Physics Chapter 1 and 9 Test

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Physics Chapter 1 and 9 Test

Q1) MCQs:

1. One Femto is equal to:

a. 1015
b. 10-15
c. 10-9
d. 10-12
2. The number of significant figures in 1.406 are:
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
3. Ventilation in our houses is only possible due to:
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
d. All of above
4. Black surfaces are ------------- emitter:
a. Best
b. Good
c. Worst
d. Poor
5. Movement of water on heating is shown by the crystal of:
a. Sodium chloride
b. Potassium permanganate
c. Calcium carbonate
d. None of them
Q2) Short Questions:

1. What do you know about Lever balance?

2. What are the base quantities?
3. How is precision related to the significant figures in a measured quantity?
4. What do you know about convection currents in Air? Write down some uses.
5. Define Radiation.
6. Why tea in a cup becomes cold earlier as compared to a teapot?
7. How various surfaces can be compared by Leslie cube?
8. Explain the impact of green-house effect in global warming.
9. What is meant by convection current?
10. Explain why a metal feels colder to touch than wood kept in a cold place?

Q3) Long Questions:

1. 'What is Conduction? Explain the process and write down its usage in our daily
2. life.
3. A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm wide. Calculate its area up to reasonable
number of significant figures.

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