Contextualized Song With Realia

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An Action Research

Presented to the


Division of Misamis Occidental


Jeric B. Maribao, T-III

Bag-ong Anonang Diut Elementary School
II. Abstract
This study aimed at investigating Grade 6 students’ comprehension about adding and
subtracting fraction with the help of contextualized song. Considering a one group pre-test
and post-test design, the study utilized purposively the Grade 6 pupils in the elementary level.
Eight pupils were consisted in the group. A self-made assessment tool was used to determine
the mathematical competence of Grade 6 pupils in Mathematics 6. Descriptive and inferential
statistics were used to analyze the data gathered. The findings of the study revealed that
during the pre-test, the group had fairly satisfactory level of the said competence. After the
post-test, results revealed an in increase from fairly satisfactory to very satisfactory level as
interpreted. It is proposed that teachers should design contextualized song that will help
pupils to learn better with mathematical concepts especially fractions.
Keywords: fractions, addition, subtraction, contextualized song
III. Acknowledgement
The success of this study would not have been possible without the help of the various
individuals. Without them, this study might have not achieved its objective. The following
are greatly acknowledged for their invaluable help and support.

First, the Almighty Father who has given me the wisdom, love, and guidance in the
pursuit of this study.

I would like to sincerely thank the faculty and staff of Bag-ong Anonang Diut
Elementary School headed by Mr. Miguel Medija III for the support of this study.

Special thanks to the members of the Division Action Research examining committee
for sharing their expertise and technical assistance in the improvement of this paper.

Finally our family, friends, and learners who are the source of our inspiration and
support in the completion of this research.

IV. Context and Rationale

Due to the fact that fraction is one of the first math concepts that primary school
students encounter outside of the fundamental addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division abilities, fraction frequently serves as the first barrier they encounter when studying
mathematics (Chinnappan, 2011). It is critical for students to feel comfortable and secure in
their comprehension of fractions since the notion serves as a foundation for other
mathematical abilities such as algebra. According to researchers, youngsters often score
poorly in algebra issues requiring fractions, and fraction knowledge is critical for success in
algebra (Booth, Newton & Twiss-Garrity 2014). According to Norton and Boyce (2013) and
Siegler, Thompson, and Schneider (2011), fraction is the hardest to teach, the most
cognitively complex, and the most important for advanced mathematics.

In the Division of Misamis Occidental, District of Bonifacio West, Bag-ong

Anonang Diut Elementary School, modules and textbooks were used for teaching and
learning process. The researcher found out that Grade 6 learners got fairly satisfactory in their
learning achievement during their diagnostic tests. Mathematics is one of the disciplines that
has low performers based on the diagnostic result of the pupils. Out of 8 Grade –VI pupils, 6
of them got 15 to 20 correct items while 2 of them got below 15 correct items. The least
learned competencies were all about fractions. Some of these concepts are all about the
application of the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems
and real-life situations. Addition and Subtraction of fraction are two operations that learners
cannot easily understand based on the item analysis. Hence, as the grade six pupils will
readily face new challenges in secondary level, they should be fully equipped with necessary
numeracy skills. If there will be no immediate action for this problem, learners will become
unprepared to face secondary education. The researchers also found out that video lessons
and modules (SIMs) are not enough to support the special needs of the learner. Modules
should be partnered with a motivating tool to increase the effective awareness of the child
(Estrada, 2021). Keywords are disseminated but not really given emphasis in the teaching and
learning process as to the solution for this problem. Furthermore, concepts in mathematics are
difficult to understand because of the language issue and poor comprehension will be the
number one effect for this. However, the researchers thought that keywords must be
enhanced. This is now the basis for the researchers to make innovation. Mathematics can be
best learned when musical notes are integrated (Alegria, 2017).
The innovation was labelled as Contextualized Song. The song contains concepts or
rules of the lesson. With the support of real objects while singing the song, they can
understand better. The researchers believe this could be an answer to some learners who are
not motivated to memorize the concepts using modules and video lessons. If learners are not
acquainted with mathematics terms because of the language issue, they will become globally
incompetent (Binsin, 2017). The song was made by the proponent. The purpose of this study
is to find out the effect of contextualized song to the academic achievement of Grade 6
learners in Bag-ong Anonang Diut Elementary School.
V. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Based from the diagnostic result of Mathematics achievement of grade 6

