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A Communicative Course
in International English
“Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance,
learning, studying,sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or studying”.

A Communicative Course
in International English

In Class · Use the language you have learned.
How to learn beter in class · Speak only in English.
· Look at the board and take notes.
· Listen carefully to your teacher and the CD. Read
· Ask your teacher when you don't How to do beter when doing rreading ac vi es
understand. · Before reading, try to predict what the text
· Speak in English as much as possible. is about by looking at the pictures.
· Par cip te in pair work and group work · Look for key words in the text.
tasks. · Read the text quickly to understand the
main idea.
Outside the class · Read the text carefully to understand the
How to learn beter outside the class specific details.
· Read the dialogues and texts from your · Use a dic onay to find out what unknown
book. words in the text mean.
· Study the vocabulary and grammar;
Then, do your homework. Listen
· Listen to songs in English. How to do beter when doing lis ening ac vi es
· Watch TV programs or see movies in · Before the listening ac vit, look at the
English. pictures and read the ques ons.
· Before a listening ac vit, try to predict
what the speakers are going to say.
How to learn vocabulary beter
· While listening, try to understand the
· Write down new words in a notebook with
its transla on / xample / a picture. general idea, not every single word.
· Learn whole phrases, not just isolated · While listening, listen carefully before you
words. answer.
· Learn new words in context.
· When you learn new words, remember if
How to do be er when doing wri ng ac vi es
they are verbs, nouns, adjec es, etc.
Refer to the vocabulary building. · Make sure you understand what you are
· Prac ce the spelling and ponunciaa on asked to write.
of new words. · Plan your wri ng and ma e notes before
· Try to use words you have recently learned you write.
when you speak or write. · Join your wri ng ideas withand, but, or
and because.
Grammar · When wri ng a ormal/informal
How to learn grammar beter leter/email,
start and finish in an appropriate way.
· Refer to the Grammar builder. · When you narrate events, write the events
· Have a grammar notebook to write s, in chronological order.
rules, example sentences, important · Afer you finish, check punctuaua onapital
gramma al points, etc. leters, word order, spelling, linking words,
· Prac ce and emember the sentences vocabulary and grammar in your wri ng.
How to do be er when doing speaking ac vi es
· Before you speak, make sure you
understand the task.
· Look at the example and use the prompts
1A Warm up - Countries and Nationalities p. 5

Unit 1 p. 6
1B Grammar: Where is she from?
1C Communication: Reading practice - Writing a pro le p. 7
2 A Warm up - Personal Information p. 8
Unit 2
2 B Grammar: Question words p. 9
me p. 10
2 C Communication: Reading and writing

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 1 - 2 p. 11


3 A Warm up - Common objects p. 13

Unit 3
3 B Grammar: This, that, these, those - Plural Nouns p. 14
3 C Let’s practice! - Possessive Adjectives p. 15

Unit 4 4 A Warm up: Family Members p. 16

This is
my 4 B Grammar (1): Possessive case p. 17
4 C Grammar (2): Whose p. 18

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 3 - 4 p. 19


Communicative Activity p. 20

Reading to p. 22- 23
write Writing Skills

Workbook p. 26- 37

Unit 1 Around the world!
Warm up GOAL: Talking about countries and nationalities.

A. Match the flags with the countries. Write the correct number in the box.
Then, listen and check. 1.1
1 2 3 4 5

22 Country Nationality Language 6

England English English
Ireland Irish English / Irish
Scotland Scottish English
Spain Spanish Spanish 7
Germany German German
Mexico Mexican Spanish
The USA American English
20 Venezuela Venezuelan Spanish 8

Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Bolivia Bolivian Spanish
Peru Peruvian Spanish
19 Colombia Colombian Spanish 9
Canada Canadian English / French
Italy Italian Italian
Russia Russian Russian
Australia Australian English
18 10
Egypt Egyptian Arabic

Japan Japanese Japanese
China Chinese Chinese
17 11
France French French
Thailand Thai Thai
Switzerland Swiss German /French
16 15 14 13 12

