Vehicles Revisited

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Rules Design: Julio Corona

Graphics, Editing & Layout: Julio Corona
Cartography: All maps were created using Dungeondraft with assets

Playtesting: Cristhian Chabero, David Serrano, Jackson Wagner,

Juan Picazo, CWKaitlyn, Kyr Slous’vhoyad, Leonel Piña, Carlos Russell,
Daniel Wilson

and YOU!

VEHICLES REVISITED is ©2021 Dragoncrown Games. All rights reserved.

Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.
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Open Game Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Dragoncrown Games product
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Edwaert Colyer - Vanitas

About this Playtest

Welcome to VEHICLES REVISITED©! This humble playtest
Chapter 4: Experiments & Enchanters
supplement is just a small part of an ambitious project All a GM needs to manage crafting endeavors, including
in active development, which will launch on Kickstarter a comprehensive set of rules and essays to assist in the
sometime in 2023. creation and balancing of new spells and magic items.
Allow me to introduce you to:
Chapter 5: Realms & Regents
PROPERTIES & PROVINCES Every tool a GM needs to handle player-controlled lands
This book will contain over 250 pages of rules, essays, and kingdoms. These rules can also be used as a world
GM aides, and world building systems to enhance your building aide to create entire political and military maps
5E gaming experience. It will be a comprehensive rules for a campaign world.
expansion intended to help GMs manage any assets that Chapter 6: Sieges & Soldiers
a character might own, from their very first mount to a
massive empire. The PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© mass combat system is
Full details about this supplement, project updates, designed to allow you the flexibility of running battles in
and free playtest releases will be compiled at the Reddit whatever level of detail you prefer, from a narrative only
post below. perspective to a strategically complex affair—all using
the same ruleset, which is itself an extension of the 5E
PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© Announcement combat rules you are already familiar with.
The completed rulebook is planned to be structured
as follows (final chapter structure and contents might When Will the Full Project Release?
change based on playtest feedback): PROPERTIES & PROVINCES began life as an idea at the
end of the 1990’s, and has been germinating ever since.
Chapter 1: Populace & Personages While most of its rules and systems have seen active
This chapter introduces a complete set of GM tools to development and playtest over the last two decades, the
create, manage, and roleplay the different NPCs who supplement itself did not start its official writing and
might work in a character's homestead, inhabit their design until mid 2021.
lands, or crew their vehicles. Development cycles for such large projects can take
The entire POPULACE & PERSONAGES© chapter is years, and despite most of it being already written,
currently available for playtest at DriveThruRPG. PROPERTIES & PROVINCES is no different.
While the original plan was to launch the project’s
Chapter 2: Vessels & Voyagers Kickstarter in late 2022, it will now be delayed until the
Everything players and GMs need to handle travel and full playtest document is ready for backers to enjoy as
modes of transportation. This chapter proudly features soon as the funding campaign is over. This is slated to
our popular MOUNTS REVISITED© release, along with the happen sometime on or around mid to late 2023.
vehicle rules included in this playtest.
Chapter 3: Strongholds & Servants
A simple but robust system for stronghold creation and
management, featuring player-ran businesses, ready to
use premade strongholds, lair actions, and much more.

A GM Supplement D20 Tests and Difficulty Class
PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© will be a GM-facing rules Some rules in this book require a d20 Test to determine
expansion for 5E, and this supplement follows the same the outcome. A d20 Test encompasses any d20 roll
verbiage as its parent project. Unless otherwise noted, that might determine the success of an action, including
whenever the text addresses its reader, it also assumes ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.
them to be a current or prospective GM. Unless a rule explicitly specifies a DC, use your best
judgment to assign a difficulty based on the situation.
The Almighty Feedback This could be very easy (DC 5), easy (DC 10), medium
This supplement is free for playtesting purposes. Your (DC 15), hard (DC 20), very hard (DC 25), nearly
generous feedback will be vital to refine both the text impossible (DC 30), or any other target number that
and mechanics found herein. feels appropriate.
Please share your comments, ideas, suggestions, and
critiques through one of the following channels: Rule Zero
Also known as “The Golden Rule” and “GM Knows
A Dragoncrown Games’ anonymous feedback form Best,” this roleplaying ethos states that a GM, as the
A Twitter: @DragoncrownG final authority and arbiter of the game, is free to imple-
A Reddit: Post in the Dragoncrown Games Subreddit ment, ignore, bend, or adjudicate the rules as desired, as
long as doing so improves the enjoyment and fun at the
Providing feedback can grant you a playtesting credit gaming table.
in the final PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© release. Be sure
to follow the DRAGONCROWN GAMES’ Twitter account at Racial Terms
@DragoncrownG and join the Dragoncrown Games The term race in roleplaying games has always been
Subreddit for future updates and playtest releases. problematic for a myriad of reasons that go beyond the
I deeply, truly appreciate your time and assistance. scope of this book. Therefore, it will not be used. This
Projects like these would be impossible without the help book will replace all instances of the word race with the
of our amazing TTRPG community. term ancestry instead.
Your feedback will help refine and iterate these rules
faster. This will in turn help my plan to make a playtest A 5E Rules Expansion
of the entire book available to most backers when the While the contents of this book can be used with any
Kickstarter launches sometime in 2023. 5E-based product, these rules are designed primarily as
an expansion for the standard 5E experience. This work
How to Use This Book assumes that you either own or have access to all three
Written for GMs but with plenty of content for players of the fifth edition core rulebooks or, at a minimum, the
as well, VEHICLES REVISITED© includes rules and 5E System Reference Document (SRD). The rules found
mechanics that can be introduced into any ongoing or herein might occasionally point you to these sources for
brand-new campaign. Like other supplements of its additional information or guidance.
kind, there are certain important rules and guidelines
that should be followed in order to get the most out of
this material. Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used at some points
Rounding Fractions throughout these rules:
Whenever the rules in this book ask for a number to be Str = Strength AC = Armor Class
divided, halved, multiplied, distributed or handled in any
Dex = Dexterity HD = Hit Dice
way that would result in a decimal fraction, always
round them down to the lowest integer, regardless of Con = Constitution hp = Hit Point(s)
the fraction’s size. Int = Intelligence XP = Experience Points
Wis = Wisdom CR = Challenge Rating
On “Creatures”
Whenever possible, this book uses the term creature, Cha = Charisma cp = Copper Piece(s)
rather than NPCs, player characters, or monsters. In DC = Difficulty Class sp = Silver Piece(s)
game terms, a creature is any autonomous being that
GM = Game Master gp = Gold Piece(s)
has one of the creature types listed in the 5E rulebooks.
When terms such as NPC, mob, or PC are used, it is PC = Player Character NPC = Non-player Character
done so deliberately to indicate a particular rules text or In addition, whenever a new keyword or term is first
description pertains to that specific creature category. introduced, it will be marked in bold letters.

Vehicles Revisited
Robert Dodd - A Royal Naval Warship in Two Positions Within a Squadron

Group Challenges
All Aboard! Since the release of our humble SETPIECE CHALLENGES©
While a long-time staple of the fantasy genre, travel in proof-of-concept playtest, these rules have undergone a
tabletop roleplaying games is often perceived as a boring thorough overhaul thanks to the generous feedback of
activity—a dumping ground for random encounters that the 5E community. The improved version presented
lacks any real excitement. When it comes to vehicles, here is used as a way to handle environmental hazards,
this problem can be amplified because the 5E core rules montages, and a few social situations that might come
offer little support for vehicle play. up during vehicle or travel-related gameplay.
In these pages you will find everything you need to
bring vehicles into your campaign in a way that feels Travel Pace Revisited
meaningful, easy to run, and that places the player PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© will expand the travel pace
characters front and center of the action—making their rules provided in the 5E rulebooks. While these new
actions matter more than their vehicle’s stat block. travel pace tiers aren’t required for vehicle play, they can
The mission is to provide you, as a GM, with the be used as a quick reference to determine travel times.
tools you need to introduce any type of vehicle you can This might be particularly useful in sandboxes, hex
dream of into your game under a standard set of rules. crawls, and West Marches-style games where keeping
By swapping, removing, adding, or even coming up with track of distances can be an important game element.
your own vehicle components, the mechanics herein
function as a framework that allows you to create any Mount Stats
type of vessel suitable to your campaign. Nearly every land vehicle included in this supplement is
drawn by mount creatures. In addition, your campaign
Before Getting Started. could feature water and air vehicles drawn by swimming
This playtest includes some additional rules that will be or flying creatures, such as a skyship drawn by trained
front-loaded before digging into the vehicle mechanics hippogriffs or a schooner pulled by mind-controlled
proper. Each of these rules are part of the PROPERTIES & killer whales.
PROVINCES© project, and will be included in its final While a mount’s travel pace and pull capacities are
release. easy enough to guess, Appendix C includes the Mount
While not mandatory to enjoy the vehicle rules in Costs & Features table from our popular MOUNTS
this playtest supplement, these additional mechanics REVISITED© playtest for quick and easy reference.
are designed to synergize with vehicle play in a way that
provides an easier, smoother GMing experience. Part of
this playtest’s goal is to determine how well these rules
interact with each other and how efficiently they serve
their purpose of easing the GMs burden when handling
vehicle play.

Mobs Revisited
These rules are an updated iteration of the mob/minion
mechanics presented in POPULACE & PERSONAGES©.
They have been refined based on feedback from the
community, and this supplement will use mobs as a way
to handle NPC ship crews quickly and efficiently.
John Frederick Lewis - A Turkish Araba Drawn by Two White Oxen

Mobs Revisited
Mob vs. Mob Combat
When a mob takes the attack action on its turn, it can
A frontal assault on the cultist’s stronghold, clearing a target any number of other mobs in range of it. Each
goblin force from the mines, or leading soldiers into an defending mob must make a Dexterity saving throw
enemy front. Some NPCs can have massive numbers of against the attacking mob’s save DC, taking damage
minions at their disposal, much to the enjoyment of a equal to the attacking mob’s damage modifier on a
cannon-fodder-loving adventuring party. failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Using large groups of enemies can be cinematic and When a mob is at least twice the size of all other
exciting, but it can be unwieldy for a GM. Mobs offer a enemy mobs within its range, other mobs targeted by its
quick and easy way to resolve such encounters, without attacks have disadvantage on Dexterity saves to halve
halting the game to resolve the actions of what could be that attack’s damage. When a mob is outnumbered by
dozens of creatures. To create a Mob, use the stat block all enemy mobs within 30 feet of it, a target of its
for the strongest creature in that group as its combat attacks takes no damage on a successful save instead.
statistics (excluding its officers, liege, or leader) and
attach the following feature to it. Mobs on a Grid
Mobs can have dozens of creatures capable of moving
Mob en masse throughout the battlemap. To keep track of
The mob’s maximum hit points are equal to the number them and adjudicate area effects, assume one 10x10
of creatures in it. If the mob would take any amount of space is occupied by 5 small or medium mob creatures.
damage, it takes 1 damage instead for each creature in
it that would take damage from that attack or effect. If Mob Mentality
an effect allows for a save to reduce the damage taken Synthesizing a group of enemies into a single stat block
or avoid a condition, only half of the targeted creatures can be a tricky thing to do, storytelling wise—especially
in the Mob or in the area of effect are affected on a suc- if your mob’s stat block is, say, a cave troll, but the rest
cessful save (minimum of 0). Features and effects that of the mob is a healthy amount of goblins, all blocking
would prevent a creature in the mob from being reduced the party’s exit from the fighter’s cousin’s tomb.
to 0 hit points reduce this damage by 1 instead. The obvious answer is to combine all goblins into a
The mob can target any number of creatures in mob and make the troll a separate enemy, but you can
range of it when it takes the attack action. Each target still run the entire encounter using a troll Mob stat
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the attack’s block by reframing how the battle is narrated. Mobs are
full damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on at their best when used in fast-paced and high-energy
a successful one. The DC for this check is 10 + the combats, where the Mob’s strongest creature will be the
mob’s relevant modifiers for that attack. last to fall. Lean into that when adding color and flavor
to your descriptions of the battlefield.
Mob Casualties and Healing Each player can obviously target any creature they
When a Mob takes damage, each lost hit point repre- want, including the one giving the mob its stat block,
sents a creature in that Mob who was killed, knocked but that doesn’t mean that creature is to die on one hit.
unconscious, or incapacitated by that damage. As GM, If the party’s ranger hits it with an arrow, for instance,
use your best judgment to determine how many of those the mob still loses 1 hit point, but not necessarily its
hit point losses become casualties and reduce the Mob's strongest creature. The arrow might hit the troll in the
maximum hit points as appropriate. Consider 1 casualty chest injuring it, while the ranger swiftly unsheathes
for each 10 hit points lost. their sword to cut a goblin in half. Maybe it ricocheted
Reducing a Mob’s maximum hit points affects if and off the troll’s armor, hitting one of the goblin archers in
by how much it can be healed. Healing a Mob follows the ramparts. Or, in true 5E form, a goblin caught the
the same rules as dealing damage to it. If any amount of arrow with their head after being punted by a barbarian.
hit points would be restored to it, it regains 1 hit point Be creative, have fun, and let your player’s actions
instead for each creature in it that was targeted by that inform how you incorporate details like these into your
healing spell or effect. narration as the battle progresses.
When a Mob loses hit points without casualties, Viktor Barvitius – Bataille de Crecy le 26 aout 1346
assume the wounded are frantically crawling away from
the fray, defeated creatures in the Mob are actively
working on stabilizing or moving their wounded, they
are simply unconscious, or anything that makes sense
for the scenario. This can be especially important when
the Mob is a military unit or a vehicle’s crew.

scenario. For a character casting magic missile you
Group Challenges might assign a Wisdom (Perception) check, an Intelli-
The rogue, having predictably touched something that gence (Arcana) check, or a base Dexterity check to
should have been left alone, stares at a massive boulder determine the effectiveness of their action. Likewise,
rolling dangerously fast towards the party. Adventurers group challenge attack rolls are made against AC 14.
ride to a frantic escape as a shaman atop an armored If the players use any resources during the challenge,
wagon plays a fiery mandolin. The heroes jump off a such as spell slots, consumable items, limited-use traits
skyship, dodging arrows as they fall before activating and features, or magic item charges, keep track of them
feather fall amulets to land them atop a convoy for a as you would for any other encounter.
daring rescue. If these scenarios sound familiar, then
you know not every exciting action sequence happens Adjusting the Difficulty
within the context of a combat encounter. Group challenges’ standardized DC 14 target is not an
Group challenges can be used to resolve any scenario arbitrary choice. It assumes characters will be making
that risks a danger or a loss condition for the party. In each roll, on average, with a bonus of +4 or +5—or a
practice, there is no change to how you already resolve 55% to 60% chance of success. Slightly favoring the
these scenarios: You narrate the situation and each PCs, but still with plenty of room for failure.
character has a chance to react to it. The key difference For parties with low ability scores, you might want to
is that group challenges offer a structured way to resolve lower the standard group challenge DC to keep it within
the outcome and ensure each player gets to participate. the same success rates. Similarly, you could increase
Chases, environmental hazards, trials, racing against this DC for a particularly strong party.
time, tracking a villain, sneaking as a group, montages, The Skills with Different Abilities rule is another tool
tense negotiations, and more can be given a dramatic you can use to adjust a character’s bonuses on the fly.
edge through a group challenge. For instance, you might call for a Dexterity (Arcana),
Wisdom (Stealth), or Strength (Intimidation) check.
Rolling as a Team
Group challenges are similar to a group check in that Using “Yes, And/But” & “No, And/But”
every member of the party who can participate must When you experience an exciting sequence in a book,
make a roll towards the team’s success. However, you movie, or TV show, the actions taken by the heroes do
determine the roll each character must make based on not exist in a vacuum. Every action, regardless of its
the action each participant wishes to take. success, introduces a new opportunity or complication
After describing the scenario, ask a player to narrate that changes the dynamics of the scene.
what their character does in response to it and resolve More than a simple resolution tool, group challenges
that action. Go around the table, one player at a time are also a GM aid to provide both narrative timing and
and in any order you wish until, everyone has taken a creative prompts to recreate the tone and excitement of
turn. Any action a character could feasibly attempt in a setpiece through game mechanics. When a character
the given scenario is a valid option, from attacking and succeeds (Yes) or fails (No) a group challenge roll, let
casting spells to simply talking or moving around. the scenario and their narration feed your creativity to
For each NPC willing and able to assist the party, introduce a new obstacle (But) or a new condition (And)
you can allow the players to choose an action for it and into the scenario. This, in turn, will help inform the
make a group challenge roll on its behalf. decisions taken by the next players in the challenge.
If at least half the rolls succeed (rounded up), the While only the PCs get to roll for an action during a
entire group succeeds. Otherwise, they all fail together. group challenge, a failed roll can also mean a chance for
you to narrate a successful action by the opposing side.
Solo and Duo Challenges As an example, let us imagine a party is in mounted
When one or two characters are separated from the pursuit after a group of bandits. A player decides their
party, or when running a game for one or two players, character will attempt to jump on the back of a bandit’s
three rolls must be resolved for each group challenge. horse. The player picks their lucky die, lets it roll and…
Unless at least two rolls are successful, the challenge
ends in failure. A Yes, but: “You land on the back of the bandit’s horse
and barely manage to hold on to the rider’s waist
Resolving Challenge Actions before inertia throws you off. The rider looks back
Each character who participates in a group challenge and you lock eyes for a brief, awkward moment.
must make a DC 14 check of your choosing, rolling Then you feel their helmet slamming against your
whatever makes sense to resolve their narrated action. nose as they try to knock you off the mount, dealing
This can be any d20 Test you deem appropriate for the 1d4 bludgeoning damage.”

A Yes, and: “You jump onto the bandit’s saddle and
promptly throw them off the mount. The body thuds Group Challenge Examples
and tumbles into the path of another bandit, tripping
their horse into the ground.” For your convenience, appendix A includes fully
A No, but: “You jump with all your strength. The force
prepared guidance and complications for several
of the impact, combined with the bumpiness of a
galloping horse, nearly knock you off the bandit’s group challenges.
horse. You barely manage to hold on to the saddle Feel free to use them as inspiration to create your
with one hand as you precariously dangle off the side own custom challenges, or implement them into an
of the enemy mount.”
ongoing narrative as the need arises.
A No, and: “You attempt to get close enough for the
jump, but no opportunity presents itself. Soon a
copse of trees separates you from your quarry. You
can spot another path up ahead, which might just let Each pregenerated group challenge in this book
you cut them off before they make it to their camp.” includes several complications that can be used to
increase the tension or handle a failed roll. As the action
Complicating the Situation unfolds, you are likely to come up with new obstacles on
No matter what actions the adventurers take, always ask the fly, so don’t feel restricted to a list of pregenerated
yourself: “Even if it succeeds, what is the worst thing complications. If it sounds fun and exciting, go with it!
that could happen, how could the problem worsen, or
what can introduce a fun new element?” Failing Forward
Complications are not necessarily caused by a failed Failing a group challenge should only be a setback,
roll, but rather, sometimes things just… happen. Think never leaving the players at a dead end or hampering
of the classic rope bridge trope, where the heroes are their ability to continue the story. Before starting a
running through an unstable structure only to have it group challenge, ask yourself: “if the party fails, how
break underfoot—not because of something they did, would the narrative keep moving forward?”
but because the narrative needed a new obstacle to raise If the group is captured, provide the tools for their
the stakes and increase the tension. escape. If a thief disappears into a crowd, make sure a
Introducing complications to increase the inherent clue is left behind. If storms run their ship ashore, let
risk or danger of a situation creates conflict, raising the the crash site become a relevant location to their quest.
excitement of a game by creating dynamic scenarios that Always give players the tools they need to go on with
the players must adapt to—sometimes with extreme or the adventure, even in the face of defeat.
desperate Hail Mary choices.
Follow your instincts and don’t be afraid to place the Group Challenges in Stages
party in a tough situation. Often, the most satisfying set A single group challenge can be enough for short
pieces are those where stakes are high and all seems lost tableaus, like rushing past enemies at a gate or a travel
for the heroes. Trust your players to come up with wild montage. For complex tasks, such as making an escape,
and creative solutions to the problem. a heist, or chasing after an enemy, you can resolve each
Adding unforeseen complications also allows you to stage of the scenario as its own group challenge.
continue the challenge until every player has taken turn, When preparing group challenges in stages, consider
preventing a character from single-handedly ending the using a three-act structure: buildup, confrontation, and
challenge in one roll—thus robing the other players from climax. For instance, the three stages of a prison break
the chance to participate. could be: escaping the cell, sneaking past the guards,
Do not let a challenge end just because the party has and fleeing the area.
accrued enough rolls to decide the outcome. Give every Whenever the party fails a stage, increase the DC of
player the chance to take an action that could yield a the following stages by 2. If you wish your challenge to
useful result or affect the challenge’s aftermath. have four or more stages, then on a failed stage increase
the DC of the following stages by 1 instead.
Creating Complication Tables A failed group challenge might lead to a traditional
When preparing a group challenge, think of at least six combat or social encounter, or you can let the narrative
possible complications that could introduce new twists, take control and improvise as many group challenges as
obstacles, or hazards for the players to deal with. Make needed to resolve the scenario.
sure to introduce at least one of these complications
during play to keep the scenario dynamic and evolving,
even if every player makes successful rolls.

