Bank Managment System Report 1
Bank Managment System Report 1
Bank Managment System Report 1
Executive Summary
This report provides details of the Industrial Internship provided by upskill Campus and The IoT
Academy in collaboration with Industrial Partner UniConverge Technologies Pvt Ltd (UCT).
This internship was focused on a project/problem statement provided by UCT. We had to finish the
project including the report in 6 weeks’ time.
My project was on Bank Management System . This Project allows the user to create a Bank
Account in the bank the user needs to first sign-up and fill the essential details and create a
required type of account and an user who already has an account can login using the card number
and pin number . The User can also Deposit the amount into the account and Withdraw the
amount from the account . It also has fast cash facility like ATM and Account Statements are
available for them . User can change the pin according to their needs and can transfer the money
from one account to another . The user also can check the balance in their account .
This internship gave me a very good opportunity to get exposure to Industrial problems and
design/implement solution for that. It was an overall great experience to have this internship.
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1 . Preface :
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In this 6 weeks I had been growing and learning . Firstly at the very first week , i.e Week 1 I
had been learning about the problem statements and finding the effective solution for it . It also needs
me to find all the parameters in Bank Management System and to find an effective method to make
develop it .
In the second week i.e Week 2 I have worked upon the registration module and have used the
parameters like name , Email-id , Phone no , Address , Parents Name , Marital Status , Account type and
the services required . The Registered user can login into their account using their credentials provided
during account creation .
In the third week i.e Week 3 I had worked on the database connectivity that is connected
to the project for saving the data from the registration and login from the user . For Database
Connectivity I have created JDBC Connection using MySQL WorkBench and created tables for saving the
data .
In the Fourth Week i.e Week 4 I had created Deposit , Withdrawl , Account Statements and
Fund Transfer pages for further accomplishments . While in the Fifth Week i.e Week 5 the project ended
with mini statement and change pin pages . And I have made my Friends and others to create an
account and use the management system .
The Feedback given by the peoples help me to think about certain changes that needs to look
after and I accept the changes and made modification into the project accordingly . And then Submit the
report and get the project certified .
This Internship really plays a very important role in my career as it gives me a interface to apply
my learning and for the betterment of my future . It makes me learn new things and a great experience .
In this 6 weeks I have attended few video lectures and quiz which intentionally lead to gaining more
knowledge and technical skills for Industial environment .
This helps me learn that how can I integrate different structures and my knowledge in my field
and make a better career out of it .
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2 . Introduction
A company established in 2013 and working in Digital Transformation domain and providing
Industrial solutions with prime focus on sustainability and RoI.
For developing its products and solutions it is leveraging various Cutting Edge Technologies e.g. Internet
of Things (IoT), Cyber Security, Cloud computing (AWS, Azure), Machine Learning, Communication
Technologies (4G/5G/LoRaWAN), Java Full Stack, Python, Front end etc.
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• It has features to
• Build Your own dashboard
• Analytics and Reporting
• Alert and Notification
• Integration with third party application(Power BI, SAP, ERP)
• Rule Engine
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ii. Smart Factory Platform ( )
Factory watch is a platform for smart factory needs.
It provides Users/ Factory
• with a scalable solution for their Production and asset monitoring
• OEE and predictive maintenance solution scaling up to digital twin for your assets.
• to unleased the true potential of the data that their machines are generating and helps to
identify the KPIs and also improve them.
• A modular architecture that allows users to choose the service that they what to start and then
can scale to more complex solutions as per their demands.
Its unique SaaS model helps users to save time, cost and money.
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iii. based Solution
UCT is one of the early adopters of LoRAWAN teschnology and providing solution in Agritech, Smart
cities, Industrial Monitoring, Smart Street Light, Smart Water/ Gas/ Electricity metering solutions etc.
iv. Predictive Maintenance
UCT is providing Industrial Machine health monitoring and Predictive maintenance solution leveraging
Embedded system, Industrial IoT and Machine Learning Technologies by finding Remaining useful life
time of various Machines used in production process.
