Site User Manual 3 - 2A
Site User Manual 3 - 2A
Site User Manual 3 - 2A
Service Manual
© ESAOTE 2009 AG
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Offenders will be liable for
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Replaces: Rev. 3.1B Doc. Gen. Dec/2009
SMM Pro Rev. 3.2A
Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of
system delivery. Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically
Please contact your local ESAOTE office to order current revision levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed
by qualified personnel who are employed by ESAOTE or one of its affiliates or
who are otherwise authorized by ESAOTE or one of its affiliates to provide
such services.
Ö Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise
directly affiliated with or authorized by ESAOTE or one of its affiliates are
directed to contact one of the local offices of ESAOTE or one of its affiliates
before attempting installation or service procedures.
Part 0 Table of Contents
8.1 RF ....................................................................................81
8.1.1 For 7MHZ Acquisition.......................................................83
5 Introduction_______________________________ 678.1.2 For 10MHZ Acquisition..................................................... 84
8.1.3 For 13MHZ Acquisition..................................................... 85
8.2 Magnetic ................................................................................. 86
6 Vibration Kit ______________________________ 678.3 Vibration.................................................................................. 88
12 Introduction_______________________________ 93
12.1 Suggestions............................................................................ 93
12.1.1 RF ............................................................................. 93
12.1.2 Magnetic .......................................................................... 94
9102114007 VER.A Table of Contents
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CUATION The following features and instructions Furthermore, the device is able to acquire and display the magnetic
are suitable only for SMD Kit IC 7 or noise generated by DC and AC fields using Hall's effect magnetic
higher (that compounds the RF An- probes, which are able to measure in different space directions.
tenna 910 1966 100 IC 1 or higher and The software Release “Site measurement device PRO 3.2A” has a
the SMM Box 910 2511 000 IC 5 or graphic interface which makes it easy to acquire data and prevents
higher). the Service technician from making wrong evaluations.
OLDER PARTS ARE NOT COMPATIBLE The acquired data are stored on the hard disk, but they can be
saved on floppy disk as well. In this way they can be evaluated in
another place, for instance on your own PC.
1.1Introduction The SMM Kit Rel. 3.2A has a Stand Alone function as well. In this
This manual describes the main characteristics and features of the condition the SMM unit is able to perform and store acquisitions
Site Measurements Module, code 910 1139 004 (IC 7 or higher). without the Laptop connection for a maximum of 56 hours (using
32Mbyte of Flash Memory and without the Vibration Data). The
The device performs a site evaluation in terms of RF and magnetic Stand Alone Modality doesn’t save the Raw Data (Magnetic and/or
(DC e AC) noises, in order to guarantee that the MRI system will Vibration).
operate correctly.
The acquired data can be downloaded to the Laptop at the end of
In order to achieve this, the site measurement makes it possible to the evaluation period.
acquire the RF noise measurement, by using a high precision RF
antenna (explained in detail in the following chapters).
9102114007 VER.A SMM Kit Release 3.2A – Introduction
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The Site Measurements Kit also includes some devices to test the 1.3General Specifications
RF antenna (ROD antenna) and CMAG module. For more details
see the Troubleshooting procedure enclosed in this document. A Laptop (or Personal Computer either not provided with the Kit) is
For more details see the following paragraphs. necessary to active / deactivate the SMD kit features and it must
meet the following minimum requirements:
Windows 2000 professional or Windows XP Professional
1.2Site Measurements Kit Component List
Serial Port:
The kit composition list is as follows:
– RS232 standard (maximum baud rate 230.4Kb/s)
Frequency resolution: 1.22 KHz in real time, 4.88 KHz in stand Acquisition range: 0.5 ÷ 30 Hz e 0.5 ÷ 256 Hz;
Frequency resolution: ± 0.5 Hz
Acquisition per second: 5 @ 156250 Hz
Frequency acquisition: 512 Hz
s/n : > 80 dB @ 156,250 KHz
FFT acquisition: 0.5 ÷ 128 Hz (raw data)
Antenna power supply: 0.2 A @ +12 V DC
1.4.2Antenna Simulator
Input: BNC for test signal 62.5 dBµV
1.4.3Magnetic Acquisition
Input range: ±10 T
Precision: ±10%
Number of channel: 2
2.1User’s Laptop Software Installation
This part of the manual describes how to use the SMM PRO Rel.
