SENARILIP-Prosiding (24) SADIYANI 125-133
SENARILIP-Prosiding (24) SADIYANI 125-133
SENARILIP-Prosiding (24) SADIYANI 125-133
Abstrak - The technology utilization in the English learning instructional has been a significant tool to
increase the learners’ ability and comprehension in Polytechnic education. However, the absence of
systematic and suitable digital English learning materials frequently impacts the decrease of students urge
in learning the lesson. This study aims to establish s systematic digital learning material suitable for the
engineering department students in the Polytechnic State of Bali. This research applied the qualitative
method which explained the students’ arguments on the use of e-module in the English lesson. The unified
theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was used to analyse the data obtained from the
students. The learners opined that the e-module provided the important media which significantly escalate
comprehension and eagerness of the English language. Although this e-module was beneficial, the urgency
of generating the learning materials towards offline and online instructional ought to be conducted.
1. Introduction
In the horizon of technology, the world is expanding day by day, and automation in every area is a welcome one
(Hariharasudan & Kot, 2018). The development of technology has improved significantly in many fields including
education. The most important is how technology applied to support teaching and learning (Higgins et al., 2012). The use
of new digital tools shapes teachers’ abilities to articulate their thinking and understanding (Johnson, 2016). There are
many tools can be used for the lecturers and teachers to support the use of the learning materials in the classroom, for
example, smartphone, computer, and laptop. The devices can be employed to run the platform for the classroom
instructional for example, Google classroom, Quizizz, and Google forms. The use of Google forms as a platform to
provide the assignment is favoured by the lecturers. This tool design engages the automatic scoring system which will be
beneficial for the teachers and learners to obtain the mark and result. Lecturers are required to improve the tool using
technology such as Google Forms in the classroom which should be suitable for the learners’ necessity. The combination
of learning material and Google Forms showed flexibility towards obtaining knowledge and eagerness (Sadiyani et al.,
Google form platform immersion to the learning tools in the higher education generate contributes to the
innovation in the teaching and learning process. Selecting suitable technology for the learning materials and curriculum
can be a challenge for the lecturers. A challenge for curriculum developers and teachers is how to best utilise the
technologies that students are currently using for non-educational purposes as teaching and learning tools, and to prepare
teachers and students for these developments (Rachid et al., 2018). Specifically, the previous study explained that
language learning is initiated in the classroom and actualized beyond the classroom in real-life situations mostly through
technology used nowadays. The English teacher is responsible for guiding their learners to monitor their studying
processes both within and beyond the classroom (Sert & Boynuegri, 2017). Furthermore, technology through social
media, for example, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube have been significant tools for the teacher during the delivery of
the material in the classroom. The previous research engages the hybrid learning between traditional and remote learning
processes. As students have a positive perception of ICTs, especially social media, the article proposes blending the
traditional classroom model of teaching with cooperative and collaborative online learning practices (Elboubekri, 2017).
It means that social media have a massive change used by the teacher as nutrition and supplementary through the teaching
and learning process. This research can be the response of the type of suitable tools in developing the students’
comprehension. In terms of the device used to operate the platform, laptop, computer, smartphone, and tablet, the
utilization of tablets suggested by the previous research which generated meaningful learning tasks and digital adaptability
were seen as pedagogical benefits of using tablets (Otterborn et al., 2019). On the other hand, the smaller device may be
favoured by learners as it offers flexibility and handy. The smartphone, for instance, has great size, modern technology,
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
and high specification to run several learning platforms. By applying the smaller device to run the learning platform, it
can be accessible for the learners to learn the lesson during the instructional process.
