Methods To Estimate Above Ground Biomass
Methods To Estimate Above Ground Biomass
Methods To Estimate Above Ground Biomass
Ecosystem & Ecography
Review Article
Article Open
Carbon exists as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and constitutes about 0.04% of the atmosphere. In the
recent past, it has gained a lot of attention as a greenhouse gas, as it has potential to inluence the climate pattern of
the world. Anthropogenic activities like industrialisation, deforestation, forest degradation and burning of fossil fuel,
has caused an increase in the level of carbon in the atmosphere and disrupted the global carbon cycle. However,
nature has its own mechanism of sequestering and storing the carbon in its “reservoirs” or “sinks’’. Forest plays an
important role in the global carbon cycle as carbon sinks of the terrestrial ecosystem. The carbon sequestered or
stored on the forest trees are mostly referred to as the biomass of the tree or forest. The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change identiied ive carbon pools of the terrestrial ecosystem involving biomass, namely the above-
ground biomass, below-ground biomass, litter, woody debris and soil organic matter. Among all the carbon pools,
the above-ground biomass constitutes the major portion of the carbon pool. Estimating the amount of forest biomass
is very crucial for monitoring and estimating the amount of carbon that is lost or emitted during deforestation, and it
will also give us an idea of the forest’s potential to sequester and store carbon in the forest ecosystem. Estimations
of forest carbon stocks are based upon the estimation of forest biomass. Forest’s carbon stocks are generally not
measured directly; however, many authors assume the carbon concentration of tree parts to be 50% or 45% of the
dry biomass. This paper, aims to review and summarise the various methods and studies that were carried out to
estimate the above-ground biomass of the forest.
Keywords: Carbon; Deforestation; Above-ground biomass; Carbon decomposition of plant parts and soil carbon. hese human activities
stocks; Biomass estimation; Field measurements; Remote sensing have accelerated and contributed to a long-term rise in atmospheric
carbon dioxide level.
With all the carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere from
Carbon exists in the earth’s atmosphere primarily as the gas-carbon the various human activities, the planet would have been overheated
dioxide. It constitutes a very small percentage of the atmosphere about rapidly if not for the nature’s mechanism of sequestering the carbon
0.04% approximately. However, it plays an important role in supporting from the atmosphere and storing it in its reservoirs like the oceans and
life on earth, as plants make themselves from it. During photosynthesis, the forests and soils. he nature’s way of sequestering carbon from the
plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, converting it atmosphere is a process of achieving balance of carbon dioxide levels
into carbohydrate and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. When in atmosphere and maintaining the global carbon cycle, and this cycle
these plants or trees die or are burnt, the carbon stored in them are has been happening billions of years. However, humans have greatly
released back into the atmosphere. his natural cycling of the carbon disturbed this balance with various activities like combustion of fossil
is maintained and controlled by a dynamic balance between biological fuels and change in land-use patterns such as deforestation.
and inorganic processes since the geological history of earth.
Why carbon cycle drew much attention is because carbon dioxide
Nevertheless, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide being the chief among the greenhouse gases, it has potentials to
in the last ive decades explains a disturbingly increasing trend. he inluence the global climate pattern [3], and it also has a relatively
rate at which carbon dioxide is being added to the atmosphere is long residence time in the atmosphere. About 60% of the observed
also observed to be much faster than at any time in the past 80,000 global climate change is attributable to this increasing carbon dioxide
years [1]. he carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is concentration in the atmosphere [4].
continuously being measured and recorded since 1957 [2]. he carbon Nature has provided us with natural carbon “sinks” or “sponges”
dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has increased from about like the terrestrial ecosystem and the oceans. Forest’s ecosystem is one
280 ppm, during the pre-industrial period, to approximately 390
ppm in the present-day [1]. he rise in the carbon dioxide level in the
atmosphere is mainly caused by anthropogenic activities. In the 19th *Corresponding author: S. Jayakumar, Department of Ecology and Environmental
century, with the advent of industrial revolution, humans have been Sciences, School of life sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry-605014, India, Tel:
burning a huge amount of fossil fuels, releasing the carbon stored in +91-413-2654962, Fax: +91-413-2655734; E-mail:
it back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Since the industrial Received July 20, 2012; Accepted September 15, 2012; Published September
insurgency, the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere has increased 17, 2012
tremendously causing remarkable changes in the natural global carbon Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground
cycle. Besides the combustion of fossil fuels, other human activities Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst Ecogr 2:116.
