Giants Prep 2 Exam Units1,2&3 2024
Giants Prep 2 Exam Units1,2&3 2024
Giants Prep 2 Exam Units1,2&3 2024
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Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4 Marks
When was Magdy Yacoub born?
a in 1935 b in 1933 c in 1939 d in 1934
What was his father's job?
a A teacher b An engineer c A doctor d A dentist
Where did Magdy Yacoub use to work?
a In America b In France c In Cairo d in London
Did his family use to travel to many places?
a No b Never c Yes d We don't know
Complete the following dialogue: 2.5 Marks
Emad is asking Adham about his father’s job.
Emad What is your father’s job, Adham?
Adham ........................................................................................................................................................................ .
Emad ........................................................................................................................................................................ ?
Adham He works in a prep school.
Emad ......................................................................................................................................................................... ?
Adham He teaches English to students.
Emad Does he like his work?
Adham ......................................................................................................................................................................... .
Emad Would you like to be a teacher like him when you grow up?
Adham ....................................................................... I’d like to be a doctor to help sick people.
Read the following, then answer the questions: 4.5 Marks
Every winter, thousands of tourists come to Egypt from all parts of the world.
They come from Europe, Asia and Africa to spend their holiday in our great
country, Egypt. Those tourists come to enjoy the sunshine of Egypt. They enjoy
the wonderful beaches at Sharm El Sheikh. Most of them visit the Egyptian
Museum in Cairo to see Tutankhamun and his jewellery. When it is very cold in
their countries, they like to visit Luxor and Aswan. They like to see the ancient
treasures and temples. They also visit the pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza.
Magdy Yacoub was born in 1935 in Bilbeis but the family used to travel to many
places because his father was an important doctor. Magdy also became a doctor.
Before he stopped working in 2001, he used to work in a special hospital in