6 . p.26

A. Listen and read. Then, practice in pairs. 1.2

e is she from?
Kristell: Ok, where is Antonella from?
Kate: She’s from Italy.
Kristell: Ok, so she is Italian. And Juan Carlos?
Where’s he from?
Kate: He’s from Peru. He’s Peruvian.
Kristell: Ok. Now, Pierre and Dupon.
Kate: Yes! The twins! They’re from France.
They’re French.
Kristell: How do you spell Pierre?
Kate: P-I-E-R-R-E
kristell: P-I-E...OK! That’s it.
Kate: Now, save!
Kristell: Done!

B. Read the dialog again and write

true (T) or false (F).
Hot Tip!
1. Antonella is from Italy.
2. Juan Carlos is Italian. Use CAPITAL letters for countries,
3. Pierre isn’t Peruvian. nationalities and languages.
3. Dupon is from Peru.
4. Pierre and Dupon are French.
C. Read the answers and form

Grammar 1. Where is she from?

She’s from Canada.
we 2. _________________________________________?
are you He’s from Colombia.
3. _________________________________________?
Where they from?
I’m from Peru.
he 4. _________________________________________?
she They’re from Russia.
it 5. _________________________________________?
It’s from Japan.
6. _________________________________________?
We’re from Switzerland.

. p.27 7

C. Complete the introductions.

Look & Use
Where’s he from? 1
He’s from Scotland.
He’s Scottish. I’m from Italy.
I’m Italian.
A. Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions about the people in I speak Italian.
the pictures. Then, complete the

A: Where’s Barack Obama from?

B: He’s from the USA. He’s American. 2
Barack Obama
COUNTRY: I __________
American ___________
Vladimir Putin
_____________ 3

I __________
Jackie Chan ___________
_____________ ___________

B. Write a profile of your favorite

actor or actress. Then, tell your D. Complete the sentences with the country
partner. or nationality.

My favorite actor is ____________________ 1. She’s from Japan. She is ______________

He’s from _____________________________ 2. He is Scottish. He’s from ______________
3. He’s from Egypt. He is ______________
He’s __________________________________
4. She’s French. She’s from ______________

8 . p.28
Unit 2 All about me
Warm up GOAL: Asking and answering personal
information questions.
A. Read and listen to the dialog.

Reading & 2.1

Personal Information

A: Are you a new student?

B: Yes, I am.
A: OK. What’s your name?
B: Brad Freeman.
A. How do you spell your last name?
B: F-R-double E-M-A-N.
A: OK. Where are you from?
B: I’m from Australia.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m twenty one years old.
A: OK. What’s your address?
B: 48 Park Road.
A: And what’s your telephone number?
B: 998760124 B. Complete the application form with the
A: Great. And what’s your ID number? information from the dialog.
B: 72436920
A: OK. That’s all. Thank you.

C. Take turns and work with a Language School

partner. Ask and answer the
following questions.
Application Form
A: What’s your name?
B: _____________________________ Name: ___________________
A: How do you spell your last name?
B: _____________________________
Last name: ___________________
A: Where are you from? Age: ___________________
B:_____________________________ Country: ___________________
A: How old are you?
Address: ___________________
B: _____________________________
A: What’s your address? Phone number: ___________________
B: _____________________________ ID number: ___________________
A: What’s your phone number?
B: _____________________________
A: What’s your ID number?
B: _____________________________

. p.29 9

A. Study the examples.

Question words
We use:
Who for people.
A: Who are you?
B: I’m Paul.
Where for places.
A: Where is Gael from?
B: He is from Mexico.
When for time/dates.
A: When is your birthday?
B: It’s on August 5th.
What for things.
A: What is it?
B: It’s a book.
Who is she? She is my friend. How for manner.
What is her name? Antonella. A: How are you?
How old is she? She’s 25. B: I’m ne, thanks.
How old for age.
Where is she from? She’s from Italy.
A: How old is Yoharis?
When is her birthday? It’s on June 1st. B: She is teen years old.
How is she? She’s ne.