such as deforestation also have a considerable impact on the ability
of the terrestrial biosphere to emit or remove carbon dioxide from Copyright: © 2012 Vashum KT, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
the atmosphere. Deforestation and degradation of forests lead to unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
emission of carbon dioxide through burning of forest biomass and original author and source are credited.
J Ecosyst Ecogr
ISSN:2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000116
Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst
Ecogr 2:116. doi:10.4172/2157-7625.1000116
Page 2 of 7
of the most important carbon sinks of the terrestrial ecosystem. Forest’s roots. Our objectives of this paper are to review and summarize the
vegetation takes up the carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. various methods and studies that were carried out to estimate above-
In this natural process, it removes the carbon dioxide from the ground tree biomass and carbon stocks of forests and the beneits and
atmosphere and stores the carbon in the plant tissues, forest litter and limitations of these methods.
soils. hus, forest ecosystem plays a very important role in the global
carbon cycle by sequestering a substantial amount of carbon dioxide Methods for Estimating Above-ground Biomass
from the atmosphere. his process is more proliic in a relatively new Estimation of the accumulated biomass in the forest ecosystem is
forest where the growths of the trees are still rapid. It is estimated important for assessing the productivity and sustainability of the forest.
that about 86% of the terrestrial above-ground carbon and 73% of the It also gives us an idea of the potential amount of carbon that can be
earth’s soil carbon are stored in the forests [5]. he tropical forests are emitted in the form of carbon dioxide when forests are being cleared
said to play a major role in the global carbon cycle, storing up to about or burned. Biomass estimation of the forest ecosystem enables us to
46% of the world’s terrestrial carbon pool and about 11.55% of the estimate the amount of carbon dioxide that can be sequestered from the
world’s soil carbon pool, acting as a carbon reservoir and functioning atmosphere by the forest. he accurate assessment of biomass estimates
as a constant sink of atmospheric carbon [6-9]. According to a study of a forest is important for many applications like timber extraction,
conducted by Lugo and Brown [10], it was suggested that half of the tracking changes in the carbon stocks of forest and global carbon
so called “matured forests” could also sequester carbon and the rate of cycle. Forest biomass can be estimated through ield measurement and
sequestering carbon could be further increased if human pressures are remote sensing and GIS methods [14,18].
reduced or removed from these forests.
Two methods of ield measurement are available. he irst one
In a tropical forest ecosystem, the living biomass of trees, the is the destructive method of tree biomass estimation. Among all the
understory vegetation and the deadwood, which includes the standing available biomass estimation method, the destructive method, also
deadwood and the fallen deadwood like fallen stems and fallen branches, known as the harvest method, is the most direct method for estimation
woody debris and soil organic matters constitute the main carbon of above-ground biomass and the carbon stocks stored in the forest
pool. Among the above mentioned carbon pools, the above-ground ecosystems [11]. his method involves harvesting of all the trees in the
biomass of the tree is mainly the largest carbon pool and it is directly known area and measuring the weight of the diferent components of
afected by deforestation and forest degradation [11]. he change in the harvested tree like the tree trunk, leaves and branches [14,19-23]
the forest areas and the changes in forest biomass due to management and measuring the weight of these components ater they are oven
and regrowth greatly inluence the transfer of carbon between the dried. his method of biomass estimation is limited to a small area or
terrestrial forest ecosystem and the atmosphere [12]. Hence, estimating small tree sample sizes. Although this method determines the biomass
the forest carbon stocks is mainly important to assess the magnitude accurately for a particular area, it is time and resource consuming,
of carbon exchange between the forest ecosystem and the atmosphere. strenuous, destructive and expensive, and it is not feasible for a large-
Assessment of the amount of carbon sequestered by a forest will give us scale analysis. his method is also not applicable for degraded forests
an estimate of the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere when containing threatened species [24]. Usually, this method is used for
this particular forest area is deforested or degraded. Furthermore, it developing biomass equation to be applied for assessing biomass on a
will help us to quantify the carbon stocks which in turn will enable us larger-scale [25,26].