3.2A and is divided in the following main parts: 2.1.1Introduction
User’s Laptop Software Installation A Laptop (or standard PC unit) is a must to work with the SMM Kit
and the following minimum requirements must be met:
SMM Assembling and Connections
Windows 2000 professional or Windows XP Professional
Starting the Acquisitions
Serial Port RS232 standard (maximum baud rate 230.4Kb/s)
Stand Alone Function
CD-ROM drive (24x)
The Laptop minimum specifications in term of CPU, RAM, hard
drive and other characteristics on are the same required by the Op-
erating System.
9102114007 VER.A Site Measurement – Introduction
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2.1.2Work Steps Double click on the SETUP icon the start the SW installation and
the ESAOTE window appears
Switch on the Laptop and wait for the Operating System com-
plete initialization
Fig. 3: SW Installation first step
Take the ESAOTE CD-ROM provided with the SMM Kit and
place it into the CD-ROM drive
Select the CD-ROM drive from your desktop and looking for the
SETUP executable icon present inside the
Read the agreement, check the “I accept the terms in the license Insert your data and click on the NEXT button
agreement” sentence and go ahead clicking on the NEXT button
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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Now you can use the configured Laptop to acquire data (together
with the SMM Kit) and to visualize acquired data also from other
SMM Kits
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2.2SMM Assembling and Connections Fig. 10: Magnetic Probe in VERTICAL position for E-SCAN, S-SCAN and
G-SCAN sites
Open the SMM Kit box
Remove the foam material and take out all the components
Pull the tripod legs out as far as they will go to obtain the best
mechanical stability
Put the probes (with their support and tripod) where the magnet
will be installed. For the E-SCAN, S-SCAN and G-SCAN sys-
tems set the “A” magnetic probe in vertical position, instead for
the ARTOSCAN, C-SCAN and O-SCAN systems both probes
must be placed in horizontal position
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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Connect the serial data cable to the COM I/O port of the SMM CAUTION Before to proceed with the site evalua-
Unit and the Laptop Serial Port tion acquisition data perform the RF
and Magnetic Tests present in the Test
Connect the SMM Unit to the Power line
& Troubleshooting chapter.
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Fig. 19: SITE program dialogue window: 2.3.1NOTE FOR “CHANGE BASE FREQUENCY”
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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CAUTION Before to proceed with the site evalua- Fig. 22: Options
tion acquisition data perform the RF
and Magnetic Tests present in the Test
& Troubleshooting chapter.
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9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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File Menu
2.4Software Features
Fig. 31: File Menu
The menu bar consists of 5 menus:
– Options dialog box: in this box it is possible to set the an- Measure Menu
tenna ROD factor, the maximum number of AC magnetic
sources displayable and what kind of data the system has to
acquire and store. The number of AC max means how many Fig. 35: Measurement Menu
max, different from the fixed three, the system has to measure.
If this field is filled with 0, the system will acquire the three-
fixed maximum (16.7 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz). The lower AC
freq. is the lower frequency that the system uses to find differ-
ent maximums from the fixed ones
The tool menu items change in according with the currently se-
lected windows.
The items within RF data window are:
– Decrease Range (F2): to decrease the visualization scale
– Increase Range (F3): to increase the visualization scale
– Up: to move the trace up
– Down: to move the trace down
– Toggle points to lines (F7): to change the display mode of the
graph from a sequence of segments to a sequence of points
– Frame freeze (F5): to stop the magnetic data display, acquisi-
tion is not stopped
– RF saturation test (F9): to check the setting of the attenuation
modules. The value of this can be read in the lower right cor-
ner of the window
The items within DC magnetic data window are: The Items within vibration data window are:
– Toggle points to lines (F7): to change display mode of the – Toggle points to lines (F7): to change display mode of the
graph from a sequence of segments to a sequence of points graph from a sequence of segments to a sequence of points
– Increase range (F2): to modify (zoom in) the scale of the graph – Increase range (F2): to modify (zoom in) the scale of the graph
– Decrease range (F3): to modify (zoom out) the scale of the – Decrease range (F3): to modify (zoom out) the scale of the
graph graph
– Measure unit: to set Gauss or Tesla – Frame freeze (F5): to stop the vibration data display, acquisi-
– Frame freeze (F5): to stop the magnetic data display, acquisi- tion is not stopped
tion is not stopped – Next maximum (F11): to change the visualized maximum on
– Magnetic reset (CTRL+F8): to reset the magnetic data acquisi- the graph
tion – Previous maximum (F12): to visualize the previous maximum
on the graph
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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This functions allows the user to disconnect the Laptop and perform
background acquisition, the acquired data con be download on your
laptop at the end of the site evaluation.
