Mati City Executive Summary 2014

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Geographically, the City of Mati is located in the Second Congressional District

of the Province of Davao Oriental. As a component City of Davao Oriental, it houses
various national and corporate agencies, educational institutions including that of the
Provincial Capitol and covers a territorial jurisdiction of twenty-six barangays. It became
a city thru Republic Act. No. 9408. The City of Mati acquired its corporate existence thru
ratification by a majority of the votes cast by the qualified voters in a plebiscite
conducted last June 18, 2007.

In line with ten-point program and trust of the National Government, the Local
Government utilized its resources on the different priority programs, infrastructure
projects and activities which will redbud to the benefits and betterment of its constituents.
The City Government continuously implements the basic and necessary project and
activities such as construction/rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, bridges,
drainages, flood controls and public market. Support to Education, Culture, Sports,
Manpower Development, Health Services, Labor and Employment, Housing and
Community Development and Social Welfare Services and Environmental Protection are
the concerns in this year’s expenditures. In its thrust to encourage investors, projects and
programs relating to tourism activities such as Sambuokan and Pujada Bay Festival and
having a business and child friendly programs are highlighted during the year. Enough
budget is also provided for the implementation of programs and activities relating to
Agriculture, Social Welfare, Peace and Public Safety, Environmental Protection,
Community Development and Clean and Green.


For the period ended December 31, 2014, comparative information on the
financial condition and results of operation is summarized below, to wit;

 Financial Position

The following are the comparative figures of the balance sheet accounts of the
City as of December 31, 2014 and 2013:

Account 2014 2013 Increase (Decrease)

Amount Percentage
Assets 930,430,565.77 755,642,902.91 174,787,662.86 23%
Liabilities 354,523,778.89 369,380,755.21 (14,856,976.32) -4%
Equity 575,906,786.88 406,262,147.70 169,644,639.18 42%

The substantial increase of Php174,787,662.86 or 23.13% in total assets of the
City is attributable to the procurement of various equipment and the delayed liquidation
of Advances to Officers and Employees.

 Results of Operation

Account 2014 2013 Increase (Decrease)

Amount Percentage
Income 666,171,749.12 599,444,923.27 66,726,825.85 11%
Personal Services 286,478,533.46 252,039,539.52 34,438,993.94 14%
MOOE 231,793,621.49 216,165,271.34 15,628,350.15 7%
Financial Expenses 15,561,365.05 9,804,154.51 5,757,210.54 59%
Subsidies/Donations 37%
(net) 35,727,616.36 26,125,674.77 9,601,941.59
Total Expenses 569,561,136.36 504,134,640.14 65,426,496.22 13%
Net Income 96,610,612.76 95,310,283.13 1,300,329.63 1%

The increase of Php66,726,825.85 or 11.13% of the total income is due to the

increase in the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) received and collection of local taxes.
The net income increased by 1.36% for the year in spite of the increase in the total
expenses by 12.98%.

 Financial Condition – Sources and Application of Funds

In the implementation of programs, projects and activities, the City depended

largely on the IRA. The City also derived its income from collection of other fees. The
total cash inflows and outflows are shown below:

Operating Activities 2014 2013 Increase (Decrease)

Amount Percentage
Total Cash Inflows 768,278,887.93 798,555,003.20 (30,276,115.27) -4%
Total Cash Outflows 766,840,739.33 817,843,074.51 (51,002,335.18) -6%
Net Cash Flows 1,438,148.60 (19,288,071.31) (20,726,219.91) -107.45%

The total appropriations for calendar year 2014 for the General Fund and Special
Education Fund had amounted to Php726,172,029.86 and Php11,602,580.00, respectively
are broken down as follows:

Current Total General Fund Special

Appropriations Education Fund
Personal Services 149,653,560.47 149,653,560.47
MOOE 399,069,284.33 387,466,704.33 11,602,580.00
Capital Outlay 189,051,765.06 189,051,765.06
Total 737,774,609.86 726,172,029.86 11,602,580.00

The actual obligations incurred for the period ended December 31, 2014 are
shown hereunder, viz:

Actual Obligations Total General Fund Special Education

Personal Services 142,935,718.06 142,935,718.06
MOOE 391,361,577.78 382,421,174.13 8,940,403.65
Capital Outlay 178,307,646.27 178,307,646.27
Total 712,604,942.11 703,664,538.46 8,940,403.65


A Financial and Compliance Audit was conducted on the accounts and operations
of the City of Mati, Davao Oriental, for the period ended December 31, 2014, on a test
basis, to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and operations and compliance
of the agency to prescribed rules and regulations. It was also made to ascertain the
accuracy of financial records and reports as well as the fairness of the presentation of the
financial statements.