to understand the current status of carbon stocks and also derive the
near-future changes in the carbon stocks [11,12]. he second method of tree biomass estimation is the non-destructive
method. his method estimates the biomass of a tree without felling.
he Carbon Pools he non-destructive method of biomass estimation is applicable for
those ecosystems with rare or protected tree species where harvesting
According to the IPCC [13], there are ive carbon pools of
of such species is not very practical or feasible. Montès et al. [24]
terrestrial ecosystem involving biomass, namely the above-ground
developed a non- destructive method for the above-ground biomass
biomass, below-ground biomass, the dead mass of litter, woody debris
estimation of thuriferous juniper (Juniperus thurifera L.) woodlands
and soil organic matter. he carbon dioxide ixed by plants during
in the High Central Atlas, South of Morocco. In this study [24], the
photosynthesis is transferred across the diferent carbon pools. he
biomass of the individual tree was estimated by taking into account the
above-ground biomass of a tree constitutes the major portion of the
tree shape (by taking two photographs of the tree at orthogonal angles),
carbon pool. It is the most important and visible carbon pool of the
physical samples of diferent components of the trees like branches and
terrestrial forest ecosystem [14]. Any changes in the land use system
leaves and dendrometric measurements, volume and bulk density of
like forest degradation and deforestation has a direct impact on this
the diferent components. Although it is a non-destructive method,
component of the carbon pool. he below-ground biomass which
to validate the estimated biomass, the trees had to be harvested and
constitutes all the live roots [13] plays an important role in the carbon
weighted. Another way of estimating the above-ground forest biomass
cycle by transferring and storing carbon in the soil. he dead mass of
by non-destructive method is by climbing the tree to measure the
litter and woody debris are not a major carbon pool as they contribute
various parts [27] or by simply measuring the diameter at breast
merely a small fraction to the carbon stocks of forests [14]. Soil organic
height, height of the tree, volume of the tree and wood density [14] and
matter is also a chief contributor to the carbon stocks of forests [15,16],
calculate the biomass using allometric equations [28-30]. Since these
next only to the above-ground biomass [14] and soils are a major
methods do not involve felling of tree species, it is not easy to validate
source of carbon emissions following deforestation [17].
the reliability of this method. hese methods can also involve a lot of
Generally, the estimated biomass components are the above- labour and time and climbing can be troublesome.
ground live biomass which includes the trees and shrubs excluding
the roots, dead above-ground biomass like litters and fallen branches Allometric Equations for Biomass Estimation
or stem, and the below-ground biomass which comprise of the he most widely used method for estimating biomass of forest is
J Ecosyst Ecogr
ISSN:2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000116
Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst
Ecogr 2:116. doi:10.4172/2157-7625.1000116
Page 3 of 7
through allometric equations. he allometric equations are developed study to estimate the total above-ground biomass of a moist tropical
and applied to forest inventory data to assess the biomass and carbon forest in South-western Cameroon using a locally developed mixed-
stocks of forests. Many researchers have developed generalised biomass species allometric equation. he choice of allometric equations has a
prediction equations for diferent types of forest and tree species signiicant efect on the biomass calculations since the forest biomass
[22-25,28,31]. he allometric equations for biomass estimation are estimates vary with age of the forest, site class and stand density. Hence,
developed by establishing a relationship between the various physical the generalized allometric equations available for large landscape scales
parameters of the trees such as the diameter at breast height, height of should be used with caution as the site greatly inluences allometric
the tree trunk, total height of the tree, crown diameter, tree species, etc. relationships [39]. Kim et al. [40], in their study, emphasis that the sites
Equations developed for single species and for mixture of species give speciic allomeric equations are more accurate in predicting the forest
the estimate of biomass for speciic sites and for large-scale global and biomass estimates on the local level as it takes into account the site
regional comparisons. efects. According to the studies conducted by Vielledent et al. [41],
when biomass allometric models are not available for a given forest site,
Brown et al. [28] developed allometric regression equations to
a simple height-diameter allometry is required to estimate the biomass
estimate the above-ground biomass of individual tress for tropical
and carbon stocks accurately from plot inventories.
