Psion Revo Palmtop Computer Manual
Psion Revo Palmtop Computer Manual
Psion Revo Palmtop Computer Manual
Revo Handbook 1
Copyright Psion Computers Plc 1999. Monotype. Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Typography
All rights reserved. This manual and the programs referred to herein Limited registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain
are copyrighted works of Psion Computers PLC, London, England. other jurisdictions.
Reproduction in whole or in part, including utilisation in machines Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. 1995.
capable of reproduction or retrieval, without the express written All rights reserved. International CorrectSpell English spelling
permission of the copyright holders is prohibited. Reverse correction system 1995 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products
engineering is also prohibited. The information in this document is N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied
subject to change without notice. Psion and the Psion logo are algorithms or database prohibited. UK English Concise International
registered trademarks, and Psion Revo, Series 5mx, Series 5, Electronic Thesaurus Copyright 1995 by Lernout & Hauspie
Series 3mx, Series 3c, Series 3a, Series 3, Siena and PsiWin are Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction or
trademarks of Psion Computers PLC. Some names referred to are disassembly of embodied programs and databases prohibited.
registered trademarks.
Part of the software in this product is Copyright ANT Ltd. 1998.
Copyright Symbian Ltd 1999. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. The EPOC machine contains the EPOC operating Incorporates MPPC compression from Hi/fn.
system and software, and PsiWin 2 contains the EPOC CONNECT
software that is the copyrighted work of Symbian Ltd, London, Stac , LZS , 1996, Stac, Inc., 1994-1996 Microsoft
England. EPOC and the EPOC logo are registered trademarks of Corporation. Includes one or more U.S. Patents: No. 4701745,
Symbian Ltd. 5016009, 5126739, 5146221, and 5414425. Other patents pending.
Copyright Monotype Typography Ltd 1997. Incorporates LZS compression from Hi/fn. Hi/fn , LZS
,1988-98, Hi/fn. Includes one or more U.S. Patents: No.
All rights reserved. EPOC contains the fonts Arial, Times New 4701745, 5016009, 5126739, 5146221, and 5414425. Other patents
Roman and Courier, products of Monotype Typography Ltd, pending. All notices of Hi/fns patents shall be made in accordance
Surrey, England. with 35 U.S.C Sec. 287(a).
Arial. Arial is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation registered Incorporates Phone Purple Software Ltd 1999. All rights reserved.
in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.
Version 1.1, February 2000
Times New Roman. Times New Roman is a trademark of the Part no. 6070 0001 01
Monotype Corporation registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark English
Office and certain other jurisdictions.
Revo Handbook 3
Revo Handbook 5
Getting started 10 Finding files and folders 42
Using passwords 42
About your Revo 10
Changing file attributes 43
Where things are 11
Managing folders 43
About PsiWin 2 12
Checking memory use 44
Using this handbook 13
Today 46
Connecting your Revo 14
The battery & charging 17 PsiWin - PC connectivity 48
Turning on & off 19
The screen 19 Finding PsiWin 49
Finding & using the pen 19 Getting connected 50
First steps 20 Working with your files 52
Things to do first! 28 Backing up your Revo 55
Things to do next! 32 Synchronizing your Revo 56
Contents 7
Contents 9
Getting started
Congratulations, and thank you for choosing Revo. Time, for alarms and a world map with
This handbook contains information about your Revo, international times and dialling codes.
and the PC connectivity software, PsiWin 2. Calc, a calculator with normal and scientific
About your Revo
Jotter, a notebook for jotting down ideas quickly.
The programs on your Revo include:
Word, a word processor for writing letters and
System, your Revos desktop control centre.
other documents.
You can tap the System icon at any time to
move to the System screen. Sheet, for spreadsheets, tables, and graphs.
Contacts, an address book. Data, a customisable database program.
Agenda, a diary program for appointments and eSetup, for setting up Internet and email
lists of things to do. accounts on your Revo.
Email, for sending and receiving email and SMS Cascade, a game of logical thinking.
Phone, for managing lists of phone numbers on a
mobile phone.
Command icons
Touch-sensitive screen
Power &
charging lights
Program icons
Getting started 11
About PsiWin 2 • Drag and drop files between your Revo and the
PC in the same way that you would between PC
You can use the PC connectivity software PsiWin 2
drives, and they will be automatically converted
to integrate your Revo with PCs running Windows
to the appropriate file format at the same time.
95/98 or NT 4.0. By connecting your Revo to a PC;
using the docking station, and running PsiWin; you • Synchronize the address book and contacts on
can: your Revo with PC agendas (applications) and
contact managers, to keep them in step with
• View your Revo files from Windows Explorer by
each other.
using the My Psion icon which is added to
the PCs Desktop. The My Psion icon gives you • Back up your Revo files to the PC, then restore
access to all of PsiWins powerful file manage- them from the PC to your Revo again should you
ment facilities for your Revo files. ever need to.
• Upgrade from an earlier model of Psion • Print files on your Revo to a printer connected
handheld computer to your Revo as a one-stop directly to your PC, or available to your PC via a
process. All your files will be copied from your network.
old Psion (Series 3/3a/3c/3mx or Siena), For more information, see the PsiWin chapter, or
converted to the Revos file formats on the PC, PsiWins on-line Help.
then copied to your Revo.
Getting started 13
Getting started 15
Connecting the power adaptor 2. Check that the green power light (below the Esc
key) turns on. The green light means that your
If you want to charge your Revo without using the
docking station, e.g. if you are travelling, connect the Revo has power from the power adaptor.
power adaptor directly to your Revo: • If the red charging light (below the Esc key) turns
1. Connect your Revos power adaptor cable to the on, this means that your Revos battery is
power socket at the rear on your Revo. charging.
Power socket
Getting started 17
Getting started 19
Tap on an item with the pen to select or change it, First steps
e.g. you can tap on:
When you first switch on your Revo, you will see the
• Program icons (displayed on the bottom edge System screen. This is the desktop where you can
of the screen), to open a program. view your files and folders, and change settings that
• Command icons (displayed on the left edge of control how your Revo works.
the screen), for shortcuts to System functions; • All the information you enter into your Revo is
the Menu bar, Infrared, cutting and pasting, contained on the Internal drive. Files on the drive
zooming in and out. are displayed in the System screen, with icons
Note: If the screen doesnt respond to your taps, you that represent the programs that created them.
may need to re-calibrate it. You can do this by • Files are stored in folders (or directories).
opening the Screen icon from the Control panel. When you start using your Revo, the contents of
Most of the things you can do with the pen have an the Documents folder is displayed. The System
equivalent keypress combination, so you can use the screens Title bar (on the left of the screen)
pen, the keyboard, or a combination of both shows you which folder is currently open and
methods. displayed on the screen.
See the Files, folders & programs chapter for details
of managing files and folders.
Open folder
Getting started 21
You can see what files and programs are open from • To create a new file from the System screen:
the System screen by using the List open files select Create new then File, from the File menu.
command from the File menu, or by tapping on the Note: New files you create from inside a program
program or file name displayed in the top right corner use the same settings and preferences of the file
of the screen. previously open, e.g. when you create a new Data file,
Programs & files it will have the same labels as the file previously open.
When you tap on a program icon, it will create a new It is a good idea to keep related files together in a
folder, to make the files easier to find later. See the
file, or display the currently open file, or the file that
Files, folders & programs chapter for details of how
you last looked at. If you want to write a new letter,
create a new database, etc.; youll need to create a to manage your files and folders.
new file for the appropriate program. For more information about using programs, see the
• To create a new file from a program: select the Which program to use? section later in this chapter.
command on the File menu. The new file is
displayed in the program, and the previous file
will be saved and closed.
Menu bar
Getting started 23
• Text box: where you just type in your • Pages (or tabs): Some dialogs comprise of a
information, e.g. a filename. number of pages, each page has a tab at the
top. To move to a page, tap on the tab or move
• List box: where you select from a number of the highlight to the tab name.
options. You will see left and right arrows around
You can move a dialog around the screen by holding
the current selection; you can change the
selection by tapping on the arrows, by pressing the pen on the dialog title bar and dragging it across
the left and right arrow keys, or by typing the first the screen.
letter, or number, of the option you want. You Note: If a dialog line is grey, it is currently not
can usually tap in the box or press the Tab key available, usually because you have to select a related
to see a list of the available options. item first. For example, if you have not ticked the box
to set an alarm for an Agenda entry, the lines to set
• Check box: where you make a choice between
the alarm time and date are grey. Some dialog items
selecting an option or not selecting it. To select
(tick) or deselect a check box, tap on it or press are not visible until another item has been selected.
the left and right arrow keys. Note: Move a dialog around the screen by holding
the pen on the dialog title bar and dragging it across
the screen.
