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Company Name:

No Rotine Medical Device EPSS list Unit quantity Remark
1 Wheel chair - Adult, Each 20 mubark Vital
2 Couch - Examination, Gynaecological Each 8 mubark
3 Ultrasound-Doppler, Fetal Each 2 mubark
4 Glucometer with strip Each 35 mubark Vital
5 Infusion-pump, Each 12 mubark
6 IV Stand Each 300 mubark Vital
7 Monitor - Patient Each 24 mubark Vital
8 Sphygmomanometer-Aneroid, Adult/Ped./Infant Each 60 mubark Vital
9 Sphygmomanometer-Digital, Adult/Ped./Infant Each 73 mubark Vital
10 Stethoscope - Adult Each 70 mubark Vital
11 Stethoscope - Neonatal Each 31 mubark Vital
12 Pulse Oximeter Each 100 mubark Vital
13 Trolley - Patient Record Each 40 mubark
14 Light-Operating, Mobile Each 10 mubark
15 Set-Cholecystectomy Set 2 mubark List set content&quantity
16 Set-Laparotomy, Adult Set 2 mubark List set content&quantity
17 Set-pancreaticoduodenectomy Set 1 mubark List set content&quantity
18 Bed - Patient, Adult Each 40 robinus
19 Fetoscope- Wood each 6 robinus
20 Epidural kit full set Each 100 robinus alaki
21 Anesthesia monitor with accessories Each 5 robinus
22 Capnography Each 11 robinus
23 Mechanical ventilator Each 4 robinus
24 Laryngoscope straight& curved with d/t blades size Each 5 robinus
25 Blood warmer Each 2 robinus
26 Oxygen regulator (guage) Each 23 robinus
27 Ultrasound machines Each 2 robinus
28 operation room biphasic defibrilator Each 3 robinus
29 Fiberoptic bronchoscope(intubation kit) Each 5 robinus
30 Glydoscope (video laryngoscpe) Each 2 robinus
31 Nerve stimulator Each 20 robinus
32 Suction machines Each 16 robinus
33 Strecher Each 15 robinus
34 Infant radiant warmer Each 4 robinus
35 Digital wt scale for neonate and warmer Each 5 hayat
36 Phototherpy Each 6 hayat
37 Incubator Each 6 hayat
38 Hepatectomy set Each 1 List set content&quantity
39 Omni/Thompson`S refractor Each 1 hayat
40 Endourology set Set 1 List set content&quantity
41 Pediaatric cystoscopy set set 1 List set content&quantity
42 Pediaatric bronchoscopy set set 1 List set content&quantity
43 Thoracolumbar fusion set Set 1 List set content&quantity
44 C-arm set 1 hayat
45 Craniotomy set Set 2 List set content&quantity
46 Cardiothoracic set Set 1 List set content&quantity
47 Pneumatic tourniquet Set 1
48 Neuromicroscope Set 1 hayat
49 Laminectomy set Set 1
50 Automatic tourniquet each 1
51 Arm&hand Surgery table each 1 hayat
52 Operation room(OR) table each 3 hayat
53 Surgical head light each 10 hayat
54 Ceiling mounted shadowless operation room surgical LED light each 6 hayat
55 Dental Instrument list
1 Light cure Each 2 chek the set quantity
2 Arch wire upper &lower no 12 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
3 Arch wire upper &lower no 14 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
4 Arch wire upper &lower no 16 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
5 Arch wire upper &lower no 18 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
6 Arch wire upper &lower no 16&22 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
7 Arch wire upper &lower no 17&22 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
8 Arch wire upper &lower no 19&22 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
9 Staneless steal upper & lower no 18 Pk 30 chek the set quantity
10 Staneless steal upper & lower no 20 Pk 30 chek the set quantity
11 Staneless steal upper & lower no 17x25 Pk 100 chek the set quantity
12 Staneless steal upper & lower no 19x25 Pk 50 chek the set quantity
13 Staneless steal upper & lower no 16x22 Pk 30 chek the set quantity
14 Modules Pk 50 chek the set quantity
15 Bacul tube Pk 75 chek the set quantity
16 Plaster stone Pk 3 chek the set quantity
17 Power chain short Each 5 chek the set quantity
18 Power chain long Each 5 chek the set quantity
19 Continuous power chain Each 3 chek the set quantity
20 Open spring Pk 3 chek the set quantity
21 Closed coil spring Pk 3 chek the set quantity
22 Brackets mini MBT Each 75 chek the set quantity
23 Hand piece Each 3 chek the set quantity
24 Cutter distal end Each 3 chek the set quantity
25 Normal straight cutter Each 3 chek the set quantity
26 Universal player plier Each 1 chek the set quantity
27 Breaket gauge Each 1 chek the set quantity
28 Check refractor Each 3 chek the set quantity
29 Burs round cutting Pk 25 chek the set quantity
30 White burs Pk 25 chek the set quantity
31 Birds peak plier Each 3 chek the set quantity
Maxillofacial Sets Contents