forests as a function of diameter at breast height, total height and wood
density and Holdridge life zone [32]. his estimate of Brown’s biomass here have been very few allometric equations developed
equation takes into account only the live trees and not the fallen litter speciically for lowland dipterocarp forest. Basuki et al. [31] collected
and the standing dead trees. Nelson et al. [22] conducted a study to the data from the lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan,
develop species-speciic and mixed-species allometric relationships Indonesia and 122 trees were sampled having a diameter at breast height
for estimating total above-ground dry weight using eight abundant (1.3m) of 6-200 cm. hey then developed tree allometric equations for
secondary forest tree species in the Amazon. Chave et al. [33] proposed lowland dipterocarp forest by establishing a relationship between tree
an estimation method for the estimation of biomass in a neo-tropical parameters such as the diameter at breast height, commercial bole
forest of French Guiana for which they have made use of published height and wood density with above-ground biomass.
data sets providing the biomass and the diameter at breast height of
he forest carbon stocks are widely estimated from the allometric
felled and weighted trees. In this study, they have parameterized the
equations for forest biomass. Generally, the carbon concentration of the
regression models using 32 measurements of large trees. Ketterings et
diferent parts of a tree is assumed to be 50% of the biomass [42] or 45%
al. [34] also proposed an allometric equation for calculating the biomass
of the biomass [43]. However, Losi et al. [44] in their study estimated
of trees in the mixed secondary forest of Sumatra, Indonesia. However,
the carbon concentration of dry bole sample to be approximately 48%
the proposed equation is most suitable for trees having a diameter at
of the dry bole biomass. Djomo et al. [38] analyses the carbon content
breast height of 8-48 cm. Xiao and Ceulemans [23] conducted a study
in wood with a CNS analyser and found a mean value of 46.53%. he
on a 10-year-old Scots pine to derive allometric relationships of branch
biomass estimation of the forest can be worked out using any of the
and foliage biomass at branch and tree level and conirm the earlier
methods or in combination of the methods mentioned. At the same
studies conducted by Helmisaari et al. [35] on Scots pine in Finland.
time, while choosing a method for biomass estimation one should keep
Segura and Kanninen [26] conducted a study in the tropical humid
in mind the applicability or the suitability of that method for the area
forest of Costa Rica to develop allometric models for estimating the
or forest type or tree species. he allometric equations and regression
stem volume, total volume (stem and branches) and the total above-
models, for biomass estimation, also should not be used beyond their
ground biomass (stem, branches and foliage) for individual trees of
range of validity [22,45].
that forest. Unlike other allometric equations found in the literature,
where only the stem is taken into account for total volume, the model Although, the ield measurements give a more accurate estimate
developed by Segura and Kanninen [26] includes the branches. he of the forest biomass, it is labour and resource intensive and time
models, however, are recommended only when the diameter at breast consuming. herefore, allometric relationship is oten the preferred
height is between 60 and 105 cm. Aboal et al. [27] also developed method for estimating forest biomass as this method provides a non-
allometric equations for estimating tree biomass in the Gomera laurel destructive and indirect measurement of biomass and comparatively,
forest, Canary Islands. he proposed biomass equation is based on the it is less time consuming and less expensive. he estimation of
relationship between volume and weight as they relate the diameter at biomass with the help of allometric equation is considered to be a
breast height to the above-ground biomass. According to Aboal et al. non-destructive method or an indirect method as these equations uses
[27], the diameter at breast height gives an idea of the volume of the only the indicator parameter obtained from the forest inventories to
tree. Kenzo et al. [36] harvested 136 trees from 23 species to measure estimate the biomass. However, the allometric equations developed
the above-ground biomass in various tropical secondary forest trees for biomass estimation need to be validated. And for the validation of
in Sarawak, Malaysia. hey also developed allometric relationships the biomass equations, cutting and weighting of tree components are
between the stem diameter at breast height, stem diameter at ground required [24,37,38,40,46].
