GSM R 5 0 GTSOFTX3000 Configuration Manual
GSM R 5 0 GTSOFTX3000 Configuration Manual
GSM R 5 0 GTSOFTX3000 Configuration Manual
Configuration Manual
Issue 1.3
Date 2012-07-03
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Change History
Date Issue Details Author
2012-3-23 1.0 Initial release. Yu Bei
2012-3-24 1.1 Modified based on review comments. Yu Bei
2012-3-26 1.2 Modified based on review comments. Yu Bei
2012-5-7 1.3 Modified based on new configuration list. Yu Bei
2 Application ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 GSM-R Description ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Configuration................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Configuration Overview ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Produce Configuration List .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Basic Hardware Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Base Configuration System (One Cabinet) ............................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 OMU (1+1 Backup) ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Optional Hardware Modules ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.4.1 Function Modules ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4.2 Interface Modules ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.5 Typical Configuration..................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Software Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.6.1 Software Configuration List.................................................................................................................. 14
5 Upgrade ......................................................................................................................................... 40
5.1 Upgrade Path .................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.2 Upgrade to GTSOFTX3000 V200R001C00 Is Not Supported ...................................................................... 40
5.3 GTSOFTX3000 V200R001C00 ..................................................................................................................... 40
6 Expansion...................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1 Hardware Expansion Principle ....................................................................................................................... 41
6.2 Software Expansion Principle ........................................................................................................................ 41
7 Precautions ................................................................................................................................... 42
7.1 AC Server ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
8 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 43
8.1 Configuration List of Main Devices ............................................................................................................... 43
8.1.1 Basic Modules ....................................................................................................................................... 43
8.1.2 Function Modules ................................................................................................................................. 44
8.1.3 Interface Modules ................................................................................................................................. 45
8.2 Configuration List of Delivery Accessories and the Materials to Be Determined based on Site Survey ....... 45
1 Overview
1.1 Overview
This document describes the configuration of the GTSOFTX3000 V200R001C00 in the
following aspects:
System capacity
Function modules
Expansion method
Other specifications of product
2 Application
2.1 Overview
Huawei Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) GTSOFTX3000
Mobile Softswitch Center (GTSOFTX3000) is developed to meet the requirements of various
railway operators and networks.
Differences between the GTSOFTX3000 and MSOFTX3000 are as follows:
Target market.
The GTSOFTX3000 applies to GSM-R networks, whereas the MSOFTX3000 applies to
public networks.
Network scale.
The number of subscribers served by GSM-R networks is about 4000 to 30,000, which is
much smaller than that served by public networks. Therefore, the GTSOFTX3000 used
in GSM-R networks is configured with only one cabinet and one subrack.
Services being provided.
The GSM-R GTSOFTX3000 supports GSM-R dedicated services as well as basic GSM
services and supplementary services defined in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project
(3GPP) protocol. The MSOFTX3000 supports many public network services as well as
basic GSM services and supplementary services defined in 3GPP.
Requirement on acknowledgement center (AC) server.
An AC server must be configured on the GSM-R networks and it records the
confirmation information of subscribers’ participation in high-priority group calls. Public
networks do not have an AC server.
Requirement on integrated service system (ISS) server.
An ISS server and an AC server can be collocated on GSM-R networks. The ISS server
does not require a separate board and it provides subscriber functional numbers for
railway dispatching system to query subscriber location information. Public networks do
not have an ISS server.
Operation and maintenance unit (OMU).
The OMU used by GTSOFTX3000 and MSOFTX3000 has same hardware architecture
but different software architecture. The GTSOFTX3000 has its own OMU installation
software which can be downloaded from
3 Configuration
Base configuration system (one cabinet) consists of one integrated cabinet, one subrack, two
system management boards, two LAN switches, and two pair of switching boards that process
and distribute narrowband clocks. Base configuration system provides switching function and
one base configuration system is configured on each GTSOFTX3000.
The OMU works in active and standby mode and consists of universal service boards with
hard disk, platform software, interface boards, operating system software, and database
software. The OMU is configured on each GTSOFTX3000 and is always installed in slots 4
and 5 of the base configuration system.
iGWB Unit
The iGWB unit is used for process call detail records (CDRs) and communication with the
billing center.
The iGWB units work in active and standby mode and are always installed in slots 8 and 9
(not fixed slot numbers).
Configuration principle: When an iGWB is deployed, the iGWB unit must be configured.
Configuration principle: If a GSM-R site does not need an ISS server but serves subscribers
who need to confirm their participation in high-priority group calls and broadcasts, the site
needs an AC server.
The service processing unit works in 1+1 backup mode. One service processing unit is
configured on a GSM-R network and it is installed in slots 0 and 1 (not fixed slot numbers) of
the basic subrack.
