Emergency Risk Communication, Department of factors, and nullifying restrictions (including amending laws/ regulations) that might have
Communications, Office of the Director-General, been an obstacle to the timely release of information. Exercises and trainings were recog-
World Health Organization. ES was the project PI
and received funding from the WHO. The WHO
nized as effective strategies to identify the barriers and successes in this process of integra-
(funder) was involved in expert advisory capacity in tion. Key elements to enhance information sharing and coordination across organizations
the methodology, quality assessment and overall included the creation of networks, task-forces and committees across disciplines, organiza-
conduct of this systematic review.
tions and geographic areas. Engagement of local stakeholders was also important to guar-
Competing interests: The authors have declared antee the flow of information up and down the incident command system. On the whole, few
that no competing interests exist.
empirical studies, especially from low- and middle-income countries, related to the WHO
research questions, demonstrating the need for research in these areas. To facilitate an
accurate identification of the gaps, the authors suggest integrating current findings with
case studies across the WHO regions to better understand the specific evidence that is
needed in practice across the multitude of ERC functions.
Emergency risk communications (ERC) consist of "the real-time exchange of information,
advice and opinions" between decision-makers, experts and the general public. [1] Over the
last decade, nations have increasingly faced challenges in acquiring, processing and communi-
cating information to protect the physical, social and economic wellbeing of their citizens dur-
ing emergency situations. This challenge is in part due to the lack of evidence on how to best
communicate among responding agencies and with the public. [2]
ERC is one of the eight core functions that World Health Organization (WHO) member
states are required to fulfill as part of the International Health Regulations (IHR) [3]. All types
of public health emergencies, ranging from infectious diseases outbreaks and pandemics to
weather related events and manmade disasters, present national leaders with the challenge of
communicating risk to the affected populations while maintaining trust, transparency and
consistency of messages. While there are existing best practices and training in the field of
ERC, there are few comprehensive, evidence-based, systems-focused principles and guidelines
to support its practice. In response to this need, and recognizing that access to information is a
fundamental right of an affected population, the WHO established a Guideline Development
Group (GDG) in 2015 to steer the development of guidance on ERC for its member states. [4]
This guideline has been recently published by the WHO, and provides advice and direction on
how member states can integrate the best practices of risk communication into critical govern-
mental and non-governmental health systems for all emergencies of public health concern
(natural/man-made disasters, infectious disease epidemics/pandemics, and terrorism). [5]
The WHO commissioned the Emergency Preparedness, Research, Evaluation and Practice
(EPREP) program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to conduct a systematic
review of literature to facilitate evidence syntheses for the development of ERC guidelines for
its member states (the full report has been made available by the WHO). [6] The goal of this
review was to integrate ERC best practices into governmental and non-governmental health
systems for all emergencies of public health concern, by addressing three questions: (1) to
identify best practices for the integration of ERC into national and international public health
preparedness; (2) to identify mechanisms to establish effective intra-agency, inter-agency, and/
or cross-jurisdictional (such as cross-border; national with sub-national jurisdictions, etc.)
information sharing; and (3) to identify methods to coordinate risk communication activities
between responding agencies across organizations and levels of response. It was envisaged that
answering these questions would facilitate the integration of knowledge regarding the effec-
tiveness of ERC practices and structures into the WHO guideline development process.
Recognizing that the evidence answering these questions was more likely to be qualitative
or mixed-methods research, the WHO developed the "Setting, Perspective, phenomenon of
Interest, Comparison, Evaluation of impact" (SPICE) format to facilitate the interpretation of
these questions and guide development of search terminology. The detailed breakdown of the
SPICE format for each question is provided in the published WHO Guideline. [5]
Evidence acquisition
The review was primarily conducted for all scientific and grey literature in English, Chinese,
Portuguese and Spanish language databases, between January 1, 2003 and February 7–9, 2016
(specific dates mentioned with the list of databases in Tables 1–3). Fourteen scientific and
Table 1. (Continued)
Table 2. Detailed search strategies for English language grey literature databases.
