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RSC Advances: Paper
RSC Advances: Paper
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One of the most exciting aspects of organic electronic devices, in particular organic solar cells, is their
potential for low cost and large scale manufacturing using printing technologies such as inkjet printing.
In this manuscript, we report our work on developing an understanding of the ink-jet printing process to
print smooth and transparent PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate))
films for organic solar cell devices. The parameters that were found to strongly affect the formation of a
continuous PEDOT:PSS film were substrate surface treatment, drop spacing, substrate temperature
during printing as well as annealing. We investigated the effect of these parameters through detailed
morphological characterization using optical and atomic force microscopy and the results suggested
that one can achieve a transmittance of 90% for a ca. 110 nm thick film with a uniform structure and
morphology, fabricated using a drop spacing of 30 mm and an annealing temperature of 120 C. Overall,
PEDOT:PSS film characteristics are strongly influenced by the substrate temperature during printing and
annealing temperature as well as surface modification, determined by a mix of surface wetting
Received 10th June 2015
Accepted 9th September 2015
characteristics, rate of evaporation of the solvent and coalescence of the printed lines. The organic solar
devices fabricated using these inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS films show comparable performance yielding a
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra11032g
power conversion efficiency of ca. 2.64% in comparison to ca. 3.1%, showed by the devices fabricated on standard spin coated PEDOT:PSS films.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 | 78677
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solar cells, modied PEDOT:PSS can also be used for thermo- in different ratios followed by ltration of the solution using
electric devices,12–14 lithium ion batteries15 and hybrid solar 0.22 mm PVDF lter to prevent any nozzle clogging. The ink
cells.16 While printing techniques are suitable for large area viscosity was measured using the Ostwald U-shape glass
application of OPVs, there are a few challenges associated with viscometer while surface tension of the substrates and contact
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area scaling due to high sheet resistance of transparent con- angle were measured using OCA135 Data Physics goniometer
ducting electrodes e.g. indium tin oxide (ITO)17,18 as well as employing sessile drop method. Prior to the printing of
increased number for leakage paths in large area devices because PEDOT:PSS ink, ITO coated glass substrates were cleaned in the
of randomly distributed defects in thin lms19 and thickness soap solution followed by ultrasonication rst in DI water and
variations.20,21 Although attempts have been made on alternate then in the RCA solution (DI + NH3+ H2O2 mixed in a ratio of
Open Access Article. Published on 16 September 2015. Downloaded on 9/24/2023 10:51:28 PM.
electrode structure such as insulator–metal–insulator structure 5 : 1 : 1) for 20 minutes followed by rinsing with DI water and
for monolithic submodules to reduce the series resistance of drying in owing N2 gas. The surface treatment of ITO coated
electrodes, the efficiencies are still low.22 glass sample was done by carrying out oxygen plasma treatment
A typical device structure that is used is a bulk heterojunc- (Plasma Preen II-973, Plasmatic Systems Inc) with 5 psi gas
tion conguration where a blend of light absorbing polymer pressure and at full power level. The ozone treatment was done
(e.g. P3HT or poly-3-hexylthiophene) and an acceptor, typically with UVO-cleaner (model no. 42-220, Jelight) for 15 minutes.
PC60BM, a fullerene, are sandwiched between the two elec- The printing of PEDOT:PSS lms of area upto 10 10 mm2
trodes. Between the electrodes and the blend layer (also called was carried out using Dimatix 2831 printer having nozzle
as active layer), oen there are thin layers which provide diameter 21 mm and using the waveform provided by Dimatix.
