03panigrahietal2009 MGC
03panigrahietal2009 MGC
03panigrahietal2009 MGC
1 687
1 author:
Dinesh Pandit
Banaras Hindu University
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The Malanjkhand granitoid complex dominantly comprises a coarse grained hornblende
and biotite bearing granodiorite/tonalite that occurs as regionally dominant gray and
locally dominant (mine pit) pink varieties, furnishing identical emplacement age
(2476+9 Ma), thus belong to a large single episode of granitic activity (MGC–I).
Subordinate leucogranite/microgranite with sporadic occurrence within the MGC–
I constitutes the other member of the complex (MGC–II). Age relationship between
these two phases is uncertain. The complex is host to copper (+molybdenum and
gold) mineralization, concentrated mainly in the form of an arcuate (N–S) mineralized
quartz reef of about 1.8 km strike length. The deposit displays significant deviations
from typical porphyry copper deposits that can be provisionally explained on the basis
of some fundamental differences in the origin and evolution of the granitoid complex.
The parent melt of MGC-I was of low oxidation state (FMQ–NNO), was devoid of
sulfurous species and was emplaced at a greater depth. The end stage fluid evolved
internally causing deuteric alterations with remobilization of K, Si and the metals (Fe
and Cu) and converged to a fracture zone that gave rise to the mineralized quartz
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reef. Sulfide deposition was possibly triggered by S and CO2–rich fluid that exsolved
from the leucogranite (MGC-II) and channeled through the fracture zone. Thus the
Malanjkhand deposit might represent an ancient geothermal system with multiple
sources of metals and fluid associated with two phases of granitic activities (one major
and the other minor), with close spatial but uncertain temporal relationship. Temporal
relationship of the two phases of granitic activities and mineralization remains as an
unresolved issue on the genesis of the Malanjkhand deposit. Besides, tectonic
environment of emplacement and evolution of the granitoid complex vis-à-vis
mechanism of generation of the fracture zone needs to be worked out more definitively
to have a better understanding of the granite-ore system at Malanjkhand.
Palaeproterozoic granitoids, Leucogranite, Age, Oxygen fugacity, Fracture zone, Hydrothermal
“Each ore deposit is a characteristic part of a particular type of environment in the crust”– this
statement (Stanton, 1972) provides a powerful insight into the relationship of ore deposits and
identifiable geological elements in any crustal segment. The statement also reiterates the fact
that ore mineralization is essentially a crustal process-any one or any suitable combination of the
endogenous/exogenous processes can result in enrichment of metals in the form of ore bodies
of diverse geometry and size. Out of all the possible rocks that are directly or indirectly linked
with mineralization, granitoids constitute a distinct class that hosts deposits of Cu, Mo, Au, Sn,
W, Nb, Ta, U, etc., displaying diverse types and styles, represented in almost all the eons of
crustal evolution. Granitoids are an integral part of crustal evolution and are also considered as
indicators of the tectonic environment. Granitoid-hosted copper (with molybdenum and
sometimes gold) deposits are widespread throughout the evolution of the crust, but are most
prominent in the post-Mesozoic era. This is evident from Figure 1 where each interval in the
abscissa represents an age span of 200 million years. From the figure, the vanishing trend of
granitoid-hosted copper deposits beyond ~700 million years is conspicuous. Data have been
taken from Singer et al. (2005) who listed about 645 granitoid-hosted copper (molybdenum,
gold) deposits broadly under the porphyry-type category. The temporal distribution is very
much in accordance with the spatial distribution of such deposits with a high frequency of
occurrence in young active continental margins (mostly continental arc type settings, typified
by the western margin of the North and South America). The deposits in destructive continental
margins all around the world exhibit some commonalities with respect to their mode of
occurrence, alteration associated with mineralization, metal zoning, and nature of ore fluid.
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markedly higher even though the melt broadly correspond to I-type (metaluminous) character.
The lower oxidation state is due to the fact that subcratonically derived magmas were never
exposed to surface oxidation. Mineralization associated with such granitoids is expected to be
different in style as compared to porphyry systems in destructive plate margins.
