Nteroperability in Disaster Medicine and Emergency
Nteroperability in Disaster Medicine and Emergency
Nteroperability in Disaster Medicine and Emergency
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Autor Correspondente: 1
FORTH-Institute of Computer Science, Heraklion Crete Greece.
Catherine Eleftherios Chronaki 2
Emergency Coordination Center, Heraklion, Crete Greece.
e-mail: chronaki@ics.forth.gr 3
Direction of Civil Protection, Region of Crete - Greece.
88 J. Health Inform. 2011 Agosto 3(Especial): 87-99
Chronaki CE, Kontoyiannis V, Panagopoulos D, Katehakis DG, Vourvahakis D, Koutentaki-Mountraki K. 89
Figure 1 - Operating Zones in the disaster area for POSEIDON: role of ICT
The ECP Training Program is a program that aims Public alerts and warnings: assuring the provision
to enhance the skills of experts involved in civil protection of safety /evacuation tips to the Public across different
assistance operations by sharing best practices through media, and possibly attempt to reduce the anxiety of
training courses, organization of joint exercises, and a people by exploiting the power of social media,
system of experts exchange and to ensure compatibility Situational awareness: providing accurate
and complimentarity between the intervention teams from information to decision makers & the public using
the participating member and associate states. standardized messages and exploring the possibility
The Civil Protection Modules are made of national to visually assess the extent of the disaster presenting
resources from multiple member states on a voluntary on the map update messages from the field as well as
basis and constitute a contribution to the civil protection reports of incidents and available resources possibly
rapid response capability fostering organizational including amongst other hospital beds, ambulances,
interoperability at the level of the intervention teams. So and rescue teams.
far thirteen modules have been specified, including water In the next section, the relevant activities and
purification, urban search & rescue, field hospital, etc.(7). standards from HL7VII, OASISVIII, and CENIX are
POSEIDON will organize in October 2011 an presented as they are at the forefront of the emergency
operational civil protection exercise in the island of management and disaster medicine. Then, Section III
Crete that will engage forces from different European presents in more detail the ICT applications used in
Union (EU) member states through the ECP SAFE and designed for POSEIDON focusing on
mechanism. In the “POSEIDON” exercise, ICT needs interoperability and standardization aspects. Section IV
to address the issue of interoperability standards and discusses the main findings in SAFE and technical
alarms in a global setting, whereas specific ICT design considerations for POSEIDON. Finally, section
applications to be deployed conform to these V presents the conclusions.
standards and aim at testing:
Activation of the European Civil Protection RELATED STANDARDS
Mechanism: providing knowledge and wider
awareness of the underlying processes and procedures. HL7 CDA and IHE Profiles
Management of medical emergencies, triage: HL7 CDA R2 is an HIT standard modeled along
supporting the Emergency Medical Services in effective the concept of Electronic Health Record (EHR) paper
triage and treatment using innovative eHealth technologies
in coordination with the regional health authority (see VII
Health Level Seven www.hl7.org
Figure 1 for an overview of the disaster area in
Advancing Open Standards for the Information Society -
OASIS, http://www.oasis-open.org/home/index.php
POSEIDON as supported by ICT technologies). IX
European Committee for Standardization: http://www.cen.eu
90 J. Health Inform. 2011 Agosto 3(Especial): 87-99
forms, useful in the exchange of medical documents Within HL7, besides the Structured Documents WG
among HIT systems. In disaster and emergency which works on clinical document specifications and
management, clinical documents need to be exchanged implementation guides for CDA and the EHR WG
between Emergency Medical Ser vices and the that works on functional specification for different cases
Emergency Department of the hospitals and their of EHR use, Emergency Care (EC)XVIII and Public
EHR systems if operational and interoperable, but also Health and Emergency Response (PHER)XIX are
with public health agencies, regional health authorities Working Groups specifically looking into issues that
and civil protection operation centers. relate to emergency management. The EC WG aims
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHEX) has to “bring the unique understandings and perspectives of
developed several profiles that relate to prehospital and prehospital care, emergency medicine, and emergency nursing to
emergency care. The Emergency Management Services (EMS) the HL7 standards process”, focusing on the development
Transfer of Care (ETC) Profile supports the exchange of comprehensive EHRs. The PHER WG is focusing
of clinically relevant data between pre-hospital providers mostly on public health issues related to emergencies.
