Automobile Professional Practice-1
Automobile Professional Practice-1
Automobile Professional Practice-1
The vehicle business is growing incredibly swiftly in India. Whether it be in the production,
sales, or service sectors, the automobile industry is in dire need of qualified labour. Successful
and effective management of any industry or service station requires an understanding of basic
management ideas and procedures. Regular maintenance is necessary for vehicles to preserve
their drivability, dependability, comfort, and safety as well as to increase their useful lives. In
India, two- and three-wheeled vehicles account for a large market share. This sector has a
substantial employment potential, thus a lot of managerial, technical, and support staff are
needed. Teaching students about the management and maintenance procedures used on four-,
three-, and two-wheeled vehicles is essential to help it. This course aims to satisfy that need.
The course content should be taught and curriculum should be implemented with the aim to
develop different types of skills leading to the achievement of the following competency.
Perform professional duties in automotive workshop/garage effectively.
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
i. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
ii. Care must be taken in assigning and assessing study report as it is a study report. Study
report, data collection and analysis report must be assigned in a group. Teacher has to
discuss about type of data (which and why) before group start their market survey.
iii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises
of this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
These major equipment with broad specifications for the PrOs is a guide to procure them by the
administrators to usher in uniformity of practical in all institutions across the state.
Sr. Equipment/Chart/ Layouts Name with Broad Specifications PrO. No.
1 Double ended spanner set 6-32mmRing spanner set 6-32mm 1,2 and 7 to 13
Tubular spanners 8,10,12,14,16,17mm
Socket spanners 6-32 mm with T bar and ratchet
Allen keys 4-12mm in steps of 2mm Screw driver (flat) 20cm x
9mm blade Screw driver (flat) 30cm x 9 mm blade
Screw driver (Philips type) 100 -300mm set of 5 piecesHammer ball
peen 0.75 kg
Mallet hammer, Rubber hammer
Nose plier straight 15 cm Combination plier 15 cm
Circlip plier external & contracting 6” Circlip plier external &
contracting 7” Feeler gauge 20 blades metric
Adjustable spanner 20 cm
Spark plug spanner 12,14,17mm
File different shapes and size of 15cmPneumatic Gun
Battery gun Socket set Screw Bit set
Torque wrench 0-50 NM
Digital Multi meter
Tappet adjuster
Air compressor 200 liters capacity
Impact screw driver for flat and Philips type
2 Record keeping method and necessary form for workshop 3 to 6
3 Any vehicle for maintenance and service/repair. 7 to 13
4 Informative charts for the Automobile Industry Revolution 4.0. 14
The ADOs are best developed through the field based exercises/project work. Moreover, the
level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’
should gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
The major underpinning theory is given below based on the higher level UOs of Revised
Bloom’s taxonomy that are formulated for development of the COs and competency. If required,
more such higher level UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on attainment of
COs and competency.
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
Unit III 3.a Explain construction and 3.1 Major components of two-
Two and Three functional details of two- wheeler and three-wheeler.
wheeler Technology wheeler and there-wheeler 3.2 Maintenance and
components. service/repair of two wheeler
3.b Describe maintenance and and three wheeler.
service/repair procedure of two 3.3 Adjust/change wire
wheeler and three wheeler. cable/control cable of two
3.c Perform adjusting/changing wheeler and three wheeler.
any control cable in two
wheeler and three wheeler.
Unit IV 4.a Describe Industrial 4.1 Introduction-
Industrial Revolution revolution 4.0 Industrial Revolution.
and 4.b Explain different application 4.2 Core idea of industry 4.0
Industrial Internet of of Industrial Internet of
4.3 Conceptual frame work and
Things things.
road map of Industry 4.0
4.4 Understanding of Industrial
Internet of Things.
4.5 Artificial Intelligence.
4.6 Application of
Industrial Internet of
Unit V 5.a Participate in given activity 5.1 Industrial visit
Group and develop observing and (Suggestive points for best
Discussion/Industrial listing, analyzing and outcome)
visit/Expert talk/ applying, speaking and Preparation of task sheet
Presentation listing skill as well as time before visit.
management skill to finish Noting of important points
assigned task (activities are
during visit
group discussion/ industrial
Participation during visit
visit/ expert talk
/presentation.) Report writing covering task
sheet data, noted information
in detail.
5.2 Group discussion
(Suggestive points for best
Give topic for group
discussion in advance
Discuss tips for getting good
score in group discussion.
5.3 Expert talk
(Suggestive points for best
Aware students well in
advance about main theme of
expert talk.
5.4 Presentation
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
Note: The UOs need to be formulated at the ‘Application Level’ and above of Revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy’ to accelerate the attainment of the COs and the competency.
II Workshop Management
III Two and Three wheeler
Technology Not Applicable
IV Industrial evolution and
Industrial Internet of Things
V Group Discussion/Industrial
visit/Expert talk/Presentation
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
c) ‘L’ in section No. 4 means different types of teaching methods that are to be employed
by teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) About 20% of the topics/sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in nature
is to be given to the students for self-learning, but to be assessed using different
assessment methods.
e) With respect to section No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and
provisions for co-curricular activities.
f) Guide students on how to address issues on environment and sustainability
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
Door lights
Parking lights
(Prepare simple circuit using available resources, e.g. Can use LED instead of
Information search can be done through manufactures catalogue website, books,
magazine etc.
Following topics are suggested
Automotive gasket and sealants
Engine coolant and additives
Different filters
Types of bearing used in automobile
Engine oil
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Automobile professional practice-1 Course Code: 4340205
a) Carryout vehicle
inspection and maintenance 3 2 1 3 2 3 2
work with safety.
b) Maintain the workshop
documentation and records. 3 - 1 - 3 3 2
c) Perform maintenance
procedure of the two and
three-wheeler automotive 3 - - 2 2 - 2
d) Describe industrial
revolution and industrial 3 - - - 3 2 2
internet of things.
e) Develop
professional skills. 3 - - - - 3 3
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.
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