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Phaylen Presents: Spectacular Shops & Services
presents 20 fully fleshed-out businesses that offer
players more than a transactional experience.
With easy-to-read descriptions, interesting NPCs,
unique items and quests, these businesses add some
life to a town and offer a new experience – shops that
further the plot!

The book acts as a standalone sequel to our previous

book, Phaylen's Journal of Extraordinary Items,
continuing the narrative of Phaylen Bryntoc, a
world-traveled master-artisan-turned-author. It offers
additional opportunities when used in conjunction
with that book, but is complete and fully-functional
on its own!

Launching July 11th, 2023

What is this Book? Icons
The majority of this book presents the We use a number of icons to denote key
aforementioned inns, services, shops and information regarding each business. The price
taverns. Later in the book we provide a number refers to the cost of general goods not listed in
of useful tables detailing general prices, NPC the shop description, and ranges from cheap
names, and more to flesh out the experience or to expensive. The businesses in this book are
help you to build your own simple location on classified as inns, services, shops, taverns, or
the fly. some combination thereof. Finally, the location
helps the GM place the business in the world.
How to use this Book PRICES
We recommend that you give each business
in the book a read-through before reading it Icon Description
out loud to players. You will likely wish to hold
Cheap (½ price)
information back for them to discover during the
game. In general, all information in the exterior
Average (regular price)
and interior sections of each entry is player-safe,
as well as any physical descriptions of non-
Expensive (1 ½ price)
player characters. Several quotes are peppered
throughout, which you may opt to read aloud to
add some ambiance for the players as well. BUSINESSES
The reviews give unique insights from
Phaylen and Tomlin Bryntoc, as well as Icon Description
anonymous customers, providing flavour for Inn (beds, lodging)
the players. If you want to give the players
a unique way to influence the game and the Service (jobs, mail, spa, etc.)
locations that they visit, we recommend adding
an in-game “travel guide” version of this book. Shop (items)
Simply provide players with the name, slogan,
introductory table and reviews. Just enough Tavern (food, drink)
information to pique their interest!

Icon Description


Small town

Large city

This is text meant to be read aloud,

including exposition and quotes.

As a child, Phaylen spent her days in her
father's herbalism shop. One morning, she woke
up to find her father gone, with no explanation
beyond a note that read “gone foraging”. When he
failed to return, she set out on a quest to search
for him, armed with her trusty journal. In the
course of her travels she learned several trades
and eventually earned the title of master artisan.
Her journal became her prized possession, filled
with her life's work and accumulated knowledge.
Eventually, after years of searching for her
father, she decided to return to her childhood
home. To her surprise, there she discovered a
stack of letters from her father, detailing his own
adventures and encounters with the very same
artisans she had met along her own journey. She
scoured his notes and combined them with her
own to produce two books so far – Phaylen’s
Journal of Extraordinary Items and Spectacular
Shops & Services.

Roleplaying Phaylen
Phaylen’s expertise in a variety of fields
makes her a hard person to take advantage of.
A true polymath, the intersections of these
Name: Phaylen Bryntoc fields give her unique insight into problems,
Race: Human though her matter-of-fact delivery often causes
Pronouns: She/Her the insecure to feel threatened in her presence.
Profession: Master artisan, author Her detractors would label her as rude, or
Age: 36 a know-it-all, but she doesn’t mind; the thrill of
Physical Characteristics: 5’ 8” tall, side cut hair learning something new is more satisfying than
(typically worn to one side), focused expression, making those around her happy.
scar across one eye and magical tattoos across She communicates best in writing, and
most of her upper body and arms. has garnered moderate fame with the recent
Outfit: Flowing tunic, cargo pants, various distribution of her books.
bandoliers with potions, components and tools. She often carries items from Phaylen’s
Personality: Brusque at times, but not Journal of Extraordinary Items on her, including
unfriendly. She often has a look of deep bearskin bourbon, blathering rum and static dust.
concentration on her face as she analyzes her
surroundings and the people that inhabit them.