List box
Getting started 25
Help topics in
Text found
card browser
in search
Help card
Return to program
Search clue
Getting started 27
Things to do first! Setting the time, date & the Home city
This section describes what you need to do to set up 1. In the System screen, tap on the Control panel
your Revo, including how to: button on the Toolbar, or select the command
• Set the current time and date, so that you can from the Tools menu.
use the Agenda programs and set alarms. 2. Tap on the Time & date icon twice, or move
• Set your Home city, so that your Revo can the highlight to it using the arrow keys and press
display the correct time differences and dialling Enter.
codes for other places in the World. 3. In the Time & date dialog, tap the Time & date
• Enter owner information, so that your Revo can button. Move the highlight in the Time and Date
be returned if you lose it. lines by tapping on the part you want to change,
or by using the arrow keys. Type the date or
• Set a password for your machine, so that other time, press P for p.m. or A for a.m.
people cannot access your information.
4. To set the time and date, tap on the OK button,
or press the Enter key.
Getting started 29
Entering owner information 3. Set when you wish to display owner information;
It is a good idea to type your own contact details as
owner information, so that if you lose your Revo, it • At switch on, if you always want to display the
can be returned when found: screen when switching the machine on.
1. Open the Password icon from the Control • Once per day, if you only want to see the
panel in the System screen, and screen once a day, the first time you switch your
2. In the dialog, tap the Owner info button and machine on each day.
enter your details. The labels provided are • Never, if you never want to display the screen
suggestions only, you can change them if you when you switch on.
want to. Its best not to put your home address, Display the owner information at any other time by
in case you loose your house keys and Revo at selecting Owner from the Information menu in the
the same time. Tap Done when you have System screen.
Getting started 31
Getting started 33
Control panel
Control panel
Toolbar button
• Control how the files are sorted, and what file The System folder contains files that are used by
your Revo programs. You should not normally need
information is displayed with Sort files and Show
to access these files, which is why this folder is not
file details. When you first use your Revo, files
shown as standard. Do not delete or modify files in
are grouped by type (i.e. according to program);
you can change this to sort them by date, name this folder, or create new files in this folder;
or size. otherwise you may have problems using your
Revos programs.
You can customise many of the ways that your Revo
works from the System screen using the Preferences
command on the Tools menu, and the settings in the
Control panel. See also the previous section, The
Control panel, for details.
Getting started 35
File name
Open folder & details
How can I see which files and programs are open? Creating new folders
Select the List open files command from the File menu, Use folders to store related files together, e.g. for
or hold down the Ctrl key and tap the System icon. To work projects and home use. For example, create a
move to a file or program in the list, highlight it and tap folder called House for files relating to your home,
the Go to file button. and create a folder called Letters within the
House folder for correspondence about your home.
Closing folders & programs Using folders in this way makes your files easier to
• To close the current folder: tap on the Close find.
folder icon at the top of the screen, or To create a new folder:
highlight it and press Enter. When you close all
folders in the System screen, you move to the 1. Move to the folder, e.g. Documents, in which
highest level (or root) of the Internal disk. you wish to create the new folder.
• To close a program: use the Close command on 2. Select the Create new command from the File
the File menu, either in a program, or in the menu, then select Folder.
System screen. Any changes you have made to 3. Type in the folder name.
the file are automatically saved. You cannot use the following characters in a folder
Note: To see a list of open programs, hold down the name: < > : / \ *?
Ctrl key and tap the System icon. To close a program, Note: You can keep a maximum of 64 items (each
select it and tap Close file. file or folder counts as one item) in the root (top
level) of your Revos internal disk. Its best to create a
number of folders in which to store all your files to
prevent the top level of the System screen from
becoming too full.
Creating a
new file
Files in
Folders selected folder
Sort files
Note: If you move (or rename) your most recently Checking memory use
opened Agenda or Data file, you should open it again
To display the amount of memory (or disk space)
by selecting it from the System screen, rather than
tapping the Agenda or Data program icon. Tapping
on the program icon will create a new Agenda or • Move to the System screen and tap the Today
Data file. button on the Toolbar. The memory gauge
displays the amount of space used. Tap on the
• To make a copy of a file or folder within the
memory gauge to see more detailed information.
same folder: highlight it on the System screen
and select the Copy command followed by the • Select Show disk gauge from the View menu to
Paste command. A new file is automatically see the amount of free memory in the System
created for you using the following naming screen Title bar. Tap on this gauge, or select the
convention (with Word as the example): Disk command from the Information menu to
Word(01), Word(02), etc. You can rename the see more detailed information about a selected
file or folder later if you wish. disk.
• To rename a single file or folder: highlight it, • To see information about total memory usage:
select Rename from the File menu, and then select the Memory command from the
type in a new name. Information menu.
• To remove one or more files or folders: first
highlight them and then either press the Del key,
or select the Delete command from the File
Important: deleting folders
If you are deleting folders, remember that the entire
contents of the folders (including all the other folders
contained within them and all their files) will also be
Today view
Battery, memory
Agenda & connection
appointments information
& to-dos
PsiWin - PC connectivity
Use the PC connectivity software, PsiWin, to Further help
integrate the Revo with PCs running Windows 95/98 This chapter only provides a basic introduction to using
or NT 4.0. By connecting the Revo to a PC (using the PsiWin. For more detailed information on any aspect of
docking station) and running PsiWin, you can: using PsiWin, see the PsiWin on-line Help (see Getting
• Connect your Revo to your PC. help later).
• Look at and copy files between your Revo and Installing PsiWin
Insert the PsiWin CD ROM into your PCs CD ROM
• Back up your data.
drive to start the Installation Wizard. Follow the
• Synchronize your Agenda, address book and instructions in the Installation Wizard to install PsiWin
emails with your PC to keep them up to date. or additional programs from the CD ROM.
• Print Revo files via your PCs printer. Run the PsiWin setup file if you need to start the
• Install programs on your Revo. Installation Wizard manually, e.g. if you wish to install
PsiWin from a networked CD ROM drive. To do this,
• Copy text from a document on your Revo and
select Run from the Start menu. Select Browse to
paste it in a document on your PC (or vice
enter the path to the file Setup.exe on the PsiWin
versa), using CopyAnywhere.
• Upgrade files from an earlier model of Psion
Note: If you cant install PsiWin from the CD ROM,
handheld computer.
visit our web site at for more
information, or contact your nearest Psion distributor.
PsiWin 49
PsiWin 51
Working with your files 1. Click Start, then select Windows Explorer from
the Program menu to open Windows Explorer.
Using My Psion and Windows Explorer, you can
open, move, copy and delete files stored on your 2. Double-click on My Psion, then double-click on
Revo from your PC. the Internal drive icon to display your Revos
files and folders. Find the file you wish to copy.
1. Double-click on the My Psion icon on your
Desktop. The My Psion window opens, displaying 3. Click on the file you wish to copy and select
icons for your Revos internal drive and other Copy from the Edit menu.
PsiWin features and settings. 4. Open the folder on your PC where you wish to
2. Double-click on the Internal drive icon to copy the file and select Paste from the Edit
display the files and folders on your Revo. menu.
Note: You can also copy the file by clicking on the file
How to copy a file icon and dragging it to the folder on your PC.
Using Windows Explorer to copy files between your 5. Before PsiWin copies the file, a dialog box
PC and Revo in the same way you would copy files appears in which you can select the type of file
to a floppy disk, or another PC on a network. PsiWin you wish to use on the PC.
can convert files as they are copied so that you can
open them on your PC or Revo straight away.
Revo file to
be converted
File format to
use on PC
PsiWin 53
Opening Revo files from your PC When you save the file from the PC application,
PsiWin displays a dialog to confirm the Revo file
You can open a file on your Revo using a PC
application, without first having to copy it to your format you want to use, before copying the file back
PCs drive. Edit the file on your PC and then save it to your Revo. Select the appropriate file type for your
back to your Revo when you have finished. Revo, and then select Convert to copy the file back
to your Revo. PsiWin makes a backup copy of the
To open, and edit, a Revo file from Windows original file which is renamed with a .bak suffix, e.g. a
Explorer: file named Document is backed up as
1. Double-click on the file icon or press Enter. A Document.bak.
dialog box appears in which you can select the Note: Dont delete the backup version of the file
type of file you wish to use on your PC. from your Revo until you are sure you want to use
2. Select the file type suitable for the application the edited version instead.
you will use to edit the file on your PC.
