2020 Edition
2020 Edition
2020 Edition
DSWD Memorandum Circular No. 17 Series of 2018
2020 Edition
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................ 3
LIST OF ANNEXES ............................... 5
FOREWORD ............................................ 7
INTRODUCTION .................................. 8
LEGAL BASES ....................................... 9
DEFINITION OF TERMS ................... 12
ANNEX A: Registration Process Flowchart ……….74
ANNEX B: Licensing Process Flowchart……………75
ANNEX C: Accreditation Process Flowchart……….76
ANNEX D: RLA Related Guidelines……….76
ANNEX D: SB RLA Detailed Processes……….76
The Standards Bureau (SB), as the regulatory and quality assurance arm of the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), develops quality
measures in the management of Social Welfare and Development Agencies
(SWDAs) and in the implementation of programs and services that will alleviate
poverty and empower disadvantaged individuals, families and communities for
an improved quality of life.
This Operations Manual was developed in 2019 to guide the SB and the 16
Standards Sections (SS) of the Fields Offices in the implementation of DSWD’s
regulatory functions. However, due to feedback from end-users during its initial
implementation and the continuous development and policy enhancement, the
revision was made in 2020. The revised Operations Manual of MC 17 s2018 is
designed to provide guidance to SB and SS in the Registration and Licensing of
Private Agencies as SWDAs and Accreditation of SWD Programs and Services of
the agencies implementing or intending to implement social work activities. With
this Manual, I am confident that the SB and the SS staff can efficiently and
effectively deliver their duties.
Undersecretary and Concurrent Head
Standards and Capacity Building Group
The following are the bases of the provisions stated in this Manual:
1. Article II, Section 23. Declaration of Principles and State Policies of the
1987 Philippine Constitution provides that “the State policies shall
encourage non-governmental, community-based, or sectoral
organizations that promote the welfare of the nation”
2. Section 4 of Republic Act No. 10847 of 2016 that amended Sections 23,
26 and 29 of RA 4373 – “An Act Lowering the Age Requirement for
Applicants taking the Board Examination for Social Workers, Providing
for Continuing Social Work Education, and Upgrading the Sundry
Provisions relative to the Practice of Social Work”
a. Section 4 of this law imposes that no social welfare agency shall
operate and be accredited as such unless it shall first have
registered and secured a license with the DSWD which shall then
issue the corresponding certificate of registration and license to
b. Section 4 also prescribes a stronger penalty for any person,
corporation or entity operating as a Social Welfare and
Development Agency (SWDA), without the corresponding valid
Certificate of Registration and License to Operate issued by the
3. Section 26 of Rule V of Professional Regulatory Board for Social
Workers Resolution No. 03 series of 2017 (Implementing Rules and
Regulations of RA No. 4373, otherwise known as an Act to Regulate the
Practice of Social Work and the Operation of Social Work Agencies in
the Philippines and for other Purposes, as amended by RA Nos. 5175
and 10847) states that “the DSWD shall issue and promulgate policy
guidelines to implement the provisions of Section 4 of RA 10847 on the
registration of SWDAs.
4. Article IV of Sections 24 and 25 of Republic Act No. 4373 of 1965 states
that “No government agency or instrumentality shall give financial or
other aid to any social work agency unless that agency has been duly
registered with the Social Welfare Administration and “The Certificate
of Registration issued to any social work agency may be revoked if,
SWDA. A License to Operate shall be issued after having complied with the
set criteria and all prescribed requirements.
Registered Social Worker – refers to a practitioner who has passed the Social
Work Licensure Examination, and is a holder of valid registration or
identification card issued by the Professional Regulatory Commission, with
accepted academic training and social professional experience; and possesses
the skill to achieve the objectives as defined and set by the Social Work
profession, through the use of the basic methods and techniques of Social
Work (case work, group work, and community organizing) which are
designed to enable individuals, groups and communities to meet their needs
and to solve the problems of adjustment to a changing pattern of society, and
through coordinated action, to improve economic and social conditions.
Registration – refers to the process of assessing the applicant organization to
determine whether its intended purpose is within the purview of SWD where
the determination of the same shall result to the inclusion of the agency in the
Department’s registry of SWDAs. A Certificate of Registration shall be issued
after having complied with all the prescribed requirements.
Registry – refers to the national roster of registered, licensed and/or
accredited SWDAs.
