The Space Link
The Space Link
The Space Link
• EIRP also takes into account the losses in transmission line and
connectors and includes the gain of the antenna.
• The overall system noise temperature with a cable loss ‘L’ for
the given system is given by the equation
• The above examples illustrate the important point that the
LNA must be placed ahead of the cable, which is why one sees
amplifiers mounted right at the dish in satellite receiver
Carrier to noise ratio:
• This ratio is denoted as C/N and is calculated in decibels.
ie , C/N = [PR] – [PN]
C/N→ carrier to noise ratio PR → Receiver Power
PN → Noise Power
• The resultant C/N can be calculated by:
[C/N] = [EIRP] – [GR] – [LOSSES] – [k] – [TS] – [BN]
• To complete the calculations, we need to consider the gain is to temperature ratio
also. It is commonly denoted ad G/T.
Hence [G/T] = [GR] – [TS]
Thus, the C/N equation could be written as:
[C/N] = [EIRP] + [G/T] - [LOSSES] – [k] – [B N]
• The ratio of carrier to noise power density PR / PN can be the
quantity that is actually required.
Since PN = k TNBN
[C/N] = [C / NO BN]
= [C / NO] – [BN]
[C/No] = [C / N] +[BN]
• [C/N] is true power ration in units of decibels, and [BN] is in
decibels relative to one hertz or dBHz. Thus the units for [C/No]
are dBHz.
• Applying this value to the above equation, we get:
• [C/N0] = [EIRP] + [G/T] - [LOSSES] – [k]
The Uplink
• The uplink of a satellite circuit is where the earth station is
transmitting the data to the space craft and the space craft is
receiving it.
• The carrier to noise ratio for uplink is given by
[C/N0]U = [EIRP]U + [G/T]U - [LOSSES]U – [k]
The Downlink
• The downlink of a satellite circuit is where the space craft is
transmitting the data to the earth station and the earth station is
receiving it.
• The carrier to noise ratio for downlink is given by
[C/N0]D = [EIRP]D + [G/T]D - [LOSSES]D – [k]
Combined uplink and downlink C/N ratio
• The complete satellite circuit consists of an uplink and a
• Noise will be introduced on the uplink at the satellite receiver
input. Denoting the noise power per unit bandwidth by PNU and
the average carrier at the same point by PRU,
the carrier– to – noise ratio on the uplink is:
(C/N0) u = (PRU / PNU)
• The carrier power at the end of the space link is PR, which is also
the received carrier power for the downlink. This is equal to ϒ
times the carrier power input to earth station input.
• It includes the satellite transponder and transmits antenna
gains, the downlink losses, and the earth station receive
antenna gain and feeder losses.
• The noise at the satellite input also appears at the earth
station input multiplied by ϒ and in addition, the earth station
introduces its own noise which is denoted as PND. Thus the
end – of – link noise is ϒ PNU + PND.
• The C/N0ratio for the downlink alone is PR / PND and the
combined C/N0ratio at the ground receiver is PR(ϒ PNU + PND).
• The power flow diagram is shown in figure
• The combined carrier – to – noise ratio can be determined in
terms of the individual link values.
• Denoting the combined carrier – to – noise values by N0 / C,
the uplink value by (N0 / C)Uand the downlink value by
(N0 / C)D then,
N0 / C = PN / PR
= (ϒ PNU + PND)/ PR
= (ϒ PNU/ PR) + (PND/ PR)
= (ϒ PNU/ ϒ PR) + (PND/ PR)
N0 / C = (N0 / C)U+ (N0 / C)D
• The above derived equation is the combine value of C/N0 , the
reciprocals of individual values must be added to obtain the
N0 / C ratio and then reciprocal of this taken to get C/N0.
• Effects of rain
• Up to this point, calculations have been made for clear-sky
conditions, meaning the absence of weather-related
phenomena which might affect the signal strength.
• In the C band and the Ku band, rainfall is the most significant
cause of signal fading. Rainfall results in attenuation of radio
waves by scattering and by absorption of energy from the wave.
• Rain attenuation increases with increasing frequency and is
worse in the Ku band compared with the C band.
• Rain attenuation for horizontal polarization is considerably
greater than for vertical polarization
Uplink rain-fade margin:
• Rainfall results in attenuation of the signal and an increase in
noise temperature, degrading the [C/No] at the satellite .
• The increase in noise is not a major factor for uplink because
the satellite antenna is pointed towards a ‘hot ‘ earth.
• This temperature is added to the receiver noise temperature
which tend to mask additional noise induced by the rain
• It is important that some form of uplink power control is
necessary to compensate for rain fades.
• The power output from the satellite may be monitored by a
by each earth station, and the power output from any given
earth station may be increased if required to compensate for
rain fading.
Downlink rain-fade margin:
• Rainfall introduces attenuation by absorption and scattering
of signal energy, and the absorptive attenuation introduces
• The effective noise temperature of the rain is given by
• where Ta is the effective absorber temperature
• Let [A] dB represent the rain attenuation caused by
absorption. The corresponding power loss ratio is A = 10[A]/10
• The total sky-noise temperature is the clear-sky temperature
TCS plus the rain temperature given by