3. Click on the Convert button to copy the file and
convert it to the chosen PC file type. PsiWin
opens the converted file using the PC application
associated with the file type, e.g. Paint for a
Bitmap Image (*.bmp) file, or Notepad for a
Text (*.txt) file.
PsiWin 55
Synchronizing your Revo • If you write an email on your Revo and place it in
the Outbox, it will be copied to the Outbox on
Use synchronization to manage information which
your PC, so you can send it from the email
you wish to keep up to date on both your PC and
account set up on your PC.
Revo, such as agenda appointments, the contacts
address book, and emails. When you synchronize • You may have a work Agenda synchronizing with
with a PC scheduler, PsiWin checks the information a network installation of Organizer at the office,
in your scheduler with the matching Agenda file or and a personal Agenda synchronizing with
contacts on your Revo. PsiWin updates the files on Schedule+ on your PC at home.
both your PC and Revo to include the new Email Synchronization
information. When you synchronize your email,
PsiWin checks the emails on your Revo and the To access your email mailbox via a PC, install PsiWin
messages on your PC, then copies emails to both and the Email Synchronization plug-in on your PC. This
your Revo and PC to keep them in step. Some chapter does not include information on Email
examples of synchronization are: Synchronization. See the PsiWin on-line Help for details
on using Email Synchronization.
• If you add a new appointment in your Revo
Agenda; the date, time and notes for the entry To create a new synchronization task:
will be copied to your PC scheduler. • Double-click on the Psion Synchronizer
• If you change a phone number in your PC icon on the Desktop. Follow the steps in the
scheduler, it will be amended in your Revos Synchronization wizard to specify the settings for
contacts address book. the new synchronization task.
• If you enter overlapping appointments in your PC
and Revo agendas, PsiWin will warn you of the
You can use the Contacts program to store Adding a contact
information about your contacts, such as those
You can add contact details in any order. To add a
found in an address book. Each contact includes
labels for details such as names, addresses, email
addresses, telephone and fax numbers. 1. Tap the New contact button or select the
command from the File menu.
Copying numbers to a mobile phone
2. Type the contact information next to the
If you have a mobile phone, use the Phone program to appropriate labels.
copy your Contacts phone numbers to your phone. See
• Tap on a label or use the arrow keys to move
the Phone chapter for more details.
between the boxes. Use the scroll bar to see
What if I have an address book on my PC? labels which are not currently displayed.
If you already keep your contacts in a PC scheduler, use • Tap on the page tabs to move between the
PsiWin to synchronize them and copy all your PCs personal and work pages.
contacts to your Revo. For more details, see the PsiWin
chapter and PsiWins on-line Help.
List of contacts
Details of
selected contact
Contacts 59
How do I dial a telephone number using tones? • To search for text contained anywhere within a
You can dial a contacts telephone number by selecting contacts details; e.g. text in an address, email or
the contact, then selecting Dial from the Tools menu. notes label; use the Find in all text command on
See the Dialling chapter for details. the Edit menu.
You can find contacts by typing part of the name, or Type a ? for a single unknown letter or a * for any
search for text contained anywhere within the number of unknown letters (known as wildcards), e.g.
typing ?ath would find cath and kath, whereas typing
contact details.
*ath would also find goliath.
• To find a contact by name, simply type the first
After a search, only those entries including the search
few letters of the name in the Find: box and
text will be displayed. To display all the contact
press Enter. Only the name and/or company
name are searched. entries again, tap on the Find: box.
Search results
Dial dialog
Search clue
Contacts 61
Changing labels You can add, remove, rename and change the order
of labels used for all new contacts. To do this, select
Each individual contact can have different labels to
other contact entries. To add a label to a single Set up labels on the Tools menu, then:
contact: • To add a new label, tap Add item and select a
1. Open a contact by adding a new contact or label type.
editing an existing entry. • To change the name of a label, select it and tap
2. Tap Add item and select the label to add to the Rename.
contact. • To change the order of a label in the list, select it
and use Move up and Move down.
Note: The label you select will only be added to this
individual contact. • To delete a label, select it and tap Delete.
Note: You cant delete labels from existing contacts,
but you can prevent a labels title appearing by
deleting its contents.
Page label
appears on
To do this, use the More command on the File menu 1. Display the contacts you wish to print.
to: Note: If you do not wish to print all the contacts,
• Import information from a vCard file into either select a single contact, or use the find
Contacts. commands to display a selection of contacts (see
Finding contacts).
• Export contacts as a vCard file for use with
another program. 2. Use the Printing commands on the File menu:
Note: You can export either the selected contact • Use the Page setup command to control the
only, or all contacts currently in view (e.g. the result of page size, margins, and add headers and footers.
a search). • Use the Print setup command to specify which
contacts to print, and the number of copies.
• Use the Print preview command to see how
your printed copy will look.
• Use the Print command to print your entries.
Contacts 63
You can use the Agenda program as a time manager; What if I already use a PC scheduler?
for recording appointments, events, birthdays, If you already keep your schedule on your PC, use PsiWin
anniversaries and lists of things to do. to synchronize your PC scheduler with a new Agenda file
When you first open Agenda, youll see a planner for to quickly bring all your PC entries across. Synchronize
the current week, or the Week view. You can start regularly to keep the information up to date in both
adding your appointments and other entries straight places. For more details, see the PsiWin chapter and
away by moving to the appropriate day and typing PsiWins on-line Help.
them in.
Change view
Entry crossing
To-do entries
Agenda 65
• A timed entry appears with a start time, and can Pencilling in a tentative entry
also be displayed with a duration. Entries which
To pencil in an Agenda entry, e.g. to reserve a time
cross midnight are marked with « on subsequent slot for an appointment that has not been confirmed:
• Tap the Alarm/More button in the New entry
• An untimed entry appears with a bullet and is dialog, move to the Other page and tick the
displayed in the time slot where you type it in. Tentative entry box. The entry will be displayed
2. You can set the duration or end time of a timed as grey text in the Agenda views.
entry in the New entry dialog, or tap the Alarm/
• To confirm a tentative entry: highlight the entry,
More button and move to the Details page to
then select Make tentative from the Entry menu
enter a duration longer than 23 hours. (this removes the tick from the menu command).
Note: Each view has a standard entry type that is
created when you start to type. To add other types Viewing entries
of Agenda entry, select Create new entry from the Agenda has the following views, for looking at Agenda
Entry menu, and then select the type of entry you entries in different ways:
want. You can change the standard entry type for
• Day view shows all the entries for one day, hour
each view. See Customising Agenda later.
by hour.
Events • Week view shows the entries for the whole
To enter an event: week.
1. Select Event from the Create new entry • Anniversary view shows birthdays, anniversaries,
commands on the Entry menu. etc.
2. Type in the details of the event, e.g. Holiday in
Spain, and set the start date and duration in days.
Event entries are marked with a flag symbol ( ).
Agenda 67
Birthdays and anniversaries 2. Set the amount of warning that you want, or the
time at which you want the alarm, and select the
To enter an anniversary, e.g. for a birthday:
alarm sound you want (tap Test to hear it).
1. Move to the Anniversary view and just start
Entries which have alarms are marked with a bell
typing, or select the command for creating a new
symbol ( ).
anniversary entry from the Entry menu in any
view. • To remove an alarm, select the Set alarm
command from the Entry menu, then remove
2. Type in the details of the anniversary, e.g. Janes
the tick from the Has alarm box.
birthday and set the day and month of the
anniversary. Will alarms still ring if I close Agenda?
3. Tap the Alarm/More button if you wish to If you close an Agenda file, your Revo will not be able to
specify other details about the anniversary, e.g. ring any further Agenda alarms from that file until you
the start year, whether you want to see the start open it again.
year (e.g. a persons year of birth), and/or the If you use alarms a lot in your Agenda, it is a good idea
number of years since the start year (e.g. their to leave the Agenda file open when you are not using it,
age). even when your Revo is switched off.
Anniversaries are marked with a candle symbol ( ). If you do need to close the Agenda file, do not set an
Reminders for entries - alarms alarm and then immediately close the file or switch off.