Phaylen Bryntoc Crafty. Phaylen adds half of her
proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good ability check that doesn’t already include
her proficiency bonus.
Armour Class 12
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
Speed 30 ft. Actions
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Know-it-All (2/day). Phaylen can choose to
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) succeed on Intelligence or Wisdom saving
throws, and on ability checks that use
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +6 Intelligence or Wisdom.
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Medicine Think Fast! Melee or Ranged Attack: +2 to
+6, Nature +5, Perception +6, Survival +6 hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft., one target. Hit:
Senses passive Perception 14 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. Phaylen grabs
Languages all standard languages a nearby object and swings or hurls it at
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) the target.
Proficiency Bonus +2 Spellcasting. Phaylen casts one of the
Master Artisan. Phaylen adds twice her following spells, using Intelligence as the
proficiency bonus to checks made using spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
all types of artisan's tools and other tools. At will: light, mending, prestidigitation
When crafting magic items, Phaylen 2/day each: detect magic, identify
can be hired to assist, following the 1/day: legend lore
rules laid out in Phaylen’s Journal of
Extraordinary Items.

“Visit for the architecture and ale, stay for the famous Ironfoot congeniality!”

Owner(s) Formeath & Thubella

Location “The owner wouldn’t stop calling me Tin-Man.
This is clearly adamantine armour!”

The Dragon Smoke Inn was constructed ages

“I enjoyed the food, the service and the drinks,
ago around a dwarven forge, nestled in the crook
but some sort of weird clanking noise kept me up
of a deep river, and sheltered by high rocky cliffs.
all night. For a place with quiet hours it wasn’t
The building has been passed down through the
that quiet.”
Ironfoot clan since its construction.

Background “I frequently teleport back here after a long day

of adventuring to sit by the fire with a glass of
The bellows for the inn’s ovens, as well as
Special Reserve, and sleep the day's events away
the forge out back (the Ironfoot Blacksmith),
in a Superior Room. I highly recommend it!”
are driven by a masterfully engineered water
wheel on the nearby river. Only a portion of the
mechanism is visible, with the bulk of it being
buried deep below the building. The secrets of
The Dragon Smoke Inn looms 30 feet high,
its design are now lost to time, but the wheel has and is constructed from stone blocks that fit so
been reliably providing energy to the building flawlessly together that the seams are nearly
since its creation hundreds of years ago. invisible. Each block has chiselled images of
The owners secretly feed a rumour that a hard-working dwarves constructing fortresses,
legendary magic sword was once forged here, forging weapons, and mining the inside of
but when pressed they will dismiss the story as a mountains. The Dragon Smoke Inn’s name
folk tale. comes from its most prominent feature: a 50 foot
tall stone chimney in the shape of a dragon’s
outstretched head. Dark black smoke from the
Reviews furnace billows from the dragon’s nostrils, and
can be seen for miles on a clear day.

The inn is always filled with friendly faces
who greet all who enter. The carvings seen
outside continue along the walls within, and
on the wall beside the door is a polished

bronze plaque that lists the rules of the inn.
The decorations are simple, the floor is spotless,
The Owners
and the aroma of roasting food is welcoming, Formeath and Thubella Ironfoot prefer
giving comfort to even the most regal of visitors. food, drink, and entertainment over the more
Thick, dark wooden pillars and beams support stereotypical dwarven trades of mining and
the interior of the stone structure. Sturdy wooden blacksmithing. The couple are friendly and
tables and chairs are scattered about, and a large welcoming to all guests, but they have a strict set
roaring fireplace pumps out heat and light from of rules for patrons staying at the Inn. Formeath
the back. Beside the fireplace, a dwarf woman is the stricter of the two, and is less likely to turn
pours drinks behind the bar as a stout dwarven a blind eye when rules are broken.
man greets visitors and tidies up.
Formeath Ironfoot
Name: Formeath Ironfoot
The dwarven man approaches and Race: Dwarf
says,“Welcome, my friends! Welcome to the Profession: Innkeeper
Dragon Smoke Inn! I am Formeath, your Age: 202
host! A one-night stay includes dinner and Physical Characteristics: 4’3”, dishevelled
stabling for a horse. We make our own beer, brown hair with a few greys, a long beard
ale, and wine. There are many stories and braided with steel and gold bands, and deep
songs to be shared; I hope you have a few creases around his eyes and mouth from smiling
to share with us! Lights out is at midnight, and laughing.
and we are strict about this rule. I need my Outfit: Crisp white shirt, well-kept pants, and
beauty sleep, you know… Can I offer you food
a leather apron.
or drink and a room?”
Personality: A born storyteller (and gossiper)
with a deep bassy voice and even timbre.
He laughs long and heartily and his joy
is contagious.

