Kassiano Etal J Strength Cond Res 2022
Kassiano Etal J Strength Cond Res 2022
Kassiano Etal J Strength Cond Res 2022
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11 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Witalo Kassiano on 12 December 2022.
4 Authors: Witalo Kassiano1, Bruna Costa1, Gabriel Kunevaliki1, Danrlei Soares1, Natã Stavinski1,
5 Jarlisson Francsuel1, Marcelo A. S. Carneiro1, Ian Tricoli1, João Pedro Nunes1,3, Alex S. Ribeiro2,
6 Edilson S. Cyrino1
7 Affiliations: 1Metabolism, Nutrition and Exercise Laboratory, Physical Education and Sport
8 Center, State University of Londrina, Londrina, PR, Brazil; 2University Pitágoras UNOPAR. Lon-
9 drina, PR, Brazil; 3Centre for Human Performance, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith
14 Sport Center, State University of Londrina, Rodovia Celso Garcia, km 380, 86057-970, Londrina,
15 PR, Brazil.
17 Affiliation where the research was conducted: Physical Education and Sport Center. State
20 Triceps surae muscle swelling in response to different resistance exercises remain to be deter-
21 mined. The present study compared the effects of straight-leg (STRA-leg) calf raise versus bent-
22 leg (BENT-leg) calf raise exercises on triceps surae muscle swelling. Seventeen young women
23 (23.7 ± 4.0 yrs; 67.4 ± 16.0 kg; 163.5 ± 7.2 cm) performed two resistance training sessions; in one
24 they performed the STRA-leg calf raise and in another, they performed the BENT-leg calf raise.
25 A randomized, crossover, and counterbalanced design was adopted for this investigation. The sub-
26 jects performed 4 sets of 20 repetitions maximum until concentric muscular failure. The muscle
27 thickness of gastrocnemius medial (GM), gastrocnemius lateral (GL), and soleus (SOL) were taken
28 via B-mode ultrasound pre and immediately post the calf raise exercises. STRA-leg calf raise elic-
29 ited greater increases in muscle thickness of GM (+8.8% vs. -0.9%, P < 0.001) and GL (+14.5%
30 vs. +7.0%, P < 0.001) than BENT-leg calf raise. Conversely, BENT-leg calf raise elicited greater
31 increases in SOL muscle thickness than STRA-leg calf raise (+15.4% vs. +7.7%, P < 0.001). From
32 a practical perspective, the STRA-leg calf raise should be preferred if the aim is stimulating the
33 three muscles that comprise the triceps surae, whereas the BENT-leg calf raise should be priori-
35 Keywords: resistance exercise, muscle thickness, ultrasound, exercise selection, ankle flexors,
36 active insufficiency.
38 Resistance exercises induce inhomogeneous stimulus along the length of a muscle and be-
39 tween muscles of a muscle group (16, 19, 30). For instance, immediately after performing the
40 barbell back squat, there is an increase in the cross-sectional area of the vastii and adductor but not
41 in the rectus femoris (19). This transient augment in muscle size has been termed muscle swelling
42 and appears to occur due to a fluid shift to exercised muscles due to metabolic demand in response
43 to repeated muscle contractions (5, 21). Based on this, muscle swelling has been considered a valid
44 proxy to identify which muscles are most stimulated in response to resistance exercise (5). Inter-
45 estingly, there appears to be a relationship between muscle swelling measures and muscle hyper-
46 trophy (12). Ultrasound imaging has been used to detect changes in muscle size after exercise (12,
47 26, 27). However, most studies investigating resistance exercise-induced muscle swelling have
48 focused on the quadriceps (12, 26, 27). Therefore, findings characterizing swelling effects of dif-
49 ferent resistance exercises for other muscles such as triceps surae are limited or non-existent.