56 Maxilofacial Set
1 Wire Scissors 12cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
2 Diss. Forceps, Gilles Pc 5 chek the set quantity
3 Splinter Forceps, 12.5 Cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
4 Splinter Forceps, 13.5 Cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
5 Spatula, 20cm Pc 5 chek the set quantity
6 Osteotome Pc 5 chek the set quantity
7 Bone Curette, 14cm Pc 10 chek the set quantity
8 Hemmingway Bone Curette 0/0 Pc 5 chek the set quantity
9 RASPATORY, 16CM, Lambotte Pc 5 chek the set quantity
10 ELEVATOR, 16CM, Curved Pc 5 chek the set quantity
11 Bone Rongeur, 19cm Pc 5 chek the set quantity
12 Nasal Speculum. No, 02 Pc 3 chek the set quantity
13 Nasal Tampon Forceps, 15cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
14 Septum Elevator, 18cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
15 Tongue Hold, Forceps, 15cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
16 Reposition Foreps, 24.5cm Ae-E0123r Pc 1 chek the set quantity
17 Reposition Forceps, 24.5cm, Ae-D0321r (Jaw) Pc 1 chek the set quantity
18 Hook, Dingmann-Wilk, 20cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
19 Gauze Packer, 3mm, 17.5cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
20 Flat Nose Pliers, Serrated Pc 2 chek the set quantity
21 Nasal Scissors, 15.5cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
22 Bone Wire, Soft, Ø 0.3mm, 10 Meters Pc 5 chek the set quantity
23 Bone Wire, Soft, Ø 0.4mm, 10 Meters Pc 5 chek the set quantity
24 Bone Holding Forceps, Slim, 20cm Pc 5 chek the set quantity
25 Bone Rongeur, 19cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
26 Septum Scissors, Caplan, 20cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
27 Septum Elevator, Freer, 18cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
28 Osteotome, Obwegeser, 11mm, 23cm, Nasal Septum Osteotome Pc 2 chek the set quantity
29 OSTEOTOME, LEXER, Si., 7mm, 22cm, CURVED Pc 2 chek the set quantity
30 Septum Elevator, Mckenty Pc 2 chek the set quantity
31 Tongue Depressor, 15cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
32 Osteotome, 11mm, 23mm, Medical Orthopedic Surgical Chisel Osteotome Pc 4 chek the set quantity
33 Retractor, Volkmann, 22.5cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
34 Bone Rongeur, 18cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
35 Septum Forceps, 20cm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
36 Asc. Ramus Elevator, 22cm, Pc 2 chek the set quantity
37 Coronoid Retractor, Pc 2 chek the set quantity
38 Alveolar Nerve Dissector Pc 1 chek the set quantity
39 Septum Elevator, 20cm Pc 1 chek the set quantity
40 Mental Nerve Retractor Pc 2 chek the set quantity
41 Cheek Bone Retractor, 10x80m Pc 2 chek the set quantity
42 Interdental Osteotome, 8mm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
43 Splitting Osteotome, 7mm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
44 Splitting Osteotome, 14mm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
45 Mallet, 20cm Pc 3 chek the set quantity
46 Pterygold Osteotome Pc 2 chek the set quantity
47 Splitting Osteotome, 6mm Curved Pc 2 chek the set quantity
48 Caliper Acc. Arnett, 100mm Pc 2 chek the set quantity
57 Mini Instrument Set 1 ???
1 Mini Screw & Plate Holding Forceps Pcs 1
2 Mini Depth Gauge Pcs 1
3 Mini Sleeve With Pointer Pcs 1
4 Mini Plate Bender Plier Type ( With Three Pin ) Pcs 1
5 Pocket Cutter S.S. Pcs 1
6 Mini Self Centering Forceps Pcs 1
7 Mini Lever For Dental 6&8mm Pcs 1
8 Mini Mesh Bender Pcs 1
9 Mini Plier For Dental Pcs 1
10 Neuro Screw Driver Shank (Cross Head) Pcs 1
11 Neuro Shank Handle (Q.C.) Pcs 1
12 Drill Bit Pcs 1
13 Screw Box Pcs 1
14 Graphics Box For Instruments Pcs 1
58 Nasal Bone Fracture Set
1 Walsham Forceps Pcs 1
2 Boies Elevator Pcs 1
3 Asch Forcep Pcs 1
4 Nasal Speculum Pcs 1
5 Nasal Suction Pcs 1
6 Bayonet Forceps Pcs 1
59 For skin examination
60 Magnifing hand lens each 2
61 Wood`s lamp each 1
62 A storage tank for liquid nitrogen (LN) each 1
63 Cryosurgery gun each 1
64 Punch Biopsy each 10
65 Basic biopsy sets sets 3 List set content&quantity
66 Forceps fine-tooothed large (e.g Adson or Adson-Brown) each 2
67 Forceps non-tooothed & or serrated each 2
68 Nasal Speculum-adult each 30
69 Nasal Speculum-pediatric each 30
70 Laryngeal mirrors-small each 10
71 Laryngeal mirrors-big each 10
72 Aural speculum-adult each 10
73 Aural speculum-pediatric each 10
74 Ear Suction-metalic d/t size each 15
