OBE Syllabus in ELE18

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Tiaong, Quezon

VISION STATEMENT: Southern Luzon State University as an academic hub of excellent

curricular programs, transdisciplinary researches, and responsive extension services that
contributes to knowledge production, social development, and economic advancement of
Quezon province and the CALABARZON Region.

MISSION STATEMENT: The university is committed to develop a sustained culture of

delivering quality services and undertaking continuous interdisciplinary innovations in
instruction, research and extension in the fields of agriculture, science, education,
engineering, technology, allied health and medicine, human security, business. and the
arts anchored to the development needs of Quezon province and the CALABARZON
Region and national and global development goals.


GO – God-loving
S – Service-oriented
L – Leadership by Example
S – Sustained Passion of Excellence
U – Undiminished Commitment to Peace and Environment Advocacy.


1. To train competent and morally upright Elementary Teachers

2. To provide wholesome learning experiences where would- be- teachers’

talent and potentials will be developed to make them effective and creative

3. To produce community service- oriented Elementary teachers equipped

with the necessary teaching pedagogy.

4. To prepare would-be-teachers to become globally competitive in the field and

ready to meet the demands of a changing environment

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised:
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Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1
Goals and Objectives
Program Educational Objectives
1 2 3 4
1 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the / / / /
diversity of learners in various learning areas.
2 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive / / / /
pedagogical content knowledge of the different
subject areas.
3 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation / / / /
tools to measure learning outcomes.
4 Manifest skill in communication, higher-order / / / /
thinking and use of tools and technology to
accelerate learning and teaching.
5 Demonstrate positive attitudes of a model /
teacher, both as an individual and as a
6 Manifest a desire to continuously pursue / /
personal and professional development


1. Course Code : ELE18

2. Course Title : Research in Education

3. Pre-requisite : None

4. Co-requisite : None

5. Credit/ Class Schedule : 3 units / Thursday, 9:30 -12:30

6. Course Description : This course will introduce students to action research, a

form of self-reflective systematic inquiry by practitioners
on their own practice. The goals of action research are
the improvement of practice, a better understanding of
that practice, and an improvement in the situation in
which the practice is carried out. The primary objective of
the course is to prepare students to do action research in
schools. Topics include but not limited to basic concepts
on action research, different action research methods,
data collection, techniques, and action research writing

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised:
ELE18- Page 6 of 6
Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1
7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives:

Program Educational
Program Outcomes Objective
1 2 3 4 5 6
a) Adopt basic and higher level literacy, communication, critical
/ / / /
thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning.
b) Have a deep understanding of the learning processes and
the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their / / / / / /
c) Can apply a wide range of teaching process skills such as
/ / / /
teaching approaches;
d) Demonstrate and practice the legal, professional and ethical
/ / /
requirements of the teaching professions;
e) Can facilitate learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse
types of learning environments, using a wide range of / / / /
teaching knowledge and skills;
f) Can be creative and innovative in thinking of alternative
teaching approaches, take informed risks in trying out these
/ / / /
innovative approaches, and evaluate the effectiveness of
such approaches in improving student learning;
g) Perform given task individually or by group; / / /
h) Are willing and capable to continue learning in order to better
/ /
fulfill their mission as teachers;
i) Can adopt to the changing trends in education and know its
importance in the different majors of practice and changing / / / /
j) Can create an environmental friendly atmosphere in their
/ / /
field of practice.

8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives:

Program Outcomes
Course Objectives a b c d e f g h i j
Demonstrate a deep understanding of the P P
1 I I P I P P D I
basic concepts of action research.
Carry out a critical inquiry of the chosen topic D D
using appropriate research design, data
2 gathering instruments, procedures and P I P I P P P I
techniques, apply ethical consideration
during the conduct of the study
Observe prescribed standards of academic
3 P I P I D P P I
writing P P
Present a full-blown action research before
4 D D D I D D D I
members of the panel. P D

Legend: I – Introduce; P- Practice; D- Demonstrate

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

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Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1
9. Course Outline and Timeframe:

Week Topics
Orientation: Vision, Mission, Goals and Program Objectives, and Academic
1 Polices
I. Introduction to Action Research
2 II. Choosing and Learning about your Research Topic

III. Approaches to Action Research

3 IV. Developing a Plan of Action
V. Data Collection Tools
4 VI. Using Assessment Data in Action Research
VII. Data Analysis and Interpretation
5 VIII. Writing, Sharing, and Implementation of the Research Findings
6 Flexible Learning Activity/ Independent Study
7 Submission of Proposal (Chapter 1 to 3)
8 Individual Critiquing Session of Submitted Proposal
9-10 Proposal Defense
11-14 Independent Study (Data Gathering)
Independent Study (Data interpretation and analysis & Writing of the First
15-17 Draft)
18 Submission of the Final Draft and Oral Defense

10. Required Reading (Textbook):

Bondoc, V. P., David, R. C., Gueco, A. B., Lansangan, L. V., Manabat, E. L., Tamayo,
Ma. I. P., & Macaspac, I. P. (2014). Action research made easy (a practical guide to the
preparation of action research in education). Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

De Leon, E. B. (2019). Action research for beginner in classroom-based contexts.

Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City: Philippines.

Prado, J. C., & Gaddi, Z. A. (2019). Action Research Primer for Faculty Researchers.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

11. Suggested Readings and References:

Adelman, C. (1993). Kurt Lewin and the origin of action research. Educational Action, Research
1(1), 7–24.

Efron, S. E. & Ravid, R. (2013). Action research in education: A practical guide. The Guilford
Press. New York.

Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2004). A handbook for teacher research. New York: Open
University Press.

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised:
ELE18- Page 6 of 6
Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1
Reason, P., & Bradbury, H. (2008). The Sage handbook of action research: Participative inquiry
and practice (2nd ed.).

London: Sage. Rudduck, J., & Hopkins, D. (1985). Research as a basis of teaching: Readings
from the work of Lawrence Stenhouse. Oxford, UK: Heinemann Educational Books.

Whitehead, J., & McNiff, J. (2006). Action research living theory. London: Sage.

Winter, R. (1987). Action research and the nature of social inquiry: Professional innova- tion and
educational work. Averbury, UK: Aldershot

12. Course Requirements:

1. Proposal Defense (Chapter 1 to 3)
2. Final Oral Defense (Chapter 1 to 5)

13. Grading System:

The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 60% of the total scores from the

Major Exam (Proposal Defense) 25%

Quizzes (Final Paper) 20%
Recitation/assignment/attendance (Chapter 1 to 3) 15%
Project, Performance Output (Final Defense) 40%

14. Classroom Policies:

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are:
 Grave misconduct, academic dishonesty and, or cheating during examinations.
 Unexcused absences of more than 20% of required number of meetings per

Classroom decorum
a Students are required to wear identification card and observe proper dress code at
all times
b Turn off or put in silent mode the cellular phones during class hours
c Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the room at all times and
d Come to class on time

15. Consultation Hours: Monday, 1:00 -2:30pm; Tuesday/Thursday11:10 – 12:00

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised:
ELE18- Page 6 of 6
Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1
16. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/Program Outcomes:

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

A student completing this course i j
1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f g h
should at the minimum be able to:
Select an area of interest and
articulate a problem statement / / / / /
1 / / / / / / / /
by providing a
clear purpose for investigation.
Identify several common data
collection tools that are most / / / / /
2 useful for gathering information / / / / / / / /
in investigating teachers’
Describe common methods
that are useful for analyzing / / / / /
3 / / / / / / / / / /
and interpreting the data
collected in action research.
the process of organizing, / / / / /
4 / / / / / / / / / / /
analyzing, interpreting, and
presenting the data.
Demonstrate different aspects
5 of writing and sharing research / / / / / / / / / / / /

Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Approved by:

Effective: Revised:
ELE18- Page 6 of 6
Research in
September, August, 2023 Joana Marie
2023 P. del Rio Alma J.

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev.1

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