Deontologia Professional
Deontologia Professional
Deontologia Professional
3. Hume’s influence
Before considering Kant’s response to Hume, we should note a few things about Hume’s
influence on German philosophy, and Kant’s access to and direct impression of Hume’s
work in ethics.
First, works by prominent British philosophers received much attention in Germany and
Prussia in Kant’s day (Kuehn 2001, 107–108, 183). Hutcheson and Hume, for example, were
much discussed in the philosophical communities not only in Berlin, but also in Königsberg,
where Kant spent his life. The works of these philosophers were translated from English to
German, and often reviewed in scholarly journals. Hume’s Enquiry concerning Human
Understanding appeared in German in 1755.
Second, it is hard to know exactly which works of Hume and other British moral
philosophers Kant read. Kant owned the 1762 German editions of Hutcheson’s An Inquiry
into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (1725) and An Essay on the Nature and
Conduct of the Passions, with Illustrations of the Moral Sense (1728) (Schneewind 1998,
501). He seems to have read Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments in the 1770 German
translation (Schneewind 1998, 378). Kant might have had access to a German edition of
Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature, since his friend Hamann owned one (Kuehn 2001, 265,
482). Otherwise, we must suppose that his knowledge of it came second hand, from reviews,
other writings, and discussion with people who had read such works.
Third, whether direct or indirect, the influence of Hume and other moral sense theorists on
Kant was profound—according to Kant himself. In Kant’s lectures and elsewhere, he makes
explicit his view that Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, and Hume were making significant
contributions to ethics (Schneewind 1998, 378). It is worth noting, however, that Kant often
indicated that he saw Hutcheson as more significant to ethics than Hume. Kant seems to have
associated Hutcheson more with the positive insights about the role of sensibility in ethics,
whereas he seems to have associated Hume more with skepticism about practical reason
(Kuehn 2001, 182).