Secondary Education Certificate Level 2022 Main Session Business Studies
Secondary Education Certificate Level 2022 Main Session Business Studies
Secondary Education Certificate Level 2022 Main Session Business Studies
(Total: 10 marks)
2. (a) State TWO reasons why organisations join employers’ associations. (2)
(b) What is the main role of each of the following:
(i) Malta Stock Exchange; (1)
(ii) Jobsplus; (2)
(iii) Malta Enterprise; (2)
(iv) Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry; (1)
(v) Planning Authority; (1)
(vi) Environment and Resources Authority. (1)
(Total: 10 marks)
3. (a) The Statement of Profit or Loss calculates the profit of the business. Identify ONE reason
why a business may make a gross profit and have a net loss at the end of the financial
period. (2)
(b) The Financial Statements as at 31 December 2021 of Koala Ltd showed the following
Profit before interest and tax €101,500
Total current assets (including inventory) €305,000
Current liabilities €85,000
From the figures above, calculate the company’s:
(i) Return on Capital Employed (give your answer to the nearest %); (2)
(ii) Working Capital (Current) ratio (give your answer to one decimal place). (2)
(c) What is a Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)? (1)
(d) Name TWO main business stakeholders and identify their main interest. (3)
(Total: 10 marks)
© The MATSEC Examinations Board reserves all rights on the examination questions in all examination papers set by the said Board.
(Total: 10 marks)
5. (a) List TWO problems of communication and give ONE example of each problem mentioned.
(b) Give THREE examples why an important message can be misunderstood. (3)
(c) Give TWO examples how technology changed the process of communication. (2)
(d) Give ONE example of formal communication and ONE example of informal communication
used within a school. (2)
(Total: 10 marks)
(Total: 10 marks)
(Total: 10 marks)
8. (a) Define business ethics and mention TWO unethical business behaviours. (2)
(b) Explain a tall management structure in terms of the chain of command and the span of
control. (2)
(c) Distinguish between capital and revenue expenditure and give ONE example of each type
of expenditure that is incurred by the business. (4)
(d) List ONE difference between centralisation and delegation of authority. (2)
(Total: 10 marks)
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Compulsory question.
1. Italy’s new flagship airline took to the skies in October 2021 with the travel industry still reeling
from the coronavirus crisis and low-cost rivals targeting its home market in a bid to lure away
The tough operating conditions means Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA (ITA) faces trying times from
day one as it replaces fallen national icon Alitalia, which ended flights after decades of losses
and numerous brushes with bankruptcy.
State-backed ITA will use planes from Alitalia and be armed with its well-known name, after
securing the brand’s purchase for 90 million euros on the eve of its debut. But the new airline
will employ only around 2,800 of its predecessor’s 10,000-plus staff, operating a simplified
network to keep down costs and help it turn a profit once demand recovers from the pandemic.
The public has been lukewarm in its backing for a new carrier set to receive 1.3 billion euros
in government funds on top of more than 5 billion euros splurged on Alitalia. The company first
entered bankruptcy in 2008, and was kept on life support with taxpayer proceeds. Italians
have suggested the money should be funnelled into health care or education instead.
It will be up to ITA to carve out its place in a market that’s already well-served. Global airlines
offer plenty of long-distance flights from Rome and Milan, while those cities and others have
good European links through a host of carriers including Ryanair Holdings Plc, EasyJet Plc and
Wizz Air Holdings Plc. Ryanair and Wizz have eaten into Alitalia’s market share in Italy. The
government, though, says that Italy needs its own network airline to support tourism in what
is the world’s fifth-most visited country.
Italy’s Economic development minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti, said that ITA must find a partner
to flourish, with Delta Air Lines Inc. CEO Ed Bastian said that discussions are underway over a
possible alliance. Delta’s existing North Atlantic partnership, of which Alitalia was a member,
includes Air France-KLM and Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd.
