families could significantly improve their earnings prospects
with a better curriculum. Policies aimed at encouraging, motivating, and
preparing low-income students to take a more rigorous curriculum could
have substantial benefits for both current and future generations.11
We repeat this analysis for gender-based subsamples and display the
regression results in Appendix Table E.1. We caution that because of the
smaller sample sizes of these subgroups, the results may lack precision.
However, there are some interesting similarities and differences that
deserve mention. For men, there appears to be a statistically significant
earnings gap for blacks and a weakly significant earnings gap for
Hispanic students in the model that controls for personal, family, and
school characteristics but excludes curriculum. Adding curriculum to
English, science, and foreign language curriculum in the model that controls for math,
the gap narrows by about another 7 percent.
10In this section, we discuss only results from adding the six math curriculum
measures. Adding the aggregate number of math credits earned instead of the six separate
measures does not induce as much of a change in the ethnic or parental-income effect.
This indicates the importance of being able to use disaggregated curriculum information
to explain earnings.
11The overall picture does not change if we also control for GPA in the column 2
and column 3 models. The parental income gap between the lowest-income and middle-
income students shrinks from –0.159 to –0.122 once we account for curriculum,
representing a 23 percent drop rather than a 25 percent drop. Once again, the gap
between the highest- and middle-parental-income groups does not change from model to
model once we control for math curriculum. If we additionally control for the student’s
highest educational attainment in the column 2 and column 3 models, the lowest- to
middle-parental-income earnings gap changes from –0.123 to –0.107 when we add
controls for curriculum, representing a 13 percent change, yet the earnings gap between
middle- and high-income students does not close.
this model eliminates the Hispanic effect and causes the black-white
earnings gap to decrease from 9.4 percent to 8.1 percent.12 On the other
hand, Hispanic and black females experience an earnings premium after
controlling for demographic, family, and school characteristics that only
increases once curriculum controls are added. The earnings premium
experienced by Asians actually decreases once curriculum controls are
added. The opposite direction in which ethnic effects work for the
genders may explain why the effects are not detectable for the pooled
sample of men and women.
The results regarding earnings gaps related to parental-income levels
are much more comparable between the genders. Before including the
math curriculum measures in the model for either gender, workers from
the lowest-parental-income bracket are predicted to earn significantly less
than workers in the middle-income ($20,000 to $25,000) comparison
group, whereas workers in the two highest-income categories are
predicted to earn significantly more. Accounting for curriculum causes
the earnings gap between the lowest-income and middle-income families
to decline 33 percent for females and 23 percent for males.13
Curriculum does not change the effect of having high-income parents.
This chapter has asked whether observed differences in earnings
related to race, ethnicity, and parental income might in part reflect
variations in the high school curriculum taken by students from various
backgrounds. For the pooled sample of men and women, earnings
models that control for a student’s demographic, family, and school
characteristics indicate that ethnicity does not affect earnings. Thus,
standard background variables can fully account for the gaps in earnings
between races, leaving no role for curriculum in explaining earnings gaps.
The HSB dataset underrepresents workers who drop out of school or
immigrants who have never attended American high schools, which may
explain our surprising finding that standard background variables fully
12Because these numbers represent the regression coefficients in a log-earnings
model, they are a first-order approximation to the earnings gap.
13Including English, science, and foreign language curriculum in the model that
controls for math causes the gaps to narrow by another 4 percent for males and 7 percent
for females.
account for ethnic earnings gaps. 14 However, when we repeated the
analysis for men and women separately, we found some weak evidence
that curriculum helps to explain the lower earnings of Hispanic men
relative to white men.
In sharp contrast, the effect that curriculum could play in decreasing
the earnings gap related to parental income is quite remarkable.15
Variations in the standard set of background variables can explain some
but not all of the earnings differences related to parental income.
Variations in high school curriculum can account for over one-quarter of
the remaining earnings gap between students with the lowest parental
income and middle-income students. Similarly, the gap between the
second-lowest-income group and the middle-income group becomes
statistically insignificant after controlling for curriculum. Our findings
are especially important because it is most likely the low-income students
who slip through the cracks or are diverted into the less-rigorous
curriculum paths. The results imply that if policies are in place to target
these students and arm them with the prerequisites necessary to succeed
in the more rigorous courses, the school system might increase the
effectiveness of high school education for disadvantaged students.
14This dataset especially underrepresents Hispanic dropouts because they are
especially likely to leave school before grade 10.
15It is important to bear in mind that although we did not explicitly find that
standardizing the curriculum can help narrow the ethnic earnings gap, the ethnic
composition of students in the lowest-parental-income group is such that narrowing this
gap would be a step toward narrowing the ethnic earnings gap as well: 30 percent of the
lowest-income students are Hispanic, 20 percent are black, and 34 percent are white.
8. Concluding Remarks
This report has examined the relationship between the curriculum
students take in high school and their educational attainment and
earnings approximately a decade after graduation. Given past evidence
that math achievement is particularly strongly related to the earnings of
workers, the report focuses mainly, but not exclusively, on the effect of
math courses.
For two reasons, we hypothesized that students who take more math
courses in high school might later earn more in the labor market. First, a
richer high school curriculum increases the ability of students to gain
admission to, and to graduate from, college. We call this the “indirect
effect” of curriculum on earnings. Second, a richer high school
curriculum may directly increase a person’s earnings later in life because
it increases the person’s cognitive ability and all-around productivity.
We consider this the direct effect of curriculum on earnings.
Our graphs and simple correlations establish a strong relation
between math curriculum and both the probability of college graduation
and earnings 10 years after students graduate from high school. But any
reader of this report has good reason to wonder whether such correlations
are causal. For instance, suppose that students who grow up in an
affluent family tend to receive relatively more encouragement from
parents to excel academically and have more academic resources in the
home such as books and computers. Such students are more likely not
only to take advanced math courses in high school but to graduate from
college and to earn high wages in the labor market. In such a case, family
income, rather than curriculum, might be the driving force behind
higher wages. In another scenario, students may vary in motivation or
ability. More able students might not only enroll in a richer set of high
school courses but also are likely to earn higher wages later in life. It
would be misleading to interpret the positive correlation between
curriculum and earnings that would result from such a scenario as being
caused by curriculum.
Our statistical analyses of the effect of curriculum on both college
graduation and earnings pay close attention to these issues. To minimize
the possibility that curriculum is merely standing in for other factors such
as family income, parental education, or school resources, the analyses
take account of such student and school characteristics. In addition, the
analyses use a number of techniques to take account of variations among
students in ability and motivation.
Our statistical analyses predict that taking a richer math curriculum
in high school does indeed increase both the probability of graduating
from college and earnings about a decade after the end of high school.
Figure 8.1 shows how the probability of graduating from college is
related to the highest math course that students take in high school. 1
Because earnings provide a better measure of how well off a person is
than a simple indicator of whether a person has graduated from college,
we now summarize some of the more important findings with respect to
earnings. Earnings effects vary with the academic level of the course,
with calculus having the largest effects and the lower-level math courses
having progressively smaller effects. The most robust finding is simply
that “math matters.” For instance, in our main models, a number of
math courses are significantly related to earnings. Figure 8.2 shows the
predicted effect that additional specific math courses have on earnings
after accounting for demographic, family, and school characteristics, and
it divides this effect up into the direct cognitive effect (the dark bars) and
the indirect effect that works through educational attainment (the light
bars). Because of the important role that ability and motivation can play
in affecting which math courses students take, we treated these
confounding factors separately from the others. Figure 8.3 shows the
direct math effects from the previous figure both before and after
accounting for ability and motivation effects. In another model that uses
an “instrumental variables” technique to control for unobserved
1Here we show the overall results for the average student (i.e., a student with the
mean values of all of the explanatory factors in the model), whereas in Chapter 4 we
showed the results for particular ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
45 42.8
40 38.0
10 8.1
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics as well as the student’s ability as
measured by his or her math GPA and math test score. The highest completed
math course is the highest-level course in which the student completed at least
one semester.
10 Indirect effect
(explained by highest 6.7
degree earned)
4.9 4.9
2 0.7 3.1
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics. An additional math course refers
to an additional year-long course.