When this modality is enabled, the data are stored temporary in the
SMM unit using 32Mbyte of Flash Memory.
The maximum acquisition time in this modality is 56 hours.
The procedure the enable and then download the acquired data to
the Laptop is explained here following:
While the acquisition is running, type the F4 key (or from the
button bar, select File -> Stand Alone Mode) and the window
shown in the next figure will appear
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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Fig. 40: Enable the Stand Alone Mode Fig. 41: Erasing the Flash Memory
Click on the YES button to erase the data present in the Flash The written “Enable stand alone acquisition” appears but the
memory (this operation will take some minutes) SMM is still erasing the flash (it’ll take some minutes). You must
wait for closing of the message “Wait for stand alone activa-
tion” (as shown in the previous figure) before to be able to dis-
connect your laptop from the device. An useful countdown will be
shown indicating how much the SMM will take to start the stand
alone modality
Fig. 42: Enabled Stand Alone Modality 2.5.2Disabling
The SMM has acquired at least 24 hours of data and it’s time to
download them, to do that act as described:
Connect the serial data cable to the Serial port of your Laptop
The system will ask you to insert the Site Data, leave the default
Now and only now you can click on the EXIT APPLICATION
BUTTON, disconnect the Laptop from the SMM and remove the
9102114007 VER.A – Introduction
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Click on the DISABLE ACQUISITION button Fig. 45: Downloading the Data
The download process will copy to your Laptop the acquired data
divided by hour and acquisition type (AC, DC, RF and Vibration).
The download is over only when the window message “Data
Choose a new directory (write it in the Output Directory field) and Download Completed” appears (see next figure). Obviously the
then click on the START DOWNLOAD button to download the higher the acquired data, the longer will be the downloading
acquired data on your Laptop. The SW will ask you if a new di- process (about 20 sec for every hour, 14 minutes for 24 hours of
rectory has to be created, say YES and the download will start acquisition)
Fig. 46: End of the Download Process
Now and only now you can click on the EXIT APPLICATION
button and evaluate the acquired data using the SITE VIEWER
application explained in the next chapter
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2.6Packaging Fig. 48: Place the Foam Meterial to avoid SMM Kit movement
At the end of the use the SMM Kit must be correctly inserted into its
case. The following two figures can help you in this operation.
3Introduction 4Evaluation
This program allows to display and to evaluate the Radio Fre- Start the SITE VIEWER program (from START….) and the fol-
quency, Magnetic (DC and AC) and Vibration data stored in the lowing window will appear
measure files after the acquisition phase.
The program starts by clicking on the SITE VIEWER icon located in
the START menu. Fig. 49: Site Viewer Starting Window
9102114007 VER.A Site Viewer – Introduction
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There are two toggles that allow the user to choose the path of the 4.1.1File Menu
data or close the current display.
Open Site: to open the folder where the data are stored and load
Close Site: to close all the displayed data and open another
9102114007 VER.A – Evaluation
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4.1.3Help Menu – About Site: it opens the window containing generic informa-
tion about the application
This menu contains the following items:
– Help topics: it opens the Windows help dialog program
By selecting View a window will appear on the screen showing the
recurrence matrix stored during acquisition phase. Each matrix col-
umn contains the frequency value, while each row represents the
RF amplitude in dB V/m.
The data that have a value higher than the limit value (the default is
42 dB V/m) are written in red, while the data within the specifica-
tions for the installation (see the suitable documentation of each
system) are in green.
If the data are over the limit of the specifications, in the upper cell of
the corresponding column you will see the percentage of the acqui-
sitions number out of specifications on the total acquisitions num-
ber, that is:
n%=(n° of red data)/(( n° of red data)+(n° of green data))*100
Compare this percentage with the reported one in the Site Planning
Guide of the System you are going to install.
Also in this case there is a toolbar and the meaning of each toggle
is explained in the next table.