selectivity to the carrier transport towards cathode (e.g. Al) and The printed area of lm was 10 10 mm2 and 1.5 1.5 mm2. A
the anode (indium tin oxide or ITO). In organic solar cell devices reference PEDOT:PSS sample was prepared by spin coating
with normal architecture, a typical conguration is glass/ITO/ PEDOT:PSS ink at 2000 rpm on ITO coated glass substrates
PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PC60BM/Ca/Al. Here, a thin poly(3,4- followed by annealing at 120 C for 10 minutes. Surface
ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) topography and thickness measurement on the lms were
layer is used as a hole transport layer for selective ow of holes carried out using Zeiss optical measurement and KLA Tensor
to the anode. PEDOT:PSS lm not only works as a hole transport surface prolometer. Roughness was measured using Ambios
layer, it also affects the planarization of the underlying ITO and Asylum Research atomic force microscopy (AFM) while
electrode as well as interface quality between this layer and the transmittance spectra were measured using Perkin-Elmer
active layer.7 Hence, for fabricating a printable device, it is Lambda 750 spectrophotometer.
important to understand the printing aspects of the PEDOT:PSS For solar cell device fabrication on PEDOT:PSS (printed as well
layer and literature is surprisingly devoid of details on under- as spin coated) coated substrates, rst the blend solution of P3HT
standing the effect of process parameters on printing charac- and PC60BM was prepared in chlorobenzene with concentration
teristics of organic materials, PEDOT:PSS in the present context. 15 mg ml1 each in a N2 lled glove box. Subsequently, the
While a few previous studies report the effect of annealing solution was spin coated on PEDOT:PSS coated substrates at 2000
temperature11 and solvent addition to the ink6 on the quality of rpm yielding a lm thickness of ca. 100 nm. Subsequently, LiF
inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS lms on glass substrates, a detailed (0.8 nm) and aluminum (100 nm) were evaporated using a
understanding of the formation of PEDOT:PSS lms on ITO thermal evaporator attached with the glove box. Current–voltage
coated glass substrates is essential for better process control measurements of the device were carried out using Keithley 2400
and development. source meter at 1.5G solar spectrum and a light intensity of 100
In this report, we present a detailed study to understand the mW cm2 using a Newport solar simulator.
formation of PEDOT:PSS layer including formation of the ink
for efficient jetting and stable drop formation by varying the 3. Results and discussion
concentration of its ingredients in the original ink. The
dynamic contact angle with time was measured for studying the 3.1 Effect of viscosity on drop formation
ink spreading over ITO coated glass substrates with tempera- Prior to the printing of PEDOT:PSS lms, it was essential to
ture. We have investigated the effect of process parameters such form an ink which does not give rise to any satellite drop
as drop spacing, substrate temperature, substrate surface formation which follows the leading drop from the nozzle upon
modication and annealing temperature on the lm formation, jetting. These satellite drops are easily misdirected and can
critical to the formation of a good quality OSC devices. Finally, reduce the quality of the pattern to be printed. The dynamics of
we demonstrate working P3HT:PC60BM organic solar cell ink droplet formation depends on various physical properties
devices using printed PEDOT:PSS lms with efficiencies i.e. density, viscosity, surface tension of the ink. Most important
reasonably comparable to those obtained on spin coated of these is the viscosity which is manifested in the inverse of
PEDOT:PSS lms. dimensionless Fromm number, Z and is given as
2. Experimental Z¼
PEDOT:PSS ink was prepared by diluting commercially avail- where a is the radius of the printing orice, h is the viscosity, g
able PEDOT:PSS (Clevios P CH8000) with deionized (DI) water is the surface tension and r is the density of the ink. From the
78678 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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perspective of drop formation without a satellite, whilst a value treatment. The lms were printed at the drop spacing of 30 mm,
of Z > 2 was theoretically predicted by Fromm et al.,23 recent 33 mm and 35 mm drop spacing and at substrate temperatures of
works2 suggest that a range of 4 # Z # 14 is more appropriate. 30 C, 35 C and 40 C. Fig. 2 shows the optical micrographs of
We controlled the viscosity of the ink by changing the these lms comparing their morphologies. These micrographs
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volume ratio of PEDOT:PSS to DI water using three combina- show that neither the variation in the drop spacing nor in
tions: 1 : 2, 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 leading to a Z value of 6.72 (viscosity substrates temperature yields a continuous lm. The lines tend
3.95 cP), 5.37 (viscosity 4.9 cP) and 4.63 (viscosity 5.65 cP) to appear sharper as the temperature of the substrate is
which are in the range predicted by Fromm et al. As Fig. 1 increased at any drop spacing which is due to increased evap-
shows, with increase in the ink viscosity, the time to form a oration rate of the solvent. However, in none of the lms, lines
showed a tendency to merge and form a continuous lm sug-
Open Access Article. Published on 16 September 2015. Downloaded on 9/24/2023 10:51:28 PM.
