JEDU - Volume 7 - Issue العدد 32 - Pages 413-437
JEDU - Volume 7 - Issue العدد 32 - Pages 413-437
JEDU - Volume 7 - Issue العدد 32 - Pages 413-437
Prepared by
Nasr El-din Mabrouk Mohamed Ahmed
Ministry of education
Prof Dr. Wafaa Salah Eldin Ibrahim
Professor of Instruction Technology
Ass. Prof Dr. Mamdouh A. Ibrahim
Assistant Professor of Instruction Technology
الترقيم الدولي
P-ISSN: 1687-3424 E- ISSN: 2735-3346
0202 المجمد السابع ـ العدد الثاني والثالثون ـ يناير
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المجمد السابع ـ العدد الثاني والثالثون ـ يناير 0202
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e-lessons are of great importance among teachers and educational
planners as they contribute in solving many educational problems.
Among the factors that encourage the design, production and use
of e-lessons: the dramatically increased number of learners, for
whom schools cannot accommodate all the time and the individual
differences between learners, each according to his speed and
ability. In addition, e-lessons are easy to integrate with the normal
way of teaching which helps support it. The value of e-lessons is
clearly shown if prepared and produced in good quality through
the use of modern technology provided by various means and
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Several studies have emphasized the necessity of designing
and producing electronic lessons, including Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed (2017) study which aimed to identify the skills needed to
produce interactive multimedia electronic lessons among students
of education technology. The results of this study indicated that
the researcher had prepared a list with the necessary skills to
produce interactive multi-media e-lesson software. There is also
Amr Jalal el-din Allam's study (2016), which aimed to identify the
impact of two electronic interaction strategies (peer interaction /
multi-group interaction) on developing the skills of producing e-
courses for teachers of education schools. The results of this study
asserted the effectiveness of the online training program according
to the strategy of peer interaction in developing the skills of
producing e-courses.
Research problem:
The researcher worked as a director of the remote education
department at the Ministry of Education, and among his duties
were supervision and follow-up during the production of e-lessons
for virtual classes (the direct broadcast platform of the Ministry of
Education). In this department, teachers and education technology
specialists working in broadcast studios in the governorates of the
Republic - most of whom are graduates of educational technology
departments in the Faculties of Specific Education - designed and
produced content and e-lessons that are presented through the
virtual classes. The researcher noticed that there are no fixed
criteria for them to evaluate these e-lessons, so he became sure of
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the importance of developing a card to evaluate the electronic
lessons produced using Articulate Storyline3 for virtual classes.
There are also recommendations from the conferences, such
as the recommendations from the International Conference on E-
Learning and Distance Education which came for three
consecutive years (2013), (2014) and (2015). This conference
emphasized the need to pay attention to developing the skills of
designing, producing and using electronic lessons in the
educational process. It also recommended that researches of
education technology should inevitably prepare teachers and
develop their professional competencies to include this new type
of requirements for their role in the field of e-learning.
Defining the research problem:
Based on the above, the research problem is identified as the need
to develop a card to evaluate the electronic lessons produced using
the Articulate Storyline3 program.
Research questions:
The problem of this research could be addressed by answering the
following question:
How can I develop a card to evaluate the online lessons produced
using the Articulate Storyline3 program?
Research aims:
The aim of this research is to come up with a card to evaluate the
electronic lessons produced using the Articulate Storyline3
Research importance:
This research is expected to benefit educational developers and
teachers producing their lessons in providing a scorecard for
evaluating online lessons.
Search parameters:
This research is limited to extracting specifications from studies,
research and related literature that could be obtained and also from
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analyzing the work, then presenting it to a group of arbitrators
specialized in the field.
Research Methodology:
The researcher used the descriptive and analytical research
method, The current research follows a systematic design from the
designs of descriptive studies: it is the analysis of the content of
documents, which is a requirement in the design and development
processes whenever educational materials and learning resources
are a field for this design and development as a scientific
requirement to reveal, beginning with the properties of these
materials, describing them and revealing the basis for their
development and evaluation (Muhammad Abd al-Hamid 2013, p.