In the context of many deposits where the typical porphyry-type alteration is missing, it is
often argued that the original zones were overprinted by later fluids. Overprinting by later
fluids is always a possibility, but it would be quite difficult to substantiate that the original
zoning and the original high temperature signatures of the fluid could be totally erased in such
On these premise, older granitoid associated ore systems need to be examined more carefully
to reveal the subtle differences in the way that these systems originated and evolved in the early
phase of evolution of the crust. It would be inappropriate to classify these deposits as porphyry-
type, and then begin looking for subduction-type tectonic environment in the crustal segment
in which they are present. The deviations in style of mineralization, nature of ore fluid, and
associated alteration must be quantitatively worked out to highlight the possible differences in
crustal regimes for deciphering the metallogenic evolution of the older continental crust. The
present communication is a modest attempt to highlight these aspects through a discussion on
one of the most interesting, as yet poorly understood Paleoproterozoic granite-ore system at
Malanjkhand. This present review is restricted to the granitoid complex and the mineralized
zone only.
Figure 2: Geological Map of the Malanjkhand Granitoid Complex (after Jain et al., 1995).
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also been reported (Neogi, 2006). Two prominent occurrences of the leucogranite has been
noted (see Fig. 2) – one proximal to the Malanjkhand mine and the other at about 12 km south
of the mine pit. The mineralized quartz reef is the largest quartz body within the complex with
subordinate and sporadic occurrences of quartz bodies of negligible size. The complex also
witnessed later phases of magmatic activities in the form of aplitic and mafic dykes, clearly
observable in the exposed mine pit. The granitoid complex is covered at parts by Chilpi Group
of sediments that occur as outliers.
MGC–I is essentially a coarse grained hornblende and biotite bearing rock varying from
granite to tonalite in modal composition, containing plagioclase, quartz, biotite, K-feldspar with
accessory apatite, primary titanite, and zircon. Occurrence of stout grains of epidote with
conspicuous zoning, often surrounded by biotite indicates its primary magmatic origin. MGC–
I is characterized by extensive deuteric alteration in form of saussuritization of plagioclase,
breakdown of hornblende (to biotite + epidote + titanite) as well as chloritization of the same
and also chloritization of biotite with secondary titanite. K-feldspar megacrysts invariably contain
inclusions of saussuritized plagioclase and the feature is more extensive in the part of MGC–
I exposed in the mine pit where it has a conspicuous pink color. Such a feature, often associated
with myrmekite possibly points to the fact that in most cases, K-feldspar deposition was more
dominant after the magmatic-hydrothermal transition (Hibbard, 1979). However, mineral
chemical data on the myrmekite is inadequate at the moment to examine the proposition any
further. The pervasive nature of the deuteric alteration suggests the prolonged interaction of
the end-stage hydrothermal fluid that remained within the system.
Many previous workers (Rai and Venkatesh, 1990; Panigrahi et al., 1993; Sarkar et al., 1996;
Kumar and Rino, 2006) discussed major element variations in MGC–I and II). MGC–I largely
conforms to calc-alkaline affinity and shows weakly peraluminous to metaluminous type. Though
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Figure 4: The REE distribution patterns of MGC-I. Normalizing values are from Rollinson (1993).
The pattern shows a MREE depleted concave upward pattern.
discrimination diagrams fail to classify them as strictly I-type, MGC–I is broadly belived to be
of I-type affinity on the basis of mineralogy and chemistry. MGC–II was described as an I-SC
(strongly contaminated) by Panigrahi et al. (1993) on the basis of major element chemistry. It
has been generally agreed that MGC–I is a product of melting of mafic (amphibolitic) lower
crust. The rare earth element distribution pattern has also been studied by previous workers
and our data on MGC–I are plotted in figure 4. The REE distribution patterns of MGC-I can
be interpreted as a moderately fractionated (CeN/YbN values that range from 8.85 to 61.56
with an average of 49) and MREE depleted type (Hanson, 1980). The moderately fractionated
nature (less depleted HREE) rules out the presence of either clinopyroxene or garnet in the
residue, rather the MREE depleted pattern is suggestive of the dominance of hornblende in
the residue. The pattern roughly points towards an amphibolitic progenitor. The pattern without
any significant negative Eu anomaly indicates either (i) no substantial retention of plagioclase
in the residue or (ii) low fo2 condition (Eu2+ stable) during crystallization of felsic melt.
