Coperion Sts mc11
Coperion Sts mc11
Coperion Sts mc11
With its specific torque of 11.3 Nm/cm3 the STS Mc11 sets new is similar to the one long proven in the ZSK Mc18 series. The
standards: it features up to 27% higher throughput rates than new, optimized base frame withstands torsion under maximum
the preceding model, while the higher degree of screw fill stress.
results in a decrease of melt temperature, thus improving The STS Mc11 series covers most standard applications in
compound quality. It incorporates the full process and quality process technology. It offers high productivity at an attrac-
know-how of Coperion. The new STS Mc11 series is exclusively tive price-performance ratio. Production of the STS Mc11 is in
equipped with European, Coperion branded gearboxes. Maxi- Nanjing, China, in compliance with CE directives. The result: A
mum screw speed has been increased from 800 to 900 rpm. high-performance compounding system with low investment
To improve cleaning and facilitate quick changovers for mas- costs which ensures a fast return on investment. The modular
terbatch applications, the STS also features new hoppers with design of the process section allows maximum flexibility in
inserts and a redesigned die head. The screw shaft coupling production at process lengths of 24 to 68 D.
Areas of application of the STS Mc11 compounder Modular design
The process section of the STS Mc11 is designed as a modular
Filling and reinforcing of engineering plastics
system. It consists of several barrels in which the co-rotating
Alloying and filling of polyolefins/TPE screws operate. The advantage of this modular principle is
maximum flexibility in compounding and extrusion processes.
Coloring of polyolefins and engineering plastics
Our process engineers configure the barrels and screw elements
Production of color masterbatch, flame retardant masterbatch, filler individually to meet your application’s specific requirements.
masterbatch and additive masterbatch Different process zones are created as required for conveying,
plasticizing, mixing and shearing, homogenizing, devolatilizing
Recycling of regrind plastics, etc.
and pressure increase in order to achieve highest product qual-
Cable compounds, incl. PVC, HFFR, XLPE ity and maximum throughput rates.
The temperature of every barrel can be controlled separately.
Other applications
Heating is usually achieved by means of heater shells, the cool-
ing is achieved by water. Standard barrels and screw elements
are made of nitrided steel. Special high-alloy wear-protected
steels are used in the enhanced wear and corrosion protected
> Proven Coperion manufacturing standards >N ew die head with improved heating system and optimized
>C E certificate flow geometry
>N ew, optimized base frame to withstand torsion under >4 D individual barrel with precision single zone tempering
maximum stress >H igh performance brass heater shells and water flash cooling
>S crew speeds of up to 900 rpm depending on the machine with flexible connection to water manifold for optimal pro-
configuration and application cessing conditions in every heating zone
>T wo operation and maintenance friendly machine control >S elf-wiping, co-rotating screw shafts for fast, easy changes
concepts – BasicMaster (relay control) and TouchMaster in product and color
(PLC control) >A variety of materials available for the process section:
>E uropean, Coperion branded, high-performance gearboxes nitrided steel for the basic version, special high-alloy
with high-tech safety clutch for safe transmission of wear-protected steels for demanding processes with a high
high torque to the screw elements via involute splined shafts stress level
Wear Corrosion
> STS 35 Mc11 Twin screw compounder
Technical data
STS Mc11 Screw diameter Max. specific Max. torque Max. screw speed Max. motor Max. throughput
[mm] torque Md/a3 per shaft [Nm] [rpm] power [kW | Hp] [kg/h | lbs/h]
Coperion’s STS co-rotating twin screw extruders are widely The quality of the end product is always the center of focus
used for the production of engineering plastics. The extruder of our compounding systems: From feeding, conveying, melt-
covers process steps such as reinforcing, coloring, alloying, in- ing, dispersing, homogenizing, devolatilizing, pressure increase
corporating organic and inorganic fillers, etc. Each compound- to filtering and pelletizing, we design every process step to
ing system features smoothly interacting process steps and meet the exact requirements of your application. This makes
gentle handling of the product with maximum productivity. the STS Mc11 compounding systems the optimal solution for the
production of engineering plastics.
ypical set-up for the production of engineering plastics
1 3 1
Polymer A + polymer B + additives
(premix, alternative: separate feeders)
2 Twin screw side feeder
(chopped glass fibers)
2 3
Twin screw side feeder
(chopped glass fibers or fillers)
4 Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
5 Devolatilization
6 Strand die head
7 Water bath
8 Air knife unit
9 Pelletizer
5 5
8 9
4 6
Masterbatch production makes great demands on the com- With its high specific torque of 11.3 Nm/cm3 the STS Mc11
pounding process: the pigments and additives must be mixed achieves better dispersion of pigments and lower specific
into the base polymer absolutely homogeneously. The STS Mc11 energy input. The series provides a variety of special features
twin screw extruders are particularly suited to masterbatch pro- for masterbatch compounding such as new hoppers with inserts
duction because of their excellent mixing properties and gentle that improve cleaning and facilitate quick product changes.
product handling at a very attractive price-performance ratio.
Recipe ingredents
Base polymers: PE, PP, PS, EVA, PET, PA, PC, SAN, PMMA, ABS,
TPE, POM, etc.