50 The triceps surae is a muscle group that arouses the interest of strength and conditioning
52 oriented resistance training programs (3, 17). This large muscle group consists of the gastrocnem-
53 ius medial (GM), gastrocnemius lateral (GL), and soleus (SOL) (2, 14). The SOL is a single-joint
54 plantar flexor muscle that crosses the ankle exclusively. In contrast, the gastrocnemius heads are
55 two-joint muscles that cross the knee and ankle joints (14). Based on this anatomical feature, gas-
56 trocnemius heads may experience active insufficiency at greater knee flexion angles (14). There-
57 fore, reducing its contribution, for example, during a calf raise exercise performed with the bent-
58 leg. Theoretically, this would result in a greater contribution of the SOL in a bent-leg (BENT-leg)
59 calf raise (22). On the other hand, the calf raise performed with the straight-leg (STRA-leg) could
60 favor a greater contribution—therefore, superior stimulus—for the GM and GL, as it is in a favor-
62 Despite the plausibility of the arguments presented above, the evidence is inconclusive.
63 For instance, a previous study (24) reported greater SOL activation (measured via surface electro-
64 myography [sEMG]) with the knees bent at 90º than at 0º (i.e., fully extended). On the other hand,
65 another investigation detected similar sEMG amplitude in the SOL with knees at 90º and 0º (7).
66 Moreover, sEMG amplitude in the GL was not impaired in function of knee angle (24). In contrast,
67 another report (7) detected lower sEMG amplitude in the GL at 90º of knee flexion. These diver-
68 gences may occur due to inconsistencies related to the measurement method (i.e., sEMG), partic-
69 ularly when comparing different muscle lengths (28, 29). In this context, muscle swelling may be
70 an alternative method to be used to represent muscle stimulation. Thus, this study compared swell-
71 ing of the triceps surae muscles immediately after STRA-leg and BENT-leg calf raise exercises.
72 We hypothesized that the gastrocnemius heads muscle swelling would be greater in the STRA-leg
73 calf raise, whereas SOL muscle swelling would be greater in the BENT-leg calf raise exercise.
77 A randomized, crossover, and counterbalanced design was adopted for this investigation. The total
78 duration of the study was 4 weeks. Weeks 1 and 2 were used for anthropometry measurements and
79 repetitions maximum (RM) testing on straight-leg and bent-leg calf raise exercises. Weeks 3 and
80 4 were used for the application of the experimental training sessions. Subjects performed the train-
81 ing sessions with straight-leg (STRA-leg) or bent-leg calf raise (BENT-leg) exercises following a
82 randomized, counterbalanced order; 9 performed the STRA-leg calf raise in the first training
83 session and 8 performed the BENT-leg calf raise in the first training session. In the 2 experimental
84 training sessions, we measured the muscle thickness of GM, GL, and SOL before and immediately
85 after the last set via ultrasonography. We recorded the load used and the number of repetitions and
86 repetitions in reserve following each set. A 1-week washout period was given between experi-
87 mental training sessions. All subjects performed their RM tests and training sessions at the same
88 time of the day (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) to minimize the possible effects of the circadian cycle on strength
89 performance. Subjects were instructed to maintain their nutritional habits and hydration and did
90 not engage in resistance exercise during their participation in the present study.
91 Subjects
92 Seventeen recreationally active young women (23.7 ± 4.0 yrs, 67.4 ± 16.0 kg, 163.5 ± 7.2 cm)
93 participated in the present study. The sample size was determined a priori using G*Power software
94 (version with the significance level set at 0.05 and power of 0.90 to detect a moderate
95 effect size (F = 0.29) (26). The analysis indicated at least 16 subjects were needed to achieve
96 adequate statistical power. Volunteers were recruited through dissemination on social media and
97 folders distributed in points of greater circulation within the campus of the local University. All
98 subjects had experience with resistance training but had not trained for 2 months before the start
99 of the present study. Notably, the participants had familiarization with the straight-leg and bent-
100 leg calf raise exercises. Before the inclusion, they completed a detailed health history questionnaire
101 and were included in the study if they had no signs or symptoms of disease, were not using medi-