Combining Group Challenges
Some of the most exciting and suspenseful setpieces
happen when the heroes are forced to deal with more
than one crisis at a time, heightening the tension of
both dilemmas. When combining challenges, allow your
players a moment to decide who will handle which cri-
sis. Once they have split into the required number of
Richard Caton II Woodville - A Narrow Escape for Sir Henry Rawlinson at the Rock of Behis
teams, each group still must make a number of rolls
equal to their full party size, except their rolls only count
towards the challenge they are currently working on.
For instance, a party of 4 characters is dealing with
Group Challenges in Social Encounters both a storm and a vehicle malfunction. They decide the
Group challenges can be used for more than fast and captain and navigator will deal with sailing through the
furious action sequences or dangerous exploration typhoon while the bosun and quartermaster take care of
encounters. If the entire party can participate in a social a hull breach. In this scenario, each team must still
encounter with a binary win or lose condition, you can make 4 rolls towards each of their challenges, but any
use a group challenge to determine the outcome. This rolls made by the quartermaster and the bosun count
can include a trial, a tense peace negotiation, or an only towards resolving the vehicle malfunction. They
audience to request reinforcements. cannot help or be helped by the captain and navigator,
Like any other social encounter, make sure you who are busy dealing with their own problem.
understand the NPCs’ goals and motivations. This is a When needed, allow characters to switch places or
challenge because the NPC side has a stake in their own rush to the other team’s help if it makes sense to do so.
interests and objectives, and are unlikely to be swayed
through a few successful Charisma rolls. Even spells and Group Challenges as Montages
effects like charm person only change an NPC’s attitude A staple of visual media, montages are an efficient way
towards a PC, not their beliefs and priorities, so they do to distill a period of time into its key narrative beats. In
not guarantee cooperation. collaborative storytelling mediums, such as a roleplaying
Once the scene is set, allow each player the chance game, they can be challenging because every player is
to roleplay their statements or actions before rolling a both audience and storyteller of the emergent narrative.
check. Reward especially compelling performances with A montage challenge is therefore about the players
a lower DC or advantage on the roll. Similarly, do not narrating an action or event that each of their characters
hesitate to penalize poor arguments or decisions by went through during that timespan. In response, you get
imposing a higher DC or disadvantage on the roll. to narrate a noteworthy event that affected them, the
party, or their environment.
Group Challenges During Combat Unlike other group challenges, the goal of a montage
Combat encounters can involve a task that needs to be is not to introduce complications that add tension or
performed while the battle ensues. Maybe a couple of alter a scenario, but to distill the passage of time into a
adventurers must dislodge grapnels off their ship as the cohesive narrative that gives players a sense of time,
crew fights off a boarding pirate gang, or spellcasters progress, and the ordinary joys and tribulations rarely
need to close a portal while the rest of the party keeps featured in a roleplaying epic.
the enemies at bay. When preparing a montage challenge, think of at
In these situations, the players still need to make a least 6 memoir-worthy setbacks and 6 interesting boons
number of rolls equal to their party size, but some will the party might experience during this time period. Each
focus on the group challenge while the rest deal with roll a character makes triggers a boon on a success, or a
the combat encounter. setback on a failure.
As an action on their turn, each character working Even if an activity would normally concern a single
on the challenge can make a roll towards the party’s character, such as magical research or acquiring a new
success. All other party members use their turn actions proficiency, ask the rest of the party what they do to
as normal, and their rolls do not count towards the help their ally’s progress. For instance, if the wizard is
challenge. Thus, completing a group challenge in the creating a new spell, the rest of the party can help by
middle of combat could span several rounds. locating rare components, assisting at the lab, or even
Since some PCs will be busy tackling the challenge, offering to serve as willing test subjects. Anything a
adjust that combat’s difficulty to account for the party’s player thinks their character can contribute to the task
loss in damage output and action economy. can become part of their shared narrative.

If your campaign uses Morale rules, each NPC crew
Travel Pace Revisited who fails this save also takes a -1 penalty to Morale,
Any humanoid traveling on foot can move at a normal which remains after the end of its next long rest.
pace, as shown on the Expanded Travel Pace table,
regardless of ancestry. The Daily column assumes that a Sprinting a Mount
creature spends roughly 8 hours of the day actually Any mounted character can spur a mount into a full
traveling—with the rest of the time spent on short rests, gallop for one hour each day, covering twice the usual
meal breaks, patching footwear, setting up camp, and distance for that mount's hourly pace. For each addi-
other activities. tional hour a mount is forced to ride at this speed, it
A creature can also choose to travel at a faster or makes a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
slower pace. saving throw, the creature gains 2 levels of exhaustion,
When moving at a faster pace, a creature's pace is or 1 level of exhaustion on a successful save. If a mount
increased to the next higher tier. In addition, it has a –5 accrues 3 levels of exhaustion in this way, it dies.
penalty to its passive Wisdom (Perception) score and
can’t travel in stealth. Difficult Terrain
When moving at a slower pace, a creature's pace is Mounts and vehicles are subject to the same difficult
decreased to the next lower tier. In addition, it has a +5 terrain rules delineated in the 5E core rulebooks. Any
bonus to its passive Wisdom (Perception) score and it creature or vehicle moving through difficult terrain has
can travel in stealth. its movement speed halved, and it only covers half its
When using any form of aided travel, a creature's travel pace in a minute, hour, or day.
travel pace becomes that of the mount or vehicle it is Dense woods, stormy seas, turbulent skies, collapsed
on. A group's travel pace is always equal to that of the roads, wheel-unfriendly swamps, treacherous canyons,
slowest creature or vehicle in it. hull-shredding reefs, and slippery frozen landscapes are
all examples of what can be considered difficult terrain
Forced March for a mount or vehicle.
A creature can can push on beyond its daily travel limit
at the risk of exhaustion. At the end of each extra hour On Map Measurements
of travel beyond 8 hours, a creature covers the distance
shown in the Hour column for its pace and it must PROPERTIES & PROVINCES will make use of
make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is 10 + 1 for a few standardized map sizes, which are referenced
each hour past 8 hours. On a failed saving throw, the
in the Expanded Travel Pace table.
creature suffers one level of Exhaustion.
Battlemap: 5x5 feet grid.
Vehicles and Forced March War Map: 30x30 feet grid.
Vehicles drawn by mount creatures or rowed by their Settlement Map: 100x100 feet grid.
crew can also enter a forced march. At the end of each Province Map: 1x1 mile grid.
extra hour of travel beyond 8 hours, a vehicle covers the
Kingdom Map: 6x6 mile grid.
distance shown in the Hour column for its pace and
each creature powering its movement must make a Continent Map: 30x30 mile grid.
forced march Constitution saving throw.
Expanded Travel Pace
Travel —Distance Traveled Per— —————————————Spaces Moved per Map—————————————
Pace Minute Hour Day Battlemap War Map Settlement Province Kingdom Continent
Sluggish 10 ft. 100 ft. 1 mi. 6 mi. 2 per round 1 per 3 rounds 1 per minute 1 per hour 1 per day 1 per 5 days
Slow 20 ft. 200 ft. 2 mi. 18 mi. 4 per round 1 per 2 rounds 2 per minute 2 per hour 3 per day 3 per 5 days
Normal 30 ft. 300 ft. 3 mi. 24 mi. 6 per round 1 per round 3 per minute 3 per hour 4 per day 4 per 5 days
Fast 40 ft. 400 ft. 4 mi. 30 mi. 8 per round 1 per round 4 per minute 4 per hour 5 per day 1 per day
Swift 60 ft. 600 ft. 6 mi. 48 mi. 12 per round 2 per round 6 per minute 6 per hour 8 per day 1.5 per day
Rapid 80 ft. 800 ft. 8 mi. 64 mi. 16 per round 2 per round 8 per minute 8 per hour 10 per day 2 per day
Accelerated 120 ft. 1,200 ft. 12 mi. 96 mi. 24 per round 4 per round 12 per minute 12 per hour 16 per day 3 per day
Hastened 160 ft. 1,600 ft. 16 mi. 128 mi. 32 per round 5 per round 16 per minute 16 per hour 22 per day 4 per day
Alacritous 240 ft. 2,400 ft. 24 mi. 192 mi. 48 per round 8 per round 24 per minute 24 per hour 32 per day 6 per day

Vehicles Revisited Every vehicle needs the means to steer it. This is usually
From a rickety cart to a luxurious skyship, vehicles allow reins for a land-based transport, while water and air
creatures the convenience, indulgence, and comfort of vehicles often use a helm. Some vehicles might have
traveling on not-their-feet, while increasing the amount special types of controls, such as magic crystals, levers,
of cargo they can bring along for the trip. and other exotic means. A vehicle must have a proficient
There are three vehicle types that a character might creature operating its controls at all times while it is in
own and be proficient with: land, water, and air. There motion. Otherwise, it gains the adrift condition.
are several game features all vehicles have in common
regardless of type. Movement
The ways a vehicle can achieve forward motion are as
Special Vehicle Conditions varied as the vehicles themselves. It might be drawn by
Vehicles have special conditions that can alter their creatures, use humanoid-powered mechanisms, rely on
functions and capabilities. These conditions last until the elements, or employ arcane locomotion methods.
they are countered as described below. Some vehicles can have more than one movement
Adrift. An adrift vehicle's movement is out of its component. For instance, galleys use both sails and oars
crew’s control. It stays in place or moves in a random to keep them cruising even in a dead wind. Air vehicles
direction as determined by the GM. A vehicle remains in typically require two movement components: one for lift
this condition until its control component is used by a and one for forward motion.
proficient creature or the effect that made it adrift ends.
Burning. A flammable vehicle is set ablaze if it takes Weapons
fire damage from an effect that ignites objects, taking an Vehicles can be fitted with one or more siege weapons.
extra 18 (4d8) fire damage each round on initiative To mount a siege weapon, a vehicle’s deck must have a
count 20 (losing all ties). This condition persists until flat surface that is large enough to fit its dimensions.
the fire is doused. A creature can take an action to For instance, a ship’s deck could house a mangonel, or a
douse a fire in a 5x5 feet area. coach’s roof could be fitted with a ballista.
Moored. A moored vehicle’s speed becomes 0 and it Consult each weapon's description for additional
can't use its movement. This can be a deliberate status, rules and information.
such as chocking a wagon’s wheels, docking a ship, and
dropping anchor, or it can be due to an external force or Component Cost and Availability
mishap. A vehicle remains in this condition until its The cost specified in each vehicle component represents
movement is no longer restricted. its estimated value, but it does not necessarily mean it is
Wrecked. A wrecked vehicle’s components can’t be for sale. As GM, you can decide which components and
used, and it can no longer stay afloat if applicable. Land upgrades are available in your campaign.
vehicles will be stuck in place, water vehicles sink into If a component or upgrade is not for sale, you might
the depths, and air vehicles crash down. A vehicle allow for it to be crafted instead. In these cases, use the
remains in this condition until its hull, control, and listed cost as a guide to determine the investment in
movement components are repaired to at least 50% of time, effort, labor, and materials needed to create it.
their maximum hp. PROPERTIES & PROVINCES© (the work in progress
this supplement is a partial playtest for) will include a
Vehicle Components full crafting system to create new items and devices,
Every vehicle contains elements that dictate its features both magical and mundane.
and capabilities. When a component specifies a crew
requirement in its description, this number must be met Size
by an equal number of creatures in order to use it. All vehicles have a size category determined by the
greater of their length or width. For instance, a vehicle
Hull that is 30 feet long and 15 feet wide belongs in the size
A hull is the structural frame of the vehicle's body, and category for its 30 feet length, making it gargantuan.
it determines its base stat block, ability scores, hit
points, capacity, starting components, and number of Space
crew members needed to operate and maintain it. A vehicle cannot move into a space that is too small to
When a hull is reduced to 0 hit points but not accommodate its dimensions. If it tries to do so, the
destroyed outright, it gains the wrecked condition. A vehicle takes its own ramming damage and gains the
hull is destroyed if the damage that reduced it to 0 hit moored condition. This condition ends when the vehicle
points equals or exceeds 50 damage. is freed from that space.

Passenger Capacity Damage Threshold
A hull’s stat block specifies the maximum number of When a vehicle component has a damage threshold, it
passengers of medium and small size that vehicle can is specified in parentheses after its hit points. Vehicle
accommodate, including its crew. Creatures of large size components are immune to any damage that fails to
aboard the vehicle count as four passengers. meet or exceed this number. Any damage below this
This number assumes the passengers are traveling in number is considered superficial and it does not reduce
tight quarters, be it crowded bunks, or benches. the component's hit points.

Crew Size Resistances and Immunities

A vehicle’s crew size is the number of passengers All vehicles, regardless of type, share the following
required to fully operate and maintain it, and is specified immunities and resistances:
in parentheses after its passenger capacity.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
The vehicle’s crew size includes its officers, workers,
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened,
maintenance staff, and other helpers. A creature must
exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petri-
be proficient in a vehicle in order to crew it.
fied, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious.
Skeleton Crews
Travel Pace
A vehicle without enough proficient passengers to meet
A vehicle’s base travel pace is specified in its hull’s stat
its crew size has its travel pace reduced to the next lower
block, and it determines its movement speed as show on
tier until it becomes fully crewed.
the Hull Costs & Features table. If a vehicle is drawn by
When it doesn’t have enough proficient passengers
creatures, its travel pace is determined instead by the
to meet the crew requirements of its control and at least
speed of the slowest creature pulling it.
one movement component, the vehicle is moored.
Ramming Damage
Cargo Capacity
When a vehicle moves into a space occupied by another
A vehicle’s stat block specifies the maximum number of
object or a creature, it deals its ramming damage to it
tons (2,000 lbs units) it can carry as freight. This limit
while taking that creature or object’s own ramming
refers only to the vehicle’s cargo capacity, excluding its
damage if applicable. See “Ramming” under “Special
passengers, furnishings, and components. If the vehicle
Vehicle Mechanics”.
is fitted with a movement component that provides lift,
its cargo capacity is reduced to a fifth while in the air.
Saving Throws and Ability Checks
A vehicle that exceeds this cargo capacity becomes
There can be instances when making a d20 Test for a
encumbered, and its travel speed is reduced to the next
vehicle is necessary, such as ramming through an object
lower tier. If it is a water or air vehicle, it begins to take
(Strength), an emergency course correction (Dexterity),
in water or lose altitude.
or determining if the hull springs a leak (Constitution).
In cases like these, the hull’s ability modifier and the
Armor Class
proficiency bonus of a relevant crew member are the
While not especially hard to miss, a vehicle component
only modifiers added to that roll.
might have an Armor Class representing the toughness
For instance, if a deck is on the verge of collapse, the
of their construction and materials. When an attack
bosun can make a Constitution saving throw for the
fails to hit a component, it did not land with enough
vessel, adding only the hull’s Constitution modifier and
force or precision to reduce its hit points.
their own proficiency bonus as modifiers to that roll.
Some magical components do not have hit points or
an Armor Class, indicating they cannot be destroyed or
Optional Rule: Upkeep Costs
damaged through normal means.
Vehicles must be restocked, repaired, and refitted on a
Thomas Buttersworth - Rescue of the Guardians Crew by a French Merchant Ship
regular basis. At the end of each 30-day period, a vessel
requires an upkeep expense equal to 2.5% of its hull’s
base cost or fall into disrepair. Each component in a
vehicle in disrepair has its maximum hit points reduced
by 10% every time this upkeep payment is skipped. A
vehicle can be restored to its full hit points by spending
twice the total of its outstanding upkeep in repairs.
Components that are magical in nature don’t have to
pay upkeep costs. Magical components can be identified
by their rarity rating, which mundane items don’t have.

Vehicle Combat Revisited
Vehicle Movement
A vehicle’s movement component can be used to accel-
Despite having stat blocks with hit points, weapons, and erate or decelerate it up to half its speed per round.
ability scores, vehicles are not autonomous. They are This means a stationary vehicle can only move up to
merely objects to be acted upon, and are subject to any half its speed on the first round it is set in motion, while
rules that affect objects. For instance, a vehicle made of a vehicle traveling at full speed must still move at least
flammable materials will gain the Burning condition if half its speed on the first round it starts to decelerate.
exposed to an effect that ignites objects.
A vehicle’s victory or defeat relies on how their crews Dashing a Vehicle
take advantage of its components, placing the action Once a vehicle has reached its full movement speed, its
firmly in their hands. Be it commanding crews or taking movement can be used each round for up to 1 hour to
their own actions to use components, vehicle combat is make it Dash, increasing the vessel’s travel pace to the
at its most engaging when it focuses on how each next higher tier. This forces the creatures drawing it into
adventurer’s deeds affect the battle. a gallop or pressures the crew to work twice as hard.
For each additional hour a creature is overworked in
Start of Combat and Initiative this way, it makes a DC 10 Constitution saving throw.
The start of vehicle combat can be highly situational. It On a failure the creature gains 2 levels of exhaustion, or
might begin as soon as two opposing vessels spot each 1 level of exhaustion on a successful save. If a mount
other, when they are within weapon range, or until one accrues 3 levels of exhaustion in this way, it dies.
side attacks the other. Just as with creature combat, use
your best judgment and decide when initiative should be Maneuverability
rolled for. Unless its movement specifies otherwise, a vehicle can
only move forward. In order to navigate the terrain, its
Side Initiative controls must be used to steer it.
When using the Side Initiative variant rule, consider A vehicle can steer only while in motion and at a rate
having the captain or pilot of each vehicle roll initiative determined by its Dexterity modifier.
for that vessel. In the event of a tie, roll again. All the
A A vehicle with a Dexterity modifier of +0 can steer
creatures in each vehicle take their turn on their side’s
by a maximum of 45 degrees per round.
initiative count and in any order they choose.
A A vehicle with a Dexterity modifier of +1 or higher
If the PCs’ side includes non-crew NPCs, consider
can steer by a maximum of 45 degrees plus that
letting the players control them in combat. You have the
many additional 45 degrees per round.
right and responsibility to overrule any course of action
A A vehicle with a Dexterity modifier of –1 or lower
that would be out of character for an NPC.
takes that many additional rounds to steer by 45
Managing NPC Vehicles
To simplify bookkeeping and efficiently handle enemy For instance, a vehicle with a Dexterity modifier of +1
actions, assume a vehicle crewed entirely by NPC’s can can steer by up to 90 degrees per round. A vehicle with
use each component in its stat block once per round on a Dexterity modifier of –1 will take two rounds to steer
its crew’s (or side’s) initiative count. by 45 degrees.

Using Vehicle Components

A component can be used if it has a crew requirement
Steering per Round
specified in its description. Each creature within 5 feet
of it can take an action to operate it, and once enough
creatures to meet this requirement have done so, the
component is used. That component can't be used again
until the beginning of the next combat round.

Using Vehicle Weapons

When a vehicle’s weapon component is used, one of the
creatures operating it can add its own Dexterity modifier
to the attack roll.
A creature that has the multiattack action or the
Extra Attack feature counts as 2 crew for the purposes
of meeting a vehicle weapon’s crew requirement.

Ramming Attack Boarding
A vehicle’s pilot can attempt to ram another object or a Boarding a vehicle entails moving crew from one vessel
creature by moving their vessel into the target’s space into another, often with the intent to capture, attack, or
and making a Dexterity (land, water, or air vehicles) sabotage the opposing vehicle. The means to achieve
check for the vehicle. The DC for this check is equal to this are as diverse as your imagination allows—jumping
the target’s Armor Class, and the vehicle must have from one deck to another, swinging from ropes, flying,
enough movement left to move into its target’s space. dropping a bridge, climbing up the vehicle’s side, etc.
On a success, the vehicle and its target collide and A creature that is within 5 feet of a vehicle’s open
deal their ramming damage to each other. On a failure, deck can take a bonus action to move into the nearest
the vehicle missed its target or the impact didn’t have unoccupied space on that deck. If doing so involves
enough force to cause damage to either. some degree of challenge, judge the situation and assign
A massive creature deals ramming damage according a d20 Test as appropriate.
to its size category.
Vehicle Chases
A Large creatures deal 10 bludgeoning damage.
Wagon wheels clash and grind against each other as the
A Huge creatures deal 20 bludgeoning damage.
heroes try to thwart the villain’s escape, violent storms
A Gargantuan creatures deal 30 bludgeoning damage.
threaten to capsize the ship as the adventurers race after
When a vehicle collides with an unmovable object, a the pirate’s flagship, a skyship frantically maneuvers
terrain hazard, a structure, rams a target larger than through a field of earth motes as it’s chased by a flock of
itself, or tries to move into a space that is too small to angry harpies.
accommodate its dimensions, it takes its own ramming Chases should be fast-paced, exciting, and dynamic
damage and instantly comes to a dead stop. Otherwise, story elements. While the 5E core books already provide
the vehicle can continue moving if it has any movement chase rules, consider using a group challenge when you
left, and its target is pushed to the nearest unoccupied want a quick and narrative-focused way to resolve them.
space that isn't in the vehicle's path For your convenience, Appendix A includes a ready-
to-use Chase group challenge.
Bracing for Impact
When a vehicle takes ramming damage, the violence of Vehicles on a Grid
the impact forces each creature in the vessel to make a When using a battlemap (5x5 feet grid), a vehicle does
DC 14 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, not occupy a square space. Instead, it occupies as many
the creature is prone and gains the stunned condition 10x10 feet spaces as necessary to accommodate its
until the end of its next turn. dimensions. In a war map (30x30 feet grid), it occupies
A creature can take its reaction to brace for impact, as many 30x30 feet spaces as necessary. When this
holding on to whatever structure is nearby to keep its places the vehicle at the intersection of two or more
footing. A braced creature makes this saving throw with spaces, then it controls all of those spaces.

Running Vehicle vs. Vehicle Battles

The many reasons two vehicles might clash against NPCs attempting to escape or delay the adventurers
each other dictate the terms of the engagement and might focus on destroying their vehicle’s movement and
how and when a side might claim victory. control components. Those looking to destroy or disable
PCs are always in charge of their own agency and their vessel might target their weapons and crew first.
motivations for vehicle combat, but you need to have a Enemies intent on capturing or stealing from the PCs
clear idea of what the NPCs’ goals are. They might be are likely to focus on closing within boarding range.
focused on escaping, destroying, capturing, delaying, Keep in mind many NPCs might prefer surrender
intimidating, or defending against the PCs. over their vehicle’s destruction. This is especially true
Knowing what the NPCs need to achieve during the for air, astral, and underwater vehicles—where the
encounter will help inform your decisions in a more destruction of a vessel can spell a death sentence for its
logical and credible way. passengers.