An attempt has been made to compute the degree of partial melting in case of MGC–I
using the concentration ratio method of Maaloe (1985). We have taken P as the most
incompatible element and considered REEs such as Nd, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb and Lu as less
incompatible elements for pairing with P to compute the degree of partial melting using the
concentration ratio method. The calculated results are furnished in figure 5 a-f. The figure
shows the enrichment factor (R) of the less incompatible element calculated from the bulk
distribution values for granitic system from literature (Rollinson, 1993) plotted against degree
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Figure 5: (a-f) R (concentration ratio) versus f1 plots for different less incompatible elements (Nd, Gd, Dy,
Er, Yb and Lu) in ppm with P2O5 in wt% ( taken as the most incompatible species). Solid triangles
(observed R values) indicate degree of partial melting for each sample.
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of partial melting (f). The curves are trajectories of R with increasing degree of partial melting.
In the present case, an amphibolitic source with modal abundance of plagioclase and hornblende
in the ratio of 60:40 has been chosen. The plots indicate that the degree of partial melting
could not have been more than 10% for generation of MGC–I melt. Melting possibly took
place in a water-present condition at temperatures of ~850oC and pressure <6 kb to have left
a hornblende rich residue that agrees with the concave upward pattern of the REE distribution.
A maximum pressure of 4.5 kb was reported by Panigrahi (1992) and temperatures of 850±30o
has been obtained from zircon saturation thermometry agrees well with this proposition. An
initial water content of 2.5 to 4 wt% can be envisaged for MGC–I from the presence of
hornblende as an early crystallizing phase. Panigrahi (1992) calculated a maximum water content
of 6.5 wt% using the formulation of Burnham (1979). Calculation of maximum water content
from major element chemistry using the formulation of Behrens and Jantos (2001) yields a
value of about 5.2 wt%. In the absence of further constraint on the exact water content of
MGC–I melt, it can only be speculated that the melting must have been triggered by presence
of water in excess of what could have been contributed by melting of hornblende only. It may
be noted that we do not favour fluid absent dehydration melting of the source that usually
results in garnet/clinopyroxene at the source reflected in a HREE depleted pattern (Tepper et
al., 1993).
In MGC–I, perfect positive correlation is observed between the LREEs and HREEs with
weak cross correlations between them. Following Allegré et al. (1977), Hanson (1978, 1989),
elements of identical bulk distribution coefficients are perfectly correlated in case of equilibrium
crystallization of the melt. Using the equation of equilibrium partial melting as Cli = C0i/Di
(1 – F) + F for element i and similar equation for element j with Di ≅ Dj, the relationship of
Cli or Cl j reduces to Cli = Cl j (C0i/C0j). In other words, plots between elements of identical bulk
distribution coefficient should show linear relationship with constant slope. In the present case
plots of a few such pairs (La vs Ce, Sm vs Gd, Dy vs Lu and Nb vs Ta) are shown in figure
6 a-d. These plots indicate that MGC–I melt possibly evolved through equilibrium crystallization.
This however needs to be confirmed through more rigorous exercise.
Kumar and Rino (2006) on the basis of comparative mineralogical and geochemical studies
of microgranular enclaves and host granitoids at Malanjkhand concluded subduction-related,
calc-alkaline affinity for the Malanjkhand granitoid and suggested mixing of mafic and felsic
magmas to form hybridized enclaves which mingled, undercooled and chemically equilibrated
into relatively cooler, partly crystalline felsic host in plutonic condition. Pandit and Panigrahi
(2007) attempted to work out the geodynamic environment of emplacement of MGC–I using
the methodology outlined by Cruden (1998) and Thompson (1999). On the basis of pressure
of ~3 kb (Kumar and Rino, 2006) estimated from hornblende composition and temperature
of 750o C obtained from hornblende-plagioclase pairs, the water content of the melt was
computed (Behrens and Jantos, 2001). This led to estimation of viscosities and densities of the
MGC–I melt and the dry rock. In turn, three parameter such as the rate of extraction (QW),
rate of ascent (QA) and rate of emplacement (QE) were calculated taking a disc shaped geometry
of MGC–I and a calculated average vertical thickness of 3 km. On the basis of the parameters
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Figure 6: (a-d) Plots of trace element pairs (La versus Ce; Sm versus Gd; Dy versus Lu,
and Nb versus Ta) indicating equilibrium crystallization of MGC-I.