3.2 3.0 3.2
0.7 0.5
Vocational Pre- Algebra/ Intermediate Advanced Calculus
math algebra geometry algebra algebra
NOTES: When estimating the math effects, we control for the student’s
demographic, family, and school characteristics. To estimate the effects net of
ability and motivation, we also control for the student’s math GPA. An additional
math course refers to an additional year-long course.
did not find that curriculum could explain much of the earnings gap
among students from higher-family-income categories. However,
curriculum can explain nearly one-quarter of the remaining gap between
students in the lowest-income group and students in the middle of five
income groups. Perhaps even more striking, math curriculum can
account for almost all of the earnings gap between students from the
second-lowest and middle-family-income groups. 2 Overall, this finding
is an important result because it offers a tool for increasing the degree of
equity in students’ labor market outcomes later in life.
2Once again, it is worth noting that the aggregate number of math credits a student
earns cannot explain as much of this earnings gap.
To sum up, the main message of this report is that math matters.
Math curriculum is strongly related to student outcomes nearly 10 years
after students should have graduated from high school. Curriculum has
an indirect effect on earnings by affecting who attends and succeeds in
college. However, even independent of a student’s ultimate level of
educational attainment, math is predicted to affect earnings directly,
especially for women.
Another important message of this report is that not all math courses
are equal. More-advanced math has a much larger predicted effect on
college graduation rates and earnings.
At the school and district level, what lessons can be gleaned from our
study? The analysis strongly suggests that algebra, beyond the
introductory level, acts as a “gateway” course that opens opportunities to
high school students in both postsecondary education and the labor
market. Thus, our results provide some empirical support for initiatives
at the district or school level to increase the percentage of students who
complete algebra courses.
We found no evidence that the effectiveness of additional math
courses increases in schools with more highly paid teachers, better-
educated teachers, or smaller pupil-teacher ratios, although we caution
that our conclusions might have changed had a larger dataset been
available. For an example of research that suggests different conclusions,
see Betts, Rueben, and Danenberg (2000). Their detailed study of
California schools at the classroom level presents evidence that the
provision of advanced curriculum in the state’s high schools is
systematically linked to the level of experience and education of teachers.
If these finding apply generally, then enriching the curriculum at a given
high school might first require investments in improved teacher training
to succeed. In addition, interventions in curriculum in middle schools
and even elementary schools may need to precede bold initiatives to
increase the rigor of the curriculum offered in California’s high schools.
There is a second reason why a mandate to reform minimum course
requirements could backfire, especially if the reforms were sudden and
substantial. It would clearly be a mistake to insist that within a short
time period all students must finish courses through, for instance,
calculus, while in high school. The large earnings premium we observe
in our data for students with advanced math skills reflects the relative
scarcity of such workers. A massive increase overnight in the number of
workers with such skills would surely decrease the wage premium for
such workers, through the simple law of supply and demand. But it does
seem likely that improving the math curriculum for the least highly
achieving students could materially improve their economic prospects.
Further research on these issues is essential.
Our findings are relevant for the many policymakers who have
focused on the large gaps in educational achievement among various
socioeconomic groups in the state and the nation. Our results here are
not definitive, owing to the small size of some of the socioeconomic
groups in our sample. Nonetheless, the findings are intriguing: Policies
that target low-income students and those who go to schools with a high
percentage of disadvantaged students may be particularly well rewarded.
We also found some evidence that variations in math curriculum might
account for roughly one-quarter of the earnings gap between students
from families with the lowest income and middle income. Thus,
attempts to enrich the curriculum in schools serving relatively
disadvantaged students might provide quite a powerful tool for
narrowing the earnings gap between disadvantaged and more-advantaged
The finding that more-advanced math courses have larger predicted
effects on earnings than do less-advanced courses is of particular
relevance to California, which is in the middle of implementing a set of
major reforms designed to improve school quality, especially in the
schools with lowest achievement. One part of this reform effort involves
developing a set of grade-specific content standards in math and other
subjects. A second part of the reforms aims to devise a new high school
“exit” exam that all students must take before graduating from high
school, beginning with students projected to graduate in 2004. In
November 1999, Governor Gray Davis strongly recommended to the
State Board of Education that it include algebra in the exam. However,
in December 1999, the board reached an impasse on the governor’s
recommendation, in part because state law did not, at that time, make
algebra a graduation requirement. Later, in fall 2000, California did pass
legislation making algebra a high school requirement. At about the same
time, initial results from field tests of the high school exit exam began to
suggest that large percentages of California high school students might
fail the test, leading to a suggestion that the algebra component of the
test be simplified somewhat.
Our results cannot provide a detailed resolution of these policy
debates. But our findings indicate that it is the type of math course,
especially algebra/geometry courses, that seems to matter most for long-
term outcomes. Throughout a battery of robustness tests, credits earned
in the algebra/geometry category most reliably remained a statistically
significant predictor of earnings.
Policymakers need to monitor the package of school resources that
appears to be necessary to provide all students with equal opportunity to
take some of the more-advanced math classes in high school. This
package includes not only overall spending but also strategies aimed at
providing an appropriate foundation for students to succeed in these
more-advanced math courses. Subject to this qualification, increasing
math requirements for high school graduation in reasonable and
methodical ways could do much to improve equality in student
outcomes 10 years after high school graduation. In this light, the
governor’s recent efforts to funnel additional resources to
underperforming schools, together with his proposal to include algebra in
the formal requirements for high school graduation, hold considerable
promise. These reforms maintain public attention on issues such as
school spending, class size, and teacher quality, while at the same time
bringing new attention to the heart of the matter: what students actually
learn in school.
Appendix A
Data Description
available, we opted for the more-detailed restricted version. With this
data file, every high school math course a student took is classified into
42 categories using the standard Classification of Secondary School
Courses (CSSC).3 Such detail is quite appealing but rather analytically
daunting. We reduced these 42 classes into six broader categories based
on a classification system provided by the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES).
In the unrestricted version of the data, only the total number of
math classes that a student took is available. Thus, no measure of course
difficulty is available. Also problematic is that the pre-calculated course
counts in the transcript data give each course taken a count of one. So, if
one student takes a one-year algebra course and another student takes
two one-semester algebra courses, they will have course counts of 1 and
2, respectively. In essence, the two students have taken the same course,
but their tally is misleading. This could lead to measurement error bias
in our models that would bias the estimated effect of math toward zero.
So, we calculate the number of credits students earn directly from the
raw transcript data and do not use the pre-calculated version.
system, although we did deviate slightly after some initial analysis.5 We
maintain the NCES category titles but also include a brief description of
the category in parentheses (see Table A.1). Throughout the report, we
refer to the categories by these descriptive titles.
Table A.1
Math Course Classification System
Table A.2
Science Course Classification System
Other Variables
Earnings. To calculate the log of 1991 earnings, we used the HSB
reported 1991 annual earnings: Y4301B9.6 We checked these data
6Although the last follow-up took place in the spring of 1992, the annual earnings
data from that year seem inaccurate. Whereas the average annual earnings steadily
increased from 1982 through 1991 in an expected fashion, they fell to about half of their
expected value in 1992, almost as if some respondents gave year-to-date earnings
information. Even after discussions with the HSB personnel from the Department of
Education, the cause of this is not clear. Although the 1991 earnings reports were self-
extensively to ensure plausible values. We individually inspected all
earnings over $75,000 and all earnings that changed by more than
$30,000 between 1991 and either the year before or the year after. By
comparing the 1991 data to the 1990 and 1992 data, it seemed that a
high value was often the result of a data entry error. For example, a
common scenario was 1990 earnings of $11,500 that jumped to
$115,000 in 1991 and back to $11,500 in 1992. In such obvious cases,
we assumed that an extra zero had been inadvertently entered for the
1991 data, and we used $11,500 as the 1991 value. Big changes in
earnings were sometimes explained by the fact that a student recently
obtained a bachelor’s degree and so went from earning nothing to
earning $40,000. We left such values untouched. It is important to note
that the 1992 data were useful in this exercise but not usable for more-
extensive purposes because of their inaccurate nature.
To determine an approximate monthly wage, we divided annual
earnings by the number of months that the respondent was employed
during 1991. We derived the number of months employed from the
HSB variables: Y4302A61–Y4302A72. We excluded the number of
months in which the respondent was unemployed and receiving
compensation in the measure of “months employed.”
