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Stephanie Anak Almahe, BN124,1324

Tawara Cycling Festival

We are delighted to announce the return of the Tawara Cycling Festival this summer. The event
will be held on Sunday 27 August 2023 and is open to all club members and visiting cyclists. It will
be the largest cycling event in the region this year. We have spectacular routes, beautiful scenery
and exceptional entertainment planned in an amazing location. This is an event where the whole
family is welcome, either cycling the family-friendly short route together or cheering the return of
cyclists completing the longer routes. There are plenty of activities planned to make it a fun day out
for all. Every penny of your entry fee helps to give you the best day possible and we reinvest any
leftover funds into local cycling ventures and community projects.
The Tawara Cycling Festival is a recreational cycle event with fantastic routes of varying lengths
for all experience levels, ages and abilities. There are five longer trails available covering 25, 50,
75 and 100 mile routes, with a new distance of 150 miles to challenge you in 2023. We also have a
family-friendly ride of 6 to 10 miles which should take about an hour to cycle – perfect for younger
children. All routes have been planned to accommodate the riding ability of all participants from
expert riders to complete novices.
The Trails subscribed. Details of the available trails are
as follows:
The festival is set in the beautiful West
Swade nature reserve. Each trail offers the Distance (mi) Fee Climb (ft)
chance to ride through the stunning
Trail Details 6 to 10 £7.00 209
25 £15.00 949
countryside, enjoy the wild spaces and
50 £20.00 1,640
explore one of the most bio-diverse areas in
75 £25.00 2,112
the country. The routes pass through
100 £25.00 2,637
beautiful woodlands, open heathland, 150*NEW £32.00 4,169
wetland habitats and rolling farmland.
Registering and participating in a trail is
All trails start and taken as acknowledgement that each cyclist
finish at the lake. In accepts the event regulations. This is a non-
order to keep all competitive cycling event and participants
riders as safe as must enter for reasons of recreation or
possible cyclists personal challenge. Anyone considered to
must start within be competing with other riders will be
twenty minutes of the listed start time for prevented from entering future events. No
their trail. The trails are all fully signposted finishing times will be published. All riders
and designed so you can explore and ride at under the age of 16 must be accompanied
your own pace. On the longer trails there will by a responsible adult who is also
be three feed stations. These are perfect participating in the same trail distance. An
locations to take a break and refuel yourself adult may accompany more than one child.
ready for the next section of your ride. There Prior to the festival all registered riders will
will be a selection of hot and cold food, receive full event details including the event
water, high energy drinks, sweet and regulations, route maps, feed station
savoury snacks and fruit. All feed stations locations, emergency contact numbers and
have toilet facilities, mechanical support hazard signage to ensure riders can
services and medical help if needed. adequately prepare for the event.
Registration and Participation On the day of the festival riders will need to
Event registration and payment must be check in by showing a copy of their
completed online prior to the festival. Please confirmation email or photographic
ensure you provide valid contact information identification. All participants will be given a
and details of an emergency contact. Cash rider number. Riders are responsible for their
transactions cannot be accepted. Entries are own bike and equipment. The bike must be
limited to 150 for each trail distance so early fully roadworthy and a cycle helmet must be
registration is advisable. Entries will close on worn. Headphones and musical playing
20 August or earlier if a trail is fully devices are not permitted for riders whilst on
Stephanie Anak Almahe, BN124,1324
the trails. It is the rider’s own responsibility to Alongside the cycling, the festival will also
ensure they are fit and able to take part in have stalls and a wide range of free
the event. attractions and special events planned to
keep all the family entertained. Many of the
All volunteers, marshals and staff involved in
stalls have produce sourced from local
the event will be clearly identifiable. They
retailers and suppliers within a 20-mile
give their time freely and without their
radius of the event. Activities will include:
assistance we would not be able to run the
festival. Please obey their instructions and  bike handling for children
be polite to them.  bubble bikes
 cycle maintenance sessions
Cancellation  get back on your bike sessions
In the unlikely event of extreme weather for mature riders
conditions, insufficient rider numbers or  guided walks around the nature
circumstances outside of our control we reserve
reserve the right to cancel the festival. If for  post-ride massages
any reason it is cancelled you will be notified  professional shows with stunt
by SMS and email at the earliest opportunity. bike sessions
Your entry fee will be refunded in full using  rental bikes
the same method you used to purchase your  yoga for cyclists.
entry. If the festival is postponed your entry There is also a tranquil lake for supervised
will be carried forward to the rescheduled water activities such as canoeing,
event. If you need to cancel your entry you paddleboarding and wild swimming. There
can do so up to 5 days before the festival will be an indoor cycling centre where people
and receive a full refund. Cancellations can test out some of the newest bikes on the
made within 5 days of the festival will not be market. Secure bike storage is available so
entitled to a refund. cyclists can enjoy the entertainment in the
Entertainment knowledge that their equipment is safe.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival. Please remember to enter as early as possible to
avoid disappointment. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to
contact us via our website.

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