This is because the Agenda program needs a few
To set an alarm for an Agenda entry: seconds to calculate when the next alarm should ring,
1. Highlight the entry and select Set alarm from the and if you switch off before the calculation is complete,
Entry menu. your Revos clock will not have been informed to sound
• To set an alarm while adding an entry, tap the the alarm.
Alarm/More button in the New entry dialog and
move to the Alarm page.
Agenda 69
To-do priority
Agenda 71
graph object
Inserted note
Agenda 73
Agenda 75
Connection status
Local folders
Local folders You can use the Local folders in the same way as you
use folders in the System screen, e.g.:
When you open Email, the following Local folders are
displayed: • To create a new folder, tap the New button on
Inbox: contains your incoming messages when the Toolbar and select Folder, or use the
you transfer them from your Remote mailbox command on the File menu.
(for email) or mobile phone (for SMS). • To move and copy messages between folders,
Outbox: contains outgoing messages which you use the commands on the Edit menu.
can send when you next connect to your Note: If you have switched off the list of folders
Remote mailbox or mobile phone. (using the command on the View menu), you can
select the folder to be displayed by tapping the folder
Draft: contains unfinished messages you are still
writing. icon on the Title bar.
Custom folder
created by user
Creating an email 5. You can send files with your email, e.g. a Word
or Sheet document, by adding them as
To write a new email:
attachments. To do this, tap the Attachments
1. Tap the New button on the Toolbar and select button on the Toolbar and select Add. See
Email, or use the command on the Message Attaching files to emails later in this chapter.
menu. Email displays the Message editor in
6. When you have finished writing the message, tap
which you can write your message.
the Save button on the Toolbar, then:
2. To enter the email address(es) of the recipients
• If you want to send the message the next time
of your message, use the following lines:
you connect, select Save to outbox.
• To: main recipient(s) of your message.
• If you dont want to send the message yet, select
• CC: recipient(s) you want to send a carbon Save as draft to save the message in the Draft
copy of the message to. folder.
• BCC: recipients you want to send a blind
Can I include text formatting in a message?
carbon copy of the message to.
No. You can only use plain unformatted text in email
Note: You can insert an address from your Contacts
messages, but you can attach files to the email
address book by tapping Address on the Toolbar, or
containing formatted text.
using the command on the Edit menu.
3. Type in the title of your message on the Subject How do I send emails via different accounts?
line. If you have set up more than one email account, you can
4. Type in your message at the bottom of the choose which account is used to send an email. To
screen (under the subject). change the account an email is sent by, open the email
and use Send message via account on the Tools menu.
• To copy, move or find text; use the commands
on the Edit menu.
Message text
Message editor
• To edit a draft message: highlight the message in • Select All to send all the messages in the
the Draft folder, then tap on it or press Enter. Outbox.
• To send a draft message: highlight the message in • Select Selected to send only the messages you
the Draft folder, then select Move to outbox on have highlighted.
the Transfer menu. • Select Email to send all email messages from the
Outbox, but not SMS messages.
• Select SMS to send all SMS messages from the
Outbox, but not emails.
Note: If you are sending email messages, but are not Note: To save disk space, delete messages from the
connected to the Internet, your Revo displays details Sent folder you no longer require.
of the Internet connection to use. Make sure these
settings are correct before proceeding. Once How do I send emails automatically when I connect?
connected to your mailbox, the email message(s) are To send emails in the Outbox automatically when you
sent. make a connection: select the name of your email
Your Revo sends email messages from your Outbox account from the Account settings commands on the
to your service provider, who delivers them to their Tools menu. Move to the Outgoing page for your
recipient. SMS messages are sent from the Outbox to account and tick the Auto send on opening box.
the SMS service centre, which delivers them to their
recipient. Copies of messages that have been sent
successfully are placed in the Sent folder, whilst
messages which couldnt be sent are left in the
Outbox and displayed in italics.
Outbox folder ready to be sent
2. When you have connected to your mailbox, you • To copy the email(s) to your Local Inbox, tap the
can see all the emails it contains by tapping on Copy (inbox) button on the Toolbar, or select
the Remote mailbox icon (with your account the command from the Transfer menu.
name shown next to it). The subject and details • To move the email(s) to your Local Inbox, select
of each email are displayed, with unread Move to inbox from the Transfer menu.
messages displayed in bold.
Note: If you move emails from your Remote mailbox,
3. To read the emails in your Remote mailbox, you the only copies of these emails will be in the Local
must transfer (or download) them to the Local Inbox on your Revo.
Inbox on your Revo. Highlight the email(s) you
want to read from the mailbox then: • To delete an email, select Delete from the Edit
menu, or press Del.
Note: If you delete emails in the Remote mailbox,
they will be lost unless you have copied them to your
Local Inbox.
Connection status
Unread message
Remote (bold)
mailbox (open)
• To transfer all SMS messages from your phone • SMS messages youve written on your phone, but
to your Revo, select SMS then Synchronise with not sent, are copied to the Outbox folder on
phone from Transfer menu. your Revo.
Your Revo displays a summary dialog showing how • SMS messages youve sent from your phone are
copied to the Sent folder on your Revo.
many messages have been transferred. Messages are
transferred as follows:
summary dialog
Original author
Header separator
Setting up for SMS 3. Move to the Advanced page, ensure your Revo
and phone are ready to connect, then tap Edit
To use SMS messaging on your Revo, check the
on the Edit service centre address line.
4. If your Revo connects to the phone successfully,
1. Check that your phone is set up to send and
the service centre address dialog is displayed:
receive SMS messages. To find out how to do
this, see your phones manual, or contact your • If the Service centre address line is blank, enter
dealer or network operator. the SMS service centre phone number for your
network operator. To find out the number, read
2. Ensure the Infrared (or IR) port is active on your
the service centre number from your phone
phone. Your phones manual will tell you how to
(your phone manual will tell you how to do this),
do this.
or contact your network operator.
3. Align the Infrared ports of your phone and your
• If the Service centre address line displays a
Revo so that they are facing each other (ideally,
number, check that the number is correct and
place them on the same flat surface). Make sure
tap OK.
that your phone and Revo are no more than
one metre (3ft) apart. Note: To create new mobile phone settings, open
the Modems settings in the Control panel, then tap
To check the SMS settings on your mobile phone:
New. Enter the required settings for your phone,
1. Select Account settings on the Tools menu, then move to the Advanced page and set the
then select SMS. Modem type line to Mobile.
2. On the Details page, select the type of phone
you use in the Mobile phone line.
Use Phone to organise the list of names and phone Starting a phonebook
numbers stored in your mobile phone (called a
You can start a new phonebook by connecting to
phonebook). You can edit phonebooks on your
your phone and retrieving the names and numbers in
Revo, and integrate entries with your Contacts
its memory, or by creating a new phonebook.
address book to keep them up to date. You can copy
phonebooks to and from your phone using Infrared Copying numbers from your phone
(or IR).
If you already keep names and phone numbers on
Phone memory & SIM cards your phone, connect to your phone and copy them
into a new phonebook on your Revo.
Phonebooks can be stored on either your phones
SIM card, or the memory in the phone handset. If you To connect to your phone and retrieve its
store a phonebook on your SIM card, you can access phonebook:
it on another phone by inserting the SIM card into the 1. Ensure that your mobile phone is ready to
phone. If you store a phonebook in your phones communicate to your Revo using its Infrared (or
memory, you can only access it from your phone. IR) port (your phones manual will tell you how
to do this). Align the Infrared windows on your
What is a SIM card?
Revo and phone, making sure that they are no
You will have obtained a SIM (Subscriber Identity more than 1 metre (3ft) apart.
Module) card when you bought your phone, or
2. Tap the Connect button on the Toolbar, or
subscribed to your network operator. Your SIM contains
select Connect to phone from the Tools menu.
information such as your phone number and PIN, and
can also be used as a memory to store phonebooks and
SMS messages.
Phone memory
to retrieve
Phone 97
Phonebooks are displayed in the Phonebooks list. The Looking at phonebooks & contacts
icon represents the memory type, i.e. SIM card or
When you first use Phone, only your Contacts
phone memory. Tap on the phonebook to see
address book is displayed. When you create a
the names and numbers it contains.
phonebook, it is displayed in the Phonebooks list
If you want to retrieve the phonebook from both underneath Contacts.
memories on your phone, i.e. the SIM card and the
The entries in the selected phonebook, or Contacts,
phones memory, repeat the steps in this section
are displayed on the right of the screen.