B. Look at the picture. Ask and answer

questions about the girl.

Who is she? _________________________








10 . p.30

A. Complete the dialog with how, what, where or when.

A: Good morning. I’m ready to answer

all your questions.
B: ___________ ‘s your full name?
A: Kimberly Adams.
A: _______ are you, Kim?
B: I’m twenty two years old.
A: _________ are you from?
B: I’m from Canada.
A: Are you a student?
B: Yes, I am.
A: _________ ‘s your address?
B: 34 Palm street.
A: _________ ’s your telephone number?
B: (407) 333-6984.
A: ________’s your birthday?
B: March 26th.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcome.

B. Read Amaris Perez’s profile. Complete the chart.

03-06 15

Cali Colombia

Colombian English and Spanish

My name is Amaris Perez.

I’m Colombian and I am
from Cali. I live with my
C. Write a similar profile about you. mom and dad. We all speak
English and Spanish.
I am 15 years old. My birthday
is in just a few days, on June
third. I can’t wait for my party
with my favorite music and
food. I love salsa music and
My favorite thing is my guitar.
I also like to write stories and
play video games on my new

. p.31 11
A. Complete the sentences with a country C.Put in order the following sentences.
or a nationality.

1. I’m from Brazil. 1. from - are - Berlin - not - We

I’m Brazilian
__________________________________________ We are not from Berlin.
2. Paul is Scottish. 2. name - is - your - first - What- ?
He’s from _______________________________ What is your first name?
3. Mary is from England. 3. Anna - old - How - is - ?
She is __________________________________ How old is Ana?
4. Susan and I are from Russia. 4. is - Brazil - Tony - from - not
We are _________________________________ Tony is not from Brazil
5. Jean Pierre is from France. 5. email - your - What - is - address - ?
He’s ____________________________________ What is your email address?
6. Gina is from Rome. 6. on - December - birthday - is - my - 1st
She’s __________________________________ My birthday is on December 1st.
7. Carlos is from Bogota. 7. you - are - from - Where - ?
He’s ____________________________________ Where are you from?
8. They are from Madrid. 8. 4245067 - number - phone - is - My
They are ________________________________ My phone number is 4245067
9. Lyn is from Tokyo. 9. and - from - I - are - Henry - Ireland
She’s ___________________________________ Henry and I are from Ireland
10. Mario is from Lima. 10. name - your - full - What - is - ?
He’s ____________________________________ What is yuor full name?

B. Complete the dialog. Use the word bank. D.Underline and correct the mistake in
the following sentences.
thank - from - Germany - spell
1. Juliet is from French.
He’s - Russian - Where’s Juliet is from France
2. Karla is from Chinese.
Karla is from China
A: OK, where is Ivan 1_______________?
3. Paul and I am Italians.
B: 2___________ from Moscow. Paul and I are Italians. Paul and I are from Italy.
A: OK, so he’s 3______________. And Otto? 4. Moscow is in England.
Moscow is in Russia.
4 Where´s
___________ he from? 5. Where Alice is from?
Germany Where is from Alice?
B: He’s from 5_____________ He’s German.
6. What are your name?
A: How do you 6___________ Otto? What is yuor name?
B: O-T-T-O 7. When your birthday is?
When is your birthday?
A: OK, 7___________ you.
8. They are Peru.
They are Peruvians. They are from Peru.

Unit 3 What’s this?
3 Warm up
A. Match the words and pictures. Then, listen and check. 3.1
1 2 a key

14 an umbrella
5 a credit card
9 a wallet
3 4 7 matches
16 a watch
12 a pen
O 4 glasses

M 5 6 15 a smartphone
8 magazines
M 11 a passport
O 6 a lipstick
7 8 1 a euro
10 a newspaper
2 a necklace
13 a sharpener
9 10

Hot Tip!
Inde nite Articles
J 11 12 an + vowel sound
a + consonant sound
B. Complete the sentences with a/ an.
1. This is _____ book.
T 13 14 2. This is _____ English book.
3. This is _____ marker.
S 4. This is _____ notebook.
5. This is _____ eraser.
6. This is _____ ID card.
15 16
7. This is _____ laptop.
8. This is _____ camera.
9. This is _____ office.
10. This is ____ window.