Text adapted from Italy Says Ciao Once Again as New Alitalia Readies for Takeoff
© The MATSEC Examinations Board reserves all rights on the examination questions in all examination papers set by the said Board.
a) Is ITA part of the private or public sector? Support your answer by quoting from the text on
Page 1. (1)
b) “…the travel industry still reeling from the coronavirus crisis”.
(i) Mention TWO reasons why the travel industry been so badly affected by the pandemic.
(ii) Differentiate between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, and show how tourism
contributes to a country’s Balance of Payments. (5)
c) Business and economic activity are vital in helping to satisfy society’s needs. Considering
that Italian cities are already well-served through the operations of global airlines, why does
Italy need its own network airline? (1)
d) Considering that ITA have launched their operations in the middle of a pandemic, which
main business objective would you consider as being most important in the short term? And
which business objective would gain importance when the pandemic is over? Give reasons
for your answer. (4)
e) With reference to ITA and Ryanair, explain any differences and/or similarities with regards
to each of the following:
(i) aims; (2)
(ii) ownership; (2)
(iii) sources of finance; and (2)
(iv) control. (2)
f) If ITA finds a partner, as suggested by Italy’s Economic development minister, Giancarlo
Giorgetti, what type of business organisation would be formed? Explain why this is so. (1)
g) Is the Italian public satisfied with the necessity to state-fund the newly founded airline?
How would the taxpayers like to see public funds being used? (2)
h) Give ONE argument for and ONE argument against nationalisation. Give ONE argument for
and ONE argument against privatisation. (4)
i) How could market research help ITA establish a positive position in the market for the travel
industry? (2)
(Total: 30 marks)
This section consists of five questions.
Answer any THREE questions from this section.
2. a) The Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA) is the section of the Maltese legislation
that regulates the labour market. Among others, this legislation states the minimum working
conditions for workers employed in the local labour market. Name THREE conditions of
work that are outlined in the EIRA, which must be clearly communicated to someone
interested in applying for a particular job. (3)
b) Describe the similarities and differences between these three types of employment
contracts: full time work, indefinite contract; part-time work, indefinite contract; and full
time work, definite contract. (4)
c) Motivation affects workers’ performance. Business owners should know how they can influence
motivation in their favour. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states
that five levels of human needs influence the individual's behaviour. Name the FIVE levels that
Maslow refers to in his theory, and give a brief description of each level. (10)
d) What is the difference between voluntary dismissal, involuntary dismissal and redundancy? (3)
(Total: 20 marks)
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4. a) Define re-order stock level; minimum stock level; and maximum stock level. (6)
b) Briefly describe FOUR possible negative consequences arising from inefficient stock control.
c) List FOUR criteria for selecting suppliers. (4)
d) Distinguish between job, batch and mass production systems. (6)
(Total: 20 marks)
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Compulsory question.
1. Italy’s new airline took to the skies in October 2021 at a time when the travel industry was still
suffering badly from the coronavirus crisis. Low-cost rival airlines are also an important threat
for the new airline.
The tough operating conditions means Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA (ITA) faces tough times from
day one as it replaces Alitalia, which ended flights after decades of losses and risking
bankruptcy a number of times.
ITA is backed by state funding and will use planes from Alitalia. The new airline will employ
only around 2,800 of Alitalia’s 10,000-plus staff. ITA will be operating a simplified network to
keep down costs and help it turn a profit once demand recovers from the pandemic.
The public has not been eager to provide more funding to ITA. The new carrier is set to receive
1.3 billion euros in government funds. Before it, Alitalia received help amounting to more than
5 billion euros. The company first entered bankruptcy in 2008, and was kept on life support
with taxpayers’ proceeds. Italians have suggested that the money should be invested in health
care or in education instead of investing in another airline.
It will be up to ITA to place itself in a market that’s already well-served. Global airlines offer
plenty of long-distance flights from Rome and Milan, while those cities and others have good
European links through several carriers including Ryanair Holdings Plc, EasyJet Plc and Wizz
Air Holdings Plc. Ryanair and Wizz took away a good part of Alitalia’s market share in Italy.
The government, however, says that Italy needs its own network airline to support tourism in
what is the world’s fifth-most visited country.
