Parasitology MCQ 2
Parasitology MCQ 2
Parasitology MCQ 2
A) Protozoology (MCQs)
1) On the basis of light and electron microscopic morphology, the protozoa are currently classified into
A. Four Phyla B. Five Phyla
C. Both D. None
3) All protozoa required organic materials, which may be particulate or in solution. Such type of nutrition is called
A. Holozoic B. Saprozoic
C. Both D. None
C. Cyst D. Rhizopoda
C. E. histolytica D. None
C. E. hartmanni D. None
C. Cyst D. Rhizopoda
9) Protozoan parasites required hematin obtained from blood haemoglobin for aerobic respiration are called
A. Heteroxenous B. Hemoflagellates
C. Both D. None
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Discipline: Parasitology
C. Giardiasis D. Trichomoniasis
C. Both D. None
C. Both D. None
13) Species of Trypanosomes develop in the anterior portion of the insect gut are called as
A. Stercoraria B. Salivaria
C. Both D. None
14) Species of Trypanosomes develop in the posterior portion of the insect gut are called as
A. Stercoraria B. Salivaria
C. Both D. None
C. Both D. Nagana
C. Both D. Nagana
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Discipline: Parasitology
A) Protozoology (MCQs)
35) Which of the following species is transmitted sexually
A. Tt. rotunda B. T. gallinea
C. T. foetus D. Pt. hominis
36) Which of the following drugs is effective against Trichomonas vaginalis
A. Penicillin B. Streptomycin
C. Metronidazole D. Pentamidine
37) Which of the following classes of immunoglobulins is important in immunity to T. vaginalis?
A. IgA B. IgG
C. IgE D. IgM
40) The infection rate of Trichomonas vaginalis in European women is
A. <0.1% B. 1%
C. 1-5% D. 5-20%
41) Trichomonads are members of which phylum of protozoa
A. Sarcomastigophora B. Apicomplexa
C. Cilliophora D. Microspora
42) Trichomonas gallinae is transmitted by which of the following routes
A. Sexually B. Oral
C. Aerosol D. Direct contact
43) How long after infection with Trichomonas vaginalis do clinical symptoms begin
A. <24 hours B. 1-5 days
C. 5-10 days D. 1-4 weeks
A. Malaria B. Leishmaniasis
C. Schistosomiasis t D. All above
A. Xenodiagnosis B. Thymol turbidity tes
C. Both D. Mercuric chloride test
31) American trypanosomiasis is transmitted by
A. Kissing bugs B. Tsetse fly
C. Both D. Horse fly
33) Which of the following species infects primates
A. Trichomonad. suis B. P. hominis
C. T. buttey D. Tt. rotunda
54) Giardia lamblia is usually transmitted
A. by ingestion of contaminated food or water B. by intermediayte host
C. Both D. None
55) Trophozoite of Giardia lamblia have
A. 2 flagella B. 4 flagella
C. 5 Flagella D. 6 flagella
56) Giardiasis can be diagnosed by
A. Duodenal biopsy B. Enterotest
C. Both D. None
57) Giardia trophozoites exhibits a characteristic
A. Tear-drop shape B. Pear shape
C. Both D. Flask shaped
58) Giardia trophozoites contains
A. One nucleus B. Two nuclei
C. Three nuclei D. Four nuclei
59) A unique ultrastructural feature of Giardia is the adhesive disk also called as
A. Ventral disk B. Sucking disk
C. Sucker D. All above
60) The incubation period of giardia infection in human being is generally
A. 3 days B. -2 weeks
C. 4 weeks D. 4-6 weeks
61) Gastro-intestinal disturbances associated with giardiasis include
A. Flatulence B. Bloating
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Discipline: Parasitology
C. Purple burbs D. All above
62) Stools associated with Giardia infection are generally described as loose, bulky, frothy and/or greasy with
A. The absence of blood or mucus B. The presence of blood or mucus
C. The absence of mucus D. The presence of mucus
63) Drug of choice against Giardiasis is
A. Metronidazole B. Paramomycin
C. Furazolidone D. Quinacrin
65) T. vaginalis, infects
A. Men B. Women
C. Both D. None
66) Trichomonasis is a
A. Non-sexually transmitted diseases B. Sexually transmitted diseases
C. Food born disease D. Contagious disease
67) Trichomoniasis can be diagnosed by
A. Whiff test B. Polymerase chain reaction
C. Wet mount D. All above
68) The use of latex or polyurethane condoms during vaginal intercourse can prevent the transmission of
A. Trichomoniasis B. Amoebiasis
C. Trypanosomiasis D. Giardiasis
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C. Both D. None
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Discipline: Parasitology
B) Helminthology (MCQs)
101) Each of the following statements concerning Ascaris lumbricoides is correct except:
A. Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the largest nematode B. Ascaris lumbricoides can cause pneumonia
