JBR 2 008
JBR 2 008
JBR 2 008
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3 authors:
Louis Zapfack
University of Yaounde I
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Savana ecosystems can play an important role in climate change regulation. In this study, the carbon storage and emission
factor of Savanna ecosystems in soudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon was assessed from measurement of the major pools
including the aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, dead tree biomass, plant litter and soil organic carbon. The
total carbon storage capacity of Savanna ecosystems ranged from 39.85 ± 14.65 tC/ha for degraded area to 152.18 ± 43.76
tC/ha for the swampy area. The carbon stock in aboveground biomass is higher in reforested areas (54.26 ± 6.54 tC/ha)
and lower in degraded areas (10.04 ± 0.97 tC/ha). Carbon stocks in belowground biomass were lower in the degraded
area (2.66 ± 1.02 tC/ha) and higher in reforested areas (11.82 ± 2.54 tC/ha). Carbon stock in litter are higher in swampy
areas (0.81 ± 0.06 tC/ha) and lower in inselbergs (0.59 ± 0.05 tC/ha). The average carbon stocks in dead wood obtained
in this study differed between habitats and tended to increase from degraded areas (1.35 ± 0.53 tC/ha) to plantation
and reforested areas with respectively 2.75 ± 1.03 tC/ha each. Soil carbon was lower in degraded areas (25.10 ± 2.09 tC/
ha) and higher in swampy areas (100.60 ± 9.65 tC/ha). The average total emission factor obtained in this study differed
between habitats and tended to increase from degraded areas (103.09 ± 29.54 teqCO2/ha) to plantations (427.17 ± 45.06
teqCO2/ha). These results therefore confirm the contributing role of savannah ecosystems studied in the fight against the
mitigation of climate change in Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon.
Cameroon, Climate change, Carbon, Deforestation, Emission of CO2eq, Savanna ecosystems
Copyright: © 2019 Victor AD, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and S CHOLARS. D IRECT
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reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Figure 1: Geographic location of the study area in the North Region of Cameroon.
change are ever more noticeable, especially in the northern Data collection
part of Cameroon [6]. In the coming decades, experts predict
Data were collected in quadrats 50 × 50 square meters
that climate change will affect the livelihoods and plant bio-
(north-south) 2500 m² non-variable surface were installed
diversity significantly [1]. Objective of the study is the evalu-
in the savanna ecosystems in the end make a comparison.
ation of carbon storage and ecological inputs in different car-
Geographic coordinates were taken using the GPS for ev-
bon pools of savannah ecosystems. Hence the interest of the
ery tree that is part of the sample to determine its loca-
present study is to present savanna ecosystems as measures
tion on the ground. Within 4 quadrats sub-set with the son
to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to deforesta-
and compass, all woody plants with a DBH ≥ 10 cm were
tion. This study was conducted in Northern Cameroon during
consistently measured and counted using a tape to 1.30 m
the dry season of 2018. This study shows the positive impact
above ground for large trees and 50 cm of soil for shrubs
of savannah ecosystems in climate change mitigation due to
and bushes. To assess the biomass, present in several com-
ponents (overhead and underground), in addition to con-
Materials and Methods sider the soil organic matter. The living aboveground bio-
mass: All trees having a diameter to height of upper chest
Study area or equal to 10 cm were measured in the main plot of 2500
The study was conducted during the dry season of 2018 m2. Biomass dead wood: Two perpendicular lines 50 m in-
in four departments (Benoue, Faro, Mayo-Loutii and Mayo- tersecting at the center of the plot are drawn and snuff
Rey) of the North Region in Cameroon, located between lati- variables considered were the case, the circumference, to-
tude 9°18 'North and longitude 13° 23' East [7]. The landscape tal height, and the status of the tree. Sampling dead wood
is characterized by a wide pediplain between the Mandara was done in two categories:- For the dead timber, DBH was
Mountains (1442 m) in the north and the tray of the Adama- measured by making use of methods for living trees and
wa to the south. The climate is Sudano-Sahelian with two the height was measured using the measuring tape. The
seasons: A dry season (November-May) and a rainy season diameters of trunks or branches fell to the ground and in-
(June-October), both with a duration of six months [8]. Mean tercepting this line is measured using a caliper. Only diam-
monthly temperatures range from 26 °C in August to 40 °C in eters greater than 5 cm will then be considered in the anal-
March. The soil is ferruginous, characterized by high acidity ysis. The biomass of the litter is collected in a metal square
(pH 5.5 to 6), and a low cation exchange capacity [8,9]. The frame of 1 m x 1m and 0.5 x 0.5 m². Floor biomass: Soil
vegetation is predominately Sudanian shrub savannahs with samples were taken at 0-30 cm deep in quadrats 0.25 m
areas of cleared degraded savannahs around the villages [10]. × 0.25 m is delimited in the quadrats plot of 2500 m². The
Agriculture is the main activity of the population in the North total carbon is obtained by the sum of the aboveground
Region, mainly practiced as subsistence farming (corn, pea- carbon, belowground carbon, litter, dead wood and soil
nut and millet) [11] (Figure 1). (Figure 2).