Revocation – refers to the cancellation of the registration, license or
accreditation certificates of a SWDA for the commission of any of the grounds
as provided for this guideline
Social Welfare and Development Agency (SWDA) - refers to a non-stock,
non-profit corporation, organization or association, implementing or
intending to implement either directly or indirectly social welfare and
development programs and services in the Philippines, and assessed as
having the capacity to operate administratively, technically and financially.
Its clients may include but not limited to the poor, disadvantaged, and
vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities.
1. Public SWDA – those managed by the National Government
Agencies (NGAs) or Local Government Units (LGUs) which are
exempted from registration and licensing but its SWD programs and
services are required to be accredited.
a. Residential facility are managed by DSWD and LGUs such as but
not limited to Reception and Study Center for Children (RSCC),
Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY), Haven for
Women, Elsie Gaches Village (EGV), Sanctuary Center, and Home
for the Elderly etc.
b. Non-residential facility are managed by DSWD, NGAs and LGUs
such as but not limited to Senior Citizens Center (SCC), Vocational
Rehabilitation Center, and ECCD Center etc.
2. Private SWDA – are non-stock, non-profit organization duly
established and / or recognized under the Philippine laws performing
social welfare and development activities.
a. Social Work Agency (SWA) – a private SWDA that directly
engages in SWD programs and services whether Center based
and/or Community based using social work interventions,
whether case work, group work, or community organizing. It
employs the services of a full time or part time social worker. It is
classified into:
1. Center-based – refers to the SWD programs and services
rendered in a physical structure or facility. It is classified into:
Residential – refers to provision of twenty-four (24) hour
group care services under the guidance of trained staff
within a structured therapeutic environment geared
towards rehabilitation.
Non-Residential – refers to provision of programs and
services of trained staff in a physical structure for group of
clients for a number of hours in a day or several days but
not beyond two (2) weeks.
Chapter 1
Registration of
Private Agencies
Applying as SWDAs
B. Requirements
To be registered, an applicant must show that it is legally qualified as a
SWDA. An applicant for registration as a SWDA shall submit the
following documentary requirements (one set only).
1. Duly Accomplished and Notarized Application Form
2. Updated Copy of Certificate of Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) Registration and latest Articles of
Incorporation and by-laws indicating that the organization’s
primary purpose is within the purview of social welfare and
development issued by SEC that gives a juridical personality to a
non-stock, non–profit organization to operate in the Philippines
3. Copy of any of the following:
a. Handbook or Manual Operations of its programs policies
and procedures to attain its purposes
b. Brochure
c. Duly signed Work and Financial Plan for at least two (2)
Years by the Head of Agency
D. Registration Process
The following charts and processes are specific for SB. The FOs are
given the guidance to craft their respective process steps, flowcharts
and citizens charter based on their existing structures and systems, as
long as they follow the timeline provided for the processing of
registration which is seven (7) working days.
3b. If incomplete, the Officer of the Day shall return all submitted
documents accompanied by a checklist of requirements to the
applicant Organization’s compliance.
b. Loss of Certificates
c. Typographical Error
2. On such instances, the concerned SWDA shall file a letter of
request for an amendment and or replacement of its certificate,
addressed to the SB or FO-SS which issued the existing
Registration Certificate. The letter of request should be
supported with the following documents:
a. For Change of Name or Address: Amended SEC
Certificate/Articles of Incorporation, Previously Issued
Certificate of Registration, and Board Resolution for
change of address.
b. For Loss of Certificates: Notarized Affidavit of Loss, Request
for Replacement
c. For Typographical Error: Request for amendment;
Certificate to be replaced.
Chapter 2
Licensing of
Private SWDAs
B. Requirements
Please refer to annexes of the existing guidelines.
For the purpose of compliance with RA 11032 or The Ease of Doing
Business Act, the documentary requirements submitted during the
registration process that are also required for licensing (given that no
changes was made as attested by the applicant organization) shall be
deemed acceptable during the licensing application process. All
documents with expired validity will have to be renewed or updated.
In a certain situation that an applicant organization already in
operation submitted incomplete requirements for Licensing but with
complete requirements for Registration, the SB or FO-SS shall accept
the requirements and shall proceed with the registration process.
