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Xin Zhao, Zhengwu Wang,b Shiling Yuan,c Juan Lua and Zhongni Wang*a
In this work, for the first time a coarse-grained model in a mesoscopic dynamic (MesoDyn) simulation
for a pharmaceutical nonionic surfactant Brij97 was presented. By using this coarse-grained model,
the morphology transition from oil in water (O/W) to a bicontinuous microemulsion formed in the
Brij97/isopropanol/isoamyl acetate/H2O quaternary system was predicted. Furthermore, the effect of
Received 7th February 2017
Accepted 23rd March 2017
emulsifier/isoamyl acetate mass ratio, Brij97/alcohol mass ratio and alcohol structure on the droplets
size and kinetic formation process of the O/W microemulsion were studied. These MesoDyn predictions
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra01541k
were consistent with experimental measurements. This makes it possible to further predict the formation mechanism of complex drug-loaded aggregates of Brij97 by using this coarse-grained model.
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Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., LTD (Shanghai, China). cA–W and cE–A calculated from the eqn (2) were incorrect. The
Water was deionized and then doubly distilled. All chemicals possible explanation to the trouble is that the hydrogen
were used without further purication. bonding between beads and solvent was neglected.23 Hence, the
effective Flory–Huggins parameters were dened in Baulin and
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2.2 Simulation method and parameters Halperin's work,24 c ¼ ceff + f(F). In general, the miscibility
between polymer and solvent are dependent on the interaction
Before employing the MesoDyn simulation, the components of
parameter. Consequently, cE–W used in present study was
our researched system were represented by coarse-grained
dened as 0.3 on account of the hydrophilic properties of
models. In the present MesoDyn simulation, the coarse-
surfactant EO headgroup, and cC–W was estimated to be 5.0 due
grained model of Brij97 as E3C2 was designed and proposed
to the hydrophobic properties of surfactant alkyl chain tail. The
for the rst time, where the E beads represented the hydrophilic
effective Flory–Huggins interaction parameters between various
EO chain and the C beads represented hydrophobic alkyl chain.
Open Access Article. Published on 07 April 2017. Downloaded on 11/04/2017 19:50:25.
Bead E C A O W
20294 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 20293–20299 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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2.4 Diameter distributions of microemulsion formulations inspect the distribution of all compositions in the spherical
droplets, a representative droplet marked by red cubic grid was
The diameter distributions of different microemulsion formu-
segregated and analysed the radial density distribution. As
lations were determined using dynamic light scattering (DLS)
shown in Fig. 2(b), the density distribution of O, C and W beads
with a Zetasizer Nano ZS90 particle size analyzer (Malvern
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3.1 The morphologies of Brij97/isopropanol/isoamyl acetate/ H2O, the E beads isosurface formed several cylindrical chan-
H2O nels. It is similar to a classical bicontinuous structure with
As we all know, the hydrophilic EO chain of Brij97 tends to water tank and oil pipe. The simulation results presented that
contact with water, and the hydrophobic alkyl chain and oil the microemulsion underwent a transition from B.C. to O/W
phase should come to contact each other. Hence, the with water content increasing from 60 to 80 wt%. In order to
morphology of Brij97 self-assemblies could be simulated by the further conrm the prediction obtained by MesoDyn simula-
isosurface of E and C beads, consistent with mostly previous tion, the phase diagram of Brij97/isopropanol/isoamyl acetate/
reports.13,21,29 Here for convenience, the content of each H2O (Km ¼ 1 : 1) system at 25 C was constructed.
