Course Objectives:
Chap.2 Verbal and Non-verbal Messages Invitation to insight and Case Study:
Verbal Messages: Clarity and Skill building exercises Misunderstanding leads
Ambiguity, Inflammatory language, (See Pg 104-105 of the to Airline catastrophe (pg
Language and Identity management text-book) 80)
Non-verbal Communication
Characteristics of Nonverbal Self-Assessment: Check
Communication, Types of Non-verbal your Non-verbal
Communication, Improving Non- Immediacy (pg 102)
verbal effectiveness
Adler, R. B., Elmhorst, J. M., & Lucas, K. (2013). Communicating at work: Strategies for
success in business and the professions (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
The syllabus is based on the syllabus prepared for the First-year undergraduates by Dr. Kelly G.
Odenweller, Iowa State University titled Professional Communication. This syllabus is in the
recommended syllabi list of National Communication Association (NCA).
The tutorials follow Computer Assisted Language Learnings (CALL). The software, exercises
and reading material is adopted from Self-Paced Tutorials, University of New England.