75 Nasal Suction-metalic each 15
76 Suction apparatus each 2 hayat
77 Siegles speculum each 3
78 Tuning fork (512 Hz) each 5
79 Tuning fork (125 Hz) each 5
80 Tuning fork (1024 Hz) each 5
Steam sterilizer each 2 mubark
81 Otoscope each 3 mubark
82 Bayonet forces each 3
ENT head light chargable each 3 robinus
86 (Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy set
1 Boyle-Davis mouth gag each 2
2 Bipod each 2
3 Tonsil holding forceps each 2
4 Tonsil dissector and pillar retractor each 2
5 Tonsil snare each 2
6 Burkit artery forceps each 2
7 Negus artery forceps each 2
8 Tonsil scissors each 2
9 Adenotome( No 1,2,3) each 3
10 Adenoid curette(NO 1,2,3) each 3
11 Yankaueroropharyngeal suction tip each 2
12 Kidney dish each 2
13 Needle holder each 2
14 Pick up forceps each 2
for nasal bone fracture reduction
87 Asch forceps each 3
88 Walsham forceps each 3
89 Tympanoplasty set
1 Aural speculum each 2
2 Drum curette each 2
3 Drum elevator each 2
4 Microsuction each 4
5 *Graft knife each 2
6 *Graft press each 2
For eye purpose
90 PD ruelers each 20 robinus
91 Eplation forceps each 10 robinus
92 Retinoscopy each 4 robinus
93 Visul Acuity chart/projector each 3 robinus
94 Trial frame (audit) each 8 robinus
95 Trial frame (pediatrics) each 8 robinus
96 Trial set each 1 check
97 Air puff tonometr each 4
98 I care ( Tonometr) each 2 sureafel Vital
99 Dry Heat sterilizer each 1 sureafel
100 Jewelers forceps each 5
101 Typing forceps each 5
112 Innie inserter pcs 1
113 Reduction screw braker pcs 1
114 Insitu rod bender pair pcs 1
115 Innie tightner Q.C T30x280mm pcs 1
116 Innie tightner Q.C T30x370mm pcs 1
117 Reduction reacting forcep wrench pcs 1
118 Reacting forcep wrench (D-torque) pcs 1
119 Allignment tool Q.C pcs 1
120 Cross link nut spanner Q.C 7mm pcs 1
121 Screw driver for cross link 3.5mm pcs 1
122 Pedicle localizer pcs 1
123 Rod pusher pcs 1
124 Straight entry AWL pcs 1
125 Rocker pcs 1
126 Rod rotation holder clamp pcs 1
127 Compressor curved pcs 1
128 Rod bender pcs 1
129 Frog type rod reducer pcs 1
130 strong holding rod clamp pcs 1
131 Deistractor curved pcs 1
132 Rod rotation forceps pcs 1
133 T handle QC pcs 1
134 ST handle QC pcs 1
135 Torque QC pcs 1
136 Rachet QC pcs 1
137 pedicle probe st pcs 1
138 pedicle probe cu pcs 1
139 Graphic box for instrument pcs 1
140 Cystoscopy set set 1 surafel List set content&quantity
141 TUR set set 1 surafel List set content&quantity
142 Optical urethrotomy set set 1 surafel List set content&quantity
143 Ureterorenoscopy (URS)set set 1 surafel List set content&quantity
Laboratory equipment surafel
144 Blood coagulation Analyzer Fully Automated each 1 surafel
145 Chemistry Analyzer Fully Automated each 1 surafel
146 Hormonal Analyzer Fully Automated each 1 surafel
147 ESR Analyzer Fully Automated each 1 surafel
148 Incubator for Microbiology laboratory each 1 surafel
149 Reagent dispensor for microbiology laboratory each 1 surafel
150 Refrigerator negative 70 dgree centigrade each 1 surafel
151 Autoclave each 2 surafel
152 Thermal stove for microbiology each 1 surafel
153 Microbiological ruler each 1 surafel
154 Test tube rack steel each 10 surafel
155 Wire loop each 5 surafel
156 Bottle for blood culture each 200 surafel
157 Co2 jar each 4 surafel
158 Neonatal pulseoxymetry each 4 surafel
159 portable ultrasound each 3 surafel
160 Crash cart trolly each 8 mubark
161 Delivery couch each 6 mubark
162 Speculum (Bivale) large each 30
163 Cervical set each 8 List set content&quantity
164 Panchibiobsy set each 20 List set content&quantity
165 Tenaculum each 6
166 Distractive set each 4 List set content&quantity
167 Anascope small each 2 FIREW
168 Anascope medium each 2 FIREW
169 Anascope large each 2 FIREW
170 INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL SET ( IMN) SET ; each 1 List set content&quantity
172 RUSH NAIL SET each 1 List set content&quantity
178 LOCKING PLATE INSTRUMENT SET each 1 List set content&quantity
179 BI-POLAR PROSTHESES INSTRUMENT SET each 1 List set content&quantity
180 SET FOR HEMI ARTHROPLASTY each 15 List set content&quantity
181 AUSTIN MOORE PROSTHESIS INSTRUMENT SET each 1 List set content&quantity
182 Patient bed side table with mediaction cabinate each 317 mubark check
183 Crash Chart (5 Locked Emergency medication cabinate) ?????? each 30 mubark check
184 Mammography machine each 1 surafel
185 Adjustable CPR bed each 5 surafel
186 Presure bag each 20 surafel
187 Ambu bag-adult each 7 surafel


