Boatbuilding For Beginners (And Beyond)
Boatbuilding For Beginners (And Beyond)
Boatbuilding For Beginners (And Beyond)
Jim Michalak
“Basic boatbuilding, basic boats, a comprehensive guide—from the history of boatbuilding through making sails. —WoodenBoat M ne
OCT 02 2009
Jim Michalak
with illustrations by
Alyssum Pilato
2 0 0 2
Boatbuilding for Beginners (and Beyond): Everything You Need to Know to Build a Sailboat, a Rowboat, a Motorboat, a Canoe, and More
ISBN: 1-891369-29-6
You may build from the plans included in this book, but because they needed to be reduced so much to fit on
these pages, some dimensions may be difficult to read. You may order full-sized blueprints from the designer, and
we encourage you to do so. Contact him for a price list. His plans are all remarkably inexpensive.
Or visit, where orders for Jim Michalak’s designs can be placed online. The
designer’s address:
Jim Michalak
118 East Randle Street
Lebanon, 1L 62254
Powerboat Math — 137
Sail Area Math — 142
Joining Plywood Sheets: Butt Straps and Scarfing Methods — 145
Bevels — 151
Resources (Websites, Materials Suppliers, Further Reading) — 153
More Designs — 159
A Brief Overview of Building a Simple Boat
1. Buy plywood, 1x4s, wood glue, nails, and screws at the lumberyard.
Order some epoxy and fiberglass from the sources listed in the Appendices.
7. Turn the boat over, lay plywood over the bottom, trace out the shape, and
cut it to fit. Glue and screw the bottom to the chine logs.
At this point, you have a very basic boat. It will float if you put it in the water.
It may not look like Donald Trump’s yacht, but for the proud first-time
boatbuilder, it will be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
The finishing takes longer than the starting, though. What remains:
Wooden Boat History pine tree roots, as I recall, dug by hand from a
hillside. Pine tar to seal the seams was a problem
until he found that only for a brief time each year
do the trees give off the tar, and then it is copious.
Boats weren’t always as easy to make as they are Anyway, the canoe was built and taken on a voyage
today. I’m going to try to briefly explain the differ¬ the length of the Connecticut River.
ent ways in which wooden boats have been built. Skin boats were also built by old cultures. The
Eskimo skin boats are widely copied in fiberglass
The Ancients these days, their shape still the ideal for the job. In
Europe skin-covered coracles were paddled, and in
Way back in prehistory small boats were made Ireland the skin currach was used in the open sea. I
as dugouts. A large log was whittled down to the visited Ireland in 1980; tarred canvas was used in
shape of a boat and used as such. It’s still being place of skin but the basic boat was the same. (One
done in parts of the world, although today’s dug- fine old fellow was experimenting with 1/8" plywood
outs can have big gasoline horsepower clamped to over the wooden frame with taped seams.)
the stem and might be made with chain saws. All the boats mentioned so far were made with
Imagine carving a boat from a solid tree with Stone no nails, screws, bolts, or glue. Imagine building a
Age tools! I suppose a boat made that way was quite large wooden boat that way. The Egyptians did it!
Native Americans made canoes of wooden Cheops’s tomb a sealed stone cellar containing the
framework covered with bark. The canoe that you makings of a ship. The ship was built about 2500
buy today at the discount store is an aluminum or B.C. Not only is it the oldest ship ever found, it is
plastic copy of those old canoes—the shape and size perfectly preserved! They thought it might have
are the same. The bark canoes were probably been the very boat that brought the king’s mummy
lighter than most modern ones but more fragile. I to its tomb. Then it was disassembled and stored.
Sort of a kit boat, the first known and 143 feet long
think the French voyageurs of old used very large
bark canoes. They had speed and ability and when assembled. No, the king never got around to
knowledge to take them on incredible trips includ¬ building his kit boat in his afterlife.
The Egyptian boat was built, they say, from the
ing down the Mississippi River, and back to Cana¬
outside in. The large cedar planks were shipped in
da. Perhaps on the old river, with no wing dams or
from Lebanon and carved to shape to fit together
barge traffic, it was possible to canoe against the
as a shell. How to join the planks without fasteners
Mississippi current, but today the upriver trip is
or glue? They used pegs to join the planks edge to
strictly the realm of powerboats—the current at St.
edge and then tied them together like this (some of
Louis is said to run up to 10 knots.
the 4,500-year-old lashings were still in place):
Bark canoes are still made by the wonderful
tradition-minded folks who try to keep this knowl¬
edge alive and very real. I suppose most would use
steel-edged tools, but remember that the real old
ones were made with stone tools. There’s a book
called The Voyage of the Ant. What a wonderful
story! The author, James Dina, set out to make a
bark canoe using Stone Age tools that he also made
himself. He gathered the rock for the tools and
chipped them to shape. He found the limit of a
stone ax was just a small tree, about 3 inches in
diameter. He was told by experts that the birch
trees needed for suitable bark were no longer to be
found in Connecticut, but a few trips through the
woods found plenty. It was all sewn together with
Note that the lashings were invisible from the parts are all fastened with big nails or wooden pegs
outside. They say that ribs were fitted after the shell (tree nails or trunnles) in addition to being
was complete and lashed in place, but the boat had notched together in about every way. Lots of mus¬
nothing like a keel. cle and expertise are required. Then the hull is
Sometimes Egyptian ships are depicted with a planked up. The boards next to the keel and stem
system of stiffening that has a huge twisted rope and stern fit into notches, and all the planking is
running over beams above the deck that pulls up fastened to the framework. But the individual
on the stem and stern, placing the entire hull in planks are not fastened to each other edge to edge.
compression and bending. I don’t think the The seams between are usually not totally water¬
Cheops boat had or needed that system, but any tight, and the joint is filled with compounds like
planked boat that does not lock adjacent planks cotton and tar. When the boat is launched it may
together edge to edge can have problems with leak until the wood swells and closes the leaky
warpage over time where the bow and stern droop. seam. The planks then press against each other and
The process is called “hogging,” and the twisted are compressed. The ribs they are fastened to are
rope would serve to stop it. then under tension; the forces can be so great that
the ribs snap, or the fasteners break at the turn of
the bilge and allow the planks to pop loose and
feracing Synefirocs Seen On Anatni SlnipS
bulge outward. It is a lot like a barrel with the
hoops inside instead of outside.
and then given elaborate (very modern) diagonal square. Twice as many sticks are required, of
braces to keep it straight. course, but now he can put long narrow nails along
Another trick seen is the use of a second layer of the edges and lock each stick to its neighbor. This
planking that might be parallel or diagonal to the is usually called “strip planking.” As the builder
first. You can imagine how rigid the result is. But works he can seal the joints with sealant or even
in the days before modern glues and sealants you epoxy. He may not have to bevel any edges since his
might think it would be a rot problem. Even with thick sealant should keep water out and the nails
today’s materials it might be a rot problem. ensure that the joints won’t flex. A boat built this
Carvel construction is still in use today. An way becomes a monocoque—essentially one solid
experienced builder can work to almost any shape piece—and may not need the usual ribs or frames
with fairly cheap materials. (You woulci think that to keep its strength. Indeed, I’ve seen in Phil
his wood is not as good as his grandfather’s, but his Bolger’s books this plan done with no ribs or
glues, fasteners, and sealants are better.) Smaller internal framing when the hull is built. Instead the
modern carvel boats often have small ribs that are shaping molds are external and the strips laid in¬
not carved to shape. Instead the keel and forms are side the molds. Large boats can be done this way.
set up to make a skeleton or mold of the boat.
Wood planks called ribbands are fastened to the
form to flesh out the shape, but unlike the final
planking the ribbands are spaced well apart and
not permanent. Then the ribs, which might be
something like 1 VY-square green oak, are steamed
to a great degree of flexibility and quickly forced to
shape inside the skeleton. When they cool and dry
they take the shape permanently, no carving re¬
quired. They say the right man with the right wood
and the right steam box can rib out a fairly large
boat in less than a day. But the ribs of the big old
ones like the Constitution were more or less hand
carved out of trees by strong talented men with Now imagine strip planking done on a small
axes. The ribs are so large and close together on boat, say a 15-foot canoe. The strips are V4" thick
some boats that they are almost solid wood before and 1" wide laid over a skeleton mold. The strips
the planking goes on. With the planking on, the are glued edge to edge as the building goes but no
walls might be 2 feet thick. It boggles the mind. But nails are used—the strips are too thin for that.
that was big-bucks shipyard construction for hun¬ Instead the strips are aligned to each other with
dreds of years. common small staples until the glue sets. Almost
By the way, carvel boats rely on swelling of the
wood to seal all those seams, so they may not make
good trailer boats. They need to stay wet to stay
any shape can be done this way due to the flexibil¬ called “clinker” or “lapstrake” or “shiplap.” They
ity of the strips. After the glue sets the (thousands had great long straight trees to work with, and they
of) staples are removed and the surface sanded. split the boards out of the log instead of sawing or
Then the inner and outer surfaces are given a layer chopping. They had iron nails, too. The clinker
of fiberglass set in epoxy for protection and boats had planks that fastened by partially overlap¬
strength. Boats built this way can be very beautiful ping each other and were nailed together along their
since the wood will show nicely through the glass entire length. So each plank was fastened edge to
coatings. They can be very light. In the early days of edge, unlike with camel planking. One of my old
this sort of building polyester resins were used books says there were ribs lashed to the outer plank¬
instead of epoxy and ordinary white glue used to ing, but smaller boats built this way can often omit
secure the joints. None of these materials are the ribs. And the planking was bent to shape and
“waterproof’ by commercial standards, but they was lighter than anything the carvel boats of the
worked fairly well since the boats were stored in¬ time used, so the entire boat was much lighter. Add
doors and got only occasional use in the water. to that a long fast shape and the Vikings had boats
You can carry this method a step farther with that were light years ahead of the competition.
many layers of glass inside and out to get a true It turns out that lapstrake construction predates
composite sandwich hull. The next step would be iron nails. Archaeologists have found lapstrake
to use waterproof foam instead of wood to get a boats that were sewn together with tree roots and
really high-tech nonwooden boat. had no use of iron at all. Indeed, the “sewn lap¬
Here is another modem take on carvel construc¬ strake” technology is said to have continued into
tion: Remember the double-planked carvel hull the 1950s in northern Russia. And no saws or files
where a second planking layer is placed over the first were used since they are more or less modern
at a diagonal angle to get rigidity? That can be done technology. A knowledgeable fellow would go into
today over a skeleton form using very thin veneers the woods with an ax, knife, and drill and come out
of wood several inches wide, the veneers glued to¬ with a lapstrake boat! Looking at the evidence
gether with thickened epoxy. It becomes sort of like leaves you with the impression that the old technol¬
custom-shaped plywood when done. There is very ogy was high technology in its own way.
little need for internal ribs and such, since the result
is a monocoque. This is usually called “cold mold¬
ing.” The method was once called the “Ashcroft
method” after the man who popularized it way back
in the days before waterproof glue. I recall seeing a
World War I Albatross airplane at a museum once
and suspect its fuselage was made this way. Indeed
Fasteners lock each
I’m nearly positive that Lockheed used the system in
planK ta i+S neighbor
the early days of aviation but “hot molded” the
wood in a female mold shaped to the fuselage. I
suppose from there you can substitute glass and
resin for the wood and glue and get today’s modem
fiberglass hull, but the wood part made in the same
moled would by nature be lighter and stiffen
If you really care to read up on carvel planking
you might start with Howard Chapelle’s great book To my mind the clinker boats of the Vikings are
Boatbuilding. still in most ways the optimum type of wooden
boat. Since the planks overlap a fair amount, fussy
Enter the Vikings edge-to-edge fitting is not required except near the
ends of the hulls where all those overlapping
planks still need to fit into the stem and stern posts
Over 1,000 years ago a new type of construction
and the keel. That is where the expertise is needed,
appeared in the lands of the Vikings. Today it is
and special tools, too, such as planes with cutting immovable—that is, you have a concrete floor and
blades on their corners instead of on the center you don’t want to set anchor bolts into it.
face of the bottom. And a clinker boat is usually Those problems were solved long ago with what
sprung over a form, although I’ve read that experi¬ is often called the “flatiron skiff.” I know that
enced builders can build one by eye without a flatiron skiffs were common 100 years ago, but I
form. Today’s clinker builder might use plywood doubt if they go back much beyond 200 years
planks, less likely to split than solid wood, and because they require cheap wide flat boards and
might glue it all together with epoxy and omit the good nails.
nails. The concept behind the flatiron skiff is totally
Clinker boats don’t rely on staying wet to stay the opposite of the previous methods. In all of the
tight. So they make good trailer boats. Many ply¬ previous methods the planking is fitted to take the
wood clinker boats were mass produced in the shape of the hull. In a flatiron skiff the planks are
1940s, ’50s, and ’60s right up to the total accep¬ shaped first, and the hull takes a shape determined
tance of fiberglass hulls. by the planks. In the past flatiron skiffs could be
One of the best books on the clinker subject I either ugly and crude if the builder had no experi¬
have seen is Tom Hill’s book Ultralight Boatbuilding. ence, or pretty and refined if the builder had pol¬
He presents a method of cutting the bevels for the ished his ideas with several boats or was very lucky
lapped joints that is both very quick and under¬ with the first ones. Also in the old days the flatiron
standable. Another good read on the subject is Iain skiff was indeed shaped like an old-fashioned flat
Oughtred’s Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual. iron—pointy bow, squared stern, and a wide flat
parallel, thus keeping the hull untwisted. In taped-seam construction, the side, bilge, and
Howard Chapelle in his great book Boatbuilding bottom panels are held together with strips of
gives the flatiron skiff a single page’s essay, actually fiberglass saturated with wet epoxy, and edge-to-
one long paragraph, in a book over 600 pages long, edge fitting can be far less precise than with a
you can feel what he thought of the method in “glue-and-nail” boat. In fact, small gaps are pre¬
1941. He says, “It is obvious, then, that this ferred. When the epoxy sets, the joint is rock solid,
method is not suited for amateur building, except and the edges are all sealed from the water.
in the roughest and most hurried construction.” Modern computers and programs can expand
But then he finished that paragraph with a com¬ desired hull shapes in an instant to a degree of
ment that became the future: “It should be added, accuracy that boggles the mind. Indeed, you could
however, that in some cases it is possible to build even survey the lines of a lapstrake boat like a
from a design by this method, if the shape of the Viking boat, punch the offsets into a computer
sections permits the expansion of the side planks program, and have it direct a machine to cut out
or if a half-model is made by which the sides may every plank in the hull in gigantic sheets of ply¬
be expanded to scale.” wood and make a brand-new Viking boat. But you
I don’t know if Chapelle lived to see the develop¬ see how technology can also change boatbuilding
ment of “instant” boats by Payson and Bolger. from an art into tedium. I’m reminded of my first
They went public with the method by the 1970s year at the missile company at a time when comput¬
although others like William Jackson had used the ers were replacing hand calculations and all the
method in popular magazines much earlier. In¬ judgments that went with them. As I pored over
stant boats are flatiron skiffs with more modern the latest printouts with Ron who had started
materials, in particular with lumberyard plywood. before computers, he commented, “We’re not en¬
And perhaps World War II had its effects here too, gineers anymore. The computer has turned us into
both in making the materials more common and bookkeepers.”
also in making the drafting techniques needed to So modern techniques have ended the worries
expand the panels more common. After all, big that Chapelle had about building a boat in the
ships were being mass-produced and not by the cut- flatiron style. I would think that today any shape
and-fit methods of the 1800s. that can be done in plywood can be prefabricated
So in a way there was a total change in home- to shapes figured on the drawing board and built
built boats in a 30-year span. In the messabouts we without a solid building form. What started with
have had here in the Midwest over the past ten flatiron skiffs now includes prams, dories, flat bot¬
years there have been very few conventionally built toms, V bottoms, and multichines so numerous
boats, although those that are made so are often that the end result is a round-bottomed boat! Of
works of art. course, the expansions can get tedious even by
One might argue that traditional methods pro¬ computer and a fellow might eventually reach a
duce better boats because they allow a lot more point where he says, “Hey, this would have been
variations in hull shaping. True. But the flatiron easier building over a form like Chapelle did.” And
“instant” method is catching up rapidly for two if the complexity gets really great, the boat becomes
reasons. One is that new materials continue to a jigsaw puzzle instead of a painting.
appear that allow the builder even more latitude So we’ve arrived today, after all the hard work of
in shaping. The obvious example here is the use the Egyptians, the Vikings, and innumerable boat-
of taped seams to replace the bevels, which can be wrights through the ages, at materials and methods
tricky in some situations, even in flatiron con¬ that allow the average man or woman to build a
struction. simple boat in the backyard.
Always Choose a Boat for Yourself boat at a dealership with a large sofa in the stern.
The salesman demonstrated that by lifting one end
If there is one bit of advice I can give to the it stood up on the other end and became an out¬
potential boatbuilder (or buyer), it is to always house! Getting Aunt Bea to use it is another prob¬
choose a boat for yourself, not for your family or lem. But these boats are sold as family
your friends. Sound pretty selfish? entertainment, and you might have to do similar
From my personal boat experience, especially things to keep your family involved.
from seeing many, many boats at marinas, I can tell So here is how I think you should approach the
you that no matter what the boat’s size or style, problem. Always choose a boat so you can use it by
about half of the boats in use have solo skippers yourself and in the way you want to use it.
and maybe a quarter have one extra crew member.
The big boats at the marinas often, perhaps usually, Match Your Boat to Your Waters
couldn’t go out because their skippers couldn’t
find enough crew. At one marina we had a group Give some thought to getting a boat that
of a few dozen oldsters who all had their own big matches your local waters. There was a racing sail¬
boats. They went sailing every Wednesday, but not boat at the local lake with an 11-foot draft. At the
each in his own boat. By grouping three or four in best of times half the lake was too shallow for it. If
a boat, they could all go sailing but of course only we had a dry spell it couldn’t leave its slip.
a fraction of their boats got wet. And if they hadn’t On the other hand, that boat might be the best
been so organized their boats would have seen even for big open and deep waters where boats ideal for
less use. shallow waters, like jonboats, skiffs, and sharpies,
We also had a lot of “family” boats in the harbor take a real beating in big seas.
but I suppose on a good summer weekend about Canoes and pirogues are good in swamps and
10 percent of them actually went out with the creeks with no current, bad in big open water. A
family. good rowboat or kayak can go (with practice) into
Here’s the deal—not too many folks really want bigger waters and for long distance if it isn’t too
to experience tough yohoho sailing or challenging windy and you are in good physical shape. Small
the elements in the way we see in the magazines. sailboats are mostly for open lakes and inlets, use¬
And when you choose a design to build, you less in a river with current. Rivers with current
shouldn’t have in mind one of those “charter in usually mean a powerboat or a one-way trip
paradise” dreams. If you do and get a big sailboat (downstream).
with room to sleep six and standing headroom, etc.
I’d say there is at least a 90 percent chance that
The Size of Things
after the first year (or month) you will not be using
the boat regularly because you can’t find a mini¬
Little boats like an 8-foot dinghy can have their
mum crew. Yes, there are exceptions.
advantages. The tiny dinghy weighs about 60
Not only will you end up with a boat you can’t
pounds and is easily cartopped and handled by one
use, but you might put a lot of pressure on loved
person. You can row two in it, but sailing two
ones who really don’t want to be a regular part of
adults is probably not a good idea on a regular I haven’t designed any elaborate kayaks because
basis. However if you want to sail two adults once there are already so many good ones out there.
or twice a year you can get away with it assuming They can be very fast and seaworthy in the right
you are not really trying to get somewhere. These hands, but I’m pretty sure it takes real training to
are cheap easy projects, very good for beginners. I develop the right hands. Me, I’m a poor swimmer
always encourage a new builder to get started with and never had the desire to learn how to roll a
a smaller project. You can practice with techniques capsized kayak, nor the desire to be trapped under¬
and materials you might want for your larger neath one. So I kept my Piragua open so I could fall
dream. The small first project will almost never be out of it if it went over. Remember: Any small open
wasted—even after you go to a larger boat you will boat is useless when swamped—you can’t rescue the
use the tiny one again and again. boat without help. Stay close to shore. Or build in
enough flotation to make self-rescue possible—and
practice self-rescue.
A Step Larger
Larger Yet
I’ve done quite a few boats in this size. It usually
takes about four sheets of V4" plywood to make
I would argue that once you’ve decided to go
one. It’s about twice the building effort of the
over 100 pounds you should not make a 12-foot
dinghy or pirogue, but this is a lot more boat. In
boat. You will find the heavy boat a real pain to
fact, to me this is a much more useful boat than the
cartop and will either get a trailer or stop boating.
dink, and I would only suggest a ciink to someone
Once you get a trailer you should think about
with a problem storing a 12-foot boat. And boats
going to a 15-foot boat. Almost any car can pull an
like this can have serious emergency flotation boxes
unballasted 15-footer on a trailer. The larger boat
that double as storage (provided the hatches are
may cost about 50 percent more than the 12-footer
small and don’t leak much) and self- rescue is pos¬
but it will usually be twice as much boat—a good
bargain. A 15-foot boat will usually take three
It’s a stretch to do a cartop powerboat like this.
adults with ease, or two adults and two kids. And
The boat can be made light enough, I think, but
yet it will be totally manageable by a solo skipper.
where to put the motor with its fuel, smells, and
This size, which includes Mayfly, is a good choice
leaks while you cartop the hull? In the trunk?
for a family boat. The parents and kids can have a
If you have a pickup truck you will find that
wonderful day sailing together—or one adult can
almost any of the cartop boats will slide nicely into
happily singlehand it—or the kids can learn to sail
the truck bed. It’s easier than cartopping and you
in it and take it out themselves.
don’t have to strip the boat out before loading. I’ve
carried boats over 15 feet long in my short bed
truck, although that is pushing the envelope.
Rowing boats, like Robote, often can be car-
topped very easily indeed because they can be built
long and light. The same four sheets of plywood
that make the 12-foot sailboat will make a 16-foot
rowboat that weighs less than a hundred pounds.
You need to tie the ends of the boat to the car,
especially the bow, and be aware of what high
winds and passing semi trucks will do to the big
boat on top of the little car. (For more on cartop¬
ping, see page 127.)
Here is the 20-foot AF2. Most likely it can take I don’t design boats over 20 feet anymore except
another adult or two compared to the smaller AF3. as a specialty. My advice to anyone who wants a
It takes 14 sheets of plywood compared to AF3’s 8. conventional boat over 20 feet long is to look hard
It can still be operated totally by one person with at the used factory boat market.
one warning. Smaller boats like AF3 can be recov¬ Unless you like wild daysailing and have lots of
ered from a capsize when the solo skipper puts his friends who like going fast and getting wet, any
weight on the leeboard. Somewhere in this size and sailboat in this range should be ballasted. There
weight range for a 20-foot boat, the skipper’s weight have been so many good designs in this range built
won’t be sufficient to bring the capsized boat up¬ in fiberglass factories over the past decades that
right, and that is why an unballasted boat in this size good useci ones can be available for a song. Cat¬
range can be a bit risky. alina 22s in very good condition can sell for $5,000
or less, complete with trailer and motor. You could
never build anything like it for that. A lot of these
boats were sold in the boating boom 20 years ago,
used a few times, and then placed in storage. Fiber¬
glass boats aren’t much affected by weather, and
usually these oldies only need some new cushions
and a scrubbing. The sun-chalked surface is usually
a cosmetic thing.
I do think there are two good reasons to build a
boat in this range—reasons the production builders
didn’t really address. First is very shallow draft. Tire
production boats that I can think of that featured
really shallow draft might be the “Hen” series from
Horida and Eddy & Duffs “Shearwater” and
“Dovekie.” Some of the others feature fairly shal¬
One solution has been to use the Bolger Bird¬ low draft but I can assure you that a boat that draws
watcher system where the sides of the boat are built 6" of water is more versatile that one that draws 16"
high, with Lexan windows all around, and every¬ of water, at least where I live.
one including the skipper sits inside. The high The second reason to build a boat in this range
sides make for great righting buoyancy, and the is for ease of stepping the sail rig to make it a true
crew weight down low on the bottom makes for a solo trailer boat. Here again the Hen and Eddy <Sc
low center of gravity to aid in righting. Plus the Duff boats are the only two 1 can think of offhand
bottoms of these boats are usually heavily built to that also meet this requirement. Some of the com¬
add to the ballast effect. These boats are often self mon trailer sailers like the McGregors actually have
righting without ballast. Below is my own interpre¬ light stayed masts, which look doable by a solo
tation of this type, the Jewelbox. skipper, but the Catalina is not. I know the vendors
of production boats would say something like,
“You can rig the boat in an hour on the trailer.