Text adapted from Italy Says Ciao Once Again as New Alitalia Readies for Takeoff
a) Is ITA part of the private or public sector? Support your answer by quoting from the text
above. (1)
b) “…at a time when the travel industry was still suffering badly from the coronavirus crisis”.
(i) Mention TWO reasons why the travel industry was badly affected by the pandemic.
(ii) Tourism is considered an important factor for a country’s economy. Mention THREE
ways in which the tourist industry contributes towards the revenues earned by a
country. (3)
This question continues on next page.
© The MATSEC Examinations Board reserves all rights on the examination questions in all examination papers set by the said Board.
c) Considering that Italian cities are already well-served through the operations of global
airlines, why does Italy need its own network airline? (1)
d) Considering that ITA have launched their operations in the middle of a pandemic, their short
term objective is definitely that of survival and growth. If ITA survives the pandemic, it will
start to focus on profits and sales as its long term objective.
(i) Explain the difference between short term and long term objectives of a business. (3)
(ii) Why is ITA’s short term objective that of survival and growth? (2)
e) The management of a business organisation changes drastically depending on whether it is
owned by the state or privately owned. Copy the table below on your booklet, and complete
with reference to state-owned and privately-owned airlines.
f) Is the Italian public satisfied with the necessity to state-fund the newly founded airline? How
would the taxpayers like to see public funds being used? (2)
g) Briefly define the terms:
(i) nationalisation; and (2)
(ii) privatisation. (2)
h) Copy the table below and state:
(i) ONE argument in favour of nationalisation and ONE argument against it; and
(ii) ONE argument in favour of privatisation and ONE argument against it.
i) Market research can help ITA to establish a positive position in the market for the travel
industry. What is meant by the term market research? (2)
(Total: 30 marks)
Page 2 of 6
This section consists of five questions.
Answer any THREE questions from this section.
2. a) Choose the correct word from the following table to complete the sentences below. Each
word may be used only once. Write the answers on the booklet provided. (8)
The Employment and Training Corporation (ETC), now known as ___(i)___, was established
in August 1990 to provide a public employment service and train persons to improve their
___(ii)___ in order to find employment. This organisation excels in meeting the labour
market needs of employers, ___(iii)___ and employees.
The Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA) is the section of the Maltese legislation
that regulates the ___(iv)___ market. Among others, this legislation states the minimum
working ___(v)___ for workers employed in Malta.
When persons apply for a job, the following things should be made known to them:
• the type of employment, example whether the job is full time, ___(vi)___ time or simply
casual work;
• the amount of ___(vii)___ to be earned if taking up such employment;
• the number of ___(viii)___ to be worked.
b) Describe the differences between a definite and indefinite contract of employment. (2)
c) Motivation affects workers’ performance. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of
motivation which states that five levels of human needs influence an individual's
behaviour. Name any FOUR of the levels that Maslow refers to in his theory. (4)
d) Below are three cases each leading to the termination of an employee’s job. For each case
indicate whether it is a case of voluntary dismissal, involuntary dismissal or redundancy and
briefly state why.
CASE A: Maria has been offered a very favourable job in Brussels. Maria wrote a letter of
resignation explaining why she would like to give up her current place of work.
CASE B: The Covid-19 pandemic led to the loss of many jobs in the entertainment industry
since many events could no longer be held. Paul, who worked with BestShowsInTown Ltd,
was one of these people.
CASE C: George worked as a financial officer with ABC Ltd. He was caught more than once
stealing money from the firm. Despite being warned, George continued with his behaviour
until his boss terminated his job. (6)
(Total: 20 marks)
Page 3 of 6
Business communication is the process of sharing ___(i)___ between people within and
outside a company. Effective business ___(ii)___ is how employees and management
interact to reach organisational goals. Its purpose is to ___(iii)___ organisational practices
and reduce errors.
Strong communication, particularly from ___(iv)___, enables them to better instruct and
inform their employees on particular tasks, goals and general performance expectations.