learners in Bag-ong Anonang Diut Elementary School, out of 8 Grade –VI pupils, 6 of
them got 15 to 20 correct items while 2 of them got below 15 correct items. Based on
the item analysis, questions that pupils found very difficult to answer were all about
fractions. This led for researcher to make an innovation. The innovation for this action
research is the use of contextualized for understanding fraction concepts in addition,
and subtraction. Only 1 song was made by the researcher. The song represents a
competency from the Most Essential Learning Competency in the first quarter for
Grade 6 Mathematics subject. The competency is adds and subtracts simple fractions
without or with regrouping (M6NSIa-86).

Contextualized song is a supplement as an enrichment activity in the learning

process. Before the enrichment activity, the teacher conducted a preparatory activities
and detailed discussion of the lesson. After that, the innovation was applied. The
innovation was played many times so that learners can memorize the concept. Pretest
and Posttest through Learning Activity Sheet served as an instrument to identify the
level of mathematical academic achievement. The innovation is not only intended for
grade six pupils in Bag-ong Anonang Diut Elementary School but also to the other
grade six pupils in the other schools within the district can also adapt this innovation.
This action research tool can still be utilized even if learners didn’t have internet
connections. They can always sing the song whether they are at home or in school.

The purpose of the innovation was to develop good retention of fraction

concepts or rules through contextualized. Hence, addressing the least learned
competencies related to learning fraction.
VI. Action Research Questions

The main objective of the study is to specifically seek to answer the following

a. What is the level of mathematical academic achievement of Grade 6 learners

during the pre-test assessment without the use of contextualized song?

b. What is the level of mathematical academic achievement of Grade 6 learners

during the post-test assessment with the use of contextualized song?

c. Is there a significant difference between the academic achievement before and

after using contextualized song?

VII. Action Research Methods

a. Participants/Other Sources of Data Information

The participants of this action research were grade-6 pupils who got low
scores based from the result of their diagnostic test in Mathematics. The researchers
believe that Grade six pupils should develop numeracy like fraction so that they can
be ready in facing secondary education. These pupils were coming from Bag-ong
Anonang Diut Elementary School, Bonifacio West District in the Division of Misamis
Occidental. Literatures from different authors in the internet were used as references
to support the data interpretation of the research.

b. Data Gathering
The researcher prepared pre-requisite steps before conducting the survey of
this action research. He asked first a permission and approval from the school
head, PSDS, and EPS Mathematics of the Division to gather the data for this
actions research. After the retrieval of the action research proposal, the Division
Schools Superintendent’s approval followed.
The researcher gathered the data about the diagnostic result of grade six pupils
for the Mathematics First Quarter in the school year 2022-2023. Out from the data
given, the researchers found out that all learners got low scores for mathematics
subject. This was the basis for the number of respondents and these pupils will
receive instructional innovation that was called as Contextualized Song.
Eight learners were considered as one group to receive the innovation. Before
the discussion, the learners received pre-test to identify the mps level of academic
achievement. The research instrument used was the Learning Activity Sheets as
coupled by the module. Learning activity sheets were validated by experts. The
questionnaire consists 15 items for competency 1 and 15 other items for
competency 2. Right after the discussion, post-test was implemented. The data
from the respondents were collected through their academic achievement. The
scores from the learners’ pretest and posttest were computed through MPS. The
results that will be generated from the one group can justify the main problem of
this action research which is the significant difference between the academic
achievement before and after using contextualized song. The interpretation of the
study was done using t-test through SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social

c. Research Instrument

This study made use of a self-made 30 item test which determines the 2
competencies which are add and subtract simple fraction with or without regrouping.
This instrument was locally checked and validated by the Master Teacher in Liloan
Central School and has undergone pilot testing and subjected to further validation by
the Division Research Committee.