Educational Attainment. The HSB data contain two measures of
the respondent’s highest educational degree obtained by June 1992:
HDEG and HGHDG92. We used HGHDG92 as the primary measure
of highest degree earned, because it is derived from actual college
transcripts as well as interview data. Because HDEG comes only from
transcript data, in cases where recent transcript information is missing,
HGHDG92 will most likely assign higher levels of education, assuming
that the student reports these levels in the interview.
We did make two slight adjustments. First, we created a new
category for those students with some postsecondary education but no
degree. If a student was a high school graduate (according to
HGHDG92) but had some postsecondary education (according to
HDEG), he or she was put into this new category. Additionally, if
reported and retrospective in nature, they are likely to be accurate because the data were
gathered in 1992 (and near tax time for 1991 income).
HGHDG92 was missing, we used HDEG to fill in the gaps. These
categories were then used to construct a series of dummy variables
indicating the respondent’s highest degree obtained.
We believe that students who dropped out of high school but later
obtained a high school diploma or GED are included in the “high school
graduates” category (or higher if they go on to earn a higher degree). Of
the students who received the HSB first follow-up dropout questionnaire
in the spring of 1992, 43 percent were classified by the HGHDG92
variable as having a high school diploma or higher. 7
College Major. Using MAJUG1, we constructed a series of dummy
variables representing the major associated with the respondent’s earliest
bachelor’s degree. Only those students who completed at least some
postsecondary education were assigned major categories. If the student did
not complete a bachelor’s degree, but still had a major reported on his or
her college transcript, the student was assigned that major. Guided by
Grogger and Eide (1995), we divided the 100-plus categories found in
MAJUG1 into nine broad categories: (1) business: accounting, finance,
operations research, business administration, marketing, data processing
and economics; (2) engineering: engineering, computer programming,
information sciences, architecture; (3) science and math: physical sciences,
life sciences, agricultural sciences, natural resources, mathematics; (4)
education and letters: education, letters, philosophy, religious studies,
visual and performing arts, foreign languages, English, liberal studies,
library sciences; (5) social sciences: social sciences (excluding economics),
communications, civics, psychology, public administration, protective
services, interdisciplinary studies, area and ethnic studies, law, journalism;
(6) technical: construction, mechanics, transportation, design; (7) health:
dental and medical technologies, health, nursing, audiology, dentistry,
medicine, public health, food sciences; (8) other majors: home economics,
cosmetology, recreation; (9) missing majors.
7To the extent that students who obtained a GED are classified as “high school
graduates” in our earnings models, the estimates of having less than a conventional high
school diploma will be understated and the estimates of having a degree higher than a
conventional high school diploma will be overstated. We thank Richard Murnane for
pointing out this issue.
Demographic Characteristics. The composite variables RACE and
SEX were used to construct zero-one dummy variables for ethnicity and
gender. The age of the respondent was calculated using the birthday-
related questions that were asked in the base year as well as in the follow-
up surveys. When the birthdays were not the same for the different
waves of the survey, we used the earliest birthday. Marital status was
calculated using the monthly marital status variables Y4401A97-A99 and
Y4401AA0-A8. Students were considered married in 1991 if they were
married, in a marriage-like relationship, reunited, or remarried for at least
one month in 1991.
Family Characteristics. To form the family income categories, we
used the 1980 student-reported family income category BB101. Where
this value was missing, we instead used FAMINC, another student-
reported family income category obtained after 1980. Because the
income categories from these two separate years did not coincide exactly,
we condensed them into six income categories that are better aligned.
This potentially provides about 2,200 more usable observations for the
entire HSB sample of students.
To compute a series of parental educational attainment dummy
variables, we used BB039 and BB042. We constructed seven education
categories each for the mother and father: less than high school, high
school, vocational school, some college, college graduate, advanced
degree, and missing.
To determine whether at least one parent was a U.S. native, we used
the HSB variables BB040 and BB043.
To determine the number of siblings, we used BB096A-E, FY106-
09, and TY5A-M. We used the number of siblings calculated from the
1982 questions. If that was missing, we used the number calculated from
the 1986 variables.
School Characteristics. We do not report all of the variables that we
used to control for school characteristics, but we do mention
modifications that we made to a few of them. After analyzing
frequencies of the school variables, we felt that some values should be
treated as missing. We generally did this when there was a large
discontinuity in values. We set the following variables to missing: books
per student if it was greater than 142, student-teacher ratios if they were
less than one or greater than 82, length of school year if it was less than
179 or greater than 190, and teacher salary if it was less than $6,000.
Math Test Score. The math test score that we included was based
on a math test in which students had 21 minutes to answer 38 questions.
The questions required them to compare two quantities and determine
whether one was greater, whether they were equal, or whether the
relationship was indeterminable based on the given data. We used the
HSB-computed Item Response Theory (IRT) scores from this test as our
measure of math test score.8
Grade Point Average and Number of Credits Earned. We
computed the student’s math GPA on a scale of 0 to 4.3. We took a
weighted average of the student’s grade points for each course, where the
weights were the number of credits that the student earned for the class.
These credits were either 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, or 1, depending on whether the
course length was a quarter, trimester, semester, or, more commonly, a
year-long course.9 We converted letter grades to grade points. An “A”
received 4 points, a “B” received 3 points, a “C” received 2 points, and a
“D” received 1 point. We added 0.3 points for a “plus” and deducted
0.3 points for a “minus.” For example, we counted a “B+” as 3.3 points.
If a student failed a course, but subsequently retook it and passed it,
we included the letter grade and credit information from the successful
completion of the course in the student’s GPA, but we ignored the
information from the failed attempt. We believed that it is the final level
of success in a given course that is likely to have the greater effect on a
student’s subsequent educational attainment and earnings. If, however,
the student failed a course and did not repeat it successfully, we included
8IRT is a “method of estimating achievement level by considering the pattern of
right, wrong, and omitted responses on all items administered to an individual student.
Rather than merely counting right and wrong responses, the IRT procedure also
considers characteristics of each of the test items, such as their difficulty and the
likelihood that they could be guessed correctly by low-ability individuals. IRT scores are
less likely than simple number-right formula scores to be distorted by correct guesses on
difficult items if a student’s response vector also contains incorrect answers to easier
questions.” See Ingels et al. (1995, p. M-4).
9This credit measure was standardized, so that a typical one-year course was assigned
1 credit and a half-year course was assigned 0.5 credits. These standardized credits are
also known as Carnegie units. They were standardized based on a formula that takes into
account the number of minutes per school year that the class meets.
the credit information in the student’s GPA calculation but assigned 0
grade points to the course. In other words, we gave the student credit for
having taken the course, but lowered the GPA accordingly.
The credit values that we used to compute the GPA also served as
our measure of math curriculum. So, for example, a student who took a
one-year calculus course had a tally of 1 for that course category. A
student who took three semesters worth of a geometry course had a tally
of 1.5 for that category. In a few cases, students received a grade of
“pass” in a course. We did not include these grades in the GPA
calculations but we did add the number of credits earned to the tally of
credits earned by the student.
We estimated an alternative specification where we included only the
courses that the student passed in the GPA calculation and in the tally of
credits that the student earned. The results from our main models did
not change when we used this alternative measure.
Data Accuracy
As noted above, we devoted an extensive amount of time to inspecting
plausible data values. The values that seemed extremely questionable were
treated as missing. For example, we considered student-teacher ratios of
0.17 and of 2,000 to be invalid and assumed them to be missing. For
variables other than the dependent variable (college graduation in Chapter
4 and earnings in Chapter 5) and the curriculum measures, we adopted
the policy of setting missing values equal to zero and then including a 0-1
dummy variable indicating whether the variable was missing or not. This
allowed us to work with a larger sample size.
excluded students from private schools. We also eliminated students
who transferred schools while attending high school. Because we believe
that school characteristics play an important role in determining student
success, we controlled for school characteristics in our regressions; and in
the case of students who attended two schools, it was not clear what set
of school characteristics to use. Finally, we excluded those students who
were enrolled in postsecondary education at any time during 1991 or for
whom enrollment data were missing, because their earnings might not be
truly reflective of their potential earnings nor of their human capital
formation or final signal.10
Table A.3 shows how the sample was reduced when we eliminated
observations in a specific order. The number and percentage of
observations lost is calculated relative to the remaining tally of
observations that accounts for all previously listed missing observations
and restrictions.