Source Search Strategy
1. Bielefeld Academic Search Title search; Year: 2003–2016; Books/articles/journals/reports/papers/lectures/
Engine theses/reviews/primary
February 8, 2016 data
Disaster AND communication
Outbreak AND communication
Epidemic & Communication
Pandemic & Communication
Preparedness AND communication
Terrorism AND communication
2. PAIS International SU.EXACT("Disasters" OR "Natural Disasters" OR "Disaster Preparedness" OR
February 8, 2016 "Epidemics") OR ti(outbreak� OR epidemic� OR pandemic� OR disaster� OR
"emergency planning" OR "emergency preparedness") OR ab(outbreak� OR
epidemic� OR pandemic� OR disaster� OR "emergency planning" OR "emergency
SU.EXACT("Risk Communication" OR "Communication" OR "Computer
Mediated Communication" OR "Publicity") OR ti(communication) OR ab
SU.EXACT("Risk" OR "Risk Communication") OR ti(risk) OR ab(risk)
Date: 2003–2016
3. Policy File risk communication disaster�
February 9, 2016 risk communication epidemic�
risk communication outbreak�
risk communication "emergency planning"
risk communication "emergency preparedness"
subject(crisis management) keyword "risk communication"
Table 3. Detailed search strategies for Chinese/Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish language databases.
Source Search Strategy
Chinese/ Mandarin: 主题=(风险+危机+应急+重大灾害+埃博拉+甲型流感+SARS+非典+非
1. China Academic Journals Full- 典型肺炎+公共危机+风灾+巨灾+中东呼吸综合症+地震+流感+雪+水
text Database +旱+涝+洪+ 突发公共卫生事件+突发公共事件+风险传播+风险沟通+风
2. China National Knowledge 险信息+危机传播+危机沟通+危机信息+应急传播+应急沟通)� (传播+沟
Infrastructure (CNKI) 通)并且 关键词=(突发公共卫生事件+突发公共事件+风险传播+风险沟
February 9, 2016 通+风险信息+危机传播+危机沟通+危机信息+应急传播+应急沟通)-高
HIV-急诊-急救-个人信息-sex 并且 年=(2016+2015+2014+2013+2012
+2011+2010+2009+2008+2007+2006+2005+2004+2003) (精确匹配),
Subjects: 预防医学与卫生学,感染性疾病及传染病,急救医学,公安行政
馆,市场研究与信息,管理学,领导学与决策学;No sorting;
Search mode: Single-database search
The Portuguese and Spanish search engines cited above did not allow for the use of a complex search string, such as
the one used in Medline. Therefore, multiple search strings had to be used, as described above
three grey literature English language electronic libraries were searched, and specific searches
were carried out for publications in Chinese ("China Academic Journals Full-text" and "China
National Knowledge Infrastructure" databases), Portuguese ("LILACS/SCielo" and "Mirage—
Fiocruz" databases) and Spanish ("REDYLAC/SCielo" database). Manual cross-referencing of
articles judged to be relevant to the questions of interest was also conducted for additional
Since a key objective was to look for evidence in the low and middle-income countries, the
search strategies in all global databases (like PubMed, Cochrane, WHO Library etc.) were
expanded to also include publications in Arabic, French, Russian, Italian and Japanese, besides
the above-mentioned languages (these additional languages were selected on the basis of lin-
guistic expertise available to the researchers). The web pages of a number of governmental and
non-governmental public health agencies from French, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking
countries, as well as Italy (as the major Italian-speaking nation) were screened. The research
team also communicated with several risk communication experts and academics across USA,
Europe (England, Germany, Switzerland, members of European CDC), Asia (India, China,
Japan, Bangladesh, Vietnam), Latin America (Portugal, Argentina) and the Middle East (Qatar)
to substantiate the understanding of systemic gaps and political-cultural sensibilities in ERC, as
well as to request guidance to find region-specific publications related to the WHO questions.
The articles retrieved from the initial search (n = 8,215) were independently screened by AJ
and SS for English language articles (including English language abstracts of articles in Japa-
nese and German), LL for Chinese articles, ES for Italian language articles, and GA and ES for
Spanish and Portuguese language articles. No articles published in Arabic, French or Russian
languages were identified, though it was possible that the English language abstract of such an
article was included among those retrieved from the global databases. The detailed search
strategies for English, Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish language databases are provided in
Tables 1–3.