Universal service interface unit and E1/T1 & GE interface unit can be installed on the rear
board of the service processing unit. The GSM-R uses only VGCU that is installed in slots 0
and 1. Universal service interface unit or E1/T1 & GE interface unit can be installed on the
rear board of the VGCU. The VGCU supports IP packet processing and route selection.
Configuration principle: Each site that serves more than zero subscribers is configured with
the service processing unit.
Table 3-8 lists the main specifications of the VGCU.
Item Specification
Number of static subscribers 300,000
Equivalent busy hour call attempts 1600 K
Route selection BHCA 50,000 K
IP packet forwarding performance 128,000 packet per second (PPS)
M2UA/M3UA packet processing 66,000 PPS
Table 3-9 lists the narrowband signaling processing performance of the VGCU.
Item Specification
TDM 64 kbit/s link 256 links
TDM 2 Mbit/s link 16 links
When both narrowband links and wideband links are configured on the GSM-R network, the
E1/T1 & GE interface unit is required, and it is always installed on the rear board of the
Configuration principle: A site is configured with the E1/T1 & GE interface unit when the
front boards need to process TDM services that are transmitted over E1/T1 line.
The universal service interface unit provides four GE interfaces and works in load-sharing or
1+1 backup mode to interwork with the VGCU. The GE interface at the topside is always
Configuration principle: A site is configured with the universal service interface unit when
the front boards (including the iGWB unit, AC server, and AC+ISS server) do not need to
process TDM services that are transmitted over E1/T1 line.
unit can be E1/T1 & GE interface unit or universal service interface unit based on whether
narrowband signaling links are available. The GTSOFTX3000 V200R001 is configured with
only one cabinet and one subrack.
Figure 3-1 describes the hardware configuration of the GTSOFTX3000 V200R001.
Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 13
Subrack 0
) )
The VGCU boards can be installed in slots 0 and 1 (not fixed slot numbers), and its rear
boards are universal service interface units (USIA1 boards) or the E1/T1 & GE interface
units (ETIA2 boards).
The board on which the iGWB unit is running can be installed in slots 8 and 9 (not fixed
slot numbers), and its rear boards are USIA1 boards. The iGWB unit supports charging
and CDR processing.
The board on which the AC server is running can be installed in slots 10 (not fixed slot
number), and the rear board is USIA1 board. The AC server processes GSM-R special
This section describes the configuration of GTSOFTX3000 licenses in the following aspects:
License control policy
License package configuration
License configuration list
Table 4-2 License configuration related to the basic resource control features
Part Part Description Unit for License Configuration Algorithm Remarks
Number Quotation
Table 4-3 License configuration related to the special resource control features
Part Part Unit for Configuration Algorithm Function Remarks
Number Description License Code
2200413 MSOFTX3000 Maximum In China: Number of - -
,LKWAMAX number of concurrent calls = Total
CONCALL01, concurrent calls: number of subscribers.
Max 50-300,000 Small-capacity sites are
concurrent deployed on the GSM-R
calls network. Therefore, to meet
the requirements of all
subscribers, the average
traffic per subscriber is
considered as 0.05 Erlang.
Outside China: Number of
concurrent local calls =
Total number of subscribers
x (Ratio of IN subscribers x
Average traffic per IN
subscriber during busy hours
Average traffic per common
subscriber during busy hours
Average traffic per during
busy hours
82200412 MSOFTX3000 Maximum Number of CAMEL - -
,LKWAMAX number of subscribers = Number of
CAMELUSR0 CAMEL subscribers specified in the
1,Max Camel subscribers: contract x Ratio of CAMEL
Users 1000-300,000 subscribers
Maximum Number of Traffic Climax per Year: Assume that the value of this resource
control item is N. When the number of traffic climaxes or subscriber capacity climaxes
exceeds N within a year, the GTSOFTX3000 rejects calls.
Figure 4-2 shows the resource control item Maximum Number of Traffic Climax per
Rejects the access requests of the subscribers that exceed the threshold allowed by the
license when the number of total subscriber capacity climaxes per year exceeds N.
Rejects the access requests of the Customized Applications for Mobile network
Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) subscribers that exceed the threshold allowed by the license
when the number of CAMEL subscriber capacity climaxes per year exceeds N.
Rejects the access requests of the data service subscribers that exceed the threshold
allowed by the license when the number of data service subscribers capacity climaxes
per year exceeds N.
5 Upgrade
6 Expansion
Ensure that all software or license files required by carriers are ready.
7 Precautions
7.1 AC Server
The AC server (or the AC+ISS server) or the GMS server does not work in 1+1 backup mode
in a subrack. Therefore, the AC server (or the AC+ISS server) or the GSM server uses one
The AC server and the ISS server are used on GSM-R networks, and the GMS server is used
on GSM-T networks.
The ISS server is used for GSM-R customized services and can be collocated with the AC
server using the same board.
8 Appendix
GTSOFTX3000 V200