Quadrat of 50 m × 50 m for the inventory of ligneous trees according to the direction of the
sampling in the strips of 12.5 m × 50 m
= Picket
Estimate Carbon in Biomass of Different follows: V = Π² (Σdi²)/8L with V: volume of wood density (m3/
Compartments of Savanna Ecosystems ha); Di: diameter of each wood debris sampled (m); L: Length
of the quadrant (m) = 50 m in the case of our study. Trans-
Aboveground biomass lating the results obtained from the bulk volume was made
by setting the value of wood density to 0.47 KgMS.m-3 [19].
The allometric equation developed by Brown, et al. [12]
The portion of the dry mass of carbon stock was made by the
for dry tropical climates was used to calculate the biomass of
following equation: Carbon stock in dead wood = Quantity
each individual and to deduce carbon in wood of the system
of dry matter (QDM) × 0.5 [20,21]. Litter Biomass: The litter
plant samples were dried in an oven at 65 °C for 72 hours and
AGB = expo (-1.996 + 2.32* ln (DBH)) with AGB then ground and the organic carbon was determined using
Aboveground biomass in kilogram (kg), DBH: Diameter dry ashing method. Equation (4): DM = (PSE/PHE)*100 where
Breast Height (cm). From this biomass, the amount of carbon DM = percentage of dry matter (%); PSE = dry weight of the
(tC/ha) was obtained by multiplying this biomass by 0.475 sample after three days in the oven at 65 °C (g); PHE = wet
conversion factor [10,13]; then it was converted to tons of weight of the sample measured in the field (g). Equation (5):
carbon per ha. B = (PHT*DM)/100; where: B = biomass (g); PHT = total wet
weight in measured in the field (g); DM = percentage of dry
Belowground biomass (BGB) matter (%) [22,23].
Belowground biomass was estimated according to the al- Soil organic carbon
lometric equation developed by [14,15], BGB = Expo (-1.0587
+ 0.8836* ln AGB). The soil organic carbon was determined by the method
of Walkley and Black [24], which consists in oxidizing soil
Dead wood biomass organic matter with potassium bicarbonate (K2Cr2O7) in a
sulfuric acid medium (H2SO4) in a solution/K2Cr2O7 ratio of
The calculation of the volume of dead timber was done us-
0.25/10. The analysis was done by calorimetry. The organic
ing the formula by Mund [16] as follows: 𝑉 = π*ℎ*𝑓*(DBH/2)2
content was determined by multiplying the organic carbon
where V: Volume of death timber (m3); DBH: Diameter Breast
content with the Sprengel [25] factor, which is 1.724 for
Height (m); h: height of death timber (m); f = form factor
cultivated soils and 2 for non-crop land. Soil carbon (SCOS)
(0.627). The lying on the dead wood biomass was measured
(tC/ ha) = Da. (% COS). S. P [26] with Da: bulk density in
using the line intersect method presented by Harmon and
tones /m3; %COS: organic carbon content of the soil; S:
Sexton [17]. Calculating the volume of the coated dead wood
area in m2; p: depth m.
was done using the formula used by Waren and Olsen [18] as
Total carbon 11.82 ± 2.54 tC/ha, with an average of 6.83 ± 3.20 tC/ha.