(Qw = 40 m3/s; QA = 21.6 m3/s and QE = 29.6 m3/s), the strain rate in the MGC–I melt was
calculated to be 3.621 × 10–12 s–1. Further calculation following Cruden (1998) resulted in a
strain ratio of 0.0385 to 1.0, which is less than what would be expected in a convergent
setting. The relationship of QE > QA, QE < QW and QW > QA in combination of the low strain
ratio indicates emplacement of MGC–I in a divergent setting which may be ascribed to
decompression melting due to mantle upwelling or melting due to underplating of basaltic
magma at the base of the continental crust (Tepper et al., 1993). Such a mechanism of generation
of MGC–I would indicate a fundamental difference between the Malanjkhand pluton and
those hosting porphyry deposits in convergent settings. This aspect needs to be worked out in
more details.
Panigrahi (1992) attempted to work out the nature of end-stage fluid in MGC–I through
fluid inclusion study on quartz, and inferred a dominantly low temperatures (<100 to 240oC)
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of the fluid that vary in salinity from 3 to 41 wt% NaCl equivalent with maxima in the range
of 8-12 and 24-28 wt% NaCl equivalent. Follow up fluid inclusion work on samples covering
the total exposed part of MGC–I was carried out. The histogram of temperature of
homogenization and plot of temperature versus salinity are furnished in Figure 7 A-B. The
temperature range obtained is still quite low in comparison to thermal state of fluids that exsolve
from crystallizing granitic melts. It may be noted that the observed temperature and salinity
range has a fairly large degree of overalap with the ore fluid in the mineralized zone where the
temperature range obtained from fluid inclusion study is corroborated by temperature ranges
obtained from chlorite, biotite and epidote (Naik, 2006). Though the low temperature nature
of the fluid is usually suspected to be of secondary (such as meteoric) origin, the salinity range
indicates that the fluid bears the signature of its derivation from the parent granitoid melt but
evolved to a lower temperatures during precipitation of quartz. Freezing study of inclusions
from MGC-I confirm Ca-rich nature and total absence of anhydrite/gypsum as daughter crystals
in fluid inclusions, which also indicate the absence of oxidized S-species (SO42–) in the end-stage
fluid. It may also be noted that MGC-I is completely devoid of sulfide minerals beyond the
confines of the mine pit.
Figure 7: (A-B) Histogram of salinity (wt% NaCl equivalent) and fluid evolution diagram
(Th in oC vs. salinity) of MGC-I).
In the absence of the exact value of initial water content of MGC–I melt and quantitative
evaluation of the physicochemical conditions at which the fluid was exsolved from the melt, the
scenario of evolution of the late-stage fluid can not be worked out. However, from the pervasive
deuteric alterations in MGC–I and extensive mobilization of silica and potash in the
system, involvement of extraneous fluid (possibly meteoric) is plausible and awaits
confirmation from stable isotope signatures of fluids. The deuteric alterations mainly observed
in MGC-I is saussuritization of plagioclase, chloritization of hornblende and biotite and also
breakdown of hornblende to fine grained assemblages of biotite, epidote with minor titanite.
Chloritization of biotite and hornblende is also associated with formation of secondary titanite
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or rutile. The compositional characteristics of the primary and secondary titanite have not been
and Mookherjee, 1997), the pink granitoid in and around the mine pit is a microclinized
equivalent of the gray granitoid due to protracted and greater extent of fluid activity
in the vicinity of the fracture zone. The pink granitoid does not strictly represent an
equivalent of the “potassic” alteration zone typically associated with porphyry copper
deposits. Moreover, the centrally located quartz reef contains the richest and chalcopyrite–
dominated mineralization, which is in contrast to the relatively poorly mineralized central
potassic zones of porphyry copper deposits.