Special Vehicle Mechanics
Air Envelopes
Air envelopes are pockets of fresh, breathable air that
Vehicles open new and exciting adventure possibilities, extend out from an object or a creature like an invisible
not only because of their utility in getting a party around balloon. This air envelope projects out from its host’s
the campaign map, but also because they allow for body by a distance equal to half of the greater of its
gameplay scenarios unique to them. length or width.
This section provides special rules and advice that For instance, a humanoid that is 6 feet tall has an air
are specific to vehicle play. envelope that extends 3 feet in every direction from their
body. A ship with a keel of 80 feet has an air envelope
Repairing Vehicles that extends 40 feet in every direction from its hull.
Patching a leaking hull, fixing a broken wheel, mending
sails, or replacing cut ropes are just a few of the many Underwater Travel
repairs a battle-worn vehicle might need. There are a Increased drag, greater pressures, strong undercurrents,
few ways to repair a vehicle’s components. and dwindling air supplies make underwater travel very
complicated at best and downright deadly at worst. A
A If a vehicle is moored in a location where workers
vessel moving underwater has its travel pace reduced by
and materials are readily available, it costs 1 gp to
two tiers, to a minimum of a slow travel pace.
repair 1 hit point of damage to a vehicle component.
Should a creature’s air supplies run out, it begins to
A vehicle component can’t recover more than 50 hit
suffocate until it regains access to fresh, breathable air.
points in this way per day.
See the 5E rulebooks for more details on suffocation.
A A vehicle component can regain 3 (1d6) hit points if
one or more creatures with access to the proper tools
Travel Pace in the Astral Sea
and materials spend an hour repairing it.
Without friction or gravity to hold them back, a vehicle
A The mending cantrip can be amplified to repair a
traveling the astral sea on a straight line can continue to
vehicle component by expending a spell slot of any
accelerate for as long as a pilot is operating its controls.
level. When cast in this way, the target vehicle com-
Regardless of its travel pace, a vehicle accelerating in
ponent regains 3 (1d6) hit points per level of the
this way will reach a speed of 4 million miles per hour,
spell slot spent.
or 100 million miles per day, after 2 hours.
A A vehicle component can be repaired using a spell or
While traveling at these speeds, the pilot of either an
ability that specifically restores hit points to vehicles
astral helm or a phlogiston core will be aware of any
or objects, such as the Bosun’s Call feature.
impending collisions in a 1 million mile cone in front of
A vehicle component that was reduced to 0 hit points the vehicle, providing ample time to slow down or stop.
can’t be used again until it has been repaired to at least In addition, steering the vehicle in any direction will
half of its maximum hit points. reduce its speed back to its normal travel pace.
A vehicle that can generate its own gravity plane
takes only one combat round to decelerate back to its
Vehicle Services Costs normal travel pace, and this sudden stop has no inertial
Service Cost 5 Days effect on the passengers and objects within.
Cargo Unloading (per ton) 2 gp --
Gravity Planes
Hull Cleaning (per 10 ft.) 4 gp -- Gravity planes are flat, invisible sheets of gravitational
Maintenance & Repair (per hit point) 1 gp -- force that cut horizontally through an object and pull
creatures and objects toward them to emulate natural
Mount Feed, Carnivore (per day) 3 sp 15 sp
gravity. This makes creatures able to move, fight, and
Mount Feed, Herbivore (per day) 5 cp 2 sp work normally on the upper side of the plane, while
Mount Groom & Tack (per day) 6 sp 3 gp creatures and objects below it act as if gravity was
reversed for them.
Provisions Stock, 1 day (per passenger) 4 sp 2 gp
In this way, a creature could stand, walk, run, or
Stabling (per day) 5 sp 25 sp jump on the underside of a vehicle’s hull just as easily
Vehicle Docking, Water (per day) 3 gp 15 gp as it could on the top deck. Some drifting islands in the
astral sea also have their own gravity plane, and might
Vehicle Garaging, Land (per day) 4 sp 2 gp
even host bustling ports and cities on both sides of it.
Vehicle Roosting, Air (per day) 5 gp 25 gp The effective range of an object’s gravity plane is the
same as that for its air envelope.

Mutiny Mooring and Setting Water Vehicles
Whether at sea, at a characters’ homestead, or even The process of mooring a seagoing vessel begins with a
within their own court, a group of NPCs who serve one ship anchoring outside a port, where its crew announces
or more player characters can organize a revolt against their wish to dock. This can be done with flags, agreed
them. This might be due to a legitimate complaint, or be upon cantrips, light signals, or a ship officer personally
part of a larger a plot against the adventurers. going to the dock master's office via rowboat.
You can use the loyalty rules found in POPULACE & When a pier mooring becomes available, the port’s
PERSONAGES© or those found in the 5E core rulebooks dock pilot boards the vessel to guide its navigator as tug
to track an NPC crew’s attitude towards their officers. boats tow the ship towards a pier. Once it is close to the
Each day an NPC crew’s loyalty score is 5 or less at dock, ropes are used to secure the ship to the moorings
the end of a long rest, the captain or quartermaster of where pulleys or capstains pull it into position. Leaving
that vehicle must make a DC 17 Charisma (Deception, the harbor is a similar process, with tug boats leading
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check, adding the crew’s the ship out of the dock. Then, ropes are tied to mooring
loyalty score as an extra bonus to the roll. On a success, buoys to finish pulling the ship out to sea.
the disgruntled NPC crew continues to follow orders These maneuvers are performed only during flowing
until it finishes its next long rest. On a failure, the crew (incoming) or ebbing (outgoing) tides, which happen
becomes hostile towards the vehicle’s officers and might twice a day each. Even if a ship has a way to propel itself
try to capture them, throw them overboard, demand a in and out of a dock, most captains prefer waiting for a
vote for a new captain, or even attempt to kill them. favorable tide to facilitate entry and exit.
Vehicle officers can try to quench a mutiny through Since this process takes 1 hour or more, ships don’t
diplomacy, bribery, violence, or intimidation. Once an usually dock unless they need repairs, to unload cargo,
unruly crew has been subdued, it will not mutiny again or will spend several days in port. Most vessels simply
for 1d4 days unless its loyalty score becomes 1 or less. anchor to the mooring buoys outside the harbor, using
For your convenience, Appendix A includes a ready- smaller rowboats to take crew and goods to shore.
to-use Mutiny group challenge.
Nesting and Soaring Air Vehicles
Arrivals and Departures Prior to landing, an air vehicle must find a large, clear
Delving into the ins and outs of proper vehicular porting space in which to rest. This is preferably a spot with tall
and takeoff is not for every table. Often, the procedural grass, mud, water, or sand for cushioning. When an air
minutiae can and should be hand-waved in the interest vehicle attempts to land at an eyrie roost, the crew must
of keeping the pacing of the game going. first signal its arrival. Once approved, the roost master
There are times, however, when such factors might will assign it a landing area surrounded by mooring
come into play. You can use these as narrative elements anchors called a nest.
to add color and texture to your world. Or, under the Whether it is nesting at an eyrie roost or in the field,
right circumstances, they can be used to increase the a flying vehicle requires a ground crew to guide it. Once
tension or urgency of a game. the vehicle descends to a 100 feet altitude, the crew will
climb down on ropes or, if magic is available, they will
Parking and Stabling Land Vehicles jump down using feather fall spells or skyrider girdles.
A land vehicle can be parked in the wilderness or the With the ground crew in place, the vehicle is secured
side of a road by simply stopping the creatures drawing by tying ropes or chains to the moorings. When nesting
it. Within a settlement, things are not as simple. in the field, large corkscrew anchors are dug into the
Upon entering a community, guards, watches, or ground to serve as moorings. Pulleys or capstains are
constables are likely to inform travelers of the local laws then used to gently pull the ship to terra firma. The
and ordinances regarding foreign vehicles. Large wagons entire nesting process takes at least 1 hour.
and vardos could be restricted to park outside the city Strong winds complicate the already delicate labor of
walls. Mounts might have to be stabled while not in use soaring a vehicle, so many captains will wait for mild or
for “public safety reasons”, and local guild regulations still wind conditions before setting the moorings loose.
could require they are freshly tacked by a local hostler. If an air vehicle has the means to hover in place,
Many busy roads feature coaching inns every six to then the time it takes to nest is greatly reduced and the
ten miles, where tired travelers can rest and park their vehicle doesn’t need to touch land. However, it might
vehicles overnight for a fee. Many roadside taverns and need special means to unboard passengers and cargo.
inns are likely to have a carriage house or parking field. When landing on a body of water, the crew watches
When a party arrives to a settlement, take a moment over the railings to guide the pilot towards a smooth
to consider what the local policies are, if there are any landing. Once alight, the vehicle can drop anchor just as
taxes or costs involved, and who’s in charge the process. any seagoing vessel would.

Hull Costs & Features
Vehicle Cost Travel Pace Controls Movement Crew Size Crew Pay/30 days Upkeep/30 days Cargo
Cart 25 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 6 sp 1 ton
Chariot 250 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 6 gp ½ ton
Wagon, Open 150 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 3 gp 6 tons
Wagon, Covered 300 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 7 gp 6 tons
Coach 450 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 11 gp 3 tons
Vardo 600 gp Per Mount Reins Mount Creature 1 15 gp 15 gp 4 tons
Rowboat 40 gp Normal (30 ft.) Oars Oars 2 30 gp 1 gp ¾ ton
Shallop 400 gp Normal (30 ft.) Till Sails 3 45 gp 10 gp 3.5 tons
Sloop 1,800 gp Swift (60 ft.) Till Sails 4 60 gp 45 gp 35 tons
Keelboat 2,700 gp Slow (20 ft.) Till Sails & Oars 10 150 gp 67 gp 25 tons
Cog 5,200 gp Fast (40 ft.) Helm Sails 13 195 gp 130 gp 100 tons
Schooner 6,400 gp Swift (60 ft.) Helm Sails 17 255 gp 160 gp 125 tons
Galley 9,600 gp Swift (60 ft.) Till Sails & Oars 37 555 gp 240 gp 95 tons
Caravel 10,000 gp Fast (40 ft.) Helm Sails 26 390 gp 250 gp 195 tons
Brig 15,000 gp Fast (40 ft.) Helm Sails 58 870 gp 375 gp 295 tons
Galleon 23,400 gp Swift (60 ft.) Helm Sails 62 930 gp 585 gp 465 tons
Drebbel 3,150 gp Normal (30 ft.) Helm Oars 5 75 gp 157 gp 4 tons

Hull Components Cart

Large Object, Land Vehicle (5 ft. by 10 ft.)
A vehicle’s hull is its body and structural frame, which
determine its default stat block and starting control and Armor Class 11
movement components. A hull can be customized by Hit Points 50
Travel Pace Slow (speed 20 ft.)
adding, substituting, or removing components.
This book makes no assumptions regarding your STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
11 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
campaign’s technology or available equipment. Each
Passenger Capacity 1 (crew: 1)
stat block is intentionally presented without weapons, Cargo Capacity 1 ton (2,000 lbs.)
and their maps only represent their basic hull shape. Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Appendix D includes several printer-friendly maps Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
and a Vehicle Record Sheet so you and your players can Ramming Damage 7
create your own custom vehicles.
Forward Movement: Draft Horse
Land Hulls Armor Class 10
Hit Points 19 (3d10+3)
Armed with the invention of the wheel, ancestries of all Steering Control: Reins & Wheels (2)
kinds have used land vehicles for countless endeavors, Armor Class 10
from commerce and war to leisure and diplomacy. Hit Points 12 reins and 18 each wheel
A land vehicle requires an even terrain that is wide Crew Requirement 1
enough for it to maneuver, such as a road, a trail, or an
open field. Anything else is considered difficult terrain.

A two-wheeled vehicle designed to carry goods. Pull
carts are drawn by a mount creature, and will usually
have a small bench for the driver to sit at. A handcart is
drawn by a humanoid creature who functions as both
the cart's control and movement components.
1 Square = 5 Feet

1 Square = 5 Feet

Traditionally used for warfare, chariots are two-wheeled
carriages drawn by mount creatures. Constructed to be
light, fast, and maneuverable, chariots forego seating
and other comforts. Instead, a charioteer and up to two
other passengers stand inside it.

Chariot Four-wheeled drawn vehicles used to transport goods.
Large Object, Land Vehicle (5 ft. by 10 ft.)
They have a front bench that can seat the driver and a
Armor Class 14 passenger. An open wagon has a flat bed on the back for
Hit Points 100 (damage threshold 5) cargo, while covered wagons have a framed canopy to
Travel Pace Normal (speed 30 ft.)
safeguard the contents from the elements. A covered
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA wagon can also be used as a passenger vehicle, mobile
11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
shop, or even as a wandering merchant's home.
Passenger Capacity 3 (crew: 1)
Cargo Capacity ½ ton (1,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Coach
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Comfortable, enclosed four-wheeled carriages used to
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 7
transport passengers and small parcels. Coaches have
entry doors on the sides and benches inside the cabin.
Armored Plating. The Chariot has resistance to slashing damage. The cabbie drives the vehicle from a bench high at the
Forward Movement: Warhorse (2) front of the coach called a box seat.
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 19 (3d10+3) each warhorse Stagecoach. In many civilized areas, coach owners
Steering Control: Reins & Wheel (2) use these vehicles to provide transportation in exchange
Armor Class 11 for coin. The fare for each passenger is 5 sp per mile or
Hit Points 12 reins and 18 each wheel 3 gp per day, whichever is greater.
Crew Requirement 1

Wagon Huge Object, Land Vehicle (10 ft. by 15 ft.)
Huge Object, Land Vehicle (10 ft. by 15 ft.)
Armor Class 11
Armor Class 11 Hit Points 75 (damage threshold 5)
Hit Points 75 (damage threshold 5) Travel Pace Slow (speed 20 ft.)
Travel Pace Slow (speed 20 ft.) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 9 (–1) 13 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
13 (+1) 9 (–1) 13 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) Passenger Capacity 6 (crew: 1)
Passenger Capacity 8 (crew: 1) Cargo Capacity 3 tons (6,000 lbs.)
Cargo Capacity 6 tons (12,000 lbs.) Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious Ramming Damage 12
Ramming Damage 12 Private Quarters. The Coach can comfortably sit 4 passengers.
Forward Movement: Draft Horse (2) Forward Movement: Draft Horse (2)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 10
Hit Points 19 (3d10+3) each draft horse Hit Points 19 (3d10+3) each draft horse
Steering Control: Reins & Wheel (4) Steering Control: Reins & Wheel (4)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 10
Hit Points 12 reins and 18 each wheel Hit Points 12 reins and 18 each wheel
Crew Requirement 1 Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

Water Hulls
To those who hear the call of the sea, few things can
compare to the moist, salty air caressing their face as a
Vardo gentle breeze blows through the deck. For others, noth-
Large enclosed wagons frequently used by traveling ing beats the rush of plundering for booty.
merchants, nomadic peoples, wandering troupes, field Rocks, inclement weather, sailing against a current,
alchemists, and anyone who needs to bring their home, shallow waters, reefs, and other obstructions count as
business, or place of work wherever they go. Luxurious difficult terrain for a water vehicle.
vardos are also a preferred mode of transport for nobles
and royalty traveling by land on long trips. Rowboat
Vardos are usually decorated in ornate carvings, The most basic of water vessels, rowboats are used for
painted designs, and sometimes even gilding. minor cargo, light fishing, or ferry crew members to and
from an anchored ship. When traveling downstream, a
rowboat's travel pace is increased to the next higher tier.
Vardo Lifeboats, canoes, dinghies, coracles, and other similar
Gargantuan Object, Land Vehicle (10 ft. by 20 ft.)
vessels use the same game statistics as a rowboat.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 125 (damage threshold 10)
Travel Pace Slow (speed 20 ft.) Rowboat
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Huge Object, Water Vehicle (5 ft. by 15 ft.)
13 (+1) 8 (–1) 14 (+2) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Armor Class 14
Passenger Capacity 5 (crew: 1) Hit Points 100 (damage threshold 5)
Cargo Capacity 4 tons (8,000 lbs.) Travel Pace Normal (speed 30 ft.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious 12 (+1) 7 (–2) 11 (+0) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Ramming Damage 15 Passenger Capacity 4 (crew: 2)
Cargo Capacity ¾ tons (1,500 lbs.)
Private Quarters. The Vardo can comfortably sit 2 passengers
and sleep 1. It has a small cooking area. Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
Forward Movement: Draft Horse (2) paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Armor Class 10 Ramming Damage 10
Hit Points 19 (3d10+3) each draft horse
Steering Control: Reins & Wheel (4) Forward Movement & Steering Control: oars
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 12 reins and 18 each wheel Hit Points 25
Crew Requirement 1 Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

Shallop Sloop
The smallest of the single-masted ships, shallops are Nimble single-masted ships known for their speed and
workboats primarily used for fishing, minor ferries, and mobility. While unsuited for the open sea, sloops are
modest cargo transport. Due to their lower pricing and popular among fishers, lower merchants, and beginning
maintenance costs, they are popular with working class pirate crews. Dhows, single-masted corvettes, skiffs,
fishers and merchants. Dobles, peterboats, small fishing catboats, and other small and agile ships use the same
vessels, skiffs, and other humble sailing ships use the game statistics as a sloop.
same game statistics as a shallop.

Shallop Sloop
Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (10 ft. by 20 ft.) Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (15 ft. by 40 ft.)
Armor Class 11 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 75 (damage threshold 5) Hit Points 150 (damage threshold 10)
Travel Pace Normal (speed 30 ft.) Travel Pace Swift (speed 60 ft.)
13 (+1) 8 (–1) 13 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Passenger Capacity 5 (crew: 3) Passenger Capacity 18 (crew: 4)
Cargo Capacity 3.5 tons (7,000 lbs.) Cargo Capacity 36 tons (72,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 15 Ramming Damage 27

Forward Movement: Sails Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures
Armor Class 12 have three-quarters cover while behind the Sloop’s railing.
Hit Points 50 Forward Movement: Sails
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing Armor Class 12
Crew Requirement 2 Hit Points 50
Wind Powered. The Shallop’s travel pace becomes sluggish Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable Crew Requirement 2
winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. Wind Powered. The Sloop’s travel pace becomes sluggish during
Steering Control: Till still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable winds,
Armor Class 15 its travel pace increases to the next higher tier.
Hit Points 25 Steering Control: Till
Crew Requirement 1 Armor Class 15
Hit Points 25
Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

Keelboat Cog
Single-masted, flat-bottomed work boats used for cargo A sailing staple in most cultures, cogs are single-masted
and light military duty. Keelboats usually have a small ships used for cargo, fishing, and transport. While not
cabin at the back, which serves both as an office and the particularly fast, their mobility makes them valuable for
captain's quarters. Being river vessels, keelboats use both military recognizance and piracy. Pinnacles, hoys,
both sails and oars as movement components. Barges, knarrs, and other mid-sized single-masted work ships
ferries, wherries, and similar riverboats use the same use the same game statistics as a cog.
game statistics as a keelboat.

Keelboat Cog
Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (15 ft. by 60 ft.) Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (20 ft. by 65 ft.)
Armor Class 14 Armor Class 13
Hit Points 225 (damage threshold 15) Hit Points 250 (damage threshold 15)
Travel Pace Slow (speed 20 ft.) Travel Pace Fast (speed 40 ft.)
17 (+3) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Passenger Capacity 27 (crew: 10) Passenger Capacity 51 (crew: 13)
Cargo Capacity 25 tons (54,000 lbs.) Cargo Capacity 100 tons (200,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 37 Ramming Damage 42
Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures
have three-quarters cover while behind the Keelboat’s railing. have three-quarters cover while behind the Cog’s railing.
Forward Movement: Sails Forward Movement: Sails
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 Hit Points 50
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
Crew Requirement 3 Crew Requirement 6
Wind Powered. The Keelboat’s travel pace becomes sluggish Wind Powered. The Cog’s travel pace becomes sluggish during
during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable winds,
winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. its travel pace increases to the next higher tier.
Forward Movement: oars Steering Control: Helm
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50 Hit Points 50
Crew Requirement 4 Crew Requirement 1
Steering Control: Till
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 25
Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

Schooner Galley
Built for speed, schooners are double-masted sailing The most common type of warship, galleys are long and
ships used for fishing, passenger transport, and ferry slender single-masted ships used to ferry soldiers, and
cargo. They are a favorite among privateers. When used are often fitted with a few ballistas or mangonels. Their
as passenger ships, half their cargo hold is turned into light frames and low drafts let them navigate shallow
compact, yet lavish cabins. Cutters, corvettes, xebecs, waters and make beach landings. Dromons, tiremes,
and other fast mid-sized sailing ships use the same longships, and other similar warships use the same
game statistics as a schooner. game statistics as a galley.

Schooner Galley
Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (20 ft. by 80 ft.) Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (20 ft. by 120 ft.)
Armor Class 14 Armor Class 16
Hit Points 325 (damage threshold 20) Hit Points 425 (damage threshold 20)
Travel Pace Swift (speed 60 ft.) Travel Pace Swift (speed 60 ft.)
20 (+5) 9 (–1) 18 (+4) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 24 (+7) 8 (–1) 20 (+5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Passenger Capacity 63 (crew: 17) Passenger Capacity 95 (crew: 37)
Cargo Capacity 125 tons (250,000 lbs.) Cargo Capacity 95 tons (190,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 60 Ramming Damage 70
Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures
have three-quarters cover while behind the Schooner’s railing. have three-quarters cover while behind the Galley’s railing.
Forward Movement: Sails (2) Forward Movement: Sails
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 each Hit Points 50
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
Crew Requirement 10 Crew Requirement 6
Wind Powered. The Schooner’s travel pace becomes sluggish Wind Powered. The Galley’s travel pace becomes sluggish
during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable
winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier.
Steering Control: Helm Forward Movement: oars
Armor Class 15 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 Hit Points 80
Crew Requirement 1 Crew Requirement 18
Steering Control: Till
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 25
Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

Caravel Brig
One of the most popular sailing ships, caravels are Versatile two to three-masted warships traditionally
three-masted vessels used for cargo, ferry passengers used for scouting, recognizance, military transport, and
and, occasionally, privateering. A favorite among the combat alike. The Brig’s ample space for siege weapons
merchant class due to their reliability and generous also make them popular cargo ships for pirate-conscious
cargo space. Sohars, nefs, merchant navas, and other merchants. Brigantines, frigates, and other large military
mid-sized trade ships use the same game statistics as a ships use the same game statistics as a brig.

