AFM Manual

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Fo See : |AeppRAtus —— + Baid— Faidion Apparoos — — eo droukic Bente __ ok Watch _ Se -Taeony Pe — ae * Sreapy Fee ae + font oe conatant unv-t time vat 0 ‘poticato. _ Bection 4 stan _ — dy 20 _— dt — s J Proceoure the length af pipe Lem peralus : * Meaouat and vom. © Susihch melor m 4 pg {© Peo yr AatLing 4 piegomela bly the twa rechion © (Ue the valve and nate the 260 Cue. reading . ae 1 © Stady epen the valve and note - \ _lP> Volume Coblected. i 7 G4 wt ft of water 2 PDipereatial mavomettr reading © Lepeok te txpertrart _§ - temas in ace nching 4, beste» Jeg © Sui dp te b of pany = : —— Prccourions _ | # Setting of piezomets shout be dane_ryes : — tanta ~ hs igen mn aes eee - esp any coding oud be ohseryed odtey -ccthing pe jomete. - : __je € check Tea bees stadicg ve ping _ eT time taken sheath be Fem = atlached at “Lett, J a an be xen ie » Saming tid Ru value f 1300_ : enol and then turbulent few =| 2000 in Ha “uhed’s ne. —— Above an ers a dlhUmvrLrLULr a “1800. 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Apparatus ; Impact of 4 jet opprativs a “Hpac wih : Z 7 top Watch © Thesmamette : beflectew: <— - THeory + Impurse Momentum — Paunapee The abgehaic un. 4 ail eateural fowe m a controled volute a Liquid 4 equal wale of Hainge ef, mer wfium - — The Leplus applied The chang 4 by the nek fou emuntum of be | Sm a sypeen ; ‘SUPELY FIG* IMPACT OF i 7 Procemone (ia —— — © fowl the —oyporotive vith the al + ple one (8 Adjest te pasion 4, Lally . 7 i Pine the jay vxignt at ae ja paihion. os —t Tun the hp ~hende feadea lout —_—>—— ee od Nd te di ,¢ a eee bine fe etal so ot Ped — boo the _eaplaines fee, deg oa tk Ht fpecin-——$— Be - ~ e Sitich th the pane fie Be gn fe 44 wpe : ‘CoMMENTS we dx. prfouned tune Yr 45m dicdonue ab Ao" datteded “become watch enor? we WS time cauatlo ban? “ oe GRAPH bl Fu AN Fe FOR ae BND Fee oom. Sh LTE 0-184 oo - ear ble Leg fer Pst Ayhi For.40° a O.501- 0.846 - BOUNATION FIND Se : - | HE SCPEAPTION | VALUE ; : i ! 1 0.0\m | Dianicler of mopife (47 13, wt ao X Seclional sca — of negife aca 0.015 mt Vebcme a. oe Deraty 9 wala (pe) aia mo y t s Sree ond Didance blo nopxe 4 Vane (5) Dudanc hom — contac af, None A5O van 0.15 io push pont Jecdeoy Weaght / 600 qm O.b he : Tatar Tnal Fea [Wnegyet FaychpQi, 35 Zp tae : 7 (yy cl ugg Qin Ky oy ae | Ney athecomMeees sg oN \ ef Ee pica) turn BATS Paola | 3.43 7 4 a 6b 4X 1A-T04 3873 3.81 I : 3 tbe pittr 4.80 | tO Mae) 118 | 4.94 2 HA 1.5 | A1OF 1Ogh4S 0.622 | 57.30 2 Hab goo oH 4.5 4 175 1624 0. 580! 58.62 > . O12 0.274 0-398 | 62.12 a a oy BMB on 0.62 153.04 % dogg MOAT BAR NOT LAK ae" | BS* | 9.125 9.594 | 51.98 180 \ 2 Ee. : 297 ADL. 1 O.b6 0.547 S641 / A pe By a 0-845 4.25) 0.350. 61.03! Te make the Al cheek Sk at 4 es -_ = _ Ossecnve _ Se en ani _Faibinige. “afudent wa Peter Toshine hb — == | camper A inething . CNoING RUNNER, penn HEnbeb NEEDLE PEN STOC T | x : a1OCK BouRDEN GUAGE ? ' rt . fe — WP OF URBINE (Srcre, Headed - Nee ok canto — needle — Rept ancde the Po rs move in tre fouuerd ee —Henidith Lin te eel by governed. BA Septembe, 2018, Joe +4 =} ° plot ib “ehadstowas ment gaan okey Hb efficiency. Ossecties 'o delomine the Bpicemuy of Peltor od phat ite Choractorishica cures, . APrarerus © Péter IWheel ele © Discharge — Menuring Tanke, © Tachometer mm a . Step Waleb icone === ee *Brawng Toraue . Product 4, Lee aun Length and weight Rhee Fe Braking Lay F- thigh reading — Low wading Le Leven am — EP Racebiee COMMENTS We tating — © Suildh om mola puny i © Adjust the opr headed necdbe te haw Yue 100% gate “pa ug Note daw head availabe at te border. guage the time regained ty Ob thre knwun vetitme - : eat eee | ed oe apiing balance by Lightening [Yor screw On net _terstaponding value. — © Repat the hep dev 507. gale epening whi lear d acheive A by tuning the handle 1 e usikol old MPLOL of pug an nol meowmred the oping balance oe wedi a athempt ‘ peyomet —_tysice whi head WwW Sock vation FIND CALCULATION ror, 1004 Gnte OPENINIC Pras P= 0.04 MPa Head (Head at contre fragile) He 1 0T Radiug 4 Braking Grn le ye | aoe alune aa°e Densaty 4 wale, e = FABIO N Ip’ Yhcume of woler catecled= VIS fidne = lure of pat pos seqantd Volume = = 5l63oze Discharge Qe Bind wig! Snpuk Pour (7 .H.P) 1980 Nim? Volume of pater —caltected - Vv - [5idse = O01 ee fume gf it ke. cequered Vdame> t ~ 51-63 eee Dechage 2 Q= 2.4x10°* wn fece Smpat pow, (14-P) = Py r 18-325 vsol a ternn(l) Te WEL 7 N [BeaANT/20 PR Nem pam vais 4 C 0 oas 2 0.01% Va 3 0.035 833 1-625 0.0406 174 3,49 5 0.043 653 2.% 2401 "5 | 6.0468 ub 2B 3.49 : 0055 alk 1.56 0.65 : 134 0.18, 6.3% 4 0 For 50% ‘OP Erin — Resu = “aa both. opening, He ik canbe concluded - oe A with ancseace. in - = Meco, opisisni poe Spe ning than by 507. Peng : —_—— - = 224 ta featt / OB ON nC, ae “i | UAE Fiubrees A Aaa | Neuter pe epee! Rekily Cae, NA ghar 19 PoP borg bar Lat te dict pve tad heathen a phtzo ud prod of tee wale whi * Lov te Vang iv envied inte vebrity “Acad aad | Te make ‘Aancin Reaction — Tuhine wd detaian Ut Pagyoett pas . Opsective Z Te undewland the woking of, camponenk of _Faancio Reackison Tinhire - _Prppeans 7 Francio Reaction Turbine - Font : Reaction Trbine in a 44 Ttuhine An uahich uxln % supplied. tunbire under “0 price at the inet {coring iy vay high ark Urgugh the vans will eset fove en ithe shee, which willl notte the Reel xf tubtre Wolw fe Nr ty van » Quay ubden va Prerove ea Auabire alutowjo rune dtr 4oull : Halles the pune 6 LABORATORY “FRANUE URI) NE ___ Scobu 15, 2018 TOR #6 Te (our ant 1 va Ata dion, rte > pdol charac Va ne Oarvectve Ie delamine — the eseney f Francie, Thi, and pot uh honedttintic coats APPARATUS © Fadbsme Wheel ° Diacharge Meaasving lanky oa Oa, ( Stop ~ Watch * lAvcighh _THEO RY + BRAKING — Torque thoduct % Loves 4 ated aking am tra woght ov lord power Fel —* BRAKE HORSE POWER: Xb —atpd pote — avila re ~ + * CHARACTERISnC — eupves jf ot gaphical. sepuertotion of s bd fiancio “whed at Wntprg peed LUficienay souk power end bnabing Logue Chora teria ec Cove, any. ceased te ahd | the behaviows of machine under va ying peed ,and te _decounine the ar porkant — peur 4 a ¥ Switch on moter —f pap - — - . _# Adjuct the apee_headed. needte te hove the 1O0/.gate -Spening Note doum the Pead Guaijabie ot th | borden. __gaurge -_ ———— — —¥ Obit Ft time stayin to fin tu tank of Regu volume ee —¥ ful come Lond on aping balan by Lightening ote eeu and mete dratspendirg luc . This will + aadue the _oymnly cpeed - : : -¥ Repeat abl above Aepe of 50/7 ate opening whic | cone be__adbeived- : +P Suilch ff melion_ af psp FOR ook. GATE OPENING Fors CALCULATION CF HEAD And INPUT PoweR, fee = YH He brow x = 0.016 10° fa F810 Nim H = 1-63 m fin = 3 QH = 9910 x (4. 