4. Alteration such as saussuritization of plagioclase, breakdown of hornblende to epidote
+biotite±chlorite assemblages, and chloritization of biotite are pervasive in the area
affecting both the gray and the pink granitoids. These alteration assemblages, interpreted
in almost all previous studies as deuteric, do not define a porphyry–type propylitic
alteration. Also, there is no feature in the mine pit that can be labeled as a phyllic or
argillic zone in terms of the silicate assemblage or an enriched ore blanket that are
characteristic of porphyry deposits.
5. Mineralogically, the Malanjkhand ores are simple, dominated mostly by primary
chalcopyrite and pyrite and magnetite with subordinate sphalerite, haematite and
molybdenite. Sarkar et al. (1996) reported cassiterite and galena and some rare Ag-
telluride and Pb-selenide phases on the basis of micro-probe analysis. There is a general
agreement that the quartz-sulfide ores at Malanjkhand is devoid of pyrrhotite and
attempts to reconstruct the hydrothermal environment have been based on this premise
(Jaireth and Sharma, 1986; Panigrahi et al., 1991; Panigrahi and Mookherjee, 1997
and Panigrahi et al., 2008). There have been a number of secondary ore minerals that
resulted from supergene oxidation and sulfide enrichment process. A paragenetic
sequence of deposition of ore minerals was first proposed by Seetharam (1976), which
was later refined by Panigrahi and Mookherjee (1997). It may be noted that both
Seetharam (1976) and Panigrahi and Mookherjee (1997) considered mineralization at
Malanjkhand as a result of a single episode of fluid activity and suggested a common
paragenetic sequence for ores at diverse sites. There is still some uncertainty in the exact
timing of molybdenite deposition because of rare occurrence of the same with other
sulfide minerals vis-à-vis its occurrence as aggregates in fracture spaces of quartz and
To characterize the physico–chemical condition of ore deposition, fluid inclusion studies
were attempted by Jaireth and Sharma (1986), Ramanathan et al. (1990) and Panigrahi and
Mookherjee (1997). Jaireth and Sharma (1986) inferred a CO2-bearing hydrothermal fluid
with an appreciable amount of Na and K at 210°–470° C. They also inferred boiling at 370°
C that caused precipitation of ores. Later separation of a CO2-rich fluid of low salinity and a
higher saline fluid with less CO2 was also proposed by them. Based on phase equilibria
considerations, they inferred the ranges of log (–30.2 to –34.4) and (–8.8 to –11.6) conditions
of deposition of ores and deduced a pH range of 4.5–6.5. On the assumption of boiling of
fluid, they inferred the pressure range of 225–440 bars during ore deposition. Panigrahi and
Mookherjee (1997) gave a detailed account of the characteristics and evolution of the ore fluid
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at the Malanjkhand deposit. The following is a summary of the fluid characteristics based on
fluid inclusion studies.
• The main mineralized quartz reef and subordinate veins and stringers have identical
fluid characteristics and are therefore product of the same fluid activity.
• The bulk of mineralization resulted from a dominantly low–temperature (375–150o
C) and moderately saline (8-12 wt % NaCl eq.) fluid. Deposition of ore minerals resulted
by mixing of two fluids: (i) a low–temperature moderately high saline fluid of much
higher proportion (F2) and (ii) a relatively higher temperature and lower salinity fluid
of much lower proportion (F1).
• F1 fluid component was hotter (~350o C or higher) and CO2- bearing and the F2-
component was dominantly aqueous and metal-rich. The carbonic component of the
fluid is well preserved in the stringer and vein regions as aqueous carbonic and pure-
carbonic inclusion.
• The F2 component was contributed by the surrounding granitoids – a pervasive fluid
phase that evolved internally, acquiring enough metal, silica, and potash through
prolonged fluid – rock interaction that caused the pervasive deuteric alteration therein,
converged to the fracture zone and deposited microcline and silica in the immediate
vicinity and continued precipitating quartz and ore minerals in the fracture zone on
mixing with F1 fluid. The F2 component was inferred to be devoid of CO2 and sulfur.