Thubella Ironfoot
Name: Thubella Ironfoot
Race: Dwarf
Profession: Innkeeper, Host
Age: 146
Physical Characteristics: 4’1’’, long braided
light brown hair, striking deep blue eyes and a
friendly face.
Outfit: A practical blue outfit patterned with
crystal shapes, and a pristine white apron.
Personality: A straight-shooter, friendly but
not well-mannered, known to give people rude
nicknames and speak her mind when she
probably shouldn’t. She is never mean-spirited
and loves to have visitors stay at the inn.

Roleplaying the Owners Items for Sale
Formeath Ironfoot follows a very strict In addition to any number of average priced
schedule every day, waking up, working, and food and drink items and accommodations, the
going to bed at the same time, and he will get following items are for sale.
very irritated if that routine is interrupted by
rule-breakers. He pauses slightly too long after FOOD AND DRINK
each sentence when speaking common, and Name Cost
speaks too fast for non-native speakers when
Beers (per mug)
speaking Dwarvish.
Thubella Ironfoot enjoys a good conversation Dragon Smoke Inn Ale 5 cp
and listening to the stories and songs of Ironfoot Amber 6 cp
strangers, but she has a poor memory and Hammer’s Stout 8 cp
cannot remember people's names. She will
Waterwheel Ale 1 sp
come up with a (sometimes rude) nickname for
everyone based on a trait, comment, or article of Wine (per glass)
clothing a person is wearing. Smokey Dragon Red 1 sp
Raging River White 1 sp
“Oi, fuzzy feet, don’t put yer knife in yer Spirits (per oz)
mouth! Ye’d think ye was raised by gnolls ya Dragon Smoke Whiskey 1 sp
wee devil.” Ironfoot Spiced Rum 1 sp
Formeath’s 20 year Whiskey 1 gp
Formeath’s 200 year Whiskey 10 gp
Owner Secrets Dragon Smoke Special Reserve 250 gp
While Formeath and Thubella act like they
know how the mechanism below the inn works,
they secretly have no idea. The engineering is Dragon Smoke Special Reserve
exceptional and has operated for years, but if a The Ironfoot Dragon Smoke Special
problem arose they would need to find help. Reserve Whiskey has been aged for upwards
The answers to “How does this work?” or of 2000 years. While not magical, it is coveted
“Why is this like this?” are often variations of by royalty for its complex flavour and mystique.
“Dwarven master engineering!” or “It’s far too It is rumoured to give people glimpses of the
complicated for me to try to explain to someone future, and when consumed before making
without at least 100 years of training.” decisions, can help guide them toward the right
choice. After consumption, you get advantage on

Quest your next Insight (WIS) check made within the

next week.

The Grinding Gears Superior Room

Over the last few weeks Formeath has been A stay in a “superior room” (10 gp per
hearing a faint grinding noise coming from night, 2 available) will provide the occupant the
beneath the Inn. He fears his deepest secret equivalent of a long rest with only 4 hours of
might be revealed, and has been waiting for the sleep. The lavish and outrageously comfortable
right trustworthy visitor to investigate the issue. superior room is equipped with a giant-sized
In the basement deep below the inn, some of the feather down bed, an enormous stone bath with
automatons (corrupted automaton, CR 3) that heated water, a bottle of Smokey Dragon Red
have been caring for the machinery have been wine, and a huge window overlooking the river.
corrupted by something sinister.