component in system was the weight percentage, consistent
with the experiments. While the concentrations used in the
3.2 Phase behaviour of Brij97/isopropanol/isoamyl acetate/
MesoDyn simulation were transformed to the corresponding
water system
volume fraction.22
Fig. 2(a) showed the dependence of simulated morphology of The pseudo-ternary phase diagram of Brij97/isopropanol/
Brij97 assemblies on water content. The components of sample isoamyl acetate/H2O (Km ¼ 1 : 1) system at 25 C was con-
S1 and S2 were listed in Table 2. For S1 with 80 wt% H2O, the E structed and shown in Fig. 3. The phase boundary was easy to
beads isosurface formed several spherical droplets. In order to determine by visual observation. As shown, a transparent one-
phase microemulsion region is marked “1F” in Fig. 3. The
rest of the phase region marked “2F” is a turbid two-phase
region which is a microemulsion in equilibrium with an
excess water or oil phase. The similar phase behaviour was
observed in Brij97/isopropanol/ethyl acetate/H2O (Km ¼ 1 : 1)
system at 25 C, whereas the microemulsion area was enlarged
by replacing isoamyl acetate with ethyl acetate.4 This indicated
that the microemulsion area was closely related to the chain
length of oil molecule, consistent with the previous result.30 It
was obviously found that both the sample S1 and S2 locate in the
microemulsion region marked “1F”.
In order to conrm the prediction of microstructural tran-
sition obtained from MesoDyn simulation, further experi-
mental measurement was necessary. It is well known, by
measuring the variations of electrical conductivity (k) of
microemulsion as a function of the water content, the micro-
emulsion region was divided into three parts: W/O, B.C. and O/
W (see in Fig. 3). A representative electric conductivity curve was
shown in the insert of Fig. 3. It was obviously found that three
different types of microstructure: W/O (below 54.9 wt%),
bicontinuous (B.C., 54.9–71.7 wt%) and O/W (above 71.7 wt%)
occurred in the present system along the water dilution line
a (marked in Fig. 3). Comparing with the experimental phase
diagram and electrical conductivity results, simulation results
can reproduce corresponding microemulsion structure in
certain water content, which indicates that the selection of
Fig. 2 (a) The beads E isosurface representations for microemulsion
coarse-grained models and interaction parameters is effective
formed by Brij97/isopropanol/isoamyl acetate/H2O system with
different mass ratio of water: S1 (80%) and S2 (60%). (b) The radial and reasonable.13
density distributions of all compositions in the spherical droplet In order to further explore the aggregation behaviour of
marked by a red cubic grid in S1. Brij97-based microemulsion, several samples were prepared
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Table 2 The components, size and polydispersity index (PDI) of all microemulsions testeda
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Fig. 5(a) showed the variation of the order parameters of energy density decreased asymptotically to approach a stable
beads W and O as a function of time steps for microemulsion S1 value during the simulations when the system reaches dynamic
and S3, respectively. As we all known, the formation process of equilibrium.32 This indicated that the aggregation process of
microemulsion is a self-assembling evolution from disorder to microemulsion is spontaneous. It is worth mentioning that the
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order. Hence, the order parameter of beads in system increased comparison of the free energy density values between S1 and S3
along with the aggregation process of microemulsion. It was is totally meaningless because it is not routinely calculated for
clear seen from Fig. 5(a), the formation process of the O/W real systems.33 While in this case, the value of free energy
microemulsion can be divided into three stages. In the rst change (|DG|) before and aer the aggregation could reect the
stage, all of the order parameter of beads are close to zero, stability of microemulsion to some extent. As shown in Fig. 5(b),
indicating that each component in the system is highly the |DG| value of S3 was higher than that of S1, indicating that
dispersed. In the second stage, the order parameter of each the stability of microemulsion increased with the K value
Open Access Article. Published on 07 April 2017. Downloaded on 11/04/2017 19:50:25.
Fig. 5 (a) Order parameter plot of beads W and O with increasing time steps for microemulsion S1 and S3. (b) Free energy density plot with time
step for microemulsions S1 and S3.
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Fig. 7 (a) Order parameter plot of beads W, C and E with increasing time steps for microemulsion S1 and S4. (b) Free energy density plot with time
step for microemulsions S1 and S4.
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