and hospital emergency departments(8). The Emergency S. Renly et al. discuss in(12) the use of HL7 CDA in a
Department Referral (EDR) content profile allows cross-border setting in the Middle East. Schnürer and
clinicians to refer a patient to an emergency department Oemig in(13) support that Aarden syntax, a standard
providing a medical summary that includes besides the produced by the relevant HL7 Aarden Syntax WGXX,
current health problem, past medical history, and can be used along with terminology codes to trigger
medications, structures to provide information on the alerts and reminders to health practitioners in the presence
estimated time of arrival and method of transport. In of specific findings according to the epidemiological
addition, the Emergency Department Encounter Record protocols defined by public health agencies.
(EDER) profile describes the content and format of
records created during an emergency department visit. OASIS-Emergency: Structured Information
These profiles use clinical documents in HL7 CDA to Standards
exchange clinical information or EHR data. OASIS is a non-for-profit consortium for the
The Emergency Responder Electronic Health Record advancement of Structured Information Standards
Interoperability Specification by American National founded in 1993 as Open Standard Generalized Markup
Standards Institute/Healthcare Information Technology Language (SGML Open). The objective of OASIS as it
Standards Panel (ANSIXI/HITSPXII)(9) has selected relates to emergency management is twofold. First is to
specific standards and profiles to track and provide on- accelerate the development, adoption, application, and
site information regarding an emergency episode/victim. implementation of emergency interoperability and
These include the IHE profiles mentioned above, the communications standards. Second is to represent and
OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP XIII) (10) serve the needs of all constituents, from practitioners to
examined in Section II, and several infrastructure technology providers and national, international and
standards that relate to identification and security. The multinational oversight agencies. The emergency
National EMS Information System (NEMSISXIV) is interoperability member section of OASIS was formed
another effort to standardize and make sense of the in 2007 and consists of a steering committee and two
emergency information collected across 50 states in the affiliated technical committees: the Emergency
United States. Its data dictionary reflects more than 400 Management Technical Committee (TC)XXI (2003) that
of the most common terms in the management of creates standards and the Emergency Management
emergencies(11). Table 1 shows elements of the EMS AdoptionXXII TC (2009) that addresses Education and
Transfer of Care IHE profile and their correspondence Outreach. The emergency standards ratified or under
to widely used data dictionaries, such as Logical development by OASIS-Emergency include the following:
Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes (LOINCXV) - Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) v1.1, an
by the Regenstrief Institute, and Data Elements for International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Emergency Department Systems (DEEDSXVI) by the Recommendation x.1303 in 2007(14)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCXXVII). - Emergency Data eXchange Language (EDXL) –
Distribution Element (DE) (2006)(15)
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise www.ihe.net
American National Standards Institute – ANSI, www.ansi.org
Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel – HISP, XVIII
HL7 Emergency Care Working Group, http://www.hl7.org/
http://www.hitsp.org Special/committees/emergencycare
OASIS Common Alerting Protocol – CAP, http://docs.oasis- XIX
HL7 Public Health and Emergency Response Working Group,
open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/CAP-v1.2-os.html http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/pher
National EMS Information System- NEMSIS, http:// XX
HL7 Aarden Syntax Working Group http://www.hl7.org/
www.nemsis.org/ Special/Committees/arden/index.cfm
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes- LOINC, XXI
OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee, http:/
http://loinc.org / w w w. o a s i s - o p e n . o r g / c o m m i t t e e s /
Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems, http:// tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency
www.cdc.gov/ncipc/pub-res/deedspage.htm XXII
OASIS Emergency Management Adoption Technical
Center for Disease Control, and Prevention, http:// Commitee http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/
www.cdc.gov tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency-adopt
Chronaki CE, Kontoyiannis V, Panagopoulos D, Katehakis DG, Vourvahakis D, Koutentaki-Mountraki K. 91
- EDXL – Resource Messaging (RM) (2009)(16) - EDXL – Tracking of Emergency Clients (TEC),
- EDXL – Hospital Availability (HAVE) (2009)(17) analysis phase
- EDXL – Situation Reporting (SitRep) work in - The CAP v1.2 Integrated Public Alert and Warning
progress(18-19) System (IPAWS) Profile v1.0 was approved as a
- EDXL – Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP), Committee Specification in 2009. The Department of
analysis phaseXXIII Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) has decided to adopt an alerting
OASIS Tracking of Emergency Patients http://
protocol in line with CAP 1.1 as the standard for Public
www.evotecinc.com/TEP/ Alerts and Warnings(20).
