Class 10 Maths Statistics - 1
Class 10 Maths Statistics - 1
Class 10 Maths Statistics - 1
Exercise 7.1
I. Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark]
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Choose the correct answer from the given options:
(1) While computing mean of grouped data, we assume that the frequencies are
(a) evenly distributed over all the classes (b) centered at the classmarks of the classes
(c) centered at the upper limits of the classes (d) centered at the lower limits of the classes
(2) If xi are the mid-points of the class intervals of grouped data, fis are the corresponding frequencies and x is the mean,
then S( fixi – x) is equal to
(a) 0 (b) –1 (c) 1 (d) 2
Σf d
(3) In the following x = A + i i , for finding the mean of grouped frequency distribution, di =
Σf i
A − xi
(a) xi + A (b) A – xi (c) xi – A (d)
(4) If the arithmetic mean of n numbers of a series is x and the sum of first (n – 1) numbers is k, the value of the last
number is
(a) nx – k (b) nx + k (c) (d) n( x + k)
(5) Arithmetic mean of all factors of 20 is n
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
(6) The mean of 5 numbers is 27. If one number is excluded their mean is 25. The excluded number is
(a) 30 (b) 35 (c) 32 (d) 36
2. Assertion-Reason Type Questions
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct
choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
(1) Assertion (A): The arithmetic mean of the following given frequency distribution table is 13.81.
x 4 7 10 13 16 19
f 7 10 15 20 25 30
\ 23-Nov-2021 Amit Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________
Σf i xi
Reason (R): x =
Σf i
Σf i d i
(2) Assertion (A): To find mean of a grouped data, we use x = a + where a is the assumed mean and di the deviation.
Σf i
Reason (R): To find deviation, we use di = a – xi where a is the assumed mean and xi is the class mark.
3. Answers the following:
(1) Find the class-mark of class 25–35.
(2) Find the mean of first ten odd natural numbers.
(3) If the mean of the first n natural number is 15, then find n. [CBSE Standard 2020]
(4) Find the class-marks of the classes 10-25 and 35-55. [CBSE Standard 2020]
13. An aircraft has 120 passenger seats. The number of seats occupied during 100 flights is given as follows:
No. of seats 100–104 104–108 108–112 112–116 116–120
Frequency 15 20 32 18 15
Determine the mean number of seats occupied over the flights. [NCERT Exemplar]
14. The following distribution shows the daily pocket allowance of children of a locality. The mean pocket allowance is ` 18.
Find the missing frequency k. [CBSE Standard 2020, 2018]
Daily pocket allowance (in `) 11–13 13–15 15–17 17–19 19–21 21–23 23–25
Number of children 3 6 9 13 k 5 4
15. Find the mean of the following data:
Classes 0–20 20–40 40–60 60–80 80–100 100–120
Frequency 20 35 52 44 38 31
i =1
2. The mean of the above data is
(a) 29.2 (b) 30.5 (c) 38.3 (d) 40.1
3. The formula for assumed mean method to find the mean is
Σf d Σf i Σf d Σf i d i
(a) A − i i (b) A + (c) A × i i (d) A +
Σf i Σf i d i Σf i Σf i
4. The sum of class marks of 25-30 and 45-50 is
(a) 62 (b) 70 (c) 75 (d) 85
5. The sum of the upper and lower limits of modal class is
(a) 55 (b) 65 (c) 85 (d) 75
Answers and Hints
1. (1) (b) centered at the class-marks of the classes (1) (2) 10(1)
(2) (a) 0 (1) (3) (c) xi – A (1) 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n
(3) 15 =
(4) (a) nx – k (1) (5) (c) 7 (1) n
(6) (b) 35 (1) 1 n
2. (1) (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and ⇒ 15 = (2 + n − 1)
n 2
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion [Q 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n is an AP
(A).(1) n
and sum of this AP = (2 + n – 1)]
(2) (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (1) 2
25 + 35 60 1 n(n + 1) n +1
3. (1) Class-mark = = = 30(1) ⇒ 15 = =
2 2 n 2 2
\ 23-Nov-2021 Amit Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________
⇒ n + 1 = 30 ⇒ n = 29 (1)
(4) Class-mark of class 10 – 25 7. xi fi fi xi
10 + 25 35
= = = 17.5 0-20 10 5 50
2 2
Class-mark of class 35–55 20-40 30 f1 30 f1
35 + 55 90 40-60 50 10 500
= = = 45 (1)
2 2 60-80 70 f2 70 f2
4. xi fi fi xi 80-100 90 7 630
10 3 30 100-120 110 8 880
15 10 150 Sfi = 30 Sfixi = 2060
p + f1 + f2 + 30f1 + 70f2 (1)
25 25 p
25 7 175
Sfi = 30 + f1 + f2 but Sfi = 50 (given)
35 5 175 So, 50 = 30 + f1 + f2 ⇒ f1 + f2 = 20 ...(i)
Sfixi = 2060 + 30f1 + 70 f2
Total Sfi = 50 Sfixi = 530 + 25p (1)
Σf x
Now, mean = i i
Σfi xi Σf i
Mean x =
Σf i 2060 + 30 f1 + 70 f 2
⇒ 62.8 =
530 + 25 p
⇒ 20.6 = ⇒ p = 20 (1) ⇒ 3f1 + 7 f2 = 108 ...(ii) (1½)
Solving (i) and (ii), we get f1 = 8 and f2 = 12 (½)