On average, belowground biomass was lower in degraded
CT = AGB + BGB + CL + CBM + SCOS with AGB: Carbon in
areas (2.66 ± 1.02 tC/ha) and higher in reforested areas
aboveground biomass; BGB: Carbon in belowground biomass;
(11.82 ± 2.54 tC/ha). Statistical analysis a significant dif-
CL: Litter carbon; CBM: carbon dead wood; SCOS: Soil carbon.
ference between habitats (Kruskal-Wallis test, df = 6; F =
Calculation of emission factors CO2 equivalent in 84.74; p-Value ˂ 0.001). The carbon stock in litter obtained
in this research ranged from 0.59 ± 0.05 tC/ha to 0.81 ±
biomass of different compartments of Savanna 0.06 tC/ha, with an overall average of 0.72 ± 0.09 tC/ha.
Ecosystems The carbon stock in litter was higher in swampy area (0.81
The emission factors relate five (05) carbon pools: Abo- ± 0.06 tC/ha) and lower on inselberg (0.59 ± 0.05 tC/ha),
veground biomass, belowground biomass, litter, dead wood yet statistical analysis showed no significant difference
and soil. between habitats (Kruskal-Wallis test, df = 6; F = 0.44;
p-Value < 0.001). The average carbon stocks in dead wood
Aboveground biomass emission factor obtained in this study differed between habitats and tend-
ed to increase in degraded areas (1.35 ± 0.53 tC/ha) for
planting and reforestation respectively 2.75 ± 1.03 tC/ha
FEAGB: Aboveground biomass emission factor; AGB: Abo- each, but statistical analysis did not reveal any significant
veground biomass; FCFCMSBV: Conversion factor of the car- differences between habitats (Kruskal-Wallis test, df = 6;
bon fraction of dry matter in the living biomass, 0.47; FCC: F = 0.73; p-Value < 0.001). The soil carbon (0-30 cm) var-
Carbon Conversion factor CO2 equivalent = 44/12 [2,3,27]. ied between habitats. The average soil carbon (0-30 cm)
obtained in all habitats was 65.18 ± 27.53 tC/ha. On aver-
Belowground biomass emission factor age, soil carbon was lower in the degraded areas (25.10
FEBGB = FEAGB × TBS with FEBGB: Belowground biomass ± 2.09 tC/ha) and higher in swampy areas (100.60 ± 9.65
emission factor; TBS: Belowground biomass ratio relative to tC/ha). Statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at the
aboveground biomass [2,3,27]. 1% evidenced a significant variation between habitats (df
= 6; F = 80.59; p-Value ˂ 0.001). Total carbon stock has an
Litter emission factor average of 104.3 ± 43.55 tC/ha in all studied habitats. The
FEL = CL × FCC with FEL: litter emission factor; average total carbon stocks obtained in this study differ
between habitats and tend to increase the degraded area
CL: Carbon litter; FCC: Carbon Conversion factor CO2 (39.85 ± 14.65 tC/ha) to the plantation (152.18 ± 43.76 tC/
equivalent = 44/12 [2,3,27]. ha). Statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at the 1 %
evidenced a significant variation between habitats (df = 6;
Dead wood emission factors F = 86.05; p-Value ˂ 0.001), (Table 1).
FEBM = BBM × FC FCMSBM × FCC with FEBM: Dead wood
emission factors; BBM: Dead wood biomass; FCFCMSBM: Emission factors in the different compartments
Conversion factor of the carbon fraction of solids in the dead of Savanna Ecosystems
wood, 0.49 [2,3,27].