Isn’t that great!” The answer is “No.” If you can’t
pull your boat off the highway and be sailing in 15
minutes you will miss any chance of impulse sailing
with it. You will end up in an entirely different
kind of boating, either stuck with busy weekends or
keeping your boat at a marina.
Here are two designs of mine in this larger size.
Both have features that aren’t found in factory
boats. First is Pete James’s 24-foot “Petesboat.” der compact pickup truck. As with Petesboat, it rigs
Here is a photo of it in the background with in about ten minutes, although one must take a
brother Karl James’s 19-foot Jewelbox in the fore¬ few minutes to flood the ballast tanks.
ground. You can see the advantages of these camp¬
ing boats—pulled all the way up so the the crew
steps ashore dryshod; the sail rigs dropped and
stowed, but ready to go again at a minute’s notice.
Hull Shape
These boats rig in about five minutes by a solo
skipper. There are no production boats like these.
Once you’ve decided how large a boat is needed,
you will get into details like hull shape.
In general the flat-bottomed boats are the room¬
iest and the easiest to build. The more complex
shapes, such as the multichine Piccup, are only
slightly harder and more expensive to build, and
you shouldn’t be afraid of them for those reasons.
They are almost always better in rough water and
often significantly better. They aren’t as roomy.
V-bottomed boats can be about the fastest and
most seaworthy boats in the right hands. But oth¬
ers might find them tippy and difficult to beach.
Here is what I suggest about hull materials: If bread and butter around here. My lumberyard no
you are a craftsman and are building a show boat, longer carries it but you may still find some. It
use the best materials. Otherwise use lumberyard comes in a multitude of thicknesses. Quality seems
materials. It has been demonstrated that a lumber¬ to vary quite a bit. The A face is nearly always
yard boat will last at least 10 years with minimum plugged or puttied in places, but that is usually a
care. The premium boat will cost two or three cosmetic problem. The C face always has some
times as much as the lumberyard boat, and is likely holes, seams, or knots. The best thing to do when
to see less use. Then again, I would consider pre¬ you get a sheet home is to fill the voids with thick¬
mium materials for a true workboat or a live- ened epoxy and sand smooth while you are still
aboard boat where hauling out to repair will be a working with a big flat sheet. The inner core some¬
great inconvenience. times has bothersome voids. Fill them if you find
them. Often they go undetected until you launch
Also I need to warn that materials change all the
your boat. At the void site the face sheets will swell
time. The plywood you buy today is different from
and bubble up. The same thing will happen if the
what we were buying 10 years ago, and in a few
face sheets don’t adhere well to the core.
years I expect it will be different again. Same with
You can fix the bubbles even on a completed
glues, paints, and fasteners to a certain degree.
boat. Use a sharp chisel to open up the swell, cut it
What to do? The real problem will be to check to
away and see what’s inside. Don’t stop chipping
see that the glues, including the glues in the ply¬
until the void or delamination is totally uncovered.
wood, are waterproof. A label of “Water Resistant”
Then you can fill the void to the surface with
is usually not good enough for a boat although it
thickened epoxy or fiberglass cloth in epoxy. Grind
might suffice for a boat that gets little use and is
it smooth and apply two layers of fiberglass over the
stored indoors. A common way to test glue is to
repair, lapped about 1 inch over the good wood
prepare a glued-up sample of wood, or take a piece
surface. Fair it (that is, sand it smooth) and paint.
of suspect plywood, and boil it for an hour.
Sometimes it takes years for the void to bubble.
Finally, I’m going to include the names and
My lumberyard currently has two types of
phone numbers of some suppliers that are current
“exterior” plywood. One type is fairly expensive but
in 2002. They could change at any time.
is the best I’ve ever worked with. It’s stamped
“exterior” and made in a U.S. mill. For 14", the
Plywood center ply is a thick fir or pine piece, and the faces
are a mystery light hardwood, very thin. There were
You can find lauan underlayment plywood at no voids of any size in the core and the faces were
most lumberyards. The lauan underlayment ply¬ almost flawless, with no patches on either side.
wood only comes in 5mm thickness—about 2/10". There were some worm holes on the C face. The
Usually one face is totally solid and often very 3/8" sheets I bought had just one thin hardwood face
attractive. The center core is always solid, although and two thick plies of fir. Again, no serious voids
there are bound to be joints in it where different and only a few knotholes on the C face. Very nice to
veneers end and start. The other face varies from work with. Well worth the extra money. As with
beautiful to terrible. The face plies are so thin that lauan you need to check the length of the panel.
they will hardly stand sanding. The glue is sup¬
The second type of exterior plywood at my yard is inexpensive and sold everywhere. It is not totally
is BC pine. Structurally it seems excellent, with no waterproof, and says right on the bottle, “not for
serious flaws in any of the plies in the panels 1 use below the waterline.” However, the sample I
bought recently. It has some problems, though. It’s made up held together after one hour of boiling. It
not available in W here, it’s not sanded very even¬ is very' easy to use and clean up.
ly, and it doesn’t like to lie totally flat. The true
thickness of the panel may not be exactly as A note or two about tube-type house construc¬
stamped. But it’s very inexpensive. I haven’t built a tion adhesives. I’ve tried Liquid Nails and would
boat of it but lots of others have. In fact right now avoid it on a boat. It doesn’t cure hard, making it
I think it is becoming the standard for cheap boats. impossible to sand. It might make a sealant for a
boat using conventional fasteners but I’ve never
seen it written that it was really waterproof. Almost
Framing Lumber
all of these things will say “not for use below' the
waterline” and in that respect might be like Weld¬
For framing lumber I use regular soft pine. It is
wood. I wouldn’t use it for a boat stored in the
very cheap and easy to work, but not very rot
water (or one that fills with rainwater) but it will
resistant. But coating all the end grain, with either
likely be okay for a dry-stored boat. PL Premium is
epoxy or paint, and good storage habits (keep your
another tube adhesive, and PL Premium cures
boat under a tarp with lots of ventilation, or in a
hard and is said to be totally waterproof. I haven’t
shed or garage) will forestall that. I use pine for oars
built a boat with it yet, but others have with excel¬
and spars also. Clear pine boards cost three times
lent success. It is really sticky, messy stuff, so you
as much as common boards and I rarely buy them.
need to plan ahead and work clean.
Pine is about all that is available here. The yard
I’ve started to use more epoxy. It’s totally water¬
man told me the best wood is in 2x1 Os, which can
proof, adheres extremely well, and is tough. You
be very long. Those boards are huge and you may
can use it for gluing joints, laminating, or sealing
have trouble handling them. But it would be worth
and clear-coating. It’s vulnerable to ultraviolet dam¬
looking into having one ripped to the sizes you
age, though, so you need to paint or varnish all
need at the yard.
exposed epoxy. You will have to use it for a boat
that stays in the w'ater. Glue-and-nail boats can be
Glue made without it, though using a bit to fiberglass the
chines goes a long way in extending your boat’s
For glue I’ve often used Weldwood, but it is useful life.
becoming really hard to find. Mix it with cold water Dave Carnell, chemical engineer, has led the
until it is about as thick as regular white glue. Your way to cheaper epoxy. Here’s what Dave says: Ep¬
joints need to be fairly tight. My experience is that oxy resins are all the same, except some are
it won’t really set hard and permanent until it has thinned. He buys the cheapest. But the hardeners
been kept at 70 degrees for 12 hours or something vary a lot. Any will work with any resin (since all the
similar. It will get tack-free at colder temperatures resins are the same, right?). The proper mixing
and you’ll think it has set—but it hasn’t. On a hull ratio is determined by the hardener’s instructions.
that is both nailed and glued, I just go on building My latest epoxy purchase was from Raka Marine
and try to heat up the project to kick off the glue (, or 561-279-8929). Another good
every few days. (Weldwood powdered water-mix source of inexpensive epoxy is Fiberglass Coatings
glue is not claimed to be waterproof by the maker. (, or 800-272-7890 ). I got a 3/»-gallon
I had a boat that was stored outside uncovered and kit for $40. That came as Vi gallon of resin and V4
certain areas became soaked. After about 10 years gallon of hardener for a 2:1 mix and a total brew of
of this the glue in those areas seemed to disappear 3/4 gallon. The 2:1 ratio is easily done by eye. No
without a trace.) pumps required. I mark a stick Vi* from the end
Titebond 11 might be the best glue to use for a and again Va" from the same end, and clamp it with
boat stored dry. A true successor to Weldwood, it a clothespin inside an umvaxed paper mixing cup,
with the end of the stick on the bottom of the cup. work with it carelessly every day, you are bound to
I fill to the V2" mark with resin and add hardener become allergic to it over time. Use throwaway
to the 3/4" mark. clothes, barrier creams, and plenty of latex or
Raka has several flavors of epoxy. Mine used nitrile gloves.
“very fast” hardener—not to be confused with “5 Solvents that will clean up (uncured) epoxy in¬
minute” type, which is not considered to be water¬ clude acetone, denatured alcohol, and white vine¬
proof. Using the “very fast” in 40 and 50 degree gar. Be careful about using these on epoxy on your
temperatures, the epoxy set about overnight. The skin, as some say the dissolved epoxy will penetrate
“slow” hardener takes a full day to set at 70 degrees. faster and cause all the skin troubles you were
It might be the best choice when working in hot trying to avoid. Waterless hand cleaners are good
temperatures. Setting rates are very sensitive to for cleaning it off your skin, or a good pumice soap
temperature. and plenty of elbow grease. Work in a well-venti¬
Here is a bit of a warning about using epoxy in lated area. Keep kids and pets far away when you’re
colder weather, say below 60 degrees. The stuff is using the stuff1.
supposed to set at that temperature, or lower, but One last word about glues and boats. It took
you may find it so thick that proper mixing is many years before I saw that Weldwood was not
difficult, which may result in a failure a year down really waterproof. If my boat had been stored in¬
the road. In addition, the thick epoxy can make doors I never would have found out. So if a fellow
using the hand pumps that often come with the has a one-year-old boat and says, “I used AAA glue
epoxy very unreliable. So here is what I advise: Use and it is totally waterproof.” then all you know is
epoxies that have a mixing ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 or 3:1 that it lasted a year. Again, to extend the life of any
such that you can easily measure the right amounts glue, just take good care of your boat: Give it
without using hand pumps, instead using the shelter from the rain and sun, give it a new paint
“stick” method described above. Also, prewarm the job every couple of years. It’ll last a long time.
resin and hardener by placing it in a box or cabinet
with a lightbulb, sort of an epoxy incubator, to get Fasteners
it good and warm.
Dave Carnell has led the way on epoxy fillers,
For nails, bronze ring nails are by far the best
too. That is very important since even epoxy used
because they’re strong, come in all sizes, hold about
in a tight wood-to-wood joint needs to be thick¬
like screws, and don’t mind grinding and sanding.
ened a bit to keep it from running out of the joint.
I buy them when I can. Try Jamestown Distributors
Dave says “pulverized limestone” available at seed
or Hamilton Marine. They are expensive per
stores is the best filler. It must be very finely ground
pound but I suppose a little boat will use less than
to work smoothly. Dave also suggests powdered
$10 worth. Galvanized nails from the lumberyard
talc as a thickening agent, buying it as baby powder
are fine too, except that you can’t sand them or
from a discount store—fragrance and all. All epoxy
they will rust. But I’ve useci lots of them. Galva¬
sources also sell fine wood flour, fumed silica, and
nized roofing nails are very good for nailing thin
other high-grade fillers if you want them. Some¬
plywood sheets.
times for large fillets I use ordinary sawdust, which
While you’re at the lumberyard, pick up a
I mine from my bandsaw as a filler. The old rule on
pound of 1" and 1 Vi drywall screws. Even better
thickening epoxy seems to be mayonnaise stiffness
are decking screws, which now come in galvanized,
for glued joints and peanut butter thickness for
ceramic coated, or stainless steel. Get a couple of
fillets and fillers. A wipe of unthickened epoxy
driving bits for your drill, too. These screws are
should be on the wood before the thickened stuff excellent as clamps. In most cases they require no
goes on. Epoxy used with fiberglass cloth should
pilot holes. You can hold two pieces of wood
not be thickened—in fact, that is the case for together by hand and “clamp” them very strongly
thinned epoxy. by using a drywall screw. Sometimes you can preas¬
Epoxy has a nasty side. It’s messy, hard to clean semble an entire hull this way, take it apart, apply
up, and some folks are allergic to it. In fact, if you
glue, and reassemble it exactly the same as before
because the screws always realign the pieces precise¬ is fine on a boat stored under cover. Give the boat
ly. After the glue cures you can remove the screws a coat or two of exterior latex primer first to really
and insert nails, non rusting screws, or simply putty hold the paint on, then a coat of exterior paint.
the holes. The drywall screws can be saved and One of my builders said the trick to getting a solid
reused. latex job is to not disturb the boat for a couple of
I got a question once about what type of wire to weeks after the last coat goes on. It may dry in a
use for wire “stitching” used in taped seam con¬ day, but true hard “cure” takes a while.
struction. I think almost any type of soft wire is Oil paints are messier to use but, once set, are
suitable, but I prefer .020"-diameter stainless steel slicker to clean and can usually be stripped very
lock wire available from a place like Wicks Aircraft quickly to bare wood with a torch and knife. I clean
Supply (800-221-9425, where you can also buy the oil-paint brushes with gasoline. Either way, 1
Weldwood glue in bulk). Or use plastic cable ties. use two coats of primer and only enough top paint
to cover.
For masts and yards and booms, or anything
Finishing Materials
that has nice wood grain you’d like to display, like
a tiller, you can varnish it. I prefer regular oil-based
For putty I have used ordinary two-part auto
spar varnish. It won’t show dirt or damage like
body filler like Bondo for about everything, but
paint so I try to use it on pieces that get dirty or
thickened epoxy would be a lot more reliable.
banged up. It touches up very easily. Two coats will
Bondo can soak up water over time and weaken.
protect but three coats are better. Sunlight eats it
For fiberglass 1 prefer getting glass cloth and
up and it needs renewing more often than paint.
tape by mail order (try Merton’s Fiberglass Supply,
There are some good durable urethanes now,
800-333-0314, or Wicks or Raka or Fiberglass
too, marketed as spar urethane, which have UV
Coatings), although for small projects I sometimes
blockers and last as long as (or longer than) true
buy the little packs of cloth and resin at the dis¬
count store.
By the way, fiberglass “tape” comes in rolls in
Get a catalog from Jamestown Distributors.
widths from 1" to about 6". It’s not really tape—
They are the only place I know of to supply things
there’s no adhesive on the back. It’s just called tape
like bronze oarlocks and rudder fittings. They also
to differentiate it from fiberglass cloth, which is
sell all the nails, glass, glues, goos, etc.: 800-423-
wider without hemmed edges. The edges of “tape”
0030. See page 155 for a more complete listing of
are treated to prevent unraveling, and it’s thus
materials suppliers.
much easier to work with and is preferred for
joining plywood seams together. But you could cut
regular cloth into strips instead. Power Tools
For applying the glass, epoxy is much more
durable and adhesive, but you can also soak fiber¬ You can build all the boats in this book using
glass in (cheaper) polyester resin. If you are using only a saber saw and a drill, or not even those, if
polyester resins for the fiberglass work, buy you really want a challenge. Having a few other
“Finishing” resin as opposed to “Laminating” resin tools makes things much easier.
if given a choice. Read the instructions on the can
and practice with small amounts first. Do your Bandsaw: I have a Sears bandsaw with a 12"
fiberglass and resin work all at one time. Always throat. I bought it new in 1972 and it has held up
sand it lightly after it cures to remove wax and in spite of plastic housings and such. I’ve got it
glaze. Yes, epoxy is better than polyester. geared way down. I think the best blade for boaters
is a 3/8" skip tooth, which cuts fast and straight. In
I use regular house paints, both latex and oil. my type of boats, cutting curves is not the
Latex is very easy to use but some claim it won’t bandsaw’s job so much as cutting bevels. But al¬
hold up on a boat. So long as you’re not leaving the most any saw will cut the bevels, and taped-seam
boat in the water all year, it’s great stuff. I know it boats in particular don’t have many bevels to cut.
A bandsaw can also be fitted with a metal cutting Drill: I have two drills now7, both 3/8" reversible
blade, especially if the saw is geared down, and you jobs. One uses battery power, suitable for gentle
can whittle out aluminum fittings with it. jobs, and the other is a plug-in, suitable for the
Table saw: I have an inexpensive table saw. tough jobs. I have a coffee can full of assorted drills.
Except it is not raised up on a table. And in many I don’t hesitate to run out and buy the right sized
ways you don’t want a saw that is raised up on a drill bit for the job, and usually buy two if it’s a small
table. It is easier to rip long boards with this saw bit. Actually only a few basic sizes are required. Keep
sitting on the floor. It is quite light and easily two driver bits for sheetrock screws on hand.
relocated. When I’m done using it I stand it against That’s it for power tools. But I would say you
the wall out of the way. I have it set up with a 7 W could get by with a circular saw, a saber saw and a
Matsushita thin kerf carbide-tipped blade sold by drill. Boats were invented long before power tools.
Nutmeg Marine at 910-686-4184. I guess the old builders had bigger muscles, more
Circular saw: I also have a regular unmounted time, and sharper edges.
circular saw. With a good combination blade set to
protrude about lA" through the plywood it will zing
Hand Tools
a clean cut, including making the curves often
required, better than a saber saw. But a saber saw
Saw: You often need a saw for cutting sticks to
will do that job too. The very best blades are thin
exact length. The bandsaw is good, the saber saw
kerf carbide tipped.
okay, a fine-toothed hand saw works, but a hacksaw
Saber saw: I have an inexpensive saber saw7 with
with a regular metal cutting blade is what I use the
a fine-toothed blade for cutting access holes, limber
most. To tell you the truth, it is often the only
holes, etc. It can also be suitable for bevel cutting
handsaw I use on a boat.
in lieu of the bandsaw, although it’s tough to get a
Plane: I have only one plane—an ordinary Stan¬
straight cut without using a guide. You can smooth
ley hand plane about 12" long. I don’t use it very7
up the cut with a belt sander.
much but marvel at what it can do when properly
Belt sander: I think the handheld belt sander,
sharpened and set up.
3"-wide belt, is fabulous. I built my first boats with¬
Rasp: A half-round rasp will work miracles
out one so I know. Use 60-grit belts for all your
finish work, if not all work. I have an orbital sander
Hammer: I keep a couple of ordinary claw ham¬
left over from the old days but never use it.
mers near. You will often need a backup block for
Disk sander: One other sander I do find very
driving nails into light structures. A lead or steel
useful is a 5" rubber disk set in a 3/8" drill. This is
block, about 5 or 10 pounds, is ideal. A small
especially good for feathering out fiberglass work,
sledgehammer works fine.
which will often load up and ruin a sanding belt. I
Don’t forget the normal mess of screwdrivers,
buy 60-grit pads meant for automotive work. Use a
scrapers, wrenches, putty knives, etc. What you
light touch and practice with it because it can really
don’t have can almost always be borrowed for a
cut. I’ve also used 20-grit disks, which appear to
good cause.
have large rocks as cutting agent, for really coarse
Okay, let’s build a boat!
cutting with great satisfaction.
f «*nf
YOUR BOAT a feeling that the butt joints on the usual instant
boat hull are not highly loaded and not too critical
to overall boat strength. Since I’ve tried several
ways and they all worked, I’ve gotten to be pretty'
nebulous about the subject on my drawings. Lately
I’ve been specifying a butt plate as something like
These are general instructions for building any
“Butt plate from 3A” x 31/2" lumber, or equal,”
jigless boat (or instant boat), but I’ll try to use
which doesn’t tell you much. Most builders get by
Mayfly 14 as the primary’ example. (See the foldout
well with just that, but other builders ask me what
plans at the end for Mayfly 14’s building key.)
in the world I mean, and rightly so. For much more
To begin, study your plans closely. Try’ to visual¬ on the various methods of joining plywood sheets,
ize how the pieces of the boat are made, and how
see the Appendices, starting on page 145.
they fit together. Maybe not all of it will be imme¬
diately apparent, but the more you look at your
plans, the clearer they’ll get. They are rich with
information, though sometimes you need to puzzle
it out. The only other bit of construction finesse that
Make a list of what you’ll need to get at the you might need to study up on is bevels, that is, the
lumberyard. Going over the plans and visualizing angled cuts you make on certain frames or bulk¬
the various things you need is a great way to pre¬ heads to allow the plywood of the sides to lie flat
pare for the actual building. and fully in contact with the edge of the frame.
Clear an area big enough to work in. It should This makes a much better gluing surface and
be level, but other than that, there aren’t many spreads out stress points. For much more informa¬
restrictions. Some people do it in the garage, some tion on bevels, see page 151.
side. Then set the saw fence carefully so that when the sheets at that interval.
you slice off the other side at the proper bevel the These lines need to be perpendicular to the
piece will have the correct total width. And as with bottom length of the sheet. You might check them
the forms, be sure to mark the centerlines on all with a square, but usually (not always so you have
sides of the piece. to check) plywood is made very accurately both in
You can also make the stem piece bevels with a squareness and in size. And once you have verified
plane as was done in the old days. In this case draw
the shape of the piece on all four sides and work it
down a shave at a time. Don’t forget the centerlines.
+ - L i 4 - r
+ - ^ 4
1 -
batten in place with weights (bricks can work okay loca-hons for bulKhfGcIs and torms
if the bend isn’t too severe) or with temporary nails
or screws. Then draw through the tick marks with
a fairly dark pencil or pen.
Now you are done with one panel! You will need
to make a mirror image of it on other sheets of
plywood. You don’t need to do the layout all over
again, although you could if you wanted to. You
could also use the first panel as a pattern for the
mirror-image panel. You could cut out the first panel
and trace around it to shape the mirror image. Some
builders clamp the first pattern over another layer of
plywood and cut them both out with one cut! I think
all of those methods will be fine.
You have enlarged the shape of the panel! It Just remember that the mirror image must in¬
should look like this: deed be a mirror image and not a straight copy of
the first panel—butt plates used to connect the
sheets, and the lines locating bulkheads and forms,
need to be on opposite sides of those mirror imag¬
es, so when assembled they end up inside the boat.
Concurc4- 3-Vie -Lick. marks anc\ you have. A -full Sized Cutting Out the Hull Panels
enlnrgeinfnt of +ViC hull panel
framing sticks, install them with screws, and then each other. You can double-check by laying the
trim the ends of the side sticks to length and to finished sides over each other. Their edges should
match the beveled edges of the top and bottom match exactly (but in real life l suppose a tolerance
sticks. (Often a hand hacksaw with a metal cutting of 1/8" would be okay).
blade does a very good job at making these fussy Tine other item is to make sure you indeed have
end cuts. Jamestown Distributors also sells a nice a left side and a right side. That is to say the butt
little fine-toothed pull saw, which is very good for plates will be on opposite sides of the panels.
this sort of thing.) Sound silly to think it could happen otherwise? It
Lastly I would remove one stick and butter it happens all the time that someone builds two
with glue. Put the piece back on the assembly and lefties or two righties by mistake.
reinstall the screws. It will go back exactly into its
original position. Drill some lead holes for nails at Begin the Hull Assembly
about 6" spacing and drive in some nails. You can
now remove those two screws and drive nails in
Now the fun begins! Let’s take stock of what we
their holes.
have. We have the stem piece, the bulkheads and
Or you can use galvanized or stainless decking
temporary forms, all with centerlines marked
screws. Just screw them in and leave them; no need
boldly around their centers, and we have the side
to remove and replace with nails. The danger in
panels with the bulkhead and form locations
doing this with regular drywall screws is they rust
marked boldly.
Glue the remaining sticks in place the same way
but make a point of getting a wad of glue in the
areas where the end of one stick meets the side of
another. I think that is the most likely place for
leaks and rot to get started.
Set it aside to cure. After cure be sure to mark
centerlines boldly.
is turned upright. pieces are such that you won’t be able to clamp
First, grab the centermost bulkhead or form, the them in place very well. In that case I like to predrill
widest one, and one of the side panels. Position the lead holes in the plywood for the screws, push the
bulkhead or form on its “locating line” on the side parts into position by hand, and quickly screw
panel and clamp it into position. (The drawing will them together in the proper alignment.
show whether the locating line on the side refers to
the forward face of the form or the aft face.) Then
screw the sides to that form or bulkhead with
sheetrock screws, one about 2" up from the bot¬
tom, and the other about 2" down from the top.