5. Class xi fi fi xi 8. Calculation of mean.
3-5 4 5 20 Class Frequency Class
fi xi
Interval (fi) Mark (xi)
5-7 6 10 60
0-20 12 10 120
7-9 8 10 80 20-40 15 30 450
9-11 10 7 70 40-60 32 50 1600
11-13 12 8 96 60-80 k 70 70k
Σf i d i Σ f i xi
−276 I. 1. (a) i =1
2. (a) 29.2
Mean, x= a+ = 21 +
Σf i 40 n
Σf i d i
= 21 – 6.9 = 14.1 3. (d) A + 4. (c) 75 5. (b) 65
Hence, mean number of days a student was absent is 14.1. Σf i
Exercise 7.2
I. Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark]
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Choose the correct answer from the given options:
(1) Consider the following frequency distribution of the heights of 60 students of a class
Height (in cm) 150–155 155–160 160–165 165–170 170–175 175–180
No. of students 15 13 10 8 9 5
Frequency 6 8 10 12 6 5 3
No. of employees 21 25 19 23 12
8. The annual rainfall record of a city of 100 days is given in the following table:
Rainfall (in cm) 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 60–70
No. of days 8 8 14 22 30 8 10
Calculate the median rainfall. [Imp.]
9. The following table shows the ages of the patients admitted in a hospital during a year:
Age (in year) 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60
No. of patients 22 10 8 15 5 6
Find the median of the data given above. [Imp.]
10. The table below shows the salaries of 280 persons:
Salary (In thousand `) No. of Persons
5 – 10 49
10 – 15 133
15 – 20 63
20 – 25 15
25 – 30 6
30 – 35 7
35 – 40 4
40 – 45 2
45 – 50 1
Calculate the median salary of the data. [CBSE 2018]
11. The following data gives the information on the observed life-times (in hours) of 25 electrical components. Determine
the model life-time of the components. [Imp.]
Life-time (in hrs) 0–50 50–100 100–150 150–200 200–250 250–300 300–350
No. of components 2 3 5 6 5 3 1
12. The table shows the daily expenditure on grocery of 25 households in a locality. Find the modal daily expenditure on
grocery by a suitable method. [CBSE SP 2018-19]
Daily Expenditure (in `) 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350
No. of households 4 5 12 2 2
13. The median of the following data is 16. Find the missing frequencies a and b, if the total of the frequencies is 70.
[CBSE Standard SP 2020-21]
Class 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40
Frequency 12 a 12 15 b 6 6 4
IV. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks]
14. If the median of the following frequency distribution is 32.5. Find the values of f1 and f2.
Class 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 60–70 Total
Frequency f1 5 9 12 f2 3 2 40
15. Compare the modal age of two groups of students A and B appearing for an entrance test. [HOTS]
Class interval
Group A Group B
16–18 50 54
18–20 78 89
\ 23-Nov-2021 Amit Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________
20–22 46 40
22–24 28 25
24–26 23 17
16. The median of the following data is 525. Find the values of x and y if the total frequency is 100.
Class Interval Frequency
0-100 2
100-200 5
200-300 x
300-400 12
400-500 17
500-600 20
600-700 y
700-800 9
800-900 7
900-1000 4
17. Daily wages of 110 workers, obtained in a survey, are tabulated below: [CBSE Standard SP 2019-20]
Daily Wages (in `) 100–120 120–140 140–160 160–180 180–200 200–220 220–240
Number of Workers 10 15 20 22 18 12 13
Compute the mean daily wages and modal daily wages of these workers.
18. The distribution given below shows the number of wickets taken by bowlers in one-day cricket matches. Find the mean
and the median of the number of wickets taken. [CBSE Standard 2020]
No. of bowlers 7 5 16 12 2 3
19. The mode of the following data is 67. Find the missing frequency x. [CBSE Standard SP 2020-21]
Class 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency 5 x 15 12 7
20. A survey regarding the heights (in cm) of 51 girls of class X of a school was conducted and the following data was
obtained. Find the median height and the mean using the formulae.
A stopwatch was used to find the time that it took a group of students to run 100 m.
Time (in sec.) 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
No. of students 8 10 13 6 3
[CBSE Standard SP 2020-21]
1. The estimated mean time taken by a student to finish the race is
(a) 54 (b) 63 (c) 43 (d) 50
2. What will be the upper limit of the modal class?
(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 60 (d) 80
3. The construction of cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the
(a) mean (b) median (c) mode (d) All of the above
4. The sum of lower limits of median class and modal class is
(a) 60 (b) 100 (c) 80 (d) 140
5. How many students finished the race within 1 minute?
(a) 18 (b) 37 (c) 31 (d) 8
III. COVID-19 Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing pandemic of
coronavirus disease caused by the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 among humans.