d. Data Analysis
This action research used one group pretest and posttest design to know the
MPS level of grade 6 pupils. A one-group pretest–posttest design is a type of research
design that is most often utilized by behavioral researchers to determine the effect of a
treatment or intervention on a given sample.
The t-test was used to determine if there is a significant difference between the
academic achievement before and after using contextualized song. Other data analyses
to test the pretest and posttest level were done through MPS. The mathematical
achievement of the group was measured as to outstanding, very satisfactory,
satisfactory, fairly satisfactory and did not meet expectation, as presented in the table
Table 1 Scoring Procedure
Range of Values (30 points) Percent Description
26-30 86% - 100% Outstanding
21-25 70% - 85% Very Satisfactory
16-20 53% - 69% Satisfactory
10-15 33% - 52% Fairly Satisfactory
9 below 30% Did not meet expectation
VIII Discussion of Results and Reflection

This part includes the discussion of results and reflection of the study. The data presented in
this part follows the arrangement of the problems as provided in the action research questions. Upon
the administration of pre-test and post-test, data were carefully evaluated and analysed. This is
presented using the following tables:

SOP No. 1 What is the MPS level of mathematical achievement of Grade 6 learners during
the pre-test assessment without contextualized song?
Table 2 Level of Mathematical Competence of Grade 6 in the
Pre- Test of Mathematics 6- Adding and Subtracting Fraction.

Competency 1 & 2: Add and subtract simple

fraction with or without regrouping
Range of One Group Percentage
Values Frequency
26-30 0 0
21-25 1 12%
16-20 2 25%
10-15 2 25%
9 below 3 38%

Competency 1 and 2 Interpretation

MPS 1 48% Fairly Satisfactory
MPS 2 40% Fairly Satisfactory
Mean 51% Fairly Satisfactory

Table 2 shows the level of mathematical competence in understanding fraction of Grade 6

pupils. For the competency 1, the group got 48 percent and is interpreted as fairly satisfactory.

Meanwhile for the competency 2, the group got 53 percent and is interpreted as satisfactory. The

mean of the said group from 2 competencies is placed at 51% which means fairly satisfactory. The

learning of fractions is traditionally a difficult topic for many students (Charalambous & Pitta-

Pantazi, 2007; Meert et al., 2010; Pitkethly & Hunting, 1996) especially when dealing with

quantities in numerator and denominator. Pitkethly and Hunting (1996) posited that students view

these two quantities as two separate entities of whole numbers instead of part-whole

conceptualizations. These students then apply their procedural orientation literally with these

whole numbers (Nunes & Bryant, 1996) and erroneously conceptualize 1/3 + 1/4 = 2/7 and 1/4

>1/3. These types of errors are commonly made by students, but the question is why? Then, these

errors in fraction learning are further compounded especially in the context of the various
operations involved in dealing with fractions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,

comparing and simplifying. When students face stumbling blocks in conceptualizing such

operations, the common route taken will be based on memorization by the students and procedural

orientation by the instructors.

SOP No. 2 What is the MPS level of mathematical achievement of Grade 6 learners during
the post-test assessment with contextualized song?
Table 3 Level of Mathematical Competence of Grade 6 in the
Post- Test of Mathematics 6- Adding and Subtracting Fraction.