In the title review phase, the authors specifically screened for articles including the terms
"communication" or related words (risk/ crisis communication) along with an event of interest
like any natural or man-made disaster, any infectious disease outbreak or epidemic or pan-
demic, or any event of terrorism (or simulation studies on these scenarios). Articles were also
included if the terms "risk management,” "preparedness," "preparedness exercise," or “knowl-
edge” were mentioned in the title. In the next phase, the researchers evaluated 1899 abstracts
to include only: (i) research based on an empirical study [results/recommendations based
on some observation or experiment]; and (ii) research directly or indirectly providing infor-
mation to address at least one of the three WHO questions. This screening ensured that only
articles which clearly violated the above criteria were excluded. Subsequently, 880 full-text arti-
cles were reviewed to determine eligibility for inclusion based on the assessment that they
addressed components of the WHO SPICE breakdown, the details of which can be found in
the published WHO Guidelines (Annex 3: SPICE questions #1, 2 and 6). [5]
To determine if the research was addressing the WHO questions, two reviewers indepen-
dently read the article (with the exception of articles in Chinese language), and based on the
SPICE breakdown identified sentences (in the article) supported by empirical data that would
provide information which directly answered a WHO question or was related to the question
(indirectly answered the question). Subsequently the two reviewers met to discuss their judg-
ment, and in case of disagreement a third reviewer was consulted. Furthermore all articles
deemed to be indirectly related were discussed with the WHO team to make sure the informa-
tion was related to the questions developed by WHO.
Categorization of articles. Study title, first author, year of publication, type of publication
(i.e. journal article, organizational report etc.), country/ region of the study, study design (i.e.
Table 4. (Continued)
Table 5. (Continued)
For the overall conduct of this systematic review, the PRISMA guidelines were followed to
the extent possible given the limitations inherent to a review largely based on qualitative stud-
ies [15].
Characterization of the literature
Among the 8,215 articles retrieved, 5,946 were in English (may have included other language
publications that had English abstracts), 1,415 in Chinese, 481 in Portuguese and 373 in Span-
ish. Through title screening, 6,316 (77%) articles were excluded, while 1,899 (23%) abstracts
(Continued )
Table 6. (Continued)
Fig 1. The flow of literature [adapted from the PRISMA flow diagram 2009]. E = English, C = Chinese, P = Portuguese, S = Spanish.
were reviewed, leading to 880 (11% of all retrieved) full text articles for further scrutiny. After
the final stage appraisal, 21 full text articles were selected for Question 1 (6 in English and 15
in Chinese), and 24 more for Questions 2 and 3 combined (21 in English, 2 in Chinese and 1
in Portuguese). Fig 1 depicts the step-wise flow of literature.
Among the 21 articles identified as related to question (1), 6 (28.5%) were qualitative, 6
mixed-methods, 5 (24%) quantitative and 4 (19%) case studies. Most articles focused on ERC
in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (18, 86%), while the others covered ERC in Cambodia,
Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and UK (1 each, with overlap). Twelve (57%) of
these 21 articles addressed all hazard situations (general disasters), while 9 were based on pan-
demic influenza and other infectious disease outbreaks. Tables 4 and 5 summarize the evi-
dence. S1 and S2 Tables list the individual study findings within methodological streams and
evaluation of confidence.
Among the 24 articles included for the final evidence syntheses for questions (2) and (3)
combined, the majority (12, 50%) were qualitative in design, with 5 (21%) case studies, 4
(17%) quantitative and 3 (12%) mixed method approaches. Seven (29%) articles focused on
the US, and 3 each on Netherlands and China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan). Other
regions represented included Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, and
Myanmar), the Middle East (Turkey, Iran, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan), Australia, New Zea-
land, Canada and Brazil. Among the disaster-types, 7 (29%) articles addressed all-hazard situa-
tions, 4 addressed pandemic influenza/infectious diseases, 3 described floods, 2 each addressed
hurricanes/ tornados, volcanos, terrorism and anthrax scares, and 1 each described a wildfire,
earthquake or other major accident. Table 6 summarizes the evidence. S3 Table lists the indi-
vidual study findings within methodological streams and evaluation of confidence.