In the pandemic era, the tendency of applying e-module resulted in ineffective tools used in the teaching and
learning process (Aini et al., 2020). Remote learning can be maximized by applying electronic learning materials, for
instance, e-module. This specific e-learning can be delivered to the learners’ devices, for example, laptops and
smartphones. The function of the e-module is used to cover the learners’ demands that required them to write a report in
English after the students joined the apprenticeship program. Since the students have no meeting, they are demanded to
independent learning. The E-module, as the nutrition materials, is improved to fill the gap in which the materials are
specific for academic purposes. Employing a writing process approach is appropriate for the students in writing their
reports step by step. Besides, the E-module provided deductive learning consisting of learning objectives, teacher
instructions, students’ activities, students’ worksheets, answer key, and evaluation sheet focusing on writing a report that
is expected for the students autonomous learning. The form of e-module can be linked to the learning platform to enrich
the innovation of the learning materials. The previous research design the integration between e-module with Edmodo in
teaching the writing topic (Puspa et al., 2018).
On the other hand, the tendency of employing the traditional printed module are dominated in the English for
engineering lesson which resulted in the rigidity of teaching and learning process. The printed cannot be integrated with
the technology which lessens the innovation during the English instructional. Based on the problem above, this research
aims to analyse the Digital Technology Implementation Towards English E-Modul at the Engineering Department in
State Polytechnic of Bali.
Theoretical Review
Digital Technology
From the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, the principle of (divine) ordering in the word “Logos,” which involves the
principle of creation that was conveyed in the meaning of “Techne” (Skrbina, 2014). Technology is something that is
itself, always inherently intelligent enough either to perform, or to be imbued with, a function, purpose, or benefit, that
only intelligent species, human or otherwise, can appreciate (e.g., nut-cracking) (Carroll, 2017). This results in the
simplicity to attain the information which enhances the human need.
The implementation of digital technology through the classroom instructional has been a vast opportunity for teachers
around the world in delivering the material. An overwhelming majority of teachers in Europe (90%) use ICT to prepare
their lessons (Chhabra, 2012). Similarly, the improvement of technology has been a massive education project to enhance
education in the US. In other words, developing the education through the technology utilization conducted in the US
contributed to the discovery and reinforcement (Motteram, 2013). Currently, several studies have been implemented to
discover and solve the problem by using digital technology, especially in English for Foreign Language classes (Mollaei
& Riasati, 2013). The issues frequently faced in conducting remote learning can be reduced by immersing in the
The general function of the module assists learners to absorb the learning topic significantly. Modul consists of several
topics, assignments, tasks, learning media, and rubric in how to score the learns’ skills and comprehension. The advantage
of e-Module is interactive, allows the loading of audio, video and images as well as formative tests that can display
feedback automatically (Grellet, 2015). By using the device, for example, smartphone, laptop, tablet, and computer, the
e-module can be run systematically and easily. This leads to the accessibility of learners in higher education especially to
absorb the materials given by the lecturers.
2. Method
The qualitative method was applied to describe the learners’ argument and there were 20 students were involved in this
study to provide a wider range of opinions on the e-module in the engineering department. The unified theory of
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was applied and the parameter in collecting the data process in this study.
The performance expectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) were the specific types of UTAUT applied in this study.
The (PE) focused on the positive impact and the usefulness of the device, while the (EE) on ease of technology use and
importance of use towards Bali State Polytechnic students who learn English in the Business Administration department.
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
The design of the e-module aimed to attract the learners’ urge to learn English for specific purposes, this learning material
consists of 11 chapters that have different topics and discussions. The speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills were
immersed in this learning kit which could assist learners to escalate their ability to practice the English language. The
structure or grammar tasks have been set and prepared using the google form application. This platform was applied to
generate an automatic scoring system after the learners submit the answers. Colourful animation dominated each chapter
which increases the innovation of the module design. Furthermore, this module provided a chance for the learners to listen
to the audio and watch the video flexibly. According to the audio and video media, these tools were saved into google
drive which could be accessed by the learners during the language instruction. The tasks were prepared using the google
form platform while the games were linked to the website application. The hyperlink was also utilized to integrate the e-
module to the learning media put on google drive and website.