For example, 21 percent of students in the HSB data attended
private schools and therefore were excluded from the analysis. Of the
remaining public school observations, only 9,116 have nonmissing
earnings data. We lost 13.6 of the nonmissing public school
observations because of the restriction that earnings must be between
$2,000 and $75,000. Only 28 of those observations were lost because of
the upper limit that we impose to exclude outliers and inaccurate data.
Table A.4 reports the missing variables in a slightly different format.
Rather than computing the number of missing/unusable observations
relative to those remaining after other restrictions have been made, this
table documents the number and percentage of observations that are
missing from the overall sample of public schools. Whereas Table A.3
shows that 11 percent of public school students with nonmissing earnings
data in the proper range are missing math curriculum data, Table A.4
shows that 13.6 percent of all public school students are missing
curriculum data. Similarly, whereas only 7 percent of those observations
with valid earnings and curriculum data are missing the college
10There were no school attendance data for August 1991, so in practice the
restriction applies to those enrolled, or missing enrollment data, during the remaining 11
months of the year.
Table A.3
Number of Additional Missing Observations As More Restrictions Are Enacted
Table A.4
Missing Observations Out of 11,724 Total Public School Observations
Appendix B
Probit Results
P(collegeis ) = F( X isβ)
where F(.) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function
(CDF) and
X isβ = α + λCurric is + ρiGPA is +
ρ2 TSis + β1Demois + β2Famis + β 3 Schis
where Curricis denotes curriculum, GPAis is math grade point average,
TS is is the math test score, Demois refers to demographic information,
Famis and Schis are family and school characteristics, respectively. The
explanatory variables are described in the main chapter. The vector β
represents the coefficients obtained from the maximum likelihood
estimation of the probit model. Because of the model’s nonlinear nature,
the values of β do not represent the marginal effect of a particular
explanatory variable on the predicted probability of completing college.
So, in addition to presenting the exact probit estimates, we devote a
section to interpreting the meaning of the coefficient values and how
changes in math curriculum translate into changes in the predicted
probability of completing college.
The estimated probit coefficients are given in Table B.1, where each
column represents a slightly different model. Our main focus, and the
model from which Figures 4.1 and 4.2 are derived, revolves around the
model in column 2. This model uses a pooled sample of males and
females and controls for aptitude and motivation by including both the
Table B.1
Probit Regression Coefficients from Models of College Completion
(dependent variable = 1 if student graduated from college)
math GPA and the student’s 1980 math IRT test score.1 For the sake of
comparison, we also present model 1, which includes only math GPA for
such a control. Both models also control for the standard demographic,
family, and school characteristics. Because the curriculum measures are a
series of dummy variables, we omit the lowest-level math category
(vocational math) as the control group. The remaining math coefficients
are measured relative to this omitted group.2 In both cases, all of the
math curriculum measures are significantly different from the effect of
the omitted vocational math category. As expected, the math coefficients
are positive and increase in magnitude as the difficulty level of the math
courses increases. This indicates that taking a more-advanced math
course increases the likelihood of graduating from college.3 In addition
to similar trends, models 1 and 2 also yield roughly similar curriculum
coefficient values.
To ensure that taking a more advanced math curriculum leads to a
higher likelihood of graduating and not just a higher likelihood of
attending college, we also estimate the probit model on a restricted
sample of those students who obtained some positive amount of
postsecondary education. Even for this subsample of college-bound
students, a more-advanced math curriculum increases the predicted
1We limit the sample to those students who have taken at least one math course.
This simplifies the analysis and does not substantially change the results.
2The curriculum measures that we use in this model are a series of six dummy
variables indicating the highest level of math course the student completed during high
school. We chose this measure of curriculum, rather than the number of credits earned,
to more easily analyze the ensuing probit results.
3To verify that succeeding math-level coefficients are significantly different from
each other (and not just significantly different from the omitted group), we used a series
of likelihood ratio tests. We computed the likelihood ratio statistic based on the log
likelihood values from the unrestricted model and a series of restricted models. The LR
Test Stat = –2(LogL(restricted) – LogL(unrestricted)). The six restrictions that we tested
separately are the effect of math level j equals the effect of math level (j+1) for j = 1 to 5
and a joint test that all of the math levels are equal. We rejected the null at less than the 5
percent level regardless of whether we controlled for GPA alone or GPA and math test
score, with one exception. In the model that controlled for both GPA and math test
score, we could not reject the hypothesis that the effects of advanced algebra and calculus
are the same.
probability of graduating. The coefficients are presented in the third
column of Table B.1.
The last variation of the model we estimate is simply the model from
column 2 broken down by gender (see columns 4 and 5). The same
increasing trend in curriculum coefficients is present in these models.
The magnitudes of the curriculum coefficients in each of these
subsamples are extremely similar to each other and to the coefficient
values of the pooled regression, the most dramatic differences being that
calculus and pre-algebra have a much larger effect on the predicted
probability of graduation for females than they do for males.
The last item that warrants attention at this stage is the relative
importance of GPA with respect to math curriculum. The average GPA
for the overall pooled sample is 2.18 (slightly better than a straight “C”).
According to model 2, an increase of an entire grade point (to a “B”
average) would add only 0.31 units to the Xβ term of the average
student. This is about the same increase that occurs if the student
completes advanced algebra rather than just stopping at intermediate
algebra. Below this level of math course, additional math levels have a
much greater effect than a full grade increase in GPA. This indicates that
students deciding whether to trade off taking a difficult math course for a
boost in their GPA should forgo the course only if by doing so they can
raise their GPA by at least one full grade. On this same subject, the math
test score has a smaller effect compared to any of the math curriculum
measures but is still in the same “ballpark.” The mean math test score is
approximately 13 points. An increase of 10 points (just over one
standard deviation) is predicted to cause a 0.24 rise in the Xβ term.
As we mentioned above, the drawback of this genre of nonlinear
model is that coefficients cannot be interpreted as the marginal effect on
the probability of a successful outcome. Because the predicted
probability of graduating from college is not equal to Xβ itself, but rather
to the normal CDF evaluated at Xβ, the change in the predicted
probability is the slope of the normal CDF evaluated at Xβ (i.e., the
standard normal probability distribution function multiplied by β).
Because the normal CDF is nonlinear, the slope varies as Xβ varies. To
see how, we include a graph of the normal CDF in Figure B.1. At high
negative and positive levels of Xβ, an increase in Xβ (for example,
Probability (college = 1)
F (Xβ)
–5 –3 –1 1 3 5
resulting from taking a higher level of math course) causes only a very
small change in the predicted probability of graduating from college.
However, if Xβ is close to zero before the change occurs, a slight increase
in Xβ will have a much larger increase in the predicted probability.
The question then becomes: To calculate the effect that a change in
Xβ has on the predicted probability of graduating from college, from
what initial value of Xβ should we begin? As we pointed out in Chapter
4, we are interested in how the effects of curriculum vary by ethnicity
and socioeconomic groups. Therefore, we divide our sample into 16
subgroups based on four ethnic groups and four parental-income groups.
For each subgroup, we calculate the mean values of all of the family,
school, and demographic explanatory factors of that group and use this
value as our starting point for Xβ.4 Next, using model 2, we compute
F(Xβ), which gives us the baseline predicted probability that the average
student within that group graduates from college, given that the highest
math class he or she took was vocational math. We then add the pre-
algebra coefficient to Xβ and recalculate F(Xβ) to compute the predicted
probability that a student graduates from college given that he or she
4This is the original XB with all of the curriculum measures set to zero.
took up to pre-algebra. We repeat this process for the algebra/geometry
through calculus coefficients, each time adding the coefficient of interest
to the baseline Xβ value. 5 This yields a range of probabilities describing
the likelihood of graduating from college given the six different levels of
math courses. Table B.2 presents the predicted probabilities of
graduation for the overall group as well as for each of the subgroups.
These values were used for the graphs in Figures 4.1 and 4.2.