Then you can remove the clamps.
Grab the other side and repeat so that now you
have two sides joined by the widest form or bulk¬
head. Place the assembly on two sawhorses.
\ /
sides Widesi bwIKkad or for
/ \ _X
Ong; AW-acU -Wit sides +o fhe widest bulkhead
Or form.
d M/idt V/ii/i planK clomped alone) Ihe crnkrhnc.: then nailing, then replacing the screws with nails.
vvill Keep He hull straujhi Os you work. Remove the two screws that hold one edge of a
bulkhead to the side panel. It will come loose
enough for you to butter some glue either on the
bulkhead’s edge or onto the mating area of the
side. Once glue has been applied, slide it back into
position and reinstall the screws. One of the beau¬
ties of using drywall screws in this sort of assembly
Insfoll all forms ar\<4 buJKteads. Iransom is that it will quickly go back together exactly as
and S+em wiH\ -f/mporary Screws.
before, the screws wanting to fall right into the old
Now is a good time to take a break. Stay away for When those screws have been tightened, drill
a day, and when you return eyeball it all over again. lead holes for nails at about a 6" spacing and drive
If you like what you see, it is time to start gluing the nails in. As you drive the nails on a structure
and nailing it together. that is still flimsy, you will find it well to “buck up”
The temporary forms will need no more fasten¬ the backside of the area with something heavy such
ers than the two screws on each side. These all as another hammer, as a riveter would do. When
come out once the hull is fully glued and nailed the nails are in, remove the two temporary screws
together. and drive nails into those holes. Don’t drive nails
The bulkheads, transoms, and stem pieces will into the areas about 2" from the top and bottom
need to be permanently glued and nailed into edges where the wales and chine logs will eventu¬
position. Here is the easy way to do it. You can use ally go—we will want those areas clear of fasteners
galvanized or stainless decking screws, and just glue so we’ll be able to install fasteners for the chine logs
and screw the sides to the bulkheads, leaving the and wales later. Also, if a temporary form was
screws in. After you’ve dry-tit everything together, screwed in right by the edge, and the wale or chine
back out the screws a bit, apply glue all along the log was then fastened over it, you’d have a heck of
joint between the side and the bulkhead framing a time removing that temporary form when the
sticks, and then retighten the screws. Done. Just be hull was assembled.
careful not to sand them down later in the finish¬ On the other hand, if you find that (for exam¬
ing process, as galvanized screws shorn of their ple) the stem piece doesn’t want to lie tight to the
coating will then rust. sides in those areas, you will have to install screws
If you don’t h^ive access to the right-sized galva¬ there that will be removed after the glue cures.
nized or stainless screws, you can use nails (the best When you are done with one edge of a bulk¬
ring nails you can find: galvanized, or bronze). This head, continue with the other edge, and then
adds a step or two to the process: screwing the sides through the other permanent crosspieces, one edge
on first with regular drywall screws, then gluing, at a time.
After you are done with the nail and glue ses¬
sion, check hull alignment. Walk away from the
project without touching it until the glue has set
good and hard. Don’t move anything while the
glue is in the green stage.
The Wales
If you install them at this stage they will go a long be about the same length so they can come out of
way toward stiffening the assembly making it easier the same board, if you can find a good one wide
to work with and maintain alignment. enough. So you could set your saw blade at the flare
If your boat is really long, there is a chance that angle and fence or guide at the proper width for
you will need to “scarf’ two or more shorter pieces the inner wales and make one rip pass on one side
of wood to get the full length piece. (See page 148 to get the first inner wale piece. Then reset the
for more details on scarfing.) The scarfing must be blade to 0 degrees and leave the fence as is to make
done before assembly on the boat, and don’t even the second inner wale piece. Then another rip cut
try working with the scarfed piece until the scarf with no saw changes will give you an outer wale
glue has set well. Once the scarf is complete, the lamination, and then another for the last wale
stick should be as strong as a single piece of lumber lamination. Lastly, the cuts to give the chine logs
and you will work with it as a single piece. will be like those for the inner wale laminations.
Most of my drawings have a full-sized detail of So once the inner wale has been ripped to
the wale cross section. On a boat with flared sides, proper width and bevel, it is time to install it. Leave
assembly of things like decks or cross beams almost it long for now, to be trimmed to length after the
always will require that the wale be beveled on its assembly. I suggest you “dry-fit” the wale into posi¬
top edge to allow a flat to mate with the deck. It is tion first, as you did with the bulkheads. Clamp it
into position and secure with screws into the bulk¬
heads, transoms, stem, and anywhere else needed
Typir/il UuU fons4-rnc4-ToO
to keep it in place. Actually, at this point you can
/ inner wale laminaf-ion trim it to length.
Check hull alignment. Then dry-fit the wale on
the other side, and check alignment again. If you
are building right-side up, you may want to invert
the hull for the gluing operation, or mask the sides
with paper and tape to avoid a lot of work later in
sanding glue drips.
Then loosen the wale screws over the bow half
of the wale on one side, allowing it to spring out¬
ward from the side panel. Butter the mating sur-
n r
SO, \MC U-Ls
Take Stock Again the size of the butt plate. Let’s say it is a piece of
lumber 3A" x 3Vi". This piece will be centered on
the joint of the two bottom panels, VA" on each
At this stage your hull structure is about half
side of the joint. So draw a line down the center of
done. (But you have a long way to go. Sanding and
the butt plate, trial-fit it into position, and mark
painting and finishing account for about half of
where it would need to be cut to fit at that joint,
the total work in a boat hull. And if you are build¬
inside the bottom, between the sides.
ing a sailing boat, the sail rig is often about half the
work of the whole project.) You will find the hull
structure is getting rigid. Double-ended boats, with S-hi*T ng 4ke. bofforn pUnKin
pointy ends and a stem and stern post at each end,
will be very rigid at this point.
It’s time to put on the bottom.
The Bottom
(In some cases you might have to remove the ing on to the next panel, such that you never have
bottom panels to permanently install the butt to remove the completed bottom for gluing.)
plates while the pieces are flat, because the curva¬
ture of the bottom is too great to install it in place
without a “kink” resulting at the butt plate.
Mayfly’s aft bottom butt joint is such a case.)
paintbrush or a squeegee. Be very careful of the do. These parts aren’t easy to install. Getting the
chine edges. Make sure there is plenty of epoxy joint between the bottom and the skid watertight
there and that the glass sticks tightly to the corners is pretty important to avoid rot.
with no sign of epoxy starvation there. Glass that Draw the location of the skid on the bottom and
has been wetted through looks clear. Glass that is drill screw holes in the bottom about every 6".
not completely wetted through will have a white Apply a lot of thick glue or epoxy to the area of the
appearance. joint and press the skid into position. Most likely
Once the bottom glass is on and before it fully you will have to hold it down temporarily with a
cures, paste on a layer of 3"-wide fiberglass tape over few screws driven from the outside. Then crawl
the chine corners. It is a nice touch to offset the inside the project and install the screws from the
edge of the second layer about !4" to make for a inside through those holes you predrilled. Not
more gradual transition from wood to glass. Paint much fun, but you should be able to get a good
it down very well with unthickened epoxy. The straight installation with good glue squeeze out all
corner will now look like this: along the skid. Remove the temporary screws that
you drove from the outside in. Wipe down the
excess glue or epoxy, sealing the sides of the joint
as you go.
Hatches in decks can be installed now. Cut the deck clamp will spring out of
zha-pe. if not restrained
hatch opening in the cieck plywood. First draw the
hatch outline, then drill a 3/8" hole in each corner,
and use a saber saw to cut to the line, starting the
saw at the holes in the corners. Then frame the
opening with lumber coamings. I try to interlock
the ends of the coamings like this:
i-- -- r
S+icK screwed +0 decK clomp ex+cnsions +0
piA.ll Lhfion sYia_pe,
haich opening i
THE SAILING BITS Now to install the step. Usually it fits into the
intersection of the bottom and a bulkhead. Those
two elements almost always meet at an angle, due
to the curvature of the bottom. The step should fit
If you are making a sailing boat you have a
right into that angle. Measure the angle on your
substantial amount of work left. I’ve found the
hull and trim the front face of the step to match it.
labor and often the cost of a sailing rig is also about
Fasten the step very well into the hull with lots of
half the total cost of the project.
glue and stout nails or screws into both the bulk-
head and the bottom.
The Mast Step
The Mast Partner
Mast steps vary, but on smaller designs I prefer
to use the solid chunk method. Well, almost. The
Mast partners vary even more than mast steps.
mast shouldn’t bear directly against the bottom of
Some are just planks bolted across the boat’s wales
the hull, especially if the boat has no stiffeners
with a hole through for the mast. Some are thick
along the bottom centerline. Why? Because the
plywood plates bolted and glued to the foredeck.
mast of a sailboat is almost always in compression, Most of mine are lumber pieces bolted to a bulk¬
pushing down at the step and sometimes with a
head like this:
very large force. Also, masts often rotate during
sailing. So here is how I prefer to do the job:
What you see here is that the step is laminated Almost all are 1 W'-thick lumber. Sometimes the
from two pieces. The bottom bearing piece is usu¬ partner lumber has to be pretty wide to accept the
ally kV thick and the top piece is IV2" thick. The mast hole or slot, but also to space the mast the
top piece has the hole for the mast heel. You can proper distance from the bulkhead. That might
cut it out with a bandsaw or saber saw. Same with seem trivial, but it is quite important. The proper
the thinner bottom piece. The bottom piece dimension here will ensure the proper rake to the
should have a small slot to drain away any water mast, and that puts the sail in the right position
that pools in the mast hole of the top piece. Cut¬ fore and aft, and that gets the handling of the boat
ting that drain slot is very easily done before the just right. So the rake of the mast is one of the
piece is attached to the top piece. Just run your sacred things about your boat plans.
(On the other hand, it your boat doesn’t handle for a IV2" square piece, then one laminated from
right, you can tinker with the mast rake to try to fix two 3/V pieces should be superior, although I must
that. Rake the mast more aft and you should in¬ admit that using a single piece would be usually an
crease your weather helm. Raking it forward will acceptable temptation.
decrease weather helm.)
Usually a mast partner like this is made in two
pieces because that is easier. The hole for the mast
becomes a slot that can be cut with a saber saw
instead of needing a large hole saw. All that is easy
enough. The real problem is bolting it to the bulk¬
head because the bolts need to be long, usually
longer than a common drill.
Here is how I do it: Once the partner is made I
drill the holes for the bolts through the partner
while it is on the workbench. Then I put it in
position on the bulkhead and spot the holes on the
bulkhead with the drill. Remove the partner and
complete drilling the bulkhead holes. Long bolts
are required, and I don’t know if there is much
harm in making the bolt holes 1/16" or so oversized
so that precise fitting isn’t required. Tighten the
nuts well so that there is lots of friction between
partner and bulkhead. In my opinion, this mast
partner assembly is no place for wood screws—use
Laminating Mayfly's boom. Lots of Titebond II, lots of
clamps. For people without a dozen or more clamps, one
homegrown method is to wrap the pieces tight in nylon
The Spars monofilament fishing line. Pull it tight as you wrap, and it
contracts uniformly. One loop every two to four inches
The mast is pretty straightforward. I always lam¬ should do it.
weighted, but were held down by lanyards. Nearing
/ a shore or shallow I had to play the thing like a
puppet and quickly ran out of hands because the
tiller, sheet, and board all needed handling at the
same time. The weighted rudder blade is much
better. I’ll show you how I build a kick-up rudder
from the ground up from plywood. This sort of
rudder can be suitable for boats up to about 22 feet
in length.
Sink Weight
I called this the “counterweight” in the drawing
Cut out the plywood blanks and butter one up but “sink weight” is a better term.
with glue or thickened epoxy. It’s best to spread the The sink weight should be slightly heavier than
glue with a notched trowel like you use to paste the buoyancy of the immersed blade. Wood is
down floor tiles. Place the glued-up blanks together about half as dense as water, and lead is about 11
on a flat surface protected with plastic or paper, times denser than water. It works out that the area
and tap a couple of light nails through them so they of the lead weight should be about one-sixteenth
can’t slide around on each other. Apply clamping the area of the immersed blade, or maybe 7 percent
pressure with weights like concrete blocks placed of the area to give a slight negative buoyancy. For
atop the blanks. Now stay away until the glue has example, a blade that is 10 inches by 15 inches
set good and hard. immersed is 150 square inches. The lead weight
Now give the blade a final trimming and stream¬ could be 150 x .07 = 10.5 square inches, which
line the edges where required. This can take an would be a square 3.24 inches per side.
hour or more of belt-sanding, planing, or disking.
See the board profile in the plans. You want to
round the front edge a bit, and taper the aft third
Cut a hole in the blade for the lead to the proper ing stove, an alternate rudder-weighting method is
size, preferably toward the tip and toward the trail¬ to calculate the weight of lead needed, then make
ing edge. Bevel the hole’s edges so the lead will lock a bigger hole in the blade, cram in the appropriate
in place by forming flanges around the blade. Also weight of wheel weights (or maybe lead shot if you
place some rustproof nails or screws around the can get it), and then pour epoxy over it all. Trial
interior of the hole to further lock the lead in place. and error will tell you how big a hole you need to
Clamp the blade to a flat metal plate and place it accommodate all the lead. Back your hole up with
level on the floor. wax paper or sheet plastic on a clamped-on board.
To figure the weight of the lead required, multi¬ Give your hole the same feathered edge and screws
ply the area in inches by the thickness in inches or nails to hold in the chunk of lead and epoxy.
and again by .4. In the example, if the example
blade is 3A" thick, the weight of the lead required is
Rudder Stock
10.5 x .75 x .4 = 3.15 pounds. Your local garage will
probably be happy to give you old wheel weights
Laminate this exactly as you did the rudder
taken off cars. Just ask.
blade. No tapering needed, though a slight round¬
Melting lead: To melt the lead, I use a propane
ing of the edges makes it more durable and pleas¬
camp stove. I place it right next to the job so I won’t
ant to handle. You need to add the downstop, and
have to tote molten lead around the shop. For a
it’s amazing to me how sturdy this part needs to be.
crucible I use a coffee can with a Vi “pour hole”
A block of hard rubber or phenolic plastic bolted
drilled about 3" above the bottom of the can, with
in place might be best.
a long metal handle bolted to the side of the can.
The crucible goes on the stove with enough lead
wheel weights inside for the pour. Tiller / Hoist Lanyard
It goes without saying that melting and pouring
lead can be really dangerous. So take care! Wear Don’t make the tiller too short! Make it too long
long sleeves, protective eyewear, and heavy gloves. and shorten it later if needed. Note that if you use
Work outside, or ventilate extremely well. Keep the “Cary hinges” mentioned later in this chapter,
kids far away. It’s not just the molten lead that is or any similar hinge system that pushes the rudder
dangerous, but the lead fumes as well. Also, any assembly back a couple of extra inches, you’ll need
water in the mix can cause explosive bubbling, to add that distance onto the tiller so it comes fully
flinging hot lead all around, so make sure you cook over the aft deck and into the cockpit.
off water slowly first. The tiller should fold neatly along the back edge
Begin the pour as soon as the lead is molten. of the rudder for storage.
(The steel clamps on the wheel weights will float to Use light braided line, about 3/16" for the lan¬
the top and not pass through the pour hole.) Take yard. Tie it to a small hole in the rudder’s trailing
your time and be very careful with the pour, but it edge. The hole needs to be located about where the
must be done all at once. Overfill the hole in the raised rudder meets the aft end of the tiller. Then
rudder blade somewhat to allow for shrinkage on pass the lanyard through a hole in the back corner
cooling. Shut off the stove and walk away from the of the tiller, then forward to a small cleat on the top
job for a few hours. Lead stays very hot long after it of the tiller.
has solidified. Pass the lanyard through a small hole in the base
If the weight gets loose in the blade due to shrink¬ of the cleat and tie and loop for your fingers. To
age, you can tighten it by placing the weight over an raise the rudder, yank on the lanyard and belay it
anvil and hitting the lead with a hammer. That around the little cleat. To lower the rudder, uncleat
squeezes the center and expands the perimeter. the lanyard and let the blade drop kerplunk against
Now contemplate what it’s like to pour a 1,000 the stop.
pound keel! Another handy method is to cut a small vertical
Alternate method: If you don’t want to try the notch in the forward end of your tiller, as wide as
lead-melting, or don’t have access to a good camp¬ the lanyard and V2" deep. No need for a cleat on
the tiller in this system. Just put a knot in the Stevenson Projects used barrel bolt locks for
lanyard and hitch it into the notch in the tiller. The hinges.
weight of the rudder holds it in place. You can even Harold Payson used two strong eye screws on
preset a couple of rudder blade positions if you like. the transom and two on the rudder stock, pinned
through by a lA" steel rod. This system is now
referred to as “Payson eyes.”
Sheet Fairlead Dick Scobbie used door hinges with big cotter
pins for pivots. Seeing those, I tried some door
hinges on a dink rudder and was quite satisfied,
This works very well on smaller sails that don’t
especially since they came from the scrap bin. Most
require multipart main sheets. Screw a fairlead or
door hinges won’t mount as simply as real boat
large eyebolt solidly to the tiller’s top face. Place the
fittings—check out the angles they swing through
fairlead right above the rudder hinges so the sheet
and do some head scratching.
loads won’t affect steering. Run the sail’s sheet
One thing I’m sure of: Don’t rely on gravity to
through the fairlead and forward along the tiller.
keep your rudder on your transom. In a knock¬
You can secure the sheet merely by wrapping it a
down the rudder may unship and leave you with a
couple of times around the tiller’s grip under your
very wet boat and no rudder. Also, with the sheet
steering hand. Then you can steer and hold the
fairlead on the tiller as I’ve shown it, the sheet can
sheet with the same hand. To release the sheet in a
produce an upward force on the assembly in strong
gust you need only slacken your grip without let¬
winds and lift the whole thing out of conventional
ting go of the tiller. You can also belay the sheet
fittings. Both of these things have happened to me.
around the rudder lanyard cleat if you are feeling
Now I secure my rudder by drilling a small hole in
one pintle below the gudgeon and putting a cotter
pin through the hole.
Or you can simply put a screw or eye screw in
your transom, and run some cord or wire from the
rudder stock through it or around it.
halves together. The most successful way I’ve used Note also that if you make the slide wider at the
to avoid glue where I don’t want it is to get the top than at the bottom, and form the receceiver to
parts all glued up and assembled with clamps, match its shape, the slide will drop in and fit itself
keeping the glue off" the flex line as much as possi¬ tightly without falling out.
ble. Then use a syringe or squirt bottle to saturate
the flex line with vinegar, working it through the
fibers, before the glue starts to set. The acetic acid
neutralizes the amines in the epoxy hardener, so it
won’t polymerize. The clamped parts won’t allow
the vinegar to reach the glue on the strapping
between them, so it goes off where you want it to.
apply lots of glue between the layers, place the to the widest beam of the hull. The leeboard pivots
layers on top of each other on a flat surface, and tap on a bolt that attaches to or through the lower
light nails through the stack so that the layers can’t leeboard guard. The board will always be mounted
slide around on each other. Then place something such that it is parallel with the centerline of the
like concrete blocks on the stack of layers to apply boat. Usually it will be mounted to be vertical
pressure. Then walk away until the glue has set hard. when the hull is level, but not always—sometimes
Trim the glued-up leeboard blank to final shape. the leeboard is mounted parallel to the flared side
Then streamline the front and aft edges that will of a hull, thus angling in under the boat. Is that
flow through the water. Don’t just round the edges bad? Most likely you would never notice the effect
with a router bit. It doesn’t have to be carved to a of the nonvertical leeboard.
full airfoil shape, but I would suggest something Lower leeboard guard: The first step in install¬
like this: ing the leeboard is to locate the leeboard pivot
point on the hull. The sail rig drawing will show
The Leeboard Guards later. The biggest challenge will be to cut the inside
face of the guard so that it will fit tightly to the
curve of the side, and yet account for the flare of
This is the only tricky7 thing about leeboards but
the hull’s side and mount perpendicular to the
1 think it is still a lot simpler than any centerboard
or daggerboard case.
Here is how I have done that. First I place the
Here is the situation. The leeboard will be at¬
oversized lumber guard piece right above its final
tached to one side of the hull, always at or very near
location, right against the wale, and scribe (that is, final shape. Drill the pivot hole. Glue and screw
trace) the shape of the side there right onto the the lower leeboard guard into position.
guard piece. So I’m using the wale shape in that Now you can try mounting the leeboard to see if
area as a guide to the guard shape. Then I set a saw the pivot hole location is right.
(a bandsaw works fine but so will a saber saw with
a good blade) at an angle equal to the flare of the Upper leeboard guard: Usually the best way to
side. For Mayfly that’s a 10-degree angle. Then I make this guard is to laminate it from several layers
saw to the scribed line at that angle. It should fit! of thinner plywood. The upper guard will be glued
Sand down any bumps if necessary. Screw it into and bolted to the wale. If the wale has a lot of sheer
position temporarily. (curvature when viewed from the side), then the
Next we need to locate the outer face of the upper guard is sometimes best laminated clamped
lower guard such that the leeboard will be parallel right on the wale so that it will start its life curved
to the hull centerline and be vertical. The leeboard in the same way as the wale. As with the lower
will bear on the wale. Place a level on the wale right guard, start with a blank that is well oversized.
at the leeboard pivot location like this: Once the blank for the upper guard has been
glued up, place it on the wale and scribe the inner
edge to fit against the hull. Trim that edge to shape
and clamp the blank into position. Almost always
External Stem
SET OF OARS oars. For example, for a pair of 7-foot oars, I buy a
board 14 feet long if I can. That way the oars will
be a close match on weight, stiffness, and color. I
like to use soft wood like pine, as it’s easy to work
I’m going to show drawings for 7-foot oars, and makes a light oar. It need not be clear wood,
which I’ve found to be about the most useful length.
30" 2H
2C T
□ 0
Bolger Oarlocks
cotter pin
Try making your own sails. If you can make a
boat hull, then you can make the sails. True, it takes
some tools and talent that a lot of us may not have,
but the tools—a home sewing machine and a grom¬
met tool—are common and good to have around (or
at least they’re easy to borrow), and the talent can be
learned. This is not the making of wedding dresses,
more or less an industrial-strength talent.
Shaping Sails
Columbia City, IN 46725, 800-348-2769, Be sure to practice and don’t sew on the real sail until you are getting good seams while practicing
When you order Dacron sailcloth for almost any with the real materials. I suppose it’s like welding
sail, the prudent thing to do is order about 50 in that respect. Be sure to fill up several bobbins,
percent more than the sail area requires. For exam¬ maybe three, before you start, and run a short test
ple tor this 75-square-foot sail you would order seam every time you change bobbins or thread just
about 112 square feet of sailcloth, which would be to be sure everything is correct.
about 12 yards. What you want to get is 4-ounce Also needed will be a heated cutter. A soldering
cloth 36" wide, which is usually the standard. It’s iron with a blade tip is what I use. The idea is to cut
very nice stuff, marked with a line Vi" from its edge the sailcloth with a heated edge, which will at the
to make seam alignment very simple and easy. same time melt the edge threads together to pre¬
Other things to get at the same time might be a vent unraveling.
roll of W'-wide basting tape (narrow double-sided Lastly, you will need a set of grommet tools and
Mylar tape) to tape the panels together for sewing, a hammer.
a 1-ounce cone of V-69 polyester thread, and a
package of #3 “Handi-Grommets” (and the simple A Place to Work
tools needed to set the grommets). That’s about it.
As I’m wTiting this the above materials would
It takes a pretty big flat place to make a sail. In
cost about $150. The same sail in white polytarp,
fact, my usual advice is to make the sail before you
which would still require the thread and grom¬
make the hull! The sail takes up about the same
mets, might cost $40.
work space as the hull. If you make the sail first,
you can bundle it up and toss it in a closet, clearing
Tools the work space for the hull. And you will have the
hurdle of sailmaking behind you.
The main tool you will need is an ordinary home The work space should be fairly flat, but any
sewing machine that does zigzag stitching. I’ve garage, driveway, parking lot, or deck is good
found that a good home machine with a number 16 enough. Doesn’t have to be perfect. You will need
needle will sew Dacron sailcloth fairly easily. Sewing to be able to draw the sail shape on it. I usually use
sailcloth presents two problems to a home machine. ordinary pencil on concrete. If you are lucky enough
First, it is very slick, such that the standard feeder to have a wooden floor to work on, you can usually
foot is not very reliable. You can adjust the foot “draw” the sail shape with masking tape so you
pressure to the maximum, but heroics and modifica¬ won’t have to mark the wood with permanent lines.
tions aren’t needed. Always keep in mind, though, On a black driveway I would think chalk lines
that pushing the material through by hand at the would show well enough. Perhaps better yet would
right pace to get even stitch length will be required. be a stone pencil such as used to mark on steel.