Caravel Brig
Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (25 ft. by 80 ft.) Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (25 ft. by 120 ft.)
Armor Class 14 Armor Class 18
Hit Points 325 (damage threshold 20) Hit Points 425 (damage threshold 20)
Travel Pace Fast (speed 40 ft.) Travel Pace Fast (speed 40 ft.)
20 (+5) 8 (–1) 19 (+4) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 24 (+7) 7 (–2) 21 (+5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Passenger Capacity 99 (crew: 26) Passenger Capacity 149 (crew: 39)
Cargo Capacity 195 tons (390,000 lbs.) Cargo Capacity 299 tons (598,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 52 Ramming Damage 72
Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures
have three-quarters cover while behind the Caravel’s railing. have three-quarters cover while behind the Brig’s railing.
Forward Movement: Sails (3) Forward Movement: Sails (3)
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 each Hit Points 50 each
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
Crew Requirement 12 Crew Requirement 19
Wind Powered. The Caravel’s travel pace becomes sluggish Wind Powered. The Brig’s travel pace becomes sluggish during
during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable winds,
winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. its travel pace increases to the next higher tier.
Steering Control: Helm Steering Control: Helm
Armor Class 15 Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50 Hit Points 50
Crew Requirement 1 Crew Requirement 1

1 Square = 5 Feet

1 Square = 5 Feet

Galleon Drebbel
The peak of mercantile sailing, galleons are large three A wonder of innovation and engineering, debbels are
or four-masted sailing ships used primarily for cargo waterproofed vessels capable of diving underwater to
and commerce. Their large size can also fit a few battle explore the mysteries that lie below the waves. While
stations, and nations often conscript mercantile galleons not particularly suited for war or commerce, drebbels
as auxiliary forces during times of war. Flyuts, carracks, can be a frequent sight in regions where underwater and
merchantmen, and other large trade ships use the same surface cultures have diplomatic relations, or where the
game statistics as a galleon. exploration of underwater locales is common.

Galleon Drebbel
Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (30 ft. by 130 ft.) Gargantuan Object, Water Vehicle (10 ft. by 35 ft.)
Armor Class 17 Armor Class 11
Hit Points 500 (damage threshold 20) Hit Points 100 (damage threshold 5)
Travel Pace Swift (speed 60 ft.) Travel Pace Normal (speed 30 ft.), dive slow (speed 20 ft.)
26 (+8) 7 (–2) 22 (+6) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 14 (+2) 7 (–2) 13 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)
Passenger Capacity 233 (crew: 62) Passenger Capacity 8 (crew: 5)
Cargo Capacity 466 tons (932,000 lbs.) Cargo Capacity 2 tons (4,000 lbs.)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Ramming Damage 80 Ramming Damage 22
Bulwark. Medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures Limited Air Supply. Once the Drebbel’s latch is closed, creatures
have three-quarters cover while behind the Galleon’s railing. inside it have 3 hours of breathable air.
Forward Movement: Sails (3) Diving Ballast. While on water, the Drebbel’s controls can be
Armor Class 12 used to submerge it and adjust its underwater depth by 15 ft. per
Hit Points 50 each round, up to a depth of 1,000 ft.
Damage Vulnerabilities Slashing
Crew Requirement 12 Watertight. The Drebbel’s hull is impervious to liquids and
Wind Powered. The Galleon’s travel pace becomes sluggish Forward Movement: Oars
during still-wind conditions. While sailing with strong, favorable
winds, its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 each
Steering Control: Helm Crew Requirement 4
Armor Class 15 Steering Control: Helm
Hit Points 50
Crew Requirement 1 Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50
Crew Requirement 1

Officer Roles
An expert in the vehicle’s structure and its components,
From a humble wagon to a mighty galleon, a vehicle’s tasked with supervising its maintenance and repair. A
crew can include a few select individuals tasked with bosun is also responsible for directing the mooring and
leadership positions within the vessel. departure process, as well as keeping inventory of the
Any officer role can be assigned to one creature per vehicle’s stock of supplies.
vehicle, granting it the special features listed for that
role. Each feature’s description addresses its recipient. Shipshape
While you are aboard your vehicle, the AC of all of its
Officers and Vehicle Proficiency components increases by 1.
A character must be proficient in a vehicle in order to
become an officer of it. If a character lacks the proper Bosun’s Call
vehicle proficiency, they must first become proficient. As an action, you can call on nearby creatures to help
As GM, you can call for a roleplay scenario where a repair one damaged vehicle component, causing it to
non-proficient character must learn the ropes, make a regain a number of hit points equal to 13 (3d8) + your
quick training montage out of it, or you can hand-waive Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. You can
the instruction process entirely and grant that character use this feature a number of times equal to your profi-
the proficiency outright. ciency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
For your convenience, Appendix A includes a ready- you finish a long rest.
to-use Training Montage group challenge.
Creatures proficient in a vehicle can acquire, swap, Captain
or resign from an officer role when they finish a short The leader and administrator of a vehicle. A captain’s
rest. That creature can’t do so again until it finishes a word is final, and going against it is tantamount to
long rest. mutiny. Naturally, this power also comes a fair deal of
responsibility. As far as any parties are concerned, the
Artillerist captain is accountable for everything that happens
An arms master in charge of the vehicle’s ranged arma- within their vessel.
ments. An artillerist is responsible for the care and
maintenance of the vehicle's weapon components, as Captain on Deck
well as keeping stock of its ammunition and matériel. While you are aboard your vehicle, each NPC crew
under your command has a +1 bonus to its ability
No Quarter checks. If your game is using morale rules, it also has a
While you are aboard your vehicle, you can add your +1 bonus to its morale checks.
Dexterity modifier to the damage rolls of each weapon
component within 30 feet. Make it So
As a reaction at the beginning of a combat round, you
Ready Aim can call all hands on deck. Each component in your
As a bonus action, you can grant advantage to the next vehicle can be used one additional time until the end of
attack roll made with one of your vehicle’s weapons. that combat round. Once you use this feature, you can’t
You can use this feature twice, and you regain all use it again until you finish a long rest.
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Unknown - In the Days of Our Forefathers Britain Becomes a Maritime Power

Cook Quartermaster
A vehicle's cook is, in many ways, its heart. Meal breaks The vehicle’s second in command, and a vital liaison
are when crews get to socialize and build camaraderie between the crew and their captain. A quartermaster's
with each other. In vessels that do not have a surgeon, main task is managing the crew to ensure their duties
cooks will often fill that role. However, their healthcare are being carried out promptly and efficiently, while also
portfolio is usually restricted to amputations, stitching, advocating on their behalf when treated poorly.
minor wound dressing, and tooth extractions.
Boarding Rally
Secret Recipe While you are aboard your vehicle, each NPC crew
At the end of a short rest, any creature who eats your under your command has a +1 bonus to its attack and
food and spends one or more Hit Dice to regain hit damage rolls when engaged in creature combat.
points regains an extra number of hit points equal to
your proficiency bonus. In addition, each NPC crew Captain’s Orders
under your command has a +1 bonus to its Constitution As a bonus action, you can lead your crew in using one
saving throws. vehicle component, provided there are enough available
crew members to meet its crew requirement. Your crew
Chef’s Special can execute this command immediately and without
As a bonus action, you can feed a creature within 5 feet expending its reaction. Once you use this feature, you
of you a special morsel that sharpens the senses. For 10 can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
minutes, that creature can choose to reroll one die in a
d20 Test made for a vehicle or to use its components. If Surgeon
it does so, it must use the new roll and the effect ends. The officer in charge of the salutary well-being of every
person aboard the vehicle. Surgeons also often serve as
Navigator barbers for the entire crew, but are rarely true doctors or
The officer in charge of maintaining the charts, maps, spellcasters capable of healing magic.
travel logs, and navigational tools of a vehicle. They are
often, but not always, also in charge of the day-to-day Bear Up
operation of the vehicle’s controls. While you are aboard your vehicle, each passenger
within it gains a number of temporary hit points equal
Star Compass to your proficiency bonus when they finish a long rest.
While you are aboard your vehicle, ability checks made
to prevent your vessel from getting lost are made with Show a Leg
advantage. As a bonus action, you can make a Wisdom (Medicine)
check to treat an injured creature in your crew. On a
Evasive Maneuvers successful check, that creature regains a number of hit
As a reaction to any threat to your vehicle, you can add points equal to 3 (1d6) + your proficiency bonus. In
your proficiency bonus to your vehicle’s hull AC against addition, that creature wakes if it was unconscious. You
one attack or make one Dexterity saving throw for your can use this feature a number of times equal to your
vehicle with advantage. Once you use this feature, you proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. when you finish a long rest.

Vehicles & Terrain

Land vehicles are most at home in open seas, and a risky proposition for
roads and city streets. Taking them a vessel unprepared for such voyage.
into the wilderness always comes with Air vehicles rarely fly above an
the risk of hitting dead ends, getting altitude of 8,000 feet. Beyond this
stuck in mud, rolling over uneven altitude, strong winds can blow a
terrain, and other hazards. vessel off course and creatures begin
Water vehicles do not venture too to suffer altitude sickness. If they can
far off shore, preferring to stay near travel the stars, air vehicles stick to
the coast for safety and orientation. known routes and tend to avoid
Anything above 10 miles is considered uncharted areas of the astral sea.

Crew Mobs and Vehicle Components
NPC Crews At the beginning of its turn, a crew mob receives a pool
A modest vehicle needs only a handful of creatures to of action points equal to its remaining hit points. As an
crew it, and chances are a party of adventurers are more action, it can spend these action points to meet the crew
than enough to handle the task. For larger vehicles, requirements of any number of vehicle components in
however, your players will need to enlist the aid of NPCs range. For instance, a crew mob with 15 action points
to fully crew the vessel. can spend 3 action points to use one ballista, leaving 12
To become part of a crew, an NPC must be proficient action points available to use other vehicle components.
in that vehicle and is considered a skilled hireling. If a crew mob does not have enough action points to
carry out every order issued by each vehicle officer, the
Hiring a Crew captain decides which orders take priority. Any unspent
Recruiting a rag-tag team of NPCs to staff a vehicle can action points are lost at the end of the crew mob’s turn.
be as simple as posting a help wanted notice at a local
pub or as complicated as having to coax each NPC with Commanding Crew Mobs
wild promises of riches. A crew mob will not take actions on its own other than
Consider the PCs’ reputation and social standing in dash, disengage, dodge, or hide. To operate the vessel, it
the community. Parties perceived as great heroes are must be directed by its vehicle’s officers.
likely to draw many eager volunteers, while infamous or As a bonus action, or as a reaction to any combat
unsung ones might need to visit several taverns, plazas, event, an officer can issue a single order to a mob crew
and markets in search of willing workers. under their command, such as fire the ballistas, ready
The hiring costs listed in the Crewmate Wages table the mangonels, or accelerate the vehicle.
represent upfront pay, outfitting expenses, or guild fees, The officer issuing that order can choose if the crew
and they must be paid for each new NPC crew member. mob must take its reaction or wait for its own turn to
execute it. A vehicle officer can also order a crew mob to
Crew Payment and Upkeep ready a specific action on its turn, and the crew mob can
Crewmates expect to be provided with room and board take its reaction to execute it when its trigger occurs.
for the duration of their service. It is the vehicle officers’ If a crew mob takes its reaction to use a component,
duty to provide these amenities, but in exchange, they it can only do so if its current hit points are equal to or
can deduct these costs from the crew’s wages. higher than that component’s crew requirement.
Each crew member is considered a tenant, and as
such, they are only paid half the normal rate of a skilled
hireling as shown in the Crewmate Wages table. Crewmate Mob
Small or Medium humanoid (any ancestry), any alignment
In the event of a crewmate’s untimely demise, it is
customary to pay a dowry equal to one season (90 days) Armor Class 11 (unarmored)
worth of their wages. This dowry is payable to their next Hit Points (1 for each creature in the mob)
Speed (per ancestry)
of kin, guild, or another entity with a legal claim to it.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Crew Mobs
Skills Acrobatics +3(D), Athletics +2(S), Vehicles (land, water,
When a vehicle crew has 2 or more NPCs in it, consider or air) +2, dice set +2
using the rules from the “Mobs Revised” section earlier Senses passive Perception 10(W)
in this supplement. Using a mob allows you to manage Languages per Ancestry
Challenge 1/8 Proficiency Bonus +2
the entire NPC crew as a single entity, greatly speeding
up gameplay. Steady Legs. The Crewmate Mob has advantage on Dexterity
Consider using the Crewmate Mob stat block as a saving throws while on board a vehicle it is proficient with.
starting point and adjust it to taste if needed, adding Mob. When the Crewmate Mob takes any amount of damage, it
takes 1 damage instead for each creature in it that would take
ancestry, class, and other game features as desired.
damage. If an effect allows for a save to reduce the damage taken
or avoid a condition, only half of the targeted creatures in the
Crewmate Wages (per NPC) Crewmate Mob or in the area of effect are affected on a
successful save. Effects that would prevent a creature in a mob
Crew Hiring Per Per Week Per Month Per Season from being reduced to 0 hit points reduce this damage by 1
Grade Cost Day (10 days) (30 days) (90 days) instead.
Skilled or - Actions -
5 gp 5 sp 5 gp 15 gp 45 gp Cutlass. The Crewmate Mob can target any number of creatures
1st Level
within 5 ft. of it. Each target must make a DC 13(D) Dexterity
2nd Level 10 gp 1 gp 10 gp 30 gp 90 gp saving throw, taking 4 (1d6+1(D)) slashing damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
3rd level 20 gp 15 sp 15 gp 45 gp 135 gp

Crew Mobs in Creature Combat
A crew mob facing an enemy in creature combat (such Customizing a Vehicle
as during ship boardings) doesn’t receive action points Each hull in this book has a ready-to-use stat block that
on its turn to use vehicle components. It’s all hands on allows you to jump right into the action. For vehicle
deck to crush or defend against the opposing force. combat, all you need to do is add weapons based on
A crew mob in creature combat can only use a vehi- what would be available in your campaign world or a
cle component by taking its reaction when ordered to as specific region.
described in the “Commanding Crew Mobs” section. Naturally, big heroes who’ve raided a treasure hoard
or two might not be happy with a boring off-the-rack
Optional: Crew Quality Features ride. Any component that is available in your campaign
From a merchant vessel to a pirate gang, not all crews can be installed on a vessel, provided the party can find
are created equal. Seasoned crews could have one or the right tradesperson for it.
more of the features listed below, which are attached to Whether adding components onto an existing vessel
the stat block of an NPC crew. or building a new vehicle from scratch, the amount of
Adventurers can spend one week and 20 gp per NPC time it takes to complete the work depends on its cost
crew member to have them trained in one crew quality as described in the “Commissioning a Construction”
feature, provided an experienced mentor is available. section below.
In addition, when the players hire a crew of 2nd or The final page of this supplement features a Vehicle
3rd level, that crew will have an additional crew quality Record Sheet to help you and the players create new and
feature of their choice for each level after 1st. For more exciting vehicles for them to pilot or encounter.
information on NPCs with class levels, see POPULACE &
PERSONAGES©. Commissioning a Construction
All creatures in an NPC crew share the same crew The number of days it takes to finish a build depends on
quality features, and they can only have a maximum of its cost, to a minimum of 4 hours (half a day) of work.
two at any given time. Up to 100 gp per day can be spent towards finishing
a construction. If the build takes place in a location
Arcane Laborer. This NPC knows the mage hand where workers and materials are both plentiful, then a
and mending cantrips. Intelligence, Wisdom or maximum of 500 gp per day can be spent on it. Once
Charisma is its spellcasting ability for it, chosen when the cost has been paid in full, the work is completed.
the crew gains this feature. A party with enough funds to pay for a construction
outright can assign a money changer, merchant banker,
Siege Expert. This NPC has a +2 bonus to attack
exchequer, or trusted ally to manage the daily payments.
rolls it makes with siege weapons.
For your convenience, Appendix A includes a ready-
Boarding Brawler. When this NPC hits with a melee to-use Commissioning a Build Montage challenge.
attack, it has a +1 bonus to the damage roll.
Creating Air Vehicles
Efficient Worker. Once per day, this NPC can take
In some worlds, a rare marvel of arcane and mechanical
one bonus reaction. It can only use this bonus reaction
achievement. In others, a ubiquitous commodity. Air
to follow an officer’s order.
vehicles create new, unique, and exciting adventuring
Hull Breacher. If this NPC would make a d20 Test to possibilities in any campaign worlds where they exist.
attempt boarding a vehicle’s open deck, it makes that Any land or water vehicle can become an air vehicle
roll with advantage. by affixing the proper movement component to it. An air
vehicle is also still a land or water vehicle, as long as the
Ready for Action. This NPC has a +1 bonus to its
new components do not impair its original function. A
initiative rolls. If side initiative is used, then it grants its
few air vehicles are also capable of sailing the astral sea.
side a +1 bonus to its initiative rolls instead.
Strong winds, turbulent skies, inclement weather,
Rugged Build. Once per day and as a bonus action, fields of earth motes, and other aerial hazards count as
this NPC can gain 2 (1d4) temporary hit points. difficult terrain for an air vehicle.
Seasoned Teammate. Once per day, this NPC can
Creating Underwater Vehicles
make one d20 Test with advantage. This NPC’s officers
A vehicle can move underwater if it has components
can choose when this ability is used.
that allow it to be submerged and propelled undersea,
such as a waterproofed hull or a way to create an air
envelope. See each components’ description for specific
rules and information.

Control Components Wondrous Item, Rare
The means to steer a vehicle are varied and often depen-
Cost. 8,500 gp
dent on its movement component. Some vehicles with
Crew Requirement. 1
more than one movement component might also have
more than one control component. An arcane receptacle (traditionally a crystal, orb, or
When all of a vehicle’s controls are reduced to 0 hit staff) attuned to enchantments placed on one vehicle
points, it gains the adrift condition. movement component. A creature able to cast a cantrip
spell can touch the spellguide as an action to steer the
Reins & Wheels vehicle and use its attuned component for as long as it
Cost. 5 gp per mount creature maintains concentration (as if concentrating on a spell)
Armor Class. 11 or until it stops touching the spellguide.
Hit Points. 12 (reins) and 18 (each wheel)
Crew Requirement. 1 Command Seat
Wondrous Item, Very Rare
Reins attached to a mount creature’s bridle are used to
guide its movement. The creature pulls and turns the Cost. 35,000 gp per seat
vehicle behind it as it follows the driver’s commands. Crew Requirement. 1 per control seat
An enchanted chair inside a vessel’s bridge, cabin, or
cockpit that can magically control a vehicle component
Cost. 10 gp
it has been attuned to. A creature sitting in a command
Armor Class. 15
seat can use its attuned component as an action for as
Hit Points. 25
long as it maintains concentration (as if concentrating
Crew Requirement. 1
on a spell) or until it leaves the seat.
A large oar attached to the vehicle’s starboard or stern, The crew requirement for an attuned component is
which can twist and swivel on rings that hold it in place. halved, and it must still meet its crew requirement in
Adjusting its tilt and angle deflects water or air flow, order to be used. For instance, a weapon still needs to
causing the vehicle to turn. be reloaded or an artifice component must have its
mechanisms powered.
Helm A vehicle with more than one command seat to con-
Cost. 25 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length trol different components must also have an additional
Armor Class. 15 seat for the vehicle’s captain. The captain’s command
Hit Points. 50 seat is not attuned to a specific component, but it has
Crew Requirement. 1 the following properties:
Belay. As a reaction, you can negate or override a
A wheel or yoke that is attached to a rudder at the back
command issued from another seat in your vehicle.
of the vehicle. When the helm is rotated, a system of
Magic Voicepipe. As a bonus action, you can project
ropes and pulleys transfers this motion to the rudder,
your voice and convey a message that can be heard
steering the vehicle.
throughout your vehicle, or only within a 10 feet radius
When attached to an air vehicle, wing-shaped sails
of a location of your choice inside it.
on the sides of the hull act as additional rudders that
steer the vessel by redirecting air flow around it.

Mechanical Victor Adam - The Stage Coach

Cost. 75 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
Armor Class. 15
Hit Points. 50
Crew Requirement. 1
Cranks, switches, or levers used to control a machine
that makes the vehicle turn. These could be paddle
wheels, caterpillar tracks, propellers, pressure valves, or
any other contraption suitable to the vehicle.
In addition, mechanical controls can also be used to
enable or disable an artifice movement component.