1. Generic Name:- Wheelchair Adult
2. GMDN/UMDN Name:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
Wheel chair is used in hospitals for means of mobility by disabled persons/or persons who have impairments that
limit their ability to walk.
Technical Specification
Wheel chair invalid type
Must be made of the Chrome polished finish or stainless steel.
Dimensions: approx. W 68 cm × D 110 cm × H 94 cm.
Seat width: approx.450mm (18").
Wheels to have braking/locking mechanism and self-propelling SS hoops; two swivel castors (200mm dia. approx.) in
Tyre fitted with self-propelling hoops and brake arrangements.
Tyre sizes: Rear approx. 60cm (24") solid Mag tyres or Bicycle type spoked wheels, and Front approx. 200mm (8")
Mag swivel casters.
Armrests: Padded, Fixed height and detachable.
Waterproof upholstery and easy to clean
Padded back rest, seat and push handle
Footrests: Fixed height and swing away foot plates and detachable, preferably made of Aluminium
Maximum Patient weight capacity: approx. 130Kg
I.V. pod shall be provided at the right side of the back rest.
Operational Requirements
It shall be a foldable BUT shall NOT a collapsible type. The mechanism of folding & unfolding must be easy. Large
standard adult size hospital wheelchair fixed/ foldable type. Easy maneuverable.
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other components:
All standard accessories and parts required to operate the equipment, including all standard tools and cleaning and
lubrication materials, to be included in the offer.
6. Operating Environment;
The product offered shall be designed to be stored and to operate normally under any enviromments.
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601(Or Equivalent ) General Requirements of Safety for Electromagnetic Compatibility
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning:
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
11. Documentation:
User’s manual shall be supplied in English.
12. Packaging and Labeling:
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.
1. Generic Name: Couch - Examination, Gynacological
2. GMDN/UMDN Code/Name:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
Gynaecology Couch is specialized professional tools designed for all gynaecology, obstetric procedures and
urological examinations.
4. Technical Specifications
Mounted on 4 sturdy supports, finished with rubber feet, of which one height adjustable.
Three sections
All sections fitted with a padded mattress, detachable from table for easy cleaning.
Robust mechanics allow for manual repositioning between gynaecological and obstetric use.
Back section: Adjustable via secured pawl and gear ratchet, safe for patient and operator.
Sides of the section are fit with handgrips.
Pelvic section
Can be tilted to Trendelenburg position with lever handle
Sides of this section are fit with vertical handgrips, length 20 cm
Fixing of the crutch holders is solid steel and welded to the frame of the bed
This section integrates a support for a slide-out basin-tray
Knee crutch holders welded to the frame of the table
Padded crutches are height and width adjustable, positioned with sturdy clamps with heavy knob.
This section integrates support for slide-out basin-tray.
Leg section: Recesses entirely downwards, approx. 90 degrees.
When elevated and fully extended, all sections align to perfectly flat surface.
Materials: High resistance to corrosion.
Frame: epoxy coated tubular steel.
Sliders/fixtures for knee crutches: tubular steel, welded to the table frame.
Mattress covers removable via side zipper.
Mattress: high-density polyurethane foam, density approx. 30 kg/m3.
Cover: plastic, flexible highly tear resistant, anti-static, flame retardant, disinfectant- and liquid proof,
With footstep
All sections extended: approx. 1300-1800 x 800 x 750 mm (l x w x h).
Frame, diameter: mot less than 30 mm.
Mattress: not less than 40 mm (h)
Carrying capacity: approx. 150 kg.
Bowl or tray, capacity: not less than.2 liters.
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other Components:
1 x complete set of tools required for assembly
2 x leg holders with canvas straps, adjustable height and width
2 x knee crutches, adjustable height and width
1 x basin-tray
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature:+10 °C to + 32°C
Relative humidity : < 85%
7. Utility requirment: Not Applicable
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning: Not applicable
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must be provide minimum of one year warranty
11. Documentation:
Detailed step-by-step instructions for assembly and safe use, text-free pictorial based.
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.

