Peak Week Brad Schoenfeld Agua Intra
Peak Week Brad Schoenfeld Agua Intra
Peak Week Brad Schoenfeld Agua Intra
Changes in Intra-to-Extra-Cellular Water Ratio and Bioelectrical
Parameters from Day-Before to Day-Of Competition in
Bodybuilders: A Pilot Study
João Pedro Nunes 1, * , João P. M. Araújo 2 , Alex S. Ribeiro 3 , Francesco Campa 4 , Brad J. Schoenfeld 5 ,
Edilson S. Cyrino 1 and Michele C. C. Trindade 2
1 Metabolism, Nutrition, and Exercise Laboratory, Physical Education and Sport Center,
Londrina State University, Londrina 86057-970, Brazil;
2 Department of Physical Education, State University of Maringá, Maringa 87020-900, Brazil; (J.P.M.A.); (M.C.C.T.)
3 Center for Research in Health Sciences, University UNOPAR-Pitágoras, Londrina 86047-790, Brazil;
4 Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, 47921 Rimini, Italy;
5 Health Sciences Department, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY 10468, USA;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The present study analyzed the effects from day-before to day-of bodybuilding competition
on intracellular water (ICW), extracellular water (ECW), total body water (TBW), and bioimpedance
analysis (BIA) parameters (resistance, R; reactance, Xc; and derived scores) in bodybuilding athletes.
We assessed anthropometry and BIA (foot-to-hand; tetrapolar; 50 kHz) in 11 male bodybuilders
(29 ± 4 year-old; 81 ± 8 kg; 172 ± 7 cm; 27 ± 2 kg/m2 ) both on the pre-competition day and on
the contest day. Results revealed significant increases in ICW (31.6 ± 2.9 to 33.1 ± 2.8 L), with
Citation: Nunes, J.P.; Araújo, J.P.M.;
Ribeiro, A.S.; Campa, F.; Schoenfeld,
concomitant decreases in ECW (19.8 ± 1.8 to 17.2 ± 1.4 L) and TBW (51.4 ± 4.6 to 50.3 ± 4.2 L)
B.J.; Cyrino, E.S.; Trindade, M.C.C. from the day-before competition to contest day, which resulted in relatively large increases in the
Changes in Intra-to-Extra-Cellular ICW/ECW ratio (1.60 ± 0.03 to 1.92 ± 0.01 L). Moreover, significant increases in R (391 ± 34 to
Water Ratio and Bioelectrical 413 ± 33 ohm), Xc (64 ± 7 to 70 ± 6 ohm), and phase angle (9.3 ± 0.6 to 9.6 ± 0.7 degree) were
Parameters from Day-Before to observed between time periods. The phase angle scores reported on show-day of 9.6 and 11.2 appear
Day-Of Competition in Bodybuilders: to be the highest group mean and individual values observed in the literature to date. In conclusion,
A Pilot Study. Sports 2022, 10, 23. the strategies carried out on the final day of peak-week bodybuilding preparation lead to changes in BIA parameters and body water, with fluids shifting from the extra- to the intracellular compartment.
Academic Editor: Nicolas Babault Keywords: body composition; bodybuilding; resistance training; carbohydrate loading; peaking;
dehydration; bioelectrical impedance vector analysis
Received: 13 December 2021
Accepted: 10 February 2022
Published: 14 February 2022
BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBB). During the day-before, participants were approached
after the weigh-in to inquire if they were interested in participating in the study. Following
a detailed description of the study procedures, those who agreed to participate completed a
written informed consent, and underwent anthropometric and BIA assessments. On show-
day, before the warm-up for the first call-outs to stage, participants were re-evaluated on
the same variables in an air-conditioned (~22 ◦ C) backstage room. This study was approved
by the University Ethics Committee and was conducted according to the Declaration of
Helsinki [24].
