Gate Triggering Circuit
Gate Triggering Circuit
Gate Triggering Circuit
• Relaxation oscillators.
• Switching Thyristors like SCR, TRIAC etc.
• Magnetic flux sensors.
• Voltage or current limiting circuit.
• Bistable oscillators.
• Voltage or current regulators.
• Phase control circuits.
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
• Capacitor in starting is at zero voltage (Vc=0)
and switch suddenly closed at t=0 applying
Edc to the circuit.
• Since VE = VC= 0, the UJT emitter diode in
reverse biased and the UJT is OFF.
• The amount of reverse bias is Vx volts which
can be obtained using the voltage divider
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
• In many cases R1 and R2 are much smaller than
RB1 and RB2, and Vx becomes approximately equal
to ȠEdc.
• In this condition the only emitter current flowing
will be small–reverse–leakage, IEO.
• Also, RB1 will be at its “off” value (typically 4 kilo
• Thus we can consider the emitter to be open IE=0
and capacitor will begin to charge toward the
input voltage Edc through register R.
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
• Capacitor voltage increase as shown in figure.
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
• It will continue to increase untill the voltage at the
emitter reaches the peak value Vp1 given by equation.
• At this time diode becomes forward biased and UJT turns
‘on’ with RB1dropping to a very low value (typically 10
• Since diode now in forward biased, capacitor will
discharge through the low-resistance path containing the
diode, RB1and R1.
• The capacitor discharge is short time constant normally
very short compare to its charging time constant(see in
• The discharging capacitor provides the emitter current
needed to keep the UJT ‘on’ untill IE drops to below valley
current Iv, at which time the UJT will turn ‘off’.
Unijunction Transistor Relaxation
• This time occurs at time T2 when the capacitor
voltage has dropped to the valley voltage
Vv(typically 2-3 volts).
• At this time RB1 returns to its ‘off’ value, the diode
is again reverse-biased and IE = 0.
• The capacitor will begin charging towards Edc
once again the previous chain is of events will
repeat itself indefinitely as long as power to the
applied to the circuit.
• This result is a periodic saw tooth type waveform
shown in figure.
Figure- saw tooth type waveform
Calculate the frequency
• To calculate the frequency of this waveform,
first calculate the period of one cycle.
• The length one period, T1, is essentially the
time it takes for the capacitor to charge to Vp
since the discharge time T2 is usually relatively
short .
• Thus T = T1 and given by
Calculate the frequency
In most cases, Vp = Ƞ Edc + VD and the period
and be written as