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In the “Color and limit setting for RF view window (MAX evalua-
tion)” figure is shown the method to verify the presence of RF
peak at certain frequencies (with small range and occurrence)
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Fig. 55: Color and limit setting for RF view window (MEAN evaluation)
Fig. 56: Color and limit setting for RF view window (MAX evaluation)
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It is possible to change some evaluation parameters using the dia- urement menu, when evaluate window is selected. When this func-
log box shown in the next figure. To obtain it, it is necessary to go tion is running the system will ask for the magnet central frequency.
inside view menu and select properties. It is also possible to run this
function clicking the right mouse button on the evaluate graphic and
selecting the Properties tab. Doing that it’s possible to change the Fig. 58: Check RF
thresholds and/or the corresponding color as well.
When the data are set, by clicking on the RUN button you’ll obtain
the check answer as shown in the next figure
The Check function gives a first response about the site survey. It is
possible to run this function using the tab contained in the Meas-
4.3MAG_DC Zoom out
For the DC magnetic Interference the user will find another menu as
Move the trace up (blue for the blue trace and red
shown the picture.
for the red trace)
There are three different possibilities to visualize the DC Magnetic
Data: Move the trace down (blue for the blue trace and
red for the red trace)
– View
– Evaluate Check
– Distribution (*)The file contains typically one hour of data. When the last part of
the file is on the screen, the viewer goes to the first ten minutes of
the next/previous file.
When the view function window is displayed the Measure menu will
This window shows the Magnetic DC data. At the top you can see contain the same functions present in the toolbar and two more:
the data acquired by the A probe and at the bottom the data ac-
quired by the B probe. Unit function allows the user to change the unit of the visualized
There are some toggles in the toolbar to manage the data. The signal. The two possibilities are Gauss or Tesla
meaning of each one is explained in the following table. Range Time function allows the user to change the period of the
visualized signal. It is possible to set the period in four modes:
10, 20, 30 and 60 minutes
Go to the start of the acquisition(home key)
Zoom in
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Fig. 66: View AC 16.7Hz
This window shows the MAG AC data. The AC magnetic amplitude
is shown at the top and the corresponding frequency at the bottom.
As for the DC, there are some toggles in the toolbar. The meaning
of each one is shown in the follow table.
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In this case both the probes are displayed in the same screen. It is
possible to recognize them looking by their color (A= blue, B= red).
When the source is selected the next window will pop up.
When the mouse pointer is on the trace, interference indications will
be given in the status bar. The Green line denotes the amplitude In this box it is possible to choose the data that the user wants to
value limit (see specification) evaluate: starting day and hour, ending day and hour, time step for
the evaluation, measure units (G or T) and three thresholds with the
corresponding color. The default button will set the time to the be-
NOTICE The AC value are: 16.7Hz, 50Hz, 60Hz and two ginning and to the end of the whole acquisition.
different values in the range between 0.5Hz and
Fig. 70: AC Evaluate Properties Settings and selecting the Properties tab. Doing that it’s possible to change
the thresholds and/or the corresponding color as well.
Only two features are now available under the Measure Menu: Fig. 72: Measurement Menu
Unit: allows changing the measurement unit (Gauss or Tesla)
When the Evaluate AC window is displayed it is possible to run the
Check function using the tab inside the measurement menu.
4.4.3Distribution Function trast definition. It is possible to choose data and the Visualization
mode using the properties function inside the view menu (or using
This function allows the user to understand the direction of the the right mouse button). The dialog box that will be shown is in the
magnetic field. In the next picture there is an example of the distri- next picture.
bution graphic.
4.5Magnetic Raw Data In the previous picture the magnetic raw data window are shown
and the explanation of the entire visualized toggle (when this win-
dow is selected).
Zoom in
Zoom out
9102114007 VER.A – Evaluation
Part 4 Option
There is only one available Option for the SMM: the Vibration kit.
This option is a must for vertical field magnet evaluation.
