Simul 2018 1 10 50014
Simul 2018 1 10 50014
Simul 2018 1 10 50014
Abstract— The aim of this paper is to present the application of There are three big challenges to face, in order to be able
complex systems architecting approach in the development of to pursue this transformation:
the digital twin through a use case of an industrial process: - Training: Industry 4.0’s transformation requires not
phosphate mining site of Benguérir. We introduce the digital only to change equipment but also to change minds,
twin concept and its influence on the development of operators should be aware of the new technologies
manufacturing processes. Further, we present the complex and their use.
systems engineering approach and its added value to the design - Test and verification: The operator needs to change
and the manipulation of systems with a higher level of the configurations, edit the program, upgrade the
complexity, and how this approach allows designing a digital
system or maintain a new equipment, and this
twin model of the mining site. Previous work undertook the
digital twin concept and its benefits on industry without
without any risk or failure, so, the operator must
mentioning an efficient method to develop it. To realize our simulate and test the modification before
vision to design the digital twin of the mining site of Benguérir, implementing it in the real process.
we used SysML diagrams to model the solution based on the - R&D: Engineers and researchers need to develop
three visions of the complex systems engineering: the algorithms and new methods based on the data
operational vision, the functional vision and the constructional collected from the field and test the results and
vision. algorithms.
To face those challenges, and pursue the change, the
Keywords- Industry 4.0; digital twin; simulators; complex Polytechnic University of Mohammed VI and the mining site
systems engineering; mining site; fixed infrastructures. of the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) adopted the
digital twin concept to deal with the issues discussed before.
I. INTRODUCTION The digital twin is the virtual representation of a real
process, product or service [1]; it contains of real time
The fixed infrastructures of the mining site are a main simulators and this representation is a complex system since
process in its value chain, whose function is the physical it must be a very close model of the real system.
treatment of the extracted product. It consists in separating Furthermore, a well-defined design process should be used in
rocks from valuable product and the transfer of this product order to collect all requirements from all stakeholders. The
to the other sites (chemical treatments); this process is complex engineering system approach provides a structured
composed of three units: and flexible modelling methodology in order to implement
- Stone removal unit: The trucks bring the product and develop a clear functional architecture.
(the phosphate) from the field, and put it into two The aim of this paper is to present the impact of complex
hoppers, then it is screened, the rocks are crushed systems architecting approach in developing the digital twin
and sent to a waste rock storage and the product is of the mining site.
sent to the next unit via conveyors. After first describing the principles of systems
- Screening unit: A second screen is necessary; the engineering approach and the digital twin concept, this paper
unit contains five screens and five hoppers; the then demonstrates how this approach is an effective
product is now sent via conveyors to the loading methodological support and allows an early detection of
unit. possible weaknesses during initial design stages.
- Loading unit: The product is stored and then loaded The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, a state of
in specific wagons depending on the quality, the type art will be presented, then Section 3 is dedicated to the
and the quantity demanded from the customers. definition of digital twin concept and its advantages.
The industrial manufacturing and, of course, the mining Furthermore, the complex systems architecting method is
sites are getting into a deep transformation, which considers presented is Section 4, while Section 5 will present the
digital technologies getting into industrial equipment. This is application of the complex systems architecting method in
the fourth industrial revolution, called Industry4.0. It is the process of the mining site and results of this work, and
characterized by the fusion of virtual world of internet and we conclude with a conclusion and perspectives of the work.
the real industrial facilities.
A. Operational vision Fig.1 below describes the use cases of our system. The
The aim of the operational vision is to identify the digital twin of the OCP mining site will be used by multiple
multiple users of our system and its environment, also to stakeholders which are: Operators, supervisors, production
understand the stakeholders and the interactions between agents, maintenance agents and office managers. Its use
them. It facilitates to design our system with high precision cases are: the test of the configurations, the optimization of
because a misunderstanding or an error occurred during the process, the simulation of the process, prediction of the
operational architecture process may lead to costly and system performance, real time monitoring and also for the
disastrous consequences on our system under development. production management.