and leaf, stem and total root biomass. heir study also showed a
relatively high correlation of allometric relationships between the Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for Biomass Estimation
tree height and plant-biomass. Navár [25] also developed allometric he measurement of ield data is the most conventional method
equations to estimate the biomass and carbon stocks for temperate for estimating the forest biomass. Although, this method of forest
forest and tropical dry forests of Mexico. hese allometric equations are biomass estimation is the most accurate method for the purpose, it is
useful to estimate biomass of forests with complex diversity structure. strenuous, expensive, time consuming and destructive (which may not
Ryan et al. [37] carried out a study to quantify the forest carbon stock in be very practical for those forest ecosystems with threatened or rare
Miombo woodland in Mozambique. hey developed a new site-speciic or protected plant species). Moreover, it is applicable for only a small
allometric equation, between stem diameter and tree stem, based on sample of trees and small-scale analysis. herefore, remote sensing
destructive harvest of 29 trees. Djomo et al. [38] also conducted a technology is expected to provide a solution for the above mentioned
J Ecosyst Ecogr
ISSN:2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000116
Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst
Ecogr 2:116. doi:10.4172/2157-7625.1000116
Page 4 of 7
challenges. Remote sensing is a process of acquiring data from a for biomass estimation. Sarker and Nichol [59] explored the potential
distance of an object, area or a phenomenon by analyzing the data of optical imagery using ALOS AVNIR-2 texture indices for biomass
through instruments without being in contact with the object or area estimation and obtained a signiicant improvement while using the
which is/ are being examined. Remote sensing technology provides ratio of texture parameters. Eckert [60] also obtained similar results
a synoptic view of the surface area of interest, thereby capturing the in the estimation of forest carbon and biomass while using the texture
spatial variability in the attributes of interest. A major advantage of measurement from WorldView-2 satellite data. In another study by
remote sensing technology is that it can obtain information about an Cutler et al. [61], a combination of SAR image texture and LANDSAT
area of interest that is diicult to access or inaccessible. Remote sensing TM data were used for the estimation of tropical forest biomass. he
has enabled us to monitor natural resources on a continental, even result of this study suggested that inclusion of SAR texture with multi-
on a global scale. It is also the only realistic and cost-efective way of spectral data can be successfully applied to a predictive relation at times
acquiring data over a large area. and space other than which it was developed for. Although, texture
measurements demonstrate a promising result for biomass estimation,
Remotely sensed data are useful for mapping and monitoring
it requires further investigation.
vegetation, land cover and land-use change. Forest’s carbon stocks can
be evaluated using remote sensing technology. Several studies have Baccini et al. [50] estimated the forest biomass for eighteen National
been conducted to estimate the forest biomass using the data of remote Forests in California. For the estimation of forest biomass, they used
sensing with the data collected from the ield [47-51]. a combination of data sources like remotely sensed data, topographic
information and climatic variables, to map the above-ground biomass.
Nelson et al. [47] conducted a study to determine the utility of
hey found that the estimate of forest biomass at the regional scale
laser proiling data for the estimation of forest biomass and volume.
with this method gives a pretty much accurate estimates of the above-
In this study, they co-related the data of forest biomass and volume,
ground biomass.
obtained from ield measurements taken from speciic plots of the laser
light lines, with the corresponding estimates of forest canopy height Remote sensing data has become an important tool for the
obtained from the laser proiling. Steininger [52] conducted a study to estimation of forest biomass. Biomass estimation using remotely
examine the potential of Landsat TM images in estimating the above- sensed data is an emerging technology and it is being increasingly
ground biomass of tropical secondary forests. Lu [53] also conducted used to inventory forest biomass. Satellite-based estimates of carbon
another study to estimate the above-ground biomass in the Brazilian stock are likely to become more accessible over the next few years [11].