6Vibration Kit
The Site Measurement Kit (code. 910 1139 004) and the Vibration
upgrade (code. 910 2140 001) allow the user to perform a complete
site survey. The Site Measurement Kit in the normal configuration
can only acquire RF and AC/DC magnetic fluctuation data. The
Vibration Upgrade maintains all the functionality of the normal con-
figuration and additionally allows the user to perform vibration
9102114007 VER.A Option – Introduction
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9102114007 VER.A Option – Vibration Kit
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 70
10 to 33 V DC
90-264, 40-65 Hz
Analogue Output
Connector: BNC
9102114007 VER.A Option – Vibration Kit
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9102114007 VER.A Option – Vibration Kit
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Now switch on the SMM box and your Laptop and follow the
Select the AMPLIFIER SET-UP voice and click the ENTER but-
description present in the Assembling and Connections chapter
ton (go to arrow) and check if the values 100V/g is set, otherwise
of this Manual
set it using the + and – keys as shown in the following figure
Perform the data acquisition as described in the Site Viewer
chapter of this Manual for the AC, DC and RF acquirement while
follow this chapter for the Vibration Acquisition and Evaluation
Fig. 85: SMM Kit Assembled Fig. 86: SMM Kit Assembled
9102114007 VER.A Option – Vibration Kit
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This window shows the Vibration data.
As for the DC, there are some toggles in the toolbar. The meaning
of each one is shown in the follow table.
Zoom out
Zoom in
9102114007 VER.A Option – Vibration Kit
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The instrumentation used to acquire vibration data is very sensitive. Zoom out
For this reason a false peak vibration may occur if the accelerome-
ter sensor is excited by a transient vibration generated accidentally
by the operator or the temporary source. These peaks should be Zoom in
discarded in the site evaluation.
There are two functions in the View Menu, Vibration Data and Vi-
bration Raw data (enabled if Raw Data was acquired) that concern Fig. 89: Vibration Window
the vibration evaluation software.
Sources of vibrations in the installation room can be related to ap-
pliances (e.g., compressor, air conditioning systems, etc.) and
eventually can be eliminated.
When the Vibration Data are selected the following window will ap-
pear. A toolbar is shown and the button meanings are the following.
Go to the previous frequency (16.7, 50 or 60Hz) In the Vibration Data window a green line is shown, which corre-
or maximum sponds to the specified vibration level. This limit is determined by
the specification of the system and in principle must be changed if
Go to the next frequency (16.7, 50 or 60Hz) or the vibration specification is changed.
To change the threshold value select the Proprieties from the menu
View or right mouse button and select Proprieties from the menu
will appear
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6.8.2Raw Data
Fig. 92: Go To Data dialog box
This window shows the acceleration-acquired data (next picture).
If this window is selected the toolbar (and the Tools menu) has the
same functions as described before for the vibration Data.
In the next figure the Vibration Raw Data window is shown.
The Green line shows the limit value (with reference to the specifi-
cation), to change its setting act as described for the Vibration Data.
It is possible to go directly to one moment of acquisition using the
Go To Data function under the Measurement menu.
Part 5 Tests & Troubleshooting
Fig. 93: RF test Connection
In order to make sure that the system is working correctly you have
to carry out the following operations to check the RF acquisition
Connect the Test Box to the Antenna Base to the Bar Screw
location and to the Ground as shown in the following figure
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Connect the test cable to the RF OUT connector of the SMM box
and to the Test Box
Right mouse button and select the START TEST voice inside the
shown menu
You should visualize a peak 62.5 dBµV/m ±2dB (take care that
the antenna and the filter factors can modify this value – e.g.: an-
tenna factor = -10; the shown peak will be 52.5 dBµV/m ±2dB),
at 7.697 MHz without noise
At the end of the check, stop the test signal as you did to active it
but selecting STOP TEST, remove the Test Kit and replace the
If this test fails in order to understand if the Antenna is broken or normal connections
the SMM Box is broken, disconnect the Test Box and connect
the Test Cable directly to the RF IN connector of the SMM Box to
visualize as shown in the following figure
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You should visualize a peak 62.5 dBµV/m ±2dB (take care that
the antenna and the filter factors can modify this value – e.g.: an-
tenna factor = -10; the shown peak will be 52.5 dBµV/m ±2dB),
at 10.217 MHz without noise
At the end of the check, stop the test signal as you did to active it
but selecting STOP TEST, remove the Test Kit and replace the
If this test fails in order to understand if the Antenna is broken or normal connections
the SMM Box is broken, disconnect the Test Box and connect
the Test Cable directly to the RF IN connector of the SMM Box to
visualize as shown in the following figure
8.1.3For 13MHZ Acquisition Fig. 100: Connection
You should visualize a peak 62.5 dBµV/m ±2dB (take care that
the antenna and the filter factors can modify this value – e.g.: an-
tenna factor = -10; the shown peak will be 52.5 dBµV/m ±2dB),
at 13.017 MHz without noise
At the end of the check, stop the test signal as you did to active it
but selecting STOP TEST, remove the Test Kit and replace the
If this test fails in order to understand if the Antenna is broken or normal connections
the SMM Box is broken, disconnect the Test Box and connect
the Test Cable directly to the RF IN connector of the SMM Box to
visualize as shown in the following figure
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If you see one or two magnetic field plots always at 0 (initial value,
after reset) there may be a connection problem with the magnetic
If you have a doubt, you can create some noise within the magnetic
field by moving a ferromagnetic object near the magnetic probes, or
by moving their tripod (just a little): in both cases the magnetic plots
must move away from the 0 value.