2.2. Subjects
Approximately 50 male and female athletes were invited to take part in the present
study on the day prior to the contest. Of this sample, 11 male competitors agreed to partici-
pate (age = 28.8 ± 4.1 years [range: 22–35]; weight = 80.5 ± 7.9 kg; stature = 172.0 ± 7.2 cm;
body mass index = 27.2 ± 1.9 kg/m2 ; experience = 6 ± 4 competitions). One athlete
competed in a junior category (≤23 years-old, ≥75 kg) while 10 competed in weight-limit
classes (men’s physique = 5; men’s bodybuilding = 5).
was accepted as statistically significant. Cohen’s d effect size (d) was calculated as show-day
mean minus day-before mean, divided by day-before standard deviation [27], and was
corrected for bias in small samples [28]. An effect size of 0.00–0.19 was considered as trivial,
0.20–0.49 as small, 0.50–0.79 as moderate, and ≥ 0.80 as large [27]. In addition, we ran
linear regressions to identify whether age played a role on the magnitude of the results (age
as a covariate; day-before—show-day change score as a dependent factor). The data were
analyzed using JASP software (Jasp Stats, v.1.0; Amsterdam, Netherlands), and presented
as the mean and standard deviation (sd), unless otherwise stated.
3. Results
Figure 1 displays the individual values for R, Xc, PhA, TBW, ICW, ECW, ICW/ECW
ratio, and ICW/TBW ratio. Significant changes were observed in R (391.5 ± 33.9 omh;
412.7 ± 33.0 omh; observed power [op] = 0.436; p = 0.037; d = 0.60), Xc (63.9 ± 7.1 omh;
70.0 ± 6.2 omh; op = 0.699; p = 0.005; d = 0.83), PhA (9.3 ± 0.6 degree; 9.6 ± 0.7 degree;
op = 0.412; p = 0.001; d = 0.58), TBW (51.4 ± 4.6 L; 50.3 ± 4.2 L; op = 0.102; p = 0.028;
d = −0.22), ICW (31.6 ± 2.9 L; 33.1 ± 2.8 L; op = 0.323; p < 0.001; d = 0.50), ECW (19.8 ± 1.8 L;
17.2 ± 1.4 L; op = 0.985; p < 0.001; d = −1.39), ICW/ECW ratio (1.60 ± 0.03 L; 1.92 ± 0.01 L;
op = 1.000; p < 0.001; d = 9.77), and ICW/TBW ratio (0.61 ± 0.01 L; 0.66 ± 0.01 L; op = 1.000;
Sports 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 10
p < 0.001; d = 8.70) but not in bodyweight (80.8 ± 7.9 kg; 80.2 ± 8.0 kg; op = 0.055; p = 0.158;
d = −0.07).
Figure1. Individual valuesvalues
1. Individual for BIA-derived scores, and
for BIA-derived body water
scores, and measures
body waterin bodybuilders
measures in from
day-before to show-day (n = 11). TBW = total body water; ICW = intracellular water; ECW = extra-
from day-before to show-day (n = 11). TBW = total body water; ICW = intracellular water;
cellular water. Data are mean and 95% confidence intervals. * = p < 0.05 vs. day-before.
ECW = extracellular water. Data are mean and 95% confidence intervals. * = p < 0.05 vs. day-before.
Figure 2 displays the results for BIVA. The simultaneous increase in R/H (228.0 ± 7.9
ohm/m; 240.0 ± 17.5 ohm/m; op = 0.334; p = 0.040; d = 0.51) and Xc/H scores (37.2 ± 4.7
ohm/m; 40.7 ± 3.3 ohm/m; op = 0.566; p = 0.006; d = 0.71) resulted in a significant vector
displacement from the day-before to show-day (T2 = 15.2; F = 7.1; op = 0.850; p < 0.001; D2
Sports 2022, 10, 23 5 of 9
Figure 2 displays the results for BIVA. The simultaneous increase in R/H (228.0 ± 7.9 ohm/m;
240.0 ± 17.5 ohm/m; op = 0.334; p = 0.040; d = 0.51) and Xc/H scores (37.2 ± 4.7 ohm/m;
40.7 ± 3.3 ohm/m; op = 0.566; p = 0.006; d = 0.71) resulted in a significant vector displace-
ment from the day-before to show-day (T2 = 15.2; F = 7.1; op = 0.850; p < 0.001; D2 = 1.19).