The aboveground biomass emission factors obtained in
Total Carbon emission factors this research ranges from 17.31 ± 1.97 to 93.59 ± 10.4 te-
qCO2/ha, representing an overall average of 51.02 ± 15.44
FES = CT × FCC with CT: Total Carbon; FCC: Carbon Conver- teqCO2/ha. The aboveground biomass emissions factors
sion factor CO2 equivalent = 44/12 [2]. are higher in reforestation (93.59 ± 10.4 teqCO2/ha) and
lower in degraded areas (17.31 ± 1.97 teqCO2/ha). Sta-
Data analysis
tistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at the 1% evi-
The data was encoded in EXCEL sheets and analyzed using denced a significant variation between habitats (df = 6; F
the software Statgraphics plus 5.0. ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis = 95.68; p-Value ˂ 0.001). The belowground biomass emis-
tests (with an level of significance of 1%) were performed by sion factors of the study area varies 2.59 ± 1.02 to 14.13
this software in order to test for correlations and significant ± 1.05 teqCO2/ha, with an average of 7.40 ± 3.20 teqCO2/
differences. ha; have an average lower in the degraded area (2.59 ±
1.02 teqCO2/ha) and higher plantation (14.13 ± 1.05 teq-
Results and Discussion CO2/ha). Statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at
Carbon stock in the different compartments of the 1% evidenced a significant variation between habitats
(df = 6; F = 88.85; p-Value ˂ 0.001). The litter emission
Savanna Ecosystems factors obtained in this research ranges from 2.16 ± 0.65
The carbon stock in aboveground biomass is higher in to 2.97 ± 1.76 teqCO2/ha, represents an overall average
reforestation (54.26 ± 6.54 tC/ha) and lower in degraded of 2.64 ± 1.08 teqCO2/ha. The litter emission factors are
area (10.04 ± 0.97 tC/ha). Statistical analysis showed a higher in swampy area (2.97 ± 1.76 teqCO2/ha) and low-
significant difference between habitats (df = 6; F = 85.84; er in Inselberg (2.16 ± 0.65 teqCO2/ha). Statistical analysis
p-Value ˂ 0.001). The carbon stocks in belowground bio- by the Kruskal-Wallis test at the 1% threshold is no evi-
mass of the study area varied between 2.66 ± 1.02 and dence no significant variation between habitats (df = 6; F =
Carbon stock
Habitats AGB BGB Litter Dead wood Soil (0-30 cm) Total Carbon
Plantation 37.24 ± 3.76c 8.47 ± 1.05d 0.60 ± 0.05a 2.75 ± 1.03a 93.10 ± 8.65f 142.16 ± 31.06d
Reforestation 54.26 ± 6.54e 11.82 ± 2.54e 0.79 ± 0.04a 2.75 ± 1.03a 67.82 ± 4.08c 137.44 ± 31.29d
Agroforestry 25.56 ± 1.54b 6.08 ± 0.76c 0.78 ± 0.01a 2.00 ± 1.32a 70.29 ± 5.65d 104.71 ± 29.98c
Degraded area 10.04 ± 0.97a 2.66 ± 1.02b 0.70 ± 0.34a 1.35 ± 0.53a 25.10 ± 2.09a 39.85 ± 14.65b
Woody savannah 25.5 ± 2.54b 6.06 ± 1.65c 0.78 ± 0.01a 1.99 ± 0.65a 63.75 ± 3.78c 98.08 ± 29.54c
Swampy area 40.24 ± 4.20d 9.08 ± 2.41d 0.81 ± 0.06a 1.45 ± 0.42a 100.60 ± 9.65e 152.18 ± 43.76de
Inselberg 14.26 ± 0.54a 3.63 ± 0.85a 0.59 ± 0.05a 1.55 ± 0.76a 35.65 ± 3.80b 55.68 ± 13.87a
M ± STDV 29.58 ± 15.44 6.83 ± 3.20 0.72 ± 0.09 1.97 ± 0.58 65.18 ± 27.53 104.3 ± 43.55
M ± STDV: Mean ± standard deviation. The values assigned the same letter are not statistically different a probability level of 1%.
M ± STDV: Mean ± standard deviation. The values assigned the same letter are not statistically different at probability level of 1%.