Note: To disconnect from your phone, select
Disconnect from phone on the Tools menu.
Creating a phonebook
If you do not already have names and numbers
stored on your phone, create a new blank
1. Select New from the Phonebook menu.
2. Enter a name for the phonebook and tap OK.
For information on adding entries to the phonebook,
see Adding names & numbers later.
address book
Phonebook link
Phone 99
Looking at phonebook entries in when you browse the entries on your phone
(only on phones which allow you to specify
When you create a phonebook, it is displayed in the
Phonebooks list (on the left of the screen). If the number locations).
phonebook was retrieved from your phone, the icon • The Name column displays the contact name, as
will show the memory it came from, i.e. SIM card it will appear on the phone. A suffix after the
or phone memory. name indicates the number type, e.g. (M) mobile
or (F) fax. See Formatting entry names later for
• To display the names and number in a
phonebook, tap on it in the Phonebooks list.
• The Phone number column displays the phone
Phone displays the phonebook entries:
• The Loc. column displays the position of the
number in the phonebook. The location numbers • The ? column displays the Contacts icon if
represent the sequence the numbers will appear the number is linked to an entry in Contacts (see
Keeping entries up to date later).
Phone 101
Adding names & numbers 2. Highlight the contacts numbers you want to
include in your phonebook, then select Copy
You can add names and numbers to a phonebook by:
from the Edit menu.
• Creating a new entry and typing them in.
3. Select the phonebook you want to add the
• Copying them from Contacts (or another contacts numbers to.
phonebook) and pasting them into the
4. To add the contacts numbers to the selected
phonebook, select Paste from the Edit menu.
• Retrieving a phonebook from your phone and
merging its entries with a phonebook. Be careful when copying contacts
Note: To add numbers from your phone to a If you use the cut command (instead of using copy), the
phonebook, connect to the phone and merge the contact and all its numbers are removed from the
retrieved numbers into the phonebook. For details, Contacts list and placed on the clipboard. To restore the
see Copying numbers from your phone earlier. contact(s), select Paste from the Edit menu immediately
after using the cut command.
Note: The maximum number of entries you can store
in a phonebook depends on the capacity of your The contacts names and numbers are added to your
phones memory or SIM card. To check this, use phonebook. The name will appear in a shortened
Phone info on the Tools menu. form, and include a suffix to indicate the number
type, e.g. (M) for mobile. For information on
Adding entries from Contacts changing the way names are shortened, or using a
To add entries from Contacts to your phonebook: different suffix, see Formatting entry names later.
1. Select Contacts in the Phonebooks list to Note: Phonebook entries which have been copied
display your contacts. from Contacts are indicated by an icon in the ?
column to show they are linked (see Keeping
entries up to date later).
Short name
Phone 103
Adding new entries 5. If you want to add the entry to Contacts, or link
it to an existing contact, select Edit contact.
To add a new entry to a phonebook:
Phone checks for corresponding entries in
1. Select the phonebook to add the entry to from Contacts, and displays a dialog if no matching
the Phonebooks list. entry is found:
2. Select New from the Entry menu. • To add the entry to Contacts, tap New contact.
3. Enter the name and number of the contact. For information on entering contact details, see
4. To specify the position in the phonebook where Adding a contact in the Contacts chapter.
the entry is stored, enter a number on the Store • To link the entry to a contact, tap Find contact
in location line. Otherwise, the entry will be and type in the name of the contact to search
placed in the lowest free location. for. Phone displays the search results. If the
contact you are looking for is displayed, select it
and tap OK; or tap Cancel if you want to search
Adding a
new entry
Phone 105
Updating your phone 2. Tap the Update phone button on the Toolbar,
or select Update phone from the Phonebook
After creating or editing a phonebook, copy it to your
phone to update its numbers.
3. Select the phonebook you want to copy to the
To connect to your phone and update its
1. Ensure that your mobile phone is ready to Warning: Your phones numbers will be overwritten
communicate to your Revo using its Infrared (or When you copy the phonebook to your phone, the
IR) port (your phones manual will tell you how numbers in the memory you select will be lost, and are
to do this). Align the Infrared windows on your overwritten by those in the phonebook. Make sure that
Revo and phone, making sure that they are no you do not need the numbers in the memory you are
more than 1 metre (3ft) apart. updating.
Phone memory
to update
Phone 107
Dialling a
Phone 109
Managing phone files • To delete a Phone file: Highlight the file in the
System screen and press the Del key.
Phone files can contain a number of phonebooks. Use
phone files to share phonebooks with other people, • If you accidentally delete a phonebook or
manage different sets of international numbers, copy number of entries, you can restore the file to
entries between phonebooks, and keep private when you last saved or opened it, loosing all
numbers secure. changes since. To do this, select Revert to saved
from the More commands on the File menu.
Note: Individual preferences, e.g. the Default country
or Short name type, are saved with each file. New • To rename a Phone file: Highlight the file in the
files you create will have the same preferences set as System screen and select Rename on the File
the open Phone file. menu.
• To create a new Phone file: Select Create new • To set a password on a Phone file: Select
file on the File menu. Enter a name and location Password on the File menu.
for the file. Note: Your Contacts are not saved in phone files;
• To open an existing Phone file: Select Open file phone files only contain your phonebooks.
on the File menu and select the file name, or
highlight the file name in the System screen and
tap on it again or press Enter.
Phone 111
Use the Time program to set, display and manage Using alarms
alarms; and to display a map of the world that gives
Use the Alarms view to set alarms that will ring even
you information on cities, times and dialling codes.
when your Revo is switched off, e.g. a repeating
The Time program has two views: the Map view and wake-up alarm that will ring each day you work, and
Alarms view. To switch views: tap the Map or Alarms once only alarms to remind you of appointments.
buttons on the Toolbar, or use the Switch view
The Alarms view allows you to set up to 6 alarms,
commands on the View menu.
each up to 7 days ahead, and control their sounds.
Alarms view
Next alarm
Home city
Time 115
1. Select Sound from the Tools menu. • If you wish to stop an alarm from ringing without
deleting it completely, e.g. if you wish to suspend
2. Set the Alarm sound to Silent for and specify your wake-up alarm while on holiday: select the
the duration for alarms to be silenced. If you wish alarm, then select Disable alarm from the Edit
to silence alarm sounds indefinitely, set the menu. The alarm is crossed out to show that it is
Alarm sound to Off. no longer active.
• To make the alarm active again, select Disable
alarm again (so the tick is removed).
Time 117
Viewing alarms • Select View past alarms to list the last alarms to
have been cleared (e.g. if you cancel an alarm,
The countdown to the next alarm set in Time or
Agenda, is displayed at the bottom of the screen. but need to be reminded of the alarm text).
Next alarms
Map view
Home city
Selected city
Time 119
• If you look through the countries, only the capital Adding a town or city
cities are listed. To view only the cities in one
To add a town or city which is not already included in
particular country; select the country, then select the Map view:
Cities in current country from the View menu.
To go back to displaying cities for all countries, 1. Select the Add city command from the Edit
reselect the command. menu.
When you select a city, the cross hairs on the map 2. Enter the name of the city; its country; the
move to the selected city, and information about the latitude and longitude, if known (this allows
city appears at the bottom of the screen. accurate distances and sunrise and sunset times
to be calculated); the telephone area code; the
• The time difference between the Home city and GMT offset, and Summer time zone (see
selected city is displayed. This includes the Setting summer time later in the chapter).
difference in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
offsets (the time zone difference) and includes a 3. Position the cross hairs on the new town or city
correction for summer time if necessary. For location, using the pen or the arrow keys.
information about summer times, refer to Setting To change any of the city details, select Change city
summer time later. details from the Edit menu.
• The area code next to the telephone symbol at You can only delete a non-capital city that you have
the bottom of the screen shows the prefix digits added to the map yourself. To delete a city, select it
needed to dial the selected city from the Home and use Delete city from the Edit menu.
Time 121
Setting summer time When the clocks are due to go forward or back in
the cities in a particular Summer time zone:
If you are not interested in making use of world
times, and are happy to use the Time & date 1. Select the Summer times command from the
command to change the time when clocks go Tools menu.
forward or back, you can ignore this section. 2. Tick the time zone if it is changing to summer
However, if you travel or wish to be precise about time; remove the tick if it is changing back to
world times, you should set your own time to winter winter time. If your Home city is in that zone,
time (in the UK, this is GMT), and modify the then Home is ticked automatically and your
summer time setting when the clocks go forward or Revos clock is adjusted accordingly.
back. The clocks, and sunrise and sunset times, for each of
You can also take into account the summer times the cities associated with the Summer time zone are
used in the different areas of the world. Most of the changed.
cities on the world map can be included in one of 3 Note: If the Home city has a Summer time zone of
basic areas, or Summer time zones: Europe, None because it is not in one of these 3 zones, but
Southern and Northern. The approximate summer its clocks are due to change, you can change your
times for these zones are: Revos clock to summer time by ticking Home.