3 4 5
1 Polymer pellets
2 Pellet mill
3 Wax
6 4 Pigments
5 Polymer powder
6 Mixer, e.g. hot/cool mixer
7 Volumetric feeder
8 Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
9 Vacuum pump
10 Water bath
7 11
To pelletizer
> Typical set-up for masterbatch production (split-feed process)
In the split-feed process, the polymer is metered into the up- Pigments/additives
stream portion of the STS Mc11 twin screw extruder. After it has Organic pigments 40-60%
been melted, the additional pigments or additives are fed via
Inorganic pigments 50-80%
a twin screw side feeder into the extruder. Gravimetric feeders
Carbon black 20-50%
are generally used in this step.
TiO2 60-80%
Synthetic SiO2 20-50%
Natural SiO2 40-60%
> Good product quality
Low melt substances such as additives 30-60%
> Low wear
(UV, antifog, antistat, etc.)
> High pigment or additive loading possible
> Gentle product handling
Recipe ingredents
Base polymers: PE, PP, PS, EVA, PET, PA, PC, SAN, PMMA, ABS,
TPE, POM, etc.
1 Polymer pellets
1 2 Pellet mill
3 Wax
6 4 Pigments
3 4 5 Mixer
2 6 Gravimetric feeder
7 Twin screw side feeder
8 Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
9 Degassing
5 10
Vacuum pump
11 Water bath
To pelletizer
9 9 10
Both the premix and the split-feed process can be used to man- separately into the extruder. The STS Mc11 extruder plasticizes
ufacture masterbatch with a single pigment type. This prod- and mixes them, so that the product obtained is a masterbatch
uct is known as a monobatch, SPC or SPD. Within the color- with the desired color. Monobatches based on all common car-
matching process different monobatches are premixed or fed rier polymers are used for this process.
1 1 1 1
2 2
2 2
3 4 1
Preload hoppers for masterbatch
7 2
Gravimetric feeders
Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
6 4
Degassing (vacuum pump)
Die head
Water bath
To Pelletizer
Highlights of the STS Mc11 in masterbatch processes
Quick cleaning die head Feed hopper in quick-change design STS side feeder: new design with
> Simple, quick opening by loosening a few The feed hopper is simply clamped to the swivel arm
bolts inlet barrel and can be quickly removed by > Swivel arm allows easy docking and optimal
> User-friendly assembly due to pivoting arm loosening the bolts. The quick-release insert alignment to adjacent barrels
> Insertion of screens possible by using which protects the barrel wall from contami- > Engineered by Coperion Stuttgart, Germany,
breaker plates nation can then be changed very easily. equipped with European gearbox, final
> Optimized flow geometry with minimal assembly at Coperion Nanjing, China
dead space for safe strand discharge, even > High torque, deep cut screw channels and
with highly filled products Do/Di ~ 2 to achieve high throughput rates
> High pressure built up to 30 bar
> High-low speed motor or frequency control
> High manufacturing precision, only 2 mm
clearance between side feeder screws and
twin screws of STS Mc11
The STS has proven itself for the production of highly filled ing of highly filled polyolefins with different fillers like calcium
compounds. The main area of application is the manufactur- carbonate, talc or TiO2.
LLDPE (MFR25) + 80%wt Omyafilm 707: 450-600 rpm LLDPE (MFR1) + 80%wt Omyafilm 707: 450-600 rpm
3 5 5 1
Polymer pellets
CaCO3 powder
Additive powder
Atmospheric vent
CaCO3 powder
Vacuum degassing
1 7
Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
Diverter valve
Waterring pelletizer
4 4 9
Top quality PVC, cables and special compounds can only be high product quality and maximum economic efficiency in the
processed economically with reliable compounding and pel- processing of PVC, cables and special compounds.
letizing technology. For the Non-European market Coperion Thanks to Coperion’s high standard manufacturing know-how
has designed a STS Mc11 two-stage compounding system spe- this two-stage compounding system ensures consistency and
cifically for the production of temperature and shear sensitive repeatability of product quality, high throughput rates, more
plastics. This two-stage processing system with the STS Mc11 rentability and flexibility.
twin screw extruder and a single discharge screw ensures both
1 Feeding
2 Plasticizing, mixing and homogenizing in
the twin screw process section
3 Open, pressureless product transfer into the
single screw with the possibility of degassing 3
4 Gentle discharge through single screw
5 Air-cooling pelletizing or eccentric pelletizing –
optionally available with other pelletizing methods 2
> Typical set-up for PVC production 1 2 3
1 PVC powder
2 Fillers 4
3 Additives
4 Hot/cool mixer
5 Dryblend
6 Feeder 5
7 Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
8 Degassing
9 Single screw
6 8
Pelletizing system
PE 1 2
Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
Degassing 3
Single screw
Pelletizing system
1 EVA/PE 1 2 4
2 Additives
3 20% ATH/MDH
4 40% ATH/MDH
5 Silane
6 Twin screw side feeder
7 Vacuum pump
8 Twin screw extruder STS Mc11
9 Single screw
5 11
Pellet cooler 6 6
Typical areas of application of the STS Mc11 two-stage compounder
Twin Single Twin Single Twin Single HFFR PVC-P PVC-U XLPE (DCP) XLPE (Silane)
screw screw screw screw screw screw low/medium low voltage
voltage cables cables
96/250 94 250 708 | 110 | 600 60 660-1,600 | 2,000-4,600 | 1,000-2,500 | 1,000-2,000 | 800-1,600 |
949 148 1,455-3,527 4,409-10,141 2,205-5,512 2,205-4,409 1,764-3,527
>> Quality is our benchmark. Significant improve-
ments in the quality standards at Coperion in Nanjing
prove our commitment.