1. Generic Name: Glucometer with strip

2. GMDN/UMDN Name/Code:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
A medical device that used for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood.
4. Technical Specification:
Hand-held device, user friendy and easy to set-up.
Measuring time: Approximately 5 seconds (blood application with test strip within the meter)
Memory capacity: Up to 500 values with date and time
Display: 96 segments LCD display with symbols
Shall have beep tone
Battery type: 3V, Lithium ion
Battery life: Minimum of 1000 measurements or one year
Shall have sample volume error detection
Shall have error code indicator while fault happen
Blood volume: 1-2 μL
Measuring range: 10 mg/dL – 600 mg/dL, 0.6 mmol/L – 33.3 mmol/L
Sample types: Capillary blood
Auto power off: 30 seconds
Shall be provided with calibration and quality control reagents
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment Shall provided
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature: +15ᵒC to +35ᵒC
Relative Humidity: <85%
7. Utility Requirements: Not Applicable
Electrical Power Supply: 220VAC +/-10%, 50Hz
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601 General Requirements of electrical Safety
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation/Training/Commissioning: Not Applicable
The supplier must provide Installation, technical and end user training on site.
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must provide minimum of Two years warranty from the date of commissioning.
11. Documentation:
User and Technical manual in English language
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.
1. Generic Name: IV Stand
2. GMDN/UMDN Name/Code:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
IV stand provides a secure place to hang bags of medicine or fluid with gravity and ensures an uninterrupted
administration of medicine down though a hollow plastic tube into the veins of the patient.
4. Technical Specification:
Hook and pole material type: medical grade stainless steel
Shall have Four hooks on top
Load per hook; 2Kg
Base material type: Plastic
Five maintenance free Swivel casters with black rubber wheel; two with cross brake
Telescopic adjustable height
Knob-operated height adjustment; Approx. 1500-2500mm
Pole sleeve welded securely to the base for reinforced stability
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares: NA
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature: +10ᵒC to +32ᵒC
Relative Humidity: <85%
7. Utility Requirements:NA
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet CE or Equivalent
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation/Training/Commissioning:NA
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must provide minimum of one years warranty
11. Documentation:
User manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling;
1. Generic Name:Monitor - Patient
2. GMDN/UMDN Name Code:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
Central Patient Monitoring System is a full-featured system that can monitor SPO2, ECG, NIBP, TEMP, RESP, CO, Temp, IBP,
PR, ETCo2 and other comprehensive patient data centrally.
4. Technical Specification:
Suitable for performing continuous monitoring of several patients in CCU and ICU wards simultaneously.
21'' color TFT , dual screen display
Waveform: 32@ a time
Each of the channels shall be user selectable to display any selected parameter from any bed in the system.

