Solar Project Construction: Nextera Energy Resources (Neer)
Solar Project Construction: Nextera Energy Resources (Neer)
Solar Project Construction: Nextera Energy Resources (Neer)
Quality Program
Prepared for:
The purpose of this Quality Program is to outline the various processes and procedures to be employed
by Blattner Energy Inc. (BEI). This Quality Program shall summarize the responsibilities, processes,
procedures and controls that constitute the components to be incorporated into a project Quality Plan.
The Quality Program encompasses those processes and procedures which, when performed, will lead to
the assurance, verification and validation that the Quality requirements of contract documents, general
conditions, and project specifications shall be satisfied.
Under no circumstances shall this document supersede the plans or specifications of the engineer,
architect, manufacturer or supplier on a project. This Quality Program and the subsequent project
Quality Plan are intended for use in conjunction with the contract documents, general conditions, and
project specifications.
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Quality Commitment .....................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Quality Policy ................................................................................................................................................5
2.0 ACCOUNTABILITIES AND OVERSIGHT ............................................................................................................. 6
3.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Project Organization .....................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Roles and Quality Responsibilities .................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2.2 Specific Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 General
It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure that quality is maintained in every aspect of
construction and delivery. Employees are empowered to make decisions that will deliver a
quality project.
The submittal and transmittal procedures shall be applied, where applicable, as a means of
document control for received and issued documents.
6.2 Document Storage
Documents shall be stored and organized in a manner that provides access to authorized individuals.
Documents and records shall be stored in a manner that provides reasonable protection from
damage or loss. Established document storage procedures shall account for Owner requirements
and specifications, as well as internally defined BEI standards.
7.1 General
BEI has internally defined procedures and requirements to guide the training process and ensure
that employees receive essential training. At the beginning of the project, the Human Resources
Department shall contact the project management team to discuss the training program. A job
training guide is compiled listing the required training, individuals to be trained, and a recommended
training timeframe. This job training guide shall be used to ensure consistency and completeness of
the job site training efforts.
When external training is required, a list of approved providers / trainers shall be furnished. External
providers / trainers will be approved based their credentials and previous training experience.
Training records are tracked and recorded by the Human Resources Department. Training records
are maintained for each employee within the tracking system and training reports shall be provided
on a bi-weekly basis to the project management team.
13.1 General
An auditing program shall be utilized to assess and measure the effective application of the project
Quality Plan and the compliance with project specifications. Audit requirements are defined based
on organizational and project requirements. The prescribed frequency for audits is determined by
the BEI Quality Department and may be adjusted to suit project specifications and/or the scope of
13.2 Scope
The scope of this auditing program includes both process auditing and task quality auditing. Audit
findings shall be utilized to correct deficiencies and drive continuous improvement efforts. Audit
findings shall be utilized to ensure compliance with project specification and requirements. In
addition, audit findings shall be applied to continuous improvement efforts for refining the BEI
Quality Program and project Quality Plans.