This, in turn, ___(v)___ the risk of mistakes being made and reduces the likelihood of
confusion amongst employees. A good communicator will seek to provide consistent
___(vi)___ to their staff, advising them on areas for improvement and giving praise when
Ineffective communication can create ___(vii)___, missed opportunities, conflict, the
dissemination of misinformation, and mistrust. This may lead employees to fail to be
___(viii)___ to work for such a company or for such a manager who cannot communicate
important matters well.
c) Communication can be both internal to the firm and external. Explain what is meant by
internal communication and support your answer with an example. (2)
d) The various types of communication used within business organisations, are often classified
as verbal, written or visual. Copy the table below on the booklet provided and refer to the
THREE sets (SET 1, 2, & 3) of advantages and disadvantages provided on next page to:
(i) state the type of communication for each set; and
(ii) give an example for each type of communication mentioned in (i). (6)
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SET 1:
Advantage: There is hard evidence of the message which can be referred to and help
solve disputes in the future over the content of the message.
Disadvantage: The language used might be difficult to understand.
SET 2:
Advantage: Information is transferred quickly.
Disadvantage: Inappropriate for storing accurate and permanent information.
SET 3:
Advantage: Present information in an appealing and attractive way that encourages
people to look at it.
Disadvantage: The message might be misunderstood if the receiver does not know
how to interpret a technical diagram.
(Total: 20 marks)
4. a) Choose the correct word/phrase from the following table to complete the sentences below.
Each word/phrase may be used only once. Write the answers on the booklet provided. (8)
A few years ago, Romina had started a business using her personal ___(i)___ as capital.
She used capital and acquired a ___(ii)___ to finance the purchase of non-current assets
(fixed assets). Romina also negotiated an ___(iii)___ facility with the bank to finance
inventory and ___(iv)___ requirements.
Building on the success of her business, Romina decided to convert the business into a
limited liability company to have access to more capital funds. ___(v)___ were issued to
increase the size of capital. Some of the ___(vi)___ earned were distributed as dividends
with the remaining profit being ___(vii)___ to further finance growth. Currently the
company is in the process of going public to have the possibility of raising more funds to
continue to grow. The company will be seeking to borrow from the public by issuing
b) Explain TWO differences between internal and external sources of finance. Give ONE
example of each source. (5)
c) What is a barter system? (2)
d) List THREE functions of money and briefly describe ONE of the functions. (5)
(Total: 20 marks)
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5. a) Choose the correct word from the following table to complete the sentences below. Each
word may be used only once. Write the answers on the booklet provided. (8)
The marketing ___(i)___ refers to the set of actions that an organisation uses to ___(ii)___
its ___(iii)___ or product in the market. Market ___(iv)___ involves the whole market that
is divided into groups based on similar characteristics. In contrast, a ___(v)___ market
relates to a more defined specific group of individuals to whom the product will be marketed
and sold.
___(vi)___ marketing is creating a product which appeals to all types of consumers whereas
___(vii)___ marketing is aimed at a specific type of consumer. Practicing ___(viii)___ in
marketing will safeguard the consumer.
b) List and explain any FOUR of the 7Ps of the marketing mix. (6)
c) List TWO elements of promotion. (2)
d) Give TWO reasons why the use of social media may be an effective promotion tool. (4)
(Total: 20 marks)
6. a) Choose the correct word from the following table to complete the sentences below. Each
word may be used only once. Write the answers on the booklet provided. (8)
The ___(i)___ department identifies the requirements of the business for goods and
___(ii)___. It will need to find reliable ___(iii)___ to meet these requirements. The
department is responsible for negotiating ___(iv)___, ensure good ___(v)___ material, and
delivery terms. The department is also responsible for setting the order ___(vi)___.
The ___(vii)___ department is responsible for the manufacture of goods. This department
is also responsible for the quality of the product and ___(viii)___ control.
b) Explain the importance of stock control and mention TWO negative consequences of
inefficient stock control. (4)
c) Define re-order stock level and minimum stock level. (4)
d) Distinguish between job and batch production systems. (4)
(Total: 20 marks)
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