Evidence synthesis: (1) How can ERC best be integrated into national and international
public health emergency preparedness planning and response activities?
weaker systems relied heavily on vertical programs for coordination and response. The team
further described the importance of simulation exercises in these countries that demonstrated
the gaps in coordination between the various stakeholders (health sector and beyond). Thai-
land ensured at least one table-top exercise at the central level and in each province; Vietnam
covered airports and borders, in addition to administrative levels; Indonesia conducted a first-
of-its-kind full scale preparedness exercise in Bali in 2008. Furthermore, the WHO and the
Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance (MBDS) Network coordinated several regional cross-
country exercises.
Cope [18] noted that the lack of authority to release information to the public was a critical
barrier to ERC throughout the the chain of command in the Chinese public health system. On
the other hand, shared public health intelligence between the Hong Kong Special Administra-
tive Regional Government, Mainland (China) Ministry of Health and Macao Health Bureau
facilitated functioning of joint emergency responses in the event of cross-boundary public
health emergencies. [20] DRIP, a societal platform for disaster risk information which facili-
tated the acquisition and dissemination of scientific expertise on risk information from a large
number of governmental/non-governmental agencies and research institutions, was utilized as
a major tool in Japan’s disaster risk governance. [21]
Quality assessment. For each of these thematic areas, the overall synthesized evidence
was considered to be of moderate confidence level (GRADE-CERQual). Most of the contribu-
tory publications (to each area) were individually judged to have only minor concerns regard-
ing methodology, and/or adequacy of data, and/or coherence; hence these articles individually
provided evidence of a "moderate" confidence level. The confidence in the pooled evidence is a
reflection of such a majority of articles.
communication between health agencies and the public. and has facilitated public health con-
sultations across China’s provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.
Within China’s governance framework, these novel approaches had helped integrating
ERC as a system response involving multiple agencies and the target (affected) population.
Further, the Chinese CDC had been working in close collaboration with its US counterpart to
conduct assessment of ERC needs at local public health agencies, through conducting tabletop
and functional exercises. [31–36]
Quality assessment. Similar to synthesized evidence from English language publications,
the overall synthesized evidence was considered to be of moderate confidence level (CERQual)
for each of these three functional areas.
Evidence synthesis: (2) What are the best mechanism(s) to establish effective intra-agency,
inter-agency, and/or cross-jurisdictional (such as cross-border; national with sub-national
jurisdictions, etc.) information sharing for emergency risk communication? and (3) What are
the best practices and protocols to ensure coordination of risk communication activities
between responding agencies across organizations and levels of response?
The articles (in English, Chinese, and Portuguese) identified to respond to these two ques-
tions (combined) presented examples of mechanisms to enhance information sharing and
coordination. Such mechanisms were summarized under three themes: (1) creation of task
forces/committees [37–43] and networks [44, 45] to enhance ERC, and their elements of func-
tionality); (2) use of information systems to enhance ERC (tools and platforms) [46–54]; and
(3) mechanisms to facilitate local stakeholders’ engagement in ERC [55–60].
The formation and functioning of collaborative platforms like task forces, networks and
committees had been attributed to facilitate efficient information sharing between national
and sub-national authorities, as well as between agencies. Chess et al. [37] cited the role of a
bioterrorism task force in New Jersey, USA which served as a platform for ERC sharing
between partner agencies like public health and law enforcement during to the 2001 Anthrax
incidents. The diverse agencies had developed mutual trust through this pre-existing task
force, and this lay the foundation for improved intersectoral coordination and intelligence
exchange. It had been pointed out that emergency responders were far more likely to trust and
interact with people/agencies with whom they had an existing professional relationship, and
such networking improved agility in carrying out emergency response measures. [39, 40] Spe-
cific roles for Information Managers and/or Public Information Officers at local agencies had
been proposed to be improve intra-agency coordination. [41, 42]
Gresham [44] described the collaborative health information sharing network, Middle East
Consortium on Infectious Disease Surveillance, between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian
Authority. This forum brought together politically divergent states and served as a platform to
boost regional health intelligence exchange, capacity development through laboratory and risk
communications training, and implementation of innovative communication technology.