In addition, we observed significant decreases in waist circumference (79.3 ± 3.2 cm;
78.6 ± 2.8 cm; op = 0.097; p = 0.036; d = −0.21) and increases in upper-arm circumference
Sports 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW (36.1 ± 1.5 cm; 36.8 ± 1.5 cm; op = 0.225; p = 0.028; d = 0.40), whereas no change was
observed in mid-thigh circumference (56.6 ± 2.6 cm; 56.2 ± 2.0 cm; op = 0.071; p = 0.468;
d = −0.14). Furthermore, for all variables, linear regression analyses showed that age was
not a significant factor in any model (p values ranged from 0.156 to 0.926)
Figure 2. Results for BIVA scores in bodybuilders from day-before to show-day (n = 11). R = resistance;
Figure 2. Results
Xc = reactance; for BIVA
H = height scores
(stature, in bodybuilders
in meter). Left panel: R–Xcfrom
graph day-before to show-day
with mean vector (n = 11).
indicated by the black dots (day-before → show-day), plotted on the reference tolerance ellipses mean
Xc = reactance; H = height (stature, in meter). Left panel: R–Xc graph with
displacement, indicated
for lean male athletes fromby the black
Campa dotsRight
et al. [29]. (day-before → show-day),
panel: day-before plotted
to show-day meanon the referenc
ance ellipseswith
displacement for 95%
male athletes
ellipsesfrom Campa
(T2 : p < 0.001). et al. [29]. Right panel: day-before to sh
mean vector displacement with 95% confidence ellipses (T2: p < 0.001).
4. Discussion
The present study showed significant changes in body water fractions and BIA pa-
from the day-before competition to show-day in competitive bodybuilders. We
observed a large increase
The present study in the ICW/ECW
showed ratio,changes
significant which was inmediated
body waterby a moderate
fractions and B
increase in ICW and a large decrease in ECW. The findings
rameters from the day-before competition to show-day in competitive confirm previous hypothe-
ses [2], based on evidence showing improvements in muscle size and body silhouette
observed a large increase in the ICW/ECW ratio, which was mediated by a moder
images [6,13,14], and anecdotal bodybuilding reports [8]. The observed effects were accom-
panied in
by ICW
a smalland a large
decrease in TBW decrease in ECW. Theincreases
and moderate-to-large findings confirm
in BIA previous
R, Xc, and PhA. hypo
[2], based on
In addition, weevidence
observed ashowing
small increaseimprovements
in the upper-arm in muscle size and
circumference while body silhouette i
the waist
circumference decreased, and the mid-thigh circumference showed no
[6,13,14], and anecdotal bodybuilding reports [8]. The observed effects were accomp significant change.