• The F1 fluid component though small in volume was crucial and supplied the necessary
sulfurous species and CO2 and possibly was vapour dominated, exsolved from some
deeper source. The situation visualized was more akin to ‘steam–heating’ by hyposulfurous
vapour similar to the situation inferred by Brimhall and Ghiorso (1983).
• Pressure estimated from assemblages of aqueous, aqueous carbonic, and pure carbonic
inclusions range from 500 to 1700 bars in the mineralized veins and stringers and
1100 bars from the reef quartz ores. This is indicative of intermittent building up of
pressure (through sealing of fractures) and release (through continued fracturing) that
is common in most fracture controlled hydrothermal systems. The values also indicate
conditions intermediate between lithostatic and hydrostatic.
• The fluid evolved through a two–stage process, first being mixing that brought about
deposition of sulfides and the second being unmixing of CO2liquid as a consequence of
deposition of sulfides, that explains the later rise of salinity/density in the fluid.
• Mineral chemistry of biotite, chlorite and epidote furnish temperatures broadly
conforming to results of fluid inclusion study. Biotite in MGC-I (mine pit) indicates
that it is unaltered to partially altered in nature and is distinguishable from biotite in
known porphyry deposits on the basis of halogen chemistry (Panigrahi et al., 2008).
Biotite compositions, mainly from MGC-I from the mine pit and in the close vicinity
were used to infer the oxidation state. As shown in Figure 9 the oxygen fugacity mostly
corresponds to the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer, with some points between
the FMQ and NNO (Ni–NiO) and very rarely exceeding the NNO buffer. Biotite
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from host plutons of most porphyry deposits plot between NNO–HM (hematite-
mganetite) buffers. Thus, it may be surmised that MGC-I is primarily a reduced type
granitoid. The reduced nature is also qualitatively corroborated by low values of magnetic
susceptibility (~0.3 × 10-3 SI unit in 90 percent of the cases) of MGC-I (S. Ishihara,
unpublished data). Magnetic susceptibility mapping of Malanjkhand and surrounding
regions also reveal that ilmenite series reduced type (75%) granite dominates over
magnetite series oxidized type (25%) granites (Kumar and Rino, 2007).
Figure 10: (A-B) Histogram of salinity (wt% NaCl equivalent) and fluid evolution diagram
(Th in oC vs. salinity) of the leucogranite (MGC–II).
speculated that its emplacement had a close temporal overlap with development of the fracture
zone in MGC-I. The deep-seated fracture zone possibly provided an easy escape of the volatile
species from the crystallizing MGC-II at shallow levels.
deposits. Hence, this point cannot be considered strong enough to establish or refute a porphyry-
type affinity for Malanjkhand deposit.
The Malanjkhand granite-ore system – the 1.8 km long quartz reef, stringers and veins in
host granitoid – at the first sight indicate extensive mobilization of silica. The amount of quartz
within the mineralized zone (1.8 × 0.8 km2 area) would be of much higher proportion compared
to a porphyry deposit of identical dimension. This is one of the most significant points of difference
that requires proper explanation. Mineralogically, absence of pyrrhotite in the ores resembles
younger porphyry systems, but paucity of bornite and total absence of anhydrite in Malanjkhand
ores are significant differences. An enriched blanket is absent. The localized occurrence of
chalcocite-rich supergene zone below the (paleo) water table is common to fracture-controlled
tabular pyrite + chalcopyrite rich primary ore body of hydrothermal origin. A truly magmatic
fluid signature is missing.
Identical emplacement age (2478 Ga, U/Pb zircon) of the gray and the pink granitoids
reaffirms the proposition (on the basis of field relations, petrography, alteration, major element
chemistry and REE signatures) that the two granitoids represent the same phase of magmatic
activity (MGC-I). This implies that only a very small part of a granitoid complex of batholithic
dimension has been mineralized, the mineralization being confined essentially to a fracture zone
(the quartz reef). Porphyry-type copper deposits, on the other hand, are associated with smaller
stocks and the intrusive body rarely extends beyond the confines of the mineralized zone.