Movement Components Movement Type. Forward
Vehicles are nothing without the means to be propelled Cost. Half the hull’s cost to a minimum of 650 gp
towards their destination. Some movement components Armor Class. 16
only provide forward motion, others can only create lift, Hit Points. 100
while a few can handle both functions. Crew Requirement. Hull crew size divided by 4
When all of a vehicle’s movement components are
Mechanical contraptions that can convert energy into
reduced to half their hit points or less, its travel pace is
motion. Pedals, cranks, winches, enchantments, or even
reduced by two tiers. If they are reduced to 0 hit points,
steam and elemental forces can be harnessed to power a
it gains the moored condition.
device that thrusts the vehicle forward, such as paddles,
treads, oars, wheels, or propellers.
Mount Creature
Movement Type. Forward
Fugatum Balloon
Cost. Per mount creature
Movement Type. Lift (15 feet climb/drop per round)
Armor Class. Per mount creature
Cost. Twice the hull’s cost to a minimum of 1,600 gp
Hit Points. Per mount creature
Armor Class. 14
Travel Pace. Half the mount creature’s speed, rounded
Hit Points. 75
up the nearest travel pace tier.
Damage Resistances. Bludgeoning, thunder
Crew Requirement. 0
Damage Vulnerabilities. Piercing
Sturdy leather or chain traces are used to tether a mount Crew Requirement. Hull crew size divided by 4
creature to a vehicle’s shaft, usually through a collar or
The fugatum myrtle is a pinwheel-shaped flower with
breeching harness. To be drawn, a vehicle must have
natural transmutation properties. Upon blooming, the
enough mounts to pull a fifth its base cargo capacity.
blossoms levitate away from the bushes in which they
grow, carrying their seed pods across the landscape.
Once cured and ground, the seeds can be mixed with
Movement Type. Forward
spring water and saleratus to create an inert, purple gas
Cost. 10 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
capable of lifting several dozen pounds per cubic inch.
Armor Class. 12
Fugatum gas can be produced on-site to fill balloons
Hit Points. 20 plus 5 for each 10 feet of vehicle length
capable of soaring vessels as massive as a galleon. A
Crew Requirement. Hull crew size divided by 2
system of sealed valves operated by mechanical controls
A tried and true propulsion method since ancient times, can feed or release gas from the balloon, adjusting the
oars are paddles used to propel a vessel forward. If a vehicle’s altitude.
vehicle does not have a dedicated control component, Inflation Reliant. If the balloon takes 20 or more
then its oars also act as its controls. damage, the vehicle can’t maintain altitude and starts to
A hull that does not normally use oars can be fitted descend. If it’s destroyed, the vehicle crashes.
with them as long as it has an available deck to do so.
Sails Wondrous Item, Rare
Movement Type. Forward
Movement Type. Lift (30 feet climb/drop per round)
Cost. 200 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
Cost. 4,000 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
Armor Class. 12
Crew Requirement. 1
Hit Points. 50 each mast
Damage Vulnerabilities. Slashing Austratite is a rare natural rock with magical properties.
Crew Requirement. Hull crew size divided by 2 Similar in appearance to howlite, the veins in the rock
glow in a dim blue light when exposed directly to magic.
Usually made from canvass, sails are large membranes
Using the right spells, these rocks can be enchanted to
attached to the vehicle’s masts. When tensed through
generate extremes amounts of lift.
its rigging, sails push the vehicle forward by creating
Austratite slabs affixed to the keel of a vehicle can be
vast amounts of wind resistance.
attuned to a control component through enchantments
Wind Powered. The vehicle’s travel pace becomes
and arcanocunductive materials, such as moonsilver
sluggish during still-wind conditions. While sailing with
cables or phase spider silk ropes. These attuned controls
strong, favorable winds, its travel pace increases to the
can be used to adjust the vehicle’s altitude.
next higher tier.

Astral Helm As long as the astral helm is in a weightless or low
Wondrous Item, Rare (Minor) or Very Rare (Major) gravity environment, it will automatically generate a
gravity plane that cuts horizontally across the base of its
Movement Type. Forward and lift (60 feet climb/drop
vehicle’s lowest deck—whether it is powered or not.
per round)
Hover. This vehicle can be moored in midair.
Cost. 5,000 gp (rare) or 15,000 gp (very rare)
Crew Requirement. 1
Enchanted Hull
An ornate chair enchanted to convert its user’s energy Wondrous Item, Very Rare
into magical motion. The materials required to create
Movement Type. Forward, lift (30 feet climb/drop per
astral helms are found exclusively in the astral sea, so
round), or both
it’s very rare to find such wonders in worlds where astral
Cost. 8,000 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
travel is not common. In these worlds, astral helms are
Travel Pace. The hull’s pace increases by one tier
legendary items and a creature in possession of one will
be highly reluctant to sell or barter it. A hull can be imbued with magic to move forward or
When fastened to a vehicle, an astral helm functions raise to the skies. Creating such enchantments can be
as both its control and movement component. When a difficult, time-consuming, and extravagantly expensive.
creature sits on a powered helm, it feels as if submerged Most vehicles of this nature only enchant their hulls for
inside a warm bath, and can operate it for as long as it levitation, relying on a secondary movement component
maintains concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). for forward motion. Enchanting a hull for both functions
Two grades of astral helms exist, each granting its doubles the cost of this component.
vehicle different speed and maneuverability properties. Hover (lift). This vehicle can be moored in midair.
Minor Helm. The vehicle’s Dexterity score increases Arcane Dash (forward motion). The vehicle’s pilot
by 1 and its travel pace increases to the next higher tier. can expend a spell slot of any level as a bonus action to
Major Helm. The vehicle’s Dexterity score increases make it dash for a number of rounds equal to the level
by 2 and its travel pace increases by two tiers. of the spell slot spent.
The method used to power an astral helm depends An enchanted hull requires a spellguide or command
on its type, and it powers down when the seat is empty. seat control component. A creature can use the hull’s
A vehicle with an astral helm that is not powered control as an action to adjust its altitude, speed, or both
becomes Moored in 1 minute. as appropriate to its enchantments.

Astral Helm Types Elemental Ring

Helm Type Power Source Wondrous Item, Legendary
Arcane Helm A creature can expend a spell slot to power the helm Movement Type. Forward, backward, and lift (30 feet
for 6 hours per level of the spell slot spent. climb/drop per round)
Bardic Helm A creature can expend one use of bardic inspiration Cost. 125,000 gp
(or one bardic inspiration die) and a spell slot of any Armor Class. 18
level to power the helm for as long as it Hit Points. 150 (damage threshold 15)
continuously plays an instrument it is proficient with. Damage Immunities. Lightning
Life Helm A creature can expend one hit die to power the helm Travel Pace. The hull’s pace increases by two tiers
for 12 hours, or 5 (2d4) hit points to power it for 6 Maneuverability Increase. The hull’s Dexterity score
increases by 2
Mind Helm A creature can expend one ki point or one sorcery
point to power the helm for 6 hours. A ring of priceless ores mined from earth motes that
lazily levitate and spin around the vehicle, lightning
Once powered, the astral helm grants its user the
crackling between the rocks. These rings are created by
following abilities:
casting powerful enchantments, which link the ore to
A As an action, you can steer and move the vehicle as the elemental plane of air and the vehicle’s controls.
if you were operating its controls. A creature can use a control component attuned to
A As a bonus action, you can choose an open deck the elemental ring as an action to adjust the vehicle’s
location inside your vehicle. You can see and hear as speed, altitude, or steer it.
if you were standing on that location. Elemental Regeneration. The ring regains 5 (1d10)
A As an action, you can materialize an envelope of hit points daily at dawn. If it is destroyed, the vehicle
breathable air that surrounds your vehicle. This air crashes and gains the wrecked condition.
envelope lasts for 48 hours and it can allow your Hover. This vehicle can be moored in midair.
vehicle to dive underwater. Speed Limit. This component can’t be used to Dash.

Phlogiston Core Hover. This vehicle can be moored in midair.
Wondrous Item, Artifact Destroying the Phlogiston Core. While impossible to
damage through normal means, a phlogiston core can
Movement Type. Forward, backward, and lift (60 feet
be overloaded by expending enough spell slots to give it
climb/drop per round)
the equivalent of 100 charges. This causes time, magic,
Cost. 25,400,000 gp (or 175,000 gp in the astral sea)
and reality to behave strangely around it. While in this
Travel Pace. The hull’s pace increases by three tiers
state, casting a disintegrate spell on its crystalline shell
Maneuverability Increase. The hull’s Dexterity score
will shatter it, causing everything in a four-mile radius
increases by 4
sphere to blink out of existence. Expending any charges
Crew Requirement. Hull crew size divided by 4
releases the energy, restarting the destruction process.
Phlogiston cores are crafted almost exclusively by arcane
civilizations in the astral sea, their origin and invention
lost to memory eons ago. A phlogiston core resembles a
Vehicle Component Costs
massive blue crystal that is 8 feet in height and 4 feet in Vehicle Component Cost AC HP Crew
diameter, and it is impervious to all forms of damage.
Placing a phlogiston core in a vehicle and speaking
Reins & Wheels 5 gp¤ 11 12 & 18 1
its command word will activate it, permanently affixing
it to the hull and magically linking it to its controls. It Till 10 gp 15 25 1
remains in this activated state until its host hull is Helm 25* gp 15 50 1
destroyed, where it glows with a gentle, constant hum. Mechanical 75* gp 15 50 1
As long as the phlogiston core is in a weightless or
Spellguide 8,500 gp -- -- 1
low gravity environment, it will automatically generate a
gravity plane that cuts horizontally across the base of its Command Seat 35,000 gp -- -- 1
vehicle’s lowest deck. Movement
The phlogiston core has 10 charges, and it regains Mount Creature ¤ ¤ ¤ 0
one charge when a creature casts a cantrip spell to Oars 10* gp 12 20, + 5* ½ Hull
restore a charge to it, or when a creature expends a spell
Sails 200* gp 12 50 ½ Hull
slot to fuel it, restoring a number of charges equal to 1
plus the level of the spell slot spent. Artifice ½ Hull 16 100 ½ Hull
As an action, a creature using the phlogiston core’s Fugatum Balloon Hull x 2 14 75 ½ Hull
controls can expend its charges to activate one of the Austratite 4,000* gp – -- 1
following properties: Astral Helm 5,000 gp or – -- 1
Create Air Envelope (2 charges). An air envelope 15,000 gp
materializes around the vehicle for 24 hours.
Enchanted Hull 8,000* gp – – 0
Cruise (1 charge). The vehicle can be piloted for 1
hour. While cruising, the pilot can expend one charge as Elemental Ring 125,000 gp – -- 0
an action to make the vehicle Dash. Phlogiston Core 25,400,000 gp -- -- ¼ Hull
Shield (5 charges). A shield of shimmering energy Weapons
surrounds the vehicle’s air envelope zone for one hour. Ballista 150 gp 15 50 3
The shield dissipates after taking 150 damage. This
Battering Ram 180 gp 20 100 --
property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Spear of Disruption (8 Charges). A ray of concussive Boarding Plank 20 gp 15 28 2
energy fires in a line 1,000 feet long and 20 feet wide Cannon 800 gp 17 100 4
in front of the vehicle. Each creature and object in the Dragon Snout 450 gp 19 75 3
line must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking Force Turret 85,000 gp 18 100 1
52 (5d10 + 25) force damage on a failed save, or half
Harpoon 100 gp 15 40 1
as much damage on a successful one. This property
can’t be used again for 2d4 hours.
Warp (10 charges). The pilot can choose a location Mangonel 200 gp 15 100 3
someplace in the multiverse they have been to and can Personal Weapon 50 gp 15 40 1
visualize an arrival point for. All creatures and objects * For each 10 feet of vehicle length
within the vehicle’s air envelope zone are transported to ¤ Per Mount creature
that location, appearing in the chosen arrival point or
the closest unoccupied space. This property can’t be
used again for 10 days.

Battering Ram
Weapon Components Cost. 180 gp
A vehicle can be equipped with any weapon available in Armor Class. 20
your campaign if it has enough available deck space to Hit Points. 100 (damage threshold 10)
accommodate its dimensions.
A reinforced, sturdy extension at the front of a vehicle
A vehicle can carry up to 10 pieces of ammunition
designed to protect it while maximizing the impact it
per weapon.
causes in a head-on collision. The vehicle deals twice its
ramming damage to a target hit with the battering ram,
while halving the ramming damage it would take from
Cost. 150 gp
that target.
Size. 10x10
Armor Class. 15
Boarding Plank
Hit Points. 50
Cost. 20 gp
Crew Requirement. 3 each ballista
Size. 5x15
A massive crossbow mounted onto a vehicle’s deck Armor Class. 15
using a mechanical platform. The ballista can be aimed Hit Points. 28
at a target by using two sets of cranks, one to rotate it Crew Requirement. 2 each boarding plank
360 degrees and another to tilt it up to 45 degrees.
A metal-reinforced platform with hooks at both ends
The ballista can be loaded with one of the following
used as a walkway to move crew members across two
vessels. This enables parleys between two crews, trading
among vehicles, or hostile boardings.
Ballista Bolt
Cost. 5 gp Boarding Plank. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, range
A large wooden bolt fitted with a metal tip. 15 ft., one vehicle. Hit: the target is moored until the
plank is released or destroyed.
Ballista Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing
Cost. 800 gp
Size. 5x10
Flaming Bolt
Armor Class. 17
Cost. 15 gp
Hit Points. 100
A bolt with a hollowed tip filled with tar, oil, or other
Crew Requirement. 4 each cannon
flammable substances. Must be ignited before firing.
Not every campaign world has gunpowder, but in those
Flaming Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
where it exists, cannons can represent a major tactical
120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) fire damage.
advantage due to their range and frightening destructive
Flammable objects within 5 ft. of the impact that aren’t
power, which can rival that of an accomplished mage.
being worn or carried ignite.
The cannon can be loaded with one of the following
ammunitions. Each ammunition’s cost includes the
Thunder Bolt
gunpowder needed to shoot it.
Ammunition, Rare
Cost. 1,200 gp Cannonball
This enchanted bolt crackles with the power of storms. Cost. 25 gp
When fired, it becomes a radiant flash of lightning that A 16-pound ball made of brass, copper, or cast iron.
strikes its target with a jolting boom.
Cannonball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
Thunder Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 500/2000 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10) bludgeoning
300/1200 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) lightning damage.
damage. Each creature within 15 ft. of the target must
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 Grapeshot
(3d10) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as Cost. 35 gp
much on a successful one. Objects in the area take an A canvass bag filled with metal pellets intended to
extra 16 (3d10) thunder damage. injure a vehicle’s crew. When fired, the bag breaks in a
deadly hail of projectiles.

Grapeshot. Each creature in a 90-foot cone must make Red Breath
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) pierc- Cost. 140 gp
ing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on A tank containing a highly volatile mixture of oil, resin,
a successful one. and quicklime. A lit wick in front of the nozzle ignites
the mixture as it sprays out.
Flying Fire
Red Breath. A terrifying torrent of flames spews forth
Cost. 250 gp
from the dragon snout in a 30-foot cone. Each creature
A spear fitted with a large cylinder containing a volatile
in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw,
concoction. Igniting its fuse will launch it towards its
taking 36 (8d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
target in a trail of sparks, but it must be placed inside a
much damage on a successful one. Flammable objects
cannon barrel to guide its trajectory.
in the area that aren’t being worn or carried ignite.
Flying Fire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
300/1200 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) piercing dam- Black Breath
age. Hit or Miss: The flying fire explodes in 1d4 rounds Cost. 250 gp
on initiative count 20 (losing all ties). Each creature in a A tank filled with a potent and dangerous acid.
20 ft. radius must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw,
Black Breath. A noxious stream of corrosive acid spews
taking 28 (6d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
forth from the dragon snout in a 30-foot cone. Each
much damage on a successful one. Objects in the area
creature in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
that aren’t being worn or carried take an extra 16
throw or be covered in acid for 1 minute. A creature
(3d10) thunder damage.
covered in the acid takes 14 (4d6) acid damage at the
start of its turn. Objects in the area that aren’t being
Ghost Chain Shot
worn or carried are coated in the acid and take 14 (4d6)
Ammunition, Rare
acid damage on initiative count 20 (losing all ties) for 1
Cost. 2,500 minute. A creature can take an action to scrape or wash
This iron ball feels heavier than it should, and it makes the acid off itself, an object, or another creature.
a metallic rattling sound when moved or handled.
Moonstone Breath
Ghost Chain Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
Ammunition, Rare
range 400/1600 ft., one vehicle or one gargantuan
creature. Hit: the target is enveloped in ghostly chains. Cost. 1,500 gp
If it is a vehicle, it is moored and its components can’t A canister filled with a mysterious arcane concoction,
be used for 10 minutes. If it is a gargantuan creature, it the ingredients of which are a closely guarded secret.
must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be
Moonstone Breath. A radiant stream of arcane mist
restrained for 1 minute. A restrained creature can make
sprays from the dragon snout in a 30-foot cone. Each
another DC 16 Strength saving throw at the end of its
creature in the area must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving
turn, ending the effect on a success.
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 22 (4d10)
psychic damage and falls unconscious for 10 minutes.
Dragon Snout
On a successful save, the creature takes half as much
Cost. 450 gp
damage and isn’t unconscious. This effect ends for a
Size. 5x10
creature if it takes damage or someone takes an action
Armor Class. 19
to wake it.
Hit Points. 75
Crew Requirement. 3 each dragon snout Unknown - The Battle of Salamis 480BC
A dragon’s head cast in iron or steel hiding a cylindrical
shooter. It is mounted atop a sturdy structure with a
tank and pump system made of white copper that feeds
highly pressurized fluids to a nozzle inside the dragon’s
mouth. The weapon can’t be aimed, but if placed in
position, it can deal massive amounts of damage.
The dragon snout can be loaded with one of the fol-
lowing ammunitions.

Force Turret Naval Grapnel
Wondrous Item, Legendary Cost. 20 gp
A serrated bolt designed to burrow into a vehicle’s hull.
Cost. 85,000 gp
When used against a creature, it works identically to
Size. 5x10
harpoon bolt.
Armor Class. 18
Hit Points. 100 Naval Grapnel. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
Crew Requirement. 1 each force turret 90/120 ft., one vehicle. Hit: the target is moored until
the grapnel is released or the rope is destroyed.
A swivel gun featuring six barrels made from a mithral,
runesteel, and adamantine alloy. It is adorned with rare
Spider Net
arcanoconductive gems that softly pulsate in a gentle,
Ammunition, Uncommon
ethereal light. When used, its gems draw on ambient
arcane energies to fire one force missile from each barrel Cost. 350 gp
in quick succession. The force turret does not work in A wooden bolt with a tip that resembles a white ball of
areas of anti-magic, and when fired within a wild magic twine. Upon impact, it bursts into a sticky webbing that
zone, it will trigger one wild surge for each barrel. ensnares its target.
Arcane Salvo. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach Spider Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
300/1,200, ft., one target. Hit: 45 (6d10+12) force 90/120 ft., one creature. Hit: the target is restrained
damage. until a creature uses its action to make a DC 14
Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within
Harpoon Launcher its reach on a success.
Cost. 100 gp
Size. 5x5 Mangonel
Armor Class. 15 Cost. 200 gp
Hit Points. 40 Size. 10x10
Crew Requirement. 1 each harpoon shooter Armor Class. 15
Hit Points. 100
An oversized crossbow mounted on a post with a swivel
Crew Requirement. 3 each mangonel
top. It is equipped with a sturdy winch and a 150 feet
length of nautical rope used to pull a target towards it. A trebuchet that relies on the traction power of tensed
As an action, a creature can use the launcher’s ropes instead of a counterweight. A rotating platform
winch to make a DC 12 Strength check, pulling a hit allows the mangonel to be aimed 360 degrees while
target 5 ft. on a success unless its rope is destroyed. The tension adjusts its range.
rope has 11 AC, 18 hp, and immunity to poison and The mangonel can be loaded with one of the follow-
psychic damage. ing ammunitions.
Once fired, it can’t be used again until its target is
released. The harpoon launcher can be loaded with one Stone Round
of the following ammunitions. Cost. 2 gp
A heavy rock capable of dealing considerable damage.
Harpoon Bolt
Stone Round. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
Cost. 5 gp
200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. of it), one
A metal bolt with a hooked tip, meant to firmly burrow
target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.
into a creature’s flesh.
Harpoon Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range Falling Star
90/120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) piercing damage Cost. 230 gp
and the target is grappled until the bolt is removed as an A ceramic jar filled with an incendiary mixture. It has a
action, dealing an extra 4 (1d8) slashing damage to it. fuse which must be lit before firing the mangonel.
Pixabay - Placidplace Falling Star. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. of it), one
target. Hit: 33 (6d10) fire damage. Hit or Miss: Each
creature within 15 ft. of the falling star’s impact takes
16 (3d10) fire damage, or half as much on successful
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Flammable objects in the
area that aren’t being worn or carried ignite.

Screaming Lich
Ammunition, Very Rare
Vehicle Ammunition Costs
Cost. 2,800 gp Ammunition Cost Damage Rarity
A skull that emanates a noxious green smoke and emits Ballista
a blood-curdling screech when fired. It shatters upon Ballista Bolt 5 gp Piercing --
impact, creating a frightful spectral display around it. Flaming Bolt 15 gp Fire --
Screaming Lich. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Thunder Bolt 1,200 gp Lightning & Rare
range 200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. of it), Thunder
one target. Hit: 36 (8d8) necrotic damage. Hit or Miss: Cannon
Each creature within 30 ft. of the screaming lich’s Cannonball 25 gp* Bludgeoning --
impact must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a
Grapeshot 35 gp* Piercing --
failed save, the creature takes 18 (4d8) psychic damage
and is frightened for 1 minute. On a successful save, the Flying Fire 250 gp* Piercing & Fire --
creature takes half as much damage and isn’t frightened. Ghost Chain Shot 2,500 gp* -- Rare
Dragon Snout
Personal Weapon
Red Breath 140 gp Fire --
Cost. 50 gp
Black Breath 250 gp Acid --
Size. 5X5
Armor Class. 15 Moonstone Breath 1,500 gp Psychic Rare
Hit Points. 40 Harpoon Launcher
Crew Requirement. 1 Harpoon Bolt 5 gp Piercing --
Any hand-held weapon can be mounted unto a vehicle, Naval Grapnel 20 gp Piercing --
such as a lance, a crossbow, a sling, or a wand of magic Spider Net 350 gp -- Uncommon
missiles. Alternatively, a vehicle can be fitted instead
with a hidden compartment where a weapon can be
Stone Round 2 gp Bludgeoning --
stashed for quick and easy access.
Falling Star 230 gp Fire --
Screaming Lich 2,800 gp Necrotic & Very Rare
* Cost includes the gunpowder needed to shoot this ammunition

Private Quarters
Component Upgrades Cost. Half the hull’s base cost
A vehicle’s components can be enhanced with a diverse A vehicle can be modified to have spacious, comfortable
assortment of both mundane and magical devices. Each seating or private accommodations for its officers and
can increase its power, utility, or bestow new wondrous VIPs. This entails reserving much of its square footage
abilities to a vessel. to that purpose, halving its passenger capacity.