The increases in ICW, ICW/ECW, and ICW/TBW occurred as expected. Interestingly,
by a small decrease in TBW and moderate-to-large increases in BIA R, Xc, and P
the positive changes in these variables, and the decreases in ECW, were observed in all the
addition, we observed
subjects (Figure 1). As notedainsmall increase in
the introduction, theeffects
these upper-arm circumference
may be attributed while the
to strategies
circumference decreased, and the mid-thigh circumference
customarily employed by bodybuilders during the peak week that involve manipulatingshowed no significant c
the diet,
increases carbohydrates
in ICW, ICW/ECW, and waterand [2,7,8]. The higher
ICW/TBW amount ofas
occurred carbohydrate
expected. Interes
consumed immediately prior to competition conceivably
the positive changes in these variables, and the decreases in ECW, wereenhances muscle fullness given observed
that each gram of glycogen binds 3–4 g of water [9]. The manipulation of carbohydrates
the subjects
in the diet is (Figure
especially1). As noted
important givenin that
the the
reduction in these effectsintake
carbohydrate may for be attribu
several days customarily employedisby
followed by overfeeding bodybuilders
thought to increaseduring
glycogenthe peak
stores aboveweek that invol
nipulating the diet, particularly carbohydrates and water [2,7,8]. The higher
values [2,30–32]. Aiming to reduce TBW and ECW, elevated amounts of water (e.g., 10 L amo
per day [8]) are consumed
carbohydrate consumed at immediately
the beginning ofpriorthe peak week to then cause
to competition polyuria close
conceivably enhances m
to show day [2,8]. The use of diuretic drugs and/or supplements (e.g., vitamin c, herbals)
fullness given that each gram of glycogen binds 3–4 g of water [9]. The manipula
carbohydrates in the diet is especially important given that the reduction in carboh
intake for several days followed by overfeeding is thought to increase glycogen
above normal values [2,30–32]. Aiming to reduce TBW and ECW, elevated amou
Sports 2022, 10, 23 6 of 9
may facilitate the reduction in TBW while the supercompensation of glycogen stores may
help to pull water from the extracellular space into the muscles, thereby further reducing
ECW [2].
In regard to girth measures, we observed a decrease in the waist circumference, which
is considered important for obtaining a “v-taper” of the trunk (reduced waist:upper-trunk
size ratio) [2,7]. Although this effect was relatively small and observed only in some of
the athletes, it could have a meaningful impact on the competitors’ placings. We also
observed a small increase in the circumference of the upper arm. This finding is consistent
with that of de Moraes et al. [6], where it was observed that bodybuilders performing
carbohydrate loading from day-before to show day showed increased ultrasound-assessed
muscle thickness of the elbow flexors and extensors. However, our results showed no
significant changes in thigh circumference, and this distinct effect between the upper
and lower limbs has also been noted in previous studies [2,6,13]. Although an underlying
explanation is not readily apparent, this phenomenon may be due to some athletes avoiding
training sessions that produce high amounts of muscle damage in the lower limbs during
the peak week [2]. Thus, with less training-induced glycogen depletion of the lower limbs,
carbohydrate refeeding might have provided only a minor effect on increasing muscle size
in this body region. Studies that directly compare the changes in ICW and ECW in upper
vs. lower body segments are needed to obtain clarity on this topic.
Overall, the athletes had an ICW/ECW ratio of 1.6 L on the day-before (ranging
from 1.54 to 1.66) and 1.9 L on show day (ranging from 1.91 to 1.93 L). Moreover, the
ICW/TBW was 0.61 L on the day-before (ranging from 0.606 to 0.624) and 0.66 L on
show day (strictly ranging from 0.656 to 0.659 L). These changes are not only statistically
significant and of a relatively large magnitude, but the show-day ratios are higher than
those previously reported in lean physically active young adults (~1.41 L; ~0.585 L [33]),
lean young athletes (~1.54 L; ~0.608 L [26]), and bodybuilders assessed prior to the peak
week (~1.52 L; ~0.602 L [34]; ~1.54 L; ~0.607 L [35]; ~1.66 L; ~0.625 L [33]). In particular,
previous studies in bodybuilders did not observe such high values of ICW in relation to
ECW and TBW during the other phases of bodybuilding preparation [28,29], even when
body water was assessed via the gold-standard deuterium/bromide-dilution method [28].
Thus, it can be speculated that these observed ratios (~1.9 ICW/ECW and ~0.66 ICW/TBW)
are transient and refer to the “peak” osmolarity conditions that can be achieved during
bodybuilding preparation. Accordingly, in addition to visual inspection of an athlete [2,6],
analyzing BIA-estimated body water fractions during the peak week can provide objective
insight into strategies for improving body composition up to these mentioned ratios. For
example, if ICW/ECW and ICW/TBW ratios are appreciably lower than 1.9 and 0.66 L
during the days before the show, athletes may consider adopting “peaking” strategies
to improve muscle “fullness” (e.g., carbohydrate loading). Further studies in high-level
international competitors are required to determine whether these values can be surpassed.