0.23; p-Value < 0.001). The averages dead wood emission ly 10.04-54.26 tC/ha; 2.66-11.82 tC/ha; 0.59-0.81 tC/ha;
factors obtained in this study differ between habitats and 1.35-2.75 tC/ha, 25.10-100.60 tC/ha and 39.85-152.18 tC/
tend to increase the degraded area (2.42 ± 2.05 teqCO2/ha) ha with coefficients of variation of respectively 52.19%;
for plantation and reforestation respectively 4.94 ± 2.03 46.85%; 12.50%; 29.44%; 42.23% and 41.75%. From all
teqCO2/ha each. Statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis the calculated variables, the coefficient of variation SCL
at the 1% threshold is no evidence no significant variation (12.50%) is the lowest compared to the other four vari-
between habitats (df = 6; F = 0.13; p-Value < 0.001). The ables. A very strong and highly significant correlation was
average of the soil emission factors obtained in all habitats observed between SCAGB with FEAGB (R² = 0.98; p ≤ 0.001);
is 200.86 ± 27.53 teqCO2/ha. They have an average lower FEL (R² = 0.94; p ≤ 0.001); FEBM (R² = 0.96; p ≤ 0.001);
in degraded area (92.11 ± 32.9 teqCO2/ha) and higher in FETC (R² = 0.94; p ≤ 0.001). As against a weaker and not
swampy area (341.67 ± 38.65 teqCO2/ha). Statistical analy- significant correlation was observed between the SCAGB
sis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at the 1% evidenced a signifi- and FEBGB (R² = 0.49; p > 0.05) but a fairly strong and sig-
cant variation between habitats (df = 6; F = 84.40; p-Value nificant correlation was observed between the SCAGB and
˂ 0.001). The total Carbon emission factor has an average FES (R² = 0.59; p < 0.05). Correlations between SCBS with
of 371.87 ± 47.46 teqCO2/ha in all studied habitats. Aver- FEAGB (R² = 0.81; p ≤ 0.001); FEBGB (R² = 0.98; p ≤ 0.001);
age total carbon emission factor obtained in this study dif- FETC (R² = 0.96; p ≤ 0.001) are very strong and highly sig-
fer between habitats and tend to increase the degraded nificant. By cons between SCBGB with FEL (R² = 0.56; p <
area (103.09 ± 29.54 teqCO2/ha) to the plantation (427.17 0.05); FEBM (R² = 0.51; p < 0.05); FES (R² = 0.68; p < 0.05), a
± 45.06 teqCO2/ha). Statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wal- fairly strong and significant correlation was observed.
lis test at the 1% evidenced a significant variation between
Correlations between SCL with FEAGB (R² = 0.88; p ≤
habitats (df = 6; F = 86.05; p-Value ˂ 0.001) (Table 2).
0,001); FEBGB (R² = 0.80; p ≤ 0.001); FEL (R² = 0.98; p ≤
Relationship between carbon storage and emis- 0.001); FES (R² = 0.90; p ≤ 0.001) and FETC (R² = 0.89; p ≤
0.001) are very strong and highly significant but between
sion factors of Savanna Ecosystems
SCL with FEBM a less strong correlation and no significant
The minimum and maximum values SCAGB, SCBGB, SCL, differences were observed (R² = 0.48; p > 0.05). A very
SCBM, SCOS (0-30 cm) and total Carbon are respective- strong and significant correlation was observed between
Table 3: Pearson correlation matrix to the Carbon Storage and Emission Factor of Savanna Ecosystems.
Pearson Correlation
SCAGB 0.98 ***
0.49ns 0.94 ***
0.59 *
10.04 54.26 29.58 (52.19%)
SCBGB 0.81 ***
0.98 ***
0.56 *
0.68 *
2.66 11.82 6.83 (46.85%)
SCL 0.88 ***
0.80 *
0.98 ***
0.48ns 0.90 ****
0.59 0.81 0.72 (12.50%)
SCBM 0.51* 0.59* 0.24ns 0.99*** 0.59* 0.94*** 1.35 2.75 1.97 (29.44%)
SCOS (0-30 cm) 0.88 ***
0.87 ***
0.56 *
0.88 ***
25.10 100.60 65.18 (42.23%)
Total Carbon 0.88 ***
0.90 ****
0.89 ***
0.90 ****
39.85 152.18 104.3 (41.75%)
Min: Minimum; Max: Maximum; CV = Coefficient of variation. The coefficients p < 0.05 Were Significantly correlated; *: P ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01;
p < 0.001 (Pearson test); ns = not significant (p > 0.05).