This partnership greatly assisted cross-border preparedness (including airport and border
screening, laboratory testing) and ERC strategies during the H1N1 pandemic, building on pre-
existing trust and thoroughly exercised national/regional emergency plans and protocols. Sim-
ilarly, the MBDS Network between Cambodia, China (originally just Yunnan province and,
since 2008, including Guangxi Province), Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thai-
land and Vietnam served as a platform to coordinate sub-regional infectious disease surveil-
lance and control. Regional-level coordinated preparedness and prevention efforts led to
better control of the pandemic within the participating countries. [45]
The literature provided several examples where planned investment in communication
infrastructure including better operationalization of wireless communication channels,
increased coordination between responding agencies, and better understanding of
communication needs improved the overall disaster management. This was specifically dem-
onstrated during the response to two earthquakes, three months apart, in Turkey. [46] Thiago
et al [51] described the successful collaboration between the government and Civil Defense in
Brazil which led to the development and rapid testing of novel channels of ERC utilizing social
networks (Facebook, Twitter) and mobile phones. Funded by the European Union, the Flood
Information and Warning System along the Dutch-German border had optimized communi-
cation between water-management and crisis-management agencies. [49] On the other hand,
Kapucu [53] described how the absence of an integrated information system greatly hindered
coordinated response of agencies (police, fire department and port authority) following the
World Trade Center terrorist attack in New York City. Chang et al. [52] studied the process of
information sharing and coordination within Taiwan’s emergency management information
system during the catastrophic 2009 typhoon. They recommended identification and designa-
tion of an agency that had the best geographic reach (in this case, the police) to lead the process
of ERC sharing. Militello [54] had observed that, given the diverse levels of knowledge and
experience of different teams at an emergency operations center (EOC), low-cost substitutes
like notebooks, whiteboards, and telephone books, in addition to electronic tools, could greatly
improve functional efficiency by removing any asymmetric skills barriers.
Different mechanisms were proposed to engage local stakeholders in formulating and
implementing ERC strategies. Ardalan [55] suggested formation of Village Disaster Taskforces
through community participation in Iran, to function as operational units in the early warning
mechanism by facilitating spread of ERC to the lowest levels of the chain. Cole et al. [56] pro-
posed that community emergency management coordinators should look to utilize existing
social networks in small rural municipalities for public education and disaster risk reduction
activities. Citing the example of 2011 Brisbane floods (Australia), Shepherd [57] emphasized
the need to address culturally and linguistically diverse populations through the incorporation
of appropriate ERC materials into centralized resources. Gultom [58] described a community-
based risk information sharing network in Indonesia, the Merapi Circle Information Net-
works, which developed local radio stations and recruited trusted community representatives
to harness ground resources in order to be better equipped in emergency preparedness. A
study from Badung, Indonesia found that the Women’s Welfare Association leaders were in a
unique position to act as key facilitators in the early warning system at sub-district, city or
ward levels of governance. [59]
Quality assessment. Similar to the evidence syntheses for Question 1, for each of these
thematic areas the overall synthesized evidence was considered to be of moderate confidence
level (CERQual).
The functioning of ERC is intricately linked to the varying political and cultural landscapes
present across nations. Therefore, in some circumstances, centralized ERC systems may
work better than localized ones, or vice versa. Researchers had noted that decentralized
health systems (e.g. as in Indonesia) faced greater challenges in implementing preventive and
outbreak response measures, and the level of efficiency depended heavily on local political
commitment. [17] In contrast, there was a need for increased decision-making power at the
level of provincial and local public health agencies in China to enable them to release critical
ERC to the public, circumventing barriers in organizational hierarchy. [18] Hence, issues
like political goodwill and leadership, as well as the structure of the national health system
(degree of centralization) are to be considered as key factors in planning and policy-making
for ERC.
The development of ERC policies and capacities through regional partnerships and guide-
lines seemed to be well received. For example, the European Union (EU) had enacted legisla-
tion on a cross-border integrated emergency response system, including coordination and
information exchange between constituent nations. The Health Security Committee (HSC)
Communicators’ Network under the EU provides crisis communication expertise and guid-
ance as part of a comprehensive strategy for the successful management of public health
threats. The information-sharing protocol is implemented through the establishment and acti-
vation of a list of contact points within the EU, the European CDC and the WHO. [61]
Geographic variations in capacity and practice of ERC strongly necessitated the formulation
of evidence-based universal guidelines by the WHO to help member states develop frame-
works to integrate ERC as a system response during emergencies of public health concern.
Such communication needs to be transparent, timely and based on the best available scientific
evidence, in order to ensure the maximal physical, social and economic well-being of citizens.