. p.32 13
Grammar (1)
A. Study the table.
B. Complete the sentences with
this - that - these - those.

These are
1. Hello, Mr. Smith! _______
my sisters, Diana and Karen.
that our teacher in the
2. Look! Is _____
3. Tom, ______ is my friend Kelly.
those boys in the
4. Look! Who are _____
That is my book over there.
5. ______
is a gift. are gifts.
C. Complete the conversations
is a gift. are gifts. with this - these.
1. What are these? (keys)
They’re keys.
What’s this?? What are these? is this
2. What _______________ ? (map)
It’s a bag. They’re balloons. is a map.
It ________________________
are these
3. What _______________? (glasses)
They are these
is this
4. What ________________? ( book)
It´s a book
Plural Nouns D. Write the plural form.

Most nouns form their plural by adding -s. 1. baby babies

E.g. a car two cars 2. toy toys
3. duck ducks
4. wallet wallets
Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, add -es. 5. city cities
E.g. bus - buses, dress - dresses, brush - brushes, 6. glass glasses
church - churches, box - boxes, etc. 7. dish dishes
8. policeman policemen
9. sandwich sandwiches
Nouns ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and
add -ies. 10. computer computers
E.g. a strawberry three strawberr ies 11. watch watches
12. lady ladies
Some nouns are irregular. For example: 13. school
____________ Escriba el te
14. kiss
child children person people people
man men foot feet 15. person
woman women tooth teeth 16. teacher
17. turkey
18. child

14 . p.33
Grammar (2)

Possessive B. Fill in the blanks with the correct

possessive adjective.
E.g. I’m sixteen and my sister is ten.
A. Study the table.
1. Jimmy is tall. ____ brother is short.
Singular Plural 2. We are English. ____ parents are from
I ---- my We ---- our 3. Anna and ___ sister are very pretty.
You ---- your You ---- your 4. Edward and Kate are in Paris. ______
He ---- his They ---- their son is in Lima.
She ---- her 5. This is my dog. ____ name is Rex.
It ---- its 6. Hi, I’m Tisho. What’s _____ name?

C. Complete the dialogs. Use: my, your, his, her, etc.

1 2
A: And here are our children. A: Is that ______ brother?
B: What are ________ names? B: Yes. _______ name is Bob and that is
A: ______ name is Tina, and ______ name is Paul. my sister. _____ name is Rachel.
B: Hello. And who is this?
C: It’s my dog. 3
B: What’s ______ name? A: Are you and Helen sisters?
C: Rex. B: Yes, we are. And that’s _____ mother.
B: Hello, Rex. ______ name is Rose.

D. Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. We are from Thailand. My house is in Bangkok. Our

2. Paul and Harry are brothers. His sister is a teacher.
3. I’m an English student. Your classroom is 206. _______________
4. The camera is in his box. _______________
5. Mr. Parker and her mother are very friendly. _______________

. p.34 15
Unit 4 This is my family
GOAL: Talking about family members.

Reading & Listening 4.1

A.Read and listen to the dialog.

Find the people and write
the names.

Kelly: Well, I’m from Atlanta, and this

is my family.
Lucy and Jim Kristell
Brad: Are they from Atlanta, too? Lynda

Kelly: Yes, we’re from Atlanta, except

my mom. She’s from London.
That’s my mom and that’s my
dad. Their names are Lucy and
Jim. They’re teachers.