102 cations or supplements, and had no orthopedic injuries. Written informed consent was obtained
103 from the subjects after a detailed description of all procedures. This investigation was conducted
104 according to the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local University Ethics Com-
107 Triceps Surae Muscle Thickness Measurement. Muscle thickness measurements of the GM, GL,
108 and SOL were assessed using a B-mode ultrasound imaging device (FIGLABS, model FP-102,
109 SAEVO, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), with a 53 mm, 7.5-MHz linear probe model L741. The subject
110 was placed in a prone lying position on a stretcher and rested for 10 min before the beginning of
111 the assessment. Images were obtained on the posterior surface of the right leg with the probe per-
112 pendicular to the tissue. Image acquisitions of the GM were taken with the probe positioned in the
113 thickest and more prominent site of the leg from a posteroanterior view (17). Measurements of the
114 GL were taken at the proximal third between the femur lateral epicondyle and the fibula lateral
115 malleolus (Figure 1A). Image acquisitions of the SOL were taken at the middle distance between
116 the femur and the lateral malleolus of the fibula (Figure 1A). Reference lines were drawn on the
117 subject’s skin with a dermatographic pen on the sites at which images were obtained. The lines
118 were reinforced and maintained throughout the study to ensure that the measurement was taken at
119 the same site pre- and post-exercise and in the 2 experimental training sessions. A generous quan-
120 tity of water-soluble transmission gel was applied over the muscle being assessed, without com-
121 pressing the skin. Two assessors participated in measurement procedures. The first handled the
122 probe, and the second was responsible for freezing the images. When the image quality was
123 deemed to be satisfactory, the second assessor, who was blinded to condition allocation, obtained
124 muscle thickness dimensions. Muscle thickness of GM and GL was defined as the distance from
125 the superficial to deep aponeuroses that borders the SOL (Figure 1B). The SOL was defined as the
126 distance from the upper and lower aponeuroses separating the muscle (Figure 1B). The muscle
127 thickness dimensions were obtained on the ultrasound machine’s calculation package through a
128 line drawn at right angles in the center of each ultrasound image. Eleven subjects were randomly
129 chosen to be evaluated on two days separated by 72 h to determine the reliability of the muscle
130 thickness measurements. The intraclass correlation coefficients for the GM, GL and SOL were
131 0.978, 0.989, and 0.987; the coefficients of variation were 2.1%, 2.5%, and 1.3%; the standard
132 errors of measurement were 0.086 cm, 0.074 cm, and 0.077 cm, respectively. Measurement of
133 muscle thickness after the training session was started less than 1 minute after the end of the last
134 training set. This was possible by taking the ultrasound device and a stretcher to the gym room
139 Repetitions Maximum Test. The determination of the weight to be used in STRA-leg and BENT-
140 leg calf raise exercises was performed through RM testing. Initially, the subjects performed a
141 warm-up in the specific exercise with half the weight that would be used on the first set (selected
142 based on researcher and subject experience). After 1 minute of rest, the first set was started. The
143 subjects were asked to perform 20 repetitions in both exercises. This number of repetitions was
144 chosen based on its common inclusion in calf hypertrophy-oriented training programs (13, 17). If
145 the subjects were able to perform 20 repetitions without reaching the task failure, the weight was
146 increased by 2–5% for the next set. On the contrary, if the subject could not perform 20 repetitions,
147 the weight was decreased by the same magnitude. Each subject performed three sets per testing
148 session with a 3-minute rest interval. An interval of 20 min was given between the RM testing in
149 BENT-leg and STRA-leg calf raise. The RM testing was performed on two days, separated by 48
150 h. The weight with which the subject could not exceed 20 repetitions was used in the experimental
151 training sessions. The intraclass correlation coefficients for the RM testing in STRA-leg and
152 BENT-leg calf raise were 0.988 and 0.980; the coefficients of variation were 1.7% and 2.7%; the
153 standard errors of measurement were 2.41 kg and 1.52 kg, respectively.