A pressure of 4.5 kb for MGC-I estimated from hornblende barometry and a pressure
range of 550-1700 bars estimated from aqueous-carbonic fluid inclusions in quartz from the
ore zone (Panigrahi and Mookherjee, 1997) indicates a significant difference in the crustal
levels of granitoid emplacement and mineralization. In a typical porphyry copper deposit (e.g.
Sillitoe, 1973), in contrast, the mineralization occurs at the same level as the emplacement at
the apical part of the pluton. The generalized porphyry model envisages involvement of a much
larger volume of the granitoid in terms of contribution of metal and fluid. The apical mineralized
part represents a metal+fluid-enriched zone, as a consequence of late stage evolution. In the
Malanjkhand context, the pink granitoid exposed in the mine pit is certainly not representing
an apical part of an intrusive granitoid. If the metals and fluids are contributed by the granitoid,
a much larger volume of the granitoid should have been involved, than what is exposed in the
mine pit. Panigrahi and Mookherjee (1997) inferred that the ore fluid was derived from the
surrounding granitoids on the basis of similarity of the fluid inclusion characteristics in the ores
and that in the surrounding granitoids, the pink and the gray granitoids taken together. A
necessary implication is that the scenario of granite emplacement and hydrothermal mineralization
seems to be different from typical porphyry copper deposits.
At this juncture, there could be three possible lines of argument. First, the granitoid body
is just a passive host, with metal- and sulfur-rich hydrothermal fluids from an unknown source
focused into the fracture zone and deposited silica (+K) and ore minerals with only a K-feldspar-
and chlorite-rich halo. Second, it was a actually a system identical to younger porphyry copper
mineralization, but thoroughly affected and modified by deformation and later low temperature
fluid destroying the stockwork and alteration zones (as suggested by some workers). Third, the
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Figure 11: The working model for the evolution of the Malanjkhand granitoid-ore system.
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deposit is directly affiliated to the granitoid, which contributed metal and fluid, but because of
differences in some key parameters, evolved differently, giving rise to the observed morphology
of the ores and associated alteration. The third alternative is preferred here. The close temporal
relationship of MGC-I and mineralization (zircon dates and overlapping molybdenite dates)
and close spatial association of the leucogranite and nature of its late stage fluid has been taken
into account to formulate the working model depicted in the form of a cartoon in Figure 11.
Naik (2006) examined two possibilities to account for the quartz reef. It may be noted that the
quartz reef implies mobilization of enormous quantity of silica from some source. The proposed
model envisages derivation from the host MGC-I as most deuteric alterations such as
saussuritization of plagioclase, chloritization of biotite and hornblende liberate silica to the fluid.
Naik (2006) attempted a one-dimensional dissolution and diffusion transport of silica to estimate
the possible time span of formation of the quartz reef following Wangen and Munz (2004).
Results indicate that the quartz reef (of ~70 m average width) would need anything from 4.7
to 21 million years if the temperature of the fluid was anything between 300 and 250o C. Such
models are very much dependent on assumption of many parameters such as the porosity of
the host rock, surface area and kinetic factors. These limitations notwithstanding, such a time
span of hydrothermal activity would indicate a fundamental difference with porphyry systems
where hydrothermal stage lasts for less than a million year. More rigorous exercise is possibly
needed to address the issue.
The Malanjkhand Cu-Mo deposit is comparable to porphyry-type ore deposits in terms of the
chemical package – an amphibolitic source giving rise to a calc-alkaline pluton that hosts the
copper mineralization (Burnham and Ohmoto, 1980). On the basis of information generated
so far, it looks as if this chemical package had a different physical manifestation. The
tectonomagmatic evolution of the part of the central Indian craton, is as uncertain as the tectonic
evolution of the crust in the Late-Archean to Early-Proterozoic period. The deviations in the
morphology and style from typical porphyry type may be ascribed to: (i) generation of granitic
magma from a lower crustal mafic parent in a cratonic interior where the parent material was
not oxidized to the extent that a subducting oceanic slab is in modern convergent settings, and
(ii) higher pressure of emplacement as compared to epizonal plutons giving rise to a porphyry-
style mineralization.
