Aladdin went into the cave. He was surprised because the cave was full of
treasure. He filled his pockets with diamonds and rubies. He also found a gold
ring and put it on his finger. Finally he found the old lamp his uncle asked for.
He wanted his uncle to give him a hand getting out of the cave, but Mustafa
wanted to see the lamp first.
Aladdin told the genie to take him home and the next moment he was
sitting at home before his mother. He said Mustafa wasn’t his uncle and he told
her all the story. While talking Aladdin rubbed his ring and a second genie
appeared. He said he would grant him two wishes. Aladdin wished to be very
rich until the end of his life.
His mother and Aladdin started living a wealthy life then. One day as he
was walking around the city he saw the Sultan’s daughter, Yasmin. The girl and
Aladdin fell in love with each other. He went to the Sultan’s palace and told him
that he wanted to get married to his daughter. The Sultan didn’t take him
seriously and started laughing.
He said Aladdin had to have a palace like his to marry the princess. That
night Aladdin took out the lamp and wished a palace. The Sultan let his
daughter marry him when he saw the palace. After the Sultan’s death, Aladdin
ruled the country. When the news reached Mustafa, he made a plan. He
disquised himself as a lamp seller.
He went to Aladdin’s palace and tricked the princess giving a new lamp
for the old lamp. He used the genie and took Aladdin’s wife and the palace far
away. After looking for his wife for a long time he could get to Yasmin with the
help of the genie from his ring. Finally Aladdin took the old lamp and turned
Mustafa into a frog. They lived happily
1. Where did Mustafa take Aladdin after his mother agreed to let him go?
2. Did Aladdin really trust Mustafa? …………………......
3. What did Aladdin find in the cave?
4. How could Aladdin become so rich? …...
5. What did Aladdin have to do to marry the Sultan’s daughter? …………...............
6. How did Mustafa get the old lamp from the princess?
7. What did Mustafa wish from the genie?
8. What did the princess do to trick Mustafa and get back the old lamp?