154 Experimental Training Sessions. Two experimental training sessions were performed; in one the
155 subjects performed the STRA-leg calf raise exercise and in another, they performed the BENT-leg
156 calf raise exercise. The 2 experimental conditions were carried out in a randomized and counter-
157 balanced order with a 1-week washout between each one. STRA-leg calf raise exercise was per-
158 formed with the knees at 0º (i.e., fully extended), in a pin-loaded horizontal leg-press machine
159 (Ipiranga®, Presidente Prudente, Brazil) (Figure 2A). BENT-leg calf raise exercise was performed
160 with the knees at 90º, in a specific device (Ipiranga®, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil) with weight
161 plates (Figure 2B). The subjects performed a warm-up set of 20 repetitions with 50% 20RM, and
162 after 1-min of rest, the subjects performed 4 sets with 20RM load. Subjects were verbally encour-
163 aged to achieve task failure in each set—i.e., the point at which, despite trying to do so, they cannot
164 complete the concentric muscle action of their current repetition (25). A 2-min of rest interval was
165 given between sets. Exercises were performed in the full range of motion, in a tempo of 1/0/2/1
167 tively). The foot was positioned on the platform supported by metatarsals. The number of repeti-
168 tions in each set was recorded. After each set, the number of repetitions in reserve (RIR) was
169 quantified. After each exercise set, subjects answered the following question: “How many addi-
170 tional repetitions could you have performed?” (11). An estimated repetition to failure score of “0”
171 indicated that the subject estimated that no additional repetitions could be completed (0 RIR; task
177 The normality of the data was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk. The number of repetitions and RIR
178 were compared using a repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with condition (STRA-
179 leg calf raise vs. BENT-leg calf raise) × time (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sets) as fixed factors. When
180 sphericity was violated, the Greenhouse-Geisser correction factor was applied. The absolute load
181 used in the exercises was compared using an independent t-test. Muscle thickness of the GM, GL,
182 and SOL were compared using a repeated-measures ANOVA with the condition (STRA-leg calf
183 raise vs. BENT-leg calf raise) × time (pre- vs. post-session) as fixed factors. When the F was
184 significant, a Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to identify possible statistical differences. The
185 effect size (ES) was calculated as post-mean minus pre-values mean, divided by pooled pre-values
186 standard deviation (6). The data were presented in mean, standard deviation, and 95% confidence
187 interval. The accepted level of significance was P < 0.05. The data were analyzed using the JASP
191 The absolute load was significantly greater in the STRA-leg than in the BENT-leg calf
192 raise (51.0 ± 12.0 kg vs. 23.5 ± 5.0 kg; t = 11.317, P < 0.001). The number of repetitions and RIR
193 are presented in Table 1. There was a significant time effect (F = 116.800, P < 0.001), but no
194 condition (F = 0.936, P = 0.348) or time × condition interaction (F = 0.439, P = 0.726) for the
195 number of repetitions. The number of repetitions was lower in the 3rd and 4th sets than in the 1st
196 and 2nd sets in both training sessions. There was a significant main effect of time (F = 4.745, P =
197 0.006), but no condition (F = 0.314, P = 0.583) or time × condition interaction (F = 0.584, P =
198 0.628) for the number of RIR. The number of RIR was lower in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sets than in the
203 Table 2 displays the pre- and post-session values of the GM, GL, and SOL muscle thick-
204 ness. There was no significant difference in the pre-sessions muscle thickness between the exper-
205 imental conditions (all P > 0.05). Figure 3 shows the individual changes in muscle thickness of the
211 For the GM, there was a significant main effect of time (F = 27.898, P < 0.001), condition
212 (F = 45.629, P < 0.001), and time × condition interaction (F = 61.795, P < 0.001). There was
213 increase in GM muscle thickness pre-to-post STRA-leg calf raise (∆ = +8.8%, P < 0.001), but not
214 pre-to-post BENT-leg calf raise (∆ = -0.9%, P = 0.999). GM muscle thickness was significantly
215 greater at post STRA-leg than post BENT-leg calf raise (Meandiff = 0.21 cm, 95% CI: 0.15, 0.27;
217 For GL, there was a significant main effect of time (F = 42.000, P < 0.001), condition (F
218 = 11.755, P = 0.003), and time × condition interaction (F = 12.919, P = 0.002). There was increase
219 in GL muscle thickness pre-to-post STRA-leg calf raise (∆ = +14.5%, P < 0.001), and pre-to-post
220 BENT-leg calf raise (∆ = +7.0%, P = 0.013). GL muscle thickness was significantly greater at post
221 STRA-leg than post BENT-leg calf raise (Meandiff = 0.13 cm, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.21, P < 0.001).