You can also use the test coil provided with the system and follow
these operations:
Take the Pick Up coil provided with the kit and connect it to the
DC/VBR OUT connector of the SMM Box
Right mouse button and select the START TEST voice inside the
shown menu
Fig. 102: Run the Magntic Test Fig. 103: Magnetic Test
From now on the SMM Box will send a triangular wave to the Stop the test, move the Pick Up Coil to the other Magnetic Ac-
Pick Up Coil and the result is shown in the following figure (pe- quisition Probe and repeat the test
riod 20 s • 20% and amplitude from 10mGpp to 14mGpp). In this
example the Test was done on the B probe (red trace) At the end of the check, stop the test signal as you did to active it
but selecting STOP TEST, remove the Test Kit and replace the
normal connections
CAUTION In case of strong DC noises this test
will be very disturbed and the shown
trace will be neither a triangular wave
nor with the correct peak to peak ampli-
9102114007 VER.A Tests & Troubleshooting – Tests
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8.3Vibration In few seconds you should visualize a flat line (–45 dBg ±2 dBg
at frequency 10 Hz) as shown in the following figure
To test the Vibration acquisition act as follow:
At the end of the check stop the test signal as you did to active it,
remove the Test Cable and replace the normal connections
9Problems 10SMM LED Meanings
I get error codes from the SW On the SMM Box some LEDs are present.
9102114007 VER.A Tests & Troubleshooting – Problems
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FPGA-FAIL indicates a problem in the FPGA component of the 20 lib_FLTUI: Interrupt vector for floating point
SMM box underflow interrupt
21 lib_FLTII: Interrupt vector for floating point in-
valid operation interrupt
Blinking Meaning
22 lib_SFT0I: Interrupt vectors for user interrupts
3 ADC rx data overflow
4 RF rx data overflow
23 lib_SFT1I: Interrupt vectors for user interrupts
5 AD6620 write / read error 0-7
6 DDSTX bus access error 24 lib_SFT2I: Interrupt vectors for user interrupts
7 DDSOL bus access error
25 lib_SFT3I: Interrupt vectors for user interrupts
8 Flash Erase Timeout Error
12 lib_SOVFI: Interrupt vector for status
29 lib_IICD : Interrupt vectors for illegal input
stack/loop stack overflow or PC stack full
condition detected
13 lib_VIRPTI: Interrupt vector for external inter-
30 lib_LP0I : Interrupt vectors for link buffer 0
31 lib_LP1I : Interrupt vectors for link buffer 1
14 lib_EP0I: Interrupt vectors for External port
DMA channel 36 lib_EP2I: Interrupt vectors for External port
DMA channel
15 lib_EP1I: Interrupt vectors for External port
DMA channel 37 lib_EP3I: Interrupt vectors for External port
DMA channel
16 lib_CB7I: Interrupt vector for DAG1 buffer 7
circular buffer overflow 38 lib_LSRQI: Interrupt \ors for Link port service
17 lib_CB15I: Interrupt vector for DAG2 buffer 15
circular buffer overflow
18 lib_FIXI: Interrupt vector for fixed point over-
flow interrupt
19 lib_FLTOI: Interrupt vector for floating point
overflow interrupt
11SMM Fuse Replacement Fig. 108: Power Plug
The second Fuse is inside the SMM Box and to check it act as fol-
9102114007 VER.A Tests & Troubleshooting – SMM Fuse Replacement
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 92
Remove the screws that fixed the rear Panel (power plug side)
and slide it up as shown in the following figure. The internal Fuse
is indicated by an arrow
Part 6 Evaluation Report
Regarding the RF acquisition and evaluation it is better to identify
the possible sources of interference. There are two kinds of sources
and two different courses of action:
– There is no possible action for sources or radio transmission
that are difficult to reach. Normally this kind of interference
(higher in the evening and in the afternoon) gives a defined
peak in spectral display.