Corrupted Automaton DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start
of its next turn, taking an additional 7 (2d6)
Medium construct, unaligned points of fire damage from residual heat on a
failed save.
Armour Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d10+40) Made from dwarven metal alloys, these
Speed 30 ft. automatons resemble a 5-foot-tall cylinder
etched with dwarven runes, and they appear
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to slide across the floor. Various hatches and
20 (+5) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) openings hide tools that the automaton uses
for its assigned tasks. There is a single eye,
mounted on one side of the construct.
Saving Throws Str +8, Con +8 Due to neglect from the Ironnfoot Clan,
Condition Immunities charmed, some of the automatons have become
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, corrupted and have stopped maintaining the
petrified, poisoned machinery beneath the inn.
Damage Resistances damage from spells If attacked, they will defend themselves
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic with hammer attacks or a powerful torch
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive beam. Non-dwarven creatures who approach
Perception 13 a corrupted automaton will be attacked
Languages understands the languages immediately. Corrupted automatons will
of its creator, but can't speak continue to attack until the party has been
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) slain, they withdraw to a location it can’t
Proficiency Bonus +3 follow, or they have been destroyed.
Immutable Form. The automaton is
immune to any spell or effect that would alter
its form.
Magic Resistance. The automaton has
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.

Multiattack. The automaton makes two
Hammer attacks.
Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7)
bludgeoning damage.
Torch Beam (Recharge 5-6). The automaton
fires a 30 foot long and 5 foot wide beam
of superheated plasma from its chest.
Each creature in the line must make a DC
14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes
14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
The beam ignites flammable objects in
the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
Any creature wearing metal armour
that fails the saving throw must make a


"Find solace and respite amidst the trials of your quest at the Short Rest. "

Owner(s) Dody Nosweys Reviews


Located within the depths of numerous

dungeons, the Short Rest is a mystical
sanctuary that appears to those in need of rest
and rejuvenation. Only visible to good-aligned
creatures, a magical door materialises, blending
seamlessly with the surrounding dungeon
"The Short Rest is a haven in the heart of
architecture. Through a sliding peephole,
darkness, where Dody's warm hospitality and
the curious owner peers out, observing the
help in cleansing dungeons brought us solace
intentions of the weary traveller seeking refuge.
and a renewed sense of purpose."

Background "Dody's unwavering determination to rid

The Short Rest is an extraplanar shop
dungeons of their evil inhabitants left us in awe,
and rest stop that may be accessed through
and the small but cosy accommodations were a
various dungeons. Its owner, Dody Nosweys,
welcome respite from the treacherous depths."
a tiny brownie, is driven by her fascination with
dungeons and treasure. She “borrows” items
from the dungeons she visits with the alleged "I am appalled by the audacity of Dody
intention of keeping the spaces tidy. Nosweys and her 'Short Rest' establishment.
Early in her career, tragedy struck as her That insufferable brownie has the nerve to
partner was slain by the master of a dungeon intrude upon my domain, disrupt my plans, and
they were “cleaning”. In the aftermath, Dody meddle with my precious treasures. I shall not
transformed the Short Rest into a place where rest until I eradicate the diminutive nuisance and
she could assist would-be adventurers in cleaning reclaim what is rightfully mine!"
up dungeons, masters and all.
The entrance to the Short Rest is only visible
to good-aligned creatures. To those that can see
it, the entrance is a wondrous sight. The magical
door is disguised as part of the

dungeon wall by a masterful illusion. Its Name: Dody Nosweys
texture, material, and architectural style match Race: Brownie
the surrounding environment flawlessly, making Pronouns: She/They
it indistinguishable from the rest of the dungeon Profession: Dungeon brownie
to the untrained eye and to evil creatures. Age: 111
The door features an intricate sliding Physical Characteristics: 1’4” tall, with ruffled
peephole, allowing the observant owner brown hair, mischievous green eyes, and a
to assess the intentions and demeanour of perpetual twinkle of curiosity.
potential visitors. Outfit: A tiny vest, patched trousers, and a worn
traveller's hat adorned with a feather.
Personality: Dody exudes an air of caring
and warmth, always offering a kind and
understanding ear to weary adventurers.
Her infectious enthusiasm for dungeons and
their treasures is matched only by her dedication
to ensuring a pleasant stay for her guests.