A fluid-present (may not necessarily be water saturated) condition of melting of the
amphibolitic source gave rise to a weakly peraluminous melt and hornblende-rich residue. In
case of MGC-I the overall coarse-grained nature indicates deeper level of crystallization, though
the temperature at the onset of crystallization is not constrained. In a water-saturated melt the
solidus is depressed and crystallization takes place late and at shallower level and results in
exsolution of volatiles that accumulate in the apical part of the pluton. Dehydration melting of
mafic source results in relatively anhydrous melt with higher liquidus temperature, wider
temperature interval of crystallization and faster ascent in the crust. The Malanjkhand situation
Genesis of the Granitoid Affiliated Paleoproterozoic Copper-Molybdenum Deposit . . . | 287
can be best visualized as somewhat intermediate between the two. Granitic magma emplaced
at divergent tectonic regimes (decompression and mantle upwelling or basalt underplating as
depicted in Tepper et al., 1993) are expected to experience slower ascent in the crust. A longer
residence time of the melt at higher pressures may result in crystallization of magmatic epidote
that would fix a fraction of the dissolved water from the melt (Beard et al., 2005) and influence
the late-stage hydrothermal stage.
Felsic melts that give rise to porphyry copper deposits have higher initial fugacity of oxygen
(Burnham, 1997; Candela and Piccoi, 2005). Data generated so far indicate that the fugacity
of oxygen during crystallization of MGC-I was low. The Malanjkhand deposit possibly is an
example of copper mineralization associated with a granitoid which is not as oxidized as porphyry
systems and at the same time is not as reduced as the ‘reduced porphyry copper gold’ (RPCG-
type) (Rowins, 2000) deposits characterized by Au-rich and pyrrhotite-present ore assemblage
and predominance of methane in the carbonic fluid. It may be noted that Candela and Piccoi
(2005) ascribes the sea-water interaction of the oceanic slab as the mechanism of enrichment
of sulfur and metal. If the parent amphibolite of MGC-I melt did not have a pre-melting
interaction with sea water, the sulfur deficient nature of the fluid is a likely outcome. In that
case, the most likely source of sulfur is the mantle. This needs to be substantiated from isotopic
signature of sulfur in the deposit. It can only be assumed that metals were fractionated into the
granitic melt during the melting of parent amphibolite and remained sequestered to the early
crystallizing phases as suggested by Candela (1991), only to be scavenged later during the
hydrothermal stage. This needs to be substantiated from further mineral chemical data for their
metal contents. If sulfur is of deeper source, the deep seated fracture zone (where the quartz
reef is emplaced) is most likely to have acted as the channel for its escape and mixing with fluids
there. Since volatile emanations from deeper source are usually mixtures, other species such as
CO2 is also likely to be present. In light of origin of leucogranite in the crust through melting
induced by CO2-rich fluid at low temperatures as suggested by Sirbescu and Nabelek (2003),
the leucogranite at Malanjkhand and its CO2 + S enriched fluid is explicable. Therefore, MGC-
I with its imprints of hydrothermal activity, mineralization in the fracture zone and leucogranite
(possibly aplite) are a part of a jig-saw puzzle that needs to be properly assembled. The proposed
model is a working hypothesis that needs to be fine tuned with more data. In summary, it is
a long way to go before the Malanjkhand deposit is actually understood. A quantitative model
will help to understand the intricate details of evolution of Late-Archean/Early-Proterozoic
copper-bearing granitoids.
MKP acknowledges support from the Department of Science and Technology (ESS/16/246/
2005). We are thankful to Dr. Reimar Seltmann of Natural History Museum, London for his
generous help in ICP-MS analysis of rock samples. DP and RKN acknowledge support in the
form of research fellowships from CSIR and MHRD, Government of India respectively. We
thank Prof. Santosh Kumar for inviting to contribute to this volume and for his editorial advice
and support. The paper is dedicated to Late. Prof. Asoke Mookherjee.
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