9102114007 VER.A Evaluation Report – Introduction
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 94
12.1.2Magnetic shows the fluctuation second by second in the magnetic raw data
window in order to get a better evaluation of the speed.
You are advised to take not just one measurement for DC magnetic
For the AC also consider that the possible sources of interference
interference acquisition, but several: this means that it is better to
can especially be cables and air conditioning system.
perform some short tests (5 minutes suggested) with the measure-
ment (24 hours suggested) in different points of the room (for ex-
ample, in the corners). Magnetic Raw Data
The software gives the possibilities of inserting a comment to make In the event of very high DC fluctuation it is better to analyze data
it easier to fill in these fields with the description of the position of with the magnetic raw data function.
the probes. In this way it is possible to estimate the speed of the peak.
The suggested procedure of a magnetic interference acquisition is
the follow:
Perform four short tests (one for each point A-B-C-D) and try,
looking at the result, to understand the spatial field distribution
If there is an underground or a railway near the site a map of the
area should be enclosed (suggested scale 1:10.000).
When evaluating data it is very important to consider the fluctuation
speed (if relevant). The Site Measurement kit acquires data with a
256 Hz sampling frequency, but in the DC magnet window the sys-
tem shows 128 Hz (1 value is the average of 2 value). The system
These data are necessary for the site survey evaluation. Therefore try to work out what kind of interference we might find and its sources.
Site Name:
Site Address:
Report Filled By:
System Type:
Shielding Type:
Starting Hour: Ending Hour:
Acquired Data Type: RF Data
Magnetic AC/DC Data
Magnetic AC/DC Raw Data
Vibration Data
Vibration Raw Data
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 96
DC interference Limit without compensation Limit with compensation Limit with compensation
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 98
AC interference 16.7 Hz Limit without compensation Limit with compensation Limit with compensation
AC interference 50 HZ Limit without compensation Limit with compensation Limit with compensation
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 100
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 102
When filling in this part of the manual choose four points in the room (different from the magnet position) and put the magnetic probes there,
performing the measurement at each one.
When the four points are defined, name them A-B-C-D and perform a test (only AC/DC magnetic data Acquisition and Magnetic Raw data)
for five-ten minutes only.
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 104
Part 7 Index
Accelerometer ............................................................................. 69 Evaluation.................................................................................... 43
Acquisitions ................................................................................. 21 EVALUATION REPORT.............................................................. 95
Amplifier ...................................................................................... 70
Assembling.................................................................................. 16
Assembly and Connections......................................................... 72
File............................................................................................... 32
C File Menu..................................................................................... 44
Fuses........................................................................................... 91
Component List ............................................................................. 8
Connections ................................................................................ 16
D Help ............................................................................................. 36
Help Menu ................................................................................... 46
Distribution .................................................................................. 63
Laptop Software Installation ........................................................ 11
LED Meanings............................................................................. 89 Stand Alone ................................................................................. 37
Suggestions................................................................................. 93
MAG_AC ..................................................................................... 58
MAG_DC..................................................................................... 53 Table of Contents .......................................................................... 3
Magnetic Raw Data..................................................................... 64 Technical specification .................................................................. 9
Measurement .............................................................................. 34 Tests............................................................................................ 81
Toolbar ........................................................................................ 32
Troubleshooting........................................................................... 81
Option ......................................................................................... 67 U
Use .............................................................................................. 11
Packaging ................................................................................... 42 V
Problems ..................................................................................... 89
Vibration Kit ................................................................................. 67
Vibration Raw Data...................................................................... 77
R View............................................................................................. 33
Report ......................................................................................... 93 View Menu................................................................................... 45
RF ............................................................................................... 47 Viewer ......................................................................................... 43
Software Features....................................................................... 32 Window........................................................................................ 36
Software Installation.................................................................... 11
Specifications ................................................................................ 8
9102114005 VER.B Index