the SCMB with FEBM (R² = 0.99; p ≤ 0.001) and FETC (R² litters were plantations comes in addition to crops, timber
= 0.94; p ≤ 0.001) but weaker and not significant with FEL left standing, the swampy area adjacent to the latter and
(R² = 0.24; p > 0.05) yet strong enough and with significant the resulting wasteland unprotected above its established.
FEAGB (R² = 0.51; p < 0.05); FEBGB (R² = 0.59; p < 0.05); FES Moreover, although the lighting rate is higher in the woody
(R² = 0.59; p < 0.05). The results in Table 3 show that there savanna and degraded area, the humidity is lower in insel-
is a significant and positive correlation between SCOS (0- berg; which significantly affects the rate of decomposition of
30 cm) and FEL (R² = 0.56; p < 0.05); and a very strong and organic matter that will be most important in swampy areas
positive correlation between SCOS (0-30 cm); FEAGB (R² = studied in the inselberg. The average carbon stocks in dead
0.88; p≤0.001); FEBGB (R² = 0.87; p ≤ 0.001); FEBM (R² = wood obtained in this study differ between habitats and tend
0.81; p ≤ 0.001); FES (R² = 0.88; p ≤ 0.001) and FETC (R² = to increase the degraded area (1.35 ± 1.53 tC/ha) for planting
0.96; p ≤ 0.001). In the end very strong correlations, very and reforestation respectively 2.75 ± 2.03 tC/ha each. Hence,
positive and highly significant were observed between the the presence of a larger number of fallen trees. The reason
total Carbon with FEAGB (R² = 0.88; p ≤ 0.001); FEBGB (R² = plantations and reforestation store more carbon in this com-
0.90; p ≤ 0.001); FEL (R² = 0.89; p ≤ 0.001); FEBM (R² = 0.98; ponent is certainly due to the fact that farmers have very lit-
p ≤ 0.001); FES (R² = 0.90; p ≤ 0.001) and FETC (R² = 0.98; p tle involvement in this type of system, unlike the degraded
≤ 0.001, (Table 3). area where fallen trees are mostly harvested for purposes of
firewood and charcoal production. The soil carbon (0-30 cm)
The carbon stock in aboveground biomass is higher in re-
varies from one habitat to another.
forestation (54.26 ± 6.54 tC/ha) and lower in degraded areas
(10.04 ± 0.97 tC/ha). Several factors could explain the spatial The average carbon soil (0-30 cm) obtained in all the hab-
variability of carbon stocks recorded in the different habi- itats is 65.18 ± 27.53 tC/ha. It has an average lower in the de-
tats studied. Clark and Clark [28] and Gourlet-Fleury and col- graded area (25.10 ± 2.09 tC/ha) and higher in swampy area
leagues [29], emphasize the influence of the type of soil in the (100.60 ± 9.65 tC/ha). This gap could be explained mainly in
spatial variability of biomass stocks, and thus their carbon in part by the different biochemical textures and compositions
the tropics. In fact, the type of soil controls the specific com- of the soil and also the fact that in degraded areas, anthropo-
position [30] and explains its difference between ecosystems genic factors (bushfires, logging, growing up slash and burn)
by natural selection related to species adaptation [31]. Bocko and biophysical factors (erosion, stripping surface layers, me-
and colleagues [32] also point out that structural variables ex- chanical action and clearing the oxidation of organic matter)
plain more of the spatial variation of biomass in African rain- that destroy and reduce organic refunds from the middle
forests. In fact, air carbon stock tends to increase with the towards the ground. Indeed, the carbon storage dynamics in
increase of certain structural parameters such as basal area agroforestry soil depends on changes in land use (deforesta-
[29,33]. It is then noted that the most significant differences tion, afforestation, etc.), climate and silvicultural practices
between the different biotopes carbon stocks may reside in mineralization increasing the activity of micro-organisms in
the importance of their basal surfaces [31] and their means the soil (plowing, drainage, fertilization). Total carbon stock
DBH. Carbon stocks in belowground biomass of the study has an average of 104.3 ± 43.55 tC/ha in all studied habitats.