However, an Action Plan indicating the requirements and timeframe of
compliance to Licensing shall be prepared and signed before the
organization leaves the DSWD premises. A maximum of six (6) months
shall be given to the organization to comply with the licensing
requirements. Likewise, a copy of the Action Plan for conforme of the
organization shall be provided. This is in compliance of the Department
to the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) Memorandum Circular 2019-
002 Series of 2019 or the “Guidelines on the implementation of the Citizens
Charter in compliance to Republic Act 11032 otherwise known as “Ease of
Doing Business (EODB) and Efficient Service Delivery Act of 2018” and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)”. Since this are two (2)
different processes, the applicant shall not be refrained on availing a
certain service that will not have implication on the other.
E. Licensing Process
The following charts and processes are specific to SB. The FOs are given
the guidance to craft their respective process steps, flowcharts, and
citizens charter based on their existing structures and systems, as long
as they follow the timeline provided for the processing of license, which
is twenty (20) working days.
• SWDAs • Application
• Updated SWDAs
• Undersecretary forms
supervising SB • Complete
• License to
• Standards Documentary
Bureau Requirements
(LTO) in
Director • Processing fee
• SCMD Division • Licensing
Chief Assessment
• Team Leader Tool
• SB SCMD • Travelling
Technical Staff allowance and
• Support Staff per diem
Receive Approve
Review Conduct Prepare Review
Certificate of
complete Validation confirmation validation
documents License to
document Assessment report results
3.b. If complete, the Officer of the Day shall endorse the documents to
the Support Staff and shall log the receipt of the application
documents to the Document Transaction Management System
(DTMS). Once encoded, this shall be forwarded to the Incoming
Support Staff of the Standards Compliance Monitoring Division
Step 6 Within two (2) working days, the assigned Technical Staff
shall review the submitted documents as to completeness and
compliance. The submitted complete documents must satisfy the
criteria indicated on Chapter 2, Section C. of this Operations Manual.
draft letter shall be submitted to the Team Leader for review and
During the exit conference, the Technical Staff must ensure that
the Head of the SWDA or its Authorized Representative has
signed the Assessment Tool and the Action Plan (as applicable).
Before leaving the SWDA, the technical staff must ensure that the
Customer Feedback Satisfaction Form is filled-up by the Head or
its Authorized Representative, and is returned to the technical
staff in a sealed envelope.
9b. If not favorable, the Technical Staff shall detail the Assessor's
Findings in the Confirmation Report. After the Assessment Visit,
the SWDA shall comply with the agreed Action Plan within six
(6) months. Should the concerned SWDA fail or refuse to comply
with these findings, the sanctions as specified in this Manual shall
be enforced.
Step 13 For those with unfavorable findings, the Support Staff shall
send the Confirmation Report to the SWDA after the SB Director signed
1. For Suspension
a. The registration, license or accreditation of a SWDA shall be
suspended for a period of a minimum of one (1) month and
not more than one year, for the second commission of any of
acts or omissions penalized by Reprimand.
b. If any of the following acts occur, the registration, license
and/or accreditation certificate of concerned SWDA shall be
suspended, even the case are still under investigation or
1. Use of SWDA for immoral purposes, such as but not
limited to trafficking, gambling, prostitution, money
laundering and terrorist financing.
2. Neglect, exploitation and abuse of SWDA clients.
c. If the concerned SWDA is operating in more than one (1)
region, and/or has more than one facility, but committed a
violation in only one (1) region or one (1) facility, the following
shall apply:
1. If the violation of the SWDA affects its operations in
more than one region, the entire operations of the SWDA
shall be suspended.
2. Otherwise, only the operations of the SWDA in the
region or the facility where the violation occurred shall
be suspended.
2. For Revocation
The registration, license or accreditation of a SWDA shall be revoked
for the third commission of any of acts or omissions penalized by
Reprimand, and for any of the following acts:
4. Loss of Certificates,
K. Reportorial Requirements
All licensed SWDAs shall submit to the DSWD SB or concerned FO-SS,
their annual accomplishment within the 1st quarter of the succeeding
year using the DSWD template.
Failure to submit the said report for two (2) consecutive years shall
result to imposition of sanctions as provided in Chapter 2, Section H.4
of this manual shall apply.
Chapter 3
Accreditation of
SWD Programs and
B. Accreditation Requirements
Please refer to annexes of the existing guidelines.
E. Pre-Accreditation Assessment
1. For New Applications and those have been Accredited
under precursor guidelines of Administrative Order 16
Series of 2012 (AO 16 s2012)
a. Pre-assessment shall be administered by the concerned FO
prior to SB’s actual accreditation assessment of the SWD
programs and services of the applicant SWDA.
b. The existing accreditation tools shall be used as the pre-
assessment tools in determining the readiness of the SWDA to
meet the set standards on SWD programs and services being
delivered to its clients.
