Eng7 Wk1
Eng7 Wk1
Eng7 Wk1
B. Performance
C. Learning Supply other words or Supply other words or Supply other words or Supply other words or
Competencies/ expressions that complete an expressions that complete expressions that complete an expressions that complete
Objectives analogy an analogy analogy an analogy
( Write the Lode for
II.CONTENT analogy analogy analogy analogy
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page X Page X Page X Page X
2. Learner’s Material Page Y Page Y Page Y Page Y
3. Textbook pages Page Z Page Z Page Z Page Z
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Conduct a brief review of the Conduct a quick review of Begin the lesson by reviewing Begin the lesson with a brief
Lesson or presenting previous lesson's main the main concepts learned in the main concepts learned in review of the main concepts
new lesson concepts and discuss any the previous lesson, the previous lesson, focusing and skills covered in the
F. Developing Mastery Provide exercises or activities Assign individual or group Assign individual or group Assign individual or group
(Lead to Formative that allow students to practice exercises that require exercises that require students activities that involve
Assessment 3) completing analogies students to complete to complete analogies creating their own analogies
independently or in small analogies independently. independently. Provide based on given concepts or
groups. Provide feedback and Provide guidance and opportunities for students to situations. Encourage
guidance as needed. support as needed, ensuring explain their thought processes students to explain the
that students understand the and reasoning behind their relationships and reasoning
Created by: GREG M, Et al
underlying concepts. answers. Offer guidance and behind their analogies.
support as needed.
G. Finding practical Engage the students in a Engage the students in a Engage the students in a Engage the students in a
application of concepts discussion about real-life discussion about real-life discussion about real-life discussion about how
and skills in daily living scenarios where analogies situations where analogies situations where analogies are analogies are used in
are commonly used. are commonly used. commonly used. Encourage different fields, such as
Encourage them to identify Encourage them to identify them to identify and share science, literature, and
and share examples they and share examples from examples, highlighting how problem-solving. Encourage
encounter in their daily lives. their daily lives, explaining completing analogies can aid in them to explore practical
how completing analogies effective communication and applications of analogical
can enhance communication understanding. thinking in their own lives.
and understanding.
H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts
Summarize the key concepts learned during the less
and Abstraction about learned during the lesson and on learned during the lesson and learned during the lesson
the Lesson. have the students make and encourage students to encourage students to make and facilitate a class
generalizations about make generalizations about generalizations about discussion on the broader
completing analogies. completing analo completing analogies. Discuss applications of analogical
Discuss the importance of Summarize the keyhow this skill
concepts can during
learned be applied in
the less thinking. Encourage
this skill in various academic gies. Discuss different academic subjects and students to draw
and real-life contexts. the broader applications of real-world contexts. connections between
this skill in different completing analogies and
academic subjects and real- other cognitive processes.
world scenarios.
I. Evaluating Learning Section 1: Workplace Section 1” Synonyms Section 1: Synonyms Section 1: Synonyms
Enormous is to gigantic as Brave is to courageous as Happy is to joyful as sad is
Manager is to leadership as tiny is to ___________. scared is to ___________. to ___________.
team member is to
___________. Exquisite is to beautiful as Fast is to speedy as slow is
repulsive is to Big is to large as small is to to ___________.
Salesperson is to persuasive ___________. ___________.
as customer is to Bright is to brilliant as dim is
___________. to ___________.
Lively is to energetic as Kind is to benevolent as cruel is
Teacher is to education as lethargic is to ___________. to ___________. Angry is to furious as calm is
student is to ___________. to ___________.
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher III
School Principal I