We rendered a qualified opinion on the presentation of the accompanying

Financial Statements, due to the effects of the noted deficiencies on the balances of some
accounts as discussed in Part II of the report and summarized as follows:

1. Non-reconciliation of the accounting records and the Report on the Physical

Count (RPC) of the City’s Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) with a net
variance amount of Php35,152,845.69 and error in recording and classification
of the Construction in Progress account amounting to Php284,765,819.32.

2. Unreliability of the Inventory account amounting to Php13,157,583.95 as of

December 31, 2014 due to lapses in recording and the lack of maintenance of
the inventory records.

3. Inappropriate use of the Due to Other Funds (424) account amounting to



Summarized below are the significant findings together with their corresponding

I. Financial and Compliance Audit

Property, Plant and Equipment

1. The non-reconciliation of the accounting records and the Report on the Physical
Count (RPC) of the City’s Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) with a net
variance amount of Php35,152,845.69 affects the fair presentation of the balance
on the affected PPE accounts in the financial statements as of year-end.

It is recommended for the City Accountant’s Office and the City General Services
Office to reconcile their records pertaining to the City’s property, plant and

Property, Plant and Equipment Account

2. Error in recording and the inability of the Accounting Office to reclassify

completed projects to their appropriate Property, Plant and Equipment account
affect the fair presentation of the balance of the Construction in Progress account
amounting to Php284,765,819.32 in the financial statements as of year-end.

We recommended for the City Accountant to effect the necessary adjustments in

the books to rectify the erroneous entry made.

We also recommended the City Accountant to secure the list of completed

infrastructure projects from the implementing offices concerned to serve as basis
in making the necessary adjustments in the books for the reclassification or
transfer of the completed projects from the Construction in Progress account to
their appropriate PPE accounts or public infrastructure registries.

It is also recommended for the management to instruct the offices involved in the
implementation of the City’s infrastructure projects to periodically submit a status
report on the projects being undertaken to the City Accountant’s Office that
would appraise the latter facilitating the necessary adjustments in the books to
reclassify the completed projects as included in the Construction in Progress


3. Failure of the agency to properly account the purchase of various supplies during
the year and maintain its inventory records affect the fair presentation of the
balance of the Inventory account amounting to Php13,157,583.95 in the financial
statements as of year-end.

During the exit conference, the management explained that they do not have
enough manpower for the implementation of the recommendations, but will still
strive to implement the same.

The City Accountant assured the audit team that he will immediately make the
necessary adjustments for the reclassification of the Medical, Dental, and
Laboratory Supplies Inventory (160) account amounting to Php325,000.00 to its
appropriate Property, Plant and Equipment account.

Due to Other Funds (424) account

4. The inappropriate use of the Due to Other Funds (424) account resulted to the
irregularity of its balance amounting to Php1,457,372.74 and thereby affects
the fair presentation of the payable account in the financial statements as of

We recommend for the City Accountant’s Office to verify the existence and
validity of the balance of the account Due to Other Funds (424) and make the
necessary adjustment in the books to record the amounts involved to their
appropriate account/s.



Out of the thirty-five (35) prior years’ audit recommendations, seventeen (17) or
49% were implemented, fourteen (14) or 40% were partially implemented, while four (4)
or 11% was not implemented.


As of December 31, 2014, the status of audit suspensions, disallowance and

charges for Mati City is as follows:

Suspensions Disallowance Charges Total

Balance, Jan. 1, Php3,822,102.86 Php9,990,070.00 - Php13,812,172.86
Issuances Jan - - - -
2014 – Dec. 2014
Total Php3,822,102.86 Php9,990,070.00 - Php13,812,172.86
Less: Settlements - - - -
Balance, Dec. 31, Php3,822,102.86 Php9,990,070.00 - Php13,812,172.86


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