Based on figure 2, the design of the title “English for Engineering Module” was placed above the Polytechnic State of
Bali logo. This e-module was established for students who study English for Engineering in the Polytechnic State of Bali.
The first and second writers’ names were situated below the campus logo. The researcher chose dark blue as the dominant
colour to display the knowledge scene.
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
This e-module provided 11 chapters that elaborated specific English skills and grammar in each chapter. The theme of
the chapters ought to be related to the engineering study. The topic of ‘Do You Speak English?’ was applied to present a
brief illustration of how to make small conversations with classmates. In this chapter, the learners have presented some
conversation and audio, the students were allowed to write the correct word based on the audio. Subsequently, simple
present tense was inserted into this chapter as it would escalate the learners’ ability in English simple grammar and
writing. The first chapter allocated students to practice the comprehension of speaking. The expectancy of providing
speaking skills in this chapter was to lead learners to use the English language verbally. In the second chapter, ‘We Use
These Tools’ was chosen to specifically introduce the tools or equipment applied to the Engineering. Different types and
pictures of engineering tools were displayed to enrich the learners’ vocabularies. The students’ ability on speaking were
focused to mention and utter the name of each tool. Another picture was prepared and integrated into the audio which
concerns how to pronounce the engineering equipment. Chapter three on the e-module was commenced from reading the
procedure for changing the oil on a motorcycle. This activity instructed the students to read the passage carefully and
analyze the step from warming up the engine to adding the oil to the machine. Additionally, the hyperlink was added to
this chapter to inform the learners watching the video about the process of replacing the oil from the machine. In the
fourth chapter, the present continuous tense was elaborated, this aimed to explain to the students the use of current
activities. Several examples provided to enhance learners’ comprehension in using this simple grammar. Simple games
were integrated into this chapter, while the hyperlink was accessed, the students would automatically visit the games
website. In the next chapter, reading and structure related to the engineering concept were concerned. By having read on
this session, students had potentially increased the vocabulary and simple sentence structure. On the writing task, the
researchers generated the task using google form and created the link which was put on this chapter. Learners were
allowed to klick and answer every assignment which then automatically go to a google form to answer every question.
The sixth topic, pictures were employed to offer the visual learning tools. In this chapter, the speaking skill was
emphasized and the structure of this ability focused on present continuous tense. The first picture explained how students
assemble the small simple car, while the second picture explained that how to check the air condition machine. The
learners checked the component of this machine which would be beneficial for students to understand the name and
function of each part. The third picture illustrated how the students try to fix the motorbike, the motorbike was checked
before the learners tried to analyze and fix it. In chapter seven, the materials designed to allow learners to analyse the
simple past tense. ‘What did you do yesterday?’ was the title of this session selected to familiarize the daily activities and
workplace situation.
Audio and four conversations were provided, additionally, the first writing task was added to analyses learners’
ability. Sentence structure was displayed to enhance students’ understanding of past tense form and it assisted learners to
have more references before making their example. In the next chapter, learners were given several irregular past tense
verbs. By obtaining these vocabularies, students were expected to evoke the range of irregular verbs commonly used in
daily activities and the workplace. After the irregular verbs’ introduction, learners were instructed to practice their
speaking skills. The ninth chapter pursued the students to practice their speaking ability which would be beneficial in
sharpening their critical thinking. The learners ought to be express and elaborate the activities on the picture using past
tense. Four pictures were put in this session, the first picture illustrated how the people check and analyze the machine.
In this part, learners were instructed to analyse the three people that observed the machine. The second picture showed
that the process how to measure the liquid for the chemist form. There were more than six students who focused on the
fluid which related to the machine. The third picture explained how two learners observed the mechanical elements which
were important for the ESP students in engineering. The last picture showed how the students fix the wires of a machine
in the laboratory. The next chapter mostly concerned with learners listening and speaking skills. This chapter is generated
to explain the use of the future tense during daily activities and in the industry. In deciding the title, ‘They will study at
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
campus’ was chosen to provide a theme for this chapter. On the listening ability, a hyperlink was put to connect the video
to google drive. The last chapter was consistently defining the future tense, the structure of creating and applying future
tense were concerned n this session. The learners were required to build future tense using ‘going to’ and ‘will’.