The second challenge sailcloth presents to a
home machine is that it is very sturdy and thick Laying Out the Pattern
compared to dress cloths. In the sail’s corners
where there might be four layers of cloth built up,
Start with the basic pattern. Use a steel tape
the machine may have trouble punching through
measure to lay out one side, for example the 10' 6"
it all. But I’ve found a home machine will go
foot. Pivot the tape measure at one of that side’s
through a lot more than that. In those areas you
end points and swing an arc equal in length to one
may have to give the hand w'heel on the machine a
of the other sides, say the 4' 9" luff. Then pivot the
turn as you press the motor pedal in order to get
tape at the other end of the leech and swing an arc
through the first few punches, but once moving the
equal to the third side, the 10' 4" diagonal. Mark
machine will usually punch through on its own.
where the luff arc intersects the diagonal’s arc.
I think that is about all I can say besides the
Connect the three points by snapping chalk lines.
general advice of reading over the machine’s manual
The basic shape of the bottom triangle is now done.
and setting the thread path and tension correctly.
To effect this seam, mark the first panel with a
pencil tick mark 20" in from the foot and 17" from
the head. Then mark at the foot a seam overlap
total width of 1 V4" and mark at the head of the
seam a total overlap of 7/8".
Lay a piece of basting tape down over the first
seam edge on the first panel and remove the tape’s
backing paper. Then lay the second panel over the
first with the proper overlap, starting at the foot
and working upward, pasting the second panel to
the first with the basting tape.
The ends of the panels should overlap the
tweaked lines by about 3". That seam is done for
now. Move on to the next. (Note that the cloth that Finishing the Dacron Sail
you have taped together will no longer lay flat on the
floor since it now has a 3D shape formed into it.)
You are in the homestretch.
Flip the roll over again and cut the third panel.
Lay the sail flat again and mark the cloth at the
Tape this panel to the second one as before.
tweaked lines and again 1Vi' outside the tweaked
And so forth up the sail to the tack of the sail.
lines for material to fold over as a hem.
Cut the perimeter around the sail at that outside
line with your heat cutter.
Sewing the Panels
Mark the corners to take corner patches
(reinforcements) about 6" long on a side. Using the
Roll the sail up in a fairly tight roll from leech to
heat cutter, cut material for the reinforcements
luff and use tape or clothespins to keep it rolled.
using two extra layers of cloth at each corner for a
One of the most difficult parts of making a sail is
total of three layers of cloth. Paste the corner
managing the cloth while sewing it. This is a small
patches down with basting tape and sew them
sail, but before you are done you will have an
down with the zigzag stitch. These should be sewn
appreciation for making a big sail.
down very well with a seam across the middle in
Place your sewing machine on the floor such
addition to a seam to hold down the inside edge.
that the sail roll can be fed through it easily and
Now fold over the hem material and paste it
without distorting the roll. You will have to operate
down with the basting tape, pasting it right over the
the machine while sitting on the floor, so spend a
outer edges of the corner patches. Lastly, sew the
few minutes finding a comfortable way to do that.
hem down with a zigzag stitch.
I usually sew in stocking feet and very comfortable
You are done sewing!
loose clothes while sitting low on a couple of boat
Set your machine to sew the largest possible zig¬ Install the Grommets
zag, which is usually about 2/10" wide. All the cross¬
panel seams will be done with two zigzag stitches, Practice with the grommet tool with scrap first.
one down each edge of the lapped seam. Practice on In the corners you may be punching through up to
a piece of scrap. five layers, but even a cheap set of grommet tools
The general way of handling the sailcloth is as will do that. Don’t press the grommets in so hard
two rolls with the seam in the center. Start with the that they cut the cloth. But press them in hard
easiest seam first, the short one at the luff. That enough so that you can’t spin them inside the
done, reroll the cloth to work on the next seams cloth. Place a grommet in each corner and one
until you have the whole blank sewn together. about every fifteen inches along the sail edges.
Your sail is done!
MAKING A points are even with that plane. The sail is now a
three dimensional figure, sort of a double wedge, a
Basic Balance
The Grommets
fin -force = the sail area fore or aft. You can see that a small
Sai I forte —
Sai 1 rifofoer force amount of rake will move the mast head quite a bit
■force and the entire sail will go with the masthead. Old-
time boats had adjustable mast steps or partners.
On my designs you can usually shim the mast
partner on the bulkhead It’s one place where
vJeofVicr Mclm tinkering pays off. Making a mast a bit longer than
rudder shown on the plans is also almost always a good
idea as it allows for this tinkering, not to mention
4in -force. real life stretch of the rigging.
Tying on the Sail
I greatly prefer individual ties through the grom¬
mets, although lacing looks neater. But the individ¬
ual ties allow for last-ditch sail shaping. If you think
you need more round in the head of the sail, for
•fin force. —
example, you could make the ties in the center of
Sft'i \ fvree. 1-
rudder force- the yard tighter than those on the ends. Also, a
f ia force. failure of a tie or two is of little consequence, where
a failure of a lacing line will be total.
result in a faster boat. If the skipper falls overboard
One important note: The ties in the corners take
the boat should rotate into the wind and stall and
most of the load. They should be tied as shown in
with luck wait for the skipper. A light weather helm
the figure in two directions.
is considered to be ideal.
Now take the case of the builder who modifies
the rig so that the sail area centers forward of the
leeboard. This might be by changing to a rig style
with a jib, or perhaps by relocating the mast for¬
ward. Now the two opposing giant fingers on sail
and leeboard are not in a vertical line, and the boat
will want to rotate around the leeboard, bow going
dowmwind. To hold the bow on course, the skipper
must correct by pushing the tiller as in the bottom
of the figure. This is called “lee helm.” Lee helm
will increase the reaction load on the leeboard. If
the skipper falls overboard the boat will turn down¬
You can use good stout cord (a 50-foot length of
wind and take off without him. Lee helm is usually
1/8" Dacron cord is extremely useful and costs only
not considered to be good.
a few bucks) or you can use larger-sized nylon cable
So the way I like to approach it is to keep the
center of the sail area directly above the aft half of
the leeboard. You might find lots of variations on
the rules that hope to provide proper helm feel. Try Halyard and Yard Attachment
them if you wish. But keep in mind that if you
build the boat and it has lee helm, you need to For most of my small boats, V4" Dacron line will
move the sail area aft. If you have excessive weather serve for halyard and sheet, and for the shorter
helm, the sail area needs to be moved forward. lengths like the tack line. You can buy it at most
One of the most effective ways to trim the boat, boat supply stores, or via Hamilton Marine’s cata¬
helmwise, is to rake the mast as required to move log, or from Sailrite.
The balanced lug sail pivots around the mast. I around the mast before going to the masthead. It
guess all sails do. But the balanced lug has the mast will stay loose until the yard is hauled up all the
running through its middle somewhere, as do way. Then additional tension in the halyard con¬
other lugsails, junk sails, and lateens. While the stricts the noose (until it hits the stopper knot) and
mast may interfere somewhat with the aerodynam¬ secures the yard to the mast. You will need rollers
ics of the sail, great benefit is gained in proper on the noose to keep the halyard from binding on
“balance” of the sail areas that are in front of the the mast. I have a feeling that this is the most
mast. In particular, if things are properly placed, reliable system.
the sail will twist less than similar sails that use the
mast as a leading edge. As a result the lug is a low
tech sail that can be more efficient to windward
than you might expect.
One trick to rigging these efficiently is to get the
“balance” correct. By my experience the yard
should be hoisted about 40 percent aft on the yard.
If you hoist farther forward than that you will get
harmful sail twist when sailing to windward. Hoist¬
ing too far aft can make the sail uncontrollable. I
have often seen in the older literature the advice to
hoist at 33 percent aft. That will work okay but it
has been my experience that all the stretches and
sags in the system conspire to pull the sail aft with
respect to the mast. So if you tie the halyard to the
yard at 40 percent, in use the sail swings aft very
close to that 33 percent value.
You see the designer has little choice of mast Third, the “hoop method” works well with
placement once the sail has been chosen. The round and slippery masts. A loose, slippery ring is
leeboard can only go at the hull’s widest beam. The simply dropped over the halyard and mast, not
sail area must center right above it. The mast must even tied to the halyard or yard. I use this system
cross the yard at a certain point. on my Piccup Pram using a section of large PVC
We need to rig the halyard so the sail stays near pipe as a ring. I think this would be the preferred
that 40 percent position by binding it somehow to method for any smaller boat.
the mast. This is especially important while reefed
or while in rough water that wall force the yard to
bang back and forth on the mast. I know of three
suggestions. halyard
First, for small simple boats that won’t be
reefed, the best solution is to run the halyard
through a simple hole drilled near the top of the
mast, tie it to the 40 percent position on the yard
through chocks, and hoist solidly to the top of the
mast. There must be a small amount of slack at the
masthead, of course, to allow the yard to swing
around the mast but that will appear automatically
when you tension the sail with the tack line. This
system’s weakness is that if you need to reef the sail,
the yard will be swinging loose from the mast.
Second, you can try the tightening noose system
shown below. Here the halyard runs in a loose loop
The Tack Line force of the wind in the sail, stress folds called girts
will appear in the sail. If the girt runs from throat
to clew, you need more tension. If the girt runs
from head to tack, you either have it right or can
reduce the tension. A perfect setting will have no
girts. Usually at the initial setup I put in a good girt
from peak to tack. Then I watch it while sailing to
see if that girt disappears. Then when convenient I
trim as required. Remember that changing sailing
conditions will change the tension requirements.
I can tell you as a general rule you will be better
off having too much tension in the sail than not
Sailing Advice
Tim *»Ot*u**
*<•**., /tts
General note: Construction shown is about the
minimum for a low-powered boat, say 5 to 10 hp.
Consider increasing material sizes if more power is
Jonsboat is just a jonboat. But where I live that
says a lot because most of the boats around here are
1. Make the bow block 1 Vi" thick. Cut it from a
jonboats, and for a good reason. These things float
2x4. Note that extra material beyond basic dimen¬
on dew if the motor is swung up. This one shows
sions is required to allow for bottom and side edge
640 pounds of displacement with only 3" of draft.
bevels. (Top edge bevel to be trimmed on assem¬
That should float the hull, a small motor, and two
bly.) Mark centerlines boldly.
medium-sized men with gear. The shape of the hull
2. Cut bulkhead 2 from VC plywood with fram¬
encourages fast speeds in smooth water and I’d say
ing from VC lumber. Note limber holes at bottom
this one will plane with a 10-horse motor at that
corners to drain water. Mark centerlines boldly.
weight, although “planing” is often in the eye of the
3. Cut frame 6 from VC plywood with 3/C-thick
beholder. I’d use a 9.9 hp motor on one of these
framing. Note limber holes. Mark centerlines boldly.
myself to allow use on the many beautiful small
4. Cut frame 12.5 the same as frame 6.
lakes we have here, which are limited to 10 hp. The
5. Temporary form 9.5 from Vi" plywood with
Coast Guard would limit it to 15 hp max. I kept
VC framing screwed to perimeter. Mark centerlines
the center of Jonsboat wide open as I usually like to
boldly. Note that the plywood is later salvaged to
do, but another thwart could be added straight
make the stern knees.
6. Stern transom from Vi" plywood with framing
I usually study the shapes of commercial welded
lVi" thick. Note that extra material beyond basic
aluminum jonboats. It is surprising to see the little
dimensions is required to allow for reverse bevels.
touches the builders have worked in to such a
Mark centerlines boldly. Motor board from 1 Vi" x
simple idea. I guess they make these things by the
5Vi" with top edge beveled 15 degrees. The 17VC
thousands, and it is worthwhile to deal with the
height of the transom will probably need to be cut
details. Anyway, Jonsboat is a plywood copy of a
down for short-shaft motors (usually about 15") or
livery boat I saw turned upside down for the win¬
built up for long-shaft motors (usually about 20").
ter. What struck me about it was that its bottom
The proper transom height will place the cavitation
was constant width from stem to stern even though
plate of the motor, which is the small flat plate
the sides had flare and curvature. When I got home
above the propeller, about 1" below the bottom of
I figured out how they did it and copied it. I don’t
the boat.
know if it gives a superior shape in any way, but the
7. Cut the sides from VC plywood to shape
bottom of this boat is planked by two constant
shown on sheet 2. Mark the locations of frames,
width sheets of plywood.
form, and bulkhead boldly. Make the butt strap
There is nothing to building Jonsboat. There are
from VC x 3 Vi" lumber, or equal (plywood, or
five sheets of plywood; I’m suggesting Vi" for the
fiberglass strips).
bottom and VC for everything else. It’s all stuck
—Begin assembly by screwing the sides to tempo¬
together with glue and nails using no lofting or jigs.
rary form 9.5. Install the stern transom, and frames
I always suggest glassing the chines for abrasion
6 and 12.5 with glue and nails. Draw the bow ends
resistance, but I’ve never glassed more than that on
in with rope, and install bulkhead 2 and the bow
my own boats and haven’t regretted it. The cost,
block with glue and nails. Keep the assembly in a
mess, and added labor of glassing the whole hull is
straight and untwisted position.
enormous for a boat that’s stored out of the water.
8. Make the wales from triple laminations of 3/C
My pocketbook and patience won’t stand it. Glass¬
x 1 Vi". The inner lamination should have 19-de-
ing the bottom is different, by the way, because it
gree bevel on top edge to provide a flat for deck and
doesn’t show and need not be glassy smooth. No
knees. The bevel should be cut before assembly.
fussy finishing required.
9. Cut your chine logs to 3/C x 1 VC with a
There are variations allowed, of course. The The Real Trick to Getting
spacing of the wire twists can be anything needed
to secure the panel into position. You may need a Good Taped Seam ...
more wires in places. Some folks don’t use wire.
John Bell used nylon wire ties on his Sportdory. ... is to do a seam all at once. That would mean
Not all panels are edge to edge, of course. Bulk¬ putting down the fillet and then the tape straight
heads are sort of T joints and are a bit trickier to fit. into it before the fillet sets, and painting epoxy over
They would join like this: the tape. If more than one layer of glass is involved,
you put the extra layers right onto the first ones
before they set. This way you avoid all the nasty
sanding you face if you let a layer cure first. (Any
cured resin system must be sanded before applying
another layer, or paint.) It saves a tremendous
amount of work. And you can be sure the whole
thing is bonded together. So when you start, you
must have all your stuff together and ready to go.
If you give the tape a gentle tug from one end or the
other, its edges will usually straighten out nicely
along the seam.
Usually I advise more than one layer of glass on
the outer seams to allow for some abrasion. Often
I will put a layer of glass cloth over the bottom
panel for the same reason. I have never glassed the
total exterior or interior of any of my boats.
The second layer of tape goes right over the first
before the first cures. Saturate well. Look for dry
spots that will appear white whereas saturated glass
appears clear. The edge of the second layer should
be staggered a bit from the first layer like this to
prevent a big ridge on the edge.
Final Work
You’re done!
SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROBOTE —When that has cured, invert the hull, trim the
wire twists, fair the outer seams with thickened
1. Cut the bottom panels from lA" plywood to epoxy, and add two layers of 3"-wide fiberglass tape
shape shown on plans. Butt straps from one layer set in unthickened epoxy as shown.
of 3" glass tape set in epoxy on each side of joint. —When cured turn the hull upright, remove the
(Butt joint could also be made from plywood or temporary forms, and complete the taping of the
lumber, but the butt plate would have to be kept interior.
about 1 Vi" from edge to allow for the taping of the 10. Skeg from 3A" x 31/2". Bed in place with a very
seams later.) Mark form locations boldly. fast-setting putty such as Bondo, or thickened ep¬
2. Make temporary forms from W plywood with oxy. Fillet the joints with thickened epoxy and
3A" x 1" edge cleats and W'-thick butt plates across secure with two layers of fiberglass tape set in epoxy.
centers of forms 5, 8, and 11 to join the two form 11. Suggested seat from 3A" x 10" lumber. Its best
halves together. Mark centerlines boldly. No bevels location will be determined by trial and error for
required. level hull trim. In a similar boat I was able to leave
3. Cut the transom from V4" plywood with top this seat board loose—it would wedge into position
and side sticks from 3A" x 1". Side edges beveled as held in by my weight.
shown. Note that side stick extends beyond edge of —Once the best seat position is found, note the
plywood to allow for the reverse bevel. Mark center¬ location of your heels on the bottom and install
lines boldly. foot braces, about 1" square and 6" long, at those
4. Cut the stem about 14" long to full-sized locations.
pattern, length to be trimmed after assembly to
sides. Mark centerline boldly. This boat should take two adults—make separate
5. Cut the side panels from lA" plywood to fore and aft removable seats from 3A” x 10" lumber.
pattern shown. Butt straps from fiberglass, as with
bottom. Mark form locations boldly.
—Begin assembly by screwing the sides to form
8. Pull the side ends in with ropes and install forms
5, 11, and 2 with screws. Install the stem piece with
glue and temporary screws. Install the transom
with glue and nails. Maintain the hull straight and
untwisted on sawhorses.
6. Cut the wales: two laminations of 3/4" x 1"
to finish 1" deep and 1Vi wide.
7. Cross bracing from 3/4M x 3Vi" glued and well
fastened to wales.
8. Stern cap from 3/4M x 2" glued and well fas¬
tened to wales.
9. Bow cap from 3/4" x 5Vi" glued and well fas¬
tened to wales.
—Install the bottom panels by screwing to the
temporary forms. The panels should align edge to
edge around their entire perimeter.
—Secure the perimeters with twisted wire loops
as shown in the figure, the loops about every 12",
closer where needed.
—Apply a fillet of thickened epoxy around the
inner seams, skipping the regions close to the forms
for now, and before the epoxy sets, top the fillets
with 3" fiberglass tape set in unthickened epoxy.
you should be. Have the observer tell you how the
trim is—both the stem and stern should be out of
the water. Keep moving around until you have it
just right.
Let’s review the basics of how you are supposed
USING YOUR BOAT to sit in a rowing boat. Face aft, that is, backward,
toward the transom. Your seat should be high
enough that the wale will be about at your belly-
button level. When you dip the oars into the water,
the oar handles should be about at the level of your
This moving around to get the trim just right is
one reason I don’t like to show fixed seats in my
Rowing boats. A movable ditty box/seat is a better bet.
Once you get it right, take note of where you
It would do well to review some elements of should be sitting. That’s where you will need to be
using arm-powered boats like rowboats and every time you go out solo. If you are to use the
pirogues, canoes, and kayaks. boat with a passenger, you should go through the
same process again.
Trim If you have a rowing boat, the oarlocks will need
to be placed to give comfort while you row from
This applies to all boats but especially to lighter your special position. The lock locations I show on
boats where the crew weight can make up the the drawings are my best guess at where they
majority of the total. Where you sit make can make should be, but I do get it wrong sometimes. Here is
a huge difference in the performance of the boat. a trick that worked well on a new rowboat: There
were no oarlocks installed before the first launch.
What is important is that the stem and stern
should both be clear of the water when the boat is Instead we tightly fastened big C clamps where we
thought the locks should go, with the shafts of the
trimmed properly.
clamps sticking upward. The oars were lashed to
If the stem starts to push down into the water
the shafts of the clamps like they did in the old days
because there is too much weight forward, the boat
with thole pins. Then we got in the boat, checked
will slow because the flow is getting churned up
the trim, and moved the clamps around to where
there. And the boat will become cranky in han¬
the rowing was comfortable and efficient. Those
dling because more drag will come from the bow
positions were marked, and the oarlocks were in¬
and the stern may try to pass the bow, wanting to
stalled in those positions.
swap ends all the time.
If the stem is pushed down into the water so
that some of the flat vertical transom surface goes Oar Length and Placement
below the water, the boat will slow noticeably be¬
for Fixed-Seat Rowing
cause the drag will go way up.
So it pays very well to keep the boat trimmed
The illustration below shows a fixed-seat rower.
You do that by shifting your weight fore and aft
His rear is attached to the boat by friction to the
in the boat until the boat is trimmed right. It is not
seat. His feet should be braced against solid foot
that easy to do by yourself. You can seldom see the
braces, although having the feet just resting on the
trim well enough from inside the boat to get it just
floor is sufficient for mild rowing. The handles of
right. So one of the first things you do with any
the oars are usually about chest high when he pulls.
new boat is to put it in the water, loosely tied to the
The oar handles may overlap each other during
dock. Have an observer on the dock. Get inside the
some portions of the pull, although it’s more com-
boat and get seated comfortably where you think
Now let’s imagine the rower encounters a head¬ overlap of the handles will develop, which many
wind that slows the boat to 3 mph. How does he people find very awkward. And the long oars may
match his power to the new speed.7 If the rower simply be a bother in confined rowing areas.
slides the oars in so that 32" is inboard of the locks The general rule for the length of oars is about
and 52" is outboard, his 2 mph, 9 pound applica¬ twice the beam of the boat. But if you apply that
tion at each handle will be geared up to 3.2 mph at rule blindly, sometimes silly things can happen. I
the blades. As shown, the blade will balance now recall the oar length question being asked for a
with 5.5 pounds of force at the blade. That’s an nine-foot dink with a five-foot beam. All the first
increase over the first condition and it’s that extra answerers replied that the proper oar length for the
blade force that will help push through the head¬ boat was ten feet, and next came all sorts of ques¬
wind. tions about how to make the oars break apart so
they could be stored in that short boat. Finally
someone said those responders might be long on
2 mph
A 4 mph theory and short on common sense. A short wide
boat like that is never going to be fast, and seven-
91b. piil 4.5 lb. thrust
foot oars would be plenty.
Here is how I look at it. The classic lock location
^13.5 lb. pin reaction
4 of 68 percent in from the tip is a very good starting
2 mph spot, but not sacred. For a 7-foot oar that would be
5 mph
?9 lb. pull
3.6 lb f 27" from the pivot to the handle end. I think most
of us can row okay with handles overlapping about
^— 24" 60" 6" to having them apart about the width of our
v 12.6 lb. pin reaction shoulders, say 20". So to me a 7-foot oar might do
well with boats ranging from 48" to 74" oarlock
spread. Quite a variety! I’ve used the same 7-foot
oars on everything from my 7-foot dink to a 24-foot
sharpie, and they were just right for both. Oars
shorter than 6 feet swing through inefficient angles
for the normal rower, and I’d avoid them.
Sometime, though, you might want to make a
You can see from the above discussion that shortened pair that can stow neatly in the cockpit
rowlocks that are pinned to the oars in one posi¬ of a boat. Mayfly’s cockpit will fit a pair of oars six
tion don’t allow this change of gears, so to speak. and a half feet long, pushed against the sides so as
By moving the oars in and out just over an 8" range to leave full room for sitting.
we have “regeared” the boat speed to vary over 50 I’ve never used oars longer than seven feet, al¬
percent without changing the handle force or though some boats might need them. With longer
speed. oars one must be very careful that they are well
balanced such that you aren’t fighting the weight of
the blades with every stroke. Factory oars are sel¬
Oar Length
dom well balanced and that is one reason they can
be really miserable.
And you can see that the total length of the oar
I’ll tell a Phil Bolger story about the subject to
might not really enter into the above discussion.
show how important the balance is. In the early
Only the relative location of the pivot point affects
1990s Phil had built a lapstrake rowing boat for his
the gearing of the oar. But the length of the oar
own use and had custom 9-foot spoon-bladed oars
does have effects. The longer the oar, the less of an
made for it. He said they were miserable. One day he
angle it will sweep through, and the more efficient
clamped lead weights to the handles with hose
it becomes. Also, the oar must be long enough so
clamps to balance those oars. Then they were beauti¬
that the handles fall conveniently at the hands. But
ful! A complete transition in a few minutes of work.
an overly long oar can be a problem, too. An
He points out that adding lead weights on the inside Now Let’s Go for a Row
of the pivot allowed him to cheat on the 17/25
classic rule, sliding the oar more outboard and
Well, with the seating and oars figured out, it’s
“gearing up” the action as we mentioned earlier.
time to take it all out for the first row. Pick a calm
My Birdwatcher sharpie rowed quite well for
day. Never stand up in a rowing boat, at least not
such a large barge, twenty-four feet with a flat
without being very careful about it. Good rowing
bottom. The seven-foot oars passed through oar-
boats have to be narrow on the bottom in order to
ports that were about ten inches above the water
be fast, and that means they will be tippy. If you fall
and that gave the oars very good rowing geometry.
out of a rowing boat in deep water, there is a good
So I’ve been drawing oarports on most of my larger
chance you will never be able to get back into it and
boats, although few builders put them in. If you
going again. So stay seated! It should be added that
look at the diagram below you can see that the oar
if you stay seated, a rowing boat is one of the safest
in the oarport meets the water at a much shallower
boats around.
angle than the one on the high-freeboard gunwale.