Roleplaying the Owner

Dody is very cautious about who she lets
inside the Short Rest and will keep the door
shut if she senses any type of threat nearby,
transporting away at the first sign of a potential
breach. She never remains in one place for more
than two hours for security purposes, and as
such does not allow adventurers to take long
Interior rests in the space.
Dody’s gentle nature is reflected in her soft-
Behind the door lies a cosy, hidden haven
where adventurers can find respite from their spoken and shy demeanour. While she may be
arduous journeys. The interior is furnished with reserved at first, she quickly opens up to those
plush chairs that beckon weary adventurers who show genuine kindness.
to rest. Wooden shelves adorned with trinkets Beneath her amiable exterior, Dody carries
and treasures collected from various dungeons a deep sense of grief. She blames herself for the
line the walls, captivating the eye. At the small loss of her partner, feeling responsible for having
check-in counter, Dody welcomes guests with drawn them into her dangerous passion for
a warm smile. In the centre, a crackling hearth cleaning dungeons. This complicated grief fuels
bathes the room in a comforting glow, while a her empathy and sense of understanding towards
miniature bed nestled in the corner provides the struggles and sorrows of others.
Dody with a peaceful spot to rest and dream of Dody's caring nature extends beyond
her late partner. hospitality. If characters fall asleep at the Short
Rest, she quietly goes about magically mending

The Owner any pieces of their gear that look like they need
repair. This occasionally gets her into trouble
Dody Nosweys is wise, compassionate and with those who wish to leave things damaged,
empathetic. Always ready to lend a listening ear such as heirlooms or sentimental items.
or offer a comforting word, she understands the Dody is very generous and can easily be
challenges and burdens that adventurers face. haggled if her heartstrings are pulled, sometimes
Her guidance and genuine care make the Short offering services up to 50% off. Despite her easy-
Rest a haven of support for weary dungeoneers.

going nature, she will not shy away from turning ITEMS FOR SALE
away those who look to take advantage of her or
Name Cost
compromise her shop.

Owner Secrets Soup du ‘Ngeon 1 sp

Dody harbours a secret longing to reunite Misc. Items

with her partner, seeking a way to bring her back An old dungeon map 15 gp
from the realm of the dead. In her guilt-driven Thieves’ tools 25 gp
quest for a solution, she has been studying Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp
forbidden necromantic arts. She keeps a lock of
their hair in a locket, in hopes that it may be used
in a resurrection ritual. Potion of healing 50 gp
Potion of healing, greater 200 gp
Quest Potion of healing, superior
2000 gp

A Knock on Death's Door Short rest 10 gp each

Dody reveals her secret to the adventurers, A dungeon secret 100 gp
sharing her heartfelt desire to bring her deceased
Take me to another dungeon 1000 gp
partner back to life. She explains that she needs
to retrieve the gem containing her partner’s Good company Free
stolen spirit from the powerful lich (CR 21) that
took her life. In order to perform the resurrection Short Rest Knocker
ritual, their spirit must be free and willing to Wondrous item, very rare, 10,000 gp
return to the mortal realm. The adventurers
Available only after completing Dody's quest.
are tasked with venturing into the lich's lair
This small iron knocker is adorned with the face
and facing its minions and treacherous traps to
of Dody's partner, their two eyes sparkling with
retrieve the gem. If they succeed, Dody promises green gems that glow when activated.
to reward them with a magical item called Summoning the Door. When affixed to a
the short rest knocker. dungeon wall and knocked on thrice, it summons
the door to the Short Rest and requests access.
Items for Sale Summoning the door doesn’t automatically
provide access; the door must be unlocked from
The Short Rest sells any number of items
and trinkets that could be found in dungeons. within by the proprietor.
Since the Short Rest jumps from location to The DM should make a d20 roll to determine
location, items can be either abundant or sparse. if the Short Rest is already occupied by another
The backtrack crayon, eye candy, glow globe, party when the door is summoned. On an 11
automatic lockpick, creatura compass and or more, the Short Rest is unoccupied, and the
gibbering glob from Phaylen’s Journal of adventurers can enter as Dody permits. On a
Extraordinary Items may be purchased here, roll of 10 or less, the Short Rest is already
along with the following items. occupied by another party, potentially leading to
unexpected encounters or negotiations with the
current occupants should Dody provide entry.
The knocker can only be used once every
7 days.

