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OI Model

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Construct reliability and validity

Cronbach's alpha Composite reliability (rho_a) Composite reliability (rho_c) Average variance extracted (AVE)
Affective _Commitment (Joy) 0.766 0.774 0.851 0.589
Affective _Commitment (Love) 0.642 0.670 0.804 0.579
Organizational_Identification 0.854 0.863 0.892 0.581
Organizational_Prestige 0.920 0.923 0.934 0.640
Discriminant validity
Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) - Matrix
Affective _Commitment (Joy) Affective _Commitment (Love) Organizational_Identification Organizational_Prestige
Affective _Commitment (Joy)
Affective _Commitment (Love) 0.641
Organizational_Identification 0.753 0.527
Organizational_Prestige 0.467 0.263 0.408
Fornell-Larcker criterion
Affective _Commitment (Joy) Affective _Commitment (Love) Organizational_Identification Organizational_Prestige
Affective _Commitment (Joy) 0.767
Affective _Commitment (Love) -0.471 0.761
Organizational_Identification 0.614 -0.409 0.762
Organizational_Prestige 0.386 -0.221 0.362 0.800
Cross loadings
Affective _Commitment (Joy) Affective _Commitment (Love) Organizational_Identification Organizational_Prestige
ac_joy1 0.743 -0.372 0.424 0.311
ac_joy2 0.788 -0.368 0.472 0.308
ac_joy3 0.822 -0.427 0.533 0.248
ac_joy4 0.711 -0.270 0.446 0.332
ac_love1 -0.416 0.792 -0.316 -0.166
ac_love2 -0.198 0.664 -0.229 -0.043
ac_love3 -0.420 0.817 -0.369 -0.253
org_ident1 0.445 -0.276 0.786 0.331
org_ident2 0.458 -0.259 0.758 0.295
org_ident3 0.421 -0.247 0.636 0.259
org_ident4 0.548 -0.421 0.822 0.246
org_ident5 0.484 -0.406 0.812 0.289
org_ident6 0.437 -0.221 0.746 0.242
org_pre1 0.295 -0.129 0.262 0.773
org_pre2 0.283 -0.160 0.302 0.828
org_pre3 0.285 -0.203 0.314 0.779
org_pre4 0.356 -0.203 0.242 0.794
org_pre5 0.340 -0.166 0.289 0.794
org_pre6 0.338 -0.235 0.330 0.848
org_pre7 0.306 -0.160 0.292 0.785
org_pre8 0.276 -0.148 0.271 0.798

Affective _Commitment Affective _Commitment Organizational_Identific Organizational_Pres
(Joy) (Love) ation tige
Affective _Commitment (Joy)
Affective _Commitment (Love)
Organizational_Identification 0.614 -0.409
Organizational_Prestige 0.362
Affective _Commitment Affective _Commitment Organizational_Identific Organizational_Pres
(Joy) (Love) ation tige
Affective _Commitment (Joy)
Affective _Commitment (Love)
Organizational_Prestige 0.222 -0.148
Specific indirect effects
Organizational_Prestige -> Organizational_Identification -> Affective -0.148
_Commitment (Love)
Organizational_Prestige -> Organizational_Identification -> Affective 0.222
_Commitment (Joy)
Affective _Commitment Affective _Commitment Organizational_Identific Organizational_Pres
(Joy) (Love) ation tige
Affective _Commitment (Joy)
Affective _Commitment (Love)
Organizational_Identification 0.614 -0.409
Organizational_Prestige 0.222 -0.148 0.362

1. Suggest any suitable title for the study.
2. Develop and report the tables for the Reliability, Convergent, and Discriminant Validity.
3. Develop and report the tables for the Regression and Mediation Analysis.

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