Amazon using Landsat TM data. he study showed that the use of However, remote sensing data does not directly estimate the amount of
Landsat TM image for estimating forest above-ground biomass is more biomass that is present in the forest. It only measures the parameters
successful for successional forest rather than mature forests. Lefsky et which are correlated to biomass like the tree height, crown size, forest
al. [54] estimated the above-ground biomass in three biomes-temperate density, forest type, forest volume, leaf area index, etc. Remote sensing
deciduous, temperate coniferous and boreal coniferous, using LiDAR data coupled with the ield-based measurement of the forest is used
remote sensing. LiDAR remote sensing is designed to allow the signal to estimate the above-ground biomass. he ield measurements are
to penetrate the canopy. LiDAR systems send out pulses of laser light commonly used to develop predictive models or allometric equations
and measure the signal return time to directly measure the height and for biomass and to validate the results obtained from the remotely
vertical structures of forests. hey compared the LiDAR-measured sensed data. Once it is validated the remotely sensed data can be used
canopy structure with the ield measurements of above-ground to estimate the forest biomass for wider area where there is very little or
biomass and found that a single equation can be used to relate the no ield measurement data available.
remotely sensed canopy structure to the above-ground biomass for all
the three biomes with distinctly diferent forest communities. Omasa An overview of Forest Biomass Estimation in India
et al. [55] proposed a methodology for estimating carbon stocks using Tiwari and Singh [62] described a method for mapping biomass
a high resolution, helicopter-borne 3-dimensional (3-D) scanning using black-and-white aerial photograph and ground survey data (non-
LiDAR system. he study was conducted in a Japanese cedar forest, destructive sampling) through a case study in Kumaun Himalaya. hey
and the LiDAR system measures the 3-D canopy structure of every tree subdivided the various forest types into ive classes based on crown
in the forest. he study demonstrates that the allometric relationship cover. he circumference at breast height ≥ 31.5 cm and the ground-
between the tree height and carbon stocks will enable estimation of the measurement of crown cover was recorded for each tree in the sample
total carbon stocks stored in the forest. Popescu [56] found that LiDAR plot. hey then construct a regression equation relating the total above-
data can be used to measure precisely the biophysical parameters of ground biomass and crown cover. hey suggested the use of generalized
individual trees such as the diameter at breast height (dbh) which is one species equation for dominant and generalized interspecies equation
of the commonly used variables for biomass estimation of forest. Hudak for sub-ordinate species over individual species biomass equation as
et al. [57] evaluated and found that repeated LiDAR surveys along with there might be diferences in the composition and proportion of species
ield sampling and statistical modeling can be successfully used for due to factors like slope and aspects. Although, biomass inventories can
accurately estimating high resolution and spatially explicit biomass be made using aerial photographs with a minimum non-destructive
and carbon dynamics in conifer forests. Ene et al. [58] conducted a sampling, it was impossible to identify individual sub-ordinate species
study to assess the accuracy of LiDAR-based biomass estimation where from the aerial photographs. he aerial coverage also does not provide
they used the airborne laser scanning (ALS) sampling approach. heir suicient data to make a generalization of the forest ecosystem across
inding suggested the systematic ALS assisted survey was more eicient the country, as it is highly heterogeneous [63].
than the ground-based inventory.
Rai and Proctor [64] carried out a study in the Western Ghats to
Image texture is an important property which gives information estimate the above-ground tree biomass. he biomass was estimated by
about an object or a selected region in an image. Studies have been harvest method and deriving a regression equation relating the biomass
carried out using texture measurements with optical data and SAR data fraction with the log transformations of diameter at breast height. hey
J Ecosyst Ecogr
ISSN:2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000116
Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst
Ecogr 2:116. doi:10.4172/2157-7625.1000116
Page 5 of 7
found that the total bole and branch biomass was always within the 95% Sanctuary, Chattisgarh using remote sensing and ground data. It was
conidence limit of the total, above-ground biomass estimates and this found that there is a strong correlation between C and N densities of
observation was based on actual weighing of a large numbers of trees forest with NDVI and biomass. According to the study of Ravikumar et
and are on fairly large sites (0.44-1ha.). Lodhiyal and Lodhiyal [21] also al. [73], the combination of satellite and forest inventory data reduces
carried out a study in Bhabar forest of Central Himalaya to estimate e uncertainties in aboveground biomass estimation.