“Where adventure roars!”

Owner(s) Buchanan “Buck” Wilde “Yee-haw! Ever since Buck cut me a deal on
a vardo and a pair of giant goats I have been
Prices travelling all over! Took the kids and left my
good-for-nothing husband to tend the farm
Business himself. Never been happier!”

“While his bravado can be a tad tiresome, one
cannot deny the quality of workmanship. Having
Wilde Wagons is a dealer of recreational invested in a luxury carriage, I can hardly
vehicles and mounts that aims to provide imagine travelling any other way.”
luxurious travel options for the budding
adventurer. From horse-drawn carriages to
enchanted wagons, they have it all. “The damned beast is faulty. I asked for the most
powerful creature the guy had and he gave me
Background this three-horned thing, but it won’t listen to a
word I say!”
Wilde Wagons began its life as the Wilde
family ranch. After the previous generation
passed, the next in line, Buchanan “Buck” Wilde, Exterior
took over the ranch, converting it to its current A series of billboards are dotted along
form. Expanding on the horses they once sold, the main road leading to the ranch with
Buck now deals in more unique travel methods. slogans like “Adventure Awaits, 3 miles!” and
“Where Adventure Roars, 1 mile!” plastered on
Reviews them. When you finally arrive at the ranch, a
massive wrought-iron archway with a dinosaur
skull atop provides entry to the compound.
Wilde Wagons sits on an expansive property,
with several different paddocks and barns used to
house their livestock, a farmhouse for the owner,
and a massive showroom.
The wooden, hangar-like showroom is an
impressive structure that is open to the air on
one end. Above the open end hangs a huge sign
crafted from sawn logs, giving it an intentionally
rustic aesthetic that contrasts with the modern-
looking building.

Interior Physical Characteristics: 5’ 9” tall,
broad shoulders and a sturdy build, with a
The interior of the showroom is filled with curled moustache.
various land vehicles and camping equipment
Outfit: A cream-coloured suit, red alligator skin
arranged in small scenes that depict them in
boots and a wide-brimmed hat.
action. Realistic mannequins of adventurers and
Personality: Boisterous and jolly, he is quick
beasts fill the scenes as if frozen in time. The
to reach out for a handshake and fill the silence
scenes are divided by terrain type, with backdrop
with sales pitches.
images of forests, mountains, jungles and more.
The items in the scenes have cleverly obscured
price tags, and interacting with a display causes Roleplaying the Owner
a bell to magically chime. Buck’s personality could be described as
A charming human man with a curled larger than life, and his voice seems to fill the
moustache and a wide-brimmed hat approaches massive showroom. He greets customers warmly,
and calls out to visitors. and quickly tries to find common ground to work
into a sales pitch.
“Well howdy folks! Welcome to Wilde He is a master of persuasion, catching folks
Wagons, I’m Buck. What can I do ya fer? We off guard with his persona while reading their
got all sorts o’ gear, wagons and critters to pull reactions intently. He knows the layout of his
‘em, where ya headed?” showroom like the back of his hand and weaves
a strategic path throughout the displays to gauge
customers’ interests and needs.
The Owner Buck has a surprising level of knowledge
surrounding the gear and animals he sells,
taking great pride in his work. He has picked up
extensive knowledge from his conversations with
potential buyers.
The more customers buy, the more likely
Buck is to make a deal. Buying in bulk makes
it possible for a sufficiently shrewd negotiator
(Persuasion DC 18) to convince Buck to slash his
prices by up to 25%.

Slaps roof of carriage – “This baby can fit

so many recovered dwarven artifacts in it…”

Owner Connections
Buck has a number of high-profile customers
across the region, including nobles and
guildmasters. If the players curry enough favour
Name: Buchanan “Buck” Wilde with him, he may be willing to introduce them to
Race: Human some of his clients or provide a letter vouching
Pronouns: He/Him for them.
Profession: Shopkeeper, carpenter
Age: 46

Quest its Strength score for medium creatures,
30 times for large creatures and 60 times for
A Simple Delivery huge creatures.