Europe End of March to end of October.
When you travel
Northern Early April to end of October.
Southern Late October to end of February. Whenever you travel, change your Home city to the
town or city you are in. If the city details and summer
Each city on the map is associated with one of these
time setting are correct for the city you are in, the
zones, or with None. To check what the Summer
information in the Map view will be accurate.
time zone is for a city, select the city in the Map view,
and then select Change city details from the Edit
Calc is the calculator program. It has two views: Desk • The Scientific view is a scientific calculator with
and Scientific. The two calculator views are separate, 26 memories. Use this for more advanced
so you can carry out different calculations in each calculations, including those that involve
view at the same time without them affecting each trigonometry or logarithms.
other. When you first use Calc, it displays the Desk
• The Desk view is a desktop calculator which calculator. To move between the views, tap the Desk
produces a till roll output. Use this calculator or Sci buttons on the Toolbar, or use the Switch
for simpler calculations, and those involving view command from the View menu.
Desk view
Till roll
• To display a list of shortcut keypresses, select • To add the current number to the number in the
Shortcuts for functions on the Tools menu. memory: tap M+ or select the Add to command.
• To clear the calculation line without ending the • To subtract the current number from the
current calculation, tap C. number in the memory: tap M- or select the
Subtract from command.
• To clear the calculation line and end the current
calculation, tap AC or press Esc. • To clear the memory: tap Min while 0 is
displayed in the calculation line, or select the
Clear command.
Calc 125
or Sci view
Calc 127
Re-using answers and calculations Note: The value of Ans used in a calculation will
always be the value of the last calculation. If you re-
In the Scientific view you can re-use the answer from
your last calculation. use a calculation based on a value of Ans, the result
will be calculated using the current value of Ans
• To insert the last answer at any point in a rather than the value at the time of the original
calculation: tap the Ans button at the appropriate calculation.
point. The calculator will insert Ans in the
calculation line, representing the last result. Using the memories
• To start a new expression with the last answer: The Scientific calculator has 26 memories, labelled A
just enter the rest of the expression as though through to Z. You can assign a value to each of these
the answer was already written at the start. The memories, and then incorporate the names into
calculator will prefix the expression with Ans. expressions.
You can also re-use and edit calculations you have To assign a value to a memory:
performed earlier. This can save time if you want to 1. Enter the number to be stored. If the calculation
perform a new calculation which differs only slightly line is displaying an unsolved expression, the
from a previous one. stored value will be the RESULT of the
• To re-use a previous expression: use the up and expression.
down keys, or the Edit previous and Edit next 2. Tap >, or select Assign to from the Memories
commands on the Edit menu, to display the last commands on the Tools menu.
10 calculations one by one on the calculation
line. When you find the expression you want to 3. Type the letter of the memory as a capital letter
re-use, change it if required and proceed as (hold down Shift when pressing the memory
normal. letter).
Note: You can also assign a value to a memory by
tapping the Mem button, highlighting the memory to
use and then tapping the Assign to button in the
Memory contents
Calc 129
Calc 131
Use the Jotter program to jot down notes and Adding a note
information quickly, e.g. when you are on the phone
When you first start Jotter, you can start typing a note
or in a meeting. You can keep each item of
straight away. You can type as much text as you like
information as a separate entry, and search for text to
or use the Paste command on the Edit menu to
find entries easily.
insert text from other programs.
Use a Jotter file as a quick and easy storage location
• To insert special characters or symbols in the
for pieces of information, and then copy text to a
text use the Special character command on the
more appropriate file or location later. Alternatively,
Insert menu and select the character from the
you could have a number of Jotter files for different
subjects or types of notes and keep the information
for reference.
Split view
Selected entry
Entry date
Jotter 133
Inserted graph
Deleting entries
If you dont want to keep a Jotter entry, select the
entry and use Delete entry from the Edit menu to
delete it. If you accidentally delete an entry, you can
restore it by using Undo delete entry on the Edit
Jotter 135
Word is the word processing program. It has many of Entering text
the editing and formatting features that you would
The text you type is inserted at the current cursor
expect from a fully-featured word processor.
location (there is a8marker in the margin to help
Many types of text formatting, e.g. alignment and font you find the cursor). To delete characters, press Del
settings, can be applied to individual paragraphs or (backspace) to delete to the left, or hold down Shift
defined as a paragraph style. and press Del to delete to the right of the cursor.
When text reaches the end of a line, it automatically
wraps the text onto the next line. If you want to
view your page as it will be printed (WYSIWYG),
switch off word-wrapping by removing the tick from
the Wrap to screen command on the View menu.
Top toolbar
Word 139
Word 141
Special characters • To set line spacing: select the command from the
Paragraph menu, then enter a point size. Set the
To insert foreign and other special characters in your
file, select the Special character command from the Line spacing control to At least if you want the
Insert menu. line spacing to always match the font size; or use
Exactly to fix the line spacing, regardless of the
You can also insert characters which control word font size used.
wrapping on the screen, and in the printed document:
• To insert extra space between paragraphs, enter
• To insert a non-breaking space, press Shift and sizes in the Space above and Space below boxes.
the Spacebar. This will prevent a line breaking at
the space. Paragraph borders
• To insert a non-breaking hyphen (or hard To draw a border around a paragraph, or change the
hyphen), press Shift with the - key (i.e. background colour of a paragraph.
Shift+Fn+O). This will prevent a line breaking at • To draw a border: select the paragraph(s), then
the hyphen. tap and select the border style.
To select which non-printing characters are displayed • To set the border style, colour, the spacing
on screen, use the View preferences command on between the border and text, or background
the Tools menu. colour; use the Borders command on the
Line spacing Paragraph menu.
Word automatically uses an appropriate line spacing, Note: Remember to set different colours for the
based on the font size, to make sure there is a background and text, otherwise the text will be
sufficient gap between successive lines of text. You
might need to override these settings, e.g. in a
paragraph with different sizes of text.
Style button
Word 143
If you are creating a new style, you can name and Document outlines
assign an outline level and shortcut key. The new
You can view an outline of a document, with one line
style will appear in the list of paragraph styles for the
for each paragraph style which has an outline level
current file.
set. The built-in Heading styles use a sequence of
• To delete a style you have created: select the different outline levels: Heading 1 is the highest with
Style gallery command from the Paragraph outline level 1, Heading 2 has outline level 2 and so
menu, then select the style name from the list on.
and tap Delete.
You can choose which paragraph styles you want to
Note: You cannot delete or rename Words built-in display in the outline, making it easier for you to see
styles, but you can modify their settings for the the structure of the document and move between
current file. The built-in styles in other files will not be different sections.
Select Outline on the View menu to see the
document structure in outline.
outline levels
Graph inserted
from Sheet
Word 145
To close the object, tap the Done button at the top Creating a new file
of the screen.
To create a new Word file, use the Create new file
• To resize a table or graph: select it, then drag the command on the File menu in Word or the System
handles to resize it. screen. If you create a new file in Word, you can
• To edit an object, highlight it, then tap on it again. select a template for the new file.
• To resize a Sheet object, or crop the edges, or File templates
display it as an icon: use the Object commands
on the Edit menu. A template is a document design that you can use as
a starting point for new documents. The template can
Note: Inserted Word objects are always
include text, paragraph styles and page layout
displayed as icons and cannot be formatted.
information. When you create a new document using
Important a template, Word copies the information in the
template into the new file which you can then change
Inserting objects into a file can cause a considerable
as required. For example, you can use the built-in
increase in file size.
memo template to create a memo.
Document template
Word 147
Word 149
Page setup
Sheet is the spreadsheet program. It has many of the Sheet has two views:
features and functions that you would expect from a • The Sheet view, where information is displayed
fully-featured spreadsheet. as a grid of cells on a worksheet. Cells are
You can use Sheet to create worksheets, and use referred to by their position in the grid of
PsiWin to transfer worksheets to and from your PC. columns and rows, e.g. D3. You can present
information in table form in Sheet, and perform
calculations based on sets of numbers stored in
the worksheet.
