Territoial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 Notification
Territoial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 Notification
Territoial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 Notification
17.Admit Card for Online Entrance Exam. The admit card will be made (k) Service certificate by candidates employed in Central
available online for being downloaded by the candidate. The admit cards shall Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector
depict photograph and scanned signature of the candidate, date of birth, Authenticated by Head Office along with salary certificate
date/time of examination and also name and address of examination centre. and No Objection Certificate by the department as per
In addition, email & SMS alert will also be sent to the candidates for the same. format given below.
18. Helpline Number for Guidance of Candidates. In caseof 24.The Following Applicable Certificate be Compulsorily
anyguidance/information/clarification regarding their Produced at the Time of Interview.
application,candidatureetc.candidates can contact (a) Certificate to be Rendered by Candidates Employed
helpdeskoverTelephoneonworkingdaysbetween10:00 AMto5:00PM in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State Govt/ Semi Govt
starting from the commencement of filling of application till conduct of duly Authenticated by Head OF Office.
CBT. The contact details will be available on official website i.e
www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in. I certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari_______
S/o/D/o/W/o__________ employed under me as
19. Objection Management. Objection Management Link shall be hosted
______________for the last _______ yrs and that his/her
on website www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in. after 72 hours from the date of
character as far as known to me is good. He/ She is/is not
examination inviting concerns of the candidates related to questions and
recommended for the grant of commission in TA. It is also
answers keys of the examination, if any. The objection management link shall certified that Shri/Smt/Kumari _____will be made available
be shared with the candidates on their registered email for downloading of
for Trg/embodiment for service of the Territorial Army as and
response sheet. Objection management link will be live for only three days. when required. It is further certified that Shri/Smt/Kumari
20. Selection Procedure. ______does not hold and/or is not likely to hold in the
foreseeable future a key–post in ______ (Department/
(a) Candidates whose application forms are found correct andare
declaredsuccessfulintheonline entrance exam will be detailed for Organisation which could affect the minimum essential
intelligence and personality test at the ServiceSelectionBoard. functions of this Department/ Organisation. However, in the
event of his/ her becoming a key person subsequently the
(b) Two-stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Director General Territorial Army, New Delhi shall be
Test and IntelligenceTesthasbeenintroduced requested immediately to release or discharge him/her from
atServiceSelectionBoards. All the candidates will beput the Territorial Army.
tostageonetestonfirstdayofreportingat Selection Centres.Onlythose
candidateswhoqualifyatstageonewillbeadmitted to Place Signature
thesecondstage/remaining tests and all those who fail to pass stage Date Designation
one, will be returned. Stamp/Seal of Office
(c) The male and female candidates will beplaced in separate order (b) Certificate to be rendered by Self Employed
of merit on the basis of the total marks secured by them in theonline Personnel (Self Certified by the candidate)
entrance examinationandintheSSBtests. (i) I ______ (Name) S/o/D/o/W/o ______ certify that I
21. Embodiment for Training. possess good moral character to the best of
my belief and knowledge.
(a) Six months Pre-Commission Training as provided in TA Rule 20A
amended vide SRO 65 dt 29 Apr 2023. (Candidates shall Place Signature
becommissioned in TA only on successful completion of the said Pre- Date Name
Commission Training.
(ii)Affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum
(b)Two months annual training camp every year. value duly endorsed by notary.
22.Terms and Conditions of Service. I_______ (Name) S/o/D/o/W/o _________ resident of
(a)Territorial Army is part time concept with mandatory two months _______ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as
training in a year and does not provide full time career.
(b)Serving in Territorial Army do not guarantee pension and the same is (aa)That I am a resident of above address.
subject to embodied service as per organisational requirement. (ab)That I am self-employed as ___________.
(c)Commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant. (ac)That my annual income from all sources is
approximately Rs ___________.
(d)Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as Regular Army
Officers when embodied for training and military service. The above statement is true and correct to the best
(e)Promotions up to Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down of my knowledge and belief.
criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.
(f)Officers commissioned in Territorial Army may be called out for Deponent
military service for longer duration depending on the requirement.
(g)Pay Scales (VIIth CPC).
Verification: Verified at ______ on this ______ day of _______
Rank Level Pay Matrix Military 20___ that the contents of above affidavit are true to my
Service Pay knowledge & belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
Lieutenant Level 10 56,100 - 1,77,500 15500/-
Captain Level 10A 61,300 - 1,93,900 15500/- Deponent
Major Level 11 69,400 - 2,07,200 15500/-
(c)Certificate to be Rendered by Candidates Employed
Lt Colonel Level 12A 1,21,200 - 2,12400 15500/- in PrivateSector (to be authenticated by Head of Office)
Colonel Level 13 1,30,600 - 2,15,900 15500/-
Brigadier Level 13A 1,39,600 - 2,17,600 15500/- Certified that any difference between the civil and military
pay and allowances of the applicant Name
23. Candidate who qualify in online entrance exam (CBT) are required to _________________S/o/D/o/W/o _________________ an
bring the following documents in original along with self-attested copies at employee of this organisation will be paid by us for the
the time of SSB Interview. period of his/her military duties in the Territorial Army. On
(a) Application Form IAF (TA)-9 (Revised) Part-2 to be downloaded return from Military duty in the Territorial Army,
from www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in and fill it up in their own hand Shri/Smt/Kumari___________________will be absorbed in
writing. the same or equivalent post which he/she would have held if
his/her service in the civil had not been so interrupted and
(b) All educational qualification certificates (Matric onwards).
the such military service would count for all benefits in
(c) Copy of identity proof with photographs (Voter ID/PAN Card/ his/her civil job, like seniority for promotion, increment of
Passport/ Driving license/Aadhaar etc). pay, bonus and provident fund etc. To which he/ she would
(d) Proof of residential address. have otherwise been entitled.
(e) Certificate for proof of age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheet Place Signature
and certificate for verification of date of birth). Date
(f) Candidates whose names vary in documents should submit copy Designation
of Gazette notification of India/ State showing the correct name or an Stamp/ Seal of Office
affidavit duly supported by newspaper cuttings.
(g) Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income
Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer).
(h) Copy of latest Income Tax Return (ITR) filed.
(j) Self-employed candidates are required to submit an Affidavit on
Non- Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating
nature of employment and annual income along with photocopy of PAN
card and self- certified character certificate.