area vary 2.66 ± 1.02 to 11.82 ± 2.54 tC/ha, with an average The average total carbon stocks obtained in this study differ
of 6.83 ± 3.20 tC/ha; have an average lower in the degraded between habitats and tend to increase the degraded area
area (2.66 ± 1.02 tC/ha) and higher in reforestation (11.82 ± (39.85 ± 14.65 tC/ha) to the swampy area (152.18 ± 43.76 tC/
2.54 tC/ha). The main change factors agroforestry soil carbon ha). This is due to different geographical areas studied, the
stocks are climate, the dominant species, in connection with dbh, basal area and density of trees selected and studied eco-
the type of humus, and qualitative characteristics (pedoge- systems. Aboveground biomass Emission factors obtained in
netic type) and quantitative soil (clay content and soil depth). this search range from 17.31 ± 1.97 and 93.59 ± 10.4 teqCO2/
The carbon stock in litter is higher in swampy area (0.81 ± ha, representing an average of 51.02 ± 15.44 teqCO2/ha. Abo-
1.76 tC/ha) and lower in inselberg (0.59 ± 0.65 tC/ha). This veground biomass emission Factors are higher in reforesta-
variation could be explained by two main reasons: Because tion (93.59 ± 10.4 teqCO2/ha) and lower in degraded areas
(17.31 ± 1.97 teqCO2/ha). The reforestation is the major sink mental riparian populations; such ecosystems are considered
of CO2; this explains the absence of anthropogenic emissions for CO2 emission reductions factors therefore contribute to
of greenhouse gas effects. Aboveground biomass emission the mitigation of climate change mitigations. Which should
factors low in degraded areas, this is due to the presence of be as through the different land use activities, land tenure
anthropogenic (bush fires, logging, slash and burn cultiva- security, agriculture "zero deforestation", reforestation, sus-
tion setting). These results are lower than the results cited tainable forest management, REDD + and CDM projects need
by [27,34] for the dense tropical forest (248.16 teqCO2/ha) to focus on the valuation of these savanna ecosystems North
and the tropical moist deciduous forest (151.31 teqCO2/ha) in Cameroon to motivate local communities to develop conser-
the Mé Region. The belowground biomass emission factors in vation strategies for protecting these ecosystems to benefit
this study area range from 2.59 ± 1.02 to 14.13 ± 1.05 teqCO2/ from carbon credits and also while improving their conditions
ha, with an average of 7.40 ± 3.20 teqCO2/ha; have an aver- of life. These results show that these different ecosystems
age lower in the degraded area (2.59 ± 1.02 teqCO2/ha) and studied are large carbon reservoirs and can justify the use of
higher plantations (14.13 ± 1.05 teqCO2/ha). The high value judicious combination agricultural and woody crops to en-
in plantations, perhaps due to the fact that these plantations hance the total carbon stock and therefore the amount of CO2
are undisturbed ecosystems, with important litter inputs, sig- in degraded ecosystems such as degraded areas.
nificant microbial activity and decomposition leading to the
accumulation of more humus in the soil. These results are Acknowledgments
lower than the results cited by FAO and SEP-REDD +. [27,34] Authors thank all the reviewer whose contributions have
for the dense tropical forest (91.82 teqCO2/ha) and the trop- been very significant for the improvement of this study.
ical moist deciduous forest (30.26 teqCO2/ha) in Mé region.
The litter Emission factors are higher in swampy area (2.97 ± Conflict of Interest
1.76 teqCO2/ha) and lower in Inselberg (2.16 ± 0.65 teqCO2/ The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
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DOI: 10.36959/771/562
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