F. Process of Accreditation
1. SIPOC Matrix of Accreditation
The diagram below shows relevant elements on Accreditation process.
H. Renewal of Accreditation
SWDAs shall apply for renewal of their accreditation to SB within
ninety (90) working days before the expiration of its Accreditation
J. Amendment of Accreditation
The DSWD Accreditation Certificate may be amended or replaced due
to any of the following circumstances:
1. Change of Name
2. Loss of Certificates
3. Typographical Error
4. Result of the Resolution by the CORC on the complaints against
the SWDA
On such instances, the SWDA shall file a letter of request for an
amendment and or replacement of its certificate, addressed to the
concerned SB or FO-SS which issued the existing License to Operate.
The letter of request should be supported with the following
1. For Change of Name or Address: Amended SEC Certificate/Articles
of Incorporation, Previously Issued Certificate of Registration and
License to Operate, Board Resolution for change of address/name.
In this case, the Registration and License to Operate must be
applied for replacement simultaneously.
2. For Loss of Certificates: Notarized Affidavit of Loss, Request for
Chapter 4
Other Activities on
A. Monitoring of SWDAs
The conduct of planned and spot monitoring activities to SWDAs with
or without valid Certificate of Registration and License to operate and
Accreditation shall be observed to ensure compliance of set standards
and requirements along the implementation of SWDAs programs and
The Bureau and FOs must regularly keep track of the submission of the
reportorial requirement (Annual Accomplishment Report). Such effort
is also a way of verifying the SWDAs’ continuous operation.
Non-submission of the said report for two (2) consecutive years shall
result to imposing sanctions per Memorandum Circular no. 16 Series of
2018 (Guidelines on Handling Complaints Against SWDAs).
Otherwise, FOs and SB shall conduct intervention like provision of
Technical Assistance, site visit, etc. On the other hand, the Sustained
submission of reportorial requirements, is subjected to recognition.
A separate guidelines and internal protocols shall be issued to explicitly
discuss the process and mechanisms in the conduct of monitoring
that relate to the protection and promotion of the rights of the poor,
marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable sectors.
As part of preventive and/or proactive Technical Assistance to
registered and licensed SWDAs, both SB and FO Standards Section
a. Compile social welfare related laws per sector, ready for
distribution to SWDAs; and
b. Organize orientation on said social welfare related laws or link
them with appropriate resource persons/experts.
ABSNET may assist in the provision of Technical Assistance along RLA
requirements including reportorial requirements to unregistered
To keep SWDAs updated about recent developments all applicable
DSWD Administrative orders, Memorandum Circulars and other
issuances that are essential for social case management, governance,
protection of beneficiaries and other updates on regulatory and support
services, applicable to the sectoral beneficiaries should be discussed in
orientation activities.
Both SB and FO – SS shall maximize ABSNET activities in providing
Technical Assistance and in gathering issues and concerns encountered
regarding the implementation of registration, licensing, and
accreditation guidelines as well as in apprising SWDAs on newly
approved policies of the DSWD and sharing of good practices.
Within six (6) months upon agreement of the Action Plan the SB or the
concerned FOs shall monitor and provide TA to the concerned SWDA
until it finds the latter ready and compliant with the requirements and
C. Information Dissemination
To effectively regulate organizations implementing or intending to
implement SWD programs and services, information dissemination
through distribution of Information, Education, and Communication
(IEC) materials and conduct of advocacy activities on regulatory
services are deemed necessary. The popularization of the Department’s
regulatory functions is primarily aimed at increasing awareness of key
stakeholders and engaging them to actively participate in the
implementation and delivery of these functions.
Chapter 5
Sanctions and
ANNEX A: Registration 74
Process Flowchart
ANNEX B: Licensing 75
Process Flowchart
ANNEX C: Accreditation 76
Process Flowchart
ANNEX D: RLA Related 77
Laws and DSWD
B. DSWD Issuances:
1. Memorandum Circular No. 17 Series of 2018: Revised Guidelines
Governing the Registration, Licensing of Social Welfare and Development
(SWD) Agencies and Accreditation of SWD Programs and Services.
A. Registration of Private
Organizations as SWDA
3.a. If incomplete, the Officer of the Day shall return all submitted
documents accompanied by a checklist of requirements to the
applicant Organization’s compliance.