Fig. 1 Effect of PEDOT:PSS : DI water volume ratio on the ink jetted drop formation (a) PEDOT:PSS : DI (1 : 1), (b) PEDOT:PSS : DI (2 : 1), (c)
PEDOT:PSS : DI (1 : 2) (insets show transient behavior of the drops).
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Fig. 2 Optical microscope images of PEDOT:PSS films printed on ITO coated glass substrates with no prior surface treatment at different drop
spacing: (a) 30 mm (b) 33 mm (c) 35 mm and different substrate temperature (Ts).
shows the optical micrographs of inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS 1 min treatment suggesting that oxygen plasma treatment
lms on ITO coated glass substrates which were oxygen leads to a decrease in the contact angle of the ink on the
plasma treated for 1 min and 3 min. Upon comparison with substrate and hence better wettability leading to an improved
Fig. 2, it is evident that with the oxygen plasma treatment, the coverage of the substrate. Fig. 3 shows the complete printed
coverage of the ink and hence lm uniformity improves pad whose area is small, i.e. 1.5 1.5 mm2 whose objective
dramatically. The lines only appear rather unclearly for the was to optimize the oxygen plasma time. The edges are not very
drop spacing of 35 mm while they are not at all seen for the sharp which we believe is due to splashing of drops during
drop spacing of 33 and 30 mm. Moreover, the morphology of printing. Hence for subsequent experiments, we chose the
lms with 3 min plasma treatment is much better than for oxygen plasma treatment time of 3 minutes.
Fig. 3 Optical microscope images of PEDOT:PSS films printed with different drop spacing and oxygen plasma exposure for (a) 1 min and
(b) 3 min.
78680 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 4 Optical micrograph of printed PEDOT:PSS on ITO coated glass with two different surface treatment at different substrates temperature (a)
oxygen plasma (b) UV-ozone treatment of ITO/glass substrates.
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diameter at higher substrates temperatures. This decrease in Due to an increase in the evaporation rate of the solvent from
the drop diameter restricts the coalescence of different drops at the ink with increase in the substrate temperature, the printed
higher substrate temperature and hence results in non- PEDOT:PSS drops dry quickly and hence average drop diameter
uniformity in the lm morphology at higher temperatures. of the ink also decreases and thus drop to drop interaction
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These observations justify the selection of substrate tempera- decreased, as also reported in the literature.27,28 This is quite
ture as RT for all further experiments and corroborated the important as this can lead to premature solidication of the
observations made in the previous paragraph. jetted drops by coalescence of the neighboring drops before the
The prole of the printed drop on the substrate surface is lm forms. During printing, a fast drying rate of lines reduces
very sensitive to the substrate temperature. Zhou et al. classied the line-to-line interaction.7 At very high substrate tempera-
tures, there could be occurrences of internal ow of liquid and
Open Access Article. Published on 16 September 2015. Downloaded on 9/24/2023 10:51:28 PM.
Fig. 7 The figure shows film thickness and film roughness with drop
spacing of printed PEDOT:PSS film. Shaded area depicts the param-
Fig. 6 Relation between the substrate temperature and the final drop eters optimized for ink-jet printing of PEDOT:PSS ink on oxygen
diameter (left Y-axis) and central height of the droplet (right Y-axis). plasma treated ITO/Glass substrates.
78682 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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the morphology was uniform across the lms with little varia-
tions. It is possible that use of centrifugal force in spin coating
leads to thinner lms with a dense microstructure in the lms.
