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SIMUL 2018 : The Tenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

Application of Complex Systems Architecting Approach to Develop a Digital Twin

Application: Phosphate mining site of Benguerir

Makouar Kaltoum, Deshayes Laurent Mouchtachi Ahmed, Aitelmahjoub Abdelhafid

Benguérir, Morocco Casablanca, Morocco
Email : Kaltoum.makouar@um6p.ma Email: ahmedmouchtachi@yahoo.fr
Email : Deshayes.laurent@um6p.ma Email: aitelmajoub@gmail.com

Abstract— The aim of this paper is to present the application of There are three big challenges to face, in order to be able
complex systems architecting approach in the development of to pursue this transformation:
the digital twin through a use case of an industrial process: - Training: Industry 4.0’s transformation requires not
phosphate mining site of Benguérir. We introduce the digital only to change equipment but also to change minds,
twin concept and its influence on the development of operators should be aware of the new technologies
manufacturing processes. Further, we present the complex and their use.
systems engineering approach and its added value to the design - Test and verification: The operator needs to change
and the manipulation of systems with a higher level of the configurations, edit the program, upgrade the
complexity, and how this approach allows designing a digital
system or maintain a new equipment, and this
twin model of the mining site. Previous work undertook the
digital twin concept and its benefits on industry without
without any risk or failure, so, the operator must
mentioning an efficient method to develop it. To realize our simulate and test the modification before
vision to design the digital twin of the mining site of Benguérir, implementing it in the real process.
we used SysML diagrams to model the solution based on the - R&D: Engineers and researchers need to develop
three visions of the complex systems engineering: the algorithms and new methods based on the data
operational vision, the functional vision and the constructional collected from the field and test the results and
vision. algorithms.
To face those challenges, and pursue the change, the
Keywords- Industry 4.0; digital twin; simulators; complex Polytechnic University of Mohammed VI and the mining site
systems engineering; mining site; fixed infrastructures. of the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) adopted the
digital twin concept to deal with the issues discussed before.
I. INTRODUCTION The digital twin is the virtual representation of a real
process, product or service [1]; it contains of real time
The fixed infrastructures of the mining site are a main simulators and this representation is a complex system since
process in its value chain, whose function is the physical it must be a very close model of the real system.
treatment of the extracted product. It consists in separating Furthermore, a well-defined design process should be used in
rocks from valuable product and the transfer of this product order to collect all requirements from all stakeholders. The
to the other sites (chemical treatments); this process is complex engineering system approach provides a structured
composed of three units: and flexible modelling methodology in order to implement
- Stone removal unit: The trucks bring the product and develop a clear functional architecture.
(the phosphate) from the field, and put it into two The aim of this paper is to present the impact of complex
hoppers, then it is screened, the rocks are crushed systems architecting approach in developing the digital twin
and sent to a waste rock storage and the product is of the mining site.
sent to the next unit via conveyors. After first describing the principles of systems
- Screening unit: A second screen is necessary; the engineering approach and the digital twin concept, this paper
unit contains five screens and five hoppers; the then demonstrates how this approach is an effective
product is now sent via conveyors to the loading methodological support and allows an early detection of
unit. possible weaknesses during initial design stages.
- Loading unit: The product is stored and then loaded The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, a state of
in specific wagons depending on the quality, the type art will be presented, then Section 3 is dedicated to the
and the quantity demanded from the customers. definition of digital twin concept and its advantages.
The industrial manufacturing and, of course, the mining Furthermore, the complex systems architecting method is
sites are getting into a deep transformation, which considers presented is Section 4, while Section 5 will present the
digital technologies getting into industrial equipment. This is application of the complex systems architecting method in
the fourth industrial revolution, called Industry4.0. It is the process of the mining site and results of this work, and
characterized by the fusion of virtual world of internet and we conclude with a conclusion and perspectives of the work.
the real industrial facilities.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-672-9 1

