Communication Link Analysis

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link análysis
(sklar chap 5)
• An estimation technique for evaluating
communication system performance
• The required error performance dictates the
value of the Eb/No that must be made
available at the receiver in order to meet the
• Can help predict equipment weight, size,
prime power requirements, technical risks
and cost
• The “bottom-line” tally in the search for
optimum system performance
Basic SNR Parameter for
• Eb is the bit energy = signal power S x bit
time Tb = 1 / Rb (bit rate)

• Noise power N divided by bandwidth

• Just a version of S/N normalized by
bandwidth and bit rate
Problem solving
• Consider a binary communications system
that receives equally likely signals s1(t) and
s2(t) plus AWGN. Assume that the receiving
filter is a matched filter (MF), and that the
noise-power spectral density No is equal to
10-12 Watt/Hz. Solve for Eb/No
The concept of free space
• Assumes a channel free of all hindrances to
RF propagation such as absorption,
reflection, refraction, or diffraction
• We assume that the earth is sufficiently far
away or that its reflection coefficient is
• The RF energy arriving at the receiver is
assumed to be a function only of distance
from the transmitter (following the inverse-
square law as used in optics)
Error performance

• The SNR can degrade in two ways:

(1) through the decrease of the desired
signal power (LOSS), and (2) through the
increase of noise power, or the increase of
interfering signal power (NOISE OR
LOSS AND noise sources
• LOSS - a portion of the signal is absorbed,
diverted, scattered, or reflected along its
route to the intended receiver; thus a portion
of the transmitted energy does not arrive at
the receiver
• NOISE – thermal, sky noise, system
nonlinearities, interfering signals
LOSS AND noise sources
LOSS AND noise sources
LOSS AND noise sources
LOSS AND noise sources
LOSS AND noise sources
LOSS AND noise sources
The range equation
• Aer is the absorption cross section (effective
area of the receiving antenna

• An antenna’s effective area Ae and physical

area Ap are related by an efficiency
parameter as: Nominal values for are 0.55
for a dish (parabolic-shaped reflector) and
0.75 for a horn-shaped antenna)
• The antenna parameter that relates the
power output (or input) to that of an isotropic
radiator as a purely geometric ratio is the
antenna directivity or directive gain
• Show that the same value of EIRP can be
produced equally well by using a transmitter
with Pt = 100 W or with Pt = 0.1 W, by
employing the appropriate antenna in each

• Reciprocity theorem - for a given antenna

and carrier wavelength, the transmitting and
receiving gains are identical
• The antenna field of view is a measure of
the solid angle into which most of the field
power is concentrated

• The antenna gain increases with decreased

wavelength (increased frequency); antenna
gain also increases with increased effective
• Free-space or path loss
• Design a hypothetical experiment to
measure path loss Ls , at frequencies f1 = 30
MHz and f2 = 60 MHz, when the distance
between the transmitter and receiver is 100
km. Find the effective area of the receiving
antenna, and calculate the path loss in
decibels for each case
Thermal noise
• Caused by the thermal motion of electrons
in all conductors.
• Generated in the lossy coupling between an
antenna and receiver and in the first stages
of the receiver
• Constant up to about 1012 Hz (white noise)
Thermal noise
• The physical model for thermal or Johnson
noise is a noise generator with an open-
circuit mean-square voltage of 4kT°WR
Thermal noise
• The maximum thermal noise power N that
could be coupled from the noise generator
into the front end of an amplifier is

• Noise power spectral density N0

Thermal noise
Link Budget Analysis
Two Eb/No’s of Interest
• Value of bit energy per
noise power spectral
density required to
yield a specified error
• Required Eb/N0 and
Received Eb/N0
Link Margin

Gr/To is the receiver sensitivity

Link Budgets In decibels

• Home receiver G/T°, illustrates the

additional degradation caused by the rain;
additional thermal noise irradiates the
receiving antenna, making the effective
system noise temperature, T°, increase, and
the home receiver G/T° decrease (from 9.4
dB/K to 8.1 dB/K).
Link Budgets In decibels
Link Availability
Link Availability
Link Availability
Link Availability
• At the edge of the earth the propagation
path between the satellite and ground is
longer than the path directly beneath the
satellite. Degradation occurs in three ways:
(1) the longer path results in reduced power
density at the receiving antenna; (2) the
edge of coverage sites will experience
reduced satellite antenna gain (3)
propagation to the edge of the earth
traverses a thicker atmospheric layer

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