Furthermore, vocabularies related to the machine tools were displayed in familiarizing the specific equipment used in
In this module, various audios were prepared to support learners’ ability in listening and pronunciation in specific
vocabularies. According to figure 4, the symbol of ‘speaker’ means the learners can directly klick and access it and listen
to the audio through the google form. The function of the audio led learners to analyze the conversation, answer the
assignment, sharpen the ability of vocabularies’ pronunciation. In analyzing the conversation, students had a chance to
replay the audio prepared by the researchers, as a result, learners specifically understand the topic of each conversation.
In answering the task, the incomplete statement should be finished by the learners. The learners were allowed to repeat
the audio in order to reduce the wrong answer selection. This also contributes to the learners’ comprehension in
pronouncing the vocabularies in the English language.
When the learners tap the ‘speaker’ symbols, the program would directly connect to google drive as all of the listening
sessions were saved on this system. The significance of this system is to decrease the risk of losing the data. Based on
figure 5, the option to change the volume and download the file was provided as this was important for students who did
not have frequently internet access. Cloud systems provided a saver method in keeping the data. However, if the internet
connection was lost, it would be difficult to access the data from google drive.
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
The study conducted by the researchers found that it was beneficial for the developers and lecturers to employ google
forms in assessing the students through the teaching and learning process. The advantage of google forms was to gain the
learners' ability through the direct scoring provided by the platform. This application could be modified by adding images,
changing the colour background, video, and audio as part of the questions. The task must be generated by using the google
forms website and there were several options that could be chosen to build the question. When creating the assignment
had done, the next step was to make the link which then attaches to the e-module.
Figure 7 represented the task that ought to be finished by the learners during the English language instructional. When
the students clicked the hyperlink provided by the lecturers, it would be directed to the google forms. The learners must
type the full name, semester, and classroom before working on the assignment on the next layer. The questions had to
answer before submitting it to the program. This was set by the researcher to avoid unanswered questions. All of the data
could be seen from google forms and convert to the excel form which would be downloaded by the lecturer. This result
then could be analyzed to check the learners’ scores on the English language assignment.
The games were integrated into this e-module to enhance the students’ eagerness to learn the English language. Several
platforms designed learning materials through games for example Kahoot and Quizizz. These platforms have many media
for example interactive website background and theme, special audio, image, extra points, and cartoon which can
encourage learners to get more points. However, these games must be designed separated as they need the specific code
in running each assignment. Simple website games that have intuitive direction favoured on this e-module as this reduce
the demand for extra time. By selecting the hyperlink, the learners would directly connect to the website and ready to
answer the questions based on the instruction.
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
In assisting the learners to provide the audio-visuals, the video was uploaded to google drive which could be accessed
and watched by the learners. The concept was similar to the audio file, the video was put into google drive to reduce the
risk of losing the data. This file also could be downloaded to reduce the high internet data use.
According to the students’ perception in the engineering department on the impact and the significance of the e-module
applied during the classroom, The learners’ believed this module had a positive influence during the teaching and learning
process on their English language skills. In terms of the performance expectancy, students argued that the e-module
contributed to the learning effectiveness. The learners’ arguments can be elaborated as follows:
This e-module had a substantial role in enhancing the learners’ vocabularies in engineering lessons. This learning media
was the innovation that could allow learners to access the specific materials through the classroom instructional. The
initiation to put the image resulted in the learners’ positive impression of the e-module. Most of the pictures were chosen
to integrate and conduct the descriptive topic which allowed students to read the step of fixing and replacing the oil
machine. The figure was also selected to provide to encourage students in expanding the idea of each topic. With the new
experience of using this learning kit, the increase of the English skill could be significantly obtained by the learners.