261) when the foundations for developing these materials are
derived and evaluated through writings and specialized scientific
Research steps:
This research is conducted through the following steps:
- Conducting an analytical survey of the literature and studies
related to the research topic for the purpose of developing a
card to evaluate the electronic lessons produced using the
Articulate Storyline3 program.
- Preparing the initial format for the card list to evaluate the
electronic lessons produced using the Articulate Storyline3
- Presenting the evaluation card in its initial form to a group
of educational technology professors and experts who use
the program, then amending it in light of their opinions,
observations and suggestions, to make it in its final form.
- Arriving at the final image of the evaluation card.
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Search terms:
The researcher defined it procedurally as "an electronic
educational program produced by the Articulate Storyline3
program. These lessons include multiple means of text, graphics,
images, sounds and video clips, as well as feedback and
evaluation, as well as tools for navigating the lessons."
Theoretical framework and previous studies:
The concept of E-lessons:
E-lessons are defined as: “Lessons whose design uses educational
activities and materials that depend on computers and information
networks in providing content rich in interactive multimedia
components that achieve learner positivity and participation”
(Ibrahim Abdel-Wakil Al-Far, Suad Ahmed Shaheen, 40, 2001-
41). Helmy Abul-Fotouh Ammar (19,2007) The e-lesson is
described as "an educational program that focuses on high and
multi-media which uses the features and resources of the web in
order to provide meaningful learning, as it accelerates and
supports learning."
e-lesson production software:
There are many programs that can be used in the production of
electronic lessons and courses, including: PowerPoint, Lecture
Maker, Adobe Captivate, Rapitvity, I spring, Articulate Storyline
Easy Generator, and the researcher has used Articulate Storyline3
because of the characteristics of the program that distinguish it
from Tools for authoring and publishing lessons and other
electronic courses, such as:
- An easy user interface.
- Provides many ready-made templates that can be used in
building electronic tests- Allows flexibility in designing
electronic tests.
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- It provides a variety of personalities integrated into the
program, which can be used to explain the lessons and e-
- The ability to import content from other projects and
- Captures the screenshot from the desktop screen.
- Ease of interaction via triggers, variables, timeline, and
segment layers.
- Records videos directly without the need for other tools and
- The program supports the Arabic language.
- Shares interactive templates and easily add interactive drag
and drop features.
- The ability to publish lessons in multiple formats.
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- Creating websites, designing and disseminating electronic
lessons through various publishing methods.
- Employing teaching and learning theories when designing
and producing e-lessons.
- He works within the team of production, development,
follow-up and evaluation of e-lessons.
- Familiarity with technological innovations (hardware and
software) and ways to employ them in light of e-learning.
- Helping, directing and training the teacher and the learner
to benefit from the information network in teaching and
learning (Muhammad Atiyah Khamis, 2009, 98), (Zainab
Muhammad Amin, 2008, 18), (Muhammad Atiyah Khamis,
2001, 257).
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launch of the program, customizing toolbars and menus),
creating an outline to explain the lesson, creating a template
for the lesson, and inserting text from a Word file into The
online lesson.
- Slide format stage includes controlling color schemes,
formatting texts, inserting a layout and graphic shapes,
filling the background shapes, slide background effects,
rotating and wrapping shapes, selecting objects and shapes,
arranging and aligning shapes in the slide.
- The multimedia addition phase includes inserting video
clips or audio files, inserting a movie, adding a piece of
music, adding a voice recording, inserting pictures and
forms from the Internet, inserting line drawings and graphs.
- The saving, printing and publishing stages of the
presentation and includes saving the presentation as a web
page, printing the presentation slides, reviewing the
presentation, setting the timing of the presentation,
preparing a self-running presentation, and saving the
Types of e- lessons:
Zainab Muhammad Amin (9, 2008) believes that the types of e-
lessons can be classified into supported e-lessons, integrated e-
lessons, and direct e-lessons, each of which differs from the other
in terms of the comprehensiveness of the contents, activities, the
educational theories on which it is based, and the level of
interaction. In the direct e-lessons, the learner receives his
education merely via the Internet, followed by the integrated
electronic lessons that depend on the ratio of e-learning to
traditional education at the rate of (25% and 75%), and finally the
supportive e-lessons that include traditional lectures (face-to-face
teaching in the classroom, laboratory, or the workshop) as
determined by the course teacher. The supported and integrated
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lessons are supplementary lessons for what learners receive in the
usual way.
