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Professional Communication

Ability Enhancement Course

B Com (Regular) Course Code:

Course Name: Professional Communication 19UBCOMI05
Total Lectures per week (1 lecture = 60 minutes) 02
Credits 02
Hours Marks
Evaluation System
Theory Examination 45 Min. 25
Practical /Project Evaluation ------ 25

Course Objectives:

1. To explain the basic nature of communication in and beyond organizations

2. To explain the communication skills necessary for developing and maintaining professional
relationships, including listening, networking, and conflict management
3. To discuss the role of verbal and nonverbal communication in professional contexts
4. To draft effective memos, letters and resumes

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Sr. no. Modules/Units In-Class Activities Case Studies, Career Lec.
Unit I Basics of Business and Professional 10
Chap. 1 Communicating at Work Invitation to insight and Case Study:
The Nature of Communication: Skill building exercises
Communication Principles, Basics of (See Pg 28-29 of the text- ‘Derogatory E-mails Lead
book) to Firings’ (pg 9)
the Communication model,
Communication Channels

Communicating in and beyond Career Tip:

Chap.2 Organizations: Formal
‘Getting recognized by
Communication Networks, Informal
your bosses’
Communication Networks, Personal

Unit II Personal Skills 10

Chap.1 Listening at Work Case Study:

The importance of Listening,
Invitation to insight and Careless Listening leads to
Assumptions about Listening Ridicule
Skill building exercises
Barriers to Listening (See Pg 74-75 of the text-
Listening Styles: Relational Listening, book) Self-Assessment: What’s
Analytical Listening, Task-Oriented your Listening Style?
Listening more effectively

Chap.2 Verbal and Non-verbal Messages Invitation to insight and Case Study:
Verbal Messages: Clarity and Skill building exercises Misunderstanding leads
Ambiguity, Inflammatory language, (See Pg 104-105 of the to Airline catastrophe (pg
Language and Identity management text-book) 80)
Non-verbal Communication
Characteristics of Nonverbal Self-Assessment: Check
Communication, Types of Non-verbal your Non-verbal
Communication, Improving Non- Immediacy (pg 102)
verbal effectiveness

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Chap. 3 Interpersonal Strategies and Skills Case Study: The Cost of
Invitation to insight and Incivility (pg 121)
Interpersonal Skills and Success:
Skill building exercises
Building Positive Relationships,
(See Pg 136-137 of the Career Tip: The Art of
Affirming Dignity; Sharing
Feedback: Giving Praise, Raising text-book) Apologising (pg 119)
Difficult Issues; Dealing with
Difficult People and Situation: Self-Assessment: What is
Incivility, Bullying Managing your Conflict Management
Conflict: What are conflicts about?,
Style (pg 130)
Approach to Conflict, Handling
Conflicts Constructively
Unit III Business Writing 10

Chap. 1 Writing at Workplace:

Sample Memo and Letters
Writing Well: Adapt to your See Appendix III P. 403 (p. 406-408)
audience, Organize Carefully, Be of the textbook
accurate clear and professional

Routine Business messages: Email

messages and memos, Letters
(Sample: Cover Letters, Letters of
complaint and adjustment)
Chap. 2 Writing for Employment: Resume Sample Resume (p. 413 -
Fundamentals, Resume Elements, 414)
Types of Resumes

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Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course students should be able to…

CO Course Outcomes Bloom’s taxonomy PSO

CO1 explain the basic nature of communication in Remembering and
and beyond communication Understanding

CO 2 explain the communication skills necessary for Remembering and

developing and maintaining professional Understanding
CO 3 discuss the role of verbal and nonverbal Remembering and
communication in professional contexts Understanding PSO 6
CO 5 write effective memos, letters and resumes Applying


Adler, R. B., Elmhorst, J. M., & Lucas, K. (2013). Communicating at work: Strategies for
success in business and the professions (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Suggested Additional Reading:

1. Business Communication Today by Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill, Barbara E.

Schatzman, Hardcover: 730 pages, Publisher: Prentice Hall

2. Excellence In Business Communication (6th Edition) by John Thill, Courtland L. Bovee,

Paperback: 656 pages, Publisher: Prentice Hall

3. Business Communication: Building Critical Skills by Kitty O. Locker, Stephen Kyo

Kaczmarek, Hardcover: 637 pages, Publisher: Irwin/McGraw-Hill

4. Business Communication for Managers : An Advanced Approach by John M. Penrose,

Robert W. Rasberry, Robert J. Myers, Hardcover: 480 pages, Publisher: South-Western

5. Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness by Phillip G. Clampitt, Paperback: 304

pages, Publisher: SAGE Publications

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Attribution Statement:

The syllabus is based on the syllabus prepared for the First-year undergraduates by Dr. Kelly G.
Odenweller, Iowa State University titled Professional Communication. This syllabus is in the
recommended syllabi list of National Communication Association (NCA).

The tutorials follow Computer Assisted Language Learnings (CALL). The software, exercises
and reading material is adopted from Self-Paced Tutorials, University of New England.


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