the biomass in a 5-, 10- and 15-years Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)
he irst estimates of woody growing stock of India’s forest was
forests planted ater clear cutting mixed broad-leave tree species. 100
made by Forest survey of India in 1995 using forest’s inventory data
trees were measured in each forest type for height and diameter at breast
(1965-1990), thematic maps and forest cover data. his information
height and grouped the trees of each forest into three diameter classes.
is the main input for the estimation of carbon stocks for diferent
hey adopted the selective harvest technique for biomass estimation.
institutions and scientists. Forest Survey of India carried out another
Twelve trees in each forest were harvested, and regression equations
project during 2008-10 to estimate the carbon stock of Indian forests
for each component were developed for biomass estimation. he total
between 1994-2004 by using remotely sensed data of sample areas
biomass was obtained by adding biomass of each diameter class. hey
and ield survey method [74]. Sheikh et al. [75] also estimated the
observed an increase in the total vegetation biomass with an increase in
carbon storage in India’s forest biomass for the year 2003, 2005 and
the age of the forest. Mani and Parthasarathy [65] developed allometric
2007 using secondary data of growing stock data [76-78] and satellite
equation to estimate the above-ground biomass in the tropical dry
data. According to their study, there has been a continuous decrease in
evergreen forest of peninsular India. hey calculated the biomass of
the carbon stock in India’s forest biomass since 2003, despite a slight
a tree ≥ 3.18 cm diameter at breast height using two linear regression
increase in forest cover.
equations-one using basal area and the other using basal area and
height. hey found that the basal area and above-ground biomass Summary and Conclusion
obtain a positive correlation for all the sites. heir study supports the
use of basal area value to provide efective estimates of above-ground Forests are the largest carbon pool on earth. It acts as a major
biomass in tropical dry evergreen forests. Using the allometric equation source and sinks of carbon in nature. hus, it has a potential to form a
developed by Mani and Parthasarathy [65], Mohanraj et al. [66] chief component in the mitigation of global warming and adaptation
estimated the biomass and carbon stocks of diferent forest types in to climate change. Estimation of the forest carbon stocks will enable us
Kolli hills, Tamil Nadu. Devi and Yadava [19] also carried out a study to assess the amount of carbon loss during deforestation or the amount
to assess the above-ground biomass in the semi-evergreen tropical of carbon that a forest can store when such forests are regenerated.
forest of Manipur using harvest method. hey also found a positive he principal element for the estimation of forest’s carbon stocks is
correlation between the diameter at breast height of tree species and the the estimation of forest biomass. Although there has been numerous
above-ground biomass of tree components. he plots for sampling in studies carried out to estimate the forest biomass and the forest carbon
the above studies have been randomly selected, and this may over- or stocks, there is still a further need to develop robust methods to
under-sample as the patterns in nature are clumpy and not likely to be quantify the estimates of biomass of all forest components and carbon
randomly distributed. Stratiication of the sampling schemes increases stocks more accurately.
eiciency of the survey by reducing unnecessary sampling and also References
ensures that major variations are being sampled [11]. Singh et al. [67]
1. Website: (accessed on 28th April 2012).
established allometric equations for the estimation of biomass for three
tree species having a diameter at breast height < 10 cm. here have been 2. Keeling CD, Bacastrow RB, Carter AF, Piper SC, Whorf TP, et al. (1989) A
limited studies attempted to develop such equations. hey identiied six three-dimensional model of atmospheric carbon dioxide transport based
on observed winds: 1. Analysis of observational data. In Aspects of climate
0.1 ha plots, which were well spread over the plantation of the size 44 variability in the Paciic and the western Americas. (pp. 165-236). Washington
ha. hey have obtained a highly signiicant allomeric equation for all D.C., U.S.A.: Geophysical Monographs. American Geophysical Union.
the components of the three species.
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Citation: Vashum KT, Jayakumar S (2012) Methods to Estimate Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in Natural Forests - A Review. J Ecosyst
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J Ecosyst Ecogr
ISSN:2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal Volume 2 • Issue 4 • 1000116