Esc5517 2 Introduction 2015
Esc5517 2 Introduction 2015
Esc5517 2 Introduction 2015
Formulate Problem
Quantitative = numeric data
Descriptive Research Qualitative = non-numeric data
• Caveat – all qualitative data can be coded and all quantitative
data is based on judgment
Common Assumption:
Exploratory Research
• Qualitative Data = preliminary
• Quantitative Data = confirmatory
Causal Research
Focus groups
• small group discussions led by a trained moderator
• Generate ideas
Exploratory research • Understand consumer vocabulary
• Reveal consumer needs, motives, perceptions, and attitudes
on products and services
• Understand findings from quantitative studies
• Representative of the population?
• Subjective interpretation
• High cost-per-participant
• developing understandings of the everyday activities of people in local
Focus Groups Interviews Observation
•Flexible • Insight into actual, not reported, behaviors
•Group dynamics, •Richness of data •Not influenced by others Protocol analysis
expect more creative •Gets at the “Why” •Max probing, great depth
of customers’ •Expensive
• involves placing a person in a decision making situation and asking him or
•Some probing
•Relatively inexpensive behaviors •Time consuming her to verbalize everything he or she considers when making a decision
•Ready industry •Generates ideas •Candid, sensitive topics
•Clarifies other Projective Techniques
project results • participants are placed in (projected into) simulated activities in the hopes
that they will divulge things about themselves that they might not reveal
under direct questioning
Descriptive research
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Causal research
• Helps us determine if one or more IVs (treatment, predictors)
causes or affects one or more DVs (outcome variables)
• Most demanding design—strongest conclusion
• Requires the highest degree of understanding of the problem
- adjective
• Observe the relationship (variability) between ad spend and Research investigation in which
investigator creates a situation
sales Experiment with exact conditions, so as to
Independent variable (treatment) occurs before the dependent control some, and manipulate other,
(outcome) variable
Scientific investigation in which
• Change ad spend and look for an effect on sales. an investigator manipulates
and controls one or more Field Experiment
independent variables and
observes the dependent Research study in a realistic situation
variable for variation in which one or more independent
concomitant to the variables are manipulated by the
manipulation of the experimenter under as carefully
independent variables controlled conditions as the situation
will permit