Microdose Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

What is microdosing?
We do not provide psychoactive or controlled
substances. All information, services, and assets
received through our company should be
considered for educational purposes and not be
misconstrued as medical, mental health, or legal

For health related questions we urge you to

consult your medical doctor and/or mental
health professional before making any changes
to your medications, supplements, or diet.

Therefore, we cannot accept liability for any

damage resulting from the use of the
information on this site, or from starting,
changing, stopping or adapting any treatment
without medical advice.

No part of this document promotes the

manufacturing, cultivation, possession, or sale
of any controlled substances regulated under
the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 or any
other federal or state law.

Microdosing 101:
Exploring the Benefits
The term microdosing refers to taking a small,
unnoticeable or sub-perceptual amount of a psychedelic
substance, like mushrooms or LSD (acid). Microdosing is
not new. But in recent years, it’s become more common to
hear people talking about microdosing.

And the reason why is because there’s a ton of reported

benefits to microdosing.

If you’ve been in the personal development space, you’ve

probably read about different supplements and foods
that help with focus, creativity, and mental acuity.

Or maybe you’re looking for a mood enhancer that can

alleviate your symptoms of anxiety.

With so many distractions in today’s world, maybe you’re

just trying to focus on being more present throughout
your day.

Proponents of microdosing claim that the benefits cover

all these areas. They say that it makes them feel more
creative, energetic, and focused. Reduced anxiety and a
sense of presence are also reported as benefits when
speaking to microdosers.

A comprehensive list of the most commonly reported

benefits is shown in the table on the next page.

Benefit Type Potential Benefits
- Increases brain neuroplasticity
- Improves concentration and focus
- Gets you into and maintains the “flow state”
- Increases creativity
- Increases productivity
- Improves analysis and problem-solving
- Supports better decision-making ability
- Limits the potential for procrastination
- Increases mental resilience during stressful
MENTAL AND periods or events

- Improved and balanced mood

- Fosters a more positive mindset
- Increases emotional awareness with the self
- Strengthens empathy and emotional
connection with others
- Fosters a present state of mind
- More openness
- Increases connection with spirituality
EMOTIONAL and/or life mission
AND MOOD - Increases gratitude for life

- Improves sleep
- Enhances sensory perception
- Facilitates making conscious choices about
health, lifestyle, well-being
- Can lessen or alleviate stuttering
- Can help quit addictions like smoking, and
other negative habits.

Microdosing 101:
Reports from users
Here are a few quotes from a 2018 study taken from
reports of participants. The study involved conducting
qualitative interviews to gauge peoples' experiences with

I have been dealing with symptoms of narcolepsy for

some years now. I would nod off at meetings,
telephone calls, and mundane tasks at the PC. LSD
microdoses have really been a game changer. The
amount of energy I feel is profound. In terms of
quality of life, it is the difference between being a
walking zombie, barely keeping eyes open and looking
at every daily mundane task as a struggle, and being a
normal functioning person with an extra energy boost
and creative tendencies. - (ID38)

My wife and I had great success in pain management

using mushrooms rich in baeocystin and
norbaeocystin (Psilocybe cyanescens and Psilocybe
azurescens). Cubensis don’t do the same. - (ID17)

Before microdosing I would have never said I have

mental health issues, but I am forced to reconsider as
when microdosing I feel I’m living in the brain of an
incredibly mentally healthy person. - (ID39)


Are there risks or
Dr. James Fadiman, one of the most cited and well
respected psychedelic researchers conducted a study on
the safety and benefits of psychedelic microdosing.

Out of the 1850 test subjects, 4% (75 people) reported

having negative experiences. Here's a list of the common
symptoms reported in the study:

Fatigue – could be due to increased neural activity or a

change in physical activity brought on by physiological
effects described above.
Developing tolerance – regular use could make the
person require more of the substance in order to
achieve the same effect. It's why microdosing
protocols exist to prevent tolerance from building.
Risks associated with taking a higher dose than
expected – the change in consciousness can impede
ability to carry out everyday activities
Body temperature – some respondents report
fluctuations which caused increase sweating
Mild nausea

A long standing joke in the psychedelic community is that

the riskiest part of microdosing is related to the legal
status of psychedelics. Penalties for mere possession of
psychedelic substances can be harsh in many countries.

So make sure to check the legal status of psychedelics

before you decide to explore using them.

Are Psychedelics Safe?
The graph below shows the results of a UK-based study of
different recreational substances. Substances were
evaluated based on a 'harm score' measuring the harms to
both the user and others.

Psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms were deemed

among the safest substances in this study and in many
similar studies.

Chapter 2 Preview
Now that you understand the potential benefits of
microdosing it's only logical to wonder how psychedelics
effect our minds and bodies at the physiological and
neurological levels. We'll be getting into this in chapter 2,
where we'll explore the neuroscience of psychedelics.

Understanding how psychedelics affect our brains will

shed some light on why such a wide range of benefits have
been reported by regular people and participants in trials.

We'll also be covering the most commonly used

psychedelics for microdosing. This will help to inform your
decision about which substance you choose. You'll also
learn some tips related to safety and harm reduction.

Lastly, now that you understand the benefits you should

start thinking about what your goals are with microdosing.
It's important that you clearly define what you want to get
out of this. It might sound like a trivial step, but studies
have shown that having an intention when starting to
microdose has a HUGE effect on the results people see.

Lucky for you, we created a short questionnaire that'll

help you define your WHY to ensure that you make the
most out of your microdosing journey. You'll get a link to
the questionnaire in chapter 2.

That's it for now so make sure to look out for

chapter 2 in your inbox tomorrow.

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