Trend information from the bedside monitor shall be available at the central station in the same format as the bedside monitor.

Support more than 15 patient monitors centrally

The system central station monitor that displays the information
ECG channel with interpretation with a facility to operate on ECG mode

The central station shall permit automatic display and control of any alarm parameter waveform from any bedside in the system.
This display shall not interrupt the viewing of any normal parameter display on the central monitor if necessary.
Bed specific audio visual alarms to indicate electrodes misuse, physiologic parameters error (high/low pressure, high/medium/low
temperature, high/medium/low SpO2, high/low HR, loose electrode, sensor disconnection, pulsation undetected, interference,
high/low S-T segment etc)
Integrated package of software for Interpretation, analysis, measurement and visualization of S-T segment as well as other
Provide the service of radio transmitters, receiver and telemetry systems
Wi-Fi enabled workstation for continual capture and broadcasts patient data at remote place of patient with daily activity
Central monitor shall have the capability to act as a bedside monitor
Protection against defibrillation shocks and high frequency current
Perform hemodynamic, ventilator, oxygenation and renal assessment computations
Audible and visual alarm for technical and physiological parameters error
Display real time waveforms, readings, emergency status and personal profile of the patient specific to the bed
integrated With advanced pc work station, with necessary network device
The processing station must have 8 GB RAM higher, intel core i7 latest generation, at least 1TB HDD and 21 inch or higher
medical grade high definition color display TFT/LED touch screen dual displays with external keyboard, mouse and all necessary
software package with LAN, and USB ports
Built in speaker
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment, including all standard tools and cleaning and
lubrication materials, to be included (including items not specified above).
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other components:
Recording device with printer print out values and uninterrupted power supply(UPS >2Hr)
3 x Box thermal paper
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment, including all standard tools and cleaning and
lubrication materials including items not specified above
7. Utility Requirements:
Electrical Power Supply: 220VAC +10%
UPS with 4hr capacity
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601(Or Equivalent BIS) General Requirements of electrical Safety
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system (Or Equivalent)
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning:
The supplier must provide installation, and commissioning of the device at health Facility
The supplier must provide on sight technical and end user training
10. Warranty and After Sale service:

The supplier must be provide minimum of Two years warranty including labour and spare part from the date of commissioning.

After basic warranty the supplier must agree for after sales service
11. Documentation:
User and service manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each goods will be further packed in separate package with all its standard accessories of distinct identification and numbers
Additional packing and labeling requirements should bear in each package
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.
1. Generic Name: Ultrasonic-Doppler, Fetal
2. GMDN/UMDN Code/Name:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
To nonivasively detect foetal heart beats from the surface of the preganant
women's abdomen.
4. Technical Specifications
Doppler based fetal heart rate detector with amplifier loudspeaker.
Auto and manual detection
Transducer frequency: >2 MHz
Handheld, easy to operate and carry (pocket size)
Transducer water proof probe with fixed wire connection to the main unit, length approx 35 cm.
Detector diameter approx. 20 mm.
Self test is performed Each time the device is switched on.
Backlight LCD
Fetal heart rate (FHR) in beats per minute (bpm)
Automatic detection probe
Visiual pulse indication
Sound volume level.
Low battery, battery status and malfunctions, with audiovisual alert.
Built-in loudspeaker with volume adjustment and ear phone output
Built-in recorder
Advanced noise suppression system assures quality diagnostic sound.
Autonomy, approx 1000 one-minute examinations.
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other Components:
2 x Bottles of ultrasound gel, 350 ml
2 x Set of 2 batteries 1.5 V AA / LR6 (separately packed); Rechargab
1 x Soft carry bag easy to clean
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature:+10 °C to + 32°C
Relative humidity : < 85%
7. Utility requirment:
• Operates on two 1.5V AA / LR6 batteries.
Electrical Power Supply: 220VAC +/-10%, 50HZ
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601(Or Equivalent ) General Requirements of electrical Safety
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning:Not applicable
The supplier must provide installation, and commissioning of the device at health Facility
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must be provide minimum of one year warranty including labor and spare part from the date of
After basic warranty the supplier must agree for after sales service
11. Documentation:
User/operating and service manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.
1. Generic Name: Stethoscope - Neonatal
2. GMDN/UMDN Name/Code:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
Stethoscope is an acoustic medical device listening sound from the heart, lung and Gastrointestinal tract for
4. Technical Specification:
Diaphrame diameter:13-20mm
Frequency ranges=50-1500Hz
Stainless steel chest-pieces of duplex
Sensetivity 2.8dB-30dB
Y-Tube treated rubber or PVC with diameter range of :7-12mm
Overall length: Atleast 79 cm Adult
Stethoscope Diaphragms and Non-chill Rims
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares
1x Spare diaphram
1x Spare paire of ear piece
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature:+10 °C to + 32°C
Relative humidity : < 85%,
7. Utility requirment: NA
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601(Or Equivalent ) General Requirements of electrical Safety
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning: NA
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must provide minimum of two years warranty including labour and spare part from the date of
11. Documentation:
Operating/user in English.
12. Packaging and Labeling;
1. Generic Name: Trolley - Patient records
2. GMDN/UMDN Code/Name፡
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
Patient Records Trolleys used for secure storage and transport of medical records in healthcare
4. Technical Specification:
With box section to hold the folders and writing top made of laminated plastic
The box section should accommodate atleast 30 patient records with min. size of 45 x 40 cm
Minimum of three drawer
Mounted on four castors and cappable of holding the appropriate weight
Dimensions, not less than 90 x 55 x 100 cm (w x d x h)
Complete more than 30 foolscap files
Frame stainless steel
5. System Configuration Accessories, Consumables & Other:
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment, including all standard
tools and cleaning and lubrication materials including items not specified above
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature: +10ᵒC to +32ᵒC
Relative Humidity: <85%
7. Utility Requirements:
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet lEC and ISO standard and Equivalent safty requirement
It should have certified with CE/FDA/EFDA and Equivalent.
9. Installation/Training/Commissioning:
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must provide minimum of one years warranty
11. Documentation:
Technical manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Pack all neccesary units in one package
1. Generic Name: Warmer - Radiant, Infant, Advanced
Country of origin
2. GMDN/UMDNS Code/Name::
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:

The device consists of a biocompatible bed on which to place the infant, and an
overhead heater that delivers radiant heat and used in the treatment of hypothermia.
4. Technical Specification:
Mobile, mounted on 4 double swiveling castors wheels, 2 with brakes.
Should have built-in balance scale and suction unit
Should have capability of providing CPAP

With built-in blender for controlling levels of Oxygen concentration from 21% to at
least 60%.
Should have built-in medical air compressor
Equipped with Oxygen analyzer module to monitor O2 levels at the ambient.
Combined with an acrylic helmet, can be used to administer a closed environment with
higher concentrations of O2
Table surface: conductive mattress with infant head/shoulder support.
Mattress cover: waterproof and washable.

Markings on the bassinet and X-Ray cassette holder are mandatory to enable proper positioning of the baby while doing the X
Under table 2 storage drawers.
Side rails allow for mounting of accessories.
Should have integrated support for two not less than 10L oxygen Cylinder
Hood suspended above the table integrates heating element and overhead light.
Bed can tilt continuously up to ± 12° for Trendelenburg
Overhead light: LED
Base should be height adjustable with electrical foot switches on both sides.
Display with LCD screen for displaying skin temperature and heat power separately.
Feather touch operating with large digital display and comprehensive alarms. Control Panel should be liquid proof and allow e
hygienic disinfection
Heating element: emitter with parabolic reflector and protected by metal grid Control unit allows air and skin temperature pre
(LCD indicator) and drives radiant heater Output (servo and manual)
Integrated timer: 1 to 59 min
Temperature range: skin: 34 to 38 degree C (user pre-settable)
Monitoring of skin temperature by means of sensor, range: 30oC to 40oC
Heater output: 0 to 100% in increments of 5%
Audio and visual alarms for: Power failure, Probe failure or disconnected, Heater failure,Temperature higher or lower than set
Display reports systems errors, sensor failure.
Control unit: audiovisual alarms according to timer and temperature presets avoiding overheating
Protection: OVP, earth leakage protection.
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other components:
1 x Mattress
3 x skin temperature probe (including connection cable)
1 x spare heating element
Skin adhesive for fixing probe – 100 units
2x empty 10L and Medical oxygen cylinders
Acrylic helmet
5 x spare fuses
Eye pads for use during phototherapy – 50 units
IV pole
6. Operating Environment;
Operating Temperature:+10 °C to + 32°C
Relative humidity : < 85%
7. Utility Requirements:
Electrical Power Supply: 220VAC +/-10%,50Hz
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601 ( Bs equivalent) General Requirements of electrical Safety
Should meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system (Or Equivalent)
9. Installation, Training and Commissioning:
The supplier must provide commissioning of the device at health Facility
The supplier must provide on site technical and end user training
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must be provide minimum of Two years warranty including labor and spare part from the date of commissioning.
After basic warranty the supplier must agree for providing after sales service on agreement base
11. Documentation:
User and service manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling;
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.
Each goods will be further packed in separate package with all its standard accessories of distinct identification and numbers
Additional packing and labeling requirements should bear in each package
Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.