Competency 1 & 2: Add and subtract simple

fraction with or without regrouping
Range of One Group Percentage
Values Frequency
26-30 4 50%
21-25 3 38%
16-20 1 12%
10-15 0 0
9 below 0 0
Competency 1 and 2 Interpretation
MPS 1 85% Very Satisfactory
MPS 2 83% Very Satisfactory
Mean 84% Very Satisfactory
Table 3 shows the level of mathematical competence in understanding fraction of
Grade 6 pupils. For the competency 1, the group got 85 percent and is interpreted as very
satisfactory. Meanwhile for the competency 2, the group got 83 percent and is interpreted
as very satisfactory. The mean of the said group from 2 competencies is placed at 84%
which means very satisfactory. Literature demonstrates many connections between music
and mathematics as well as the benefits using these links can have for education (Civil
2007; Edelson & Johnson 2003; Geist, Geist & Kuznik 2012; Song et al. 2016). Even at
an early age, music engagement has been proved to be advantageous to the brain.
Differences in the brain connected with music instruction have been discovered in kids as
young as four or five years old (Fujioka, Kalkigi, Pantev, Ross, & Trainor, 2006).
Researchers have done a great deal to investigate the relationship between mathematics
and music (Ky, Rauscher, & Shaw, 1993), but more needs to be done with integrated
instruction; looking at the simultaneous teaching of both music and mathematics concepts
in the mathematics classroom and investigating the effect this has on mathematics
SOP No. 3 Is there a significant difference between the academic achievement before and after
using contextualized song?

Table 4 Test of Significant Difference in the Mathematical Competence of

Grade 6 in the Adding and Subtracting Fraction.
Paired Samples T-Test
Statistic df p Mean SE
difference difference
Pre-test Post test -7.46 7.00 < .001 -11.3 1.51

Table 4 shows the result of identifying the difference between pre-test scores and post test

scores. Using the application, Jamovi, there is significant difference between the scores of pre-test

and posttest assessment of Grade 6 pupils which is indicated as .001 lower than .05. Studies that

investigated the impact of musical experiences on students’ mathematical skills yielded mixed

results. Most studies tested instrumental music training with only an implicit connection to

mathematics in the design of the intervention, showing little evidence of transfer (for a review, see

Sala & Gobet, 2017). Others included explicit connections between the conceptual and procedural

knowledge inherent in music and mathematics, with results indicating positive transfer effects (An

& Tillman, 2015).

Based for the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the use of the

contextualized song in developing students’ mathematical competence especially in

understanding fraction in the Mathematics subject is effective. It is evident based from the

findings of the study that this song was able to improve the performance of the group.

IX. Action Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

 The results and findings will be communicated to teachers through learning

action cell SLAC session for information and possible application and
 The findings of the study will be presented to the school governing council;
 To neighboring schools within Bonifacio West District for possible adoption
of the results and findings of the study.
Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Objectives Activities Time Resources Needed Funding Remarks

Frame Sources
Human Materials
To ask Preparation of January Researcher Supply Persona Prepared
permission action research , School l action
from School proposal and Head research
Head to ask permission proposal
conduct from School
action Head.
research and
present the
To finalize Finalizations Februar Researcher Supply Persona Finalized
the action of the action y and l action
research research Schools research
proposal proposal Division proposal
To prepare Prepare March Researcher Supply Persona Prepared
the innovation for l innovation
innovation to the pupils
d by teacher-
for the
To prepare Preparation of April Researcher Supply Persona Prepared AR
the action the action l disseminatio
research research n
proposal proposal
disseminatio dissemination
To Implementatio Researcher Supply Persona Implemented
implement n of the , l innovation
the innovation Participant
innovation s
To collect, Interpretation Researcher Supply Persona Interpreted
process, and of the data l the data
interpret the collected.
To plan out Planning out Researcher Supply Persona Planned out
the measures the measures to , School l the measures
to be be undertaken Head
undertaken to sustain the
to sustain the use of the said
innovation innovation
To submit Submission of Researcher Report of Persona Approved
the the result of and the action l report if the
completed the action Schools research completed
actions research for Division complete AR
research for approval. Research d
approval. Committee

Financial Report
Supplies and Materials - 1,000
Internet Connection - 1,000


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