Dip the oars into the water. The oars will have a
And on the recovery stroke it looks like the gun¬
natural floating depth. With the oars in the water,
wale oar needs about two times the rotation of the
make sure that the faces of the blades are perpen¬
oarport oar to clear the water. The high-freeboard
dicular to the water. With a little practice you will
gunwale oar looks to be the case for the long oar,
be able to tell that even without looking. If the
as you see in the ciiagram.
faces aren’t perpendicular to the water what will
happen is that as you pull on the handles the oar
blades will either dip deeper into the water, or will
7' oar on high gunwale
fly out of the water. You don’t want either of those
things to happen. If they do, twist the oars a bit in
your grip to give the blades a different angle to the
water and try again.
Next give the oars a light pull, equal effort on
each handle. The boat will spurt forward a bit; the
lighter and sleeker the boat, the greater the spurt.
The boat should go straight with each spurt. If it
doesn’t go straight (and there is no wind), you
Another very practical consideration is storing
aren’t pulling on the handles equally. Practice a bit.
the oars in the boat, as with the guy with the dink.
When you retrieve the oars to the starting position
My second homemade boat was a Bolger Jinni with
don’t lift the oar blades far out of the water. Just
a six-and-a-half-foot long cockpit. Bolger recom¬
clear of the water surface is good enough. View a
mended seven-foot oars, and that is what I started
point off your stern to keep the boat going straight.
with. In order to stow those oars in the cockpit I
Every now and then turn your head around to
had to cut holes in the aft bulkhead (not watertight
make sure you are indeed heading in the right
so it wasn’t a problem that way) to accept the oar
direction and there’s nothing in your way. You will
handles, and then those 7’ oars fell right in place.
get the hang of it with practice.
Later when I made Piccup Pram, which also had
At this stage keep your strokes light. As you gain
a six-and-a-half-foot cockpit, but solid bulkheads at
proficiency you can step up the effort and speed
each end, I went to six-and-a-half-foot oars for stor¬
and it will come to you naturally. As with any
age in the cockpit. But at times the oars would jam
physical effort, patient training is what pays off.
really tightly between those bulkheads. The solu¬
Eventually you will get into a rhythm that you
tion was to cut just 1" off the handles. They never
can check with your watch. Typically you will pull
jammed again.
about 30 strokes a minute. A good rowing boat will
move about its own length with each stroke and
not much faster. So a 14-foot boat like Robote will
go about 14 feet every stroke of two seconds’ dura-
R O W I MG 95
Some Very Basic Theory In the case shown the sail is acting as an airfoil,
and from what I’ve sketched it looks like the ratio
of the Lift to Drag is about 3:1. That might be
First, let’s look at what makes sailboats go. Then
typical of a low-tech sail. Really high-tech airfoils,
we’ll get to practical matters of what you need to do
such as the wings of a sailplane can, I think, achieve daggerboard or centerboard or leeboard is needed
a Lift to Drag ratio of 50:1 or 100:1. Occasionally to keep the hull from being pushed sideways.
a high-tech sail boat is made with a sail like an There is no getting around that, and the design of
airplane wing to tap into that potential but they such features is very important.
can be too fragile and complex for general use. The sicie forces caused by the sail and reacted to
by the boat’s keel don’t line up, of course. The sail
is way up there and the keel is way down there. The
Next, Add a Hull result is that the boat will try to tip over. It usually
can’t tip over all the way because as the boat tips, the
buoyancy increases on the side being forced down
Here is the very same sail and wind with a hull
into the water. The total buoyancy of the hull
added underneath:
(which equals the boat’s total weight) no longer
aligns with the boat’s center of gravity; the resulting
torque caused by the new alignment will balance
out the torque caused by the sail/keel situation.
See the diagram below. (The same effect can be
gotten by shifting the center of gravity of the boat
usually by sitting the crew to the windward side of
the hull.)
In General:
Sail side force = keel
Next, We Run
two being the “apparent wind.” For example, if the There is still a small side force, but the main
true wind were 10 knots from the north and the push is forward. The hull speed will start to sub¬
boat speeds up to 4 knots to the east, the sail feels tract from the true wind speed, so the apparent
an apparent wind that is the vector sum of those wind will decrease below the true wind speed.
two. In that case the apparent wind would be 10.8 If you need to stop quickly in this situation, you
knots from a direction of 22 degrees east of north. may not be able to do it. You must swing the boat
Really fast sailing machines, iceboats in particular, back into the wind.
generate a lot of their own wind.
II. Doing It
Sailing to Windward all is ready: the sail tightened to its best trim, the
rudder and board (leeboard, daggerboard, or cen¬
terboard) all ready to be dropped or pushed into
I’m going to start the sailing lessons with
position. Also make sure that any seating areas are
thoughts about sailing to windward. I know there
prepared, all the clutter cleared away, and the
is a saying that “gentlemen never sail to windward,”
mainsheet loose and not underfoot or fanny. If you
but the rest of us usually have to. The reason it is
are sitting on cushions, make sure they are in place.
important is that you often spend most of your
The point is that once in the water everything has
time sailing to windward. In general your progress
to be ready to go in a few seconds.
to windward is only one-half or one-third that of
Next you have to push the boat out into the
sailing downwind in the same breeze. For example,
water to position B. Here the water must be deep
if you had four hours available to you and had to
enough to get your rudder and board almost all the
start by sailing downwind, you might sail down¬
way down. She is still pointed into the wind. You
wind no more than an hour, then turn around to
can often walk a small boat out this deep and still
slog back into the wind for the next three hours.
hop in. My favorite way of getting to B is by getting
the boat out deep enough to float, jump in, grab an fix it. I’ve seen lug sails hoisted with the yard on
oar, and push out. With each push of the oar you one side of the mast and the boom on the other
will get a feel for the depth of the water. side! The most likely error will be twisting of the
Once at B make sure the rudder and board are sail that is limiting your forward drive. Often prob¬
pretty well down, make sure there is no clutter in lems like that are impossible to fix while afloat in a
the boat in your way, especially that the main sheet small boat. You can’t leave the tiller to fix things.
is free, and get seated. In a large boat the usual procedure is to run the
Give the boat one last push or give a flip to the boat under motor straight into the wind as the sails
rudder to turn the boat 90 degrees to the wind as are hoisted, effectively putting it into position B.
in position C. Make sure you’re sitting on the Once the sails are up the boat is turned to about 60
upwind side of the boat. If your weight is on the degrees off the wind with the motor still running,
downwind side, and the wind is also pushing the the sheets tightened to fill the sails. Once all is in
boat over to that side, you might find yourself wet order the motor is shut off and raised, assuming it
in a hurry. is an outboard. Trying to sail with the outboard
Pull in on the sheet a bit to fill the sail, and the down will result in a very slow and unresponsive
boat should move forward. Here is the reason for boat. You’re sailing to windward—almost.. .
all this posturing: A boat can’t sail to windward
without a bit of forward speed. The rudder usually Tacking
needs about 1 mph steerage speed to be effective.
The board usually needs a little more, especially
Most low-tech boats aren’t going to sail much
as the boat is turned to windward and the side
closer to the wind than about 50 degrees. To get to
loading caused by the sail becomes significant.
a goal straight to windward, you need to zigzag
That is why you arrange things to get speed right off
toward it. “Tacking” like this:
the bat and you make sure the rudder and board
are down. (Never tie or cleat the main sheet, at least
not while you are learning, and never in gusty
winds. Hold it in your hand. You will be able to
feel every tug of the wind.)
All this has to be done in a few seconds or you
will get blown back to shore. I’ve always shown
weighted rudders on my boats for that reason—they
take care of themselves. Rudders with wingnuts
don’t work when launching this way because the
skipper has to hang himself off the stern and fiddle
with the thing just when he has to take care of the
sail and the board—all in a few seconds.
Once the boat is moving and things are in order,
turn to about 60 degrees from the wind. Pull in on
the sheet until you feel you have maximized your
speed. One of the best ways to check your speed is
to look at your wake. “Feeling” speed without
looking at the wake can be deceptive—you can feel
yourself blasting along but when you look at the
wake you find yourself creeping along, not moving
at all, or maybe even going backward!
Continue on in that direction and double-check
You can see why sailing to a place to windward
your rudder and board to make sure they are down
takes a lot longer than going downwind. Even if
all the way. Check your sail trim for any gross
the boat were as fast close hauled to windward as
errors. If there is a gross error return to shore and
downwind, which is usually not true, the zigzag
tacking makes the actual path a lot longer. If you Simply keep the mainsheet in hand at the same
were tacking 60 degrees to each side of the wind, position. Steer yourself so the wind is hitting the
that path would be twice the straight-line distance. sail (on the new side) at the same angle as before.
If you could tack 45 degrees to each side the path Once on the new tack, pick up a little speed and let
would be 1.4 times the straight distance, so you can everything settle down.
see the value of a boat that is close winded. But a
boat going 60 degrees off the wind can be a lot
Here Are a Few Things That
faster in raw straight-line speed than the same boat
at 45 degrees off the wind. So a lot of experimenta¬ Can Go Wrong
tion is in order.
I’m usually in favor of sailing about 60 degrees You can get the mainsheet wrapped around
off the wind for two reasons. First the effect of something, including yourself, or you might end
waves, especially on a low-tech hull, is to slow the up sitting on it. Always make sure it is free and in
boat a lot. Usually the waves are perpendicular to a condition that allows you to release it quickly.
the wind so the closer you sail to the wind, the You can get overpowered by a gust of wind. If
harder you hit those waves. Second, if you are you do nothing, you might capsize. Release the
sailing in shifting winds, very common where I live, mainsheet and turn into the wind. Both of those
sailing really close to the wind makes for a lot of actions will depower the sail. Try to keep the boat
work. If you sail 45 degrees to the wind and the moving forward, though. Remember that if you
wind shifts 15 degrees, you will come to a full stop stop completely the rudder will give you no control.
if you don’t swerve to hold the angle. But at 60 The rudder and board can pop up. Both will
degrees off the wind, that wind shift will still gives result in sloppy handling and the inability to com¬
you forward thrust, and you can hold course. plete the tack. Keep an eye on them, and if the boat
Sailing really close to the wind is called starts to handle oddly always check them first.
“pinching,” and usually there is little future in it An outboard motor might be down and drag¬
because you don’t go fast at all. It can come in ging through the water. The boat will be really slow
handy sometimes when trying to clear a fixed object. and sluggish. Tie it up if you have to.
One thing to keep in mind as you tack is that the The boat won’t complete the tack, stalling be¬
sails produce no forward thrust as you swing fore getting through the wind and falling back on
through the wind, so the maneuver is done with the original tack. This is usually called “missing
momentum. You must have enough forward speed stays” for some reason. First check to see that the
to get through to the other side. Shallow light flat- rudder and leeboard are all the way down. Then go
bottomed boats and catamarans are the worst in back on the original tack, gather a lot of speed, and
that they lose momentum quickly. Rough water try again, being sure to move the rudder quickly
really can make tacking a challenge in that case, and and smoothly and with a good amount of deflec¬
really rough water can make tacking impossible. tion. A boat with a shallow hull and a deep narrow
Here is how to tack a small boat: Get settled on leeboard will spin like a top given half a chance.
the current tack at good speed and make sure all is The boat won’t tack no matter what! This is
in order, rudder and board down, no clutter in the almost always a sign that the sail/board alignment
boat, sheet free and not under you. Smoothly and is not correct. In particular the sail is usually too far
quickly deflect the tiller about 40 degrees to rotate forward or the leeboard too far aft. We designers
the boat through the eye of the wind and onto the try to get it close, but these items can require some
other tack. fine-tuning. Most likely this will mean a trip back
As you go through the wind you will have to to the shop to fix.
shift your weight over to the other (upwind) side of Sometimes a boat will go “in irons.” This usually
the boat to keep the boat level or heeled correctly happens while pinching, but it could also happen
(most boats sail best with about 15 degrees of heel). while tacking. What happens is that the boat stops
Sails like the ones I draw are “self-tacking,” mean¬ just short of windward and sticks there. With no
ing they require no handling as you rotate the boat. speed your rudder will not be effective; some boats
become quite stable in this condition, and you sort efficiency. But the feel of the boat can change a lot
of feel trapped. My first boat was a Hobie 16 with with different wind speeds; in particular the more
no jib and we spent about a half year in irons. a boat heels the more weather helm develops. A
With a little boat you can often get out of irons small amount of lee helm is very common in light winds.
by taking an oar and twisting the boat to a new The cure for lee helm is to move the sail area aft or
heading. The classic fix is to let the boat build up move the board forward.
some speed in reverse, which it will usually want to
do. Then you pull the boom to windward (called
Sailing on a Reach
“backwinding the sail”) while you push the tiller to
leeward, the result being the boat will want to
Reaching is sailing across the wind, more or less,
rotate around the rudder to point downwind.
like this:.
Then you let the boom swing out to leeward and
head off downwind to gather speed, get steerage,
and try again.
Wind A: ln "irons"
Drifting aft with no
boom to
push tiller REACH
even then the “pounds per square foot" loading conditions. Even when I’m sailing a long stretch
will be reduced compared to sailing to windward. downwind I make a point of swinging around into
You still need to tend to the sail and watch your the wind every now and then to see what the return
wake to guess at the ideal combination. trip might be like.
1 consider reaching to be safe because you can Long ago I had a Snark Mach 2, a low boardlike
pretty' well start and stop at any time by playing the boat, and took off dow'mvind in a good breeze on
sheet. a fabulous run. Eventually I stopped to turn to
As always there are things to watch out for. One windward and the next wave washed right over the
is that your boat will usually be aligned with the boat, as did every wave after it. It was a long wet trip
waves, and they might cause a deep roll. That used back. When you are sailing downwind you not
to be a problem with my Jinni, which had a fairly only feel a reduced wind, but are usually encounter¬
long boom. It would happen regularly at Carlyle ing the flat backside of the waves getting a false idea
Lake that we would get a 10-knot wind across 10 of the sea state. Often it’s not so much the wind
miles of lake, raising big lollipop waves at the lee that gets you, it’s the waves.
end of the lake. When reaching that wind was But even running downwind in big waves is
about enough to capsize the boat, and I’d ease the risky. That is how I capsizeci the Jinni. You come
sail out. But in the rolling boat that boom would flying down the steep backside of a wave, the bow
swing out and threaten to drag into the water with digs in a bit and slows down. But the stem keeps
each roll, and that also could capsize the boat. charging ahead and tries to pass the bow! The boat
Usually you can switch to a close reach or broad turns sideways in the wave and rolls deep to lee¬
reach to meet the waves at a different angle to avoid ward. An unballasted boat like Jinni will often keep
the problem. going right over. You’ve “broached.”
Another problem is that if you get caught reach¬ So keep an eye out.
ing in a big gust, the boat may capsize even if the
sail is let out. The flapping sail can have enough Jibing
drag to send you over. My Jinni capsized twice in
the years I used it, and once was in that way. I think
Here are three boats running downwind:
the thing to do is maintain some steerage speed
and point more into the wind. Your boat will have
more stability than when lying across the wind, and
you should be able to carefully play the mainsheet
to keep the sail depowered and yet keep the boat
moving enough for steerage.
Running Downwind
comes in a squeeze bottle with a nozzle, into the through that you can clean up and repair with
lower hole as air escapes out the top hole. When oil epoxy putty like JB Weld. Often the tank will have
comes out the top hole, the unit is full. Screw the a built-in finger strainer inside the outlet and it is
vent hole shut as you continue to apply pressure to itself a rust bucket or is completely clogged with
the squeeze bottle, and then quickly remove the rust or gunk. Remove it and throw it away. Most
bottle and replace the drain screw. likely you won’t be able to get a new one to fit, so
Check the prop edges for knicks and burrs. They you will have to adapt a new clear plastic inline
will usually smooth out very easily with sandpaper. filter, easily done. And you will have to replace all
It is amazing what a difference cleaning up the the old fuel lines and maybe the primer bulb if you
prop can make. I had one oldie that 1 thought had have a separate fuel tank. Plumb it all up, with the
lost its shear pin since the motor revved high with idea of replacing the fuel filter often to filter all the
all noise and no speed. The shear pin was intact junk from the system. (When you eventually go
and I was stumped until I sanded away a slight burr boating with the motor, take along a spare filter.)
that had formed on the leading edges of the prop. Usually right here I try to put a quart of fuel mix
That fixed it! into the system and start the motor on its carb. You
Now you need to mount the motor with the might try cleaning the carb first, I suppose, but on
lower unit in a tub of water such that water level is an older motor that can be like opening Pandora’s
perhaps 12" from the top of the motor mount. This box, and I’ve found it often isn’t required. You can
is to provide cooling water to the motor as we try use the choke, although I often go back to squirting
to start it for real. I have a big plastic trash can, less fuel into the carb throat to get a quick start. Don’t
than $10, that I use. It stays by that saw horse use starting fluid—remember that the only lubrica¬
mount all year for motor testing. NEVER START tion the motor is getting is from the oil in the fuel
MERSING THE LOWER UNIT! The motor Expect to pull the cord a lot of times. I have an
head may not need cooling for a minute or so but old Sears 5 that always needs 10 pulls to start and
the water pump, which is usually a rubber star- then it runs fine. Most motors will start cold,
shaped piece spinning in a metal case, has to have choked, on about the third pull when all is proper.
water in the case to act as a lubricant. Running it Some will pop on the first pull! Once the motor
dry for even a few seconds can damage it. But, you has started to pop, be ready to open the choke.
say, you have an air-cooled outboard? There are Many engines need quick action to open the choke
very very few outboard motors that don’t have after starting.
water pumps. Even the air-cooled powerheads such Until you get the mixture setting figured out
as the Clintons and Tecumsehs and West Bends of there will be trial and error. Most small motors
old often had water pumps that cooled the exhaust. seem to use needle settings of one turn from closed
Next I mix up some 16:1 gas/oil mixture and as a good starting point, although the common and
squirt a bit into the cylinder. Replace the spark popular Evinrude/Johnsons (which were also sold
plug. Pull the cord a few times. After a few pulls the as Sea Kings, Brooklines, Gales, etc., by depart¬
motor should start and rev a second or two until ment stores) have a main jet setting of a half turn
the fuel that you squirted in is used up. If it does and an idle jet of one turn. When you turn a jet
that, you have another indication that the ignition needle to its closed position, be gentle so you don’t
is okay. Passing that test, I next squirt some fuel deform the needle or seat, which you may not be
mixture into the carb throat and pull on the starter able to replace. Also, you may be able to get manu¬
again. If it runs for a few seconds, you could think als that give all the proper settings for your motor
the reeds are working okay and that the crankcase plus basic overhaul information. One of the best is
now has a charge of fuel and lubrication. Clymer’s Old Outboard Service Manual. And you
At this point I would check the fuel system for should look into meetings of the Antique Out¬
rust and dirt. There will usually be screens and board Motor Club. Not only will there will be a lot
filters. One problem with most old motors is rust of old motor expertise walking around, but there
in the fuel tanks. There might be pinholes rusted are often good usuable motors for sale cheap.
Keep at it until you can find the exact combina¬ the spark plug and its wire at this point. Place the
tion of choke, mixture, and cursing that will start flywheel back on the shaft without tightening it.
your motor reliably. Place the spark plug against the engine metal. Any
If you get this far and the motor will start and good ignition that I’ve worked with would spark
idle and run okay, you might try taking it out on just by spinning the flywheel by hand at this point.
your boat. But remember, things can shake loose at If so, put it back together. It’s important to get
any time. My 12 hp Sea King ran fine in the test, the flywheel nut on tightly, since it is friction of the
tank but its old coils were cracked and one quit tapered hub that secures the wheel—the key is just
when it got damp first time out on the lake. Be for alignment. Not that easy to do, since everything
prudent during those first few hours of operation. can turn so easily. The way I’ve seen it done is to
So a safer approach at this point, knowing you put a wrench on the nut, tighten it by hand, then
have a motor that is mechanically sound, might be sock that wrench hard with a hammer to impact it
to check up close the ignition and carb parts. into position.
Off with the cowling. On some motors If not, you have detective work to do. I must
(Johnsons and Evinrudes) you can inspect the igni¬ admit I’ve had a few that I couldn’t solve, at least
tion goodies through a hole in the flywheel. Others where I couldn’t get new ignition parts.
require that you remove the flywheel. The flywheel On to that carburetor. If you get a rebuilt kit,
nut may be stubborn; you may need to soak it a few rebuild it. Have bright light and clean paper down
days with penetrating oil. Then you might put a on your work space because there may be lots of
long wrench on it and whack the wrench handle tiny parts flying around. Remove the carb bowl and
with a hammer to break the friction. If you have clean it all out. On the older motors you can
the luxury of a flywheel puller, use it. If not, remove usually figure out the fuel passages, so remove the
the nut holding the flywheel, replace it such that it jets and blow it all clean and open. Put it all back
has about an eighth-inch clearance with the wheel, together and hope for the best.
have someone hold the flywheel, and lift up to With luck your old motor will be not only as
carry the weight of the motor on the wheel. Then good as when new, it will be as good as a new
hit the flywheel nut with a hammer. It should pop motor!
Remove the flywheel and inspect the electrics Clamp It On
underneath it. The coil should not be cracked. If it
is you should try to replace it, although I’ve heard
Outboard motors come in different lengths.
the cracks can be doctored with epoxy.
The usual measurement of the motor length is
At this point you have dug deep enough that
from the top of the transom to the cavitation plate,
you really should replace the points and
which is the small flat plate right above the propel¬
condensor—if you can get new ones. Motors such
ler (it stops air from being sucked down the shaft
as Johnsons and Evinrudes shine here because
into the prop area). The usual advice for a small
from the 1950s into the 70s they used common
motor is that the cavitation plate should be about
parts and were made in such numbers that repair
1" below the bottom of the boat. So a “short-shaft”
new parts are still being made. You can go to an
motor usually needs a 15"-deep transom on the
auto parts store such as NAPA and get new igni¬
typical powerboat. And a “long-shaft” motor usu¬
tion parts and water pump impellors at a reason¬
ally needs 20". You may have to extend your tran¬
able price. Other motors such as Clintons and
som up or cut it down depending on what motor
Tecumsehs were adapted lawn mower engines, and
you are using.
often you can get new ignition parts from a lawn
Clearly the prop needs to be deep enough in the
mower shop. Other brands can be troublesome.
water. And the water pump must be immersed. An
Sometimes you can doctor up the points with a
audible sign that your motor needs to be deeper
fine file. Replace them usually with .020" gap set¬
down is when you hear the exhaust “popping”
ting (often the proper gap setting is marked on the
louder if you walk forward to the bow.
flywheel or the ignition plate). You might replace
Can it be too deep? Apparently enough is
enough. It it is deeper than enough, you will have and same speed as the first run but 300 pounds
deeper draft than you need. And your boat will be heavier!
slower because you will be dragging more lower That was an accidental lesson in trim if there
unit through the water. Experts take a while to trim ever was one. Trim is especially important in a
it just right with shims. displacement boat, like a rowing boat or sailing
boat. But we learned that you can get a lot more
speed out of a powerboat by placing the weight
Transom Tilt
forward, at least for a power skiff hull like AF. That
is also true when the boat is on plane. So experi¬
This isn’t too critical for small motors. The
ment with weight placement to trim the boat for
common rake of the transom is 15 degrees, and all
better performance. Max built his AF4 with remote
motors are adjustable to some degree. Oddly
steering that puts his weight just behind the cabin.
enough, I’ve found only the cheap small motors
On mine, I made tiller extensions that allow me to
can be adjusted to a plumb transom as found on a
sit up right behind the cabin when I’m solo. If I
sailboat. The more expensive motors must have
have a passenger, I use a shorter extension and
some transom rake.
have the passenger ride up near the bow. With my
Remember that the push of the outboard motor
wife up forward, the AF4 is as fast on plane as it is
is below the water at the prop, not at the motor
with me solo sitting aft!
head. With the thrust down there and the drag of
Here is how I made a tiller extension. I got heavy-
the boat opposing it a few inches above, there is a
wall PVC pipe that was just a little too small to fit
tendency, all other things being equal, for the boat
over the tiller handle. Then I slit the end of the pipe
to rotate nose-up under the thrust. Tilting the
that was to go over the handle, and heated that end
motor head back will tend to reduce that, and
over a flame until the PVC got rubbery. Then,
tilting the motor head forward will increase it. To
wearing gloves, I pushed that end over the tiller
tell you the truth, on the motor boats I’ve had like
handle. It stretched a bit to get over the handle and
AF4 with power below 15 hp, I really can’t tell the
then I smoothed it down to a tight fit with my
difference in boat handling with different tilts. But
gloved hand. It took a few minutes for the PVC to
it is one area worth experimenting with, especially
set hard again, but once cooled it had a tight fit now
with higher power.
on the tiller. Pushed it on and secured it with a hose
clamp. Smaller motors that do not have twist-grip
Boat Trim throttles don’t need the hose clamp—just push the
pipe over the handle for steering.
