Sheng 1998
Sheng 1998
Sheng 1998
An electric potential probe was constructed so that simultaneous, multiple measurements of electric
potential could be made in a six-in-line electric furnace for smelting nickel calcine having a maximum
transformer capacity of 36 MVA. When the electric potential distributions were compared with those
calculated from the solution of the Laplace equation, it was evident that there was significant electric
potential drop at the electrode surface, 100 to 120 V for an applied potential of 180 to 230 V and
currents of 20 to 30 kA. The Soderberg electrodes were continuously oxidized in the slag, likely
creating carbon monoxide. The electric potential drop at the surface was attributed to arcing through
the carbon monoxide. Thus, heat was released in the immediate vicinity of the electrode due to
arcing, as well as in the bulk of the slag by Joule heating. The proper distribution of heat dissipation
is required for the transport model, developed in Part II of this series.
Fig. 6—Cross section of a section of the probe used for the electric
potential measurement, showing the details of construction of two of the
five tungsten electrodes, not to scale.
A novel multielectrode probe was developed to simul-
taneously measure the voltage at several locations in the 1. A.G. Matyas, R.C. Francki, K.M. Donaldson, and B. Wasmund: CIM
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report of such measurements. By comparison with com- Proc. Symp. on World Survey of Nonferrous Smelters at the TMS-
puted voltage distributions, it was deduced that there is a AIME Annual Meeting, Jan. 25–29, 1988, Phoenix, AZ.
substantial voltage drop at the electrode interface, 100 to 3. C. Diaz, B.R. Conard, C.E. O’Neill, and A.D. Dalvi: CIM Bull., 1994,
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creation of an arc from the carbon monoxide evolved at the 5. S.S. Attwood: Electric and Magnetic Fields, John Wiley & Sons, New
electrodes due to chemical erosion. Therefore, heat is York, NY, 1949, pp. 88 and 160.
evolved both at the electrode surface and in the bulk of the 6. J.A. Perssan and D.G. Treilhard: J. Met., 1973, Jan., pp. 34-39.
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8. Q. Jiao and N.J. Themelis: Metall. Trans. B, 1988, vol. 19B, pp. 133-
9. G. O’Connell: ‘‘Relationship between Slag Depth, Electrode
The authors are very grateful to Falconbridge, Limited, Immersion, and Electrode Resistance in Falconbridge’s Electric
for funding this project and permitting publication of this Furnaces,’’ Inter-office Technical Report, Metallurgical Technology
article. The encouraging comments from Falconbridge per- Centre. Falconbridge, Sudbury, ON, Canada, May 31, 1993.
10. Q. Jiao and N.J. Themelis: Metall. Trans. B, 1991, vol. 22B, pp. 183-
sonnel including Mr. Ian Cameron, Mr. Chai Tan, and Dr. 92.
Gary O’Connell are greatly appreciated. The assistance of 11. N.M. Stubina, G.H. Kaiura, H. Tseng, and J.M. Toguri: ‘‘To Develop
Mr. Owen Kelly and Falconbridge’s smelter technicians a Clean Smelting Process for Highly Roasted Copper-Nickel Calcines
and furnace operators during the experiments is also grate- and to Improve Metal Recovery, Part D: Electrical Conductivity
fully acknowledged. Measurements of Electric Furnace Smelting Slags,’’ DSS File No.
15SQ.23440-3-9172, University of Toronto, Toronto, 1988.
12. N. Stubina, J. Chao, and C. Tan: CIM Bull., 1994, June, pp. 57-61.
13. J.D. Kraus and K.R. Carver: Electromagnetics, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill
NOMENCLATURE Book Company, New York, NY, 1973.
fg geometric factor of the electric furnace (l/m) 14. W.F. Hughes and F.J. Young: The Electromagnetodynamics of Fluids,
He electrode immersion in slag (m) Wiley, New York, NY, 1966.
Hs slag thickness (m) 15. J.R. Jones, M.A. Laughton, and M.G. Say: Electrical Engineer’s
Reference Book, 15th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Oxford,
I electrical current (A) United Kingdom, 1993.
J conduction current density (A/m2) 16. R. Jones: Mintek, Randburg, South Africa, private communication,
L length scale (m) 1996.