222 For SOL, there was a significant main effect of time (F = 273.432, P < 0.001), condition
223 (F = 5.559, P = 0.031), and time × condition interaction (F = 31.348, P < 0.001). There was an
224 increase in SOL muscle thickness pre-to-post STRA-leg calf raise (∆ = +7.7%, P < 0.001), and
225 pre-to-post BENT-leg calf raise (∆ = +15.4%, P < 0.001). SOL muscle thickness was significantly
226 greater at post BENT-leg than post STRA-leg calf raise (Meandiff = 0.14 cm, 95% CI: 0.06, 0.22,
230 The purpose of the present study was to compare the acute effects of performing STRA-
231 leg and BENT-leg calf raise on muscle thickness of the triceps surae muscles. The main findings
232 of this study were that exercise selection influences the muscles that experience muscle swelling
233 and the magnitude of this transient increase in muscle size. Specifically, STRA-leg calf raise elic-
234 ited muscle swelling in the three triceps surae muscles, whereas BENT-leg calf raise induced mus-
235 cle swelling in the GL and SOL, but not in GM. Notably, the magnitude of muscle swelling on
236 gastrocnemius muscles was greater after the STRA-leg than the BENT-leg calf raise. In contrast,
237 the magnitude of muscle swelling on the SOL was greater after the BENT-leg than after the STRA-
238 leg calf raise. It is important to highlight that such effects occurred with the calf raise exercises
239 being performed with the same relative load (i.e., 15-20RM) and similar proximity to task failure
240 (i.e., 0 RIR). Our initial hypothesis that STRA-leg calf raise would be induced superior gas-
241 trocnemius muscle swelling but inferior SOL muscle swelling than BENT-leg calf raise was con-
242 firmed.
243 In the present study, we observed that the magnitude of swelling of the triceps surae mus-
244 cles differs depending on the specific calf raise exercise. Our findings are in line with previous
245 investigations that observed differential muscle swelling and fluid shift in other muscles (e.g.,
246 quadriceps and pectoralis major) when performing different resistance exercises (1, 19, 27). The
247 first major finding of this study was the greater gastrocnemius muscle swelling observed after
248 STRA-leg than BENT-leg calf raise. Muscle swelling occurs with the shift in a fluid to the exer-
249 cised muscle (21, 23). That said, greater gastrocnemius muscle swelling in the STRA-leg calf raise
250 observed in the present study may be explained, at least in part, by the length of the gastrocnemius
251 muscles in the calf raise exercises and the associated consequences. Given the biarticular feature
252 of the gastrocnemius muscles, in the STRA-leg calf raise, both heads are likely to have a better
253 length-tension relationship. This factor may have favored the formation of an optimal number of
254 actin and myosin cross-bridges (14). Thus, the higher metabolic activity would create an aug-
255 mented demand for ATP and a greater accumulation of byproducts in active muscles (21, 23). This
256 greater byproduct accumulation might favor fluid shifts, then muscle swelling. On the other hand,
257 in the BENT-leg calf raise exercise, gastrocnemius probably experienced active insufficiency at
258 which there was little opportunity for cross-bridge cycling (14), potentially reducing the accumu-
259 lation of byproducts and, consequently, a reduced muscle swelling in gastrocnemius muscles.
260 Intriguingly, we observed a significant change in GL swelling after the BENT-leg calf
261 raise, but not in the GM head. Theoretically, GM and GL experience active insufficiency at higher
262 knee flexion angles, but our results suggest that this was not necessarily the case. Given the muscle
263 swelling observed in the lateral head, this belly likely contributed relevantly to the plantar flexion
264 task in the BENT-leg calf raise. Our results corroborate a previous study (24) in which the GL
265 does not reduce its activation during the plantar flexion task performed at 90º of knee flexion. On
266 the other hand, our findings contradict the results of another report (20) that observed no pre-to-
267 post training session changes in the transverse relaxation time of the GL at 90º of knee flexion,
268 suggesting no relevant contribution of GL at this knee angle. In regarding our results, a potential
269 explanation for muscle swelling in the GL but not in the GM may be at the origin of these muscles
270 (8, 24); the GM origin is attached closer to the midline of the knee joint and more dorsal than the
271 origin of the GL head (8). This might favor the GM to experience greater active insufficiency than
272 the GL head in BENT-leg calf raise exercise. In fact, results suggesting that the GM experience
274 The second major finding of this study was greater SOL muscle swelling after BENT-leg
275 than STRA-leg calf raise. Interestingly, this greater SOL muscle swelling occurred with the abso-
276 lute load in BENT-leg being lower than in STRA-leg calf raise. A potential explanation for this
277 result may be the reduction in the participation of gastrocnemius heads with the knees bent that
278 occurred in the BENT-leg calf raise. Indeed, in the present study, the GM did not show any changes