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2.2 About upskill Campus (USC)
upskill Campus along with The IoT Academy and in association with Uniconverge
technologies has facilitated the smooth execution of the complete internship process.
USC is a career development platform that delivers personalized executive coaching in a
more affordable, scalable and measurable way.
Professional networking
Job/internship platform
Collaboration platform
Career growth/upskilling
Interview Preparation
and skill building
Alumni Project
Job portal
Connections collaboration
upskilling Courses
Mentorship Discussion forum Internship porta
Skill Assessment
Discussion/QA Freelancing
Tech updates
forum projects
Profile building
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2.3 The IoT Academy
The IoT academy is EdTech Division of UCT that is running long executive certification
programs in collaboration with EICT Academy, IITK, IITR and IITG in multiple domains.
2.5 Reference
2.6 Glossary
Terms Acronym
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3 . Problem Statement :
Develop a prototype of a Banking Information System in Core Java that provides a
working preview of the key functionalities of a real banking system. The prototype should
demonstrate the core features and flow of the system, showcasing its functionality and
1. User Registration: Implement a simplified user registration process where users can
provide basic details to create an account.
2. Account Management: Develop the ability to create and manage user accounts,
including assigning unique account numbers and tracking account balances.
3. Deposit and Withdrawal: Enable users to make deposits and withdrawals from their
accounts, updating the account balance accordingly.
4. Fund Transfer: Implement a simplified version of fund transfer functionality, allowing
users to transfer funds between their accounts or to other registered users.
5. Account Statements: Provide users with a preview of their account statements,
displaying transaction history, dates, amounts, and remaining balances.
6. Password Protection: Develop a basic login system with password authentication to
ensure secure access to user accounts.
7. Error Handling: Implement basic error handling mechanisms to handle common
exceptions, such as insufficient funds and invalid transactions, and display relevant error
messages to users.
8. User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface for the prototype that allows users to
navigate through the system, perform banking operations, and view relevant information.
9. Persistence: Implement basic data persistence by storing user account information and
transaction history temporarily during the prototype session.
This project have facility to opening account, depositing and withdrawing money. The
Bank management system is an application for maintaining a person’s account in a bank. The
system provides the access to the customer to create an account, deposit/withdraw the cash
from his account, also to view reports of all accounts present. The following presentation
provides the specification for the system.
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4 . Existing and Proposed Solution :
4 . 1 . Existing System :
The existing system work manually. The existing system has got lot of
intricacies within itself and need lot of human effort and paper works. All above the data need to
be maintained on ledgers and maintaining this is a tedious and risky process. As the
transactions increases, so the data too. So the task of maintaining them increases
exponentially. To view a data may need lot of paper to be searched.
Some of the negative aspects of the existing system are as follows:
1) Time Consuming:
There is a lot of time consumes in the bank, whenever we open account, deposit,
withdraw or pass a loan than because of many customers with his/ her different purpose,
than we wait for our turn sometimes 2 to 3 hours.
2) Reliability:
This banking system is not fully reliable whenever the computer system is create
a problem and not work properly than sometime our data is damaged or lost.
3) Man Power:
In this project man power is fully used. A number of employee need to manage the
banking system.
4) Less Accurate:
this system is not fully accurate, because sometime computerised system
create a problem in working, than the computer system also give us wrong results.
To overcome these, the proposed system has been suggested.
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In this project we are going to explain about Banking Management System. This
project have facility to opening account, depositing and withdrawing money.The proposed
system is a computerized one. This has greater accuracy and efficiency. This takes only limited
time for calculation.
The proposed system can be used to maintain efficiently the BANKING schedule. In larger
organizations employees are large. At that time also the proposed system is useful and helpful.
The system includes users Administrator(HR) level.
In this project we have a admin login feature, we want to fill the admin and password then we
enter to home page,The home page facility show all the include features about this banking
project.we have a number of options like open account, create a new account , funds transfer ,
deposit money, withdraw money and check balance , mini statements facility also available, we
can easily choose any option according to our own requirement. We have also feature of
We also take view of all the account list information according to date. We have also information
record about this bank and its director.