Based on the effort expectancy, the students understand how to operate the e-module without excessive instruction. The
accessibility of the e-module which could be operated by using a smartphone contribute to the learners’ favour to use this
learning kit. The learners could select the task and the option easily without any problems.
“I can a study and select e- module from my phone”
“easy to access this a model which is an enrichment for students to make it
easier for the dance show to learn learning listening”
“I could use my phone to study without opening a book question number three
that it gave the Simplicity to learn English”
The tendency of students’ urge in applying smartphones to learn the English language was one of the reasons to conduct
and design this e-module. The smartphone allowed learners to run the learning tool smoothly. The video, audio,
assignment, and games could be accessed and selected directly. The listening session was practised briefly by the learners
and this influenced the increase of the skill. The use of smartphones evoked learners’ eagerness in learning the English
language during the classroom. This reduced the chance for the users to employ the printed book as the digital book or e-
module had potentially assisted the classroom instructional.
Based on the UTAUT theory, the learners argued that this module has a positive influence on learning material
accessibility. The convenience of employing this learning kit assists the learners to generate the significant argument
which directly escalates their critical thinking through the teaching and learning process. The e-module provides the
Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
opportunity for learners to apply the smartphone in running the platform. By operating the e-module using a smartphone
resulted in the flexibility to learn the lesson. The design of the electronic module was proposed for the higher education
students who study in the engineering department. The topic selection must be suitable for the learners’ demands and
curriculum in order to escalate students’ English language ability. Each session of the e-module had specific lessons and
discussions which led the teaches and learners to conduct effective interaction during the instructional process. Immersing
audio, video and games in this digital learning material potentially develop the students’ critical thinking in analysing the
content. Visualisation assisted the learners to provide a wider perspective about the topic discussed in the classroom. This
also could be applied to contribute to the structure understanding especially subject-verb agreement and simple past tense.
Based on the research, most of the students in the Polytechnic State of Bali faced shortcomings in learning the subject-
verb agreement and simple past tense (Rahmanu, et al., 2020). The weaknesses faced by learners because there was an
indication of the inappropriate method and learning material employed by the lecturers. Suitable and systematic learning
materials potentially reduce the rigidity during English language learning. The e-module on this study allows students to
learn English language skills which include speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
On the other hand, the use of modern technology mostly needs a stable internet connection as this module must
be integrated into google drive to access the audio and video. Other learning media i.e. Youtube, WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram, and Google Classroom tend to require the ideal network access (Nugroho & Atmojo, 2020). The technology
utilization cannot stand alone which means that the combination of multimodality, smaller device, and internet technology
suitable for higher education are necessary suggested in delivering the learning material (Rahmanu, et al., 2020). In
designing the learning materials, e-module for instance, the combination of several concepts must be conducted. The
theory of multimodal which focus on the use of various text, image, audio, and video must be concerned to decrease the
misconception in delivering the learning objectives. Similarly, the internet connection must be considered by the
developers and lecturers in establishing digital learning materials.
4. Conclusion
In the modern technology era, higher education learners believe that technology has a significant role to enhance their
ability, especially in the English language. The millennials inclined to use digital tools as they provided wider references
and sources of knowledge. This e-module assisted learners to expand their ability in the English language in the
engineering department at the Polytechnic State of Bali. The significant perception argued by the learners in employing
this e-module during the lesson activities. This learning tool also was compatible with smaller devices, for example,
smartphones and tablets, which lead learners to gain knowledge fast.
However, the e-module was still designed using the internet connection which sometimes could be a barrier for
the learners who did not have stable internet access. In the future study, it is recommended to establish an e-module that
can be accessed offline and online. By designing e-learning with and without the internet, it can potentially decrease the
rigidity of using digital technology. This also enhances the hybrid learning system that provides lecturers and learners to
conduct the teaching and learning process through synchronous, asynchronous, face to face and remote learning.
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Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (SENARILIP V) 5-6 Nov 2021
© Politeknik Negeri Bali
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