Hull Upgrades Spiked Plating

A vehicle’s hull can be further customized with one of Cost. 350 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
the following options. Plates covered in sharp metal spikes protect the vehicle’s
exterior. When the vehicle rams a target with its broad-
Amphibious Vessel side, it deals twice its ramming damage as piercing
Cost. Five times the hull’s base cost damage instead of bludgeoning damage. A creature
This difficult and ambitious build involves building the attempting to climb up the sides of the vehicle takes 3
vehicle’s hull to have both a round, waterproofed under- (1d6) piercing damage for each 5 feet of movement.
side to be sailed on water and sturdy wheels and axles
that can support its weight on land. This often involves Waterproof Hull
reinforcing the entire assembly using enchantments and Cost. Three times the hull’s base cost
rare materials. A vehicle’s hull can be made impervious to fluids
though the use of natural tree rubbers and resins. Such
Armored Plating vehicles feature an air-tight latch for entry and exit.
Cost. 1,200 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length Limited Air Supply. Once the vehicle’s latch is
Sturdy steel plates cover the hull, giving it a +2 bonus to closed, creatures inside it have 3 hours of breathable air.
its AC and resistance to slashing damage. Watertight. The vehicle’s hull is impervious to
liquids and gasses.
Cost. 50 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length Control Upgrades
A fence-like safety railing, 3 feet in height, surrounding A vehicle’s controls can be further enhanced with one of
the vehicle’s open decks. While behind this railing, the following options.
medium creatures have half cover and Small creatures
have three-quarters cover. Cog of Torque
Wondrous Item, Very Rare
Extra Deck
Cost. 45,000 gp
Cost. Twice the hull’s base cost
An enchanted cog attached to a metal box that features
A land vehicle can be furnished with an additional deck
an ornate lever. It can be affixed to a mechanical device
to increase its freight and living space. The vehicle’s
by any skilled craftsperson.
cargo and passenger capacity are increased by its hull’s
The cog has 8 charges and regains 1d4+4 expended
base value for each extra deck. Additional (or stronger)
charges daily at dawn. A creature can take an action to
mounts might be needed to draw the increased weight.
pull the lever and expend 1 charge, causing the cog to
rotate for 3 hours or until a creature pushes the lever
Keel of Feather Fall
back to its original position as a bonus action.
Wondrous Item, Rare
When the cog is attached to a vehicle’s artifice
Cost. 6,000 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length movement component, it reduces its crew requirement
A vehicle with this enchanted keel cannot descend faster to 1 and also serves as its control component.
than 60 feet per round and it takes no falling damage,
landing gently when close to the ground. Marlin Tail
Wondrous Item, Rare
Landing Skids
Cost. 18,000 gp
Cost. Half the hull’s base cost
A large wooden rudder resembling a marlin’s caudal fin.
Large, reinforced runners with giant iron springs inside
It can be attached to any water vehicle’s sternpost by a
them, used to keep an air vehicle’s hull steady after
skilled craftsperson. The tail’s magic helps redirect the
landing. For the same cost, a vehicle can feature instead
flow of fluids around it, increasing its hull’s Dexterity
a set of massive wood-carved legs.
score by 2. In addition, its hull’s base travel speed is
increased to the next higher tier while in water.

Submersible Ballast Movement Upgrades
Cost. Half the hull’s base cost A vehicle’s movement can be further modified with one
The vehicle’s bilge or undercarriage is fitted with hefty of the following options.
weights and a sealed ballast chamber. A pump controls
the amount of water inside the chamber, altering the Blade Oar
vehicle’s buoyancy to control its depth. Cost. 75 gp each
Diving Ballast. While on water, the vehicle's controls A stout wooden paddle with sharp steel blades. While a
can be used to submerge it and adjust its underwater creature is operating this oar, objects within 15 feet of
depth by 15 feet per round, up to a depth of 1,000 ft. its mounting point take 7 (2d6) slashing damage. In
addition, a creature can take an action to make a
Wyrmfoil Wings weapon attack with the blade oar, and it can add its
Wondrous Item, Legendary strength modifier to the damage roll.
Cost. 85,000 gp Blade Oar. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 15
AC. 16 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
Hit Points. 150
Damage Resistances. varies Bubble Bauble
Wondrous Item, Very rare
A set of two alar rudders made from the efficient,
durable, and magically preserved wings of a dragon. Cost. 35,000 gp
Understandably, dragons do not take kindly to these A large enchanted pearl on a coral mounting plate.
contraptions and might become hostile on sight. The While it is affixed to a vehicle’s controls, a creature can
Dexterity score of an air vehicle equipped with these speak its command word as an action to create an air
wings increases by 2. In addition, its hull’s base travel envelope around the vehicle for 6 hours or until the
speed is increased to the next higher tier while flying. command word is spoken again as a bonus action to
Arcane Regeneration. If not reduced to 0 hit points, end the effect.
the wyrmfoil regains 18 (4d8) hit points daily at dawn. Until the effect ends, a creature can touch the pearl
Damage Resistance. The wyrmfoil has resistance to a to make the vehicle submerge in a body of water. While
damage type depending on the dragon used to make it. underwater, the bauble can be used as an action to
It magically extends this resistance to its vehicle’s hull. move the vehicle in any direction at a slow travel pace,
up to a depth of 1,000 feet.
Wyrmfoil Wing Resistances If the effect ends while the vehicle is underwater, it
instantly floods and is wrecked. Once used, the bauble
Dragon Type Damage Type can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Black Acid
Blue Lightning Clockwork Engine
Brass Fire Cost. 2,900 gp for each 10 feet of vehicle length
Using clever mechanical devices, an artifice movement
Bronze Lightning
component can be fitted with a clockwork apparatus.
Copper Acid That movement component’s crew requirement is
Gold Fire halved, needing only a few crew members to wind its
Green Acid contraptions and perform general maintenance.
Red Fire
Sails of Alacrity
Silver Cold
Wondrous Item, Rare
White Cold
Cost. 16,000 gp per mast
This rune-embroidered canvas is imbued with powerful
Wyvern Glides. A more affordable version, these
elemental magic and emits a gentle whistling sound. A
rudders are made with wyvern wing membranes instead.
vehicle equipped with these sails has its travel pace
The cost is reduced to 35,000 gp, but these glides do
increased to the next higher tier while they are unfurled.
not grant damage resistances or a travel pace increase.
For an additional 2,000 gp, a master artisan can build a
rudder armature that looks indistinguishable (at least to
non-draconids) from real dragon wings.

Weapon Upgrades
A vehicle’s weapons can be further empowered with one
Vehicle Upgrade Costs
of the following options. Upgrade Cost Vehicle Type Rarity
Arcane Arsenal
Amphibious Vessel Hull* x5 Any --
Wondrous Item, Rare
Armored Plating 1,200¤ gp Any --
Cost. 4,000 gp
Bulwark 50¤ gp Any --
An ornate disc made of runesteel and engraved with
arcane symbols. A creature can touch it against a siege Extra Deck Hull* x2 Land --
weapon and speak its command word, causing it to Keel of Feather Fall 6,000¤ gp Air Rare
become a lattice of decorative strands that permanently Landing Skids ½ Hull* Air --
meld onto the weapon.
Private Quarters ½ Hull* Any --
The arcane arsenal has 4 charges, and it recovers all
Spiked Plating 350* gp Any --
expended charges daily at dawn. While the weapon is
unloaded, a creature firing it can choose to expend 1 Waterproof Hull Hull* x2 Water --
charge and make the weapon load itself with an ethereal Control
copy of whatever ammunition it uses. This ammunition Cog of Torque 45,000 gp Any Very Rare
deals 27 (5d10) force damage on a hit.
Marlin Tail 18,000 gp Water Rare
Artillerist’s Eye Submersible Ballast ½ Hull* Water Rare
Wondrous Item, Rare Wyrmfoil Wings 85,000 gp Air Legendary
Wyvern Glides 35,000 gp Air Very Rare
Cost. 4,500 gp
A circular glass lens encased in an ornate orichalcum Movement
frame. When mounted onto a ranged siege weapon, a Blade Oar 75 gp Water --
creature looking through it sees an ethereal beam that Bubble Bauble 35,000 gp Any Very Rare
helps aim the ordinance. A creature using this siege
Clockwork Engine 2,900¤ gp Any --
weapon has a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with it.
Sails of Alacrity 16,000 gp Air or Water Rare
Siege Weapon + 1, + 2, or + 3 Weapon
Siege weapon (any), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or Arcane Arsenal 4,000 gp Any Rare
legendary (+3) Artillerist’s Eye 4,500 gp Any Rare
Cost. 8,000 gp (rare), 20,000 gp (very rare), or 50,000 Siege Weapon +1 8,000 gp Any Rare
gp (legendary) Siege Weapon +2 20,000 gp Any Very Rare
A creature has a bonus to attack and damage rolls made
Siege Weapon +3 50,000 gp Any Legendary
with this magic siege weapon. The bonus is determined
by the siege weapon’s rarity. Magic Items
Coldbox 400 gp Any Uncommon
Unknown - The Oulanas
Cloaking Chocks 475 gp Land Uncommon
Everbright Lamp 85 gp Any Common
Owl’s Nest 11,000 gp Any Rare
Runner’s Flag 6,500 gp Any Rare
Skyrider Girdle 350 gp Any Uncommon
Wayfinder Astrolabe 500 gp Any Uncommon
Unseen Pilot 380 gp Any Uncommon
Dragon Maw 950 gp Any --
Lich 125,000 gp Any Legendary
Unicorn 9,500 gp Any Rare
* This is the base cost of the vehicle’s hull
¤ For each 10 ft. of vehicle length

Figurehead, Lich
Figureheads & Magic Items Wondrous Item, Legendary
The following items can be used to improve a vehicle’s
Cost. 125,000 gp
capabilities or provide a magical resource to its crew.
A desiccated corpse dressed in rags sporting a lavish
crown and green gems in its eye sockets. When its back
is placed against a vehicle’s bow, it will permanently
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
attach itself to it. At the next sunset, the vessel takes a
Cost. 400 gp tattered and decayed appearance due to the figurehead’s
This magical crate is wrapped in a thick layer of clay and powerful necromantic magic.
decorated with arcane inscriptions. Inside it, there is a The figurehead is always aware of who the vehicle’s
labradorite shard that houses a tiny rift to the elemental captain is, and it will only obey commands from that
plane of fire. This rift constantly saps heat from the creature. As an action, the captain can touch the vehicle
box’s contents and keeps the temperature within it at a and command the lich figurehead to use one of the fol-
constant freezing point. A creature takes 2 (1d4) cold lowing properties.
damage each time it starts its turn inside the box. Death Grip. The figurehead’s arms reach forward in
an unnatural stretch and its hands turn to horrifying
Cloaking Chocks claws, taking hold of an object within 20 feet in front of
Wondrous Item, Uncommon it. A vehicle grasped in this way is moored until the cap-
tain speaks the command word as a bonus action to
Cost. 475 gp
release it or until either vehicle is destroyed.
A set of 4 enchanted ironwood wedges with orichalcum
Ghost Vessel. The vehicle and all creatures aboard it
inlays. While the chocks are securing the front and back
become incorporeal for 10 minutes or until the vehicle’s
wheels of a vehicle, a creature can speak its command
captain repeats the command word as a bonus action to
word as an action and camouflage the transport with an
end the effect. While in this state, creatures outside the
illusion of their choice from a large boulder, a copse of
vehicle can see its translucent form and a ghostly visage
trees, a thicket of bushes, or a stone outcropping.
of its passengers, but cannot affect them in any way.
This illusion persists for 5 days or until a creature
Likewise, creatures aboard the vehicle cannot affect
speaks the command word again as an action to end the
anything outside it. In addition, the vehicle can move
effect. Once the illusion ends, the chocks can’t be used
through creatures and objects (but not a body of water
again until the next dawn.
or solid ground) as if it was difficult terrain. If the effect
ends while the vehicle is moving through a creature or
Everbright Lamp
another object, it reappears in the nearest unoccupied
Wondrous Item, Common
space. Once this property has been used, it can’t be
Cost. 85 gp used again until the next sunset.
Made with bioluminescent membranes harvested from Wailing Shanty. The anguished, mournful spirits of
an underdark creature, these enchanted wall sconces the dead burst out from the vehicle’s hull in a 300 feet
continually shed bright light in a 5 feet radius and dim radius sphere with a nightmarish shriek. Each creature
light for an additional 5 feet. in the area who is not part of the vehicle's crew must
make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or take 13 (3d8)
Figurehead, Dragon Maw psychic damage and become frightened for 1 minute.
Cost. 950 gp On a successful save, a creature takes half as much
The sculpture of an intimidating wyrm hiding a dragon damage and isn't frightened. Once this property has
snout siege weapon. This figurehead can host a larger been used, it can’t be used again until the next sunset.
pump system and pressure chamber, increasing its own
dragon snout’s range by an extra 30 feet in a cone
directly in front of the vehicle.

Ambroise Louis Garneray - Return from Elba c1852

Figurehead, Unicorn Wayfinder Astrolabe
Wondrous Item, Rare Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Cost. 9,500 gp Cost. 500 gp
A small, wooden unicorn effigy with a horn carved from This brass maritime astrolabe is decorated with garnet
celestite. A creature can speak its command word while gems along its rim and a moonsilver needle on one side.
holding it against a vehicle’s bow, causing its hind half A creature holding the astrolabe can speak its command
to meld into the hull as it grows to a size suitable to the word and name a location they have been to before or
vessel. A creature operating the vehicle’s controls can know the map coordinates for. For the next 4 hours, the
speak the figurehead’s command word as an action, garnets will glow whenever the astrolabe’s needle is
causing its horn to shed bright light in a 60 feet radius pointing in the general direction of the named location.
and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once used, the astrolabe can’t be used again until the
This effect persists until a creature operating the next dawn.
vehicle’s controls speaks its command word again as a
bonus action to end the effect. Unseen Pilot
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Owl’s Nest
Cost. 380 gp
Wondrous Item, Rare
A small cloth doll dangling from a leather strap wearing
Cost. 11,000 gp a tiny eyepatch and bandana. While the unseen pilot is
A gilded spyglass engraved with arcane symbols, often fastened to a vehicle’s controls, a creature can speak its
attached near the highest point of a vehicle. It works command word to create an invisible, shapeless force
exactly like a normal spyglass until a creature looking that can pilot the vessel for 2 hours or until a creature
through it speaks its command word as a bonus action, speaks the command word again as a bonus action to
causing an owl spirit to materialize within 5 feet of it. end the effect.
The creature using the owl’s nest has full control of The unseen pilot can only keep a vehicle moving in a
the spirit, and can command it to fly anywhere within a straight line or follow a clear road, and it will attempt to
1 mile radius. That creature is deaf and blind with reduce the vessel’s speed to 0 before hitting an obstacle
regard to its own senses, but it can see through the or the end of a road. Once the unseen pilot has been
spirit’s eyes and hear what it hears. This effect lasts for used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
2 hours or until the creature speaks the command word
again as a bonus action to end the effect.
Once the owl’s nest has been used in this way, it
can’t be used again for 2d6 hours.

Runner’s Flag
Wondrous Item, Rare
Cost. 6500 gp
This otherwise unassuming piece of white cloth can be
affixed to any part of a vehicle. That vehicle’s captain
can speak the command word as an action, causing the
flag to match the design, color, and shape of any banner
they can visualize. Once the flag has been used in this
way twice, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Skyrider Girdle
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Cost. 350 gp
This cockatrice leather belt is etched with elaborate sky
motifs and decorated with feathers around its buckle.
When a creature wearing the girdle falls at least 20 feet,
it can descend at a rate of 60 feet per round and it takes
no damage from falling. Once the creature has landed,
the girdle can’t be used in this way again for 6 hours. Gustave Dore - Baron Mnchausen Voyage to the Moon

Travel Downtime
A creature aboard a water vehicle can cast fishing lines
In a typical fantasy world, most vehicles will average or nets, while creatures on a mount or land vehicle can
three to six miles per hour. Even under the best travel keep their eyes peeled for game and wild produce. On a
conditions, an adventurer must spend an entire day to successful Wisdom (Survival) check, that creature finds
traverse the same distance a modern transport could a source of food. Use your knowledge of the terrain and
cover in less than an hour. its ecology to determine the DC for this check. Creatures
Unsurprisingly, this means plenty of time to distract aboard an air vehicle cannot forage in this way.
oneself with various tasks and projects. A creature who
is not operating a vehicle’s controls or riding a mount Look for Threats
can engage in any of the following activities. A creature can focus its attention in detecting danger as
if concentrating on a spell. While in this watchful state,
Carouse With the Crew the creature has a +2 bonus to its Passive Perception
A vehicle officer can spend their time socializing with a score and advantage in Wisdom (Perception) checks
crew under their command. Doing so might increase the made to notice a threat.
crew’s Loyalty score by 1 or, alternatively, it can prevent
it from decreasing. Regardless, that officer must spend 1 Practice a Trade
gp per crew member. A crew’s loyalty score is for the From writing a book to brewing potions, a creature can
GM’s eyes only, and it can increase, stay the same, or practice a trade provided it has the materials, tools, and
even become lower based on the player’s actions. space to do so, and as long as the ride is smooth enough
to perform that particular work.
Cast a Ritual Spell
A creature capable of casting spells as a ritual can do so Social Encounter
while traveling as long as the ride is relatively smooth Travel is a good opportunity for roleplay scenarios where
and there are no distractions to break its concentration. the players can interact with each other and any NPCs
in attendance. This can involve discussing a plan of
Copy a Spell Into a Spellbook action, exchanging information, interrogating a captive,
A creature capable of copying spells into a personal or simply socialize with others.
spellbook can do so using the rules described in the 5E
core rulebooks, provided it has access to a flat surface Take a Short or Long Rest
and the ride is smooth enough for the task. Be it grabbing a bite to eat, bandaging wounds, resting a
tired body, or refreshing the mind to recover spell slots,
Crafting a Spell Scroll a creature can take rests while traveling in a vehicle as
A creature capable of making spell scrolls can do so long as it has a suitable place to do so.
while traveling, provided it has access to a flat surface
and the ride is smooth enough for the task. Use the Vehicle Stealth
spell scroll creation rules in the 5E core books or any As long as a condition can obscure a vehicle, such as fog
item creation ruleset you desire to determine the cost, or heavy rain, a creature using its controls can attempt
time, and success of this process. to hide it by making a Dexterity (Stealth) check for the
vessel. The DC for this check is 16 if the vehicle it’s
Draw a Map lightly obscured, and 12 if it’s heavily obscured.
A creature proficient in the Cartographer’s Tools can
use them to chart the trip’s progress or produce one
map, provided it has access to a flat surface and the ride
is smooth enough for the task. Doing so takes 4 hours
and consumes a total of 20 gp worth of materials.
Claude Lorrain - Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba

Trip Hazards
Disease Outbreak
Be it deep in the wilderness, out in the open sea, or high
Traveling can be dangerous business, not least of all due above the clouds, infectious diseases are a constant
to the unforeseen perils and difficult situations the road threat to any traveling group. Magically curing an illness
can contribute to an adventurer's memoirs. From unruly is not only a limited resource, but it does nothing to
crewmates to life-threatening storms, every excursion help a patient build an immunity to it—making relapses
involves the risk of a tavern-worthy tale. common and sometimes inevitable. Divine spellcasters
working against a highly contagious illness could find
Resolving Trip Hazards themselves in an unwinnable game of whack-a-mole.
The 5E core rulebooks and its official rules expansions, Fantasy worlds are also full of strange phenomena,
already provide guidance to resolve many of the hazards and some diseases might not be curable by any magical
listed here. means short of a dispel magic spell cast against DC 18
In addition, this books offers its own cinematic-style or a greater restoration spell.
approach: the group challenge. Appendix A includes a Magical diseases might cause astral vision, unusual
ready-to-use group challenge for each hazard described changes in hair or skin color, psychic migraines, a cough
in this section. that releases an iridescent mist, pustules that discharge
a strange chromatic fluid, pox-like pimples that glow in
Aether Burst the dark, overgrown appendages, or any other symptom
Also known as an Arcane Storm, aether bursts are rare you can dream of.
and short-lived events where the fabric of magic itself is
torn asunder in strange and unpredictable ways. Fog
Their only warning is a massive cloud of chromatic Heavy mists on the road or at sea can severely impair
iridescent mist, which swirls unto itself as elemental visibility, and low altitude clouds can utterly disorient an
energy crackles and blasts inside it. After a few hours, it air vehicle’s crew. While a boon to a party attempting to
compresses into a small, glowing orb of arcane energy. move with stealth, not being able to see where you go
This orb vibrates violently for 1d4 turns until it comes with a unique set of challenges.
bursts into a massive arcane discharge, affecting up to a Strictly speaking, fog is a low cloud that touches the
1,600 feet (half a mile) diameter sphere. Rare, fleeting, surface. Besides rising fog, air vehicles also need to
dangerous, and nigh-impossible to predict, aether bursts worry about middle clouds, which can appear anywhere
are poorly documented and scarcely understood. between 6,500 and 20,000 feet of altitude.
An area covered in fog is considered either lightly or
Crew Squabble heavily obscured, depending on the fog’s density.
Relationships are messy, complicated affairs. Conflicts
between retainers or crew members can sometimes lead Storms
to vociferous arguments, brawls, hateful feuds, or even While on the road, hurricanes, cloudbursts, hailstorms,
mutinies. How characters choose to deal with these black blizzards, snowstorms, and other extreme weather
events can bolster or tarnish their relationships to the events can be life-threatening.
NPCs involved. Stormy weather can represent a true threat to an
adventuring party. How the characters decide to deal
Defiled Zone with the situation can be the difference between a scary
Necromancy, abyssal contamination, corruption by evil bump on the road and a trip-derailing experience.
deities, fissures to the far realms, a connection to the
shadowfell, and even genocidal massacres. The reasons Vehicle Malfunction
why an area might become suffused with dark energies Wear and tear are a fact of life for any vessel. It is not
are varied, but their effects consistently unnerving. uncommon to see wagons changing a wheel or fixing an
Traveling through such zones fills creatures with an axle on the side of the road, and water and air vessels
unshakable dread, and making camp in these places is sometimes must do emergency dockings at the nearest
an act that demands the highest bravery, desperation, or port. A vessel that was recently in combat is likely to
unbelievable foolishness. experience component failures until it is repaired.
If you are using Morale rules, each creature in a Being forced to stop for repairs consumes valuable
defiled zone has disadvantage on Morale checks unless daylight hours, halving the group’s travel pace for that
it is a fiend, aberration, or undead. day, rounded up.