• Functional Requirements
• Non- Functional Requirements
• System Requirments
A . Functional requirements:
➢ Java Swing and awt packages in Apache Netbeans
➢ Mysql library to connect with the database .
➢ DateChooser Library .
B . Non-Functional requirements:
➢ Must provide the program in vivid colours and format.
➢ Should have adaptability to allow usage of single module at a time.
➢ Must enable faster processing of operations when a module is selected.
➢ Easy to use and Effective for users .
C . System Requirments:
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▪ Hardware requirements:
Processor: Pentium IV
RAM: 128MB required
HARD DISK: 1GB required
Printer: Any compatible printer
▪ Software requirements :
JAVA being the platform independent language to generate the user-friendly Software system is
used as Front-end system and MYSQL as Back-end database system, this will facilitate user in
operating the system successfully.
A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. We've already
mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000/XP, Linux, Solaris, and Mac
OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating system and hardware.
The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a software-only platform that runs
on top of other hardware-based platforms.
The Java platform has two components:
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. 5 . Proposed Design / Model :
5 . 1 Modules :
▪ Registration Module :
The Registration Module contains Login and Signin Options . The User who does
not have an account or want to create a new account sign-up and fill the information
resulting in formation of a bank account and the bank provides a card number and pin
number for login further . Those already registered can access their account through
login and can make transactions .
▪ Deposit Module :
This Module provides the facility of depositing the particular amount in the account
of the account holder .
▪ WithDrawl Module :
This Module provides the facility of withdrawing the user defined amount from the
account of the account holder
▪ Balance Enquiry :
This Module Gives the information of the amount / balance present in the account of
the account holder.
▪ Fast Cash Enquiry :
This Module provides the facility of withdrawing the bank defined amount from the
account of the account holder eventually same as ATM machine the withdrawl amount
be in the multiple of zeroes
▪ Pin Change :
This Module provides the facility to the user to change the pin of their account
accordingly and maintain security of the accounts and Data .
▪ Account Statements :
This Module provides the facility to the get the statements of the transaction made by
the account holder from the account .
▪ Fund Transfer :
This Module provides the facility of transferring the amount / money from one
account to another .
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5 . 2 Flow Diagram :
Sign-up Login
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6 . Performance Testing :
Banking Domain Testing is a software testing process of a banking application
for functionality, performance, and security. The main purpose of testing banking application is
to ensure that all the activities and functionalities of a banking software run smoothly with no
errors and it remains protected.
The BFSI (Banking, Financial services and Insurance) sector is the biggest consumer of IT
services. Banking Applications directly deal with confidential financial data. It is mandatory that
all the activities performed by banking software run smoothly and without any error. Banking
software perform various functions like transferring and depositing fund, balance inquiry,
transaction history, withdrawal and so on. Testing banking application assures that these
activities are not only executed well but also remain protected from hackers.
6 . 1 Output :
Login To Account
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Transaction Page
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Withdraw Amount from Account
Balance Enquiry
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Account Statements
Fund Transfer
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6 . 2 Data Dictionary :
Data dictionary is the collection of complete data is used in some process. It can also
to be called the whole databases that are used in the project. Data is stored in different data
bases. Database is a collection of different table and tables further are collection of records in
which each record is made up of primary unit called fields’ data fields are the entity where the
information can be stored and accessed as and when required.
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7 . My Learnings :
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8 . Future Work Scope :
In the future more software companies will hire this software program because now
a days the need for the speed in the day-to-day life has becomeessential. As competition
increases, companies by considering old version, they develop more efficient versions for
individual success.
In future we can make a link of this project with networking.We can also convert this project in
Hibernate. Hibernate is a framework. It storage large amount of database.
In future we can also add the facility to change the password and recovery the forgotten
This project is developed to nurture the needs of a user in a banking sector by
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