Characteristics of e-lessons:
The production of e-lessons requires designing them in a way that
suits the characteristics of students and the nature of the subject,
so that they are formulated in an appropriate and easy manner
taking into account the clarity of instructions. Ibrahim Abdel-
Wakeel Al-Far (323, 2012) Muhammad Atiyah Khamis (268,
2009) presented the general characteristics of good software -
noticing that the electronic lessons employ multimedia in
presenting the content of the lessons - through the following
1. To be appropriate to the needs of learners and teachers.
2. To be clear, educational and comprehensive of the
objectives to be achieved.
3. To be easy to use by students, as it contains instructions to
facilitate the process of moving between training exercises,
and the clarity of how to exit them is easy.
4. To be integrated with teaching activities and practices so
that they are an integral part of the course.
5. To be suitable for the lesson time and class.
6. To present the material from the beginning and designing it
in a way that takes advantage of the technical capabilities of
the computer (color, movement, ....); Which increases the
effectiveness of the educational material.
7. To be designed in a way that helps develop the investigative
skills of learners and in an appropriate manner that attracts
the learner and attracts his attention to the presented
educational material and encourages them to think about
what they are learning.
8. Its software should provide the learner with the opportunity
to participate and interact positively.
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9. To provide the student with appropriate and immediate
feedback and to stimulate appropriate and immediate
activity and motivation.
10. Its screen should not be crowded with information, so that
it can be easy for the student to follow, and it should be free
from negative effects that lose its educational value.
11. To have a variety of exercises and applications in the
programming, and to write in a sound language and an
interesting style, and to contain a timer to measure the
student’s learning speed.
12. Its screen should be designed in a good, clear, educational
and comprehensive way. It should achieve the objectives to
be achieved and be easy to deal with in order to attract the
learner’s attention to the presented educational material.
13. The educational material should be presented in an
interesting and enjoyable way with self-learning
opportunities provided to the student as well as appropriate
and immediate feedback.
Components of e-lessons:
Despite the multiplicity of interactive means and their differences,
they all share a set of general components and features, identified
by Muhammad Atiyah Khamis (221,2009), which are:
introduction, control, screen design, user interface, display of
information elements and forms, providing assistance, and ending
the lesson. Take each ingredient with some clarification as
- First - Introduction: It includes three components:
1. Title page: where the lesson begins with the title page
explaining the objectives of the lesson and its topic. It
should attract attention and raise motivation, clarify the
author and publisher and allow exit from the lesson.
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2. Instructions page: It includes simple directions for its use,
for the instructions to be clear and the level of detail of the
information in it is appropriate, and to allow them to be
skipped in the event of a repeat presentation, and for the
user to be able to access the instructions page from
anywhere in the program when needed and be the last thing
on the page Is how to run the program.
3. User identification: As some programs require the username
and other data and may require a password to enter the
program to ensure its use by the specified individuals.
- Second - Learner Control in the Program: The program is
controlled by the learner or the computer, and in fact any
computer program includes some kind of control to one
degree or another.
- Third - Screen design and interface: The following aspects
must be taken into account when designing screens,
1. Place the title at the top of the page
2. Instructions, directions and control buttons are placed in a
fixed location at the bottom of the screen.
3. Put the content in the middle.
4. Determine a fixed place to write the learner's answer.
5. Using the same keys and buttons in all screens except for
the front and end screen, as they contain special keys.
6. Screen numbering mode.
- Fourth - Forms and Elements of Information in Electronic
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- Fifthly - providing assistance:
Research procedures:
The researchers prepared a card to evaluate the electronic lessons,
and the card was built and adjusted according to the following
- Sourcing the Score Card Building: The score card is based
on the Articulate Storyline3 Skills List developed.
- Determining the purpose of the card: The purpose of the
card is to evaluate the online lessons produced using the
Articulate Storyline3 program.