During the development process of the new STS Mc11 series Acceptance Tests (FAT) make every step of manufacturing and
Coperion Nanjing, China, the production site of the STS series, assembly traceable to ensure the high quality of our extruders.
has undertaken comprehensive initiatives to significantly im- Coperion Nanjing manufactures all key components in-house.
prove its quality standards. Coperion Nanjing now uses state- This includes barrels, screw elements and screw shafts as well
of-the-art German machining centers and long-proven C operion as the assembly of control cabinets.
quality production norms have been implemented. The produc- In-house production ensures that every single component of the
tion process is very closely monitored, using German high-pre- STS Mc11 twin screw extruder is an example of top class technol-
cision, high-level production and quality measuring machinery ogy – so that you can rely on maximum throughput rates and
and equipment. The Quality Check Plan together with Factory highest product quality.
The barrels of the STS Mc11 are manufactured on a machining Coperion Nanjing uses a tailor-made CNC grinding machine
center of Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik, Germany, the leading for the production of oval liners to achieve high dimensional
CNC manufacturer in the world – to ensure high precision ma- precision for excellent heat transfer between base barrel and
chinery parts. oval liner and optimal temperature control.
CE certificate
For the manufacturing of screw elements Coperion Nanjing Coperion Nanjing assembles all control cabinets in-house – ac-
uses a machining center from DMG Gildemeister, Germany. It is cording to European standards and regulations. Main electrical
a one-step production process to ensure perfectly intermesh- components are of world-renowned brands. Relay control, PLC
ing screw profiles. control as well as IPC control systems are available.
>> Measurements for quality check.
Carl Zeiss 3-dimensional barrel AND GEARBOX Faro 3-dimensional check equipment
inspection center for assembly alignment
The 3-dimensional inspection center by Carl Zeiss AG, Germany, During assembly Coperion Nanjing aligns each extruder using
checks the dimension range at micron level. A s pecially designed a portable arm measuring system. It is a 3-dimensional test
temperature sensor offers extremely reliable temperature com- instrument of Faro, Switzerland, that ensures high precision,
pensation to ensure highest precision. The quality of every single reliable operation under high speed and high torque and mini-
barrel and gearbox is assured and closely monitored. mizes abnormal wear of barrels and elements.
Laser instrument for alignment of safety clutch Quality check of raw material composites
With a non-contact measuring laser instrument, Coperion The metallic composition of raw materials is checked and re-
Nanjing checks the alignment of the safety clutch at micron corded by an atomic emission spectrometer. A Vickers hard-
level – to ensure reliable power transmission. ness tester checks the hardness of the material after heat
treatment to strictly control product quality.
Test labs for compounding & extrusion Equipment of Coperion’s test lab in Nanjing, China
Test labs in Stuttgart (D), Pitman (USA) and Nanjing (CN) STS 35
A total of 30 ZSK and STS compounding systems worldwide perma- STS 50
nently available for testing – from laboratory to large-scale extruder
ZSK 32 Mc18
Throughput rates from 1 kg/h to 2 t/h
Comprehensive peripheral equipment for feeding, conveying and
Affiliated laboratories for real-time analyses of product quality pelletizing
Over 60 specialists permanently assigned to process development
and application optimization for our customers, including 30 process
Simulation programs to calculate flow processes, optimize existing
processes and the design of individual components
>> It feels like a safety net. That’s what we mean when
we say “confidence through partnership”.
Service means more to us than someone stopping by to repair The Coperion Nanjing service team is comprised of more than
equipment. Our service structure offers much more than that. 30 highly skilled on-site service engineers and spare parts sales
It consists of a global network to ensure direct contact with our persons to provide comprehensive services. Our specialists and
customers. With a total of over 40 locations, 2,500 employees local partners speak your language and are extremely familiar
and numerous representative agencies worldwide, we are able with local customs – because confidence is born when you un-
to act quickly, providing support where needed. derstand your partner.
Comprehensive services
Spare parts services
Barrel bore measurement
Vibration measurement
Gearbox overhaul
Exchange of gearboxes
Operator training
Maintenance contracts
Coperion K-Tron (Schweiz) GmbH
Lenzhardweg 43/45
5702 Niederlenz, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 62 8857-171
Fax: +41 62 8857-180
United Kingdom
Coperion Ltd.
Coperion K-Tron Great Britain Ltd.
Unit 4, Acorn Business Park
Heaton Lane
Stockport, SK4 1AS, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 161 209 4810
Fax: +44 161 474 0292