Brad: Who’s that? Susan and Clark Gael

Kelly: That’s my aunt. Her name is B. Complete the sentences about Kelly and her family.
Lynda. She’s 25. She and my dad 1. Atlanta.
Kelly is from _________________________________________________
are sister and brother. They’re my 2. London.
Her mom is from _____________________________________________
grandparents. Their names are 3. teachers.
Her mom and dad are _________________________________________
Susan and Clark. She’s sixty and 4. aunt.
Lynda is her _________________________________________________
he’s sixty- ve. That’s my sister. grandparents
5. Susan and Clark are her _______________________________________
her name is Kristell and he’s my
Kristell and her brother is __________________________
6. Her sister is ________ Gael
brother Gael. He’s ten years old.

grandfather + grandmother = grandparents

grandson + granddaughter = grandchildren
Family Members 4.2 father + mother = parents
brother and sister = siblings
A. Listen and read. son + daughter = children
only child

MALE FEMALE mother = mom grandmother = grandma

Grandfather Grandmother father = dad grandfather = grandpa
Father Mother
B. Unscramble the letters.
Uncle Aunt
Brother Sister 1. osn = son
Nephew Niece 2. atnu = aunt.
Son Daughter 3. agdtuehr = Daughter
Cousin Cousin 4. necul = Uncle
Husband Wife 5. tresis = Sister
Brother in-law Sister in-law 6. refath = father
Grandson Granddaughter 7. nriachgdld = grandchildren
8. nisocu = cousin

16 . p.35
A. Study the table.

Possessive case
Singular nouns
add - ‘s The boy’s bike is new.
boy --- boy’s
It belongs to the boy.

Plural nouns The boys’ bikes are new.

add (‘)
Example: This is Tisho.
boys --- boys’ They belong to the boys. These are Tisho’s parents.

Some irregular plurals

The children’s bikes are new.
add - ‘s
children --- children’s They belong to the children.

The possessive case is formed in two ways:

a) with ‘s for people and animals. e.g. Jim’s car.
b) with the preposition of for things.
The legs of the table. This is Lyn and Yun’s bike.

B. Choose the correct alternative.

1. ___________________________ are green. 4. This is______________________ hamster.

a) The eyes of Kate a) Paul
b) Kate’s eyes b) Pauls’
c) Kates’ eyes c) Paul’s

2. ___________________________ is old. 5. ___________________________ is Tom.

a) My father’s car a) My cat’s name
b) My fathers’ car b) My cats’ name
c) The car of my father c) My cats name

3. ___________________________ are dirty. 6. Is this _____________________ ?

a) The shoes of the girls a) Marias’ house
b) The girls’ shoes b) Maria’s house
c) The girls shoes c) The house of Maria

. p.36 17

A. Read and practice.

Whose bag is that? When we want to know to whom

It’s Jack’s bag. something belongs we use the
It’s Jack’s. question word whose.

B. Ask and answer as in the example.

1. (car / Alan and Jane) 2. (sneakers / Alfred) 3. (teddy bear / Alice)

Whose car is this? ____________________ ____________________
It’s Alan and Jane’s. ____________________ ____________________

4. (ball / Jimmy) 5. (gloves / Tony) 6. (tablet / Kassandra)

____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

C. Circle the correct words.

1. Who’s / Whose book is that?

2. My best friend’s / friends’ name is Gerard.
3. My parents’ / parent’s favorite sport is tennis.
4. Who’s / Whose that? It’s my friend Thomas.