Appendix A: Sample Group Challenges
Group Challenge Examples
Aether Burst Group Challenge
Arcane storms can be equal parts awe-inspiring and
This section contains preprepared group challenges that alarmingly confusing phenomena, where the very fabric
you can quickly drop into your campaign or use as of reality ripples and twists in a miasma of color and
inspiration to create your own. haywire arcane energies. While they can take 5 hours to
Each challenge includes guidance and suggestions to develop, the burst itself lasts no more than a minute.
help you resolve them, as well as a complications table Given their short duration, consider resolving aether
with various difficulties that can intensify a challenge’s bursts with a single-stage group challenge. If the party
tension or provide a setback to handle a failed roll. succeeds, they might gain a magical boon or recover
Many of these complications are intentionally vague from its complications by finishing a short rest.
in their descriptions. They are meant to provide you with
inspiration and serve as creative prompts. Fill in the
details of each in whatever way suits the scenario best
Aether Burst Complications
as you narrate the events. Roll 1d10 or Choose One
Even on a successful roll, feel free to introduce a
1 The party is in the path of a planar vortex, a twister of arcane wind
complication if you feel it might increase the fun and capable of sucking creatures and objects in its stream. Entire houses
excitement of the game. Similarly, a complication is not and livestock have been known to disappear in them, reappearing
necessarily the direct result of a failed roll. Unforeseen in another plane of existence shortly after.
problems and unexpected difficulties are often out of 2 Magic items in the area experience an endoarcane dweomereaction,
the adventurers’ control. forcing them to expend one charge or property use each with
More importantly, never feel like you have to stick to possibly disastrous effects. One non-magical item gains a minor
the complications provided here or a list you prepared magical property, which lasts until the next dawn.
before the game. As the scenario evolves and changes 3 A mystic energy discharge arcs across the storm. Each creature in
due to your players’ actions, you are likely to come up the area must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
with other conundrums for them to deal with. psychic damage and becoming stunned until the end of their next
turn on a failed save.

Improvising Group Challenges 4 Roll or pick an effect from your Wild Magic Surge table of choice.
The result might affect one or all creatures in the burst’s range. The
Unpredictable as ever, a group of adventurers is likely to
area becomes a wild-magic zone for 105 (10d20) years.
get tangled in situations you could have never foreseen,
much less prepare for. Some of these situations might 5 All creatures in the area experience an augurial bifringence and
witness a brief snippet of the future. The vision is a mere few
be suitable for a group challenge, and being unprepared
seconds seen completely out of context.
for them should never deter you from resolving them as
such if you wish to. 6 Dimensional dilation warps matter and space, causing creatures to
feel as if they are being torn apart. Each creature in the area must
At their core, group challenges are just a resolution make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) force
mechanic to help you navigate a scenario’s narrative in a damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
cinematic way, not a checklist of complications and one. Objects in the area take half their own ramming damage.
obstacles. Even if you haven’t prepared a challenge 7 Multiversal superposition causes one or more creatures to become
beforehand for a specific scenario, you can lean on the linked to alternate versions of themselves. For the duration, they
player’s actions and the unfolding situation. Use these might experience sudden hit point loss, polymorphing into another
as inspiration and context to improvise new challenges ancestry, inexplicable healing, or unexpected gender swaps at
random intervals. All their stats and class abilities are unchanged.
on the fly.
The creatures return to normal when they finish a long rest.
As each player narrates and resolves their action,
introduce new dramatic problems and hurdles whenever 8 A maelstrom of anti-magic consumption siphons all arcane power
in the burst’s range. Each creature in the area loses the ability to
it feels appropriate—even if it seems like you’re resorting
cast spells or use spell-like abilities until they finish a long rest, and
to genre tropes. Are the PCs rushing out of a mine using all magic items cease to function until the next dawn. The area
its crumbling rails? Rule their cart has no working becomes a dead-magic zone for 105 (10d20) years.
breaks as they approach a dead end. Let them spot a Elemental winds blow through the burst’s area. Roll 1d6 or choose
lever that will switch the cart to another track. Have one damage type from cold (1), fire (2), force(3), lightning (4),
their enemies speed towards them on the track they’re necrotic (5), or radiant (6). Each creature in the area that does not
about to switch to. have full cover takes 4 (1d8) damage of the chosen type.
Anything that can increase the drama, tension, and 10 For 1 minute, gravitational nullification in the area causes each
excitement of the scenario is fair game. creature and object to float freely as if it was weightless. Movement
in any direction has a maximum speed of 15 feet.

Chase Group Challenge Crew Squabble Group Challenge
If you deconstruct any of your favorite chase sequences, Before starting a crew squabble challenge, you must
you will find they all have an obstacle course structure. decide on what the stated disagreement is, and if there
These obstacles come in many forms: external forces, is an underlying cause for the animosity. For instance,
terrain hazards, vehicle mishaps, etc. Each obstacle sometimes an argument concerning loaded dice really is
should raise the stakes and put into question whether just that, but sometimes it’s also the culmination of an
the pursuer or the escapee will succeed until the last enmity for a past insult or dispute.
possible moment. Consider resolving crew squabbles with a single-
Consider resolving chase group challenges with a stage group challenge, giving each party member one
three-stage structure, where each stage serves a narra- chance to affect the outcome or defuse the situation. On
tive beat as follows: a failed challenge, the players might find themselves
Pursuit. The beginning of the chase should be a fast with departing crewmates or retainers, an all-out brawl,
exchange of actions and resolutions. Encourage your or a mutiny in their hands.
players to go with their gut and declare their actions
quickly. This stage sets the tone for the rest of the
chase, so create a sense of urgency. If the party fails this
Crew Squabble Complications
stage, increase all following stages’ DC by 2. Roll 1d8 or Choose One
Approach. The pursuers are closing in on their
1 Blame is suddenly placed on the player characters’ actions or lack
quarry. As the 2nd act of the chase, allow the players thereof, causing their crew or retainers to refuse working until the
some time to strategize and plan for the final challenge matter is resolved.
ahead. If the party fails this stage, increase the next One of the squabbling NPCs lounges at the other with vicious
stage’s DC by 2. intent, which promptly snowballs into a scuffle between the two.
Capture/Escape. The climax of the chase is where
3 An individual outside the two conflicting parties offers a comment
all the previous actions, successes, and failures pay off. or testimony that escalates the situation.
Incorporate them into this final challenge whenever
4 One of the squabbling NPCs hits the other with an unarmed
possible and advocate for quick decision-making,
attack. This is preceded, followed, or both by a string of insults.
imposing a time limit to declare actions if necessary.
5 Demanding satisfaction, one squabbling NPC challenges the other
to a duel or a test of skill that might result in bodily harm.
Chase Complications 6 The NPCs demand the player characters take a stance in favor of
one or the other. This might severely harm the loyalty of the losing
Roll 1d10 or Choose One NPC. If the PCs refuse to take sides, all squabbling NPCs might
1 A party member, their mount, or their vehicle is left in a become disgruntled.
precarious or disadvantaged position.
7 Alliances form behind each of the squabbling NPCs, threatening to
2 The party’s opponents get one action to try and thwart them. split the party’s crew or retainers into opposing factions.
Unless it targets a player character, it succeeds automatically.
8 One of the squabbling NPCs threatens to resign from their liege's
3 One opponent successfully hits a party member, their mount, or service unless the conflict is resolved to their satisfaction.
their vehicle with an attack.
4 A party member or their mount trips, a key item is dropped, or
their vehicle experiences a brief malfunction.
5 The party temporarily loses sight of their quarry, or their path is
cut off by their pursuers.
6 A player character comes across an unexpected boon, such as a
short-cut, a newfound resource, or the opportunity to neutralize a
7 Allies of the party’s opponents show up to participate in the chase.
8 A chasm, dangerous terrain, a blocked path, or some other terrain
hazard threatens to end the chase unless the party can find an
alternate route or a clever solution to the problem.
9 A party member’s actions result in the opposite of the desired effect
or causes an unintended advantage to their opponents.
10 The party’s path is blocked by a sudden obstruction, which they
might avoid on a successful Dexterity saving throw.
Richard Willis - Mary Rose

Defiled Zone Group Challenge Disease Outbreak Group Challenge
Using a defiled zone as a group challenge is about giving Before introducing a disease outbreak, decide a type of
players a constant sense of danger and terror, rather illness and whether it is magical in nature or not. For
than a short jump scare. magical diseases, you can look up a real world condition
Consider resolving defiled zones with a single-stage and add strange or unusual elements to it.
group challenge every 8 hours the characters spend in Consider resolving an outbreak challenge with a
the area. Spread this challenge over the 8-hour period, three-act structure that spans at least 5 days. Feel free
having each player make a roll of your choice whenever to challenge your players during this time with a few
it feels appropriate or would add a sense of danger. encounters balanced around their diminished strength.
On a failed challenge, the party might attract the Prodromal Period. The onset of early symptoms and
attention of a foul entity or act as if affected by a Bestow the beginning of the contagion. The party must decide
Curse spell for 8 hours. how they will respond to the emergent outbreak, and
depending on their actions, you might grant bonuses to
Defiled Zone Complications their rolls during the following periods of the disease.
Roll 1d10 or Choose One Illness Period. The height of the outbreak and the
period when symptoms are at their worst. This is usually
1 Evil and decay pervade the region for 2 hours. Food begins to rot,
plants wilt, and healing from any source is halved. the longest section of the challenge, stretching over
many days and sometimes even weeks.
2 Hands come up from the ground and take hold of a creature’s
foot, grappling it. A creature can make a DC 12 Strength check as
Convalescence Period. The disease has begun its
a bonus action to break itself or another creature free. decline and the surviving creatures are on the mend. At
the end of a long rest, each affected creature can make a
3 A creature carrying a piercing or slashing weapon must make a
DC 12 Charisma save. On a failure, the creature enters a trance Constitution saving throw, recovering from one random
where it sees horrifying visions. The creature takes its own non-permanent effect of the illness on a success.
weapon’s damage, and comes out of the trance having stabbed
itself. A creature witnessing this can take its reaction to make a DC
10 Dexterity save, knocking the weapon off that creature’s hand Disease Outbreak Complications
and ending the trance.
Roll 1d10 or Choose One
4 The group comes across an ominous object, such as a floating
book, a rune-covered portal, or a glowing monolith. Each creature 1 A creature suffers from fatigue, gaining one level of exhaustion
capable of arcane spellcasting must make a DC 16 Charisma save. which cannot be removed by taking a long rest.
On a failed save, voices drawn the affected creatures to it and make 2 A creature suffers from body aches, giving it disadvantage on
them chant its incantations, summoning a fiend of CR 10 or higher damage rolls and ability checks.
unless stopped. A creature can make a DC 12 Strength check to
shake or slap another creature out of this trance. When no 3 A creature is so ill it cannot get out of bed without great effort,
creatures are affected, the object vanishes. becoming incapacitated.

5 A creature looking into a reflective surface sees itself as a rotting, 4 A creature has a septic infection. The creature cannot regain hit
mauled corpse. The creature takes 3 (1d6) psychic damage and its points by non-magical means and takes 1d4 necrotic damage at the
concentration is broken. end of a long rest.

6 Cackling or wailing can be heard inside the defiled zone for 1 5 A creature develops a permanent, cosmetic change due to the
hour. Until the effect ends, any saves a creature makes against fear illness. Examples include pox marks, unnatural eye colors, scars,
and charm effects within the area are made with disadvantage. blotches of skin discoloration, luminous hair streaks, a raspy voice,
or glittering patches of skin.
7 An unseen force knocks a creature prone and begins to drag it
across the floor with a 30 ft. speed. A creature can can make a DC 6 A creature suffers from terrible migraines. Whenever it tries to cast
14 Strength check as an action, freeing itself or another creature on a spell, roll a d6. On a 1, pain prevents the creature from casting
a success. If it’s dragged out of sight, it’s never seen again. spells until the end of its turn and the spell slot is not spent.

8 Rain with a foul, acrid smell begins to fall, lasting 1d4 hours. It 7 A creature experiences abdominal pain and severe nausea. At the
burns and befouls the skin with an audible hiss, dealing 2 (1d4) start of each of its turns, a roll a d6. On a 1, the creature becomes
necrotic damage to creatures who start their turn in this rain. stunned until the end of its next turn.

9 The shadows of every creature in the area twist and contort as if 8 A creature suffers from blurred vision, giving it disadvantage on
they were being mortally attacked. Each creature in the area must attack rolls and saving throws.
make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature A creature experiences difficulty focusing and thinking clearly. Its
takes 5 (2d4) psychic damage and falls unconscious for 1 minute, proficiency bonus is halved and it has disadvantage on
their body convulsing from vivid visions of death. On a success, concentration checks.
the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t unconscious.
10 A creature has difficulty breathing, reducing its Constitution score
10 A creature hears an unintelligible whisper and must make a DC 12 by 2 until the condition passes.
Charisma save. On a failure, it makes one attack against a random
creature within 5 ft.

Fog Group Challenge Mutiny Group Challenge
For most scenarios, fog needs only a quick narrative Firstly, you must determine what the NPCs’ grievances
description and little else. In a few cases, however, fog and demands are, who organized the mutiny, and what
can become a powerful narrative tool to create tense and that person’s true objective is. Like any other social
disquieting situations. challenge, having a clear idea of the NPCs’ motivations
If you need to add a sense of danger or dread to it, and goals will assist you during the scenario.
consider resolving it with a single-stage group challenge. Consider resolving mutiny group challenges with a
Fog Group challenges can be resolved on their own as a two or three stage structure, where each stage serves a
montage, be used as part of an exploration challenge, or narrative beat as follows:
as an added hindrance to another challenge. Confrontation. The NPCs corner the party and lay
An adventuring party who fails a fog challenge might out the cause of their protest, along with conditions for
find themselves utterly lost or have their travel progress an agreeable resolution. If the party succeeds on this
greatly diminished. stage, decrease the DC of the following stage by 2.
Negotiation. The party can try to cajole, reassure,
reason with, or bully the NPCs as both sides attempt to
Fog Complications come to an agreement. Success in this stage means the
Roll 1d8 or Choose One party manages to abate the situation—at least for now.
Failure might mean demotion, expulsion, captivity, or
1 An incorporeal form manifests in the hazy fog. It could harmlessly
float along its way or bear an ominous message. the desertion of the aggrieved NPCs.
Consequence (optional). On a failed negotiation
2 The mist persists for several hours. The party’s travel pace is
reduced by one tier for that day.
stage, the NPCs have found the party wanting. Now the
only question is the severity of their punishment. Use
3 The party has lost track of their intended path. They move in a the player characters’ words and actions, along with
random direction until the fog passes.
their rolls’ successes and failures, to judge how the
4 The party has attracted the attention of a dangerous creature hiding NPCs decide to deal with them, up to and including
in the fog.
sentencing them to death.
5 Threatening or mysterious sounds surround the party. Each
creature in the group must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened for 1 minute. Mutiny Complications
6 The environment suddenly changes as the party is transported to Roll 1d10 or Choose One
another plane. Until the fog dissipates, the party can retrace their
steps and return to their previous plane, reappearing in a random 1 The mutineers start chanting their chief grievance at the party,
unoccupied space within 1 mile of their original location. drowning the conversation. One of them might have made signs.

7 The party comes across an obstruction blocking their path. 2 A mutineer cites an unflattering rumor about the party. It might be
Visibility is too low to immediately identify another route. a complete fabrication or a true event someone witnessed.

8 A character, mount, or vehicle runs into something, resulting in a 3 Voicing their fondness for the party, an NPC attempts to
loud thump or a creature tripping. It’s not immediately apparent encourage a peaceful resolution only to be promptly berated.
what that hurdle was.
4 A mutineer presents themselves as the obvious leadership
replacement or rightful claimant to the party’s property.
5 Tired of words, a mutineer demands a tangible offering or binding
written commitment from the party.
6 A mutineer insists on adding a strange and weirdly specific request
to the list of demands.
7 A mutineer cites an obscure law or custom that puts the party’s
ownership or leadership claims into question.
8 A mutineer offers a personal story they feel is pertinent to the
situation. It isn’t. At all. But it does leave an awkward silence.
9 A mutineer demands a contest of some sort, such as trial by
combat, a test of skill, or a form of competition. This NPC will
only challenge the party at something they excel or can cheat at.
10 Someone in the back heckles the party, throwing insults, booing
them, calling for punishment, or all of the above.

Tancredi Scarpelli - Mutiny of the Crew of the Portuguese Ship Fior del Mare

Storm Group Challenge
For short-lived tempests, consider resolving storms with
Storm Complications
a single-stage group challenge. Roll 1d10 or Choose One
For severe conditions or to turn the bad weather into
1 A violent tornado heads towards the party. Each creature in its path
a dramatic setpiece, consider resolving storm group that is not indoors must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw.
challenges with a three-stage structure, where each The creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and is hurled
stage serves a narrative beat as follows: 1d6x30 feet in a random direction on a failed save, or it takes half
Cumulus Stage. Severe weather never comes without as much damage and is not hurled on a successful one. Objects in
the area take 57 (5d10+30) bludgeoning damage.
a warning. Ominous clouds in the horizon, a sea starting
to churn, or walls of dust and debris in the distance. 2 Fierce winds threaten to overturn a vehicle or knock a creature
Severe storms move fast, and the party will have a few prone unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Strength saving throw.
precious moments to prepare. Any rolls failed during 3 A powerful thunderbolt strikes down, forcing each creature in a 30
this stage could mean an additional complication during feet radius to make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
the mature stage. takes 16 (3d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Objects in the area take 27 (5d10)
Mature Stage. When a storm hits, it does so with the thunder damage.
brunt of its strength front and center. The party must
4 Sudden calm offers a short-lived reprieve. The party has two turns
focus on survival as they face the worst of the weather
to prepare before dealing with the rest of the storm.
under limited visibility. If the party fails this stage,
increase the next stage’s DC by 2. 5 Strong wind gusts have blown a creature overboard, pushed it over
a precipice, or knocked it prone over dangerous terrain.
Dissipating Stage. The storm is beginning to pass,
but the party is far from safety. As the weather begins to 6 Wind, lightning, or flying debris has caused an object to shoot out
calm, sudden gusts, lightning, equipment damage, and of sight or reduced a non-hull vehicle component to 0 hit points.
even tornadoes are still very much a threat. 7 Damage caused by water, debris, sand, or wind has rendered some
Once the event passes, roadblocks, landslides, wind of the party’s food and adventuring supplies useless.
chills, whirlpools, sinkholes, restless waters, downed 8 A powerful wind gust violently throws a creature or vehicle against
trees, equipment loss, and other difficulties might await a solid object. A creature takes 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage and
a party who failed the challenge. is prone. A vehicle takes half its ramming damage.
9 The party comes across a place to take refuge in, such as a cavern,
an earth mote hollow, a littoral cave, or a sturdy structure. It may
or may not be inhabited by a potentially hostile creature.
Vehicle Malfunction Complications 10 Objects carried by the wind hit the party at high speed. Each
Roll 1d10 or Choose One creature that does not have full cover takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage as appropriate to the scenario.
1 A tool needed to repair the vehicle is broken, or it breaks while
attempting the repairs.
Vehicle Malfunction Group Challenge
2 Critters of some kind are swarming around a damaged component.
Frantic escapes, races against time, and other situations
They may or may not be the cause of the problem.
where a vehicle failure would add drama and urgency
3 A small section of the vehicle collapses, either due to a component are all appropriate moments for a vehicle malfunction
failure or its attempted fix.
challenge. Mundane failures, minor repairs, and other
4 A component part is mysteriously missing, or it is completely scenarios where a challenge would not add fun or
excitement to the game are best handled through brief
5 A component, or a part of it, breaks while a creature is trying to narrations and light roleplay.
repair it. Consider resolving vehicle malfunctions with a
6 A character spots an item nearby that can be used to jury-rig a single-stage group challenge. On a failure, the vehicle
temporary fix. might crash, become moored, or an affected component
7 A component part is stuck, be it because of a structural failure or could be reduced to 0 hit points.
because something is lodged in it.
8 A creature in the vehicle’s crew is wounded as a result of the
component failure. It takes 7 (2d6) damage of a type appropriate
to the accident.
9 A creature drops a part or tool needed to fix the component. It
lands in a hard-to-reach or hazardous spot.
10 The component appears to be fixed, but it is stuck or does nothing
until a creature hits it with a bludgeoning attack.
Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg - Coach in a Thunderstorm 1790s

Group Montage Examples
Training a Skill
Any character looking to train a proficiency, language,
Group challenges can also be used to show the passage or class feature must first gain access to the knowledge
of time through a montage. When preparing a montage, they need to learn it. The source of this knowledge can
make sure to include fun or interesting moments you be a text, a guild trainer, an experienced practitioner, or
can regale the players with. an entity that is privy to this know-how.
Unless stated otherwise, montage group challenges Use your best judgement to decide how long this
don’t have a fail condition. Instead, they might leave the training takes and how much it costs. Consider 50 gp
party with a setback condition for each failed roll. and 10 days per level or rarity of the desired skill as a
starting point. To add an element of failure, choose a
Building a Vehicle relevant ability score for the desired skill. At the end of
Sometimes a party of adventurers might be interested in the training period, a character makes a DC 12 ability
commissioning a vessel tailored to their personal tastes check using the chosen ability score. On a success, they
and needs. Work with your players to design a vehicle learn the new skill.
that will spark their imagination. Ask each player to narrate what their character does
When a build will take 10 days or more to complete, to learn the new skill. For each PC that is not actively
consider a single-stage montage challenge to keep the learning the new skill, ask their player to narrate what
campaign’s pace going while still giving players a sense they do to help their ally’s training process. This can be
of time passage. Ask each player how they help with the anything from offering encouragement to volunteering
construction or what jobs they are supervising. as sparring or study partners.
On a failed montage challenge, you can rule the skill
is not learned or that, until the end of the game session,
Building a Vehicle Montage each training character makes rolls to use the new skill
Roll 1d6 or Choose One with disadvantage or without a proficiency bonus.
Boon Setback
1 The hull is made with a specially A worker is severely injured on Training a Skill Montage
good batch of raw material. The the job, costing the party 50 gp in
vehicle’s Constitution score compensation and unexpected Roll 1d6 or Choose One
increases by 1. repairs. Boon Setback
2 The construction crew finds a Material shortages have placed the 1 One or more training characters A character accidentally hits
used component. It can be construction at a standstill. The pick up this new knowledge another creature while training
refurbished, reducing that build is delayed and no progress quickly. The next roll a character this new skill. That creature takes
component’s cost in half. is made for 10 days. makes for this challenge is made bludgeoning damage equal to 1 +
3 Due to the party’s reputation, A section of the vehicle collapsed, with advantage. that character’s Strength modifier.
locals readily volunteer for the caught on fire, or got damaged. 2 A deity of the chosen skill looks One or more characters attempt
construction work,. Once the The party must make an extra favorably on the party’s efforts. to use the new skill during their
vehicle is completed, they will payment equal to 5% of the Each character who completes training. It has the opposite or a
gladly join its crew and their vehicle’s cost to finish the build. the training gains the benefits of harmful effect instead.
recruitment cost is waived. a bless spell for one day.
4 An inventor offers the party their An envoy of local authorities 3 A training character wins a The party gains a rival as a result
latest engineering designs. If the claims the work must pay local novice-grade contest related to of the training, who might hold a
party agrees to pay an amount taxes, lacks permits, or is not their new skill. grudge or be jealous of the PCs.
equal to 20% of the vehicle’s properly chartered by a guild.
hull, its travel pace is increased They demand an immediate 4 One or more training characters A character has some physical
to the next higher tier or its payment equal to 10% of the take a small task or job where accident while training the new
Dexterity score increases by 2. vehicle’s cost. they can practice the new skill, skill, taking 2 (1d4) bludgeoning
earning 10 gp. damage.
5 A worker has a problem the Tiny fey creatures decide to play
party can solve with minimal tricks on the construction crew. 5 The training produces a bonding A character training the new skill
effort. Should they chose to Besides the annoyance, one non- moment between the party and has an embarrassing failure,
help, they find or are rewarded a hull component acquires a wild one NPC. That NPCs loyalty provoking laughter from the
minor scroll or potion for their magic effect of your choice for score increases by 1, or their witnesses and possibly earning
troubles, along with a small exactly 1 year or until dispelled attitude is upgraded by one tier. them an awkward nickname.
token from the worker’s family. (DC 16). 6 Each training character is given An imp or mephit takes an
6 A surplus drives down the price Bad weather hits the area, an exotic method to develop interest in the party and decides to
of raw materials. The vehicle’s impairing the workers’ progress. their body for the new skill. The mischievously interfere with the
cost is decreased by 5%. The build is delayed and no next character who makes a roll training. The next roll a character
progress is made for 5 days. for this challenge can add 1d6 to makes for this challenge is made
the number rolled. with disadvantage.