The following tables shows the age distribution of case admitted during a day in two different hospitals.
Table 1
Age (in years) 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
No. of cases 6 11 21 23 14 5
Table 2
Age (in years) 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
No. of cases 8 16 10 42 24 12
\ 23-Nov-2021 Amit Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________
Refer to Table 1
1. The average age for which maximum cases occurred is
(a) 32.24 years (b) 34.36 years (c) 35.91 years (d) 42.24 years
2. The upper limit of modal class is
(a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 35 (d) 45
3. The mean of the given data is
(a) 26.2 (b) 32.4 (c) 33.5 (d) 35.4
Refer to Table 2
4. The mode of the given data is
(a) 41.4 (b) 48.2 (c) 55.3 (d) 64.6
5. The median of the given data is
(a) 32.7 (b) 40.2 (c) 42.3 (d) 48.6
Median value = = 60 + 20
2 2 × 12 − 10 − 6
= 6th value = 27 (1) 2
= 60 + 20
(2) (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. 24 − 16
1 20 × 2
Median = (Mode + 2 Mean) = 60 +
3 8
= (60 + 2 × 66) = 64 (1) = 60 + 5 = 65 (1)
3. (1) Frequency of the class interval 30-40 is maximum, 6. Maximum frequency = 25
i.e., 65. So, the modal class is 30-40. (1) So, Modal class = 400–600
(2) Median f1 − f 0
\ Mode = l + h (1)
1 6
2 f1 − f 0 − f 2
= observation
2 2 25 − 21
th = 400 + 200
+ + 1 observation
2 50 − 21 − 19
[Q n = 6 (even)] = 400 + 200 ×
1 10
= [3rd observation + 4th observation]
2 = 400 + 80
= [5 + 7] = 6 (1) = 480 (1)
2 7. Modal class = 201–202 as its frequency is maximum.
4. Class interval f cf \ Modal weight
0–10 8 8 f1 − f 0
= l + h × (1)
10–20 10 18 2 f1 − f 0 − f 2
20–30 12 30 26 − 12
= 201 + 1 × (1)
2 × 26 − 12 − 20
30–40 22 52
40–50 30 82 = 201 +
52 − 32
50–60 18 100 (1)
= 201 +
n = 100 20
n = 201.7 kg. (1)
⇒ = 50
2 8. 39.09 cm (3)
⇒ Median class is 30-40. (1) 9. 21.25 years (3)
\ 23-Nov-2021 Amit Proof-3 Reader’s Sign _______________________ Date __________
= 18 +
56 180–200 18 190 1 18
60 200–220 12 210 2 24
= 18.93 years (1) 220–240 13 230 3 39
For group B, modal class is 18-20 Total 110 1
\ Mode of group B (2)
Mean daily wages
f1 − f 0
= l + × h (1)
2 f1 − f 0 − f 2
= 170 + × 20
89 − 54 = `170.19 (approx.) (1½)
= 18 + × 2 (1)
2 × 89 − 54 − 40 22 − 20
Mode = 160 + × 20
35 44 − 20 − 18
= 18 + × 2 = 18.83 years
84 = `166.67 (approx.) (1½)
Since 18.93 > 18.83 18. Mean:
\ The modal age of students of group A > modal age of
CI xi fi fixi
students of groups B. (1)
20-60 40 7 280
16. Class Interval Frequency cf 60–100 80 5 400
0–100 2 2 100–140 120 16 1920
100–200 5 7 140–180 160 12 1920
200–300 x 7+x 180–220 200 2 400
300–400 12 19 + x 220–260 240 3 720
n 45 N
\ = − C
2 2 Median = l + 2 ×h
= 22.5 f
n Here, l = lower limit of median class = 145
Since, the cumulative frequency just greater than i.e.,
2 C = C.F. of the class preceding the median class
22.5 is 28. (1)
So, the median class is 100-140. = 11 (½)
Now, Median h = higher limit – lower limit
n = 150 – 145 = 5
2 − cf
= l + h
f f = frequency of median class = 18 (½)
(25.5 − 11)
22.5 − 12
\ Median = 145 + ×5
= 100 + 40 18
= 149.03 (1)
= 100 + 40 × = 126.25 (1)
16 Calculating mean
f1 − f 0 Height
19. Mode = l + × h (½) f xi fxi
(in cm)
2 f1 − f 2 − f 0
below 140 4 137.5 550
15 − x
67 = 60 + × 10 (½) 140 – 145 7 142.5 997.5
30 − 12 − x
145 – 150 18 147.5 2655
15 − x
7= × 10 (½) 150 – 155 11 152.5 1677.5
18 − x
N 51
3. (b) median 4. (c) 80
N = 51 =
⇒ = 25.5
2 2
5. (c) 30
As 29 is just greater than 25.5, therefore median class
is 145 – 150. III. 1. (c) 35.91 years 2. (d) 45
3. (d) 35.4 4. (a) 41.4
5. (b) 40.2
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