The identified literature referred to mechanisms, practices from the field, and recommen-
dations that were derived from planning or response efforts implemented at the national or
local levels in specific countries, but did not provide direct evidence of transferability to other
contexts. Factors that seemed to be related to the integration of ERC functions in national and
international public health emergency preparedness, planning and response activities included
renovation of components of the leadership structure when needed, modification of organiza-
tional factors, nullifying restrictions that might hinder the timely release of information, and
amendments to laws and regulations where feasible. Exercises and trainings were recognized
as strategies to identify barriers and successes in the integration of ERC functions into pre-
paredness, planning and response efforts. Key elements to enhance information sharing and
coordination across organizations included the creation of networks, task-forces and commit-
tees across disciplines, organizations and geographic areas. The functionality of information
systems was a key element for the sharing of information by tailoring such systems to the
needs of the users. Engagement of local stakeholders was equally important to guarantee the
flow of information up and down the incident command system.
Despite conducting a very thorough literature review across multiple language databases,
the authors felt that more sensitive approaches may be needed to gather useful evidence in a
non-Western non-English context, for example, when conducting region-specific case studies.
It was observed that the Chinese language articles tended to be succinct in the methodology
section and elaborative about policy or program implications, with an emphasis on status
report and actions taken or recommendations for future steps. This utility-driven approach
might be useful in offering actionable information to practitioners on the ground in the con-
text of China, but presented a challenge in quality assessment. With the Spanish and Portu-
guese language publications, there was a general paucity of empirical literature on ERC. Risk
communication in emergency preparedness was mainly addressed by the social health, com-
munication and technology, and human sciences fields; very little of this work was produced
by researchers or practitioners working in public health. In addition, differences in organiza-
tional response structure, especially in Latin America, contributed to this overall finding.
On the whole, few empirical studies, especially from low- and middle-income countries
were related to the WHO research questions. The authors attempted to circumvent this short-
coming by searching databases in Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish, as well as relaxing the
strict definition for empirical literature to include more case studies and to reflect a broader
distribution of country experiences and knowledge. However, this observed bias against
empirical studies from low- and middle-income countries may be partly due to the limitations
of the authors in their ability to assess a broader range of languages. Furthermore, the fact that
ERC is still not precisely-defined as a field of research meant that there were challenges in
identifying sensitive search terms and keywords that would incorporate the varied disciplines
that cover this field. It is probable that in addition to differences in terms across disciplines,
terms may also differ across nations, and even among professionals trained in similar
The authors believe that the lack of empirical studies across the questions solicited by the
WHO demonstrates an overall need for research in these areas. However, an accurate identifi-
cation of research gaps should be achieved by integrating the results of this review with case
studies across the WHO regions to better understand what type of evidence is needed in prac-
tice across the multitude of ERC functions. Such an approach may ensure that research is pro-
duced in the topic areas of greatest need for practice.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Individual study findings within methodological streams and evaluation of con-
fidence–Question 1, English language literature.
S2 Table. Individual study findings within methodological streams and evaluation of con-
fidence–Question 1, Chinese/ Mandarin literature.
S3 Table. Individual study findings within methodological streams and evaluation of con-
fidence–Questions 2 & 3 (combined).
S4 Table. PRISMA 2009 checklist.
The Harvard EPREP team gratefully acknowledges the support provided during formulating
literature search strategies and in retrieving articles by Mr. Paul Bain, librarian at the Francis
A. Countway Library, Harvard University and Mr. Tomas Allen, librarian at the WHO. We
are also grateful to the experts in ERC who shared with us their experience and knowledge dur-
ing the interviews, and helped us identify additional sources of grey literature; and to Mr.
Noah Klein for editorial support.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Data curation: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini, Elena Savoia.
Formal analysis: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini, Elena Savoia.
Funding acquisition: Elena Savoia.
Investigation: Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Methodology: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Project administration: Leesa Lin, Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Resources: Ayan Jha, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini, Gaya Gamhewage.
Software: Ayan Jha, Sarah Massin Short.
Supervision: Ayan Jha, Sarah Massin Short, Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Validation: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini, Elena Savoia.
Visualization: Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Writing – original draft: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini, Gaya
Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
Writing – review & editing: Ayan Jha, Leesa Lin, Sarah Massin Short, Giorgia Argentini,
Gaya Gamhewage, Elena Savoia.
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