C. Both dogs and cats are intermediate host of Ascaris D. Ascaris lumbricoides is transmitted by ingestion of eggs
102) Each of the following statements concerning hookworm infection is correct except
A. Hookworm infection can cause pneumonia B. Hookworm infection is acquired by humans when
filariform larvae penetrate the skin
C. Hookworm infection is caused by Necatar americanus D. Hookworm infection can be diagnosed by finding the
trophozoite in the stool
103) Pigs or dogs are the source of human infection by each of the following parasites except
A. Echinococcus granulosus B. Taenia solium
C. Ascaris lumbricoides D. None
104) Phylum Nemathelminthes includes
A. Roundworms B. Tapeworms
C. Flukes D. None
105) Phylum Platyhelminthes includes
A. Round worms B. Flatworms
C. Thorny headed worms D. All of above
106) The name helminth is derived from the Greek words helmins or helminthos which means
A. Fluke B. Nematode
C. Cestode D. Worm
107) The name helminth is usually applied to Parasitic and non-parasitic species of
A. Flatworms B. Tapeworms
C. Roundworms D. All of above
108) Members of Phylum Platyhelminthes are
A. Dorsoventrally flattened B. Laterally Compressed
C. Round D. None
109) Members of Phylum Nemathelminthes are
A. Dorsoventrally flattened B. Laterally Compressed
C. Round D. None
110) Anthelmintics are chemicals used to kill
A. Helminths B. Insects
C. Arachnids D. Protozooa
111) Anthelmintics are chemicals used to kill
A. Flatworm B. Tapeworm
C. Roundworm D. All of above
112) Anthelmintics solutions when given orally are called as
A. Drench B. Bolus
C. Both a and b D. None
113) Oral preparations of anthelmintics are called as
A. Drench B. Spot on
C. Pour on D. All of above
114) Anthelmintics are used to
A. Kill the worms B. Remove the eggs from pasture
C. Both D. None
115) Anthelmintics may be administered as
A. Drench B. Bolus
C. Injection D. All of above
135) The names of genus and species are expressed in ____ form
A. Latin B. Greek
C. Roman D. English
C. Oesophegostomum D. Trichuris
A. Filariform B. Rhabditiform
C. Gubernacular D. None
243) Esophagus length shorter than length of parasite in proportion is called as
A. Rhaboditiform B. Filariform
C. Gubernacula D. None
244) Maturation of Gastrointestinal nematodes mostly occurs in
A. Ground/soil B. Vegetation
C. Intermediate host D. Gastrointestinal tract
247) Following is the example of hookworm
A. Ancylostoma caninum B. Barderpole worm
C. Haemonchus contortus D. All of above
249) Body of following parasite is ribbon like
260) Pigs or dogs are the source of human infection by each of the following parasites EXCEPT:
A. Echinococcus granulosus B. Taenia solium
C. Ascaris lumbricoides D. Trichinella spiralis
263) Nematoda means___________.
A. pointed bodies B. peaked heads
C. pointed ends D. pointed cells
267) In cestodes following types of larva/metacestode could be seen
A. 3 B. 5
C. 7 D. 8
268) There are following basic types of scolex in cestodes
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
269) Body of adult cestode can be divided into how many parts?
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
271) Cestodes are
A. Non parasitic B. Parasitic
C. Both D. None
272) Nematodes may be
A. Parasitic B. Non parasitic
C. Both D. None
273) Among all helminths only following are having segmented body
A. Nematodes B. Acanthocephalans
C. Trematodes D. Cestodes
276) Dwarf tapeworm of poultry is a
A. Trematode B. Nematode
C. Cestode D. None
C. They are parasites of animals. D. They require two types of hosts to complete their life
669) An intermediate host whose presence may be required for the completion of a parasite's life cycle but in which no
development of the parasite occurs.
A. Reservoir host B. Definitive host
C. Paratenic host D. All of these
672) _____________act as reservoir for the Strongyloides spp infection.
A. Cats B. Cattle
C. Dogs D. Sheep
673) Hookworms are
A. Nematode B. Cestode
C. Trematode D. Tapeworm
677) All are Intermediate hosts Except
A. fish B. chicken
C. snakes D. cattle
678) Strongyloidiasis is also known as __________.
A. threadworm infection B. pinworm infection
C. headworm infection D. birdworm infection
679) The zoonotic potential of Strongyloides fuelleborni is believed to be much _________than Strongyloides stercoralis
A. higher B. lower
C. equal D. Both are not zoonotic
680) Strongyloid infections can also cause _________in man which can be zoonotic in nature.
A. hepatitis B. rumenitis
C. dermatitis D. None of these
681) Humans are _________for S. stercoralis infections
A. Reservoir host B. Definitive host
C. Paratenic host D. None of these