92 J. Health Inform. 2011 Agosto 3(Especial): 87-99
The OASIS EDXL standards today provide the Disaster and Emergency Management (OASIS
capability to support Alerts and Warnings, seamless projectXXIV), in Reaction to Emergency Alerts using
routing of information, hospital availability to know voice and Clustering Technologies (REACT projectXXV),
where to route patients, and to request, commit, track, a follow-up EU project to facilitate effective electronic
status and return resources. Important standards under communications among operation centers using
development are those for Situation Reporting about standards(22). TSO is the result of CEN Workshop
any incident and its response (SitReps), to track patients Agreement led by the OASIS project to facilitate the
(TEP), and extension of TEP to track any person exchange information in disaster and emergency
displaced, evacuated, sheltering in place, expired, and/ management. TSO consists of message syntax and a
or requiring medical attention in the context of any dictionary(23) and provides information regarding an
scale incident (TEC). EDXL-SitReps aims to emergency episode comprising of context, event,
standardize the operational picture of the incident resources, and associated missions (see Figure 3).
namely information about the situation and cross Different types of events, the resources engaged in the
agency/jurisdiction response between responders, operation, and the tasks in progress are reflected in
government officials, coordinating entities and the TSO terms (i.e. Context, Event, Resource, and Mission).
public(21). The REACT project used CAP with the TSO
dictionary and its successful approach was adopted by
the Italian Firecorps(24).
which may be damaged or severely overloaded by to the office, triggered an alert to report the incident,
the disaster. Thus, despite the disaster each of these by presenting the appropriate form with selected fields
sites was able to communicate through the Internet were automatically retrieved from the EHR. After the
along horizontal and vertical lines of command. physician digitally signed the form, the latter could be
submitted through a web service, in HL7 CDA format
to the epidemiological surveillance system. Additional
reports from the mobile clinical laboratory were linked
to the original report based on a unique id. The HL7
CDA implementation guides used in this context have
been adapted from ones developed for the US
Figure 5 - An application in the Emergency Department providing advance information on the episodes
about to arrive.
94 J. Health Inform. 2011 Agosto 3(Especial): 87-99
Figure 7 - Emergency Network infrastructure in the field area supported by satellite and wireless communication.
updates to commanders over the hybrid emergency used the TSO dictionary together with CAP to
satellite/WiFi network. In POSEIDON the CAP communicate information on the status of the crisis in
protocol will be evaluated as the message format. different languages. In POSEIDON we need to use
However, specification of the data dictionary is custom codes in Greek, which need to be translated in
pending as TSO, EDXL-SitOps, RM, TEP are English and French to support intervention teams from
analyzed together with relevant medical dictionaries in other EU member states. Recent developments in
the specific POSEIDON context. The REACT project OASIS-Emergency for EDXL standards as SitOps,
Chronaki CE, Kontoyiannis V, Panagopoulos D, Katehakis DG, Vourvahakis D, Koutentaki-Mountraki K. 95
as well as HL7 Domain Analysis Models and IHE Interoperability is quite important if the EHR is
profiles for emergency are quite promising and of perceived to evolve as the central repository for all
potential use to POSEIDON that addresses the specific citizen related health data. Figure 7 shows a supporting
use case dealing with Earthquake and Tsunami. auxiliary rapidly deployable network infrastructure
based on Satellite communication (a satellite equipped
Management of Emergencies – Triage- van), a local WiFi network, and optionally sensing
Telemedicine devices and actuators equipped with Radio Frequency
Significant part of the data feeding situational Identification (RFID) designed for POSEIDON. What
awareness is provided by the actual emergency workers is particularly important in this emergency setting is
on the field, doing triage, engaging in emergency that each of these telecommunication links does not
treatment, or transferring victims to a healthcare facility constitute a single point of failure. Global System for
or a shelter. The transfer of information on the Mobile Communication (GSM) & Satellite
number, type, and severity of emergency episodes communications, RFID and traditional PDAs/
from the crisis area to the Operation Center of the Smartphones should work interchangeably to provide
Civil Protection, the Emergency coordination center robust ser vices facilitated communication and
and the receiving hospitals can help take important coordination among decision makers and emergency
decisions about the management of resources and response teams.