Here is a true story. I was running tests with my
AF4 and several motors with my motorhead friend
Fuel Consumption
Max. We clamped on a 5 hp motor , the boat more
or less totally stripped at maybe 550 pounds includ¬
What I’ve noticed about my old outboards is
ing myself. We went 6 mph. We clamped a 10 hp
that their fuel consumption is never per anyone’s
Johnson on the stern, perhaps an extra 100 pounds
book. You shouldn’t run an outboard at full throt¬
back there with its fuel, so maybe 650 pounds total,
tle all the time if you want it to last long. And I’ve
and speed dropped to 5 mph running with just the
found the old ones aren’t totally happy lugging at
5 hp. Max got in, so now we were at about 850
low speeds all day. They are happiest between half
pounds. We were running the rig over a half mile
and two-thirds throttle. That is where most of them
to measure the speed, noting that all the weight was
start best, too, and with the little ones you might
really slowing things down. The stern wake was
think they could live their whole lives starting and
getting bigger and bigger as we added weight. Then
running at one speed.
Max walked toward the bow, his weight pressing
I’ve tried fuel consumption tests on all my mo-
the bow down and lifting the stern up, and the
tors although getting such measurements can be
motor rewed up instantly, the wake reduced great¬
difficult. I think the 3 hp motors burn Vi gallon an
ly, and we were back to 6 mph again! Same power
hour at all throttle settings, so there is little point
been boat camping in a sheltered cove, snug as a In this case once the gust had passed, there was
bug, with no idea of what was happening out on lots of time to deal with the disaster because it was
the big lake. I stuck my nose out to find the wind calm again. I righted the boat and gathered up my
was blowing maybe 1 5 knots or more and had been floating mess. But the rudder had unshipped itself!
doing so all night, raising whitecaps all over. I was A nearby powerboater helped gather it up and I
ignorant at the time and sped on to windward, went sailing. But if that rudder had fallen off in the
crashing into and through each wave. After about first capsize, I’m not sure I could have sailed back
a half hour I thought this was uncomfortable and to the cove. So since then I always wire my rudders
decided to head back, anticipating a fast enjoyable in place to keep them from slipping out of the
downhill run through the waves. The boat gudgeons. I also make sure the mast can’t fall out
broached sliding down the face of a wave, which is of its step and try to keep everything tidy and
to say the bow dug in and was caught by the stern, stowed in rough going.
the boat turning sideways on the wave face, and Well, enough of the stories. The point is to be
slowly turned over on its side. There was nothing prepared and take the weather seriously.
to be done about it but hang on and right the boat.
It came up half full of water, rolling very deeply
with each additional wave with me thinking it was So, What Can You Do
going over again every time. But it didn’t. I was able About the Weather?
to bail it out slowly with a one quart container after
my fancy pump had failed on the first pull when it
One reason I watch the signs of the wind closely
swallowed a line. You know, when you capsize in
as I drive to the lake is that I have options I can take
rough water everything goes to hell. Anything not
that will allow me to go boating even when things
tied down is lost, in this case the anchor, floor¬
aren’t perfect.
boards, oars, etc. Eventually the boat drifted back
Here is a cartoon of my local lake:
in the general direction of the cove and I got it
going again on a reach to the cove and the smooth
railroad causeway
water and the ramp and then home.
There was no one around to help because they
weren’t as stupid as I was at the time and knew
better than to go out in those conditions. And I
learned something from that—if you look out on
the waters and it seems rough and there is no one
else out there, you might consider staying in a cove.
A year later in the same boat I capsized under
very different conditions. This day the forecast
might have been winds 5 to 15 with gusts. It was
mostly quite light but every now and then a big
blow would pass, lasting maybe 10 or 20 seconds,
and then it would be light to calm again. There
were no waves. But I got caught broadside by a big
gust with my sheets tied to cleats and not enough
This is a large shallow lake which whitecaps in
speed to give me steerage (your boat needs to be
winds over about 12 knots. This is in the Midwest,
moving a knot or so for the rudder to supply
and conditions vary a lot around the country. But
steering). So I couldn’t swing the boat into the
I’m fairly certain that if you boat on the Gulf Coast
wind to ease the force on the sail by luffing. I did
or on the Chesapeake, you will have a similar
get to the sheet in time to untie it, but being
situation. The road I take to the lake arrives near
broadside to the wind, the flapping sail had
ramp 1, and that is where I can see the flags near
enough drag in the big gust to capsize the boat!
the restaurant with the twin arches and make a last
Again it went over in slow motion.
judgment on the wind.
Let’s say the wind is out of the south or south¬ about 1980 when I first got interested in homebuilt
west, very common in the summer here. And let’s boats. I think I had a little Snark Mach 2 then, sort
say the small branches by my house are moving of an inexpensive Sunfish. As I drove to the lake I
pretty briskly and the wind sock at the hospital is saw all the signs of a brisk south wind and I left my
nearly straight out. Then I figure the wind is about boat in the pickup truck and watched the other
15 knots and there will be whitecaps on the lake. sailors. One fellow showed up with his small sail¬
But not everywhere. I would figure the lake will be boat and family, launched, and headed out into
like this: the big lake downwind to the north. I decided he
was a much better sailor than I to go out with
railroad causeway
confidence like that. But he wasn’t. An hour or two
later he was towed back to ramp 1 with his sails
down, having found he couldn’t beat back to the
ramp through the waves. As he neared the ramp he
cast off his tow and got out his oars to row the last
little bit. But you can’t row a sailboat in high winds.
He drifted off downwind again out of control and
had to be rescued for the second time! I always
refer to this story to illustrate two things: Never sail
in whitecaps, and never sail in whitecaps with your
family! Most likely the man learned his lesson
about sailing on rough days, and his family might
have learned they didn’t like sailing ever.
So I would launch at ramps 2 or 4 and stay close
to home, swimming and watching more than sailing.
So I would figure the options for the small boat Let’s look at the lake in a west wind:
would be ramps 1, 2, and 4. Ramp 7 might be a
possibility but you could not leave the cove. Same
with ramps 2 and 4. You couldn’t leave those coves
out to the open lake but you might be completely
safe inside them—a capsize would be a mess but
probably a safe mess.
Launching at ramp 1 presents an interesting
situation. You would there have a good wind for
reaching back and forth a mile or two across the
lake in the lee of the dam where the water is
smooth. Most likely all the powerboats would be
there too, since the water-skiers also love that
smooth water there.
But you must be careful at ramp 1. As you look
out over the water from ramp 1 you will see noth¬
ing but smooth water in the lee of the dam. The
rough water is out there, out of sight. In fact, even
if you could see out there to the rough stuff you All the ramps on the west side are usable since
might not recognize it as such, since you will be they are on the weather side of the lake, that is to
seeing the back faces of the whitecaps. And if you say the wind is blowing away from that shore. The
launch there and drift north into the rough water entire west side of the lake should be smooth, but
or sail there in ignorance, you may not be able to once out on the big lake you must be careful to stay
sail back to the ramp! near the shore. But if you do that you can get in a
My favorite story about this lake happened lot of sailing. You can reach up and down that
shore at high speeds in smooth water, a wonderful .Again, ramps 2 and 4 and probably 7 and 8 are
situation. It wu decide to “do the lake." you might sheltered and sate, as are the northern ramps.
find really hard going on the east shore, i ou may One thing worth mentioning is what you might
find once there that vou can’t get back to the west do it you were to get into the rough srutt, finding
shore because ot the waves. That might be true ot yourself in a small sailboat without the ability to
any small boat, including a powerboat. sail back to the northern ramps and with no one
Ramps 7 and 8 might be usable it you stay in around to help. Your best option is to sail on a
those coves. close reach to the nearest sheltered cove. Usually
Let’s look at the lake in an east wind: the close reach allows good control, the ability to
rum into the wind to luff the sail to kill its power.
Again, ramps 2 and 4 are totally protected.
“How did you reboard the boat.7” would tend to wallow with the water in the cockpit
“I climbed on from the stern. I have a small step it I was off to one side or the other. I found turning
on the stem that also doubles as a support for my the rudder 90 degrees and using it as a handhold
mast cradle. I put my hands on the stem deck and helped to reboard. For those with limited ami
placed my foot on the step and climbed on board. strength a step on the rudder or a rope step on the
With the step it was easy to reboard and I could walk stem near the midline would be a great help for
around in the cockpit with the water in it and bail it reboarding.”
out. Gord then reboarded over the side, which was
much more difficult and his choice not mine.
“I did get out sailing this Sunday. I rolled the AF3 book beautiful. He has warned me that the mos¬
solo both ways in deep water. The AF3 seemed quitoes don’t show in the photos.
stable to well over 30 degrees and I had the distinct The capsize with two men on the cuddy deck is
feeling that 1 could have pushed it back upright no surprise. The boat was not designed tor that. In
until the point was reached that the water started to fact the idea behind the slot-top cabin is to do all
come over the coaming of the cockpit. I had my sail handling from inside the slot. You can do that
large sail on the boat at the time of the test (103 if the snotter attachment is kept within reach of a
square feet, 24-foot mast). Winds were almost non¬ person with his feet on the boat’s bottom. I suspect
existent. When it was rolled with the leeboard down the high snotter attachment Herb is using is to gain
in the water righting the boat was an easy task as all more sail efficiency. That is true enough, but after
I had to do was put light pressure on the board. having snotter tackles fail in one way or another I
When the leeboard was up out of the water I walked learned to keep the them well within reach.
with my hands along the chine log (it makes a good Actually the AF3 capsize seems very similar to
grip) to the leeboard and then pulled on the board my experiences with capsizing my old Jinni. Both
to pop the boat upright. The comment from the boats capsize well before they take water over the
yacht club spectators on the dock was that it came side. Jinni had less flotation and I think took on
up too easily. They wanted to see me struggle for a more water. I was able to reboard Jinni over the
while. When righted the boat had 6" of water in the side. It had lower sides and there seemed to be a
cockpit against the center bulkhead. I pulled myself trick to rolling over the side just as the boat was
on board via the stern. I found it easiest to board rolling upright. Then I had to be very careful to not
directly in the middle of the stern because the boat recapsize the boat because of the sloshing cockpit
water. And like AF3, Jinni couldn’t quite roll up-
under and recapsize the boat. I think the best the hull is floating in just a few inches of water, a
solution is to reboard over the stern. You’ll likely big wave can come along and slop into your
need a solid ladder or toehold to do that. Some¬ hatches—and there goes your flotation. The big
times the rudder can be rigged to be a step. I’ve open space between the boxes makes a good cock¬
never had luck with a rope ladder because my feet pit and sleep spot.
would swing under the boat as I tried to reboard.
Bottom Boxes
End Box Flotation
What if we put the airbox in the bottom half of
Next try an improvement. Figure 3 shows the the boat instead of in the ends, as in Figure 4? If we
boat fitted with watertight airboxes in each end, make a double bottom 9" above the real bottom
each 3 feet long such that only half the boat is the capsized boat will float 21/2M deep on its side as
open. We’ll assume the weight stays at 100 pounds. before.
Now what happens in a knockdown?
Figure 4
AND VENTS head, the builder of this boat had substituted two
vents, one on each side of the bulkhead like this:
So the basics are simple. Your boat will flood way to clamp the cover down hard.
through its openings. Keep them as small as possi¬ Removable commercial deck plates like the ones
ble and on centerline and you will stand half a that Beckson makes also are pretty good, I think,
chance of not swamping (or sinking) in a knock¬ and not too expensive. The larger ones will allow
down. you to reach a hand into the airbox to place small
items, but that is about it.
I’ve used very simple hatches on my boats, like
Now for Some
Piccup. A simple coaming is made around the
Hatch and Vent Details opening as shown in the figure. The ends are
interlocked so that hopefully there will be no leaks.
All of my sailing boats, except for the tiny dinks,
have airboxes that provide emergency buoyancy. I
don’t think any part of a boat should be sealed
solid. To do so prevents airing out the moisture
and water that might accumulate and cause rot.
The airboxes are almost always used as storage
boxes, too. It’s true that anything you put in there
will decrease the emergency buoyancy. But let’s say
you put 50 pounds of stuff, which is a lot of stuff,
in Piccup Pram’s aft or fore locker. Those lockers
have about 6 cubic feet of air inside, and each
would need about 360 pounds on top to submerge
the locker. So with the storage you still have 310
pounds of emergency buoyancy. It’s a good trade, I
think. The stuff in those boxes is out of the way, The hatch covers that I have used are even
never underfoot, and usually stays dry. Now for a simpler. They aren’t nearly as effective as the ideal
hatch for access to the storage area. cover/coaming system, but here in the Midwest we
I think really proper hatches have coamings and can get away with it in the same way we get away
covers like this: with using common plated hardware. For fair-
weather sailing these things work. For green water
they won’t. Anyway, my hatch covers have an inner
HATCH HOLD down clamp lip usually made of /V'-square wood that simply
locates the hatch in the coaming opening. I use no
rubber seal. (Though a bit of closed-cell foam
weatherstripping available at the hardware store for
a couple of bucks would serve the purpose.) Here
is what it looks like:
Walkway Covers
has a weave that will allow a spray of water to come But wait a minute! It you make a fabric cover
through in a hard rain. Cheapo guys like me use a that snaps in place from the outside, how do you
cover made of polytarp with no problems. There secure it from the inside? What I have done is to
are woven cloths like Docksider and Aqualon that put the snaps in place so I can secure it all around
have a film applied that will not allow water from the outside. But each end also has a small
through. PVC pipe sewn in a hem with a shock cord loop
Marc Smith came to our messabout with a Bird¬ running through it. About 6" from the end of the
watcher with a fabric cover over the slot. He had walkway or door opening I put a small cleat or eye
some neat bows that he had made of small-diameter around which to snap the shock cord loop. To
PVC pipe like this: secure the cover from the inside, you snap-fasten
everything except the last 2 feet or so, a space large
enough to pass through. Then from the inside you
grab the shock cord loop and snap it over the cleat.
>sv. this distance is about 1/8" more than width Like this:
of opening
CARTOPPING BOATS for gutterless cars will cost about $150, not a bad
investment if you plan on doing lots of boating.
A very short trunk or a station wagon will make
loading easier, too.
“anti-flippin’ stick” would have been better. around the interior section of the crossbar. The
Later I built a Bolger dory whose tiny transom free end goes over the boat, under the crossbar,
was only about 10" wide on top. That’s all it took and belays on a sturdy 6" cleat, which is well fas¬
to stabilize her when inverted and I didn’t need my tened to the bar. You can secure the rope very
tlippin’ stick. I’ve learned my lesson and haven’t tightly and quickly. My system has no redundancy.
designed any double-enders for cartopping. If any line or cleat comes loose, the boat comes
As for aerodynamics, I’ve cartopped big dories loose. So everything needs to be solid and secure.
to little prams and I think they’ve all degraded the The benefit is that there is a minimum of things to
car’s performance about the same. Gas mileage on attend to.
my Escort dropped from the high 30s to the low Nylon straps are easy to find these days. They’re
30s, no matter what was up there. So I’m doubtful strong, adjustable, crankable, etc. They’re great for
about some promised hull or setup having shock¬ holding down a boat.
ingly improved aerodynamics for your cartop. But
it could happen. The Loading
As for boat details, it’s best if there are no lumpy
or bumpy things on the wales to interfere with
With the major elements in place, it’s time to
sliding the inverted hull onto the racks. Also, on an
load up. Practice helps a lot. First place the inverted
open rowboat or canoe, 6" cleats mounted inside
boat next to the car. (If it worries you that all this
on the stem and stern will make tying to the bum¬
flipping and dragging will scratch your boat, most
pers very quick, tight, strong, and easy.
likely you are correct and will be better off with a
well-padded trailer.) First lift the bow and swing it
The Racks up to the aft crossbar and rest it there. Now lift the
stern and push it forward. After a few times you’ll
The roof-to-rack brackets I prefer were pur¬ get a good feel for where each position is in relation
chased years ago at a canoe shop; it says on them to your car.
“Quick n Easy Industries, Monrovia, CA.” They Experience will show how far forward the boat
are bulletproof and attach with clever and fool¬ should be, and you might experiment. I prefer the
proof over-center lever latches with no tools. Both boat shifted slightly aft of center. Also I find shift¬
racks go on in about a minute. ing the boat to the right side of the rack reduces
I think the Quick n Easy brackets are too beefy buffeting from passing trucks. Don’t go to an ex¬
to fit in the gutter slots of many cars. If you need treme, though, because it’s best if the ties pull
to, visit a yuppie bike shop for roof racks for gutter¬ mostly straight down.
less cars. They’ve got new-tech gear, but keep in If your boat is too short (or your car too long) to
mind they’re putting a 20-pound carbon-fiber bike bridge the span from ground to rack, then try an
on a Porsche. alternate method. I use this for short dinghies.
Perhaps we’ll see the return of suction cup racks. Position the boat to the side of the car and swing
Perhaps we’ll be drilling holes in our roof and the bow up onto the side edge of the front crossbar.
installing permanent pads with sealant and strong Then swing the stern around onto the rear cross¬
blind rivets. Why not? Try it on your clunker first bar. Be very careful she doesn’t fall off the front
and tell me how it works. crossbar as you swing the stern around.
My crossbars are made from 2x4s although fancy The hard work is done. You shouldn’t have
pipe bars are available. Make your bars a foot wider lifted more than 50 pounds at one time.
than the boat so you can strap oars and sail rigs up Securing the boat starts with tying on a W line
there too. Add blocks to the top ends of your to keep her from shifting fore and aft on the rack.
crossbars so your hull won’t accidentally slip over I cartopped for years without this line, relying on
the ends while loading. friction alone to the job. But when friction gives
My tie-downs are Vi" lines. You want big stuff out, things get exciting. Once, while exiting the
here that won’t stretch and make them plenty long, interstate in Birmingham, Alabama, at night, my
too. One end is secured with a loose bowline dory slid forward on the rack a foot or more and
every line up there went slack. Luckily I was coming Driving straight into high winds is primarily an
to a stop anyway and retied the boat. But when that inconvenience, but high crosswinds can be danger¬
happens while you are being passed by a convoy of ous. I almost lost that dory, and maybe the car, over
semis in a crosswind, you’ll get some new gray the side of the Pensacola Bay Bridge in a crosswind.
hairs. The fore-and-aft line cures that problem High crosswinds can always make for spooky han¬
completely. I usually tie it through an oar socket dling, especially when the boat on the roof is al¬
but it could also be permanently attached about most as big as the car.
anywhere in the center of the boat. Pull tight on The second warning involves turbulence near
one end and belay on the cleat on the front cross¬ large trucks. Car transporters seem the worst.
bar. Pull the other end tight to the aft bar and cleat Never stay in the turbulence near a truck on the
there. Now your boat is secure fore and aft. highway. Your boat will start dancing around on
Pass the large Vi" lines over the hull, pull tight, the rack and add jerking loads to your rack. Either
and belay to the cleats right over the fore-and-aft pass that truck or drop back clear of his wake.
line. Now she can’t go up, down, forward, aft, or If a truck approaches you at speed in the oppo¬
sideways either. For a boat about 12 feet long or site lane of a two-lane road, get as far to the right as
less, this is all you need. Skinny low canoes a bit possible. His bow wave will pass quickly but can
longer than that will be okay too. give you a good jolt. The wave seems to attenuate
The whole process from flipping the boat to rapidly with distance, and a few extra feet of spac¬
drive-away takes less than five minutes. ing on him will make a difference. That’s why I
If you have a longer boat you should really suggest loading a hull on the right-hand side of the
secure the ends, at least the bow, to the bumpers to rack.
keep it pulled down and centered. The best way is The combination of the truck wake in a cross-
to have 6" cleats screwed to the bow and stern with wind is the worst case.
long lines tied permanently to them. Pass each line
around a bumper support on one side and pull
tight, then around the other support, back to the
cleat on the boat, pull tight and belay. The line
forms a triangle from bow to bumper corners and
back to the bow. She can’t go up or sideways.
Oars and sailing spars can go up there too,
secured instantly with bungee cords.
Here’s a major suggestion: Once you’ve mas¬
tered the solo loading process, don’t accept help no
matter how well intentioned. You may get some
new roof dents or, worse yet, be distracted from
some important tie-downs. Your “help” needs to be
well educated in your system first.
The Drive
Custom Bunks
When to Trailer
Most likely the trailer you get will be set up to
A boat weighing over 100 pounds will be diffi¬
carry a flat-bottomed or V-bottomed fishing hull
cult to cartop solo. Get a boat trailer. Also consider
with a long straight run. The bunks usually are
getting one if your boat has lots of pieces to be
padded 2x4s running fore and aft.
assembled with each use, if you load a lot of
fishing gear every time you go boating, or if your
car isn’t suited to roof carriage. If your constant
boating buddy happens to be strong and the two
of you can lift your 160-pound boat easily, then
cartopping is still an option, sort of. But trailering
will begin to make sense if you ever find yourself
without lifting help.
Tow Vehicle
typical trailer. So 50 pounds would be a good points such as bulkheads to avoid deforming the
tongue weight. (It is also all most of us care to lift hull. A V-bottomed hull with a lot of rocker should
and push around. If your trailer tongue is too heavy be supported the same way.
to lift with reasonable effort, you will need a
wheeled trailer jack on the tongue.) Slide the hull
fore and aft on the trailer until you’ve got it. Be
ready for a surprise. Most likely a sailing or rowing
hull will be well aft of the typical power fishing boat
location the trailer manufacturer expected. I found
a trailer meant for a 12-foot powered skiff is just
right for a 16-foot plywood trailer sailer.
Some trailers will allow you to adjust the tongue
weight by shifting the axle fore and aft. They have
their suspension simply clamped in position. Un¬
clamp the whole works and shift it to relocate the
wheels and change the tongue weight.
bears nert
Winch Post
Then the next illustration shows a multichine
boat supported similarly. With no hard chine to Keeping in mind the tongue weight conditions,
carry the load, she must be carefully cradled. The the winch post must be shifted to meet the boat
cradles should be located directly under hard and not vice versa.
This part provides a strong point for a winch To launch a boat from a trailer with goalposts,
and tor a rubber block that acts as a forw ard stop for you back down the ramp until the boat is almost
the hull. With the hull sitting on its bunks, the bow totally afloat—perhaps only the bow is resting
line to the winch should be almost all forward force lightly on its bunk. You disconnect the bow line,
with little down force. I’ve seen boat bottoms de¬ push the boat aft, totally afloat now, beyond the
formed by being winched down tighdy at the bow. goal posts, and pull the boat back to the ramp on
For lighter boats—say 500 pounds or less—you the dowmw'ind side of the trailer.
might try7 going winchless. Fasten a very sturdy People wrho go fishing every7 day get very good at
belaying cleat or bar to the winch post. Push the this. They untie the boat before backing and retie
bow hard to the rubber stop block and belay the the bow line to the trailer with lots of slack. They
boat’s bow line to the post. back down the ramp until the boat is nearly afloat,
jab the brakes, and drive forward a bit. The boat
jerks off the trailer w7hen the brakes are applied, the
bow line catches it after it has drifted past the end
of the trailer. Then the boat is pulled forward by
Trailers should have at least a pair of goalposts
the vehicle until its bow rests gently on the ramp.
to keep a boat well aligned with the trailer as the
The driver now only disconnects the bow line
boat is floated in a crosswind. Without the posts,
which is totally high and dry7 at this point. Essen¬
launching and retrieving solo in a crosswind is
tially he’s launched his boat without getting out of
about impossible without getting wet and strained.
his car. Takes practice! (I saw this done once with a
You may not need posts if you have a V-bottom
jonboat, and the bow7 line broke as the boat drifted
sitting in high cradles that act as goalposts:
off the trailer. Not only that, but the boater had
forgotten to install the drain plug, so the boat w7as
drifting free and sinking at the same time.)