It is worth mentioning that we also estimated a linear probability
model rather than a probit model and found that the math effects on the
probability of graduation were in the same ballpark as our exercise
predicts. Furthermore, with the linear probability model, we used the
same instrumental variables technique that we used in the models of
earnings later in the report to net out the ability/motivation effects that
might be combined with the math effects. Although the effects of math
diminished slightly, the effects of all math courses were still quite strong
and very dependent on the level of the math course.
5Note that normally the product of the explanatory variable and its coefficient
should be added to the original XB term. However, because our explanatory variables are
0-1 dummy variables, this reduces to adding the coefficient on its own.
Table B.2
Predicted Probabilities of College Graduation for the Average Person with at Least 0.5 Credits
in the Stated Highest Math Course
Black, low income 281 0.046 0.077 0.139 0.259 0.369 0.417
Black, medium income 76 0.067 0.107 0.183 0.321 0.439 0.489
Black, high income 80 0.108 0.163 0.260 0.419 0.543 0.592
Hispanic, poor income 133 0.008 0.016 0.035 0.085 0.144 0.174
Hispanic, low income 538 0.023 0.041 0.081 0.169 0.259 0.301
Hispanic, medium income 145 0.035 0.060 0.112 0.219 0.321 0.368
Hispanic, high income 157 0.045 0.075 0.136 0.255 0.364 0.412
Asian, poor income 9 0.034 0.058 0.110 0.215 0.316 0.362
Asian, low income 81 0.083 0.129 0.215 0.363 0.484 0.534
Asian, medium income 20 0.130 0.193 0.299 0.465 0.588 0.636
Asian, high income 34 0.314 0.410 0.545 0.709 0.806 0.838
Table B.2 (continued)
Asian, father low education 66 0.054 0.089 0.157 0.285 0.398 0.447
Asian, father high education 37 0.412 0.514 0.646 0.792 0.870 0.894
NOTES: The overall sample size is greater than in the probit results because we can include those students who have missing information
about their highest degree attained for this exercise. The average person is assumed to have the average values of each of the explanatory variables.
These probabilities are calculated using the model that controls for both math GPA and math test score in addition to the standard background
Appendix C
Econometric Earnings Models
and Results
Although the main body of Chapter 5 lists the variables within the
Demo, Fam, Sch, and HiDeg categories, a few technical points deserve
mention. Because many of the variables are categorical, we omit one of
the categories and represent the remainder by a series of 0–1 dummy
variables. Thus, the coefficients on the remaining variables are measured
relative to the excluded group. The category breakdowns are explicitly
listed in the table of means (Table C.1). Because we include the school
variables upon which the HSB survey was stratified, we do not weight
the regressions.
As we mentioned in Chapter 5, earnings data do not explicitly
measure an hourly wage and so really represent two different effects: a
productivity effect and an hours-worked effect. In addition to restricting
the income range to help eliminate the hours-worked effect by removing
unemployed people from our sample, as a second solution, we estimate a
model in which the dependent variable is a monthly wage (calculated as
1991 annual earnings divided by the number of months that the
respondent was employed during 1991). We did this to help elicit
productivity rather than variations related to labor force attachment, but
found that the results changed very little.
In addition to the problem of omitted ability bias mentioned in
Chapter 5, we should note the source of another potential model
misspecification. In our initial analyses, we assume that the error term is
independent across students. However, there could potentially be some
shocks that affect all students at a particular school in the same way. In
this case, the error term would be correlated across observations from the
same school, and OLS would no longer yield efficient estimates of the
coefficients. A random effects model takes account of the correlated
error terms, yet it turns out that in this case, the random effects estimates
are nearly identical to the OLS estimates. So, in this report we present
only the OLS results for simplicity. An alternative to the random effects
model is a fixed effects model in which we include a dummy variable for
each school. We discuss the results from these models in the
instrumental variables section of this appendix.
Table C.1
Summary Statistics
Table C.1 (continued)
Table C.1 (continued)
Table C.1 (continued)
Table C.1 (continued)
Summary Statistics
Because HSB used a stratified national probability sample of schools
in which schools with high percentages of Hispanic students were
oversampled, the summary statistics must be weighted to make
meaningful projections to the population as a whole.2 We present both
weighted and unweighted means and standard deviations in Table C.1
for both the regression sample and the total sample of public schools.
For reasons cited in Chapter 5, we limit the observations used in these
calculations to the 11,724 students in public schools.
As expected, because of the oversampling method, the percentage of
Hispanics falls dramatically, from 22 percent to 13 percent, when we
weight the means (see the change from column 1 to 2 and from column
3 to 4). The rest of the means are extremely similar between the
unweighted and weighted versions (for both the total sample and the
regression sample).
Appendix A details the loss of observations resulting from missing
values for earnings and other variables.3 Earnings data are missing for
approximately 20 percent of the public school sample, primarily because
2Although that type of school was oversampled, within the school 36 students were
randomly selected. Because of the ethnic composition of the oversampled schools, this
still leads to a higher than nationally representative proportion of Hispanics in the
3Primarily, we drop observations if earnings or curriculum data are missing. We
also drop observations of students who transferred schools, who were enrolled in college
in 1991, or whose income did not fall in the specified range.
of the lack of participation in the final follow-up. Because some crucial
data are missing and therefore unusable in the regression analysis, we also
calculate descriptive statistics for the subsample that we use to estimate
the earnings models (the regression sample). These are displayed in
columns 3 and 4 of the same table. In this subsample, the means and
standard deviations are strikingly similar to those obtained when using
the full set of potential public school observations. 4 This offers some
assurance that sample attrition and missing values have not distorted our
Despite the comparable means between the regression sample and
the full sample, we were still concerned that the estimated curriculum
effects might not be representative of the entire sample because of the
high percentage of students with missing data. As an additional test, we
examined whether the relationship between the curriculum variables and
the remaining explanatory variables in the earnings model is the same for
students in and out of the regression subsample. But rather than
compare the simple correlations between the math curriculum variables
and the remaining explanatory variables for students in and out of the
regression sample, we took a more comprehensive approach. 5 We
regressed each of the math credit measures on the remaining explanatory
variables, a dummy variable indicating whether the observation is in the
regression sample and a series of interaction terms in which each
explanatory variable is interacted with that newly constructed dummy
variable. Table C.2 shows the number of significant interaction terms
that we found from this procedure. In four of the six models, none of
the interaction terms were significant. In the vocational math model,
only four of the 53 possible interaction terms were significant; and in the
algebra model, only one interaction term was significant. Such a small
4The biggest mean difference occurs in the percentage of sample members who are
male. This percentage is 4.5 points higher in the usable regression sample, indicating that
we lose a disproportionate number of females. This is not surprising because, on average,
more females will be out of the labor force and therefore missing earnings data in the
appropriate range.
5These explanatory variables include all of the demographic, family, and school
characteristics that we described in Chapter 5, as well as the highest educational
attainment dummy variables. See Table 5.1 for a complete list of the variables.
Table C.2
Number of Significant Interaction Terms in Tests
of Similarity Between the Regression
Sample and the Entire Sample
Table C.3
Log Earnings OLS Regressions
Table C.3 (continued)
Table C.3 (continued)
Table C.3 (continued)
Table C.3 (continued)
completed calculus also completed one course each of algebra,
intermediate algebra, and advanced algebra, the original coefficient values
indicated that such a student would have earnings approximately 51
percent higher than would somebody who did not. This exactly equals
the sum of algebra/geometry, intermediate algebra, advanced algebra, and
calculus (the typical course sequence of students who end up with
calculus as their highest class) coefficients on the math credit measures in
our original model (column 1 of Table C.3). The corresponding sums of
math credit coefficients and dummy variable coefficients are close in all
model specifications, but there are some differences. This is because in a
minority of cases, math credits within each level did not equal zero or
one. Some students earned only half a credit in a category; sometimes
they earned two. Nonetheless, the similar results from these two
methods of measurement assures us that our original curriculum
measures are robust to this change in specification.
where σ x,y is the covariance between x and y and σ2x is the variance of x.