• The Graph view, where you can create graphs
based on information stored in the worksheet.
Top toolbar
Column heading
Row heading
Sheet 153
• To enter a date: type the day, month and year Note: If you enter more text than can be displayed in
on the input line, separating them with a space or the cell, the information will run over into the next
the date separator character as set in the System column if that column is empty. If you enter a number
screen, e.g. 1 Oct 69 or 1 10 69, or 10 1 69 if thats too long for the cell, you will see a series of #
you use this date format. signs in the cell, but the actual number will still be
• To enter a time: type the hour, minutes and stored, Increase the column width to see the number.
seconds, separating them with a colon (or the Freezing & protecting cells
time separator character as set in the System
screen). • To freeze non-scrolling panes on the worksheet:
type the information you wish to freeze in the
Note: To edit the information in a cell: simply rows and columns; position the pointer in the cell
highlight the cell and press Enter. You can then edit below the row to freeze, and to the right of the
the contents on the input line. column to freeze (this will often be B2). Tap the
Sizing rows & columns button, or select the command from the
View menu. The frozen panes will stay on
You can change the width of columns, and the height screen when scrolling through the rest of the
of rows, to suit the information contained in them. To worksheet.
do this:
• To protect the whole worksheet from changes:
• Drag the right-hand edge of the column heading select the Protection command from the Tools
to adjust its width, and the lower edge of the menu, then tick Protect worksheet.
row heading to adjust its height.
• To allow changes to some cells only: highlight the
• Use the commands on the Format menu to set area(s) for which you wish to allow changes, then
the height of a row in points and the width of a select the Protection command on the Tools
column in characters. menu and remove the tick to unlock only the
highlighted cells. If you then protect the
worksheet, changes are only allowed to the cells
that are not locked.
Use = to
enter formulae
Sheet 155
Sheet 157
Number formats
Sheet 159
Graph view
Sheet 161
Adding titles, labels and grid lines Working with more than one graph
• To add a title to a graph: select the Graph You can create more than one graph for a worksheet:
settings command from the Graphs menu and • To create a new graph: highlight the first range
insert the title. You can change the style and font for the new graph, then switch to the Graph
of the title using the Title font command on the view. Select the New graph command from the
Graphs menu. Graphs menu, and specify the settings for the
• To add axis titles: use the Format X-axis and new graph.
Format Y-axis commands. Use these commands • To switch between the graphs you have created:
to format the X and Y axes, e.g. to add grid lines, tap the Graph button on the Top toolbar or use
tick marks, add or remove axis labels, alter the the command on the Graphs menu.
axis position and scale, or hide them completely.
• To add labels to each range: use the Change Printing from Sheet
range command to specify the type of label you • To print a range of pages, the entire worksheet
want and the cells in which your labels are or a graph from Sheet: use the Printing
stored. commands on the File menu.
• To add a legend to a graph: tap the Legends • To set up the page layout and printer: use the
button and select the desired position for the Page setup and Print setup commands.
legend. Alternatively, use the Graph settings
• To display a preview: use the Print preview
command or the Print button on the Toolbar.
See the Printing chapter for more details.
You can use Data to store information like a card different files. For example, you may want to keep a
index system, with a separate entry for each card. database for notes about software products,
When you first use Data, the labels (e.g. Subject or interesting Web sites, or restaurants you want to visit.
Notes) are designed so that you can start a You can create databases for other types of
knowledgebase of information straight away. You information by changing the labels to suit the
can use the standard labels to keep track of items of information you wish to enter. See Customising Data
information about different subjects in one file or in later. You can create any number of databases for
different types of information.
Card browser
Data 165
Data 167
Entries containing
search text
Search text
Data 169
If you dont have an email account Finding out your Internet settings
You will require an email account before you can
What do I need to use email?
send and receive email messages on your Revo.
To send and receive email on your Revo you must
• To get a personal email account, you must sign-
have the following:
up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs
usually provide an email account as part of an 1. An appropriate Email account. To access the
Internet access package, which may also include Internet and use email, you will need an Internet
Web access. standard email account. See the previous
section, Before you start, for more details.
• Most ISPs will provide software (e.g. a CD ROM)
which will help you set up Internet access and 2. A Modem. You will need a modem to connect
the email account on a PC. your Revo to the telephone network. You can
use the following types of modem with your
Important Revo:
Some ISPs require that you connect to them using a PC • Mobile phones with built-in Infrared modems.
in order to sign-up. If you cant do this, contact the ISP to
• Standard external PC modems.
find out if you can sign-up without using a PC. If you
have Internet access, see for • Psion 56k Travel Modem.
more details.
eSetup (Internet
setup Wizard)
Cascade is a game of skill and fun. The object of the You score 500 bonus points for removing all the balls.
game is to make all the balls disappear in the least Note: You cannot remove a single ball at a time.
number of moves.
• To start a new game (and end the current game):
Remove the balls by tapping on a ball with one or Tap New game on the Toolbar, or select the
more adjacent balls of the same colour. Adjacent balls command on the File menu.
will disappear, and you are awarded points for the
number of balls removed, e.g.: • To see the best scores so far: Tap High scores
on the Toolbar.
• Remove 2 balls at once: score 3 points.
• To close Cascade (and end the current game):
• Remove 3 balls: score 6 points. Tap Close on the Toolbar.
• Remove 5 balls: score 15 points.
adjacent balls of
same colour
Cascade 181
You can print from most of the programs on the Setting up the printer
Revo, including Data, Agenda, Word, Phone,
Select the standard printer used to print out files on
Contacts and Sheet. To print, use:
the Revo. The standard printer you select in the
• A printer which is Infrared compatible, to print Control panel is used for all programs; unless you
files using Infrared. select a different printer from within a program, used
• PsiWin (on your PC), if you wish to print files via for that program only.
a PC. • To select the standard printer: move to the
• A Serial Printer Converter to connect the serial System screen; then tap the Control panel
cable from the docking station to a serial printer. button on the Toolbar, or select the Control
Before you start printing, you need to specify: panel command from the Tools menu. Open the
Printer icon , and select the printer model on
• The method by which you are going to print. the Print to line.
• The printer driver for the printer you wish to • To select the printer used by an individual
use (except when printing via a PC). program: open the program and select the Print
setup command from the Printing commands on
the File menu. Tap the Printer button to change
the printer model and/or port.
Printing 183
Printing 185
Print preview
The Revo has Infrared built in, allowing you to Selecting data to transfer
transfer selected information to another Revo (or a
On the machine from which information is to be
Psion Series 5mx) without the use of a cable.
transferred (the sending machine), select the
You can also use Infrared to print directly to printers information you want to transfer:
which support Infrared. See the Printing chapter for
• To select a file, ensure that the file is closed and
more details.
highlight the file icon on the System screen. Hold
Before you start down the Shift key and tap additional filenames if
Make sure that both Revos are ready to communicate you want to send more than one file.
using Infrared. To do this, move to the System screen, • To select an object inserted from another
then select Remote link from the Tools menu, and program, just select the object, e.g. Word notes
ensure that the Link line is set to Infrared. displayed in Agenda.
Ready to send
by Infrared
Ready to receive
by Infrared
Infrared 189
• Otherwise, ask the other user to open the file or When the transfer is complete
program to which the selected information is to
When the transfer is complete the Infrared screens
be transferred, and move the cursor to the disappear. There is now a copy of the selected
appropriate point in the file. information or file on the receiving machine.
2. On the receiving Revo, tap the command Note: If a file is being transferred, and the folder on
icon and select the Infrared receive command the receiving machine already contains a file of that
(or select it from the Tools menu). The Ready
name, then the receiving machine displays a dialog
to receive screen is displayed.
where you can rename the received file, or move it
3. Position the two Revos, aligning the Infrared to another folder.
windows on the two machines (ideally, both The information on the sending machine is not
should be resting on the same flat surface). The affected by the transfer.
Infrared window on each Revo is at the rear of
the outer casing. The machines should be no Cancelling the transfer
more than 1 metre (3ft) apart.
To stop the transfer while it is in progress, press Esc
4. On the sending machine, tap the command on either machine.
icon and select the Infrared send command (or
select it from the Tools menu). If the Infrared If the transfer fails
windows are in range, the transfer begins. If the transfer fails, a message is displayed to indicate
Infrared screens appear on both machines, and why. Follow the advice given by the message and try
show if the transfer is taking place, and the again.
progress of the transfer.