18 . p.37
A. Choose the correct answer. B. Write the plural form.
1. _____ apples are delicious. 1. tooth teeth
a) This 2. sandwich sandwiches
b) These 3. key keys
c) That 4. photocopy photocopies
2. These are the _____ toys. 5. child children
6. family families
a) childrens’
7. address addresses
b) children
8. country countries
c) children’s toys
9. toy _____________
3. _____ book is this? 10. shoe shoes
a) Who’s 11. match matches
b) Whose 12. woman women
c) Who 13. person paople
4. That’s Megan’s brother. ___ 14. kiss kises
name is Bruce. 15. dish dishes
a) Her
b) Its C. Complete with my, your,his, etc.
c) His
5. ____ are cute. 1. I am from Berlin but ____ my father
a) Babys is from Rome.
b) Babies her father are chefs.
2. Helen and _____
c) Baby’s 3. Jeff and I are in ____your English
class. our
6. ____ is your problem.
its box.
4. The tablet is in ____
a) That
5. Mike and his/my
____ mother aren’t
b) These
c) Those 6. The children are in ____ their room.
7. Those ____ are dangerous.
a) mens
b) man D. Circle the correct word.
c) men
8. What are your names?
1. This is the dog’s / dogs bone.
____ name is Fred and ___ name is Karla. 2. That is Tom’s / Toms’ car.
a) His/her 3. Those are the man’s / mans’
b) My/ her gloves.
c) Our/your 4. These are the girls’s / girls’
9. ______ pencils are new. houses.
a) These 5. This is Linda’s / Lindas hat.
b) This
c) That




This is my family
Read the text and write the names on the photo.


My name is Shantall. I’m 28 years old. I’m from Ohio in the United States. My father’s name is Brandon.
He’s 65 years old. And my mother’s name is Layla. She’s 60 years old. I have two children. Their names
are Edward and Kristell. They are 10 and 7 years old. My husband Frank is a doctor. He is 32 years old.
We have a dog. Its name is Rocky. We are a happy family.

Write about your family.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”.
John Dewey


Unit 1 Around the world!
Warm up
A. Name the flags.

1 ___________ 2 ___________ 3 ___________ 4 ___________

5 ___________ 6 ___________ 7 ___________ 8 ___________

9 ___________ 10 ___________ 11 ___________ 12 ___________

B. Complete the chart.


1. Scotland _____________ English

2. _______________ Irish English / Irish

3. Mexico Mexican ____________

4. ______________ Peruvian ____________

5. Japan _____________ ____________

6. ______________ Thai ____________


A. Read the dialog and complete with a word from the box.

OK - spell - Japan - Spanish - from - the USA

A: So, where is Fanny ____________?
B: She’s from Spain. She’s ___________. And Yun-Yun ?
Where’s he from?
A: He’s from ____________.He’s Japanese.

B: OK, now, Kristell and Shantall.

A: Yes, the twins! They’re from _________. They’re American.
B: How do you ___________ Kristell?

A: K - r - i - s - t -e- l - l.
B: ________, thanks. Done.

B. Read and answer the questions.

1. Where are you from? _________________________.

2. Where is Shakira from? _________________________.

3. Where are the “tortillas” from? _________________________.

4. Where is the “tango” from? _________________________.

5. Where are “kangaroos” from? _________________________.

6. Where is Vladimir Putin from? _________________________.

7. Where is your teacher from? _________________________.

8. Where is Bruno Mars from? _________________________.

9. Where is your best friend from? _________________________.

10. Where is your favorite actor / actress from? _______________.


A. Read and correct the sentences with the correct country.

Then, add the nationality.

1. He’s from France. (Italy)

He isn’t from France. He’s from Italy. He’s Italian.

2. She’s from China. (Japan)

3. They’re from Chile. (Peru)
4. I’m from Venezuela. (Colombia)
5. It’s from Germany. (Russia)
6. We’re from England. (the USA)
7. I’m from Brazil. (Mexico)


8. She’s from Egypt. (Switzerland)


B. Form questions using the sentences from part A.

1. _________________________
Where’s he from? 5. ________________________
2. _________________________ 6. ________________________
3. _________________________ 7. ________________________
4. _________________________ 8. ________________________

Unit 2 All about me
Warm up

A. Unscramble the words and form questions.

1. the / teacher / you / are / ? ______________________________

2. your / is / name / what / ? ______________________________

3. do / spell / last / how / you / name / your / ? ________________________

4. are / from / where / you / ? ______________________________

5. old / you / are / how / ? ______________________________

6. your / is / address / what / ? _______________________________

7. number / your / is / telephone / what / ? _____________________________

8. ID / is / what / your / number / ? _______________________________

B. Write the correct number from C. Invent a new identity, complete the
part “A” to the following answers. application form and practice in pairs.