To retrieve you put the trailer on the lee side of
the boat and, holding the bow line, push the boat
beyond the goalposts and let the wind (or momen¬
tum) drift it between the posts. Then pull it onto
the trailer with the bow7 line, secure it, and drive
off. Powerboaters often just drive their boats onto
the partially submerged trailer.
Side Bunks
\ v,
Cross oinks —'
_f Trailer lights should be unplugged before dunk¬
ing in the water.
For a long sailboat that protrudes way beyond
the end of the trailer, make a board that holds the
Now I need only untie the bow and pull the boat
lights to the stern of the hull, up high so you can
off to the upwind side of the trailer and beach it
see them yourself in the mirrors at night. It should
next to the rig. I don’t have to push the boat aft
be clamped or tied to the hull but quickly remov¬
through the goalposts and float it to the downwind
able. I mount the license plate up there too, but
side of the rig, which can get pretty frightening with
I’m not sure if that is legal. As for wiring, simply
a big boat in a big wind. The downwind bunk is
have a long loose lead that you unreel from the
always there to catch and hold the boat. Retrieval
board down the boat’s center to mate with your
is the reverse of the loading.
tow car’s plug. This sort of rig is far better than
normal trailer lights, which are mounted low and
Tie-Downs often short of the hull’s stern.
If your lights stop working and you’ve checked
Heavy boats will need winches to be pulled all the plugs and switches, just remember the ad¬
securely to the winch post. (You’ll be surprised how vice Dirk Fraser shared with me at a messabout:
greasing the trailer bunks makes this easier.) Then “It’s the ground, stupid.” Yes, it was.
the boat is secure fore and aft. With the elaborate As you motor along with your trailer tagging
bunks that fishermen use, the hull is secure side¬ behind, always assume the trailer lights aren’t
ways, too. And that’s all that’s really needed. Some¬ working.
times the stern is also strapped to the end of the
With a sailing hull that weighs less than 500
pounds, I forgo the winch. I leave the hull tethered
Keep in mind that your trailering should be a
loosely to the winch post while she’s still on the
quick, safe, and easy operation. After each use give
ramp. The goalposts secure her sideways. Once I
some contemplation to any irritations and dream
pull her up the ramp and onto the parking lot, the
up some solutions.
hull settles onto the bunks and I shove it forward
hard against the winch post stop. Then I retie the
bow line by belaying it to a heavy cleat on the
winch post.
Next I have a VY'-diameter line tied to the trailer
frame, near the aft bunk, which I pass tightly over
the hull and down to a stout cleat on the other side
of the trailer frame, to which I belay the line. I
prefer the pull of that aft line to be not only down
but slightly forward to provide a backup for the line
to the winch post. I usually run the aft line through
This you can figure for your boat. The factors with factors above 52.
to the factor, so to power an even larger boat you water and can be thought ot as a limit that a
could extend the straight line as far as needed with displacement boat can’t overcome. The hull speed
the same slope. is usually figured to be (in knots) 1.34 times the
The dashed line is "For outboards that do not square root of the waterline length (in feet) of the
have remote steering or transom height is less than boat. So a l.OOO'-long ship would be limited to a
20 inches.” top speed ot about 42 knots, a kV boat to 13.4
The dotted line is “For flat-bottomed, hard- knots, a 25' boat to 6.7 knots, a lo' boat to 5.4
chined outboards that do not have remote steering knots, and a 9’ boat to 4 knots.
or transom height is less than 20 inches.” That is not to say that length is the only factor.
Okay, the obvious question is what about flat- Shape counts for a lot. Some 10’ boats are a lot
bottomed boats with remote steering and 20" tran¬ taster than others. For example, the 14’ Robote
soms? I’m pretty sure the writers didn’t mean to shown in this book will probably row at twice the
place them in the high-powered category. For ex¬ speed of Jonsboat, faster yet in rough w ater. But
ample, my stock AF4 has a 15" transom with 18’ ev en with Robote the hull speed would be limited
length and 4.5' transom width for a factor ot 81. By to about 5 knots. If you tried to row faster than that
the third line it would have a max safe hp of 25, you would find a wave starting to follow you that
and ha\ing used AF4 I would agree with that. your ami power is creating. And the more power
But if I raise the transom to 20" with a long shaft you put into the oars, the larger that wave becomes
motor and add remote steering, do I now jump to while the speed stays at about 5 knots.
the solid line and go to 72 hp? If the problem with What would happen it you put, say 5 hp—
the flattie is handling in turns I don’t see how the perhaps 50 times your human ami power, on the
deeper transom or the remote steering makes it stem ot Robote? It would try to go faster than 5
safer for triple the power. (No doubt it would be knots, but the stem would be greatly depressed and
safer, though.) But a literal reading of the pamphlet the bow would point toward the skv! It would not
makes it appear that w’ay. be safe.
My Jonsboat design with 16' length and 4’ width That is what powerboating was like in the early
has a factor of 64 and xvould be limited to 17 hp. 1900s. Racing powerboats were nasty-handling
And if the purpose of the long-shaft motor with beasts with huge engines. A lot ot experimentation
its deeper transom is to keep water out of the stem, took place, and it was found that a boat with a big
what about a short-shaft motor sitting in a writer wide flat transom with a straight bottom in the
tight draining well, as with AF4? stem would allow the boat to stay in control. A lot
Well, the pamphlet can’t address every case. So more power could be delivered sately, and boats
as always, use some judgment. got faster and taster. They started to “plane” under
control. The new boats actually climbed out ot the
How Fast Will It Go7. hole that a displacement boat sits in and got dy¬
namic lift ox er the water like a airplane. The waves
made by a planing boat got smaller and smaller as
The Coast Guard’s advice on safe power for
the boat went taster and taster.
your boat doesn’t tell you how fast it might go.
And planing hulls can handle well at low speeds
Here are some basics I’ve seen firsthand that you
xx hile displacement hulls get out ot control at high
might remember.
speeds. Thev are slightly less efficient at loxx speeds
A “displacement” boat is designed to push its
as far as speed/horse is concerned by maybe 20
way through the water. Little canoes and huge oil
percent (just a guess).
tankers are in this category. They go slowly and can
So why are displacement boats still made? Be¬
move big weights with little power. Essentially they
cause light weight is critical tor planing boats, like
can’t exceed “hull speed” under almost any circum¬
airplanes, and carrying large loads xvill require huge
poxver and fuel consumption. That is not as true
Hull speed is something defined by scientific
for displacement boats. A displacement boat can
19th-century studies of ships. It is related to the
do xvell xx ith a horsepoxver tor each 500 pounds.
waxes a boat produces as it pushes through the
i 2,0
Sfl&O W K-sJoTS
200 P'SA.-
S/u ftArio
Electric Power
You can see the main factors here are length,
weight, and power. Want to go faster? Then you Electric trolling motors are pretty inexpensive,
need longer, lighter, and more power (more sail, less than $100 new in a small size. But even the
bigger muscles). small one will push a canoe or rowboat or a small
The upper regions of the chart are usually called sailboat at hull speed. Piragua in this book is a good
“semidisplacement,” where the boat will be starting candidate for an electric motor.
to plane. Semidisplacement is considered to be a There is one area where electric boat propulsion
nasty region in which to operate. It means big waves. is way ahead of all other methods—it is totally quiet.
Some large power cabin cruisers operate here. Better There is nothing like it.
to power up over that region to a real plane. But you need to take care in the details of your
battery bank to have a happy electric boating experi¬
Planing Boat Calculations
Here is a chart for a planing boat of speed vs. The Real Basic Basics
pounds per horsepower.
As the boat goes above planing speed, less and Here is a sketch of a lead-acid battery. Lead-acid
less hull is in the water. A fast-planing boat has only batteries are often still the best for this type of
a small portion of its stern bottom skimming across work. They are actually light and compact com-
pared to most other batteries, and they are fairly a rate proportional to the resistance of the gadget.
cheap and available. Properly cared for they can be An open circuit, which has almost infinite resis¬
recharged hundreds of times. tance, results in no flow, and the battery stays
charged. A short circuit, which has almost no resis¬
tance, results is a drastically rapid flow that can
melt things. As the electrons flow from anode to
cathode, the chemicals in the battery return to
their uncharged state. If you double the voltage by
using two cells, you would double the flow ot
electrons, assuming that the gadget’s resistance is
What we have is two lead plates dipped in sulfuric
Amperage is a measure ot how many electrons
acid. If the plates are connected to a charger or
are flowing through the wire. The flow is often
another batters’ such that one plate gets a positive
called “current," and I recall being told in the mis¬
charge (the anode) and the other plate gets the nega¬
sile factory by an electrical engineer that it can be
tive charge (the cathode), the lead plates undergo
also called “juice” although he added that “juice”
chemical changes such that when the charger is re-
was a technical term that he didn’t have time to
moved, an electric potential exists between the plates.
My ancient handbook says the basic chemistry is
like this: Pb:0: + Pb +2H:SC>4 = 2PbSC>4 + 2H:0.
The reaction goes back and forth with charging/ Amp-Hours
discharging. The old handbook also adds,
“Between the extremes of complete charge and If your battery has capacity such that it can
discharge, complex combinations of lead and sul¬ deliver, say, 5 amps for 20 hours, it w'ould be called
phate are formed. After complete discharge a hard a “100 amp-hour” battery.
insoluble sulphate forms slowly on the plates, and
this is reducible only by slow charging. This sul- Power
phation is objectionable and should be avoided.”
So a prompt recharge is in order. Volts times amps is called watts and is a measure
A lead-acid cell has a natural full-charge voltage of of pow'er, just like horsepower. In fact 1 horsepower
about 2.1 volts measured across the anode and is about 750 watts, easy to remember. So if you
cathode. If you gang three of the cells in series you could put an ammeter and a voltmeter in the circuit
will get what is called a 6-volt battery. Gang six of the to measure the current and voltage of the juice
cells together and you have a 12-volt battery. Gang flowing through the gadget powered by the battery,
two 12volt batteries in series and you get the equal you could know the power it is taking in.
ot a 24 volt battery (which is actually more like 25 If you make the comparison to a gas engine, you
volts). .And so forth. But remember that the number might say the electric motor has a certain power,
of electrons stored in the thing is actually deter¬ and that the battery is like the gas tank. So the
mined by the raw size of the cell and area of the question is how' much power is stored in the bat¬
plates, not the number of cells that determines the
tery. It’s is done by multiplying the amp-hours
voltage. So a really big hea\y 6-volt battery (like a golf
times the voltage. For example, a 100 amp-hour
cart batten) can carry around a lot more stored
battery (that delivers 5 amps for 20 hours) that is a
energy than a little 12volt motorcycle battery.
12volt battery, is said to store 100 amp-hours x 12
Now if you connect the anode and cathode of a
volts = 1,200 watt-hours.
charged battery with an electric gadget, like a troll¬
That is actually a pretty common size for a troll¬
ing motor, the electrons flow through the gadget at
ing motor battery that you can buy at Wal-mart for
maybe $70. It will be about 14" long, 7" wide, and Remember that the horsepower shown here is
9" high and will weigh about 60 pounds. That’s the “electric” horsepower based on 750 watts per
about twice the weight of a typical car battery, even hp. So the first 12-volt motor drawing 36 amps is
though both are 12 volts. It has more lead and acid using 12 x 36 = 432 watts, which is 432/ 750 = .55
and thus more electrons. hp.
Let’s look at the first motor for a while, .55 hp,
Battery Realities 36 amps, and 12 volts. At first glance you might use
that motor with the above 100 amp-hour, 12-volt
trolling motor motor battery and think the motor
There is a big difference between a battery and a
will run 2.7 hours (100 / 36) at full power on a full
gas tank. A gas tank will deliver all its fuel until
charge. Nope! Look at the chart and figure that the
empty, at any rate of delivery provided the pipes are
motor will run for about 1.4 hours before the
large enough. The battery won’t. If you discharge a
battery gives out due to the high rate of discharge.
battery rapidly, as you would by running a large
But even then you would be wrong, according to
electric motor, a lot of its energy gets lost in the
Little. Totally discharging a battery is really tough
transfer as the energy also goes to heating up the
on the battery and bound to ruin it in short order.
circuits, the motor, and the battery itself. In fact, in
Little would limit the battery’s discharge to 70
the U.S. batteries are rated at how many amp hours
amp-hours to give it a good service life. Then you
they can deliver over a 20-hour period. For exam¬
might limit the full- throttle operation to .7 x 1.4 =
ple a 100 amp-hour battery can deliver only 5 amps
1 hour, 37 percent of the first glance.
for 20 hours. But that 100 amp-hour battery will
To recap, Little’s recommendations are that you
deliver about 17 amps an hour over a 4-hour peri¬
shouldn’t discharge the battery more than 20 per¬
od, a total of about 70 amps. And only about 43
cent of its capacity per hour, and never discharge
amp-hours over a single hour. (British batteries are
the battery more than 70 percent of its total.
rated over a 10-hour period, so their 100 amp-hour
I think the upshot of all of this is that you need
battery gives 10 amps over 10 hours, maybe 10%
a good trolling motor battery to get good use of
more than the U.S. battery). A graph of the U.S.
even a small electric boat. If you try to operate with
100 amp-hour battery goes like this:
a car battery, the endurance becomes pretty dismal.
I’ve tried that with my smaller boats like Mayfly 14.
A full battery charge gets you about a mile from the
ramp, say 20 minutes of operation, and then it will
slow dramatically. You will be lucky to get back to
the ramp under electric power. I always ended up
rowing back.
Little would have you run a small motor at half
throttle, or about lA hp, about the power of two or
three men pulling oars. That would mean about
750 / 4 = 190 watts per hour or about 16 amp-
hours at 12 volts (190 / 12 = 16). So we are below
the 20 percent limit of a 100 amp/hour trolling
I can tell you the authoritative book on this
battery. In theory that trolling battery should oper¬
subject is Electric Boats by Douglas Little. Little
ate for four hours at that rate, perhaps 10 to 15
measured the electric consumption of different
miles of range in good weather for a typical canoe
typical 12V trolling motors (submerged motors).
or rowboat hull.
Here is a general description of his tests:
Four^Sided Sails
To find exactly where the centroid is on that
To find the area of a four-sided sail you just
line, measure the length of that connecting line.
divide it into two triangles, find the area of each
You need not use the same scale as is used on the
triangle as above, and add the two together.
drawing. I prefer to use a millimeter scale for this
measurement. Then get out the calculator and
JOINING PLYWOOD about this plain butt strap joint is that, with a
typical flatiron skiff type of assembly, the bottom
SHEETS: panels need not be joined before assembly onto the
hull. In that case you will have the hull inverted on
BUTT STRAPS sawhorses ready for the bottom. Then you put the
first bottom piece on, attaching it to the sides.
AND Then you install the first butt strap at the end of
that piece. Then you install the next bottom panel
SCARFING to that butt strap and the sides. And so forth until
U— .t .
side bu-tt s4ro.p j
with bronze boat nails, but they really aren’t flexi¬ This is what I usually advise now. Not much to
ble enough for the job. They didn’t look too cool. it. Very quick and easy to make. Some say it looks
And the edges of the plywood butt straps didn’t too clunky for their tastes.
look too cool either, wanting to have gaps and If there has been any structural problem with
splinters showing. It takes a while to finish them. the above butt plate, it is at the ends of a plate that
And, of course, you have a lump at each joint and joins the bottom panel, ending short of the sides to
folks will ask, “What’s that?” allow a limber path. If the ends of the plate are not
By the way, when I built my Toto I used the solidly glued and fastened to the bottom panels,
simple plywood strap method with no fasteners. I the butt plate will eventually loosen at the ends. I
carefully placed the ply panels over the straps, think that is due to the rapid change in flexibility
which were well buttered with glue, weighed it all in the system where the plate suddenly ends. A
down with concrete blocks to provide pressure, better solution might be to taper the end of the
and stayed away for a few days until I was sure the bottom butt plates starting maybe 3" in from the
glue was totally set. end of the plate and tapering down to maybe 3/8"
thick at the ends. That will allow a gradual change
The Birdwatcher Butt Strap in the flexibility and prevent a stress riser at the end
of the butt plate.
By the way, for any bulky butt joint care must be
BuH Plafe, taken in design to see that the joints don’t fall in
places where the butt plate will be in the way. The
scarf joint doesn’t have that problem.
The Lumber Butt Plate Dave Carnell has done scientific load tests of
these joints and says the joint will be as strong as
the base wood if you use one layer of fiberglass
cloth in epoxy on each side of W plywood, two
luwber bull plftfe. layers on 3/8" plywood, three layers on Vi" plywood,
and four layers on 3/4" plywood.
At first it would appear that the joint is easily
made by laying the ply pieces on the floor, taping
one side with fiberglass, waiting to cure, flipping
the panel, and repeating on the other side. But I
n wood Screws (or nads)
hghi layer of -fiberg/asS ma-H- face, and making sure the two pieces are secured
lengthwise so the tapers don’t push them apart as
you apply clamping pressure.
Harold Payson did a little more work on the There is one more warning for instant boat
glass butt joint. To hide the buildup of glass on builders concerning the scarf joint. Almost all in¬
thicker plywood, he recessed the surfaces roughly stant boat designs have panel layouts that assume
with a sanding disk in a drill. Then he added a layer you will not be using a scarf joint. If you join two
of light fiberglass matt to the wood before pasting 8-foot panels with a scarf joint, you will NOT end
in the glass. Fiberglass matt is generally thought to up with a 16-foot panel. It will be shorter by the
provide better adhesion to wood than glass cloth overlap amount. That might be just enough to
although by itself it has little strength. Harold is big negate the ply panel layout.
on using polyester resin on his boats instead of
epoxy, so perhaps the matt is more important for
the polyester users. But you can see the advantage
of the system: The final joint can be more or less
invisible as the multiple layers of glass are recessed.
Slide the mating piece into position and check router is turned on and worked around the fixture
the fit. Remember that as you glue these up they until it has cut all the available material. Like this:
must be straight. I think they should fit within
about 1/32" to make a good glue joint with thick¬ slide roukr bacK and
Routing the Scarfs to avoid a total feather edge at the end of the scarf
cut—leaving about 1/32" uncut seems to work best,
like this:
When I built a Birdwatcher a while back I
needed to join a lot of lumber since the boat was
slide router bacK and
24 feet long and the mast longer. I built a simple
fixture for my router for cutting the scarfs. It looks
like this:
become a permanent part of your boat! Clamp the DON’T DISTURB THE SCARFED LUMBER
first board on like this: UNTIL THE GLUE HAS CURED REALLY HARD!
It may take a few days, depending on your glue and
your climate conditions. Almost no glues set well
below about 70 degrees. When I did the Bird¬
watcher mast scarfs it was in the middle of a wicked
winter. I cut the scarfs with the router fixture, glued
and clamped them up, covered them with a blan¬
ket and blasted a salamander kerosene heater un¬
der the blanket. It got well over 100 degrees under
there and they cured very quickly. Those scarfs are
still holding!
Once your glue is completely cured, the joint
should be as strong as the basic wood, and you can
go on building as if there were no joint there. But
it doesn’t hurt to be prudent. I try to locate the
scarfs in wales and chine logs where the curvature
will be the least. I try to locate the scarfs in masts
Trial-fit the second board. Butter it well with toward the top, where the bending loads are the
epoxy thickened to about mayonnaise consistency. least. And on elements that have several boards
Push it into place but not so hard that all the glue with scarfs, such as wales with multiple laminations
squeezes out. Now clamp the second piece to the and boxed masts, I stagger the scarfs such that they
backup 2x4. If you are going to have problems with are not all one atop the other.
gluing the joint I think it will be with glue squeez¬
ing out too much and also with lifting of the first
board at the feather end of its scarf. You can help
that out by carefully drilling a pilot hole for a screw scarf irvfirs4- laminafon — A wonderful
site maintained by Chuck Leinweber, consisting of
dozens (maybe hundreds) of articles by and for
home boatbuilders, plus regular columns by ex¬
(Feel free to inform us of good sites to add to this
perts, a new discussion group, and plans for sale
list for future editions of this book. E-mail
from Jim Michalak and John Welsford.
This is an incomplete list. But for those who are curious Good Skiffs, by Karl Stambaugh. A thorough treatise
and wish to expand their knowledge of boatbuilding,
on the history and building of traditional skiffs.
these are a fair start.
Most of these books are available new, from your local
Buehler’s Backyard Boatbuilding, by George Buehler.
bookstore or from the big online booksellers; or from the
WoodenBoat Store at 800-273-7447. Also, if you want How to build heavy-timbered, ballasted-keel cruis¬
to search for cheaper used copies, try ing boats on a budget and with only moderate
woodworking skills. Perhaps not truly “traditional”
Instant Boats and Their Relatives to some, but very entertaining and inspiring.
Build the Instant Cathoat, by Harold Payson. Thor¬ Oughtred. Also, an excellent resource on glued
lapstrake. Very good treatment of lining-off.
ough instruction and full plans for building Phil
Bolger’s Bobcat, a stitch-and-glue version of the
Canoes and Kayaks
12-foot Beetle Cat.
Jamestown Distributors An excellent source for Good cheap epoxy and fiberglass, plus
all manner of fasteners: bronze, stainless, galva¬
fillers and accessories.
nized, etc., plus many useful tools and paints. Get
41 North Congress, # 8 B
their catalog.
Delray Beach FL 33445
500 Wood Street, Building #15
Bristol, RI 02809
U.S. Composites Excellent prices on epoxy,
fiberglass^ andiillers.
dOl Georgia Avenue
Hamilton Marine Good all-around marine suppli¬
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
er, with many fasteners, rope, and such ordinaries
as life vests, anchors, and rain gear.
100 Fore Street
Portland, ME 04101
epoxy. or
727-327-6691 fax )efender Good source for cheap Dacrtm^sail-
More Designs
All of these boats are designed to be built of plywood in a way that requires no building jigs or lofting: either
with glue and nails, or with taped seams. They all contain dimensioned patterns that are scaled up directly on
the plywood sheets, cut to shape, and assembled.
Some of the designs use a single chine joint. These are particularly easy to build and require no fiberglassing
talents to make a sound hull. The other designs have two chine joints per side. These joints are fabricated with
the “taped-seam” method. These hulls are slightly more difficult to build than the single chine hulls but have
performance advantages, especially in rough water. Both types can be built by the first-time builder.
All of these designs are intended for use in shallow waters. Even the biggest draws less than 12 inches of
water, and most draw about 5 inches. Sailing boats have pivoting leeboards, which I’ve used since 1981, and
the kick-up rudders that complement the shallow draft and allow the boats to be driven right onto the beach.
Tine shallow features make trailer launching very easy.
All of the sailing designs use unstayed rigs which can be set up very quickly. They are also cheap and stow
compactly and out of the way.
Several of the designs—Piccup, Roar2, Moby, Toto, and AF4—were built and tested by me. These plans come
with detailed building instructions. All come with keyed specifications which provide material sizes and basic
assembly instructions.
Since I live out here on the prairie, I’ve had to learn to make my own sails and oars. Thus most plans contain
patterns for building oars and sewing sails.
I’m continuing to add designs and offer a constantly changing catalog of prototypes, designed but not yet built.
Row/Sail Punt
1P x 4’
90 pounds empty
Piccup Squared is a simple flat-bottomed version of the original Piccup Pram. It is otherwise the same size
and layout and uses the same sail rig. She displaces 415 pounds at 5" draft and weighs 90 pounds stripped,
Piccup Squared has the simplest sort of boat shape for building and by some theories for best performance in
a flat-bottomed hull. She’s very much like a classic garvey or punt. She won’t perform with Piccup in rough
conditions but in smooth water would be about equal. Some might find her more comfortable with her wider
bottom plank. She is a bit easier to cartop because her sheer is flatter and she is slightly narrower on the top.
Piccup Squared requires four sheets of W plywood. The simplest nail-and-glue construction is used with just
a smattering of fiberglass/epoxy used to armor the chines against abrasion. No jigs or lofting needed.
Anyone contemplating building a large boat should build a dink first. Not only can you test techniques and
materials on a cheap and easy project, but you will get a dink you will use all the time.
Two sheets of !4" plywood will build Moby. She’s stuck together with glue and nails in the old-fashioned way,
and anyone who has built a birdhouse in school shop can build Moby. The prototype Moby took me 60 hours
and $160 to construct, including the sail. (Sail rigs usually absorb about half the cost and labor of any sailing
project, large or small.)