Note: It is not possible to send information by
Infrared between a Revo and a Series 3c/3mx or a
Infrared 191
Your Revo can generate the DTMF tones used for • If the number is entered in a Contacts, Data or
dialling telephone numbers. You can only use tone Agenda entry, you can just select the entry and
dialling from within the Contacts program, Agenda use the dial keypress (Fn+Menu). Your Revo will
and Data (not Phone). find the numbers in the entry so that you can
Note: Phone systems do vary. DTMF dialling cannot select which number to dial.
be guaranteed to work with all types of phone. • If the number is not entered in a Contacts, Data
You can dial a number as follows: or Agenda entry, you can use free input dialling
where your Revo will dial the number as you
• If the number is included in a Contacts entry, type it.
highlight the entry and select Dial from the Tools
Phone numbers
in Contacts entry
Dialling 193
Entering phone numbers Note: If your Revo does not find a telephone number
you have entered in a Data entry, it may be because
You can enter a telephone number to dial in a
the label is not being searched. Follow the instruc-
Contacts, Data or Agenda entry.
tions above to ensure that the label is included in the
In Data, you can set whether a label is checked when search.
your Revo looks for telephone numbers to dial. To
Note: You can enter a telephone number anywhere
include a label in the search:
in an Agenda entry, but try to avoid mixing telephone
1. Select the Change labels command from the numbers and other numbers in the same entry.
Tools menu.
For numbers in your own country, you should include
2. Select the label to include and tap the Edit the required area code in the telephone number. For
button. international numbers, you should include the
3. Tap the Options button, then tick Search label international prefix (or use a + instead) and the
for phone numbers when dialling. Remove the required national code. If you dont know the national
tick if you do not want to search a particular code for a particular country, you can look it up in the
label, e.g. if it contains other numerical Time program. You can use numerous other
information. characters (e.g. brackets or a hyphen) to separate
parts of the number. Do not use a comma as this
represents a pause when dialling.
Dialling 195
Prolonging battery life IMPORTANT: Recharge your battery when it runs down
You can take steps to help your Revo last longer When the battery runs down, there is enough power left
before it needs to be recharged: to keep all your information for approximately 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, all your information will be lost, so it is
• Turn off the remote link when not in use. To do
important that you recharge the battery within 2 weeks
this, use Remote link from the Tools menu in
when it runs down. If you are not going to use your Revo
the System screen.
for a while, e.g. if you are going on holiday, charge your
• Set lower Auto switch-off times for the machine. Revos battery beforehand. When fully charged, your
To do this, adjust the Switch on/off settings in Revo will keep all your information for 6 weeks when
the Control panel. switched off.
• Recharge your Revo regularly, keeping the
Back up your Revo
battery topped-up. You will get better long term
performance from the battery if you do not If you have a PC, use PsiWin to back up your Revo. If you
regularly let it run down completely before forget to recharge your battery and loose your
recharging. information, you can restore it from the backup on your
PC. See the PsiWin chapter for details.
When your Revo is switched off, it is on standby
and will continue to use a small amount of battery
power, at a rate of about 1% per day.
How long your battery will last depends upon how
you use your Revo. Your Revo will use considerably
more battery power when you are connected to a
PC, using Infrared, or playing sounds.
You should read this chapter if you have any If world times dont seem to be correct in the
questions or experience problems using your Revo. Time program
If an alarm doesnt ring This is likely to be because of daylight saving or
summer time settings (where clocks are put
If the alarm sounds like beeps, your battery is too low
forward for the summer months).
to play the alarm sound you have chosen. You must
Recharge your Revo before you can hear sounds as The dates that clocks are set to change vary from
normal. country to country, and sometimes even within a
country; some countries do not use summer times at
If the alarm screen is displayed but the sound is
all. Therefore, your Revo clock will not change
inaudible, the sound may be switched off. The alarm
automatically on the date that the clocks change. You
screen will indicate if the sound is off or silenced for a
will need to make sure that each zone is set to use its
particular period. To check if sound is switched on:
summer time setting when the clocks change in
• Open the Sound icon from the Control panel in those countries. See the Time chapter for more
the System screen. Check that Sounds on is details.
• Open the Time program, then select Sound from
the Tools menu. Check that Alarm sound is set
to On.
Troubleshooting 201
Reset holes
Troubleshooting 203
Character set To insert special characters when you cant display
the Special character dialog:
The Revo contains several fonts, but all have the
same basic character set. This is the IBM Code Page 1. Move to Word, select the Special character
1252 character set. command from the Insert menu.
In addition to the characters that you can enter 2. Highlight the character you want to insert to
directly from the keyboard, there are many other display its shortcut key at the bottom of the
special characters which you can use. You can display dialog, e.g. the special character has the
and insert them in programs using the Insert special shortcut Ctrl+153.
character command. 3. Move back to the program in which you want to
To insert special characters, e.g. in Word: insert the character and press its shortcut key,
e.g. to insert hold down Ctrl and press 1, then
1. Open the Word file.
5 and then 3.
2. Select the Special character command from the
Insert menu.
3. Select the required character and tap OK.
Note: You can also use the Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut
keypress to display the Special character dialog when
typing text in most other programs.
Appendices 205
Specification Sound:
Dimensions: Loudspeaker - ½W, 8 ohm.
Size: 157x79x18mm. Power:
Weight: 200g. Internal batteries: 2x 650mAHr AAA NiMH
rechargeable batteries.
Mains adaptor (6V DC ± 10%, 500mA).
125x48mm viewing area.
480x160 pixel, grey scale display with reflective
backing. 53 key, QWERTY layout, computer-style keyboard.
9 touch-sensitive icons for program selection. Temperature:
5 touch-sensitive icons for commands. Operating temperature: +5°C to +40°C (+41°F to
Internal memory:
Storage temperature: -10°C to +40°C (+14°F to
ROM: 8MB or 16MB (depending on model),
containing multi-tasking, windowed operating system.
Communications options:
Fast RS232-compatible serial link (when connected to
docking station) provides data transfer speeds of up
32bit ARM 710T core, 36.864MHz. to 115200 baud.
Infrared optical link supports Infrared
Symbols entries in Data 165 in Email 82, 90
entries in Jotter 132 Agenda
# sign
entries in Phone 102 alarms 68
in Sheet 154
entries in phonebooks 104 dialling 194
$ sign
event entries in Agenda 66 Infrared 189
in Sheet 156
files to emails 82, 92 moving & renaming files 44
» in Agenda 70
information in Sheet cells 153 PC agendas 76
12/24 hour clock 121, 29
international prefixes in Phone 109 synchronizing with a PC 56
3D graphs 161
labels in Contacts 62 alarms 114
A labels in Data 170 changing 116
notes in Agenda 73 deleting 116
absolute references in Sheet 156 numbers in Calc 125 in Agenda 68
accented characters 204 passwords to files 42 responding to 116
adding phone numbers 194 setting 115
Agenda entries 65 phonebook entries to contacts 105 troubleshooting 200
anniversaries in Agenda 68 phonebooks 98 alignment
appointments 65 scientific calculations 126 in Sheet 158
birthdays in Agenda 68 titles to graphs 162 in Word 141
calculations in Calc 125 to-do entries 71 alphabetical order
city 120 to-do lists in Agenda 72 in Contacts 59
country 121 town or city 120 in Data 167
day entries in Agenda 65 addresses am/pm clock 29
entries in Contacts 58 email 176 analog clocks 121
Index 209
Index 211
Index 213
Index 215
Index 217
Index 219
Index 221
transferring V X
information by Infrared 188
vCard standard in Contacts 63 X-rays 199
travelling 122
viewing X/Y scatter graphs 161
trigonometric functions 130
alarms 118
truncating phonebook entries 107 Y
attachments 92
turning on/off 19
email & SMS messages 90 yearly appointments 70
U entries in Data 166
Revo files from a PC 52 Z
underlining views in Agenda 66
in Sheet 158 zooming in & out 19, 35
in Word 140 W
undoing changes
in Jotter 135
email account 173
in Phone 105
Week view in Agenda 66
in Word 148
weekly appointments 70
units of distance 121
wildcards 60
windows. See dialogs
Contact entries 61
Word 138
Data entries 169
Workdays 115
phonebooks to phones 106
world map 114
used memory 44, 47
wrapping text
in Word 138
Internet 176
non-printing characters 142
mailbox 177
writing. See creating
wysiwyg text 138