- Determining the items of the card: The researcher prepared
the evaluation card in light of the list of attained skills,
objectives and educational content, and these items were
formulated in short phrases describing one behavior, so that
each statement corresponds to a measure of performance
with five levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) It expresses the availability of
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the standard at a level: low, medium, good, very good,
- The card consisted of (42) sub-items falling under (9) main
- Setting the rating card: The rating card was set according to
the following steps:
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Figure (1)
Evaluation card arbitration form
Meet the objectives
Item Evaluation items formulating
of the card
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Table (2)
The percentages of arbitrators' agreement on the terms of the evaluation
card for producing an online lesson
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Card stability:
The stability of the card was calculated using the evaluator
agreement method, where the researcher and two colleagues
separately evaluated (10) electronic lessons produced by
Articulate Storyline3 program for ten students from the survey
sample, and the percentage of agreement between evaluators was
calculated for each learner, and the agreement parameter was
calculated using the Cooper equation.
Table (3) illustrates that.
Table (3)
Agreement coefficient between the three assessors (x, y, z) (n = 10
22 9 8 7 6 Student
5 4 2 0 2
<<.8; =1.19 =1.78 <<.<1 <=.17 <<.;1 <:.1: <<.78 =7.;< =1.1< Y X,
<;.1= <=.12 =2.11 <9.11 <<.11 =1.78 <;.1< <<.19 <9.<; <:.18 ,ZX
<:.=1 <=.98 =9.7; <;.12 9<.=1 <=.1; <9.1; =2.19 =8.<; <9.<1 Z ،Y
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First - Arabic references:
Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad (2017). Skills needed to
interactive multimedia electronic lessons among educational
students, Journal of the College of Education, Al-Azhar
University, p (174).
Ibrahim Abdulwakeel Al-Far (2012). Educational Technology
Twenty-first Century
Web Technology 2, Tanta, Delta Computer Technology.
Ibrahim Abdel-Wakeel Al-Far, Suad Ahmed Shaheen (2001). The
e-school, new visions for a new generation, the eighth scientific
conference "The E-School", Cairo: The Egyptian Association for
Educational Technology.
Al-Saeed Al-Saeed Abdel-Razek (2011). Designing multimedia
presentations on the Internet, E-Learning Journal, Mansoura
University, p (7), 41-46.
Hassan Al-Batea Muhammad, Mr. Abdul Mawla Abu Khotwa
(2012). Digital e-learning: theory-design-production, Alexandria,
New University House.
Helmy Aboul Fotouh Ammar (2007). The effectiveness of a
proposed program to develop some IT skills for student teachers at
the College of Education, the First International Conference on the
Use of Information and Communication Technology to Develop
Pre-University Education, April 22-24, Mubarak City for
Education, 6th of October.
Zuhair Nagy Khalif (2015). Learn articulate storyline program for
building interactive electronic content, Indiana University, USA,
available through the link:
Zainab Muhammad Amin (2008). Learning Management Systems
and its Relationship to the E-Lessons Production and Time
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Management Skills for Educational Technology Students
According to Their Readiness for E-Learning, Journal of the
College of Education, Al-Azhar University, Vol.136, Part 1.
Amr Jalaluddin Ahmed Allam (2016). The effect of two strategies
for electronic interaction (peer interaction - multi-group
interaction) on developing the skills of producing electronic
courses among teachers of intellectual education schools, Journal
of Arab Studies in Education and Psychology, p (78).
Muhammad Atiyah Khamis (2009). Teaching and Learning
Technology, 2nd ed., Dar Al-Sahab for printing, publishing and
(2001). Educational technology specialist in the electronic school,
the eighth scientific conference "electronic school", Cairo, the
Egyptian Association for Educational Technology.
Fath al-Bab Abdel Halim Sayed (1998). A proposed framework
for study programs in educational technology at the Faculties of
Education in Arab Universities, the Arab Organization for
Education, Science and Culture, Department of Education
Programs, Tunisia.
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Research Supplements
Appendix (1) A list of the names of the arbitrators
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Appendix (2) Final e-lesson evaluation card
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of the e-lesson.
13 Take into account the size and
distribution of the images and
graphics, along with the rest of the
other elements on the screen.
14 Frame works for photos and
15 Uses different effects for photos and
16 Uses three different Characters
within the lesson.
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