possibly the request for external assistance. Additional The form shown in Figure 8 has been designed by
issues related to the use of interoperability standards emergency management personnel to be used during
at the site of the crisis concern information on hospital secondary triage-treatment in the field hospital area
resources and the use of telemedicine services to and upon arrival to the hospital (area indicated by box).
support emergency health workers in field hospitals. If standardized and widely adopted not only for
Figure 8 - Form provided upon delivery of episode to the hospital Emergency Department by EMS ambulance
96 J. Health Inform. 2011 Agosto 3(Especial): 87-99
disasters but also daily practice, it could improve to areas. As far as standards are concerned, CAP provides
accountability, resource management, and eventually the right standardization framework. However, the
patient outcome. actual message format and content need to be analyzed,
An area where the HL7 CDA seems to be confirmed with, and endorsed by the national civil
particularly useful is the exchange of data between the protection authorities for limited experimental use and
Emergency Coordination Center and the Emergency evaluation by exercise participants. Currently in Greece,
Department component of the hospital information there is no legal framework for the use of electronic
system. The IHE ETC content profile has been communication in alerting the Public on the occasion
analyzed to examine whether it suffices to of pending natural disasters such as tsunamis. Thus,
accommodate the information. In addition to IHE the evaluation results of this public alert service in the
profiles elements of the ongoing work on EDXL TEP POSEIDON exercise will be reported to relevant
need to be taken into account. authorities.
If the ability to evacuate the patients is limited, In the USA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
telemedicine could be a viable alternative, in the absence Administration (NOAA), already produces tsunami
of specialized health professionals. From a standards alerts using CAP on the Internet (Figure 11). In Europe,
perspective, clinical documents in HL7 CDA based a tsunami alert service is provided on subscription basis
on different templates could form parts of a
teleconsultation folder, presenting an overview of an
episode to be shared with experts. Additionally, patient-
connected health monitoring devices can provide
volunteers with important insight on their progress,
while they can also support telemedicine.
Another important aspect of our work relates to
the EDXL- HAVE standard(17), which specifies an
XML document format that allows communicating
the status of a hospital, its services, and its resources.
These include bed capacity and availability, emergency
department status, available service coverage, and status
of a hospital’s facilities & resources (Figure 9).
Figure 10 - Map showing graphically the tsunami alert, shelters, and evacuation routes. The map will be
automatically updated to reflect updates from the field and facilitate communication and coordination.
Chronaki CE, Kontoyiannis V, Panagopoulos D, Katehakis DG, Vourvahakis D, Koutentaki-Mountraki K. 97
indications show that cooperative use of standards Organizations (SDOs), interoperability initiatives and
through predefined protocols and guidelines consortia is to work together to cultivate a spirit of
appropriate to the disaster scenario considered is cooperation and collaboration that will bring out
feasible. However more work lays ahead: bridging effective robust and usable services built on global
gaps and harmonizing partly overlapping standards in agreed standards to advance interoperability not only at
emergency management and health information the technical but more importantly at the organizational
technology would certainly improve our capacity for level leading to more effective and informed Disaster
rapid situation assessment and emergency response. Management and Emergency Response.
Situational awareness, resource availability, and timely Project POSEIDON has been co-funded by the
response are the most critical parameters for effective European Commission, DG Environment, under contact
disaster management. The grand challenge for engineers 070401/2009/534360/SUB/A3 “POSEIDON:
in service design and implementation is to cooperative Earthquake followed by Tsunami in Mediterranean Sea.”
deploy standards from different organizations to create The authors would also like to thank George Ioannis
robust, resilient and flexible integrated services, and Tzikas, Evangelia Flouri, Nikos Kampanis, and Costas
leverage information from different sources to support Sinolakis collaborators in the POSEIDON project, as
decision making. The pressing need for HL7 well as Jussara Macedo Pinho Rotzsch for helping with
International and other Standards Development the translation of the abstract to portugese.
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