Progress Clocks
Travel Montage Challenge
Travel montage challenges are about focusing on the
key events of the journey. Start by quickly describing A progress clock is a GM tool that can be used to track
what the adventurers would know about the terrain and any advancement towards a specific goal. Marching an
locations they will be traversing. Then, ask each player army towards an enemy, completing the plans of an evil
how they prepare for the journey and what they plan to cult, fulfilling omens foretelling a crisis, culminating the
do for the duration. political machinations of an organization, etc.
Chances are that, whether you realize it or not, you
Travel Montage as Worldbuilding have already participated in a campaign that featured
As you narrate each boon and setback, make a point to progress clocks in some form. For instance, a villain
include at least one small detail about the terrain, their needing to accomplish certain goals to realize their
vehicle, or their crew. Take these opportunities to add plans, or a threat countdown where each key event can
color and texture to make the campaign feel like a living lead the world to certain doom.
world. Keep it brief and small-scale, such as the way the Using progress clocks is as simple as determining
hills smell in spring, creatures migrating along their how many “ticks” (that is, steps or events) are needed to
path, a graffiti the crew carved on a wall, or the way reach a specific result. If an enemy province needs the
locals greet people on the road. support of 5 clans to march against the PCs’ kingdom,
this can be easily tracked with a 5-tick progress clock.
Customizing the Travel Montage DC Once the clans’ support is procured, war begins.
You can change the DC for a travel montage challenge Progress clocks can be tracked visually using one of
to reflect the travel conditions. To do so, determine the the aides below. Simply fill in a segment for each tick
severity of the weather on a scale of 1 to 10, or roll nearing towards a goal or event.
1d10 to determine it randomly.
The base DC for each roll is 10 + the severity of the
weather + the number of days the travel will last. If this
travel happens across difficult terrain, each roll is made
with disadvantage. Conversely, if the party will travel
through a well-kept road or other beneficial conditions,
the roll is made with advantage instead.

Travel Montage Challenge Group Challenges as Progress Clock Advancement

Roll 1d6 or Choose One When players attempt a complex task, such as crafting
Boon Setback magic items, building strongholds, or pulling off a heist,
1 The path led to a landmark that Bad weather or harsh travel group challenges can be used to determine if and when
might become relevant later, conditions took a toll on the the PCs earn a tick towards the completion of their ven-
such as an abandoned ruin or a group. All party members gain ture’s progress clock.
dungeon entrance. one level of exhaustion. For instance, crafting a magic item might have a
2 The party found a lost cache or Critters got into the party’s total of 4 ticks, each representing a task that must be
backpack holding 20 gp worth supplies at camp, consuming or finished before the item is complete: research, priming,
of coins or items. ruining half their rations. infusement, and sealment. You can then resolve each
3 The party came upon a rare An accident caused the loss of step using a montage challenge for each 10 days of
spell component or a valuable one non-magical item with a cost work on the project. On a success, the PCs earn a tick
item used in magic crafting. of 50 gp or less.
towards their craft’s progress clock. On a failure, they
4 The party met a friendly stranger A mishap happened to the party’s must spend another 10 days of work and try again.
on who has useful merchandise travel equipment, be it their
or information. vehicle, mount, or footwear.
Opposed Progress Clocks
5 A breathtaking vista or fun day An obstruction, bad weather, or Progress clocks can be combined with group challenges
on the road energized the party. unexpected terrain hazards cost as another method to resolve chases, trials, racing to a
After arriving at the destination, the party valuable travel time.
each PC acts as if under the They arrive at their destination
location, and other contests. Simply keep track of two
effects of an aid spell. 2d8 hours later than expected. separate progress clocks: one for the players and one for
their opponents. When the party succeeds on a group
6 The path had plenty of forage A terrain or weather hazard
and game. The party can choose caught the group unaware. Each challenge made towards their goal, their clock earns a
not to expend any rations during party member takes 1 damage per tick. On a failure, their opponents’ clock gets a tick
the trip. character level or hit dice. instead. Whichever side fills their clock first, wins.

Appendix B: Vehicle Stat Creation
Custom Vehicle Stat Blocks The different vehicle Dexterity ranges should look as
Beyond adding or removing components, you can also follows depending on the score:
create fully customized vehicles for your campaign with
their own unique stats and ability scores. This section A 4-5: 1 minute and 36 seconds (16 rounds) to make
will detail the formulas used in this book so you can a U-turn
create vehicle stat blocks tailored to your game. A 6-7: 1 minute and 12 seconds (12 rounds) to make
a U-turn
Vehicle Beam and Length A 8-9: 48 seconds (8 rounds) to make a U-turn
Generating a vehicle’s stats begins with determining its A 10-11: 24 seconds (4 rounds) to make a U-turn
dimensions. A vehicle’s beam is the full width of the A 12-13: 12 seconds (2 rounds) to make a U-turn
hull at its widest point. Its length is the full distance A 14-15: 6 seconds (1 round) to make a U-turn
from the tip of its bow to the back of its stern. A 16+: 6 seconds (1 round) to steer by 360 degrees
Wings, rudders, wheels, figureheads, bowsprits,
rams, neck yoke tongues, and other protrusions are not Constitution. A vehicle’s constitution is equal to
counted towards a vehicle’s size, only its hull’s body. twice its beam + half its length, divided by 10 to a mini-
For game purposes, always round the vehicle’s beam mum of 10 and a maximum of 30.
and length to the nearest multiple of 5 feet. Doing so (Beamx2) + (Length/2)
simplifies generating the rest of its stats and streamlines
things when using vehicles on a grid. 10
Base Ramming Damage. A vehicle’s base ramming
damage is equal to its beam + its length, divided by 2,
Vehicle’s Defenses
bludgeoning damage.
The vessel’s durability and resistance to damage are
Beam + Length represented by its AC, its hit points, and its damage
2 Armor Class. A vehicle’s armor class is equal to 10 +
Price. The average price of a vehicle hull is equal to its Constitution modifier. If a vessel is particularly
its beam x its length x a fifth of its beam. A hull’s cost sturdy or its length is 100 feet or longer, it has a +1
includes its basic movement and control components. bonus to its AC.
Beam x Length x (Beam/5) 10 + Con Modifier
Generating Ability Scores Hit Points. A vehicle’s hit points are equal to half its
Each of the vehicle’s ability scores serve many purposes, Strength modifier (keeping decimals) + its Constitution
from its ability checks to determining other stats. modifier, multiplied by 50 to a minimum of 50.
Strength. A vehicle’s strength is equal to its beam + (Str Modifier/2) + Con Modifier x 50
its length, divided by 10 to a minimum of 10 and a
maximum of 30.
Damage Threshold. A vehicle’s damage threshold is
Beam + Length equal to its Constitution modifier multiplied by 5, to a
10 maximum of 20.

Dexterity. Determining a vehicle’s Dexterity score Con Modifier x 5

can be equal parts research and guesswork. Since this
score’s primary game purpose is determining a vehicle’s
maneuverability, look at similar historical vessels and
how mobile they were reported to be. Think of how long
it should take that vehicle to make a U-turn (180
degrees). Consider a combat round represents about 6
seconds of time, and some heavy vessels could take that
long just to begin turning.

Travel Pace Passenger Capacity. A gargantuan vehicle’s base
For any vehicle that is not drawn by creatures, start with passenger capacity is equal to its displacement tonnage
the assumption it has a slow or normal travel pace. divided by 4, to a minimum of 5.
Increase this travel pace as appropriate to its historical Displacement Tonnage
precedent and movement components.
A vessel’s base speed without magically enhanced 4
components should not go above a swift travel pace (6
For land vehicles, or for vehicles of huge size or
mph). When researching historical vessels, be mindful
smaller, it is assumed all passengers are merely sitting
many resources list the vessel’s top recorded speeds
and do not need sleeping quarters. Because sitting
under ideal conditions. In reality, their average speed
arrangements can vary from vehicle to vehicle, use your
was likely 2/3 or even half of their recorded maximum.
best judgement to estimate their creature capacity. As a
starting point, you can multiply the vehicle’s beam x its
length and divide the result by 20. Add 1 to the result
While these numbers are not listed in a vehicle’s stat
for the driver outside the vehicle. This will give you a
block, some of its stats are derived from calculating two
rough estimate of how many creatures can fit inside the
different measures of the vehicle's weight: its burthen
vehicle sitting in close quarters, plus one creature sitting
and displacement tonnages.
outside in the driver’s bench.
Burthen Tonnage. The vehicle’s full cargo capacity
by cubic volume. This book uses an early version of the Beam x Length
real-world Old Builder’s Measurement, which was used +1
in Northern Europe during the Renaissance. A vehicle’s 20
burthen tonnage is equal to its beam x its length x half When necessary, a vehicle can carry up to twice its
its beam, divided by 94. passenger capacity in tightly cramped conditions.
Beam x Length x (Beam/2) Crew Size. A vehicle’s crew size is one crewmate for
each 10 tons burthen.
94 You might need to adjust this as needed depending
on each vehicle’s components and how they’re designed.
Displacement Tonnage. The full weight of a vehicle.
For instance, a land vehicle using an artifice movement
In the real world, this number can vary greatly based on
that requires each passenger to operate its cranks or
each vehicle’s materials, design, furnishings, and shape.
pedals might need to use its full passenger capacity as
For simplicity, this book uses an averaged standard that
its crew size.
gets close enough for most medieval vessels. A vehicle’s
displacement tonnage is equal to its burthen tonnage Burthen Tonnage
multiplied by 1.5.
Burthen Tonnage x 1.5
Antoine Roux - Shipyard of Marseille

Carry Capacities
Without the need to transport passengers and parcels,
vehicles would have never been invented in the first
place. Most of the carry capacity calculations in this
book are based on historical rule-of-thumb guidelines
used during the Middle Ages.
Cargo Capacity. A vehicle’s base cargo capacity is
equal to half its displacement tonnage. If the vehicle
uses oars for movement, this cargo capacity is halved to
account for the freight space lost to rowing benches and
the accommodations needed for the extra crew.
Displacement Tonnage

Appendix C: Mount Stats
Mount Costs & Features
Mount Cost Exotic Size Speed Travel Pace Carry Pull Upkeep/Day
Allosaurus 475 gp 1,425 gp Large 60 ft. Fast 570 lb. 1,140 lb. 14 sp
Axe Beak 50 gp 150 gp Large 50 ft. Normal 280 lb. 560 lb. 6 sp
Black Bear -- -- Medium 40 ft., climb 30 ft. Normal 380 lb. 760 lb. 3 sp
Boar 75 gp 225 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 195 lb. 390 lb. 3 sp
Brown Bear -- -- Large 40 ft., climb 30 ft. Normal 570 lb. 1,140 lb. 9 sp
Bulette -- -- Large 40 ft. Normal 570 lb. 1,140 lb. 4 gp
Camel 50 gp 150 gp Large 50 ft. Normal 480 lb. 960 lb. 5 cp
Crocodile -- -- Large 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Normal 450 lb. 900 lb. 6 sp
Dire Wolf 135 gp 405 gp Large 50 ft. Normal 340 lb. 680 lb. 9 sp
Dolphin 85 gp 255 gp Medium Swim 60 ft. Fast 420 lb. 840 lb. 3 sp
Donkey/Mule 8 gp 24 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 420 lb. 840 lb. 5 cp
Elephant 950 gp 2,850 gp Huge 40 ft. Normal 1,320 lb. 2,640 lb. 8 sp
Elk 90 gp 270 gp Large 50 ft. Normal 480 lb. 960 lb. 5 cp
Giant Badger 50 gp 150 gp Medium 30 ft. Normal 195 lb. 390 lb. 3 sp
Giant Boar 340 1,020 gp Large 40 ft. Normal 510 lb. 1,020 lb. 14 sp
Giant Eagle * -- -- Large 10 ft., fly 80 ft. Fast 240 lb. 480 lb. 15 sp
Giant Elk * -- -- Huge 60 ft. Fast 1,140 lb. 2,280 lb. 8 sp
Giant Goat 80 gp 240 gp Large 40 ft. Normal 510 lb. 1,020 lb. 5 cp
Giant hyena -- -- Large 50 ft. Normal 240 lb. 480 lb. 9 sp
Giant Lizard 65 gp 195 gp Large 30 ft. Normal 300 lb. 600 lb. 3 sp
Giant Sea Horse 80 gp 240 gp Large Swim 40 ft. Normal 180 lb. 360 lb. 5 cp
Giant Spider -- -- Large 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Normal 280 lb. 560 lb. 9 sp
Giant Weasel 60 gp 180 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 165 lb. 330 lb. 3 sp
Giant Wolf Spider -- -- Medium 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Normal 240 lb. 480 lb. 6 sp
Goat/Llama 10 gp 30 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 360 lb. 720 lb. 5 cp
Griffon 1,150 gp 3,450 gp Large 30 ft., fly 80 ft. Fast 270 lb. 540 lb. 24 sp
Hippogriff 460 gp 1,380 gp Large 40 ft,, fly 60 ft. Normal 255 lb. 510 lb. 15 sp
Horse, Draft 50 gp 150 gp Large 40 ft. Normal 540 lb. 1,080 lb. 5 cp
Horse, Riding 75 gp 225 gp Large 60 ft. Fast 480 lb. 960 lb. 5 cp
Horse, War 400 gp 1,200 gp Large 60 ft. Fast 540 lb. 1,080 lb. 5 cp
Hunter Shark -- -- Large 40 ft. Normal 540 lb. 1,080 lb. 14 sp
Killer Whale -- -- Huge Swim 60 ft. Fast 1,140 lb. 2,280 lb. 26 sp
Lion -- -- Large 50 ft. Normal 340 lb. 680 lb. 9 sp
Manticore * -- -- Large 30 ft., fly 50 ft. Normal 255 lb. 510 lb. 26 sp
Mastiff, Riding 55 gp 165 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 195 lb. 390 lb. 3 sp
Nightmare * -- -- Large 60 ft., fly 90 ft. Fast 540 lb. 1,080 lb. 3 gp
Owlbear 490 gp 1,470 gp Large 40 ft. Normal 600 lb. 1,200 lb. 26 sp
Ox/Yak 50 gp 150 gp Large 30 ft. Normal 570 lb. 1,140 lb. 5 cp
Panther -- -- Medium 50 ft., climb 40 ft. Normal 210 lb. 420 lb. 3 sp
Pegasus * -- -- Large 60 ft., fly 60 ft. Fast 270 lb. 540 lb. 5 sp
Peryton -- -- Medium 20 ft., fly 60 ft. Fast 240 lb. 480 lb. 10 sp
Pony 30 gp 90 gp Medium 40 ft. Normal 225 lb. 450 lb. 5 cp
Reindeer 80 gp 240 gp Large 50 ft. Normal 480 lb. 960 lb. 5 cp
Rhinocerous 370 gp 1,110 gp Large 40 ft. Normal 630 lb. 1,260 lb. 2 sp
Saber Tooth Tiger -- -- Large 40 ft. Normal 270 lb. 540 lb. 14 sp
Tiger -- -- Large 40 ft. Normal 255 lb. 510 lb. 9 sp
Triceratops 1,300 gp 3,900 gp Huge 50 ft. Normal 1,320 lb. 2,640 lb. 8 sp
Unicorn * -- -- Large 50 ft. Normal 540 lb. 1,080 lb. 3 gp
Worg * -- -- Large 50 ft. Normal 320 lb. 640 lb. 5 sp
Wyvern 3,750 gp 11,250 gp Large 20 ft., fly 80 ft. Fast 285 lb. 570 lb. 8 gp
* Intelligent creature. It’s trust or compliance must be earned before it will accept a rider.
– This creature cannot be purchased. It is too wild, violent, wilful, or independent to be domesticated without magical means, or it is an intelligent

Appendix D: Vehicle Maps

Filling Out the Maps Naming Your Map

Each printer-friendly map included in this appendix offers Each map includes a scroll-shaped field where you can
only the basic shape of each vehicle, allowing you to freely enter the vessel’s name.
add in walls, rooms, sections, and weapons to make each
vessel unique. Simply print out the map and draw in the Using the Map Key
details as you see fit. Each map includes a blank map key with 10 empty spaces,
For player-owned vehicles, encourage your players to which you can use to quickly annotate various sections of
fill in these maps and take ownership of the creative the vehicle.
process. Doing so not only reduces your workload as a A Map Key Reference Sheet is also included in case
GM, but it also helps players develop an attachment to you need to write down notes or descriptions for each
their vehicle. vehicle section.
A grid-only map is also included in case you wish to
draw your own custom-shaped hulls using the guidance
from Appendix B.
1 Square = 5 Feet

Coach Roof

Coach Cabin
1 Square = 5 Feet

Vardo Roof

Vardo Interior
1 Square = 5 Feet

Aft Deck

Lower Deck

Main Deck
1 Square = 5 Feet

Aft Deck

Main Deck
1 Square = 5 Feet


Lower Deck Main Deck Forecastle

1 Square = 5 Feet


Lower Deck
Main Deck
1 Square = 5 Feet

Lower Deck Main Deck

1 Square = 5 Feet

Lower Deck

Main Deck

Forecastle Quarterdeck

1 Square = 5 Feet


Hold Lower Deck
Main Deck
1 Square = 5 Feet


Lower Deck

Main Deck

Forecastle Quarterdeck

1 Square = 5 Feet

Outer Hull Pressure Hull

1 Square = Feet
Map Key Reference Sheet

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.
Vehicle Record Sheet
Vehicle Name Size Ramming Dmg AC Hit Points

Travel Pace Speed

STR DEX CON WIS INT CHA Cargo tons Passengers Crew Size Crew Pay Upkeep

Features, Upgrades & Magic Items

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,

frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned,

Vehicle Officers
Captain CR/Level Weapons & Ammunition
Quartermaster CR/Level Name (qty) Atk Bonus Damage/Type Range/Properties

Navigator CR/Level (___)

Bosun CR/Level Notes Crew AC HP Ammo Used

Artillerist CR/Level

Cook CR/Level (___)

Surgeon CR/Level Notes Crew AC HP Ammo Used

Crew Name
Ancestry & Class (___)

Speed PB + AC HP (1/creature) Notes Crew AC HP Ammo Used


STR DEX CON WIS INT CHA Movement & Controls

Name & Type (___) Crew AC HP

Saving Throws

Skills Vehicles ( )+ ,

Languages Name & Type (___) Crew AC HP

Crew Traits & Actions Notes

Name & Type (___) Crew AC HP


Mob. When the Crew takes any amount of damage, it

takes 1 damage instead for each creature in it that Name & Type (___) Crew AC HP
would take damage. If an effect allows for a save to
reduce the damage taken or avoid a condition, only half Notes

of the targeted creatures in the Crew or in the area of

effect are affected on a successful save. Effects that
would prevent a creature in a mob from being reduced
to 0 hit points reduce this damage by 1 instead. Notes Vehicle Value

Crew Attacks & Spellcasting Save DC

Name Range Damage/Type

Mob Attack. The Crew can target any number of

creatures in range of its attacks. Each target must make
a Dexterity saving throw against the Crew’s save DC
(10 + its attack bonus), taking that attack’s full damage
on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

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