3.b. If complete, the Officer of the Day shall endorse the documents
to the Support Staff and shall log the receipt of the application
documents to the Document Transaction Management System
(DTMS). Once encoded, this shall be forwarded to the
Incoming Support Staff of the Standards Compliance
Monitoring Division (SCMD).
If no comment:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and certificate. These shall be routed to SCMD
Division Chief (DC) for comments/inputs. Once approved,
DC shall sign the said documents and endorse these to the
Bureau Director (BD).
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently, these
shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the report
and certificate and shall then be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
report and certificate. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
Once signed by the SCMD DC, the SCMD Support Staff shall
forward the report and certificate to the concerned TS for
logo and shall forward to the BD Secretary of the BD’s for
Once approved, the SCMD Support Staff shall log its receipt
and shall then forward to the BD Secretary for BD’s approval
and initial.
If no comments/inputs:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and certificate. These shall be routed to SCMD Dc
for comments/inputs. Once approved, DC shall sign the
said documents and endorse these to the BD.
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
comments/inputs. Once approved, BD shall sign the
Confirmation Report.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the report
and certificate and shall then be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
report and certificate. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
If no comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
acknowledgement letter. These shall be routed to SCMD
DC for comments/inputs. Once approved, DC shall sign
the said documents and endorse these to the BD.
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
comments/inputs. Once approved, BD shall sign the
acknowledgement letter.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
If no comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
document. This shall be routed to SCMD Division Chief
(DC) for comments/inputs. Once approved, DC shall sign
the said documents and endorse to the Bureau Director
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
comments/inputs. Once approved, BD shall sign the
Acknowledgement Letter.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
Acknowledgement Letter. This shall be forwarded to the
DC for review and initial.
If no comment:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and certificate. These shall be routed to SCMD
Division Chief (DC) for comments/inputs. Once
approved, DC shall sign the said documents and endorse
these to the Bureau Director (BD).
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo of the confirmation
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the report
and certificate and shall then be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
report and certificate. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
If no comment/input:
The TL shall sign and endorse the draft Confirmation
Report to SCMD DC.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and shall route to SCMD DC for comments/inputs.
Once approved, DC shall sign the said documents and
endorse these to the BD.
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo of the confirmation
report. Subsequently, these shall be forwarded to the BD
Secretary for the BD comments/inputs. Once approved,
BD shall sign the Confirmation Report.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
confirmation report. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
C. Accreditation of SWD
Programs and Services
Step 1 The SWDA shall submit all documents necessary for the
issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation as prescribed in
Memorandum Circular No. 17 series of 2018 Annex C depending on
whether it is a Renewal or New Application.
Step 2 The Support Staff who is in charge of all incoming
documents shall receive these requirements and shall provide the
applicant SWDA with an application reference number for easy
tracking and reference.
Step 3 For Walk – in applicants, the Officer of the Day assigned
by SB shall determine whether the submitted documents are
complete and compliant.
3.a. If incomplete, the Officer of the Day shall return all submitted
documents accompanied by a checklist of requirements to the
applicant SWDAs compliance.
If no comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
document. This shall be routed to SCMD Division Chief
(DC) for comments/inputs. Once approved, DC shall sign
the said documents and endorse to the Bureau Director
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo. Subsequently,
these shall be forwarded to the BD Secretary for the BD
comments/inputs. Once approved, BD shall sign the
Acknowledgement Letter.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
Acknowledgement Letter. This shall be forwarded to the
DC for review and initial.
If no comment:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and certificate. These shall be routed to SCMD
Division Chief (DC) for comments/inputs. Once
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo of the confirmation
report. Subsequently, these shall be forwarded to the BD
Secretary for the BD comments/inputs. Once approved,
BD shall sign the Confirmation Report.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the report
and certificate and shall then be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
report and certificate. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the draft
report and shall route to SCMD DC for comments/inputs.
Once approved, DC shall sign the said documents and
endorse these to the BD.
The SCMD Support Staff shall track and return the said
documents to the concerned TS for logo of the confirmation
report. Subsequently, these shall be forwarded to the BD
Secretary for the BD comments/inputs. Once approved,
BD shall sign the Confirmation Report.
If with comment/input:
The SCMD Support Staff shall log the receipt of the revised
confirmation report. This shall be forwarded to the DC for
review and initial.