279 in muscle thickness immediately post the BENT-leg calf raise. Although the GL showed substan-
280 tial muscle swelling, this increase was about half the swelling that occurred after the straight-legcalf
281 raise (7.0% vs. 14.5%, BENT-leg, and STRA-leg calf raise, respectively). Due to this lower partic-
282 ipation of the gastrocnemius, the plantar flexion task was performed mainly by the SOL. SOL
283 muscle originates on the soleal line of the tibia and posterior head and the upper shaft of the fibula
284 (8). Thus, changes in knee angle do not influence its length and force-generating capacity. In this
285 sense, the SOL likely exerted a greater role in the plantar flexion task in BENT-leg calf raise. As
286 a result, the higher metabolic activity would create an augmented demand for ATP, which probably
287 elicited a greater accumulation of byproducts and superior SOL muscle swelling in the BENT-leg
290 findings on muscular activation (measured by sEMG) are inconclusive in demonstrating whether
291 there is or not greater excitation of the SOL muscle during BENT-leg calf raise task (4, 7, 24). For
292 instance, SOL sEMG amplitude during the BENT-leg was not superior to the STRA-leg exercise,
293 despite the reduction in the activation of the gastrocnemius with increased knee flexion (7). A
294 possible explanation for discordant findings on the magnitude of SOL activation (measured via
295 sEMG) and muscle swelling may be the occurrence of motor unit cycling (18, 28). During fatigu-
296 ing contractions, some motor units may shut off their firing frequencies to allow for recovery from
297 fatigue (18, 31). As a certain force is still needed to maintain the adequate force output to continue
298 exercising, these fatigued motor units will transfer their force production duties onto other motor
299 units—thus activating further muscle fibers (9, 18). This would not necessarily elicit greater sEMG
300 amplitude but would result in greater muscle swelling by activating further SOL muscle fibers;
301 particularly due to the lower gastrocnemius participation in BENT-leg calf raise. This hypothesis
302 conceivably helps to explain why there was greater SOL muscle swelling in the BENT-leg, even
303 with a lower absolute load than in STRA-leg calf raise. Importantly, in the present investigation,
304 we exclusively quantified muscle swelling, thus studies measuring motor unit recruitment, muscle
305 fiber activation (via alternative methods such as fiber glycogen depletion) and muscle swelling are
307 Our study has some limitations that must be acknowledged. First, we measured the change
308 in muscle thickness in one site of each muscle to express the muscle swelling; a more valid proxy
309 would be the change in whole muscle volume. Also, measures at different regions could indicate
310 whether swelling could be regional, similar to what was demonstrated with transverse relaxation
311 time after STRA-leg calf raise (15). Second, although subjects were instructed to perform the
312 exercises at the same execution velocity and range of motion, no device was used to monitor these
313 factors strictly. Third, we verified the effects of calf raise in only two knee flexion angles; future
314 investigations analyzing other knee angles may provide additional insights. Nonetheless, the two
315 exercises investigated in the present study are frequently included in resistance training routines
316 (10). In this sense, our results are of high external validity and practical relevance. Finally, we
317 measured only young women; future studies may consider testing subjects of different ages, to see
318 if this muscle ability to shift the focus of activation between muscles is preserved or altered with
322 STRA-leg calf raise elicited substantial muscle swelling in the three muscles of the triceps
323 surae, while BENT-leg calf raise elicited muscle swelling in the GL and SOL, but not in the GM.
324 Notably, muscle swelling in the GM and GL was greater when performing the STRA-leg than
325 BENT-leg calf raise exercise. Conversely, SOL muscle swelling was greater when performing the
326 BENT-leg than STRA-leg calf raise. From a practical perspective, if the aim is to provide stimulus
327 to the three triceps surae muscles, the STRA-leg calf raise exercise should be preferred. If the
328 target muscle is the SOL, BENT-leg calf raise should be prioritized. Importantly, if the objective
329 is to optimally stimulate all three muscles, strength and conditioning professionals and practition-
330 ers should consider performing both calf resistance exercises. Notably, whether this pattern of
331 acute changes corresponds to hypertrophic adaptations in the gastrocnemius heads and SOL re-
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420 Figure 1. Representation of the ultrasound sites in the GM, GL, and SOL muscles (A). The ultra-
421 sonography images show GM, GL, and SOL muscles (B). For each muscle, superficial and deep
422 aponeuroses are visualized, between which the muscle thickness was measured. GM = gas-
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