1. ___ It’s M - a - i - g - e. The Club - Application Form

2. ___ twenty - nine.

First name: ___________________
3. ___ Yes, I am.
Last name: ___________________
4. ___ It’s 07023212
Country / city: _________________
5. ___ It’s Laura Maige.
Age: ___________________
6. ___ It’s 999 876 543. Address: ___________________
7. ___ The USA. Phone number: _______________

8. ___ It’s 102 Glenn Street. ID number: ___________________


A. Match the words with its correct use.

1. Who ____ a. for times / dates

2. Where ____ b. for people

3. When ____ c. for things

4. What ____ d. for places

5. How ____ e. for age

6. How old ____ f. for manner

B. Write the correct word from the box to complete the questions.

Where (x2) - What (x2) - How old - Who - When - How

1. ___________ is that ? He’s my boyfriend.

2. ___________ is the club? It’s on Express Street.

3. ___________ is your birthday? It’s today.

4. ___________ is your e-mail? It’s heygirl@hitmail.com

5. ___________ are you doing? I’m great. And you?

6. ___________ is your sister? She’s twenty - six.

7. ___________ is your favorite color? It’s red.

8. ___________ are you from? I’m from Peru.

C. Stand up, go around the class and ask questions using:

Who...? When...? Where...? How...?

What...? How old...? 5


A. Write the correct answer next to the questions.

twenty-nine Yes, I am 987654321

April 2nd mrsgill@hitmail.com Canada

Stephany Gill

1. What’s your name? ______________________

2. How old are you? ______________________

3. Where are you from? ______________________

4. Are you a teacher? ______________________

5. What’s your email address? ______________________

6. What’s your phone number? ______________________

7. When’s your birthday? ______________________

B. Look at the chart and complete with your information.

Name: Age:
Inés Aguilar 31

Country / Nationality: Occupation:

Peru / Peruvian Accountant

E-mail address: Phone number:

inesaguilare@gmail.com 991472608

Languages: Interests:
Spanish. Read book and travel

C. In pairs, share your information from part “B”. Then, ask and answer.

Unit 3 What’s this?

A. Read and write the correct word from the box.

watch - magazine - passport - umbrella - euro - necklace

newspaper - key - glasses - lipstick - wallet - credit card

1. It’s used to open a door. Key


2. It’s used to protect from the rain. Umbrella


3. It is used like money when you don’t have cash. Credit card

4. It is used to see the time. Watch


5. Some people need them to see. Glasses

6. People need it to fly. _______________
7. Women use it for their lips. _______________

8. Money used in Europe. Euro

9. Different pieces of news are in it. _______________
10. It is used around the neck. _______________
11. People put money in here. _______________
12. It’s similar to the newspaper. _______________

B. Look at part “A” and write the correct indefinite article with each word.

1. _____ necklace
_______________ a lipstick
7. _____ _______________

a glasses
2. _____ _______________ a key _______________
8. _____
a newspaper a wallet
9. _____ _______________
3. _____ _______________
a magazine
a watch
4. _____ _______________ 10. _____ ______________
a credit card an umbrella
11. _____ ______________
5. _____ _______________
a passport a euro______________
12. _____
6. _____ _______________

Grammar (1)

A. Write the plural of the words from the box under the correct column.

man - glass - book - city - foot - lady

house - library - child - sandwich - toy - baby

woman - church - girl - watch

add -s add -es drop -y, add -ies Irregular




B. Look and form questions and answers . C. Complete with:

this - that - these - those
1. What _______________? (computer)
It __________________.
This is a cat.
1. _______

2. What _______________? (notebooks) 2. _______ books.

They _______________.
3. _______ a key.

3. What _______________ ? (wallet) 4. _______ glasses.

5. _______ a bag.

4. What _______________? (boxes) 6. _______ dishes.

7. _______ magazines.
5. What _______________? (toy)
8. _______ pens.