Thus, the estimated curriculum coefficient is biased if there is any
correlation between ability and the curriculum measure.6 This same
principle holds in the multivariate case, except that the degree of bias is
composed of the correlation between ability and all the other explanatory
Table C.4
Log Earnings Models: OLS Regression Results with Various Ability and
Motivation Controls
the school’s average curriculum measures are considered the instrumental
A valid instrument must be correlated with the student’s curriculum
but not correlated with the error term. Judging by actual estimates, the
school’s average curriculum within each category is highly correlated with
the student’s own level. It will not be correlated with the error term if
the distribution of students within each school is the same. However, if
some schools are higher-ability schools because, for example, parents of
highly motivated students all flock to the same school, then the
instrument will not fully eliminate bias resulting from unobserved
variation in student ability or motivation. Nonetheless, for the reasons
provided in Chapter 5, and given the dearth of other instrument
candidates, we are confident that these IV estimates enable some useful
The results from using instrumental variables to estimate the model
are presented in Table C.5. In the first stage of this two-stage least
squares procedure, we regress each of the six math curriculum measures
on each of the six school average curriculum variables and the full set of
independent variables. In the second stage, we substitute the predicted
curriculum values for the actual curriculum values and estimate the log-
earnings models as before. We limit the regression to observations for
which there are more than four other students from the same school. We
do this to calculate meaningful average curriculum values. 8
7Altonji (1995) introduced the idea of using the school’s average curriculum as an
instrument for the student’s curriculum.
8We exclude the student’s own curriculum when calculating the school average
curriculum for that student. In our second-stage regression, we exclude students who
come from schools where the school average curriculum was calculated using fewer than
four observations. This requirement causes us to exclude about 4 percent of the students.
The results change only minimally if we change the requirement for the number of
observations for computing the average from each school. The number of students per
school ranges from 1 to 36, with a median of about 12. We try an alternative
specification where we estimate the first-stage regressions using the largest possible sample
of students, including those students whom we exclude from the second-stage regression
because they have missing earnings data. Although this may help to increase the school
information and might include students who are less able and not in our earnings sample
because they are not employed, the results change only minimally.
Table C.5
Log Earnings Models: OLS, Instrumental Variables Estimation, and School
Fixed-Effects Results With and Without Ability and Motivation Controls
The first two columns repeat the results from the linear regressions,
and we use these as baseline comparisons. The model in column 1 does
not control for GPA, whereas the model in column 2 does. Column 3
shows the IV results with no additional ability controls, whereas column
4 adds GPA controls.9 The results are strikingly similar across both IV
specifications. Vocational math is significant and negative in both cases.
More interesting, though, credits earned in the algebra/geometry
category are significant at the 5 percent level in both specifications and
are of similar magnitude at approximately 8 to 9 percent. This is a rather
large increase from the baseline comparison case. It appears that the
effect of higher-level math courses has been condensed into the
algebra/geometry category. It is important to stress that although the
higher-level math coefficients now have negative signs, they are measured
so imprecisely that they are not significantly different from zero. 10 We
conclude that although these IV estimates differ from the other models
in specifics, they continue to suggest that math curriculum has important
predicted effects on earnings about a decade after high school.
As another robustness check, we use OLS to estimate a model with
high school fixed effects. Whereas the IV estimates should net out ability
effects within each school, the fixed-effects estimates should control for
across-school variations in ability. These results appear in the last two
columns of Table C.5. When we do this without GPA in the model, the
coefficients on the curriculum variables rise by about .01 relative to the
comparable OLS estimate model without fixed effects, except for pre-
algebra and algebra/geometry coefficients, where they are unchanged.
Further, the coefficient on vocational math is no longer significant.
Table C.6
Log Earnings Models (OLS and IV) with Specific Math, English,
Science, and Foreign Language Courses
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Vocational math –0.027** –0.030** –0.084** –0.075*
(0.010) (0.011) (0.030) (0.039)
Pre-algebra 0.007 0.004 0.015 0.030
(0.014) (0.014) (0.034) (0.045)
Algebra/geometry 0.031** 0.020* 0.090** 0.097**
(0.010) (0.011) (0.035) (0.044)
Intermediate algebra 0.032** 0.019 –0.107 –0.129
(0.016) (0.017) (0.068) (0.082)
Advanced algebra 0.042** 0.030** –0.077 –0.093
(0.014) (0.015) (0.050) (0.058)
Calculus 0.065** 0.043 –0.132 –0.162
(0.032) (0.033) (0.167) (0.171)
Below-level English 0.004 0.019
(0.013) (0.033)
Average English 0.015** 0.025
(0.008) (0.024)
English literature courses 0.015* 0.034
(0.009) (0.029)
Above-level English 0.026** 0.071**
(0.013) (0.036)
Basic biology –0.008 –0.080*
(0.019) (0.046)
General biology –0.015 –0.069*
(0.013) (0.040)
Primary physics –0.023** –0.060*
(0.012) (0.031)
Secondary physics 0.005 0.143
(0.034) (0.100)
Chemistry 1, physics 1 0.020 –0.004
(0.014) (0.060)
Chemistry 2, physics 2, 0.020 0.028
advanced placement biology (0.020) (0.073)
Foreign language (1–2 credits) 0.025 –0.024
(0.017) (0.104)
Table C.6 (continued)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Foreign language (3–4 credits) 0.054** 0.129
(0.026) (0.143)
R-squared 0.199 0.200 0.187 0.186
No. of observations 5,919 5,735 5,864 5,681
NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. All models control for
demographic, family, school, and educational attainment characteristics. See
Table 5.1 for a complete list. Each model contains an intercept. Column 1
repeats the model from column 4 of Table C.3 for easier comparison.
Column 3 repeats the model from column 3 of Table C.5 for easier
comparison. For the first-stage regressions in each IV model, the p-values for
the F-test of the hypothesis that the coefficients on the instruments are equal
to zero are 0.0001.
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10 percent level.
estimated model, the low-level science courses are still predicted to have
negative, and now even larger, statistically significant effects.
Altonji (1995)
Altonji attempts to ascertain the value of an additional year of high
school courses in hopes of answering the question: Does an extra year of
education serve merely as a screening device or do the courses that make
up that year possess some intrinsic value as well? He uses the National
Longitudinal Survey of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS72). In
particular, he uses the number of credits that students complete in eight
different subjects during grades 10, 11, and 12, as well as rich data about
family background and high school characteristics. 12 He models the log-
wage of each person as a linear function of the credits that the student
completes, standard background characteristics, and years of
postsecondary education. Because the eight curriculum variables are
highly correlated with one another, 13 he conducts the same analysis using
11Gamoran (1998) provides an excellent review of other studies that have
undertaken similar goals. Most of these studies are quite dated and are not in the
economics literature. Many focus on the effects of tracking rather than specific high
school courses. Others that do look at courses restrict their samples to students who
obtain no postsecondary education.
12The eight subjects are science, math, English, social studies, foreign language,
industrial arts, commercial courses, and fine arts.
13This means that an overestimate of one course’s coefficient could coincide with an
underestimate of the coefficient on a different course.
combinations of courses by subject instead of entering the individual
courses separately.
He uses three methods to estimate the effects of the curriculum:
basic OLS models, OLS models with high school fixed effects, and an
instrumental variables approach in which he uses a school’s average
number of credits earned per student within each subject as an
instrument for each student’s number of credits earned.14 All three
approaches lead to similar results. Altonji’s overall conclusion is that “the
effect of a year equivalent of courses is much smaller than the value of
one year in high school.” In other words, the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts. Even before controlling for background characteristics
and using the IV approach, each additional year of science, math,
English, social studies, and foreign language combined leads to a
minuscule 0.3 percent increase in wages. He finds stronger curriculum
effects if he excludes the (negative) effects of English and social studies.
An additional year of math, science, and foreign language increases
earnings by 3.3 percent.15 Because an additional year of school is
estimated to increase wages by 7 percent, Altonji’s results lend support to
the view that high school serves as a screening device rather than as a
mechanism for human capital formation.
HSB survey. Like Altonji, they use the number of credits earned in math
and science courses (separately) as their curriculum measures in the HSB
data. Another noteworthy aspect of their work is that they are the first to
estimate separate models for men and women.