Buck has been swamped with customers as ANIMALS

of late and has not been able to hire a reliable
Name Speed Cary Weight Cost
driver to deliver a custom arcane carriage to
Lester Clingthorn, a high ranking member of Medium Sized
the Merchants' Guild of a nearby major city. Goat 40 ft 180 lb 1 gp
The journey normally takes 6 days by road, but Mastiff 40 ft 195 lb 25 gp
unfortunately the deadline for delivery is only
Mule 40 ft 210 lb 8 gp
3 days away. To reach the city in time, the players
will need to take the carriage cross-country, Pony 40 ft 225 lb 1 sp
avoiding bandits and beasts. They are to deliver Large Sized
the carriage and have Clingthorn sign the bill of Axe Beak 50 ft 420 lb 75 gp
receipt, then return it to Buck Wilde. Camel 50 ft 450 lb 50 gp
If the players arrive at the estate of Lester
Giant Goat 40 ft 510 lb 75 gp
Clingthorn within 3 days, his security will escort
them to the Merchant’s office to have the bill Horse, draft 40 ft 540 lb 50 gp
signed. Upon returning to Wilde Wagons, Buck Horse, riding 60 ft 480 lb 75 gp
will reward the players with a 50% discount on Horse, war 60 ft 540 lb 400 gp
any single product he sells, including their own
Rhinoceros 40 ft 630 lb 600 gp
arcane carriage.
If they arrive late, the security will attempt to Huge Sized
confiscate the carriage and send the players away Elephant 40 ft 1,320 lb 200 gp
without the signature. If the players return to Mammoth 40 ft 1,440 lb 600 gp
Buck with an unsigned bill, he will be furious and
Triceratops 50 ft 1,320 lb 1,000 gp
ban them from the premises.
If the players never deliver the carriage,
instead keeping it for themselves, they
will be reported to the local guard and
marked as criminals. Name Weight Cost
Drawn Vehicles
Items for Sale Carriage 600 lb 100 gp
Wilde Wagons sells all manner of adventuring Cart 200 lb 15 gp
gear, rations and supplies. While magic items are
Chariot 100 lb 250 gp
not their specialty, a few items from Phaylen’s
Journal of Extraordinary items can be found Mobile platform 900 lb 800 gp
for sale, including the creatura compass, flash Vardo 700 lb 200 gp
crystals and starfinder goggles. Wagon 400 lb 35 gp
The two main specialties are beasts of War wagon 600 lb 100 gp
burden and as the name would suggest, wagons.
Other Vehicles
They offer a selection of animals shown
in the Animals table, but other animals may Arcane carriage 1,000 lb 25,000 gp
be substituted should the GM desire. As a Luxury carriage 1,000 lb 100,000 gp
general rule, a beast’s carry weight is 15 times Steam carriage 1,000 lb 1,000 gp

Mobile Platform It requires 4 levels worth of spell slots to be cast
Rather than being pulled, mobile platforms into the arcane reservoir for every 8 hours of
sit atop a huge creature giving occupants a better travel time. The carriage has a speed of 90 feet.
view of their surroundings. Can be topped with
tents, cargo or mounted weapons. Luxury Carriage
A carriage that requires no creatures
Vardo to pull it, instead drawing its power from a
Slightly larger than a carriage but equipped permanently enchanted arcane core. It appears
as a home on wheels complete with bunks and a to be a standard, albeit fancy, carriage from the
small wood stove. outside, but by speaking the chosen command
word the door of the carriage provides entry
War Wagon to an extradimensional space as with the spell
An armoured version of a standard wagon, magnificent mansion. This feature may only be
used for carrying troops into battle. The sides are activated while the carriage is stationary, and the
made of thick iron-banded wood and have small effect ends if the cart is moved more than 5 feet.
arrow slits. The carriage has a speed of 120 feet.

Arcane Carriage Steam Carriage

A carriage that requires no creatures to A carriage that requires no creatures to pull
pull it, instead drawing its power from an it, instead drawing its power from a steam boiler.
arcane reservoir that is refilled with spell slots. It requires 100 pounds of firewood or coal for
every 8 hours of travel time. The carriage has a
speed of 60 feet.

Check out the Kickstarter for the full version:


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Copyright 2023 Giants of the North


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