Grammar (2)

A. Complete the chart.

D I My
---> _____ We our
---> _____
E You ---> your
_____ You ---> your
T He ---> his
_____ They ---> their
V her
She ---> _____
S It ---> its

B. Read and circle the correct alternative.

1. She’s a new student. Her / His name is Lucy.

2. We are Peruvian, but their / our kids are American.

Escriba el texto aquí

3. Tom and his / her brother are tall.

4. They are rich. Your / Their house is enormous.

5. This is my dog. My / Its name is Brown.

6. She is Mexican. His / Her parents are Mexican, too.

C. Put a check next to the correct sentence. If it is wrong, correct it.

1. I’m a teacher. My class is in room 202. _______________________

2. The tablet is in her box. _______________________
3. Mrs. Logan and his sister are very close. _______________________

4. We are American. My parents are from NY. Our


Unit 4 This is my
2 family

Warm up
A. Look and complete the chart.


F grandfather 1. grandmother

A M 2. father mother

M E 3. uncle aunt

I M brother 4. sister

L B 5. newphew niece

Y E son 6. daughter

R cousin 7. cousin

S 8. husband wife

brother - in - law 9. sister-in-low

10. grandson granddaughter

B. Look and write.

1. grandparents = _________________ grandfather
+ ________________
grandson granddaughter
2. grandchildren = _________________ + ________________

3. parents = father
_________________ + _______________

brother sister
4. siblings = _________________ + _______________
son daughther
5. children = _________________ + _______________
only child
6. no brothers or sisters = ________________


A. Complete the exercises with ( ’s ) or ( ’ ).

s´ dogs.
1. The woman ___ 6. My sister ___ children.
s´ bike.
2. My grandfather ___ 7. My parents ___ house.

3. The students ___books. 8. My family ___ car.
s´ mother.
4. The girl ___ 9. The cat ___ milk.

5. The player ___ hat. 10. The children ___ toys.

B. Read and complete with the correct form of the possessive.

1. This is ____________ book. (Tom)

2. Let’s go to the ___________ . (Browns)

3. The ____________ room is downstairs. (ladies)

4. __________ sister is sixteen years old. (John)

5. __________ and _________ house is old. (Sussy - Sandy)

6. __________ shoes are on the third floor. (men)

7. My ___________ car was not cheap. (parents)

8. _____________ Ipad is new. (James)

9. This is the ___________ ball. (boy)

10. These are the ___________ pens. (boys)

11. ___________ brother lives in The USA. (Laura)

12. The ___________ room is over there. (teachers)


A. Circle the correct answer.

1. A: Whose is / are these books? 4. A: Whose posters are this / these?

B: They’re / It’s Lucy’s. B: They’re / It’s Tony’s.

2. A: Whose pen is these / this? 5. A: Whose laptop is / are this?

B: It’s Pete / Pete’s pen. B: It’s Mary’s / Marys laptop.

3. A: Whose skirts is / are these ? 6. A: Whose balloon are / is this ?

B: It’s / They’re Sally’s skirts. B: They’re / It’s my balloon.

B. Read and answer.

1. Whose umbrella is it? (the teacher) 5. Whose books are they? (the boys)

It’s ______________________. _________________________.

2. Whose toys are they? (your children) 6. Whose glasses are they? (the doctor)

They’re __________________. _________________________.

3. Whose guitar is it? (Frank) 7. Whose watch is it? (my friend)

_________________________. _________________________.

4. Whose cellphone is it? (Yohanna) 8. Whose Cds are they? (my brother)

_________________________. __________________________.

C. Complete with Who or Whose.

Whose bag is this? - It’s Shantall’s bag.

1. _________

2. _________ calls you? - My mom.

3. _________are on vacation? - My friend and I.
4. _________ cellphone is that? - It’s Gael’s cellphone.
5. _________ dog is it? - It’s Lucy’s dog.
6. _________ is in the office? - The secretary.

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

be was / were been

beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
freeze froze frozen
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

leave left left

lend lent lent
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
sting stung stung
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written



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