Regarding the raw BIA values, we observed increases in R, Xc, and PhA. The increase
in R can be attributed to a decrease in TBW (i.e., dehydration, especially in the ECW), since
these two parameters are inversely correlated [15,23]. Interestingly, contrasting results have
been found in athletes after a muscle injury [36], where both R and Xc decreased, reflecting
reduced cellular integrity due to cell damage, losses in ICW, and ECW accumulation [15].
In the present study, ECW loss amounted to 2.6 L on average while TBW loss was ~1.1 L,
implying a state of dehydration. However, participants increased ICW by ~1.5 L; thus,
the ICW/ECW and ICW/TBW ratios increased. This effect was concomitantly reflected
in the increased Xc and PhA values, suggesting a fluid shift from the extracellular to the
intracellular compartments [15,23]. Regarding the BIVA, the simultaneous increases in
R/H and Xc/H generated a vector elongation (increasing mostly along the y axis), which
indicates decreases in TBW with increases in ICW/ECW [15,29].
On an individual level, subject n. #1 presented intriguing BIA results (see Figure 1).
This athlete displayed the highest observed PhA and Xc values in the two days of evaluation.
Moreover, his PhA of 11.2 degrees on show day is 4.4 z-scores greater (in sd units) than the
Sports 2022, 10, 23 7 of 9
reference mean value for lean male athletes [29], and, seemingly, is the highest PhA value
reported to date in the literature [15,17,20,23,29,33,37–42]. Interestingly, this participant
was the most experienced athlete in terms of participation in competitions (15 contests)
within the present sample, has experience in competitions at the international level for
another bodybuilding federation, and was the overall category winner at the event in which
the present data were assessed. A photo of the athlete on show-day is provided in the
Supplementary Material to illustrate the degree of conditioning associated with such a high
PhA value. The show-day PhA mean of 9.6 degrees of the present sample also stands out
over previously reported PhA values of 3.0–5.0 in sarcopenic adults, 5.0–6.0 in physically
active older individuals, 6.0–7.0 in healthy young adults, and 7.0–8.0 in athletes of various
sports [15,17,20,23,29,33,37–42].
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, significant changes in body water fractions and BIA parameters were
displayed during the last days of preparation for a bodybuilding competition. We observed
increases in R, Xc, PhA, ICW, ICW/ECW, ICW/TBW, and upper-arm circumference, and
decreases in TBW, ECW, and waist circumference.
Practical Applications
Our results suggest that customary anecdotal bodybuilding strategies used from the
day-before to show day appear to be effective in promoting positive alterations in the
proportion of ICW over ECW and TBW. In this regard, it is suggested that the muscles
conceivably were “fuller”, with a reduced level of subcutaneous body water, leading to a
more “defined” on-stage appearance.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www., Figure S1: Athlete photo, Table S1: Database spreadsheet.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.P.N., J.P.M.A. and M.C.C.T.; Formal analysis, J.P.N. and
F.C.; Investigation, J.P.N. and J.P.M.A.; Methodology, J.P.N., J.P.M.A., A.S.R., F.C., E.S.C. and M.C.C.T.;
Writing—original draft, J.P.N.; Writing—review and editing, J.P.N., J.P.M.A., A.S.R., F.C., B.J.S., E.S.C.
and M.C.C.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Sports 2022, 10, 23 8 of 9
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study was approved by the Maringá State University
Ethics Committee (number: 55250322.0.0000.0104) and was conducted according to the Declaration
of Helsinki [24].
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The full-data spreadsheet is available in the Supplementary Materials.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Roberto Régis, current president of the FEPAF/
IFBB, to able us to enter the backstage of the competition on both days to get in contact with the
athletes, the athletes that accepted to participate in our investigation (in particular Marco Carvalho
@marcocarvalho88 for the photo provided), the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES/Brazil) for the Master’s scholarship conferred to J.P.N., and the National Council
of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq/Brazil) for the grants conceded to E.S.C.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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