History Cumulative Test Chapter 1-3

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CHAPTERS – 1,2,3

1. From which places do we find the evidences of canal and furrowed fields in 1
Harappa Civilization?

हड़प्पा सभ्यता के ककन स्थलों से हमें नहरों व जोते हुए खेतों के साक्ष्य ममलते हैं

2. Name the English Officer who deciphered Kharoshti Script ? 1

उस अंग्रेज अधिकारी का नांम बताएँ जजसने सववप्रथम खरोष्ठी मलपप पढ़ी ?

3. Name the Kushana King who introduced the gold coins in India? 1

ककस कुषाण शासक ने भारत में सोने की मसक्के चलाये ?

4. Write the sources to know Mauryan Empire. 1

मौयव प्रशासन के जानने के स्रोत मलखें |

5. Which are the two parts of Mahabharata? 1

महाभाग भारत के दो भाग कौन से हैं?

6. What do you understand by Endogamy? 1

अंतपवववाह से आप क्या समझते हैं ?

7 List some of the problem faced by epigraphists. 3

अमभलेख शाजस्ियों की कुछ समस्याओं का उल्लेख कीजजए |

8 Explain why patriliny may have been particularly important among elite families. 3

स्पष्ट कीजजए कक पवमशष्ट पररवारों में पपतव

ृ ंमशकता क्यों महत्वपूणव रही होगी ?

9 Discuss how archaeologists reconstruct the past? 8

चचाव कीजजए कक पुरातत्वपवद ककस प्रकार अतीत का पुनर्नवमावण करते हैं ?

Answer key
( kindly note that one mark and 8 mark answers need explanation)
1. Canals- Shortughai, furrowed fields – kalibangan
2. James Pricep
3. Kanishka
4. Arthshastra- Kautilya
Indica- Magasthenese
Rock Edicts and Inscriptions
Buddhists texts
5. a) narrative
b) Didactic
6. Marriages within the community
7. a) letters are faded away
b) some inscriptions are not intact.
c) do not give us information about the ordinary people
d) difficult to make out the meaning and tell us the perspective of the person
only who installed them.
8. Patriliny is tracing descend from father to son and grandson.
Only sons were supposed to be the heir and successor of the royal throne.
Girls were not given a share in the property.
In Rig-Veda there are hymns for good sons.
9. a) On the basis of the places where artifacts were found
b) On the basis of the raw material of the artifact
c) On the basis of the utility of the object
d) On the basis of the indirect evidences
e) By categorizing the objects as per the nature e.g. stone, bone, ivory etc.
f) On the basis of known to unknown



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