Country of origin
General description: Carrier, with movable side rail. On wheels
Heavy-duty carrying stretcher for hospital use.
Frame: 18/10 stainless steel.
Castors: rubber and steel, zinc-coated
Overall size LWH: 2000x600x850mm
Useful size LWH: 1,800x520mm
Frame: tubes, 30mm diameter.
Movable side rails: right and left, quick one-handed locking and unlocking.
Headrest, adjustable.
Backrest angle: 0-75 degree
Castors: swivel wheels, diameter 120mm (2 with foot brakes).
Mattress: leatherette upholstery, easy to clean and X-ray transparent.
Size: 1,200x25040mm
Mattress thickness: 8cm
Must be corrosion-resistant (suitable for tropical environments) and support repeated decontaminations (chlorine solu
Carrying capacity: approximately 200kg.
Unit presentation: individually packaged, in knockdown construction, assembly instructions included.
The following information must appear on the packaging:
Designation of item, address of supplier (manufacturer), and CE mark and reference number of notifying body.
Must be EFDA registered
Supplied with clear instructions and diagrams for assembly in English, a list of accessories and parts, and assembly-sp

1. Generic Name: Electrotherapy modalities (TENS, Ultrasound & Combination therapy)

2. GMDN/UMDNS Code/Name:
3. Clinical Purpose/Description:
A medical device use electric current to stimulate the nerve for therapeutic purpose and to reduce acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.Ult
therapy: The use of high frequency vibration sound wave that can breakup stony deposits or tissues, accelerate the effect of drugs in targeted
assist in the measurement of the elastic properties of tissue.
4. Technical Specification:
Adjustable digital timer, auto shut off buzzer
The unit should be user friendly and ergonomically designed
The unit should have LED color screen to display all parameters
The unit should have contact treatment control
The unit should be portable/ mobile on trolley, operated by mains power supply
The unit Should have on/off switch
Ultrasound therapy፡
Ultrasound modes: pulsed and continuous
Ultrasound frequency: 1 and 3 MHz
Pulse frequency: approx. 10Hz to 100Hz
Intensity: 1 – 3 w/cm2
Duty cycle: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 80%
two waterproof treatment head
Number of connections: one
Should have four independent current channels.
Should have approx. 50 treatment suggestions
Should have approx. 60 current forms per channels.
Combination therapy፡
Adjustable intensity per channel
Comprises of TENS and ultrasound therapy which used for nerve stimulation, pain relief and to treat tendon and ligaments.
Should have dual treatment suggestions
5. System Configuration Accessories, Spares, Consumables and other components :
Trolley for mounting purpose
Ultrasound multi frequency treatment head with holder---02
Ultrasound gel 450ml---20
Velcro straps (small and large size)---10m of each

Rubber electrodes (Different size of rectangle, Different size of butterfly, Different size of long strips, Different size of round)-- 300 of each

Moist pads -- 300 of each

Patient cables, plugs
All standard accessories, consumables and parts required to operate the equipment, including all standard tools, cleaning and lubrication mat
with items not specified above.
6. Operating Environment:
Operating Temperature: +10ᵒC to +32ᵒC
Relative Humidity: <85%
7. Utility Requirements:
Electrical Power Supply: 220VAC +10%, 50Hz
8. Standards and Safety Requirements:
Shall meet IEC-60601(Or Equivalent) General Requirements of electrical Safety
Shall meet ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management system
9. Installation/Training/Commissioning
The supplier must provide installation, and commissioning of the device at health Facility.
The supplier must provide on site technical and end user training
10. Warranty and After Sale service:
The supplier must provide minimum of two years warranty including labor and spare part from the date of commissioning.
After basic warranty the supplier must agree for providing after sales service on agreement base
11. Documentation:
User and service manual in English
12. Packaging and Labeling
Packing of all the goods clearly marked and securely packed.

Each goods will be further packed in separate package with all its standard accessories of distinct identification and numbers consecutively.

Additional packing and labeling requirements should bear in each package

Each item with all accessories /spare part shall be configured and packed in one unit.

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