83410"*) ¥ 1.63 fin = 1-798 att - =" 007. GATE ~ OPENING’ eo —T [oasemvenons FROM GRAPH a Sib Xp Manin aukput = 4.41—wafh «——————— COLE VATION Pinar CALCULA fon, WOOL bonvig Oren Pusie Men O01 MPa - 0 em pettune 1. 26°C Spec Waght of walo, = ¥ 4510 Nm? Weng Vater Colccled -¥ 5 Lv, Tome 4 jl for acqne cd YotumesL = Jlsec Brabong foe Le DD men 1 IA5e O11 10" Pa O15 ma? Ducharge = Q - 4.830104 mn 'teee Srp Pout, = Py = 1T2% inlet : — - ce NOT Tee 2 co N Nem Y pn lathe . 0 0 4 0.5 0.0125 2 0.% 0.02 56 Ds & a 0.025 ‘ LS 5 17 0.035 609 aad a > to 00F 516 atl a 7 0.05 440 230 29.9% 8 ‘ 0.0515 384 Qa Ie 4 / 0.06 334 4.09 M 0 0.065 AlO 43 5 ' aq 0.025 O° 0 Fan CPs {og bar= ‘160 rpm | PLONG © Ang: bore 197 gn fi Bote att FOR 501. OPENING CALWLATION OF HEAD AND rAlpuT Power, Prey = 3H pir te 1G Aiyf Cay 0) OD om O.ONT 10 Py j aque. bo ome a 4 Bubuy : : voNl (Alo Vrcaant oo Tempera tne 1. abe ra’ Deraty g unter x. 1310 ‘ / b Yolaumg of water cbelecled + vo he Tone to fell yo te BLA me Discharge Inped” pours O, ONG re? equ cd wolural * a 4. #10 * eniloee a © Payrague 74 nat ——— \ Io p N 7 Nem yp + 0 4 Ob $ 0.9 / 2 3 . 4 i ' : Jd: a a 5 13 5 / / Wee 507. GATE OPENING OBSERVATIONS = FROM GpapH Nomal speed “Pb cp Maximum Hdenug = 34 411 N af +t e = 0-0525nIm 44 Maximum Logue 0.0% Nr | Maximum wkoat « 2-68 matt [ Comments — . othe Hpccivniy duress urith jnapace in [det _ Te fficcenids for _ 80). gale opening _Dught than 100}. gale oping. fpacienc Ter STE COPVE GPAPH Fy : : TUPB In ye 501 OPLNING OF, Frees) rau penyagaysre | | FALE | Moti 1 Alea | i Vg he ete j | Alana. Tang | | | } [ot lag eae 9 an Pa s8) Nang ane bya To) Nog ht 020) pom ran bath pw.| te 4 | | : } ~__ Yoa 2a ss fe =omahe the study certiifug ab _ pump ‘ ~ OBSECHVE Leon about the component and umbira op tentefugal pump. . __ APPAR ATUS oo oe _ = Aids pith, gauge A 2 Vi ogauing Tan be us Lop A machine __which » u f hj Praulic nig A Ite ve iuid Jags ' i | poird, t im TYPES OF Pumps Mew nt. many — Cypes of ot DALLver GUAGE Soctions Guna PRIMARY FLANGE FIG: LABORATORY LAYOUT OF _CENTRIFU pump AND IT’S COMPONEN IS _— Novernber 198, 2013 JOB a B Ts Cuumnent ab nd ate cn ag _ Obsecnve Delumive — the hiycionog 4 cert ritual pump & plet it hora cride, wave Peperatus ° Centrifugal pump uth guage at delivery dd. uct Ae * ¢ Diachage Meauuing Tank THEORY * HERD Tato propol (A) 4 tho puss change Qasr pump eutle ch pune talet pica) = fo, total hood ( kh Paocole! we we Cyialion, | - ioe ox * a ba Pe fa atloce O18 19000 2500 4.44 eid" O21 000 5000 16.54 ot : ee a a OL z100 , NOOO jarecgt 921 2ioe0 | 2000 hoa ash 04 st00 13000 ebadt watt 1 43 26 Osstrntion Pw Cavcor ation ok vot 7 B35. Ue 13.9 60 M272 74a ogee eee | Pi a San Tome the pump ty agmove il aie fadn ouciion gp: yell we —00__Aelivisy pipe ey opening the Ain. shied salye - _ q np meron _ Pn Bu _puamp A tet and __dedive uy Nave to have maim ducthoge and = fining f | pany’ fold te lng | fit alorer 4 [2 Diliveg le Pan OMe should | ard COMMENKS | Fram, Graph { vimum output power = 36-0 4yyatt Diockage cL mar. Outpt pour = (0-b 110% eee aaa Za tof 12.12 | beetle mace + »

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