Moby is a good sailing trainer in protected waters. Her 45-square-foot gaff rig is compact and efficient. It takes
a while to rig because there are so many lines, but the result is a sail that can be very well controlled. Moby has
a simple pivoting leeboard and kick-up rudder.
Mixer is a stab at mixing some features of my prams with the features of the original Roar rowboat. The
prototype was built to perfection by David Boston of Factoryville, Pennsylvania. That’s him sailing on vacation
in Maine. Mixer’s beam is halfway between that of Piccup, which has “stand up and walk around” stability, and
that of Roar, which is too tippy for serious sailing. They all have a similar multichine cross section. Dave was
very happy with the stability' of the prototype. He reports sailing in whitecaps with no troubles.
Mixer’s got the exact same interior layout as Piccup for all the same reasons. So here is a cartopper with
capacity for two adults or for camping one adult, with a flat floor large enough to sleep on and lots of dry
storage. The sail rig is also identical to Piccup’s.
Double-Paddle Canoe
13' x 30"
45 Pounds Empty
Toto has been my most successful design. Initially she was an experiment to test a new bow shape—a deep V
bow that blends into a multichine well aft. There’s a twist in the bow bilge panels, and at the time I didn’t know
how to expand those panels on the drawing board. So I built her without them and then sized them by cut and
fit. Then I recorded the shapes on the prints.
The boat is an easy prefab job from two sheets of 5mm lauan underlayment, still very cheap at maybe $9 to
12 a sheet from the lumberyard until the rain forests are gone. Marc Smith came to the 1994 Midwest
Messabout with two of these Totos strapped to the roof of his Birdwatcher, They were built by two 12-year-old
girls under Marc’s guidance. Marc said the girls did all the work including using the power tools.
It’s fun to compare Toto with the dinks at the front of the brochure because they all come from the same
pile of stuff and effort. Toto has covered the 6,000-foot-long dam at Carlyle Lake in 14 minutes with a moderate
paddling effort for 4Vi mph. She’s more seaworthy but she’s wetter when pressed because of paddle splash. She
has a buoyancy/storage chamber aft. It will keep your shoes and stuff dry while you splash around; and I believe
it has about 180 pounds of buoyancy volume if the hatch cover stays watertight. The open cockpit is large
enough to allow sleeping inside, as I have done many times. She’s shaped for easy cartopping. In good
conditions she’ll paddle two adults. The long lean bow seems to ignore an overload—unlike plumb bows, which
can become cranky when immersed. She’ll take you through some very rough stuff if you are solo. But the dinks
have their place too. They can have sailing stability, and many will find their elevated seating more comfortable.
Plans come with complete instructions including the details of taped seam construction and drawing of a
simple paddle that works. No jigs or lofting required.
Double-Paddle Canoe
15' 6" x 30"
61 Pounds Empty
Larsboat was built by Lars Hasslegren of Huntley, Illinois, to replace a Folboat type that had finally met its
end. Lars wanted capacity for two, plus decking.
I took Toto and lengthened it with a 30" plug in the middle to gain capacity. Lengthening a hull with a
straight plug like this usually improves a boat in almost every way and Larsboat should be faster than Toto in
good conditions. In this case the plug also meant I didn’t have to refigure the shape of the twisted bow planks
as I would if I’d lengthened Toto with an overall stretch.
The decking was quite simple because even the original Toto could take a forward deck of flat sheets. I
should add that I feel the decking is very optional. This prototype weighs 61 pounds, and deleting the decks
might cut 10 pounds or so. The undecked boat also would have a better cartopping shape. I’d keep the stern
chamber. It will ease your mind about taking a big wave over your stern.
This would be a preferred project for someone who intends to do a lot of cruising and camping. In the Toto
camping I’ve done the sleeping room has been okay but the storage is limited. Larsboat would be better both
because of its increased capacity and because there is dry storage under the bow deck.
The basic hull is taped-seam construction needing four sheets of 5mm or V4" plywood for the decked version
and three sheets for the undecked version. No jigs or lofting required. Plans are two blueprint sheets with keyed
instructions plus detailed taped-seam instructions.
Row/Sail Pram
i r x 4' 6M
Piccup Pram, the first of my designs to be built, was originally to be the best boat I could slide into the bed
of my pickup truck. Now I cartop her exclusively.
When I drew Piccup I had one eye on a Bolger Nymph and the other on a Herreshoff Marco Polo tender.
For her size and weight she is very roomy and able to take rough going. The flat pram bow provides capacity in
the boat equal to that of a pointy-bow hull 2 or 3 feet longer. Her multichine shape gives soft shoulders that
prevent waves from rolling her has they would a flattie.
Her balanced lug sail, now enlarged to 68 square feet, stows rolled up in the cockpit while her pivoting
leeboard and kick-up rudder raise instantly for rowing. These lug rigs can be built effectively from ordinary
materials, including discount store polytarps. Piccup will row 7 miles in two hours in calm conditions and will
rig for sail in a couple of minutes if the wind pipes up.
Piccup has a flat bottom panel that keeps draft to 6" with two adults aboard, allows level beaching, and is big
enough for a sleep spot. I’ve camped in Piccup many times. The ends have buoyancy/storage chambers of about
6 cubic feet each—enough for two or three days’ supplies for someone used to roughing it. I don’t take a rain
tarp, being careful to camp on a no-rain forecast. The lug sail can be rigged as a rain fly to a certain extent. A
bug net is mandatory.
Construction is taped-seam V4" plywood, five sheets required. All parts are cut to the shapes shown on the
drawings and pulled together with twisted wire loops. No jigs or lofting are required.
Sail Beachboat
1 y 6" x 5' 6"
350 pounds empty
IMB features a “Birdwatcher” cabin, full length with panoramic windows and a center walkway slot in the
roof. Everyone rides inside. This style of boat was invented by Phil Bolger in the early 1980s.
These boats can be self-righting with minimal ballast because the crew weight works as ballast. They sit down
low on the floor looking out through the windows (although standing in normal winds is quite acceptable). The
cabin sides provide lots of buoyancy up high to ensure a a good range of stability. IMB, which is small and has
no ballast, will probably self-right from 60 or 70 degrees of heel.
These boats are operated from within the cabin, like an automobile. No one need ever go on deck. For
boating with children I can see no equal.
These are cool boats. The tinted windows cut the sun’s power. The crew can sit in the shade of the deck.
Downdraft from the sail cascades through the walkway slot.
IMB has an 8-foot long cabin on a multichine pram hull. The prototype was built to perfection by Gerry
Scott of Cleveland, Texas. IMB takes two sheets of Vi" plywood, 8 sheets of V4" plywood and one sheet of 3/16"
Plexiglas. Taped-seam construction using no jigs or lofting. Sail rig is a 104-square-foot balanced lug, with
pivoting leeboard.
Fast Rowboat
15' x 4'
70 pounds empty
Sportdory is an attempt to improve upon a Bolger/Payson dory 1 built about 15 years ago. This boat is
slightly smaller than my old dory. The bow is lower in hopes of cutting windage, thus it doesn’t have the
swooping sheer of a traditional dory. The little tombstone stern is mostly similar. The center cross-section is
about identical. The bottom has slightly more rocker. These boats are fast and seaworthy but they take some
getting used to. You can’t stand up in one with safety because the waterline beam is just over 2 feet wide, and
that, no doubt, is what gives it speed. John Bell, of Kennesaw, Georgia, built that prototype and reported
averaging with medium effort 4.3 mph over a 1.3-mile stretch—and I think that is pretty typical. In good weather
and with a little practice you can average 4 mph for several hours. This boat will have good flow lines as long
as the total weight is below 400 pounds. The hull with its gear will weigh about 100 pounds.
The hull of this one is quite simple and light, made with taped-seam construction from three sheets of 1/4"
plywood, totally open and no frames.
Fast Rowboat
18' x 45"
90 pounds empty
RB42 is a rowboat for two! The prototype was built by Herb McLeod of Edmonton, Alberta. Look
closely and you will see a lot of Toto in RB42. It has the same long lean bow and multichines for smoother
going in rough water. The stern is wider on top but the lines of these boats at the water always sweep upward
and taper to nothing. The stern has a buoyancy/storage volume with a hatch. The bow has another buoyancy/
storage area with access through a deck plate in the bulkhead.
Although designed to be rowed by two people, this boat might be fine with a solo rower in many conditions.
The long waterline should give extra speed over a shorter boat, although it’s not all that simple. Frictional area
might be increased and windage drag should increase over a shorter boat. But RB42 is a bit lower and sleeker
than my other rowing designs so it’s hard to tell.
RB42 is built with taped seams from six sheets of W plywood. No lofting or building jig required.
14' x 45"
60 pounds empty
Roar2 is the original Roar with a nose job copied from Toto. It has a deep V entry’, which is carried well aft.
Roar2 behaves very well in all aspects of wind and waves and is more capable in rough water. I suspect the
original shape is slightly faster in smooth water, but the new bow has the advantage everywhere else. She’ll row
at 4 V2 mph with medium effort using the 7-foot oars detailed in the plans. Adding a passenger will hardly slow
her, although acceleration and deceleration are affected.
The stern cross bracing in these boats is mandatory for use as a passenger backrest. Without it, the passenger
will soon lean to one side or slide aft against the transom, throwing off the trim in a way that will drive the
oarsman crazy.
These are excellent camping boats. Light enough to solo cartop, large enough for much gear, and with a flat
bottom plank long enough to sleep on while the whole rig sits upright. Kevin Garber took a Roar2 on a
three-day row of the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande, seeing no humans from put-in to take-out. He brought
a folding chair, a barbecue, and a tent fly with poles. In camp he set up the fly over the hull and slept in the
boat. Plans are available for Roar2 or the original plumb bow Roar, or for a 12-foot version of Roar2 called
Smoar. Each needs four sheets of !4" plywood. Taped-seam construction. No lofting or building jigs.
Light Rowboat
12' x 3' 6"
After the success Frank Kahr had with Robote I designed a smaller version. The idea was to get a fast and
seaworthy boat that would cartop so easily that you would want to leave it on the cartop more or less all the
time, ready to go at a moment’s notice. From cartopping small boats like Toto I had found that they hardly
slow a compact car. I also knew that about 90 pounds is the most a fellow would want to cartop. The prototype
Vamp was built by Ken Prims of Layton, Utah.
Why not stick to a canoe like Toto? A good rowing boat can be as fast, drier, and can take a passenger
with more ease. The only problem I see with Vamp is that her V-bottom can make beaching more challenging
than a boat with a flat bottom plank.
Construction is with taped seams from three sheets of 1/4" plywood, the same bill of materials as for the
larger Robote. Robote will be a better boat if you are rowing a passenger all the time.
Light Rowboat
12' x 45"
60 pounds empty
Vireo is a lot like Vamp but has a warped V bow. More work, no doubt, but most people would prefer its
looks and perhaps it is softer going into a wave.
Frank Kahr, who built Robote, has one of these and wrote, “Yesterday I accomplished a long-term goal by
rowing from Providence to Newport in a Vireo I built from your plans. This was a trip of approximately 26
statute miles which took 6 hours, 12 minutes. I had a little help from a fair tide but this was still a good time
for a long trip made without great physical effort.”
From three sheets of V4" or 5mm plywood with taped seam construction.
Sail Beachboat
16'x 6'6”
500 pounds empty
Scram Pram was designed for Wil Gordon of Houston, who built the prototype. It has a Birdwatcher-type
cabin where everyone rides inside in the shade, an excellent situation for a family boat. It has 300 pounds of
water ballast below a false floor and is very self-righting with the ballast. The boat also has a multichine shape
for smoother going in rough water, and a step-through bow transom for easy boarding from a beach.
Sail area on the original was a whopping 173 square feet, all in one balanced lugsail. A second prototype
built by U.T. Roberts of Savannah has a more modest 150 square feet of sail, and that might be a better deal
given a good motor in very light winds. Scram has a small built-in motor well.
Scram requires one sheet of 3/16" dark-tinted Plexiglas, five sheets of lA" plywood, and nine sheets of 3/8"
plywood and uses taped-seam construction.
Mini Shanty
13'x 5'
400 pounds empty
Harmonica is a tiny shanty boat that sleeps two. There is a porch up front suitable for lounging and a small
utility room in the stem for the kitchen and water closet. For protected waters only. The prototype was built by
Chris Crandall of Lawrence, Kansas. Chris built his Harmonica inside his rec room and had to hire help to
remove a glass wall to extricate the finished boat. He said four men grabbed the boat and walked it outside,
then they put the wall back in place. He brought the boat to our Midwest Homebuilt Boat Messabout with the
paint more or less still wet, towing behind a compact car. He had a 1.2 hp Tanaka motor clamped to the stern,
which pushed the boat with three men inside at a slow walking pace, making a lot more noise than speed. He
has since given it a plush 5 hp motor.
This boat was originally called Fusebox and was intended to be an electric boat. Later 1 noticed that the nice
small conservation lakes we have here that would suit the boat well had no electric hookups at the docks. So I
rethought the problem and now advise an outboard of about 5 hp to make sure there is enough power to push
it on a windy day. I would not use any more than that. But the second Harmonica to get built (by John
Applewhite in Horida) did have an electric drive. It was a big one, though—3 hp, and two golf cart batteries,
and a gasoline motor just to be sure! I’m told the electric worked fine except in river current.
Harmonica soaks up four sheets of 3/8" plywood and six sheets of 34" plywood and uses very simple nail and
glue construction.
Cuddy Sharpie
16'x 5'
250 pounds empty
The AF3 (Alison’s Fiddle #3) prototype was built by Herb McLeod of Edmonton, Alberta, in 70 hours. He
used spruce exterior plywood made at the plant he has to drive past on his way to the lumberyard. The AFs are
all simple sharpies with traditional looks.
The sail rig is the exact one I used on my old Jinni and also found its way onto the Pencibox. I align the sail
area directly above the trailing edge of the narrow leeboard on sharpies. If weather helm becomes a problem
(hardly ever happens), you can dial it out by sweeping the leeboard aft. Traditional teaching would have the sail
much farther forward, but that guarantees undesirable lee helm in a boat like this. I’ll bet the old rule about
“lead" in sail layout applies well to the sharp deep cutwater designs of traditional planked boats.
Also, I’ve shown external chine logs on AF3 and all my sharpies. They are an easy, quick, and strong bottom
attachment, but many can’t accept their looks. Use traditional interior logs if you wish. Better yet, use
epoxy/fiberglass tape chine joints with a healthy interior radius. That makes for a really clean-looking layout
and the worst rot area in wooden boats, that chine log, is totally eliminated.
AF3 uses six sheets of lA" plywood and two sheets of Vi" plywood.
Cuddy Power Sharpie
18'x 5'
350 pounds empty
AF4 is a simple low-powered cuddy cruiser intended for protected water. I built the prototype myself.
This sharpie shape won’t handle rough water like a dory, but it’s very easy to build and is roomier. AF4 has
an open bow well for anchors and junk. The cabin is 8 feet long and 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide for minimal
camping. It should be comfy for one and snug for two. It has a slot top to allow stand-up boating in good
weather. The cockpit is a full 6 feet long and 4 feet wide and totally open. Aft of the cockpit is a draining motor
well. For power I would say 15 hp maximum. With an old 1956 Johnson 10 hp, mine goes 17 mph full throttle
and cruises comfortably at about 12 mph at about half throttle.
AF4 uses simple nail and glue construction. Five sheets of lA" plywood and four sheets of Vi" plywood.
AF4 Breve
Cuddy Power Sharpie
15’ 6" x 5'
350 pounds empty
Bruce Givens of Virginia Beach, Virginia, didn’t have the shop space to build the 18-foot AF4 so we
scrunched up the design to 15' 6". The cabin was shortened to 7 feet, the cockpit to 5 feet and the motor well
to 1 foot. The overall width and depth are the same as AF4.
The result was a completely new set of drawings, although it can be possible to stretch or shorten a boat
without new drawings by altering the length dimensions. In that case you will have to refigure the bevels as you
build, but it has been done. Other changes in AF4B, introduced after my AF4 experiences, were a thicker
bottom and a shallower anchor well in the bow. That was about it.
I would still say 10 hp maximum.
AF4B uses simple nail-and-glue construction. Four sheets of !4" plywood and four sheets of Vi” plywood.
Power Skiff
12'x 4'
100 pounds empty
Jon Jr. is a small jonboat, sort of a personal boat that will take two normal-sized adults. It’s a perfect “hack of
the pickup truck” boat. It could also be cartopped, its empty weight being about 100 pounds.
As for power, I’d suggest 5 hp max. This boat with a light motor will weigh about 150 pounds ready to go,
say 350 pounds with a man and a bit of gear. So 5 hp might just do it. Besides, this boat is too small for big
waters and covering a lot of distance.
Construction is of the simplest “instant boat” type from three sheets of lA" plywood. All nail-and-glue
construction with a smattering of epoxy and fiberglass to fortify the chine corners.
15'x 5'
400 pounds empty
This is Jewelbox Junior, a 15-foot version of the original 19-foot Jewelbox. It is also narrower to the point
where the bottom is planked with just two sheets of Vi plywood. Perhaps the best comparison of the two boats
would be that Jewelbox needs 16 sheets of plywood while JB Jr. needs 9. In particular, I hoped that Junior could
be towed behind a small car. The prototype JB Jr. was built by Erwin Roux of Mifflinville, Pennsylvania.
I did some studies involving the self-righting abilities of Junior. With its lighter bottom planking, Junior is
bound to be less able in that department than Jewelbox, which Karl James says has righted from having its
windows submerged. By my studies, which assumed the worst condition of a light crew, Junior should self-right
from rolling to about 65 degrees. Beyond that and she would roll another 15 degrees and become stable on her
side. She won’t flood due to her Birdwatcher cabin. If you couldn’t rock the boat back upright you would have
to exit, right it from the water, and climb back in. These are just paper studies. More weight on the bottom,
especially another layer of plywood there, would be a good investment if you could tow the extra weight. The
hull shape will have no trouble floating the extra weight.
I’ve shown Junior with a sharpie sprit rig, same as the AF3. But you could substitute a lug sail of similar size,
or perhaps slightly larger, if you wished. Simple nail-and-glue construction with no jigs or lofting.
Cuddy Cabin Sailboat
18' x 5' 6”
600 pounds empty
Norm had joined a group that travels rather far with their trailer sailers. He wanted the ability to motor, the
possibility of self-rescue, and ease of rigging and trailering. The prototype was built by Cullison Smallcraft of
Silver Springs, Maryland.
Normsboat has a short motor well. Just forward of the well is a buoyancy/storage chamber, then a 6’ long
cockpit with bench seating, then a IVi-ioot cuddy cabin with a slot top, and finally a small bow well.
Almost every feature of Normsboat is something I learned from Bolger: the highly rockered sharpie hull, the
double-planked bottom (strength and weight where they are needed, but this boat is not self-righting), the
draining wells bow and stern, the emergency buoyancy system, the slot-top cuddy, the lug sail with off center
mounting, and the single pivoting leeboard.
Fourteen sheets of 3/8" plywood with simple nail-and-glue construction. No jigs, no lofting.
Cuddy Sharpie
2O’ x 5' 6"
600 pounds empty
The AF2 is the ancestor of both the AF3 and the AF4. The prototype was built by Richard Spelling of Sand
Springs, Oklahoma. AF2 is almost 5 feet longer than AF3, and is 6" wider and deeper. The result is a boat that
is a bit more of a cruiser than a daysailer. The cabin is just tall enough to allow you to sit up, and that allows
low seating in the cockpit. Like AF3 this boat has no ballast, and keeping the crew weight low is important. AF2
is not self-righting in a knockdown. But I hope it will right when the skipper puts his weight on the leeboard,
as does the smaller AF3. (If you raise the cabin in a boat like AF2, you will need to raise the cockpit seats, and
soon you will need to add ballast, and you quickly end up with a totally different boat in a quantum jump.)
The plywood bill looks like six sheets of W, seven sheets of / ",
3 8 and erne sheet of Vi. I used a gaff rig of 114
square feet on AF2 to avoid a really tall mast. She has my standard pivoting leeboard.
Cuddy Sailboat
20’ x 5'
400 pounds empty
The prototype Frolic2 was built by Larry Martin, then of Coos Bay, Oregon. Frolic2 was designed with rough
water in mind and is long and lean, especially in the bow. That plus the multichine cross section make for a
good rough-water boat. But remember, Frolic2 is unballasted and can capsize. Then the skipper should be able
to self-rescue because the boat has large flotation volumes fore and aft, assuming the cabin and aft hatch
openings are securely covered. She has a slot-top cabin big enough to sleep in, and a 6-foot long cockpit with
benches, also big enough to sleep in.
The lug rig is for quick and easy stowing and rowing. It may be too large, but these sails reef well. They can
be closer winded reefed than when full, perhaps because the yard is better controlled. She has a pivoting
leeboard as do almost all my sailboats.
Bigger boats can row well if there is no wind or waves. But I’ve put a small motor well on this one and 2 hp
is probably a realistic max.
She needs eleven sheets of V4" plywood and two sheets of Vi" plywood with jigless taped-seam construction.
25' x 6'
900 pounds empty
This one is a 25 percent enlargement of Frolic2—at least the main hull lines are. A straight scaling of an
existing design hardly ever works perfectly for one reason or another. In this case I raised the cabin deck to get
more headroom and had to shift bulkheads around to get some more living space. The prototype was built by
Chuck Leinweber of Harper, Texas, who edits the great website
I drew in four separate water ballast tanks totaling about 700 pounds of water, which should keep her on
her feet. The layout is pretty routine for a boat this size: The first two feet are open well for the anchors and wet
stuff, followed by the bunkhouse for two, then the decked over raised cockpit that sheds water, followed by an
open motor well.
The sail rig uses the balanced lug main that I like so much. The main mast is just 16 feet long, setting 190
square feet of sail. It steps on a tabernacle that is off center enough that you could use the boat as a motorboat
with the rig folded and still have the hatch openings clear. The small mizzen will steady the boat at anchor or
while reefing the main.
Caprice uses a rather large pile of plywood with taped-seam construction. Eight sheets of V4" plywood, nine
sheets of 3/8" plywood, five sheets of Vi ply, and one sheet of TV ply.
31' x 8' 2500 pounds empty
Caprice’s big sister is a trailerable sailboat that can accommodate a family of four for a week or two easily.
Contact information:
Jim Michalak
118 East Randle Street
Lebanon, 1L 62254
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1. Temporary forms 2 and 8 from 3A" x 3 Vi" —Then screw temporary form 2 in place. Then
lumber. Mark centerlines boldly. No bevels nail and glue stem in place. Keep assembly
required. straight and untwisted.
2. Bulkheads 4.2 and 10.7 from V4" plywood 6. Chine logs from 3A" x 1V4" with constant
with 3A" x 1 Vi" framing. Note that the top edge 10-degree bevel presawn.
of bulkhead 4.2 has doubled framing to
strengthen the attachment for the mast partner.
Mark centerlines boldly. 7. Wales from two laminations of 3A" x 1 Vi".
Inner lamination should have 10-degree bevel
as shown to allow flat surface to attach decks.
3. Transom from V4" plywood with 1 Vi" square
framing and center plate of 3A" x 3 Vi" lumber.
Note that extra material is required beyond the 8. Bottom from Vi" plywood with butt plates
basic dimensions to accommodate the bevels. from 3A" x 3 Vi" lumber or equal. Trim and
Mark centerlines boldly. (The top needs a radius corners.
beveled cut, too, on its top edge, to accept flat
decking. Because the angles are equal, you can
cut both the top and bottom pieces from one —Armor bottom with one layer of 6-ounce
2x4, making the angled cut only once.) cloth set in polyester or epoxy, plus an addi¬
tional layer of 3" glass tape around corners.
5. Sides from W plywood to pattern shown. 10. Coamings from 3A" x lVi" lumber.
Butt straps from 3A" x 3 Vi" lumber or equal.
Mark form and bulkhead locations boldly.
11. Hatch covers from V4" plywood with 3A"
square locating cleats. Secure with shock cords.
—To assemble hull, screw sides to temporary
form 8.
12. Outer stem (optional) from 1 Vi" lumber.
—Draw ends together with ropes and install
bulkheads with glue and nails.
A. Rudder from double Vi" plywood to finish J. Mast step from 1 Vi" laminated atop W thick
1" thick. Lead weight approximately 3 pounds. bearing plate. Note drain slot in step hole.
W pivot bolt.
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JIM MICHALAK is a former aerospace engineer who has become one of the foremost designers of homebuilt boats in
America. He lives in Lebanon, Illinois.
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