As we see subsequently, this difference in the microstructure
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Fig. 8 AFM images of PEDOT:PSS films fabricated using (a) inkjet printing film at drop spacing of 30 mm and (b) spin coating. Both the films were
fabricated from the same ink.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 | 78683
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Fig. 10 Current density vs. voltage (J–V) characteristics of OSC devices fabricated on printed as well as spin coated PEDOT:PSS films: (a) in dark
and (b) in light at 1 Sun (1.5 AM).
Table 1 Summary of organic solar cell device characteristics of devices fabricated on inkjet printed and spin coated PEDOT:PSS films
PEDOT:PSS coating process Voc (volt) Jsc (mA cm2) FF (%) PCE (%) Rs (U cm) Rsh (U cm) Pixel area (cm2)
Spin coated 0.6 9.63 0.05 52.3 0.84 3.02 0.64 17.46 467.28 0.09
Inkjet printed 0.56 10.8 0.35 41.6 2.66 2.53 0.11 21.57 221.72 0.09
Inkjet printed 0.57 0.01 3.76 0.15 29.9 3.40 0.64 0.08 84.03 226.24 1.00
of devices on ink-jet printed PEDOT:PSS lms was a slightly glass substrates using inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS hole trans-
higher than that in spin coated PEDOT:PSS lms. As our port layer. To achieve device quality lms, we have investigated
results suggested, the printed PEDOT:PSS layer has higher the effect of the various printing parameters on the printing
surface roughness as compared to spin coated layer. It is characteristics of PEDOT:PSS lms. Our results suggest that
possible that due to higher roughness of inkjet printed viscosity of the ink strongly affects the drop formation with a
PEDOT:PSS layer as well as higher porosity, the amount of viscosity of 5.65 cP leading to the formation of spherical drops
P3HT:PCBM deposited is higher than that on spin coated without any satellite formation, determined by the ratio of
PEDOT:PSS lms. This is likely to result in slightly higher PEDOT:PSS to DI water. We also found lm characteristics to
current density due to increase light absorption. Further, our be strongly affected by the substrate temperature during
experiments on large area devices with pixel size of 1 1 cm2, printing and annealing temperature as well as surface modi-
as shown in Fig. 10(b), suggest that the device performance cation, determined by a mix of surface wetting characteris-
decreases sharply with increase in the device area to 0.7%. tics, rate of evaporation of the solvent and coalescence of the
This is attributed to higher series resistance of the large area printed lines. The lms showing minimum roughness of 4
device as compared to small area device. It is31 shown that with nm were printed at room temperature at a drop spacing of 30
increase in the device area, the sheet resistance increases and mm followed by annealing at 120 C leading to a thickness of
hence the power losses increase resulting in inferior perfor- ca. 120 nm. These lms showed a maximum transmittance of
mance of large area devices. 89% at wavelength 525 nm and an electrical conductivity of
Overall, whilst one can see that ink-jet printing indeed can 2 102 S cm1. The P3HT:PC60BM organic solar cell devices
successfully fabricate PEDOT:PSS thin lms for OSC devices, fabricated on the inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS showed a power
there are challenges that remain, particularly to achieve rela- conversion efficiency of ca. 2.64% as compared to ca. 3.10%
tively thinner lms, down to 50 nm, with acceptable shown by the devices fabricated on spin coated PEDOT:PSS
morphology and desired electrical properties so that device lms using a pixel area of 0.09 cm2. Scaling up of pixel size to 1
performance is comparable to the devices fabricated on spin 1 cm2 leads to sharp reduction in the device efficiency to
coated PEDOT:PSS lms. Moreover, one needs to understand 0.7%.
the issues related to scaling up to be able to print better
devices with larger pixel size, important in realizing full
potential of printing.
Authors thank Department of Science and Technology, India
4. Conclusions for the nancial support through Indo-UK APEX Project (Grant
no. SR/RC-UK/Solar (F)/2010) and DST Nano science
In conclusion, we have successfully fabricated P3HT:PC60BM and Nanotechnology centers at IIT Kanpur for use of their
bulk heterojunction organic solar cell devices on ITO coated facilities.
78684 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 78677–78685 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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