Levine and Zimmerman find that science classes have very little
effect on wages for either males or females. They find that math credits
have an effect on females’ wages, but not on males’ wages.16 However,
this effect is limited to women who have completed some college or have
earned a college degree. For female college graduates, an additional
semester of math during high school is predicted to lead to a 5.4 percent
increase in log wages. 17 One factor that may be confounding their
results is that the authors do not distinguish between public and private
schools. If private schools are more academically inclined, the measured
curriculum effect may really be picking up a private school effect.
on earnings could look quite different for workers in their late twenties
than for a sample of 24-year-olds who, to some extent, have not yet
settled into careers. Second, the transcript data for the 1982 HSB seniors
is much more detailed than for the 1980 HSB seniors. Third, both
Levine and Zimmerman and Altonji study a cohort of seniors, thus
excluding high school dropouts. Because we begin with a grade 10
cohort, we are able to include some dropouts in our models. Fourth, we
use a completely separate HSB sample from the one used by Levine and
Zimmerman, allowing for a largely independent test of the effects of
curriculum. Fifth, whereas Altonji examines earnings in the 1970s and
in 1986, and Levine and Zimmerman examine earnings in 1986, we
follow the students into the early 1990s. Given the dramatic increase in
the returns to education in the United States between the late 1970s and
the mid 1990s, it seems important to estimate the relation between
curriculum and earnings using a recent set of wage observations.
To highlight the difference that classifying courses by their type
makes, we re-estimated our earnings models using the aggregate credits
earned in a particular subject rather than the detailed credit counts. 18
We then compare the results from our aggregate model to Altonji’s
(1995) results. We present the outcomes from the aggregate model in
Table C.7 (for models estimated with OLS and IV). Once again, all
models control for demographic, family, school, and educational
attainment characteristics. Because we are no longer using the academic
level of curriculum, we also include a control for the student’s self-
reported high school track (academic, general, vocational, etc.). This
leaves a model that is very similar to Altonji’s.
Estimating with OLS yields a predicted effect from the aggregated
math measure that is an average of the effects when the math curriculum
levels are entered separately. 19 However, when we include all four
subject areas in the model, the aggregate math effect drops by almost 50
18Rather than relying on the pre-calculated course counts provided in HSB, we
calculate the total number of credits earned directly from the transcript data.
19This can be seen by comparing the average of the math effects from models 1 and
2 of Table C.6 to the math effects in models 1 and 2 of Table C.7.
Table C.7
Log Earnings Models (OLS and IV) with Aggregate Math,
English, and Foreign Language Courses
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Math 0.024** 0.014* –0.010 –0.027
(0.007) (0.008) (0.024) (0.033)
English 0.012 0.028
(0.007) (0.022)
Science 0.005 –0.025
(0.008) (0.026)
Foreign language 0.023** 0.028
(0.007) (0.031)
R-squared 0.192 0.193 0.191 0.190
No. of observations 5,919 5,735 5,864 5,681
NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. All models control
for demographic, family, school, and educational attainment
characteristics. See Table 5.1 for a complete list. These regressions also
control for the track (academic, general, or vocational) in which the
student participated. For the first-stage regressions in each IV model,
the p-values for the F-test of the hypothesis that the coefficients on the
instruments are equal to zero are 0.0001. Excluding high school
dropouts from the analysis changes the results only minimally (on the
order of 0.002).
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10 percent
case, indicating that it may be picking up the effects of some of the other
subjects. When we estimate these aggregate models using instrumental
variables, none of the curriculum effects are statistically significant at the
5 percent level.
What is encouraging to note is that the results from the models with
aggregate course counts in the four subjects are extremely similar to the
results from comparable models in Altonji (1995). 22 This gives us
confidence that our method of classifying the curriculum by level may be
helping to explain some of the “curriculum puzzle.” 23 To further
approximate Altonji’s results, we estimated these models but excluded
students who did not graduate from high school. The results changed
minimally, with the predicted effects differing by 0.002 at the most. We
had originally hypothesized that our results might differ from Altonji’s
because we are using a more recent cohort and have included high school
dropouts in our analysis. Now it seems clear that the differences stem
mostly from our more detailed classification of curriculum.
As we point out in the main text, this finding has many implications
for curriculum reform. Merely increasing the number of courses required
of students may not achieve the desired effect. It will be important to
focus on the type of courses students are required to take as well.
22This applies to models estimated by both OLS and IV methods.
23This term was coined by Altonji when describing the small estimated effects of
Appendix D
Testing for Variations in the
Effectiveness of Math Among
Subgroups of Students
variables to the national model that interact the math curriculum
variables with a variable that describes whether the student is from
California. 2 The math effects in this model are comparable to those in
the corresponding national model. Because none of the California
interaction terms are statistically significant, this indicates that the
curriculum effects for students do not depend on whether the student
attends a California high school. Of course, the size of our California
sample may be limiting our ability to discern minor differences in the
effect of curriculum.
Math Effects and Gender
As we discussed in Chapter 6, there may be differences in the way
math affects earnings for men and for women. Table D.1 shows the
regression coefficients and standard errors that correspond to the results
presented in Table 6.1. The main text provides an analysis of this table.
Table D.1
The Effect of an Additional Math Credit on the Log of
1991 Earnings, by Gender
Male Female
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Vocational math –0.024* –0.026** –0.040** –0.040**
(0.013) (0.013) (0.018) (0.018)
Pre-algebra 0.009 0.001 0.022 0.005
(0.018) (0.017) (0.022) (0.022)
Algebra/geometry 0.036** 0.012 0.072** 0.045**
(0.013) (0.013) (0.016) (0.016)
Intermediate algebra 0.057** 0.024 0.050** 0.014
(0.021) (0.022) (0.025) (0.025)
Advanced algebra 0.048** 0.015 0.082** 0.049**
(0.019) (0.019) (0.022) (0.022)
Calculus 0.041 0.009 0.134** 0.090**
(0.042) (0.042) (0.049) (0.049)
Math GPA 0.060** 0.040** 0.053** 0.035**
(0.011) (0.011) (0.013) (0.013)
Highest degree earned No Yes No Yes
R-squared 0.140 0.161 0.180 0.209
No. of observations 3,184 3,184 2,712 2,712
NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. All models contain
controls for demographic, family, and school characteristics. See Table 5.1
for a complete list. If we include the student’s college major in addition to
his or her GPA and highest degree, the results change minimally. The math
effects for males are still measured very imprecisely. For females, the
advanced algebra and calculus coefficients drop by about 0.01 and are both
significant at the 10 percent level. The other math coefficients change even
less. “Yes” indicates whether the specified control variables are in the
**Significant at the 5 percent level; *significant at the 10 percent level.
words, we estimate seven new models in which each model interacts the
six math curriculum variables with a different school quality measure
(student-teacher ratio, percentage of teachers with a master’s degree,
unionization status of teachers, number of students at the school, length
of school year, teacher salary, and school spending). For ethnicity, we
estimate just one new model in which all of the ethnic dummy variables
in our original model are interacted with each of the math curriculum
measures. We also use this latter technique for the models that include
interactions with parental income and school rigor.
The following school quality measures did not produce any
significant interaction effects: student-teacher ratio, school spending,
and number of students in the school. The student characteristics that
were not significant were math GPA and parental income when
measured in six categories (each of the six income levels interacted with
each of the math courses). Most of the interaction terms from the
remaining variables were also insignificant.
The overriding conclusion from the interaction analysis is that the
predicted effect of math courses does not depend on student or school
characteristics. Without taking away from this overall picture, below we
briefly discuss the few interaction effects that are statistically significant.6
In all of these cases, caution should be exercised in interpreting the
results. It is important to note that in these new models, many of the
direct curriculum effects are no longer statistically significant. The lack
of significant interaction terms and the curriculum variables may be the
result of collinearity between these covariates. The fact that many of the
estimated math effects (both direct and indirect) take on bizarre values in
these new models reinforces this assertion.
Table D.2 displays only the significant interaction effects from the
series of models that we estimated. 7 Each set of rows represents a
separate model in which the particular variable (or set of variables in the
case of race, parental income, and school rigor) is interacted with the six
math course variables and added to the baseline model that additionally
controls for demographic, family, and school characteristics, as well as
math GPA and the student’s ultimate level of education. For the
continuous variables, the top row within any category of school
characteristics indicates the predicted effect of a particular mathematics
course for students with the average value of the given school
6Considering that there were 42 potential interaction terms that could be significant
(six interaction terms in each of seven school quality models), the fact so few effects were
significant reassures us that math curriculum effects are not driven in large part by the
school quality measures.
