Web 2

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Web 2.

0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Lesson Idea Name: What are Earthquakes

Grade Level/Content Area: 5th Grade Science

Content Standard Addressed:

S5E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to identify surface features on the Earth
caused by constructive and/or destructive processes.
ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: Use the What would you like students to know and be
link to guide you to suggested student standards able to do by the end of this lesson:
which come from the ISTE Student Standards I would like for the students to know how to
Website utilize tools for communication and collaboration
Empowered Learner – 1.1b. Students build networks to further their academic knowledge. This will
and customize their learning environments in ways that allow students to expand their opportunities in
support the learning process. learning by customizing their learning
approaches that best fit their needs. I would like
students to know how to utilize different
activities to support their learning.

What is the student learning goal(s) for this lesson idea?

I can describe what causes an earthquake.
I can identify the three different boundaries.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

✘ Remembering ✘ Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

X Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the
student and mostly practice based.

X Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic
of learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The
teacher facilitates the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based (Real world problems) and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems
and completing projects to demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared
outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another
class, or publishing it via an outside source.)

Lesson idea implementation:

Frazier, 2021
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

This lesson would be the introduction to the standard so as the teacher I would explain the goal of
the lesson and provide the Padlet for the students to complete. As the students work on the Padlet, I
will monitor the students by walking around the classroom and answer any questions the students
may have. Since this is an introduction to the standard the answers that the students provide will
allow me to access their prior knowledge. Since the use of this Web 2.0 tool, I based my lesson on
teacher and student based as students have a choice in how to complete activities and concluding
the lesson with an assessment.
Managing student learning:
The tool used for this lesson (Padlet) will cause a shift in behavior as the students are moving from
obtaining the information from the teacher to obtaining the information from the tool. I will allow
for time-on-task and shift from passive to active learning by first allowing the students to share what
they already know about earthquakes. I will limit the amount of time my students are allowed to
share before presenting the lesson.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

I believe that this lesson will support the engagement component of the UDL framework as my
students will be engaging with a different way of learning. Presenting my students with different
tools will allow them to experience learning on their own rather than from a lecture.
Reflective Practice:
I believe that this tool may or may not aid students build an understanding different from traditional
tools. It is hard to say that independent work will allow all students to understand what they are
learning but allowing them to experience that change is vital. I believe that some students will be
successful in learning through the Padlet but there is a chance that some may not. With this lesson I
really look forward to implementing an introduction in an uncommon way. I am excited to see how
the students will react to exploring the tool to get a baseline understanding of the content.

Frazier, 2021

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