SIMUL 2018 : The Tenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

II. STATE OF ART systems-design processes that accommodate the complexities

Different understandings of the digital twin can be of developing multi-disciplinary systems. Digital twins are at
observed in industrial practice. In this regard, it has been the core of this development process [5].
argued that Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) is The digital twin can allow companies to have a complete
focusing on establishing a link between the virtual product digital footprint of their products from design and
model and the physical part to increase the manufacturing development through the end of the product life cycle.
flexibility and competitiveness, while Dassault Systèmes Digital twins are designed to model complicated assets or
targets the product design performance. Moreover, the digital processes that interact in many ways with their environments
twin understanding of General Electric focuses on for which it is difficult to predict outcomes over an entire
forecasting the health and performance of their products over product life cycle, and to solve physical issues faster by
lifetime, whereas SIEMENS strives for improved efficiency detecting them sooner, predict outcomes to a much higher
and quality in manufacturing. TESLA aims at developing a degree of accuracy, design and build better products, and,
digital twin for every built car, hence enabling synchronous ultimately, better serve their customers [6].
data transmission between the car and the factory, while IV. COMPLEX SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH
other companies increasingly use complex product models to
boost the immersion in virtual and augmented reality Complex systems engineering approach is the whole
applications [2]. activity that allows to design an optimal system to meet a
To develop a flexible digital twin framework and satisfy need. It is based on system vision that includes multiple
the multiple understandings, a developed architecting parameters, the multidisciplinary aspect, the life cycle and
method should be adopted, and as the system is complex and the use cases. It consists of establishing the functional and
provides many parameters, this work proposes the complex physical compatibility of a system with the needs and the
systems architecting method to model and implement the constraints
digital twin based on simulators. Systems engineering approach enables engineering
The design and development of a system indeed requires organizations to proceed toward the design of complex
the contribution of various processes, stakeholders and systems and its impact across multiple engineering
techniques. Each person often concentrates on a specific disciplines: mechanical, electrical, and software. With this
aspect of the system without any perspective on the other approach, customer requirements are defined early in the
aspects: designers have an architectural and functional vision development cycle and are implemented through design and
of the system, the manufacturing team considers a system as system validation—from concept to operation [7]. This
an element to be integrated in the assembly line, the approach is based on three essential visions: Operational
procurement department views it as a list of supplies to be vision, functional vision and constructional vision.
purchased. Complex systems engineering thus enables a - Operational Vision: The operational vision provides
global view of the system to guarantee the consistency of “black box” models [8] of a given system where one
specific contributions to the system; it takes into account the describes the interactions and the interfaces of a
whole life cycle of the system including the definition of system of interest with its environment. Its core
customer requirements, design, production, and marketing. It motivation is to understand the “Why” – of the
defines the most effective methods and means for satisfying system.
the technical and organizational requirements which, in - Functional Vision: The core notion of the functional
practice, means satisfying cost, time and productivity vision is to understand the “what” of the system, it
constraints. The challenge of complex systems engineering is functions, and the main mission is to understand
to design and product the best system to meet a customer's deeply what does the system without however
requirements with the most efficient control of deadlines and knowing at this point how it is concretely structured.
costs. As system complexity continues to increase, systems - Constructional Vision: The aim is to describe all
engineers now use modelling techniques to guarantee that concrete hardware, software and human-ware
specification and design models are correctly built and can components of a system with their interactions; all
be easily communicated to the development teams [3]. constructional concepts, such as configuration,
The objective of the work described in this paper is to constructional scenarios or constructional objects are
demonstrate the advantages of using recommended again uniquely referring to the system of interest
methodology for the development of complex systems. without involving any external system [9].


First, the project of the digital twin (DT) was originated In order to implement the complex systems engineering
in the Institute of Automation, Measurement and Applied approach, we have employed the SysML modeling language
Informatics of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the to develop different diagrams for each vision.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava [4]. The DT The results of applying each vision are the operational,
is one of the main concepts associated with the new the functional and the constructional diagrams; those
industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. Manufacturers are taking diagrams will facilitate to develop the digital twin of the
a more systems-design approach by implementing rigorous mining site. This method is characterized by high precision,
accurate functioning and various configurations.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-672-9 2

SIMUL 2018 : The Tenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

A. Operational vision Fig.1 below describes the use cases of our system. The
The aim of the operational vision is to identify the digital twin of the OCP mining site will be used by multiple
multiple users of our system and its environment, also to stakeholders which are: Operators, supervisors, production
understand the stakeholders and the interactions between agents, maintenance agents and office managers. Its use
them. It facilitates to design our system with high precision cases are: the test of the configurations, the optimization of
because a misunderstanding or an error occurred during the process, the simulation of the process, prediction of the
operational architecture process may lead to costly and system performance, real time monitoring and also for the
disastrous consequences on our system under development. production management.

Figure.1: Use cases diagram of the digital twin

stacker needs to be automated; the provider of the solution

B. Functional vision may have different reflections and challenges to design the
The results of the treatment of this vision are the right and exact solution for the problem. The aim of this
functional requirements of our system (the digital twin) work is to identify the real needs of the operators, to model
which are the functional needs of the operators from the those needs in a flexible way based on a system modeling
field, agents, engineers and office managers. We will present language and use the requirements model to verify and
the results of applying the functional vision of complex validate the solution proposed to implement the digital twin.
system engineering to develop the functional diagrams that Fig.2 below describes the functional requirements of our
will serve to develop the digital twin of the mining site. system. Those requirements have been identified from the
As mentioned before, requirements engineering is an users of the digital twin. We classified them into four
essential part of systems engineering. Indeed, understanding sections: Simulators, Research and development (R&D),
the need facilitates designing the solution. Every requirement Training and test and validation. We have also set the
should be S.M.A.R.T: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, requirements for each section in order to model those
Relevant and Traceable [10]. requirements in a flexible way.
Operators express their needs and the challenges they
face by writing texts and classical sentences, e.g., The

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-672-9 3

SIMUL 2018 : The Tenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

Figure.2: Functional Requirements diagram of the digital twin

architecture or by the new possibilities brought by the

advances of technology [11].
C. Constructional vision Fig.3 shows the definition block diagram of the digital
Constructional architecture is key since it consolidates all twin. This system is composed of n number of PLCs, motors,
architectural analyses in a concrete vision of the considered actuators, sensors, panels and computers. The definition
system. It makes in particular the synthesis between a top- block diagram shows the components of the digital twin,
down design approach, as provided by the systems their parts, their values and the ports of the material and the
architecting process, and a bottom-up one, which is typically energy of those components.
induced by the constraints due to the existing product

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-672-9 4

SIMUL 2018 : The Tenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

Figure.3. Definition block diagram of the digital twin

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Copyright (c) IARIA, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-672-9 5

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