7Some insignificant effects are included for expositional purposes.
Table D.2
The Effect of Math Courses on Earnings When the Effect Depends on
School or Student Characteristics
(in percent)
% disadvantaged students
Math effect at average value 0.75* 3.46
Additional effect for:
1 standard deviation above –2.38** 3.09*
1 standard deviation below 2.07** –2.56*
Teacher unionization
Effect for not unionized 7.66** –10.13
Additional effect for unionized –5.57** 16.57*
School rigor
Effect for low 38.06**
Additional effect for:
Medium –33.13*
High –36.18**
Student's ethnicity
Math effect for white 1.71 3.36
Additional effect for:
Black 9.37*
Asian 19.15*
Native American
Table D.2 (continued)
characteristics. The next two rows within each category indicate how
much that effect changes for students who attend schools with values of
the school resource one standard deviation above and below the average
value. 8 Similarly, for the discrete variables, the top row within each
student/school characteristic category is the math effect for the stated
8The continuous variables are the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree,
teacher salary and the percentage of disadvantaged students at the school. The remaining
variables take on discrete values.
group of students. The bottom rows represent the change in the math
effect experienced by the alternative groups of students.
Teachers with a Master’s Degree. There is weak evidence that an
increase in the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree diminishes
the effect of algebra/geometry credits. At an average school where about
49 percent of the teachers hold a master’s degree, the predicted effect of
an algebra course is 2.74 percent in this model. However, this effect is
reduced by 1.69 percentage points for students at schools where the
percentage of teachers with a master’s degree is 73 (one standard
deviation above the average). 9 This does not seem intuitive, but bear in
mind that just because there are more teachers at a school with a master’s
degree, it does not mean that they are necessarily matched to the algebra
courses. It is also important to note that the overall effect on earnings
from an increase in the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree is
not negative. Although it is not displayed in the table, the direct effect
that increasing the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree has on
earnings almost completely counterbalances the decrease in the math
effect. Therefore, earnings are not predicted to change at all as the result
of a more educated group of teachers.
Teacher Salary. Another point of note is the effect of teacher salary
on the benefit of pre-algebra courses. At average values of teacher salary,
pre-algebra credits are not predicted to have much effect on earnings
(–0.17 percent). However, the effect is reduced by 1.58 percentage
points at schools where teacher salary is $1,107 (one standard deviation)
higher than the average. Such an effect seems counterintuitive, yet we
offer one possible explanation. To the extent that lower teacher salary is
a proxy for less-affluent schools, this result indicates that an additional
course in impoverished areas has more of a “make-or-break” effect on
students’ life prospects than it would in more affluent areas.
Disadvantaged Students. Increases in the percentage of
disadvantaged students at a school appear to cause the lower-level math
courses to be less effective and the higher-level courses to be more
9On the other hand, at schools where only 25 percent of the teachers hold a master’s
degree (one standard deviation below the average), the predicted effect of algebra
increases by 1.71 percentage points.
effective. Thus, students who go to schools with higher shares of
disadvantaged students but who take high-level math courses will have a
larger increase in earnings from those courses than students at schools
with fewer disadvantaged students. If the percentage of disadvantaged
students at the school increases by one standard deviation (approximately
25 percentage points), the advanced algebra effect would increase by 3.09
percentage points from 3.46 percent.
Unions. The algebra/geometry math effect may depend somewhat
on whether teachers are unionized. In schools where the teachers are not
unionized, the predicted effect of an additional algebra/geometry course
is 7.66 percent. However, in schools that are unionized, the effect is
much smaller at about 2.09 percent.10 This value is more comparable to
the 2.9 percent effect in the baseline model that controls for GPA.
Unions themselves may not be the direct cause of this change in
effectiveness, because schools may unionize in the presence of larger
problems.11 On the other hand, calculus appears to be more effective in
unionized schools. The contrasting effects of unionization are puzzling
and a convincing rationalization for them is not forthcoming.
High School Rigor. When we interact high school rigor with math
curriculum, we get similar results. To measure a school’s rigor, we
compute the average highest math level of students attending that school.
We then create a three-level variable indicating whether this value is low
(less than algebra), medium (algebra or geometry), or high (more than
algebra). It turns out that students from schools of the lowest rigor
receive a much bigger “kick” from calculus than do students from higher-
level schools. At such schools, calculus has a 38 percent predicted effect
on earnings. At high-level schools, this effect drops by about 36
percentage points, leaving a 2 percent effect. Getting through calculus at
a less-rigorous school (perhaps in the inner city) is a real testament to
ability, motivation, and drive and so part of the overall math effect may
really be capturing this student characteristic. The models attempt to
10This is computed by subtracting the additional effect for unionized schools from
the effect at non-unionized school.
11See Hoxby (1996) for a discussion of the effect of teacher’s unions on education
mitigate this possibility by controlling for GPA. However, unobserved
variations in ability and motivation could still be a part of the
Ethnicity. There is weak evidence that, relative to white students,
black students may benefit more from advanced algebra courses and
Asian students from calculus courses.
Parental Income. When we measure parental income in six
categories, there is still no evidence of differential math effects.
However, if we condense parental income into four categories, there is
some weak evidence to indicate that the lowest-income students may
benefit more from the lower-level math courses than students from
higher-income categories. Yet, once again, we caution that the imprecise
nature of the estimates leads to point estimates in which we are not
entirely confident.
Appendix E
Ethnic and Socioeconomic Earnings
Gaps, by Gender
Table E.1
Earnings Gaps Based on Ethnicity and Parental Income (before and after curriculum is added to the model)
Pooled Pooled Male Female
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Native American –0.229** –0.102** –0.068 –0.171** –0.134** –0.022 –0.002
(0.054) (0.052) (0.051) (0.064) (0.063) (0.087) (0.085)
Black –0.100** –0.010 –0.0002 –0.094** –0.081** 0.077** 0.085**
(0.024) (0.025) (0.0249) (0.033) (0.032) (0.039) (0.039)
Hispanic –0.052** 0.010 0.036* –0.042* –0.019 0.070** 0.103**
(0.019) (0.021) (0.021) (0.026) (0.026) (0.036) (0.035)
Asian 0.092** 0.072* 0.023 –0.021 –0.056 0.175** 0.109*
(0.043) (0.044) (0.043) (0.056) (0.055) (0.068) (0.067)
<$7K –0.293** –0.171** –0.124** –0.157** –0.121** –0.200** –0.133**
(0.032) (0.032) (0.032) (0.041) (0.041) (0.050) (0.049)
$7K–$15K –0.098** –0.039* –0.025 –0.007 –0.001 –0.066* –0.041
(0.023) (0.022) (0.022) (0.028) (0.028) (0.034) (0.034)
$15I–$20K –0.026 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.034 –0.043 –0.031
(0.025) (0.024) (0.023) (0.031) (0.030) (0.037) (0.036)
$25K–$38K 0.096** 0.070** 0.070** 0.070** 0.070** 0.076** 0.076**
(0.026) (0.025) (0.025) (0.032) (0.031) (0.040) (0.039)
$38K + 0.112** 0.058** 0.059** 0.098** 0.099** 0.013 0.018
(0.030) (0.029) (0.029) (0.036) (0.035) (0.048) (0.047)
Curriculum No No No Yes No Yes No Yes
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About the Authors
Heather Rose is a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of
California, specializing in the economics of education. Her research
interests also include school finance and how different racial groups are
affected by the educational process. Her current projects include a study
of affirmative action policies at the college level and a study of how high
school curriculum affects the test score gap between white and minority
students. She holds a B.A. in economics from the University of
California, Berkeley, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the
University of California, San Diego.
Julian Betts is a senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of
California and an associate professor of economics at the University of
California, San Diego. Much of his research over the past decade has
focused on the economic analysis of public schools. He has written
extensively on the link between student outcomes and measures of school
spending, including class size, teachers’ salaries, and teachers’ level of
education. More recently, he has examined the role that standards and
expectations play in student achievement. His other main areas of
research include higher education; immigration; technology, skills, and
the labor market; and the economics of unions. He holds an M.Phil. in
economics from Oxford University, England, and a Ph.D. in economics
from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
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